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Kendriya Vidyalaya ISP Nashik

Periodic Test II
Class: XI Max Marks: 50
Subject: Biology Time: 90 minutes

Q.1 Name the enzyme involved in crossing over? 1

Q.2 What are porins? 1
Q.3 Draw a diagram to show symplastic and apoplastic pathway of water
movement 2
Q.4 What is hydroponics? Write its importance. 2
Q.5 What is critical concentration? 2
Q.6 Write significance of meiosis. 2
Q.7 Draw a diagram to show facilitated diffusion 2
Q.8 Name the organism involved in - 3
a} Denitrification b} Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
c} Conversion of nitrite to nitrate
Q.9 Write significance of transpiration. 3
Q.10 explain hypotonic hypertonic and isotonic solution 3
Q.11 Draw a diagram to show metaphase, anaphase and telophase. 3
Q.12 Give difference between mitosis and meiosis. 3
Q.13 With the help of diagram explain nitrogen cycle. 3
Q.14 a} Write the function of nitrogen and why is leghaemoglobin important? 5
b} With the help of diagram explain steps of conversion of atmospheric
nitrogen to ammonia. 5
Q.15 Identify the stage in which the following event take place in cell cycle: 5
a} Exchange of genetic material
b} chromatid move of opposite pole . mitosis anaphase
c} Four haploid daughter cells formed
d} Synapsis occur . mesios prophase I
e} Formation of chiasmata.
Q.16 a} What is imbibition? Write its significance. 5
b} What are the factors affecting opening and closing of stomata.


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