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Book Hero (The Secret) By Rhonda Byrne

From Rhonda Byrne, creator of the international bestselling movie and book, The Secret, comes
Hero, her latest world-changing project and the most important to date. FROM ZERO TO
HERO...YOUR SECRET MAP TO A RICH LIFE What is your true calling and why aren't you already
living it? Imagine if there was a map that showed you step by step how to get from where you are
now to your true calling and the life you were born to live—the most brilliant, rich, fulfilling, and
dazzling life you could ever dream of. You are holding in your hands such a map. Hero is the map for
your life. By following the journeys of twelve of the most successful people on the planet today, you’ll
learn how to use your inner powers to overcome obstacles and to make impossible dreams come
true. You'll be inspired to find your own calling and start taking the steps toward making the life of
your dreams an everyday reality. Be the hero you are meant to be.

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(The Secret) By Rhonda Byrne

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About the Author Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the
world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement. Later that same year,
Rhonda’s book of The Secret was released. It has been translated into more than fifty languages and
remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Rhonda has written three more
bestselling books: The Power in 2010, The Magic in 2012, and Hero in 2013.

Customer Reviews Most helpful customer reviews 39 of 41 people found the following review
helpful. This book answered all the rest of my questions after reading her other 4 books By Dena I
read many of the reviews of this book, especially the less than 5 star ones. The Secret started me off
and began to change my life, The Power took my life one step further. Then I purchased The Magic
and my life changed dramatically. Yet, something was still missing from the equation. I couldn't
understand how people were going from step A to Step C without a hitch. Where was Step B? I was
not able to just flipe a switch in my mind easily. After 60 years of conditioning and a life full of
suffering, I still had questions as to exactly how to do this with heartfelt needs and wants. Many
things were starting to manifest from my work, but the deepest of things were not. How did one
person go from being fired from a TV show, to deciding she would pursue her dream of having her
own, to getting a network to accept it it? There had to be a step in between, but what was it?
Something was just not computing in my mind. I knew I needed more answers to my questions. Then
I decided to go back to the reviews of Hero. And from the negative reviews, I realized that my
answers were most likely going to come from this book. People didn't like that this was about other
people's experiences. But those people totally missed the boat. Many questions are asked of you
through those people. They are questions they suggest you ask yourself, BEFORE you start affirming
and visualizing. It is not about their own experiences per say. It is the step B I was looking for. And,
yes, there is action that must be taken once you have the answers for yourself to the questions
presented through these 4 or 5 people. She highlights these same 4-5 people throughout the entire
book. This book put it all together for me. Turns out it was a right decision to make it my last book of
the ones she has put out. At least it was for me. And I am so grateful that I was able to read between
the lines of these negative reviews to see that. It is EXACTLY what I needed. I has answered all the
rest of my questions and made it easier for me to do all the things suggested in the first two books.
The Magic is a stand alone book on it's own and a true life changer. That book is filled with action on
how to attain sincere gratitude which, in turn, manifests all good things. For anyone out there like
me, who felt I was missing a piece of my brain in order to do this with success, I strongly and highly
recommend this book. It has helped me tremendously. Just last week, I read the same tow pages
over and over again, and then the answer to my deepest heartfelt life defining question was
magically answered just as promised. It came in a flash, just as those people said it would. And now I
know what action I must take to manifest that desire. There is some footwork involved, and THEN
The Universe does the rest. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rhonda Byrne for her
books. I've read many on the Law of Attraction and hers are by far the very, very best. She has
changed my life. And though I have never met her, she lands on my gratitude blessings list on many
days. This woman has fulfilled her mission on this planet. She has reached millions, just as she once
dreamed. 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. this is a different read than what I am
accustomed to by Rhonda By m martin I am a true fan of Rhonda Byrne. I have every book she has
ever written. I also enjoyed the secret and I continue to live my life in gratitude for this is what I
believe in. However, this book was a bit different. I love a motivational read and something I can get
inspiration from but this book did not really give me that type of read. It was all basically quotes and
thoughts of others who made their dreams come true, which can be an inspiration for others
depending on the persons circumstances however, it just wasn't for me. 0 of 0 people found the
following review helpful. Disappointed. By HB I LOVE Rhonda Byrne books and was so looking
forward to reading this one. Unfortunately in my opinion, this just didn't do anything for me. Yes, I
knew there were going to be a lot of examples of famous people and how they made it all happen for
them, but the book had little else to add to those quotes. I was disappointed and had to push myself
to finish the book. See all 435 customer reviews...

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