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The American Philosophical Association




FEBRUARY 26 – 29, 2020


Please note: this online version of the program does not include session
locations. The locations of all individual sessions will be included in the
paper program that you will receive when you pick up your registration
materials at the meeting (if you opted to receive a paper program) as well as
in the meeting app beginning the first day of the meeting.


Please note: it costs $50 less to register in advance than to register at

the meeting. Early bird registration at is available until
February 12 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Online registration will be closed
from February 13 until February 26. Beginning on February 26, registration
will reopen, and you may register online or at the meeting registration desk.

Registration fees provide the major source of support for every divisional
meeting. Without that income, the APA is unable to host meetings and
provide quality services and resources to members. Thank you for your
support and cooperation.


As a show of the APA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, we will

provide pronoun stickers for your name badge, including blank stickers
that will allow you to use a pronoun of your own choosing. Stickers will
be available for pickup at registration and can easily be worn as a show of
solidarity, and a means of making our annual conference a friendly and safe
environment for all.


A gender-neutral bathroom and a quiet room will be available at the Palmer

House Hilton. A key for the quiet room is available at the registration desk.


The hashtag for the 2020 Central Division meeting is #APACentral20.

Acknowledgment of Right
Relationship and Open
A Statement of the APA Committee on Native American and Indigenous
Obligation: The American Philosophical Association Committee on Native
American and Indigenous Philosophers wishes to underscore that we as
philosophers have an obligation to acknowledge and address situations in
which the rights of others are, have been, or continue to be disregarded.

Context: The American Philosophical Association owes its existence

and success not only to those special founding members, but also to
the vitality of generations around the globe whose hopes, dreams and
energies have created a constellation of historical relationships in the
Americas. Some of these generations have left distant lands for many
reasons, some brought against their will, and some having lived here for
more generations than can be counted. These latter include the current
five hundred sixty-seven (567) federally recognized Indian Nations,
and state recognized tribes, and bands, pueblos, communities, and
native villages, some stretching across America’s northern and southern

Committee Specificity: Although we recognize abuses against and debts

owed to many groups, especially those for which the APA maintains
diversity committees, this statement focuses on disregard for the rights of
native and indigenous peoples and perpetration of harms against them,
which are on a scale that approaches cultural erasure.

Acknowledgment: The American Philosophical Association acknowledges

and pays respect to the indigenous people upon whose ancestral lands
this conference is being held. We recognize that the rights of native and
indigenous people and nations have been and continue to be denied and
violated, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who
have stewarded it throughout the generations.

Truth: The APA Committee on Native American and Indigenous

Philosophers affirms that building mutual respect across barriers of
heritage and difference is often made possible by honoring truth. Honoring
America’s Indigenous truth means acknowledging that human violence,

Acknowlegdment of Right Relationship and Open Dialogue

displacement, migration and settlement have created legacies of distrust.

Yet truth and trust are critical to building mutual respect for our common
connections across all barriers of difference.

Recognition: The APA Committee on Native American and Indigenous

Philosophers emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the often-
erased history, overlooked debt, frequently contested and forgotten
contributions of traditional indigenous philosophical heritage, and
traditional stewardship and stewards of our ancestral lands throughout the
past and present. The committee respectfully acknowledges that we exist
on a land debt, that this event is taking place on the traditional ancestral
lands of Indigenous Native Americans, in the context of the discipline of
philosophy’s traditional indigenous philosophical heritage, and pays honor
to this past and present history, philosophy, and elders.

Wednesday, February 26, 6:00–8:00 p.m.


Thursday, February 27, 8:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m.
Friday, February 28, 8:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 27, 10:00 a.m.–Noon

Thursday, February 27, 4:00–5:00 p.m.


Friday, February 28, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Friday, February 28, Noon–1:00 p.m.


Friday, February 28, 4:40–6:45 p.m.

Friday, February 28, 8:00 p.m.–Midnight


Saturday, February 29, 8:30–11:30 a.m.


Date and time TBA


Date and time TBA


Date and time TBA

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub
The American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) and the American
Philosophical Association Committee on the Teaching of Philosophy (CTP)
have co-­organized a two-day conference on teaching for the 2020 Central
Division meeting. We are aiming to bring the collegial and supportive culture
of the AAPT to the APA; highlight teaching within the context of an APA
meeting; stretch beyond the traditional APA session format to offer sessions
that model active learning; and attract a broader range of philosophers to
the divisional meetings.


M1. Bringing Research and Pedagogy Together in the Classroom

8:30–10:25 a.m.
Chair: Merritt Rehn-DeBraal (Texas A&M University, San
Speakers: Danielle Clevenger (University of Wisconsin–
Madison) and W. John Koolage (Eastern Michigan
“How to Make Your Research into Teaching and
Your Teaching into Research”
Anna Lännström (Stonehill College)
“Evolution, Race, and Yoga: Three Ways of Uniting
Research and Pedagogy Inside and Outside the
Joseph Vukov (Loyola University Chicago) and Kit
Rempala (Loyola University Chicago)
“Bringing Philosophical Research and Pedagogy
Together through Philosophy Labs”

M2. AAPT Workshop: Best Practices (G2A)

10:30–11:25 a.m.
Co-sponsored by the American Association of Philosophy Teachers
Chair: Giancarlo Tarantino (Arrupe College of Loyola
University Chicago)
Speaker: J. Robert Loftis (Lorain County Community College)
“Beyond Information Recall: Sophisticated
Multiple-Choice Questions in Philosophy”

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub

M3. Graduate Voices in Teaching Philosophy

11:30–2:10 p.m.
Chair: Christopher Blake-Turner (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Speakers: Katherine Brichacek (Loyola University Chicago)
“Making the Most of a Teaching Assistantship: The
Value of Pedagogical Observation”
Bailey Szustak (University of Illinois at Chicago)
“Finding and Creating Support Networks”
Louise Williams (University of Notre Dame)
“Grad-Student Caregivers and Teaching”
Emma Prendergast (University of Wisconsin–
“Ethical and Pedagogical Puzzles for Discussion
Christopher Blake-Turner (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill)

M4. Teaching Introductory Courses Without Canonical Texts (3A)

2:15–4:10 p.m.
Co-Sponsored by the APA Committee on Teaching Philosophy
Chair: Claire Lockard (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Rebecca Chan (San José State University)
“The (Alleged) Necessity of Canonical Texts”
Bailey Szustak (University of Illinois at Chicago)
“Public Art and Philosophical Skill Building”
David W. Concepción (Ball State University)
“Using the Canon Merely as a Means”

M5. Teaching Core Texts: Teaching the Social Contract and Its Critics
through In-Class Simulations (G3A)
6:30–9:30 p.m.
Co-sponsored by the American Association of Philosophy Teachers
Chair: Rebecca Scott (Harper College)
Speakers: Travis Rodgers (Valencia College)
“Zombies in the State of Nature”
Jennifer Kling (University of Colorado, Colorado
“Teaching Rawls: Using Group Knowledge and
Susan Kennedy (Boston University)
“Potential Uses and Limitations of In-Class

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub


M6. Using Pre-College Philosophy to Engage with Controversial

Subjects and Difficult Conversations (6A)
8:30–10:25 a.m.
Cosponsored by the APA Committee on Pre-College Instruction in
Philosophy (CPIP)
Chair: Brandon Morgan-Olsen (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Claire Katz (Texas A&M University)
“Race and Gender”
Marisol Brito (Metropolitan State University)
“Sex and Sexuality”
Jennifer Parks (Loyola University Chicago)
“Ethics Bowl”

M7. Navigating Working Conditions as Philosophy Teachers

10:30–12:25 p.m.
Chair: Kevin Timpe (Calvin College)
Panelists: Johnathan Charles Flowers (Worcester State
“Graduate Learning Conditions Are Graduate
Working Conditions”
Kristen Irwin (Loyola University Chicago)
“Teaching with/for Mental Health Challenges”
Jonathan Parsons (College of DuPage, Joliet Junior
College, Elgin Community College, North Central
College, and Ashland University)
“The Incredible, Dependable, and Expendable

M8. Students Teaching Teachers: What Do Teachers Need to Know?

1:30–2:30 p.m.
Chair: Marcella Linn (Loyola University Chicago)
Panelists: Rebecca Scott (Harper College)
Giancarlo Tarantino (Arrupe College of Loyola
University Chicago)

M9. Workshop on Curricular Development: Adding Asian Philosophy to

Your Existing Course Syllabus (G4A)
2:40–4:35 p.m.
Co-Sponsored by the Society for Teaching Comparative Philosophy
Workshop Leaders: Leah Kalmanson (Drake University)
Lara Mitias (Antioch College)

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub

M10. Closing Reception: Undergraduate Research and Faculty SoTL

Poster Session
7:00–9:00 p.m.
Cash bar and light refreshments.
Chair: Kaitlin Louise Pettit (University of Utah)
Faculty SoTL Posters
Posters: Shannon Sylvie Abelson (Indiana University–
“Teaching Climate Ethics Using a Model Climate
Hannah Daru (Fordham University)
“Creative, Project-Based Challenges as Memorable
Final Exams with Teachable Moments”
Frank Brosow (University of Education Ludwigsburg)
“The TRAP-Mind-Theory—Philosophizing as an
Educational Process”
Tom Crosby (Loyola University Chicago)
“Lowering Impediments to Sharing Thoughts with
the ‘LIST’ Technique”
Steven Dalglish (Ohio State University)
“Levelling Up Online Instruction: A Mastery-
Learning Approach to Teaching Logi”
Ravit Dotan (University of California, Berkeley)
“Collaborative Midterm Teaching Evaluation:
Sharing Authority in the Classroom and
Empowering Students”
Sahar Joakim (Saint Louis University)
“Teaching Lesson Plans that Humanize: On
Freya Möbus (Loyola University Chicago)
“Socratic Leadership”
Katerina Psaroudaki (University of Nebraska–
“Understanding the Basic Methodological Tools
Used in Ethics through ‘OpenBook’ Quizzes”
Aleta Quinn (University of Idaho)
“Teaching By Building a Wikipedia Page”
Rebecca Scott (Harper College), Ann Cahill (Elon
University), and Claire Lockard (Loyola University
“Using Metacognition to Improve Classroom

The AAPT-APA Teaching Hub

Yuna Won (Ithaca College)

“Developing Assignment Sequences for
Argumentative Philosophical Essays”
Travis Wright (University of North Texas)
“Place-Based Stimuli in Philosophy with Children as
a Transdisciplinary Bridge Between Philosophy and
Independent Research by Undergraduates in Philosophy
Posters: Aditi Shukla and Jacob Romines (Centre College)
“A Just Web: Assessing the Moral and Legal
Repercussions of the Intern”

Divisional and Affiliated
Group Programs


TBA, registration desk


6:00–8:00 p.m., location TBA



1A. Invited Symposium: Kant’s Empirical Self

Chair: Janum Sethi (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)
Speakers: Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
“Awareness of Obligation as Self-Knowledge”
Yoon Choi (Marquette University)
“Does the ‘I’ Appear?”
Patricia Kitcher (Columbia University)
“What Is Necessary and What Is Contingent in
Kant’s Empirical Self”

1B. Author Meets Critics: Kenneth Pearce, Language and the Structure
of Berkeley’s World
Chair: Benjamin Hill (University of Western Ontario)
Author: Kenneth Pearce (Trinity College Dublin)
Critics: Margaret Atherton (University of Wisconsin–
Kenneth Winkler (Yale University)
Keota Fields (University of Massachusetts

1C. Submitted Colloquium: Nominalism

Chair: Chris Frugé (Rutgers University)
Speaker: Peter Finocchiaro (Wuhan University)
“A Puzzle About Parsimony”

Wednesday Afternoon, 3:00–6:00 p.m.

Commentator: Jeffrey Watson (Arizona State)

Chair: Nicholas Rimell (Jilin University)
Speaker: Jonathan Payton (University of Calgary)
“Counting Composites”
Commentator: Daniel Rubio (Princeton)
Chair: Steven Wagner (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Speakers: Daniel Giberman (University of Texas at Arlington)
and David M. Kovacs (Tel Aviv University)
“Property Dualism (not?) for Property Nominalists”
Commentator: Gene Witmer (University of Florida)

1D. Submitted Colloquium: Reason and Desire

Chair: Lana Kühle (Illinois State University)
Speaker: Joseph Vukov (Loyola University Chicago)
“Rationality and Cognitive Enhancement”
Commentator: Adam Taylor (North Dakota State University)
Chair: Elizabeth Cargile Williams (Indiana University–
Speaker: Blakely Phillips (Mississippi State University)
“In Defense of Dispositional Desires: Why a
Buddhist Should Treat Desires as Dispositions”
Commentator: Stephen Walker (University of Chicago)
Chair: Justin Dohauser (Bowling Green State University)
Speaker: Tyler John (Rutgers University)
“Reasons in the Grips of Paws and Claws”
Commentator: Adam See (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

1E. Author Meets Critics: Asha Bhandary, Freedom to Care: Liberalism,

Dependency Care, and Culture
Chair: Saba Fatima (Southern Illinois University–
Author: Asha Bhandary (University of Iowa)
Critics: Daniel Engster (University of Houston)
Andrea Westlund (Florida State University)
Kelly Gawel (New School University)

1F. Author Meets Critics: Robbie Brown, The Metaphysics of

Chair: Jennifer Carr (University of California, San Diego)
Author: Robbie Williams (University of Leeds)
Critics: Adam Pautz (Brown University)
Imogen Dickie (University of St Andrews)
David Chalmers (New York University)

Wednesday Afternoon, 3:00–6:00 p.m. (cont.)

1G. Submitted Colloquium: (Un)Just Responses to Injustice

Chair: Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University)
Speaker: Robin Zheng (Yale-NUS College)
“Moral Criticism in an Unjust World”
Commentator: Eugene Schlossberger (Purdue University
Chair: Patricia Hanna (University of Utah)
Speaker: Benjamin Yost (Providence College and Cornell
“A Procedural Plea for Leniency”
Commentator: Vincent Chiao (University of Toronto, Faculty of
Chair: Adam Shatsky (Grand Valley State University)
Speaker: Claire Lockard (Loyola University Chicago)
“Doubling Down on Epistemic Injustice: The
Smothering Effects of Calls for Charity”
Commentator: Abe Joyal (University of California, Santa Cruz)

1H. Submitted Colloquium: Legitimacy and Power

Chair: Amy White (Ohio University–Zanesville)
Speaker: Justin Bernstein (Johns Hopkins University)
“Legitimate Actions Without the Right to Rule”
Commentator: Thom Brooks (Durham University, UK)
Chair: L. Chad Horne (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Emerson Bodde (Vanderbilt University)
“Private Government: How the Deus Ex Machina
Fallacy Fails Us (and Why the Language of Class
Might Not)”
Commentator: Emma Prendergast (University of Wisconsin–
Chair: Robin Dillon (Lehigh University)
Speaker: Rafeeq Hasan (Amherst College)
“‘Who Should Give Way When Bodies Collide?’
Kant on Bodily Right?”
Commentator: Rachael Goodyer (Harvard University)

1I. Submitted Colloquium: Metaphysics of Mind

Chair: Sahar Joakim (Saint Louis University)
Speaker: Ben White (Trinity College Dublin)
“A(nother) Potential Problem for Dualist Accounts
of Mental Causation”
Commentator: Anthony Nguyen (University of Southern California)
Chair: Brendan Balcerak Jackson (University of Miami)

Wednesday Afternoon, 3:00–6:00 p.m. (cont.)

Speaker: Robert Smithson (University of North Carolina at

“Macroidealism and the Explanatory Gap”
Commentator: Jonathan Barker (Wake Forest University)
Chair: Kevin Mager (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: Gregory Nirshberg (University of Wisconsin–
“Structural Representations and Causal Explanation”
Commentator: Chris Blake-Turner (University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill)

1J. Submitted Colloquium: Epistemology 2

Chair: Michael Bergmann (Purdue University)
Speaker: Avery Archer (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
“Does Agnosticism entail Inquiry?”
Commentator: Andrew Moon (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Chair: Rachel Rupprecht (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Sharon Mason (University of Central Arkansas)
“Getting Some Perspective on the First Person
Commentator: Josh Smith (Central Michigan University)
Chair: Ting Cho Lau (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Catherine Rioux (University of Toronto)
“Hope as the Attitude of Gritty Agents”
Commentator: Michael Milona (Auburn University)

1K. APA Committee Session: Social Categories and Emancipatory

Arranged by the APA Committee on LGBTQ People in the Profession
Chair: John Corvino (Wayne State University)
Speakers: Kurt Blankschaen (Daemen College)
“The Metaphysics of Marriage”
Ray Briggs (Stanford University)
“What Even Is Gender?”
Lisa Miracchi (University of Pennsylvania)
“‘Oh I’m Just a Girl’: An Epistemology of Inclusive
Lesbian Femme Identity”

1L. Submitted Colloquium: Theories of Social Justice

Chair: TBA
Speaker: Tim Sommers (University of Iowa)
“The Right Critique of Ideal Theory: Ideality,
Modeling, and the Behavioral Asymmetry

Wednesday Afternoon, 3:00–6:00 p.m. (cont.)

Commentator: Justin P. Holt (Wright College)

Chair: Aaron Wells (University of Notre Dame)
Speakers: Nir Eyal (Harvard University) and Anders Herlitz
(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
“Input and Output in Distributive Ethics”
Commentator: Michael Randall Barnes (Georgetown University)
Chair: Faeze Fazeli (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Ting-An Lin (Rutgers University)
“Subordinating Differential Treatment:
Discrimination and Its Problematic Nature”
Commentator: Kevin Graham (Creighton University)



2A. Author Meets Critics: Jennifer Whiting, Thinking and Acting

Chair: Reid Comstock (University of Notre Dame)
Author: Jennifer Whiting (University of Pittsburgh)
Critics: Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell University)
Sara Magrin (University of California, Berkeley)

2B. Submitted Symposium: On Pure Intuition and Actuality

Chair: Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
Speaker: Colin McLear (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
Commentators: Haley D. Brennan (Princeton University)
Morganna Lambeth (Purdue University)

2C. Submitted Symposium: Aesthetic Transformation

Chair: E. Hande Tuna (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Speaker: Min Tang (University of North Carolina at Chapel
Commentators: Charlotte Figueroa (University of Southern
Julia Minarik (University of Manitoba)

2D. Submitted Symposium: Kant’s Reciprocity Thesis

Chair: Leonard Feldblyum (Brown University)
Speaker: Laurenz Ramsauer (University of Chicago)
Commentators: Caner Turan (Tulane University)
Patrick Kain (Purdue University)

Wednesday Evening, 6:00–8:00 p.m. (cont.)

2E. Submitted Symposium: On Aristotle’s Test for Energeia: A Habitual

Chair: Colin Smith (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Speaker: Kyoung Min Cho (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Commentators: Anna Marmodoro (Durham University, UK)
Keren Shatalov (Illinois Institute of Technology)

2F. Submitted Colloquium: Hellenistic Philosophy

Chair: Freya Möbus (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: Jan Maximilian Robitzsch (Sungkyunkwan
“The Presentation of the Epicurean Virtues”
Commentator: Emily Austin (Wake Forest University)
Chair: Joshua Mendelsohn (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: Peter Osorio (Cornell University)
“Skeptical Education in the Hellenistic Academy”
Commentator: Harald Thorsrud (Agnes Scott College)

2G. Submitted Colloquium: Hume on the Nature of Experience

Chair: Brett Fulkerson-Smith (Harper College)
Speaker: Aaron Wilson (South Texas College)
“Hume and the Experience of Necessity”
Commentator: Nathan Rockword (Brigham Young University)
Chair: Christopher Martin (University of Toledo)
Speaker: Maite Cruz Tleugabulova (Boston University)
“Hume on Temporal Experience”
Commentator: Miren Boehm (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee)

2H. Submitted Colloquium: Well-Being 2

Chair: David Vessey (Grand Valley State University)
Speaker: Teresa Bruno-Nino (Syracuse University)
“Does All Well-Being Resonate?”
Commentator: Julian Rome (University of Memphis)
Chair: David Vessey (Grand Valley State University)
Chair: Ben S. Cordry (Lorain County Community College)
Speaker: William Hannegan (Saint Louis University)
“A Nature Fulfillment Response to the Problem of
Commentator: Raja Halwani (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)

Wednesday Evening, 6:00–8:00 p.m. (cont.)

2I. Submitted Colloquium: Pain

Chair: Christopher Stratman (University of Nebraska)
Speakers: Laurenz Casser (University of Texas at Austin) and
Henry Schiller (University of Texas at Austin)
“A Hole in the Box and a Pain in the Mouth”
Commentator: Madeleine Hyde (Stockholm University)
Chair: Jered Janes (Marquette University)
Speaker: Jesse Wilson (University of Southern California)
“Pains as Objects of Perception”
Commentator: A.G. Holdier (University of Arkansas)

2J. Submitted Symposium: Photography and Artistic Luck

Chair: TBA
Speaker: Daniel Star (Boston University)
Commentators: Aderemi Artis (University of Michigan–Flint)
Kei Hotoda (University of Illinois at Chicago)

2K. Submitted Symposium: Desire that Amounts to Knowledge

Chair: Lewis Powell (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Speaker: Allan Hazlett (Washington University in St. Louis)
Commentators: Geoff Pynn (Northern Illinois University)
Robert Beddor (National University of Singapore)

2L. Submitted Colloquium: Epistemology 1

Chair: Stephanie Sheintul (University of Wisconsin–
Speaker: Ravit Dotan (University of California, Berkeley)
“The Social View of Evidence”
Commentator: Sanford Goldberg (Northwestern University)
Chair: Steven Norris (University of California, Irvine)
Speaker: Fernando Alvear (University of Missouri)
“Robust Virtue Epistemology and Performance-
Based Safety”
Commentator: Haicheng Zhao (Saint Louis University)

Wednesday Evening, 8:00–11:00 p.m.



G1A. John Dewey Society (JDS)

Topic: Muddying the Waters: Exploring New Applications of Dewey
Chair: Sarah Stitzlein (University of Cincinnati)
Speakers: Morgan Anderson (University of Northern Iowa)
“Dewey on Devices: Examining the Role of
Educational Technology in Progressive Education”
Samantha Deane (Loyola University Chicago)
“Dewey on the Problem of Agency: Com-posting
Dewey to Explore School Gun Violence”
Jacob Del Dotto (Loyola University Chicago)
“Dusting Off Dewey: Deweyan Democracy and
Education in Contemporary Schools”

G1B. APA’s Graduate Student Council

Topic: Graduate Student Meet and Greet
Organizer: Sahar Joakim (Saint Louis University)

G1C. North American Kant Society

Topic: Kant’s Philosophy of History
Chair: Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University)
Speakers: Alyssa Bernstein (Ohio University)
“Kant on History, Creative Imagination, and
Humanity’s Possible Futures”
Sally Sedgwick (Boston University)
“On Knowing and Realizing History’s Purpose: Kant
versus Hegel”
Samuel Stoner (Assumption College)
“Radical Evil and the Problem of History”

G1D. Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR)

Topic: Fichte on Summons and Recognition
Chair: Gerad Gentry (Lewis University and the University
of Chicago)
Speakers: Michelle Kosch (Cornell University)
Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Commentators: Elizabeth Millan (DePaul University)
Matthias Haase (University of Chicago)

Wednesday Evening, 8:00–11:00 p.m. (cont.)

G1E. Philosophy of Time Society

Chair: Justin Donhauser (Bowling Green State University)
Speakers: Nicholas Rimell (Jilin University)
“Parts of Enduring Objects”
Samuel C. Fletcher (University of Minnesota–Twin
“Ontological Implications of Time Travel in General
Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva) and Samuele
Iaquinto (University of Milan)
“Quantum Fragmentalism”

G1F. Evangelical Philosophical Society

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Michael Austin, God and Guns in
America: More Than Thoughts and Prayers
Chair: Kristen Irwin (Loyola University Chicago)
Author: Michael Austin (Eastern Kentucky University)
Critics: Firmin DeBrabander (Maryland Institute College of
Dolores Griffin Morris (University of South Florida)
This session ends at 10:00 p.m.

G1G. The Heidegger Circle

Topic: Saying, and Listening to, What Cannot Be Said
Chair: Jennifer Gammage (DePaul University)
Speakers: Lee Braver (University of South Florida)
“How to Say the Same Thing: Heidegger’s Use of
Elena Bartolini (Università degli Studi di Milano–
“To Hear, Therefore to Belong: Heidegger
Commenting on Heraclitus”
Iain Thomson (University of New Mexico)
“Heidegger on the Nothing (das Nichts)”
Commentator: Khafiz Kerimov (DePaul University)

G1H. William James Society

Chair: Tadd Ruetenik (St. Ambrose University)
Speakers: Phil Oliver (Middle Tennessee State University)
“The Spirit of Modern Philosophy Revisited: A
Committed Jamesian Reconsiders Royce”

Wednesday Evening, 8:00–11:00 p.m. (cont.)

Jacob Goodson (Southwestern College)

“The Difficulty of Reality, Divided Selves, and Sick
Souls: William James’s Philosophy of Religion After
Cora Diamond’s Animal Ethics”
Boya Geng (Beijing Normal University)
“Arguments Between Peirce and James Regarding
What Belief Depends on to Be Fixed”

G1I. North American Spinoza Society

Topic: What are Attributes in Spinoza’s Ethics?
Chair: Christopher Martin (University of Toledo)
Speakers: Steve Barbone (San Diego State University)
“Priority Among Attributes”
John Grey (Michigan State University)
“Nature and Power in Spinoza’s Account of
Thaddeus Robinson (Muhlenberg College)
“Quantity and Spatial Extension in Spinoza’s Ethics”
Jack Stetter (Loyola University New Orleans)
“Divine Expression in Spinoza”

G1J. Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP)

Topic: Art of Understanding via Negativa
Chair: Yuanfang Dai (Michigan State University)
Speakers: Hao Hong (University of Maine)
“No Paradox of the Dao in the Laozi”
Roy Porat (Harvard University)
“Form and Content in the Zhuangzi: Beyond
Richard Kim (Loyola University Chicago)
“The Role of Negative Emotions in the Good Life:
Reflections from the Zhuangzi”
Maria Hasfeldt (University of Copenhagen and
Sogang University)
“Human Emotions, A Comparative Study in Ki
Taesung Kobong and David Hume”
James Brown-Kinsella (Peking University)
“Cloudy Stream of Consciousness: Cheng Hao’s
Account of Nature”

G1K. Josiah Royce Society

Session details TBD.

Wednesday Evening, 8:00–11:00 p.m. (cont.)

G1L. Society for Philosophy of Agency

Session details TBD.

G1M. Conference on Philosophical Societies

Session details TBD.

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon


TBA, registration desk

9:00 a.m.–9:30 p.m.






G2A. American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT)

Topic: AAPT Workshop: Best Practices
Chair: Giancarlo Tarantino (Arrupe College of Loyola
University Chicago)
Speaker: J. Robert Loftis (Lorain County Community College)
“Beyond Information Recall: Sophisticated
Multiple-Choice Questions in Philosophy”

G2B. American Society for Value Inquiry

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Carolyn Korsmeyer, Things: In Touch
with the Past
Chair: G. John Abbarno (D’Youville College)
Author: Carolyn Korsmeyer (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Critics: James Janowski (Hampden-Sydney College)
Elizabeth Scarbrough (Florida International
Jennifer Judkins (University of California, Los
Renee Conroy (Purdue University Northwest)

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2C. Radical Philosophy Association

Topic: After Marx
Chair: Sebastian Purcell (SUNY Cortland)
Speakers: Pauline Fu (York University)
“On Radical Historicity in the Abolition of
Sebastian Purcell (SUNY Cortland)
“Decolonizing Marx”
Elyse Purcell (SUNY Oneonta)
“The Solidarity Approach to Utility and the
Disability Paradox”

G2D. Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP)

Topic: Art of Misunderstanding via Critiques
Chair: Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of
Speakers: Russell Guilbault (Northern Illinois University)
“Buddhist Metaethics: Problems and Prospects”
Seungil Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign) and Jinsub Song (University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign)
“The Problem of Evil in Mahāyāna Buddhism”
Timothy Gutmann (University of Chicago)
“Capability and Judgment: Mencius, Commitment,
and Critique”
Yutang Jin (University of Oxford)
“Confucian Competitive Democracy: A Prototype”
Yuanfang Dai (Michigan State University)
“Gender Rhetoric and the Ideological Formation of
Global Governance in Reregionalization of Asian

G2E. Karl Jaspers Society of North America

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Robert B. Brandom, A Spirit of Trust: A
Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology
Chair: Adam J. Graves (Metropolitan State University of
Author: Robert B. Brandom (University of Pittsburgh)
Critics: Mark Alznauer (Northwestern University)
Pierre Keller (University of California, Riverside)
Michelle Kosch (Cornell University)
Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins University)
John Russon (University of Guelph, Canada)
Helmut Wautischer (Sonoma State University)

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2F. Soren Kierkegaard Society

Topic: Ideality, Absence, and the Ethical Life in Kierkegaard
Chair: Antony Aumann (Northern Michigan University)
Speakers: Michael Au-Mullaney (Fordham University)
“Kierkegaard’s Widow: Can Love for the Dead
Motivate Authentic Faith?”
Kirsten Rischert-Garcia (Yale University)
“From Ideality to Reality: The Seducer
Silentio on Love”
Johannes Abel (Freiburg University)
“Camus’ Kierkegaardian Conception of a Good
Commentator: Antony Aumann (Northern Michigan University)

G2G. Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

Topic: Metaphysical Themes in Late Medieval Dominican Thought
Chair: Susan Brower-Toland (Saint Louis University)
Speakers: Peter Hartman (Loyola University Chicago)
“Durand of St.-Pourçain on Modus Rei”
Jeffrey Brower (Purdue University)
“Aquinas on the Metaphysics of Motion”
Zita Toth (University of Virginia)
“Albert and Aquinas on Virtual Containment”

G2H. American Society for Aesthetics (ASA)

Topic: The Aesthetics and Ethics of Awe
Chair: Sandra Shapshay (Hunter College, CUNY and the
Graduate Center, CUNY)
Speakers: Robert Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University)
“The Sublime as Aesthetic Awe”
Tom Hanauer (University of California, Riverside)
and Akshay Ganesh (University of California,
“Awe or Nausea: Nietzsche’s Conception of
Katie McShane (Colorado State University)
“The Ethics of Awe”
Young-Jin Hur (University College, London)
“An Empirical Aesthetics of the Sublime and

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2I. International Plato Society

Topic: Socrates
Co-organized by the International Society for Socratic Studies (ISSS)
Chair: Donald Morrison (Rice University)
Speakers: Nicholas D. Smith (Lewis and Clark College)
“Socrates as an Apprentice of Politics in Plato’s
Rusty Jones (University of Oklahoma) and Ravi
Sharma (Clark University)
“Xenophon’s Socrates on Teaching and Learning”
Francesca Pentassuglio (Sapienza University of
“Socratic Epagoge and the Argument by Analogy:
Aeschines on Socratic Method”
Dimitri El Murr (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
“Eristic, Antilogy, and the Equal Disposition of Men
and Women”

G2J. North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP)

Topic: Contempt and Respect in Public Life
Co-chairs: Celeste Harvey (College of Saint Mary)
David Chan (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Speakers: Karen Stohr (Georgetown University)
“What’s Wrong with Contempt”
Keith Parsons (University of Houston, Clear Lake)
“Contempt: It’s Not All Bad”
Carissa Phillips-Garrett (Loyola Marymount
“Contempt, Self-Respect and Dehumanization: Why
Self-Respecting Agents Should Reject Contempt”

G2K. National Philosophical Counseling Association

Topic: Philosophical Counseling
Chair: Samuel Zinaich, Jr. (Purdue University Northwest)
Speakers: Amy White (Ohio University-Zanesville)
“Understanding Duties to the Dead”
Hsiulin (Daisy) Ku (Chinese Cultural University)
“Confronting the Sentiment in Philosophical

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2L. Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR)

Topic: For the Love of Metaphysics: Nihilism and the Conflict of
Reason from Kant to Rosenzweig
Chair: Gerad Gentry (Lewis University and the University
of Chicago)
Speaker: Karin Nisenbaum (Boston College)
Critics: Lara Ostaric (Temple University)
Omri Boehm (The New School)
Naomi Fisher (Loyola University)

G2M. International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS)

Topic: Ethics, Excellence, and Enhancement in Sport
Chair: Francisco Javier Lopez Frias (Pennsylvania State
Speaker: John William Devine (Swansea University, Wales)
Commentators: John S. Russel (Langara College)
Paul Gaffney (St. John’s University)
Francisco Javier Lopez Frias (Pennsylvania State

G2N. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

Topic: Revisiting James and Royce
Chair: Myron Moses Jackson (Xavier University)
Speakers: Robin Friedman (Independent Scholar)
“Jacob Loewenberg and Royce’s Synoptic Vision”
Kyle Bromhall (Sheridan College)
“What Can We Do? James on Process Action”

G2O. Society for the Philosophic Study of Genocide and the Holocaust
Chair: Osman Nemli (Vassar College)
Speakers: Gary Mullen (Gettysburg College)
“Adorno, Marcuse, and Davis on Education and
Natalie Nenadic (University of Kentucky)
“Raphael Lemkin, Phenomenology, and the
Concept of Genocide”
Bettina Bergo (University of Montreal)
“Some Socio-Political Implications of the ‘Age of
André Mineau (University of Quebec at Rimouski)
“The Legacy of Nineteenth-Century Racial

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2P. Society for Philosophy and Disability

Topic: Stoicism, Justice, Health, and Disability: Themes from the
Work of Lawrence C. Becker
Chair: Adam Cureton (University of Tennessee)
Speakers: Christie Hartley (Georgia State University)
“Becker on the Tough Crowd and Justice for the
Susan Sauvé Meyer (University of Pennsylvania)
“Stoic Moderation”
Sean Aas (Georgetown University)
“The Role of Health in Justice and the Role of
Justice in Health”
Paula Gottlieb (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
“Becker and Stoic Habilitation”
Adam Cureton (University of Tennessee)
“Disability, Dependence, and Habilitation”

G2Q. Society for Realist/Antirealist Discussion

Topic: Scientific Realism, Instrumentalism, Empiricism
Chair: Otávio Bueno (University of Miami)
Speakers: Anjan Chakravartty (University of Miami)
“The Public Sphere: Instrumentalism vs.
Approximate Truths”
Darrell P. Rowbottom (Lingnan University)
“Empiricism and Scientific Discourse: The Case for
Property Instrumentalism”
K. Brad Wray (Aarhus University)
“Kuhn and the Contemporary Realism/Anti-Realism
Elise Crull (City University of New York)
“The Incongruence between Structures of Local
Realism and Macrorealism”
Otávio Bueno (University of Miami)
“Empiricism, Instrumentalism, and Scientific

G2R. Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)

Topic: Setting Boundaries: Personal and Professional
Chair: Elise Woodard (University of Michigan)
Speakers: Elise Woodard (University of Michigan)
Angela Sun (University of Michigan)
Carolina Flores (Rutgers University)

Thursday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

G2S. Philosophy, Politics and Economics Society

Topic: The Ethics of Boycotts
Chair: Amy Sepinwall (University of Pennsylvania)
Speakers: Waheed Hussain (University of Toronto)
“Boycotts and Consumer Complicity”
Yael Peled (McGill University)
“The Ethics of Boycotting and the Challenge of
Excommunicative Ethics”
Commentator: Kori Hensell (University of North Carolina)

G2T. Diversity Institute Alumni Program

Chair: Asia Ferrin (American University)
Speakers: Dee Payton (Rutgers University)
“Ameliorative Projects in the Philosophy of Gender”
Hannah Kim (Stanford University)
“Pragmatics of Fictional Content”
Corbin Covington (Howard University)
“Rethinking Epistemic Justice: the (Epistemic) Role
and Power of Social Movements”
Commentators: TBD

G2U. Midwest SWIP

Chair: Meredith Verrochi (Southern Illinois University–
Speakers: Eliana Peck (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
“Performative Credibility Assignments as Epistemic
Lauren Perry (Simon Fraser University)
“Provocation’s Patriarchal Past: Debunking the
Concession to Human Frailty””
Erica Bigelow (Miami University)
“Reclamation Projects: What is (Re)Claimed?”

Thursday Morning, 10:00 a.m.–Noon



Poster Session
Presenters: David DiDomenico (University of Miami)
“The Fundamental Role of Reasons in Good
Joseph Frigault (Boston University)
“Fair Play, Systemic Excess, and the Obligation to
Sara Protasi (University of Puget Sound)
“Teaching Ancient Women Philosophers”
JJ Lang (Stanford University)
“Telling’ It Like It Is: Why The Commitment View
of Assertion Undermines the Assertion/Telling
Vivian Feldblyum (University of Pittsburgh)
“Thumos from the Epic to the Lyric Age”
Alexander Leferman (York University)
“On the Importance of Spontaneity to Group
Jamie Ritzo (University of Iowa)
“Performative Niceness and the Rawlsian
Difference Principle”
Eric Scarffe (Boston University)
“A Dignity-Based Account of State Sovereignty:
New Tools to Resolve the Paradox”
A. G. Holdier (The University of Arkansas)
“‘Observation Reconsidered’ Reconsidered:
Theory-Ladenness and the Epistemic Charge of
Norm-Sensitive Aliefs”
Kyle Fruh (Duke Kunshan University)
“Difficulty or Sacrifice: Thinking Through
Demandingness and Moral Achievement”

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m.



3A. APA Committee Session: Teaching Introductory Courses Without

Canonical Texts
Arranged by the APA Committee on Teaching Philosophy
Chair: Claire Lockard (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Rebecca Chan (San José State University)
“The (Alleged) Necessity of Canonical Texts”
Bailey Szustak (University of Illinois at Chicago)
“Public Art and Philosophical Skill Building”
David W. Concepción (Ball State University)
“Using the Canon Merely as a Means”
This session will run from 2:15 to 4:10 p.m.

3B. The John Dewey Lecture

Chair: Richard Bett (Johns Hopkins University)
Speaker: Richard Kraut (Northwestern University)
“How I Am an Aristotelian”
This session starts at 2:00 p.m.

3C. Author Meets Critics: Mary Kate McGowan, Just Words: On Speech
and Hidden Harm
Chair: Rachel McKinney (Suffolk University)
Author: Mary Kate McGowan (Wellesley College)
Critics: Lori Watson (University of San Diego)
Luvell Anderson (Syracuse University)
Claire Horisk (University of Missouri–Columbia)

3D. Invited Symposium: Cultural Production and Cultural Participation

Chair: John Lawless (Utica College)
Speakers: Jaime Edwards (St. Norbert College)
“Products of Our Time: Bias, Ideology, Morality”
Michael Räber (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Peirce’s Aesthetics and Democratic Freedom and
Nancy Snow (University of Oklahoma)
“Walt Whitman’s Poetry and the Formation of
Norms of Democratic Equality”

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

3E. Author Meets Critics: Julia Staffel, Unsettled Thoughts: A Theory

of Degrees of Rationality
Chair: Joe Salerno (Saint Louis University)
Author: Julia Staffel (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Critics: Jim Joyce (University of Michigan)
Michael Titelbaum (University of Wisconsin–

3F. Invited Symposium: Epistemology Meets Philosophy of Statistics

Chair: Jonathan Livengood (University of Illinois at
Speakers: Deborah G. Mayo (Virginia Tech)
Title TBA
Konstantin Genin (University of Toronto)
“Simplicity and Scientific Progress”
Conor Mayo-Wilson (University of Washington)
“Foundations for Frequentist Bayes?”

3G. Invited Symposium: Indeterminacy

Chair: David Taylor (University of Minnesota)
Speakers: Alessandro Torza (National Autonomous University
of Mexico)
“The Metametaphysics of Quantum Indeterminacy”
Ken Akiba (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Title TBA
Patrick Greenough (University of St Andrews)
“A Neutral Solution to the Paradoxes of Higher-
Order Vagueness”

3H. Invited Symposium: Practical Reasons, Practical Reasoning

Chair: Stephen White (Northwestern University)
Speakers: Ulf Hlobil (Concordia University, Montreal)
“Varieties of Strength of Reasons”
Matthew Silverstein (New York University Abu Dhabi)
“The Aim of Practical Reasoning”
Hille Paakkunainen (Syracuse University)
Title TBA

3I. Invited Symposium: Sine qua non Causation in Medieval and Early
Modern Philosophy
Chair: Peter Hartman (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Gloria Frost (University of St. Thomas, St. Paul)
“Thomas Aquinas on Modes of Causation”

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

Walter Ott (University of Virginia)

“Sine qua non Causes and the Structure of
Simona Vucu (University of Toronto)
“Henry of Ghent and John Duns Scotus on sine qua
non Causes”
Can Laurens Löwe (Purdue University)
“Aquinas on Causation by ‘Contact of Power’
(Tactus Virtutis)”

3J. Invited Symposium: Women in Enlightenment – Enlightened

Chair: Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University)
Speakers: Corey Dyck (University of Western Ontario)
“Eine wirkliche Lycanthropie: Women and the
Wolffian Philosophy”
Anne Pollok (University of South Carolina)
Title TBA
Patricia Sheridan (University of Guelph)
“Women Philosophers on Virtue in the 17th and
18th Centuries”

3K. Invited Symposium: Illness, Disability, and Justice

Chair: Jennifer Parks (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Jonas-Sebastien Beaudry (McGill University)
“Somatic Oppression and Relational Autonomy:
Revisiting Medical Aid in Dying Through a Feminist
Sara Goering (University of Washington, Seattle)
“‘Unhealthy Disabled’ Revisited: Justice, Pride, and
Chronic Illness”
David Wasserman (National Institutes of Health)
“Curing Disease, Conserving Disability, Celebrating

3L. Invited Symposium: Latina/x Feminisms

Chair: José Medina (Northwestern University)
Speakers: Linda Martín Alcoff (Hunter College, CUNY)
Title TBA
Stephanie Rivera Berruz (Marquette University)
“Building an Archive: Latina/x Feminisms”
Mariana Ortega (Pennsylvania State University)
Title TBA

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

Gemma Argüello Manresa (Universidad Nacional

Autónoma de México)
“Latin American Non-Essentialist Intersectional
Feminism: The Work of Rita Segato”

3M. Invited Symposium: Self-Understandings and the Social

Chair: Ingrid Albrecht (Lawrence University)
Speakers: Sydney Keough (St. Norbert University)
Title TBA
Alexis Elder (University of Minnesota–Duluth)
“Self-Regard and Asymmetrical Friendship”
Cassie Herbert (Illinois State University)
“Identity and Discursive Signaling”

3N. Invited Symposium: Existential Perspectives on Love

Chair: Troy Jollimore (California State University, Chico)
Speakers: Sharon Krishek (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“Why Do You Love Him? A Kierkegaardian Reply”
Melanie Shepherd (Misericordia University)
“Inventions of Martyrs and Heroes: Nietzsche on
the Poverty and Possibility of Human Love”
Iain D. Thomson (University of New Mexico)
“Rethinking Love: Heidegger and Arendt”
Skye Cleary (Barnard College)
“Simone de Beauvoir and Loving Authentically”

3O. Invited Symposium: Contemporary Epistemology

Chair: Sam Filby (University of Missouri–St Louis)
Speakers: Matthew Benton (Seattle Pacific University)
“The Epistemology of Interpersonal Relations”
Charity Anderson (Baylor University)
“Epistemic Uptake”
Daniel Fogal (New York University) and Alex
Worsnip (University of North Carolina at Chapel
“Which Reasons? Which Rationality?”

3P. Author Meets Critics: Samuel Newlands, Reconceiving Spinoza

Chair: Michael Rauschenbach (Washington University in
St Louis)
Author: Samuel Newlands (University of Notre Dame)
Critics: Matthew Kisner (University of South Carolina)
Yitzhak Melamed (Johns Hopkins University)
Ericka Tucker (Marquette University)

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

3Q. Submitted Colloquium: History of Ethics

Chair: Karsten Stueber (College of the Holy Cross)
Speaker: Nir Ben-Moshe (University of Illinois at Urbana-
“A Defense of Modest Ideal Observer Theory: The
Case of Adam Smith’s Impartial Spectator”
Commentator: Anthony Rudd (St. Olaf College)
Chair: Joseph Vukov (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: Ava Wright (Northeastern University)
“A Kantian Approach to Dilemmas: Solving the
Trolley Problem”
Commentator: Helga Varden (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Chair: Rebecca Valeriano-Flores (Loyola University
Speaker: Kimberly Ann Harris (Marquette University)
“W. E. B. Du Bois’s ‘The Conservation of Races’: A
Metaphilosophical Text”
Commentator: Alfred Frankowski (Southern Illinois University)
Chair: Rebecca Valeriano-Flores (Loyola University

3R. Submitted Colloquium: Ethics of Sex and Procreation

Chair: TBA
Speaker: Shannon Fyfe (George Mason University)
“Why Ethical Sex Demands [the category of]
Nonconsensual Sex”
Commentator: Anita Superson (University of Kentucky)
Chair: TBA
Speakers: Anthony Ferrucci (University of Washington) and
Blake Hereth (University of Arkansas)
“Real Kids First: An Adoption Argument for Anti-
Commentator: TBA
Chair: TBA
Speaker: Char Brecevic (University of Notre Dame)
“Let’s Not Talk About Sex: A Singular Semirealist
Account of Sexed-Groups”
Commentator: Megan Hyksa (Northwestern University)

Thursday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

3S. Submitted Colloquium: Mental States

Chair: Maria Altepeter (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speaker: Zoey Lavallee (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
“Addictive Craving: There’s More to Wanting More”
Commentator: Charles Starkey (Clemson University)
Chair: Harjeet Parmar (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Speaker: Devlin Russell (York University)
“The Myth of a State of Intending”
Commentator: Will Fleisher (Washington University in St. Louis)
Chair: Jada Wiggleton-Little (University of California, San
Speaker: Alison Springle (University of Pittsburgh)
“Instructive Attitudes”
Commentator: Paul Kelly (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

3T. Submitted Colloquium: Metaphysics

Chair: Andrea Roselli (Durham University)
Speaker: Mack Sullivan (University of Notre Dame)
“On What Causes What”
Commentator: Adam Edwards (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Chair: TBA
Speaker: Nicholas Rimell (Jilin University)
“Why (Contingentist) Actualists Should Endorse the
Barcan Formula”
Commentator: Jay Newhard (East Carolina University)
Chair: Devin Frank (Eastern Illinois University)
Speaker: Matt Leonard (California Baptist University)
“Explaining Harmony”
Commentator: Tim Pickavance (Biola University)

3U. APA Committee Session: Jobs and Careers Teaching Philosophy at

a Two-Year College: Find and Keep a Position
Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy in Two-Year
Colleges; co-sponsored by the APA Committee on Teaching
Philosophy, the APA Committee on Academic Career Opportunities
and Placement, and the AAPT-APA Teaching Hub
Chair: Richard Legum (Kingsborough Community
College, CUNY)
Speakers: Richard Legum (Kingsborough Community
College, CUNY)
Aaron Champene (St. Louis Community College)
Bill Hartmann (St. Louis Community College)
Rebecca Scott (Harper College)

Thursday Afternoon, 5:15–7:15 p.m.

Heather Wilburn (Tulsa Community College

Community College)
Kristen Zbikowski (Hibbing Community College)


PRIZE RECEPTION (open to all)

4:00–5:00 p.m., location TBA
John Dewey Lecture 2019–2020
Richard Kraut (Northwestern University)
Romanell Lecture 2019–2020
Daniel Dennett (Tufts University)
Graduate Student Travel Stipend Winners



5A. Submitted Colloquium: Debunking in Epistemology

Chair: Josh Schechter (Brown University)
Speaker: Daniel Korman (University of California, Santa
“Debunking Arguments”
Commentator: Karl Schafer (University of California, Irvine)
Chair: Charity Anderson (Baylor University)
Speaker: Luke Kallberg (Saint Louis University)
“Third-Factor Defenses of Moral Knowledge”
Commentator: Michelle Dyke (New York University)

5B. Submitted Colloquium: Prohibited Speech

Chair: Heather Stewart (Western University)
Speaker: Al Willsey (University of Missouri)
“Authority Deprivation and Discursive Injustice”
Commentator: Yuna Won (Ithaca College)
Chair: James Snow (Loyola University Maryland)
Speaker: Dan Lopez de Sa (Universitat de Barcelona)
“The Phenomenon of Claimed Slurs”
Commentator: Anna Bjurman Pautz (Brown University)

Thursday Afternoon, 5:15–7:15 p.m. (cont.)

5C. Submitted Colloquium: Formal Epistemology II

Chair: Casey Rufener (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Speaker: Russell Ahmed-Buehler (University of California,
“Bertrand’s Paradox Revised”
Commentator: Anubav Vasudevan (University of Chicago)
Chair: Joel Ballivian (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Speaker: Sven Moritz Silvester Neth (University of California,
“Goodman and Bayes”
Commentator: Catherine Saint-Croix (University of Minnesota–Twin

5D. Submitted Symposium: Chance, Credence, Correlation

Chair: Michael Bruckner (University of Wisconsin–
Speaker: Weng Kin San (University of Southern California)
Commentators: Susan Vineberg (Wayne State University)
Alexander Meehan (Princeton University)

5E. Submitted Symposium: Against Long-Run Defenses of Decision

Chair: Nathaly Ardelean Garcia (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Cosmo Grant (Massachusetts Institute of
Commentators: Daniel Hoek (Princeton University)
Rhys Borchert (University of Arizona)

5F. Submitted Colloquium: Meaninglessness

Chair: Paul Muench (University of Montana)
Speaker: Adam Buben (Leiden University)
“Meaninglessness in Mortality and Immortality”
Commentator: Ryan Kemp (Wheaton College)
Chair: Illya E. Davis (Morehouse College)
Speaker: Felipe Pereira
“How To (And How Not To) Argue Against Temporal
Commentator: Alice Huang (DePaul University)

5G. Submitted Symposium: Declaration in Douglass’s My Bondage and

My Freedom
Chair: Jeffrey Byrnes (Grand Valley State University)
Speaker: Philip Yaure (Columbia University)

Thursday Afternoon, 5:15–7:15 p.m. (cont.)

Commentators: Sarah Gorman (Vanderbilt University)

Armando Perez-Gea (Yale University)

5H. APA Committee Session: Anti-Vax Anti-Evidence: The Troubled

Epistemologies of the New Anti-Science Movements
Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy and Medicine
Chair: Molly Brown (University of Chicago)
Speakers: Ruth E. Groenhout (University of North Carolina at
Teresa Blankmeyer Burke (Gallaudet University)
Anna Gotlib (Brooklyn College, CUNY)

5I. Submitted Symposium: Headaches for Epistemologists

Chair: Matthew Benton (Seattle Pacific University)
Speaker: Brian Talbot (University of Colorado)
Commentators: J. Dmitri Gallow (University of Pittsburgh)
Ben Levinstein (University of Illinois)

5J. APA Committee Session: Advice for Students, Chairs, and

Placement Directors on Non-Academic Careers
Arranged by the APA Committee on Non-Academic Careers
Chair: Barak Krakauer (IBM)

5K. Submitted Symposium: Kant on Moral Self-Opacity

Chair: Ken Rogerson (Florida International University)
Speaker: Anastasia Berg (Corpus Christi College)
Commentators: Jeanine Grenberg (St. Olaf’s College)
Bas Tönissen (University of California, San Diego)

5L. Submitted Colloquium: Aristotle

Chair: Allison Murphy (Carleton College)
Speaker: Ian McCready-Flora (University of Virginia)
“Aristotle on What It’s Like to be Rational”
Commentator: Jonathan A. Buttaci (The Catholic University of
Chair: Jeffrey Fisher (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: R. Kathleen Harbin (University of Pennsylvania)
“The Puzzle of Nous in the Nicomachean Ethics”
Commentator: Jolanta Jaskolowska (Harper College)

Thursday Afternoon, 5:15–7:15 p.m. (cont.)

5M. Submitted Colloquium: Virtue

Chair: James Flynn (Caldwell University)
Speaker: Andrew Culbreth (Emory University)
“Aristotle on the Role of Hope in the Virtue of
Commentator: Carlo DaVia (Fordham University)
Chair: Troy Seagraves (Purdue University)
Speaker: John Jalsevac (University of Toronto)
“Is The Well-Trained Memory Morally Virtuous?:
Thomas Aquinas and the Art of Memory”
Commentator: John Johnson (Concordia University Chicago)

5N. Submitted Colloquium: Modern Philosophy

Chair: John Hanson (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Aaron Wells (University of Notre Dame)
“Du Châtelet on the Indispensability of
Commentator: Monica Solomon (University of Notre Dame)
Chair: Parker Biehn (Loyola University Chicago)
Speaker: Justin Shaddock (Williams College)
“Kant’s Idealism and His Hylomorphism”
Commentator: Noam Hoffer (Ben Gurion University, Israel)

5O. Submitted Symposium: Grounded Shadows, Groundless Ghosts

Chair: Samuel Fletcher (University of Minnesota)
Speaker: Ezra Rubenstein (Rutgers University)
Commentators: Trevor Teitel (New York University and University of
Daniel Olson (Ohio State University)

5P. Submitted Colloquium: American Pragmatists

Chair: Katherine Valde (Wofford College)
Speaker: Griffin Klemick (University of Toronto)
“Peirce’s Early Anti-Realism about the External
Commentator: Joshua N. Gert (College of William & Mary)
Chair: TBA
Speaker: Yarran Hominh (Columbia University)
“Constraints on Freedom and Dewey’s Critique of
Political Democracy”
Commentator: Nicoletta Ruane Montaner (Loyola University

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m.

5Q. Submitted Colloquium: Feminist Philosophy

Chair: Anthony Laden (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Speaker: Lavender McKittrick-Sweitzer (Ohio State University)
“Making Room for Recognizing Care Exploitation”
Commentator: TBA
Chair: Charles F. Peterson (Oberlin College)
Speaker: Zoë Cunliffe (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
“Interrogating the Role of the Authentic Insider”
Commentator: TBA

5R. Berggruen Lecture and Reception

Chair: TBA
Speaker: Martha C. Nussbaum (University of Chicago)
“Crucified by the War Machine; Britten’s War
Requiem, Bodies, and European Reconciliation”
Commentators: Philip Kitcher (Columbia University)
Jenefer Robinson (University of Cincinnati)



G3A. American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT)

Topic: Teaching Core Texts: Teaching the Social Contract and Its
Critics through In-Class Simulations
Chair: Rebecca Scott (Harper College)
Speakers: Travis Rodgers (Valencia College)
“Zombies in the State of Nature”
Jennifer Kling (University of Colorado, Colorado
“Teaching Rawls: Using Group Knowledge and
Susan Kennedy (Boston University)
“Potential Uses and Limitations of In-Class

G3B. The Society for the History of Political Philosophy

Topic: Nature, Justice, and Rhetoric
Chair: Stuart Warner (Roosevelt University)
Speakers: Jonathan Eng (Tulane University)
“Pedagogical Rhetoric and Justice in Alcibiades I”

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

Stephen Mendelssohn (Boston College)

“The Mirror of Desire: Tyranny and Perfect Injustice
in Plato’s Republic”
April Olsen (Tulane University)
“The Rhetorical Prologue of Aristotle’s Rhetoric”
Alex Limanowski (Montesquieu Forum Visiting
“The Imagery of Atomism in Lucretius”
Andrea Ray (University of Chicago)
“Spinoza’s Second Kind of Knowledge and the
Activity of the Ethics”

G3C. Karl Jaspers Society of North America

Topic: Post-Kantian Conceptions of Responsibility
Chair: Morganna Lambeth (Purdue University)
Speakers: Eugene Chislenko (Temple University)
“Two Standpoints on Willpower”
Robert R. Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University)
“Aesthetic Responsibility and Normativity in Kant
and Cohn”
Adam J. Graves (Metropolitan State University of
“Responsibility and the Unity of Self”
Meica Magnani (Harvard University)
“Moral Stewardship: The Grounds of Moral
Community and Their Upkeep”
Fritz J. McDonald (Oakland University)
“Kantian Responsibility and the Self”

G3D. International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP)

Topic: Metaphysical Resonances in Chinese and Western
Chair: Jing Iris Hu (Concordia University)
Speakers: Fr. James Dominic Rooney, OP (St. Louis University)
“Zhu Xi: Confucian Hylomorphism?”
Andrew Fuyarchuk (Yorkville University)
“Rejuvenating Western Metaphysics with
Hermeneutics: Cheng and Gadamer”

G3E. Society for Philosophy of Emotion

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Michael S. Brady, Emotions: The
Chair: Cecilea Mun (Independent Scholar)
Author: Michael S. Brady (University of Glasgow)

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

Critics: Alycia W. LaGuardia-LoBianco (Grand Valley State

Charles Starkey (Clemson University)
Aaron Ben-Ze’ev (University of Haifa, Israel)
Paniel Reyes Cárdenas (Universidad Popular
Autónoma del Estado de Puebla)
Paul Bloomfield (University of Connecticut)

G3F. Society for Analytical Feminism

Topic: Epistemic Injustices, Epistemic Solutions
Chair: Jeanine Weekes Schroer (University of Minnesota–
Speakers: Tempest M. Henning (Vanderbilt University)
“Turning Down the Gaslighting Dial with Epistemic
Stacey Goguen (Northeastern Illinois University)
and B.R. George (Carnegie Mellon University)
“Trans Youth Panics as Hermeneutical
Amandine Catala (University of Quebec at Montreal)
“Academic Migration, Linguistic Justice, and
Epistemic Injustice”

G3G. Political Theology Group

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Marquis Bey, Them Goon Rules:
Fugitive Essays on Radical Black Feminism
Chair: Jordan Mulkey (Northwestern University)
Critics: Zaynab Shahar (Chicago Theological Seminary)
Jared Rodriguez (Northwestern University)
Jordan Mulkey (Northwestern University)
Author: Marquis Bey (Northwestern University)

G3H. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

Topic: Rethinking Jane Addams
Chair: Kevin Harrelson (Ball State University)
Speakers: Ann Warde (Independent Scholar)
“Jane Addams, Progressive Education, and John
Cage’s HPSCHD”
Sheron Fraser-Burgess (Ball State University)
“Philosophy of the Oppressed: Womanism, Hope,
and Embodied Self-Love”

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

G3I. American Society for Value Inquiry

Topic: The Virtue of Fortitude
Chair: G. John Abbarno (D’Youville College)
Speakers: Anthony Cunningham (St. John’s University)
“Fortitude: A Philosophical Perspective”
Dennis Cooley (North Dakota State University)
“It Ain’t Natural: Fortitude is and Artificial Virtue”

G3J. International Society for Buddhist Philosophy

Topic: Subjectivity and the Body in Buddhist Philosophy
Chair: TBA
Speakers: James Garrison (Baldwin Wallace University)
“The Aesthetic Life of Power’s Shadow: Nishida
and the Creative Self”
Lara Mitias (Antioch College)
“Nishida and Action-Intuition”
Dennis Stromback (Temple University)
“The Mechanization of the Body in Nishitani’s
Critique of Scientism”

G3K. Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP)

Chair: John Thorp (Western University)
Speakers: Isabella Reinhardt (University of Pennsylvania)
“Heraclitean Paradox and the Identity of Opposites”
Elena Bartolini (University of Milan-Bicocca)
“Philia and Eros. On What Keeps Logos Together
and on What Breaks It (Tm)”
Fred D. Miller, Jr. (Bowling Green University and
University of Arizona)
“Aristotle on Indivisible Magnitudes (Generation
and Corruption I.2)”

G3L. The Descartes Society

Chair: Stephen Wagner (St. John’s University and College
of Saint Benedict)
Speakers: Steve Mischler (University of Illinois at Urbana-
“Descartes’ Account of Error and the Passions”
Fabio Malfara (The University of Western Ontario)
“Malebranche’s Alleged Idealism”
This session ends at 9:30 p.m.

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

G3M. Society for German Idealism

Topic: Hegel on History and Economics
Chair: Chris Yeomans (Purdue University)
Speakers: Marina Bykova (North Carolina State University)
“The Cunning of Reason in Hegel’s Philosophy of
Ansgar Lyssy (Heidelberg University)
“From Causa to Ratio—Hegel and Causal
Explanations in History”
Nicoletta Ruane Montaner (Loyola University
“Hegel’s ‘Keynesian’ Political Economy?”
Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg University)
“Marxist Critiques of Hegel: The Methodological
Commentators: Phedias Christodoulides (Northwestern University)
Hao Liang (Northwestern University)
Jason Yonover (Johns Hopkins University)
Clark Wolf (University of Wisconsin–Parkside)

G3N. Charles S. Peirce Society

Topic: Art and Truth in Peirce’s Philosophy
Chair: Elize Bisanz (Texas Tech University)
Speakers: Neal Bruss (University of Massachusetts Boston)
“Support for Claims about Feeling in Verbal Art:
Emotional and Energetic Interpretants”
Kelly A. Parker (Grand Valley State University)
“The Meaning of Artistic Truth: A Pragmatist-
Semiotic Approach”
Vincent Colapietro (University of Rhode Island and
Pennsylvania State University)
“Art, Truth, and Meaning: Peircean Reflections on
Basic Issues”

G3O. Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR)

Topic: Thinking and the I: Hegel and the Critique of Kant
Chair: Gerad Gentry (Lewis University and University of
Speaker: Alfredo Ferrarin (University of Pisa)
Critics: Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Clinton Tolley (University of California, San Diego)

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

G3P. International Association for the Philosophy of Humor

Topic: West and East: Humor in the History of Philosophy
Chair: Lydia Amir (Tufts University)
Speakers: John Marmysz (College of Marin)
“That’s Not Funny: The Humor of Diogenes”
Lydia Amir (Tufts University)
“Clarifying Montaigne’s Thought through Homo
risibilis: How the Philosophy of Humor Bears on
Unresolved Problems of Interpretation”
Jonathan Weidenbaum (Berkeley College)
“To Laugh in a Pluralistic Universe: The Relevance
of William James for the Philosophy of Humor”
Choong-Su Han (Ewha Womans University)
“An Elucidation of the Meaning of the Buddha’s
John Charles Simon (Independent Scholar)
“From Wildlife Biologist to Laughter Theorist: One
Lone Scientist’s Relentless Pursuit of Obscurity”

G3Q. Society for Applied Philosophy

Topic: The Ethics of Environmental Offsets
Chair: Dana Kay Nelkin (University of California, San Diego)
Speaker: Christian Barry (Australian National University)
“The Ethics of Environmental Offsets”
Commentator: Gunnar Björnsson (University of Stockholm)

G3R. Society for the Philosophic Study of Genocide and the Holocaust
Chair: André Mineau (University of Quebec at Rimouski)
Speakers: Katherine Davies (University of Texas at Dallas)
“Foster Care at the U.S. Southern Border: A Critique
of Histories of (Genocidal) Family Separation”
Benjamin P. Davis (Emory University)
“Communal Shame and Reparations: The Affect
and Temporality of Responding to Genocide”
Mukasa Mubirumusoke (Claremont McKenna
“Too Black to Kill: Genocide or Social Death?”
Osman Nemli (Vassar College)
“(Dis)Sensus Communis as a Response to
Anaesthesia and Other Forms of Forgetting”

Thursday Evening, 7:30–10:30 p.m. (cont.)

G3S. The Ayn Rand Society

Topic: Aristotle and Rand on the Standard of Value
Chair: James G. Lennox (University of Pittsburgh)
Speaker: Gregory Salmieri (Rutgers University and the
Anthem Foundation)
“‘Man’s Life’ in the Ethics of Rand and Aristotle”
Commentator: Joseph Karbowski (Ludwig Maximilian University
of Munich)

G3T. Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts
Topic: The “Good News” in “Bad Times”: Postmodern Notions of
Faith in Drew Goddard’s Bad Times at the El Royale
Chair: Vernon W. Cisney (Gettysburg College)
Speakers: Vernon W. Cisney (Gettysburg College)
“A Time Divided: The Hidden ‘Faith’ of Drew
Goddard’s Bad Times at the El Royale”
Jim Stockton (Boise State University)
“The Religious and Philosophical Narrative in Drew
Goddard’s Bad Times at the El Royale”
A. G. Holdier (University of Arkansas)
“Teach Me to Do What’s Right: Faith, Hope, and
Love as Post-Religious Virtues”

G3U. North American Korean Philosophy Association

Topic: The Emotions in Korean Philosophy
Speakers: Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University)
“Transforming Jeong (Emotion) into Postcolonial
Halla Kim (Sogang University)
“The Emotions in Korean Neo-Confucianism”
Maria Hasfeldt (University of Copenhagen)
“Human Emotion: A Comparative Study of Kobong
and Hume”

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon


TBA, registration desk


8:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m.

FRIDAY MORNING, 8:30–10:25 A.M.


6A. APA Committee Session: Using Pre-College Philosophy to Engage

with Controversial Subjects and Difficult Conversations
Arranged by the APA Committee on Pre-College Instruction in
Chair: Brandon Olsen (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Claire Katz (Texas A&M University)
“Race and Gender”
Marisol Brito (Metropolitan State University)
“Sex and Sexuality”
Jennifer Parks (Loyola University Chicago)
“Ethics Bowl”
This session will run from 8:30 to 10:25 a.m.



6B. Invited Symposium: Marx’s Value-Form Theory

Chair: Christopher Ruth (Ocean County College)
Speakers: Sarah Vitale (Ball State University)
“Value Dissociation and Primitive Accumulation:
Gender and Reproductive Labor”
Charles Prusik (Villanova University)
“Adorno and Neoliberalism: Exchange Society and
the Class Antagonism”

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

Fabian Arzuaga (College of William & Mary)

“Worldview Marxism contra Theory of Value as
Critique of Political Economy”

6C. Invited Symposium: Causation and Ethics

Chair: Molly Gardner (Bowling Green State University)
Speakers: Alex Broadbent (University of Johannesburg)
Title TBA
Carolina Sartorio (University of Arizona)
“Responsibility and the Metaphysics of Omissions”
Kadri Vihvelin (University of Southern California)
“Killing and Letting Die: Rethinking the Dif”

6D. Invited Symposium: Metaphysics without Ontology

Chair: Samuel Elgin (University of California, San Diego)
Speakers: Mark Maxwell (Yale University)
Title TBA
Jonathan Schaffer (Rutgers University–New
“The Thick of Things”
Boris Kment (Princeton University)
“Metaphysics With and Without Ontology”
Eddy Keming Chen (University of California, San
Title TBA
Vera Flocke (Indiana University–Bloomington)
Title TBA

6E. Invited Symposium: Intention and Action

Chair: Nathan Hauthaler (Stanford University)
Speakers: Facundo Alonso (Miami University, Ohio)
Title TBA
Myrto Mylopoulos (Carleton University)
“Intentions and Modularity”
Lilian O’Brien (University of Helsinki)
“Intention and Commitment”

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

6F. Invited Symposium: Health Care Ethics and Environmental

Chair: Corey Katz (Georgian Court University)
Panelists: Andrew Jameton (University of Nebraska)
Cheryl Macpherson (St. George’s University,
Christy A. Rentmeester (AMA Journal of Ethics)

6G. Invited Symposium: The Ethics and Aesthetics of the Self

Chair: Jordan MacKenzie (Virginia Tech)
Speakers: Vida Yao (Rice University)
“The Epistemic Appetites”
Oded Na’aman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“Meaningful Suffering”
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (Georgetown University)

6H. Invited Symposium: Inner Virtue

Chair: Nick Schuster (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speakers: Nic Bommarito (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
“Inner Virtue”
Karen Stohr (Georgetown University)
“Inner and Outer Vice”
Sean McAleer (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire)
“Inside/Outside: Zhuangzi and Epictetus on Inner

6I. Invited Symposium: Ronald M. Polansky Retirement Celebration

Panel: Papers on Aristotle’s Parva Naturalia
Chair: Chelsea C. Harry (Southern Connecticut State
Speakers: James G. Lennox (University of Pittsburgh)
“From Breathing to Cooling: Teleological Inquiry in
De respiratione (so-called)”
Mary Louise Gill (Brown University)
“The Roles of phantasmata in Aristotle’s De
Ronald M. Polansky (Duquesne University)
“Non-Standard Alterations in the De sensu”

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

6J. Invited Symposium: Philosophy of Psychiatry

Chair: Si-Won Song (University of Kansas)
Speakers: Serife Tekin (University of Texas at San Antonio)
“The Indispensability of Patient Testimonies for
Objectivity in Psychiatry”
Robyn Bluhm (Michigan State University)
“Pluralism in Psychiatry”
Jonathan Y. Tsou (Iowa State University)
“Biological Essentialism and the Projectability of
Psychiatric Categories”
Natalia Washington (University of Utah)
Title TBA

6K. Author Meets Critics: Charlie Kurth, The Anxious Mind: An

Investigation into the Varieties and Virtues of Anxiety
Chair: Krista Thomason (Swarthmore College)
Author: Charlie Kurth (Western Michigan University)
Critics: Daniel Kelly (Purdue University)
Anna Gotlib (Brooklyn College, CUNY)

6L. Invited Symposium: New Developments in Consequentializing

Chair: Stephen White (Northwestern University)
Speakers: Jamie Dreier (Brown University)
“Two Models of Centered Value”
Paul Hurley (Claremont McKenna University)
“The Consequentializing Argument Against
Commentator: Douglas Portmore (Arizona State University)
“Comments on Dreier and Hurley”

6M. APA Committee Session: Author Meets Critics: Aaron Stalnaker,

Mastery, Dependence, and the Ethics of Authority
Arranged by the APA Committee on Asian and Asian-American
Philosophers and Philosophies
Chair: Michael Slater (Georgetown University)
Author: Aaron Stalnaker (Massachusetts Institute of
Critics: Nancy Snow (University of Oklahoma)
Brad Cokelet (University of Kansas)
Patricia Marechal (Northwestern University)
Richard Kim (Loyola University Chicago)

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

6N. Submitted Colloquium: Kinds, Patterns, and Resemblance

Chair: Aleta Quinn (University of Idaho)
Speaker: Muhammad Ali Khalidi (York University)
“Etiological Kinds”
Commentator: Max Dresow (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)
Chair: André Curtis-Trudel (Ohio State University)
Speaker: Tyler Millhouse (University of Arizona)
“Really Real Patterns”
Commentator: Kathleen Creel (University of Pittsburgh, HPS)
Chair: Tyler Millhouse (University of Arizona)
Speaker: André Curtis-Trudel (Ohio State University)
“Implementation as Resemblance”
Commentator: Michael Rescorla (University of California, Los

6O. Submitted Colloquium: Practical Deliberation

Chair: Beth Barker (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Grant Rozeboom (St. Norbert College)
“Explaining What We Omit”
Commentator: Kyoung Min Cho (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Chair: Sara Ghaffari (Bowling Green State University)
Speaker: Wooram Lee (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
“Explaining the Enkratic Requirement”
Commentator: Nader Shoabi (University of Indianapolis)
Chair: Brian Bellinger (Eastern Michigan University)
Speaker: Rory O’Connell (University of Chicago)
“The ‘Theoretical Conception’ of Instrumental
Commentator: Peter Murphy (University of Indianapolis)

6P. APA Strategic Planning Focus Group

Open to all interested in attending.

6Q. Submitted Colloquium: Virtues, Values, and Counterfactuals in

Chair: Mousa Mohammadian (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Dylan Doherty (Washington University in St. Louis)
“Turning Points: The Role of Counterfactuals in
Structuring Historical Narratives”
Commentator: Mohammad Ashraf Adeel (Kutztown University

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

Chair: Paul Kelly (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Speaker: Theodore Bach (Bowling Green State University
Firelands College)
“Are Experts Better at Identifying Theoretical
Commentator: Suzanne Kawamleh (Indiana University)
Chair: Patrick O’Donnell (Oakton Community College)
Speaker: Aja Watkins (Boston University)
“Criticizing Inferiorizing Science”
Commentator: Sahar Heydari Fard (University of Cincinnati)

6R. Submitted Colloquium: Plato

Chair: James Mollison (Purdue University)
Speaker: Douglas Campbell (University of Toronto)
“The Soul’s Tool: Plato on the Usefulness of the
Commentator: Jonathan Fine (Yale University)
Chair: Simon Dutton (University of South Florida)
Speaker: Rosemary Twomey (Queens College, CUNY)
“What Do They Talk about in the Cave?”
Commentator: Marta Heckel (University of Missouri)
Chair: Benjamin Miller (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Speaker: Jean-Paul Vessel (New Mexico State University)
“The Moore-Plato Open Argument”
Commentator: Ian Hensley (University of Illinois at Urbana-

6S. APA Committee Session: Women in Tech: Things Philosophers

Need to Know
Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy and Computers
Chair: TBA
Speakers: Mar Hicks (Illinois Institute of Technology)
“From Girl Operators to Computer Experts:
The Changing Historiography of Computer
Susan V. H. Castro (Wichita State University)
“When Algorithms Oppress”’
Susan G. Sterrett (Wichita State University)
“What Do Cases of Success in Increasing Diversity
of Computer Science Majors Actually Show?”

Friday Morning, 9:00 a.m.–Noon (cont.)

6T. Submitted Colloquium: Reactive Attitudes

Chair: Whitney Lilly (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Rosalind Chaplin (University of California, San Diego)
“‘Personal’ Reactive Attitudes and Partial Responses
to Others: A Revision to the Strawsonian Account”
Commentator: Peter Seipel (University of South Carolina)
Chair: Paul Shephard (Indiana University)
Speaker: Per-Erik Milam (University of Gothenburg)
“Forgiveness as Change”
Commentator: Amy Levine (University of Chicago)
Chair: David Svolba (Fitchburg State University)
Speaker: August Gorman (University of Southern California)
“Not Your Place: Trauma and the Authority to Blame”
Commentator: Mara Bollard (University of Michigan)

6U. Submitted Colloquium: Philosophy of Language

Chair: Sahar Joakim (Saint Louis University)
Speaker: Jeonggyu Lee (Seoul National University)
“The Contingent A Priori, Linguistic Stipulation, and
Epistemic Justification”
Commentator: Magdalena Balcerak Jackson (University of Miami)
Chair: Robbie Williams (University of Leeds)
Speaker: James Smith (Indiana University)
“Epistemology of Logic First: Against Warren’s
Defense of Charity in Logic”
Commentator: William D’Alessandro (University of Illinois at
Chair: Jake Spinella (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Speaker: Kensuke Ito (University of Connecticut)
“Truth and the F-game: Assertion, Denial, and
Commentator: John Mackay (University of Wisconsin–Madison)



G4A. Society for Teaching Comparative Philosophy (STCP)

Topic: Workshop on Curricular Development: Adding Asian
Philosophy to Your Existing Course Syllabus
Workshop Leaders: Leah Kalmanson (Drake University)
Lara Mitias (Antioch College)
This session will run from 2:40 to 4:35 p.m.

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m.


7A. APA Committee Session: Improving Diversity and Inclusion in

Arranged by the APA Committee on the Status of Women
Chair: Jeanine Weekes Schroer (University of Minnesota–
Speakers: Christopher P. Long (Michigan State University and
Julianne Chung (University of Louisville and
Associate Editor, Oxford Studies in Epistemology)
Jeanine Weekes Schroer (University of Minnesota–
Commentators: Kyle Wagner (University of Chicago Press)
Karen Merikangas Darling (University of Chicago
Lindsay Waters (Harvard University Press)
Rob Tempio (Princeton University Press)
Jennifer Banks (Yale University Press)
Hilary Gaskin (Cambridge University Press)

7B. APA Committee Session: Romanell Lecture

Arranged by the APA Committee on Lectures, Publications, and
Chair: Joseph Rouse (Wesleyan University)
Speaker: Daniel Dennett (Tufts University)
“Herding Cats and Free Will Inflation”

7C. Invited Symposium: Kant on Pleasure, Desire, and Happiness

Chair: Anne Margaret Baxley (Washington University)
Speakers: Tamar Schapiro (Massachusetts Institute of
Title TBA
David Forman (University of Nevada–Las Vegas)
Title TBA
E. Sonny Elizondo (University of California, Santa
“Kantian Eudaimonism”

7D. Invited Symposium: Political Dysfunction in Ancient Philosophy

Chair: Zoli Filotas (University of South Dakota)
Speakers: Demetra Kasimis (University of Chicago)
Title TBA

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

Thornton Lockwood (Quinnipiac University)

“Acting the tyrant in Aristotle’s Politics”
Adriel M. Trott (Wabash College)
“Between Slaves and Democrats: The Specter of
Master Rule in Aristotle’s Mixed Regimes and the
City in Prayer”

7E. Invited Symposium: Intentionalism about Meaning

Chair: Nat Hansen (University of Reading)
Speakers: Ray Buchanan (University of Texas at Austin)
Title TBA
Daniel W. Harris (Hunter College, CUNY)
“Anaphora without Discourse Contexts: A Gricean
Commentator: Karen Lewis (Barnard College)

7F. Invited Symposium: Personhood and the Unity of Mental Life

Chair: Katharina Kraus (University of Notre Dame)
Speakers: Beatrice Longuenesse (New York University)
“The Conflicting Logics of the Mind: Lessons from
Kant and Freud”
L. A. Paul (Yale University)
“Fundamental Subjective Categories”
Elizabeth Schechter (Indiana University)
“Self-Consciousness in the Split-Brain Subject”

7G. Invited Symposium: Ethical Consumption and Complicity

Chair: Justin Donhauser (Bowling Green State University)
Speakers: Tristram McPherson (Ohio State University)
“Should We Care about Complicity?”
Mark Budolfson (University of Vermont)
Title TBA
Commentator: Julia Nefsky (University of Toronto)

7H. Author Meets Critics: Peter Carruthers, Human and Animal Minds
Chair: Simon Brown (Columbia University)
Author: Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland)
Critics: Steven Gross (Johns Hopkins University)
Jonathan Simon (University of Montréal)
Hayley Clatterbuck (University of Rochester and
University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

7I. Author Meets Critics: Michael LeBuffe, Spinoza on Reason

Chair: João Carvalho (University of Otago)
Author: Michael LeBuffe (University of Otago)
Critics: Don Garrett (New York University)
Hasana Sharp (McGill University)
John Grey (Michigan State University)

7J. Invited Symposium: Immigration and Racism

Chair: Marzouq Alnusf (Northwestern University)
Speakers: Grant Silva (Marquette University)
“This Gun Is Now the Border: On Embodied White
Supremacy and Racial Security”
Jessica Martínez Cruz (Michigan State University)
Title TBA

7K. Invited Symposium: Challenges of Teaching the History of

Chair: Adam Wood (Wheaton College)
Speakers: Julia Jorati (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
“A Thematic Approach to Early Modern Survey
Jeffrey Hause (Creighton University)
“You Can’t Have It All: Structuring a Medieval
Philosophy Class”
Steven Nadler (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
“How Should We Teach Modern Philosophy?”

7L. APA Committee Session: Philosophy of International Law

Arranged by the APA Committee on International Cooperation
Chair: Steven Ratner (University of Michigan Law School)
Speakers: Kristen Hessler (University at Albany, SUNY)
“Adjudicating Human Rights in International Courts”
Alain Zysset (University of Glasgow)
“The ECHR and the Political Conception of Human
Jiewuh Song (Seoul National University)
“Individualism and International Law”
Commentator: Steven Ratner (University of Michigan Law School)

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

7M. APA Committee Session: Author Meets Critics: Alec Walen: The
Mechanics of Claims and Permissible Killing in War
Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy and Law
Chair: Colleen Murphy (University of Illinois)
Author: Alec Walen (Rutgers University)
Critics: Saba Bazargan-Forward (University of California,
San Diego)
Adil Haque (Rutgers University Law School)
Kaila Draper (University of Delaware)

7N. Submitted Colloquium: Epistemology and Ontology of Particular

Chair: Conor Mayo-Wilson (University of Washington)
Speaker: Corey Dethier (University of Notre Dame)
“Statistically-Indistinguishable Ensembles and the
Evaluation of Climate Models”
Commentator: Ryan O’Loughlin (Indiana University–Bloomington)
Chair: Neil Dewar (Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,
Speaker: Bixin Guo (University of Southern California)
“Ontology-first vs Theory-first Approach to
Commentator: Carina Prunkl (University of Oxford)
Chair: Eddy Keming Chen (University of California, San
Speaker: Valia Allori (Northern Illinois University)
“The Wavefunction Is as the Wavefunction Does”
Commentator: Mario Hubert (California Institute of Technology)

7O. Submitted Colloquium: Applied Ethics

Chair: Thomas Carson (Loyola University)
Speaker: Meshi Ori (Tel-Hai College)
“Why Not Road Ethics?”
Commentator: W. John Koolage (Eastern Michigan University)
Chair: Rebecca Chan (San José State University)
Speaker: Mica Rapstine (University of Houston)
“No One You Kill Is a Stranger: The Special
Permission Not to Kill”
Commentator: Sungwoo Um (National Institutes of Health)

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

Chair: Sharon Crasnow (Norco College)

Speaker: Cheryl Frazier (University of Oklahoma)
“Hashtags and Harm: The Moral Implications of
Appropriation of the ‘Body Positivity’ Movement”
Commentator: Mariam Kazanjian (Indiana University)

7P. APA Committee Session: Inconsistent Truth, Semantic

Singularities, and Chaotic Liar
Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy and Computers
Chair: Gary Mar (Stony Brook University)
Speakers: John Barker (University of Illinois at Springfield)
“The Inconsistency Theory of Truth”
Keith Simmons (University of Connecticut)
“Semantic Singularities”
Gary Mar (Stony Brook University)
“Chaotic Liars and Fractal Proofs: Exploring the
Dynamical Semantics of Paradox”

7Q. Submitted Colloquium: Issues in Bioethics

Chair: Jason Hanna (Northern Illinois University)
Speaker: Justis Koon (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
“A Defense of the Medical Model”
Commentator: David Chan (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Chair: Adam Cureton (University of Tennessee)
Speaker: Nethanel Lipshitz (University of Chicago)
“The Moral Status of Individuals in Permanent
Vegetative States”
Commentator: Robert Budron (Loyola University Chicago)
Chair: Dana Howard (Ohio State University)
Speaker: Samuel Director (University of Colorado, Boulder)
“Of Blood Transfusions and Feeding Tubes:
Anorexia-Nervosa and Consent”
Commentator: Kit Rempala (Loyola University Chicago)

7R. Submitted Colloquium: Philosophy of Emotion

Chair: Aaron Ben-Ze’ev (University of Haifa)
Speaker: Lorenza D’Angelo (Syracuse University)
“Getting Acquainted with Our Emotions”
Commentator: Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College)
Chair: Michael S. Brady (University of Glasgow)
Speaker: Jenefer Robinson (University of Cincinnati)
“Audience Emotions and Literary Value”
Commentator: Regina Hurley (Northwestern University)

Friday Afternoon, 1:00–4:00 p.m. (cont.)

Chair: Cecilea Mun (Independent Scholar)

Speaker: Eva Dadlez (University of Central Oklahoma)
“Make-Believe, Quasi-Emotion, and Nonexistence”
Commentator: Elena Bartolini (University of Milano–Bicocca)

7S. Submitted Colloquium: Challenges for Consequentialism

Chair: Robert Carry Osborne (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Leo Yan (Brown University)
“Incomparibility, Consequentialism, and Risk”
Commentator: Xuanpu Zhuang (Bowling Green State University)
Chair: Christopher Healow (Southern New Hampshire
Speaker: Greg Yanke (Arizona State University)
“The Resurrection of Satisficing?: Returning the
Zombie to the Grave”
Commentator: TBA
Chair: JJ Lang (Stanford University)
Speaker: Jordan Thomson (University of Toronto)
“Poverty and the Peril of Particulars”
Commentator: Travis Timmerman (Seton Hall University)

7T. Submitted Colloquium: Attitude Ascriptions

Chair: Jennifer Lockart (Auburn University)
Speaker: Richard Booth (Columbia University)
“Underspecifying Desires”
Commentator: Brendan Balcerak Jackson (University of Miami)
Chair: Will Fleisher (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speaker: Sean Crawford (University of Manchester)
“Against Guises”
Commentator: Aidan Gray (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Chair: Niranjana Warrier (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Speakers: Ali Kaveh Aenehzodaee (Ohio State University) and
Giorgio Sbardolini (University of Amsterdam)
“Factive Attitude Ascriptions and Fiction”
Commentator: Nic Koziolek (Washington University in St. Louis)

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m.



8A. Presidential Address and Reception

Chair: Russ Shafer-Landau (University of Wisconsin–
Speaker: Julia Driver (University of Texas at Austin)
“Live Options and Practical Possibilities”

FRIDAY EVENING, 7:00–10:00 P.M.


G4B. Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP)
Topic: Logicism in Early Analytic Philosophy: New Perspectives
Chair: Sean Morris (Metropolitan State University of
Speakers: Patricia Blanchette (University of Notre Dame)
“Logicism and Epistemology”
Sean Morris (Metropolitan State University of
“Logicism as Explication in Russell and Quine”
Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna)
“Logicism in Logical Empiricism”
Joan Weiner (Indiana University)
“Fregean Logicism and Quinean Explication”

G4C. International Society for Buddhist Philosophy

Topic: Intra-Buddhist Dialogue
Chair: TBA
Speakers: John Dunne (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
“Levels of Analysis in Indian Buddhism”
C. Upender Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
“Appraisal of Ālayavijñāna of Asaṅga”
Abraham Vélez de Cea (Eastern Kentucky
“The Question of the Buddha’s Death and the Need
for Buddhist Apophatic Pluralism”
Ronald Green (Coastal Carolina University)
“Gomyō and Kūkai in early-Heian Intra-Buddhist

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m. (cont.)

G4D. International Association for the Philosophy of Humor

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Lydia Amir, Taking Ridicule Seriously:
Philosophy, Humor, and the Human Condition
Chair: John Marmysz (College of Marin)
Author: Lydia Amir (Tufts University)
Critics: John Marmysz (College of Marin)
Michael Picard (Douglas College)

G4E. Radical Philosophy Association

Topic: Reconceiving Revolution
Chair: Sebastian Purcell (SUNY Cortland)
Speakers: Jackson Reese Faust (University of Memphis)
“Wynter’s ‘New Science of the Word’: A (Post-
Marcuse) Poetics of (Radical Left) Populism”?
Kieran Aarons (Loyola University Chicago)
“The New Politics of Place”
Nicoletta Ruane Montaner (Loyola University
“Pessimism, Political Economy, and the ‘End of

G4F. Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

Topic: New Work on Medieval Franciscan Thought
Chair: Daniel Simpson (Saint Louis University)
Speakers: Nicolas Faucher (University of Helsinki)
“The Coherence of Prophecies and Miracles:
Chatton’s View on Faith”
Gloria Frost (University of St. Thomas)
“Peter Auriol on Action”
Eric Hagedorn (St. Norbert College)
“Ockham on the Basis for Moral Obligation”

G4G. Society for Philosophy of Emotion

Topic: Author Meets Critics: Rami Gabriel and Stephen Asma, The
Emotional Mind, The Affective Roots of Culture and Cognition
Chair: Cecilea Mun (Independent Scholar)
Authors: Rami Gabriel (Columbia College, Chicago)
Stephen T. Asma (Columbia College, Chicago)
Critics: Owen Flanagan (Duke University)
Ann E. Cudd (University of Pittsburgh)
Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of
Cecilea Mun (Independent Scholar)
Bongrae Seok (Alvernia University)

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m. (cont.)

G4H. International Society for Environmental Ethics

Topic: Climate Justice
Chair: TBA
Speakers: William Littlefield (Case Western Reserve University)
“Utility Gains in Climate Justice”
Marcus Hedahl (U.S. Naval Academy)
“Climate Justice and Moral Psychology: Surprising
Stoic Solutions”
Kizito Michael George (Kyambogo University)
“Linking Climate Change to Human Rights and
Social Justice: A Critique of the Ethics and
Epistemologies of Climate Change Science”
Rachel Fredericks (Ball State University)
“Climate Legacy: A New(ish) Concept for the
Climate Crisis”

G4I. Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition (PACT)

Topic: Workshop on Works in Progress
Chair: Gerard Kuperus (University of San Francisco)

G4J. International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and

Western Philosophy
Topic: Chinese Philosophy and Recent and Contemporary
American Thought
Chair: Sean McAleer (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire)
Speakers: Chuyu Tian (Columbia University)
“Nelson Goodman’s and Huayan Buddhism’s
Multiple Worlds Theories”
Ted Wei-Chun Hsiung (National Taiwan University)
“Zhuangzi and E. O. Wilson’s Biophilia Hypothesis”
Jianping Hu (Nanyang Technological University)
“Character or Virtue? A Xunzian Critique of John
Doris’s Situationism”

G4K. North American Division of the Schopenhauer Society

Topic: Cambridge Critical Guide to “The World as Will and
Chair: Judith Norman (Trinity University)
Speakers: Sandra Shapshay (Hunter College, CUNY and
Indiana University–-Bloomington)
“Appreciating Nature Aesthetically in the WWR:
Between Kant and Hegel”

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m. (cont.)

Alistair Welchman (University of Texas at San

“Seeing Things: Schopenhauer’s Kant-Critique and
Direct Realism”
David Cartwright (University of Wisconsin–
“Virtue, Asceticism, and Redemption: Cognition
and Not-Affirming-Will in the Fourth Book of The
World as Will and Representation”
Bernard Reginster (Brown University)
Manja Kisner (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,
“Schopenhauer in Dialogue with Fichte and
Schelling: Schopenhauer’s Critique of Moral
Fatalism and His Turn to Freedom from Willing”
Cheryl Foster (University of Rhode Island)
“Talent as Intelligence in Schopenhauer’s Genius”
Commentator: TBA

G4L. Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking (AILACT)

Topic: Critical Thinking: Needed Now More Than Ever?

G4M. Association for Philosophy of Education

Topic: Argument and Critical Thinking in Democracy
Speakers: Scott Aikin (Vanderbilt University)
“The Owl of Minerva Problem and Public
David Godden (Michigan State University)
“It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn: The Lark of
Arete and Praiseworthiness in Public Discourse”
John Casey (Northeastern University)
“Argumentation and the Problem of Agreement”
Regina Rini (York University)
“Reasoning in Social Context”

G4N. Society for Analytical Feminism

Topic: Author Meets Critics on Serene Khader’s Decolonizing
Chair: Jeanine Weekes Schroer (University of Minnesota–
Author: Serene Khader (Brooklyn College, CUNY)

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m. (cont.)

Critics: Linda Martín Alcoff (Hunter College, CUNY)

Saba Fatima (Southern Illinois University–
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (Georgetown University)

G4O. Society of Christian Philosophers

Topic: Divine Action
Chair: Greta Turnbull (Gonzaga University)
Speakers: Jeffrey Koperski (Saginaw Valley State)
“Divine Action and the Laws of Nature”
Meghan Page (Loyola University Maryland)
“Divine Activity, Physical Complexity, and Localized

G4P. Association for the Development of Philosophy Teaching (ADOPT)

Speaker: Bob Lichtenbert (Author and Retired Professor)
“Personal Ethics”
Barbara Ohata (Sauk Valley College)
Ralph Fifer (Sauk Valley College)

G4Q. International Association for Japanese Philosophy

Topic: Engaging the Kyoto School
Chair: TBA
Speakers: Patrick Wyant (Temple University)
“Nishida’s I and Thou: Levinas’ Other or the Same?”
Lara Mitias (Antioch College)
“Body in Place: Nishida’s Phenomenology of Basho”
Dennis Stromback (Temple University)
“Miki Kiyoshi’s Attempt to Resolve the Problem of
Ideology: The Logic of Imagination in the ‘Subject
and Environment’ Relationship”

G4R. Concerned Philosophers for Peace, co-sponsored with the Gandhi,

King, Chavez, Addams Society
Topic: Author Meets Critics: Jennifer Kling, War Refugees: Risk,
Justice, and Moral Responsibility
Chair: Court Lewis (Owensboro Community and Technical
Author: Jennifer Kling (University of Colorado, Colorado
Critics: Greg Moses (Texas State University)
Kiran Bhardwaj (Phillips Andover)
Court Lewis (Owensboro Community and Technical

Friday Evening, 7:00–10:00 p.m. (cont.)

G4S. Society for Philosophy of Creativity

G4T. Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC)

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m.


TBA, registration desk

9:00 a.m.–Noon



9A. Invited Symposium: Perspectives on Perspectives

Chair: Julianne Chung (University of Louisville)
Speakers: Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers University)
“Perspectival Complacency, Flexibility, and
Sandra Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh)
“Scientific Perspectives: Epistemic Benefits of
Wayne Riggs (University of Oklahoma)
“The Epistemic Centrality of Perspectives”
Franklin Perkins (University of Hawai’i)
“Perspective as Partiality in Early Chinese
Sean M. Smith (University of Hawai’i)
“The First Person Perspective from an Embodied
Point of View”

9B. Invited Symposium: Metaontology

Chair: David Taylor (University of Minnesota)
Speakers: Amie Thomasson (Dartmouth College)
“Should Ontology Be Explanatory?”
Agustin Rayo (Massachusetts Institute of
“Localist Ontology”
Matti Eklund (Uppsala University)
“Ontology and Alien Languages”

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (cont.)

9C. Author Meets Critics: Hans Halvorson, The Logic in Philosophy of

Chair: Nick Huggett (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Author: Hans Halvorson (Princeton University)
Critics: Bas van Fraassen (San Francisco State University)
Holger Andreas (University of British Columbia,
Neil Dewar (Munich Center for Mathematical
Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität,

9D. Invited Symposium: Enmity

Chair: James Lee (University of Notre Dame)
Speakers: Bennett Helm (Franklin & Marshall College)
“Hatred, Identification, and Othering”
Michelle Mason Bizri (University of Minnesota–Twin
“On Owing, to an Enemy, (Nearly) Nothing”
Anthony Price (NYU London and Birkbeck,
University of London)
“Aristotelian Retaliations”

9E. Invited Symposium: Moral Emotions and Responsibility

Chair: Justin D’Arms (Ohio State University)
Speakers: Coleen Macnamara (University of California,
“Guilt, Desert, Fittingness, and the Good”
Krista Thomason (Swarthmore College)
“How Should We Feel about Recalcitrant
Monique Wonderly (University of California, San
“Moral Pride as a Reactive Attitude”

9F. Invited Symposium: Kant on Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity

Chair: Guus Duindam (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)
Speakers: Clinton Tolley (University of California, San Diego)
“The Subjectivity of the Understanding, the
Intersubjectivity of Reason”
Konstantin Pollok (Johannes Gutenberg University
of Mainz)
“Contexts, Rather than Concepts of

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (cont.)

Francey Russell (Yale University)

Title TBA

9G. Invited Symposium: Epistemology in Medieval Islamic Philosophy

Chair: Billy Dunaway (University of Missouri–St. Louis)
Speakers: Celia Byrne (MacEwan University)
“Al-Ghazali’s Skepticism about Causation”
Jon McGinnis (University of Missouri–St. Louis)
“Keep It Simple: Plantinga and al-Ghazālī on Divine
Rosabel Ansari (Georgetown University)
“Tashkik and Sophistry in Farabi’s Philosophy of

9H. Invited Symposium: Black Feminisms

Chair: Jacqueline Scott (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Kathryn Sophia Belle (Pennsylvania State
“La Belle Vie: Living My Beautiful/Good Life”
Joy James (Williams College)
“Presidential Powers and Captive Maternals Sally
Hemings, Michelle Obama, and Deborah Danner”
Anika Simpson (American University)
“Black Liberation and Deviant Moralities”
Georgette Sinkler (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Title TBA

9I. Author Meets Critics: Chris McCarroll, Remembering from the

Chair: Arieh Schwartz (University of California, Davis)
Author: Chris McCarroll (Centre for Philosophy of Memory,
University of Grenoble Alpes)
Critics: Felipe de Brigard (Duke University)
Marya Schechtman (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Peter Langland-Hassan (University of Cincinnati)

9J. Submitted Colloquium: Social Justice

Chair: Hannah Trees (University of Texas at Austin)
Speaker: Nick Colgrove (Baylor University)
“Resisting Well: Four Principles of Reasonable
Commentator: Minji Jang (University of North Carolina)

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (cont.)

Chair: Dylan Flint (Ohio State University)

Speaker: Geoffrey Adelsberg (Edgewood College)
“Collective Responsibility as Resistance to White
Commentator: M. Victoria Costa (College of William & Mary)
Chair: Fritz McDonald (Oakland University)
Speaker: Nicole Dular (Franklin College)
“Mansplaining as Epistemic Injustice”
Commentator: Michael Ashfield (University of Southern California)

9K. APA Committee Session: Ritual, Etiquette, and Everyday Aesthetics

Arranged by the APA Committee on Asian and Asian-American
Philosophers and Philosophies
Chair: Gina Lebkuecher (Loyola University Chicago)
Speakers: Yuriko Saito (Rhode Island School of Design)
“Expression of Care in Everyday Aesthetics”
Michael Slater (Georgetown University)
“Ritual, Etiquette, and Everyday Aesthetics: A
Confucian Perspective.”
Brad Cokelet (University of Kansas)
“Ritual, Grace, and Democratic Virtue”
Si-Won Song (University of Kansas)
“Aesthetics of Ritual”

9L. Department Chairs Network: Supporting and Advocating for

Contingent Faculty on Your Campus
Chair: Amy Ferrer (American Philosophical Association)
Panelists: Alexandra Bradner (Kenyon College)
Michael B. Horton (Harper College)

9M. APA Committee Session: Human Rights

Arranged by the APA Committee on International Cooperation
Chair: Anat Biletzki (Quinnipiac University)
Speakers: Thomas Christiano (University of Arizona)
“Is There a Human Right to Democracy in the
Economic as well as the Political Realm?”
Anthony Reeves (Binghamton University)
“Human Rights, Agency, and Despair”
Cristina Lafont (Northwestern University)
“Neoliberal Globalization and Human Rights: Why
Are Human Rights Powerless in an Unequal World?”

9N. Submitted Colloquium: Love, Value, and Moral Perception

Chair: Chungsoo J. Lee (Independent Scholar)

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (cont.)

Speaker: Patrick White (Massachusetts Institute of

“Ethics in the Shadow of Love”
Commentator: William A. Behun (McHenry County College)
Chair: Charles Urban (Independent Scholar)
Speaker: Kristina Grob (University of South Carolina)
“Aspiration vs. Moral Luck”
Commentator: William B. Cochran (Northwestern University)
Chair: Catherine Homan (Mount Mary University)
Speaker: Asaf Angermann (University of Louisville)
“Attention as Perception”
Commentator: Jesús Luzardo (Fordham University)

9P. Submitted Colloquium: Normative Ethics

Chair: Kiran Bhardwaj (Phillips Academy Andover)
Speaker: Peter Vranas (University of Wisconsin)
“The Individuation of Obligations”
Commentator: Eugene Chislenko (Temple University)
Chair: Jon Marc Asper (University of Missouri–Columbia)
Speaker: Christopher McCammon (Tidewater Community
“Moralization, Norm-Dependence, and
Commentator: Per-Erik Milam (University of Gothenburg)
Chair: Alec Walen (Rutgers University)
Speaker: Tim Aylsworth (Florida International University)
“Consequentializing Group Membership: A Reply
to Causal Impotence”
Commentator: Paul Henne (Lake Forest College)

9Q. Submitted Colloquium: Time and Dispositions

Chair: Shannon Sandridge (Saint Louis University)
Speaker: Andrea Roselli (Durham University)
“Dispositional Essentialism in the Eternalist Block”
Commentator: Andrew Law (University of California, Riverside)
Chair: Jerry Vision (Temple University)
Speaker: Marc Johansen (Creighton University)
“Adverbialism About Dispositions”
Commentator: Justin Kuster (Norwich University)
Chair: Zoe Ashton (Ohio State University)
Speaker: Seungil Lee (University of Illinois at Urbana-
“The Rates of Time’s Passage and Special Relativity”
Commentator: Emily Waddle (University of Iowa)

Saturday Morning, 8:30–11:30 a.m. (cont.)

9R. Submitted Colloquium: Phenomenological Aspects of Mind

Chair: TBA
Speaker: Preston Lennon (Ohio State University)
“Meeting the Matching Content Challenge to
Cognitive Phenomenology”
Commentator: Farid Masrour (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Chair: Ben White (Trinity College Dublin)
Speaker: Meghan Masto (Lafayette College)
“Knowing-what and Knowing What-it’s-like”
Commentator: David Pitt (California State University, Los Angeles)
Chair: Thomas Lockhart (Auburn University)
Speaker: Austin Andrews (Washington University in St. Louis)
“Sense-Data and Visual Phenomenology”
Commentator: David Hilbert (University of Illinois at Chicago)

9S. Submitted Colloquium: Autonomy and Consent

Chair: Hrishikesh Joshi (Bowling Green State University)
Speaker: Kayla Wiebe (University of Toronto)
“The Over-Intellectualization of Autonomy in
Philosophy and Bioethics”
Commentator: Kimberly Vargas Barreto (Loyola University
Chair: Michael Davis (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Speaker: Kathryn J. Norlock (Trent University)
“Do I Really Consent to Twitter’s Terms of Service?”
Commentator: Nicolas Cornell (University of Michigan Law School)
Chair: Mark Sheldon (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Michael Robinson (Chapman University)
“Voluntarily Chosen Roles and Conscientious
Objection in Health Care”
Commentator: Elisabeth Hildt (Center for the Study of Ethics in
the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology,

9T. APA Committee Session: New Angles on Paternalism in Medicine

Arranged by the APA Committee on Philosophy and Medicine
Chair: Nir Ben-Moshe (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Speakers: Jessica Flanigan (University of Richmond)
“Paternalism and Capacity: Asymmetries Between
the Old and Young”
Jason Hanna (Northern Illinois University)
“A Qualified Defense of Medical Paternalism”

Saturday Midday, 11:45–1:45 p.m.

Heidi Malm (Loyola University Chicago)

“Paternalism, Cognitive Bias, and Preventive
Dana Howard (Ohio State University)
“On Paternalism, The Right to Information, and
Advising in Medicine”

SATURDAY MIDDAY, 11:45 A.M.–1:45 P.M.


10A. Author Meets Critics: Luke William Hunt, The Retrieval of

Liberalism in Policing
Chair: Kyle G. Fritz (University of Mississippi)
Author: Luke William Hunt (Radford University)
Critics: Raff Donelson (Louisiana State University)
Jake Monaghan (University of New Orleans)

10B. Author Meets Critics: Christian Miller, The Character Gap: How
Good Are We?
Chair: Karen Stohr (Georgetown University)
Author: Christian Miller (Wake Forest University)
Critics: Liezl Van Zyl (University of Waikato, NZ)
Anne Baril (Washington University in St. Louis)

10C. Invited Symposium: Philosophy of Poetry

Chair: Rick Anthony Furtak (Colorado College)
Speakers: James D. Reid (Metropolitan State University of
“Love and Background: Conditions of Intelligibility
in Novalis’s ‘Hymnen an die Nacht’”
Lucy Alford (University of Chicago)
“Imagination as a Mode of Poetic Attention”
Troy Jollimore (California State University, Chico)
“Form, Content, and Embodied Consciousness”

10D. Author Meets Critics: Allen Buchanan and Russell Powell, The
Evolution of Moral Progress
Chair: Theresa Lopez (Susquehanna University)
Authors: Allen Buchanan (University of Arizona)
Russell Powell (Boston University)
Critics: Dale Jamieson (New York University)
Patricia Marino (University of Waterloo)

Saturday Midday, 11:45–1:45 p.m. (cont.)

10E. Submitted Symposium: Russellian Monism and Structuralism

about Physics
Chair: Jeffrey J. Watson (Arizona State University)
Authors: Torin Alter (University of Alabama) and Derk
Pereboom (Cornell University)
Commentators: Daniel Stoljar (Australian National University)
Eric Hiddleston (Wayne State University)

10F. Submitted Colloquium: Formal Epistemology I

Chair: Paul Blaschko (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Elizabeth Jackson (University of Notre Dame)
“Belief, Credence, and Graspability: Why
Credences Are Not Beliefs”
Commentator: Marissa Wallin (Yale University)
Chair: Savannah Leon (University of California, Berkeley)
Speaker: Jack Spencer (Massachusetts Institute of
“An Argument Against Causal Decision Theory”
Commentator: Branden Fitelson (Northeastern University)

10G. Submitted Symposium: What’s a(t) Stake?

Speaker: Peter Baumann (Swarthmore College)
Chair: Pam Corcoran (Fairfield University)
Commentators: Juan Piñeros Glasscock (University of Toronto)
Baron Reed (Northwestern University)

10H. Submitted Symposium: An Epistemology for Moral Naturalists

Chair: Daniel Fogal (New York University)
Speaker: Caleb Perl (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Commentators: Joshua Schechter (Brown University)
Sam Filby (University of Missouri in St. Louis)

10I. Submitted Symposium: Value Invariabilism and Two Distinctions

in Value
Chair: Luke Kallberg (Saint Louis University)
Speaker: Zak Kopeikin (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Commentators: Nikki Fortier (Syracuse University)
Eric Wiland (University of Missouri in St. Louis)

10J. Submitted Colloquium: Wellbeing 1

Chair: Andrea Veltman (James Madison University)
Speaker: Tobias Fuchs (Brown University)
“Well-Being, Self-Sacrifice, and Core Desires”
Commentator: Greg Scherkoske (Dalhousie University)

Saturday Midday, 11:45–1:45 p.m. (cont.)

Chair: Samuel Reis-Dennis (Albany Medical College)

Speaker: Hasko von Kriegstein (Ryerson University)
“Perfectionism, Knowledge, and Achievement”
Commentator: Gwen Bradford (Rice University)

10K. Submitted Colloquium: Aesthetics and the Body

Chair: Kevin M. Scott (University of Notre Dame)
Speaker: Abram Capone (Loyola University Chicago)
“Music, More or Less: The Mind/Body Problem in
Musical Definition”
Commentator: Joseph Kassman-Tod (University of California,
Chair: TBA
Speaker: Madeline Martin-Seaver (Auburn University)
“Appreciating Perfume in the Air and on the Body”
Commentator: Vincent Colapietro (Pennsylvania State University)

10L. Submitted Colloquium: Kant on Freedom

Chair: Gillian Gray (University of Michigan)
Speaker: Leonard Feldblyum (Brown University)
“Kant on the Spontaneity of the Imagination and
the Analogy between Freedom of the Imagination
and Freedom of the Will”
Commentator: Jessica Williams (University of South Florida)
Chair: Benjamin Hill (University of Western Ontario)
Speaker: Nataliya Palatnik (University of Wisconsin–
“Kantian Freedom at a Distance”
Commentator: Catherine Smith (Iona College)

10M. Submitted Symposium: Aristotelian Revision and Editorial Error in

Nicomachean Ethics VI 2
Chair: Vivian Feldblyum (University of Pittsburgh)
Speaker: Samuel Baker (University of South Alabama)
Commentators: Marta Jimenez (Emory University)
Patricia Marechal (Northwestern University)

10N. Submitted Colloquium: Luck

Chair: Victoria Emery (Fordham University)
Speaker: Marcella Linn (Loyola University Chicago)
“Character Luck and the Apparent Good”
Commentator: Matthias T. S. Barker (University of Texas at Austin)
Chair: Rosalind Chaplin (University of California, San

Saturday Midday, 11:45–1:45 p.m. (cont.)

Speaker: Philip Swenson (College of William & Mary)

“Moral Luck, Responsibility, and Making a
Commentator: Chad Flanders (Saint Louis University)

10O. Submitted Symposium: An Actualist Argument for Scalar

Chair: Emma Hardy (University of Michigan)
Speaker: Evan Williams (University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh)
Commentators: Dale Dorsey (University of Kansas)
Eric Sampson (University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill)

10P. Submitted Colloquium: Mistaken Mental States

Chair: Eric Carter (North Carolina State University)
Speaker: Robert Noggle (Central Michigan University)
“Manipulation, Mistakes, and the Question of
Commentator: James Mahon (Lehman College, CUNY)
Chair: David Merli (Franklin & Marshall College)
Speaker: Jordan MacKenzie (Virginia Tech)
“Self-Deception as Self-Defeat”
Commentator: Ian Deweese-Boyd (Gordon College)

10Q. APA Committee Session: Women and Online Philosophy

Arranged by the APA Committee on the Status of Women
Chair: Julinna Oxley (Coastal Carolina University)
Presenters: Regina Rini (York University)
Adriel M. Trott (Wabash College)
Helen De Cruz (Saint Louis University)
Saba Fatima (Southern Illinois University–
Kathryn J. Norlock (Trent University)

10R. Submitted Colloquium: Epistemic Rationality

Chair: Nate Lauffer (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Jennifer Carr (University of California, San Diego)
“Why Ideal Epistemology?”
Commentator: Kenny Easwaran (Texas A&M University)
Chair: Kevin Patton (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
Speaker: Joshua Smart (Ohio State University)
“Groundwork for Structural Epistemic Rationality”
Commentator: Laura Callahan (University of Notre Dame)

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m.



G5A. Public Philosophy Network

Topic: Should Philosophers Be Advocates?
Chair: Ben Almassi (Governors State University)
Speakers: Evelyn Brister (Rochester Institute of Technology)
“Partisans, Enablers, and Honest Brokers: Activism
and Credibility”
Eugene Chislenko (Temple University)
“The Role of Philosophers in Climate Change”
Alisa Bierria (University of California, Riverside)
“Grassroots Philosophy and Going Against the
Xhercis Mendez (California State University,
“Building Transformative Justice Approaches to
Relationship Violence in Academia”

G5B. Society for the Study of Process Philosophies (SSPP)

Topic: Process, Creativity, and Democracy
Chair: Jea Sophia Oh (West Chester University of
Speakers: Larisa Castillo (University of California, Irvine) and
Daniel R. Siakel (University of California, Irvine)
“Kadō vis-à-vis Shäntong Metaphysics: The
Aesthetics and Politics of ‘Enlightened Society’”
Matthew Z. Donnelly (John A. Logan College)
“On the New and the Novel: Creative Logics in
Joseph Harroff (Temple University)
“Ecoaesthetic Individuality: Some Confucian
Reflections on a Deweyan Theme”

G5C. North American Division of the Schopenhauer Society

Topic: New Directions in Schopenhauer Research
Chair: Sandra Shapshay (Hunter College, CUNY)
Speakers: Michel-Antoine Xhignesse (Capilano University)
“Schopenhauer’s Perceptive Invective”
David Bather Woods (University of Warwick)
“Compassionate Contractarianism: A
Schopenhauerian Solution to Schopenhauerian

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m. (cont.)

Sean T. Murphy (Indiana University–Bloomington)

“Appraising the Acquired Character Anew”
Alexander Sattar (Johannes Gutenberg University
and Mainz & Russian Academy of Sciences,
“What Awaits Us On Top of Wittgenstein’s Ladder?
The Unutterable of the ‘Tractatus’ Read through
Schopenhauer’s Concept of Philosophy”

G5D. International Association for the Philosophy of Humor

Topic: Philosophy of Humor
Chair: Lydia Amir (Tufts University and founding-
president of the International Association for the
Philosophy of Humor)
Speakers: Matthew Meyer (University of Scranton)
“Between Tragedy and Comedy: Nietzsche’s
Zarathustra IV as Zwischenspiel”
Lauren Olin (Center for Neurodynamics, University
of Missouri–St. Louis)
“Comic Dispositionalism”
Michael K. Cundall, Jr. (North Carolina Agricultural
and Technical State University)
“Why the Case for Humor and Health Isn’t as Weak
as Thought: Methodological Paranoia We Can
Laugh At”
Dianna Niebylski (University of Illinois)
“20th and 21st Century Philosophies of Women’s
Michael Picard (Douglas College)
“Achenbach, Humor, and Philosophical Praxis”
Guido Gattai (University of Florence and director of
the Festival of Philosophy of Florence)
“From Chaplin to Allen, Humor as a Way to Make
Philosophy Understandable”

G5E. Center for New Narratives in Philosophy

Topic: The Metaphysics of Body, Sociopolitical Order, and
Systematic Thinking in the Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish
Chair: Colin Chamberlain (Temple University)
Speakers: Marcy Lascano (University of Kansas)
“Occasional Causation and the Metaphysics of

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m. (cont.)

Alison Peterman (University of Rochester)

“Holism and Causation in Cavendish”
Brandie Siegfried (Brigham Young University)
Title TBA
Commentator: David Cunning (University of Iowa)

G5F. Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP)
Topic: Reconsidering Empiricism in the History of Analytic
Chair: Sean Morris (Metropolitan State University of
Speakers: Gary Ebbs (Indiana University)
“Empiricism Naturalized”
Sean Morris (Metropolitan State University of
“Empiricism in Russell’s External World Program”
Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech)
“Thinking in Motion in 19th and 20th Century
Empirical Perception Research: Helmholtz,
Titchener, Washburn, and Mach”
Sander Verhaegh (Tilburg University)
“Elementary Experiences: The American Reception
of Carnap’s Empiricism”

G5G. APA Graduate Student Council

Topic: Productive Conversations on Problematic Issues: Graduate
Student Edition
Chair: Danielle Clevenger (University of Wisconsin–
Speakers: Bailey Szustak (University of Illinois at Chicago)
“Intersectionality and Classroom Authority”
W. John Koolage (Eastern Michigan University)
“Flatten That Hierarchy”
Harry Brighouse (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
“Becoming a Better Teacher”

G5H. Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR)

Topic: Institutionalism and Recognition in Hegel
Chair: Arsalan Memon (Lewis University)
Speakers: Timothy Brownlee (Xavier University)
Kevin Thompson (DePaul University)

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m. (cont.)

G5I. Marxism and Philosophy Association

Topic: Marxism and Ecology
Chair: TBA
Speakers: Phil Gasper (Madison College)
“Dialectics of Nature: Engels and Ecology”
Tyler Zimmer (University of Chicago)
“Marxism, Technological Progress, and the Threat
of Climate Change”

G5J. The Society of Philosophers in America

Topic: Hope and Love in the U.S.
Chair: Daniel Brunson (Morgan State University)
Speakers: Grace Cebrero (University of Minnesota)
“Reasonable Hope and Genuine Requirements of
Tadd Ruetenik (St. Ambrose University)
“Ranked-Choice Voting: Democracy’s Only Hope is
Real Pragmatism”
Heidi Schmidt (Becker Fellow)
“Authenticity, Connectedness, and Hope: The
Benefits of an Ethical Life”

G5K. North American Kant Society

Topic: Mary Gregor Lecture
Chair: Rachel Zuckert (Northwestern University)
Speaker: Dieter Schoenecker (University of Siegen, Germany)
“Do Criminals Forfeit Their Dignity? On a Notorious
Passage in Kant’s Rechtslehre (RL: 329 f.)”

G5L. International Society for Environmental Ethics

Topic: Understanding Community
Chair: Megs Gendreau (Centre College)
Speakers: Connor Kianpour (Georgia State University)
“Dolphin Ownerhood: Nonhuman Persons and
Habitative Noninterference”
Sade Hormio (University of California, Berkeley)
“Climate Change and Responsibility as Members
of Collective Agents”
Espen Stabell (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology)
“Existence Value, Preference Satisfaction, and the
Ethics of Species Extinction”

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m. (cont.)

Zachary Vereb (University of South Florida)

“A Kantian Perspective on Climate Ethics: History
and Global Community”

G5M. Prisma: Global Research Network for Pluralisms, Relativisms, and

Topic: Prisma Global Research Network Meeting on Truth Pluralism
Chair: Joe Ulatowski (University of Waikato)
Speakers: Joe Ulatowski (University of Waikato)
“Facts at the Gate: The Precarity of Truth in
Epistemic Gatekeeping “
Michael Horton (Harper College) and Kamper Floyd
(Wake Technical Community College)
“Truth Pluralism and Why You Should Still Care
about the Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction”

G5N. North American Spinoza Society

Topic: Essences and the Like in Spinoza’s Ethics
Chair: Kiesha Martin (Marquette University)
Speakers: Christopher Martin (University of Toledo)
“Spinoza’s Quick Reversal on His Definition of an
Galen Barry (Iona College)
“Feuerbach’s Spinozistic Argument for an Infinite
Human Nature”
Torin Doppelt (Independent Scholar)
“The Necessity of Natures: Geometrical
Matthew Homan (Christopher Newport University)
“The Peculiar Common Notions of E2p39”

G5O. Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World

Topic: Trauma
Chair: S. West Gurley (Blinn College)
Speakers: Jennifer Gammage (DePaul University)
“Traumatic Temporality and The Eternal Recurrence
of Anzaldúa’s Coyolxauhqui Imperative”
Mary LeBlanc (DePaul University)
“Silence as a Response to Trauma”
William Koch (Borough of Manhattan Community
“Art, World Trauma, and World Change”

Saturday Afternoon, 2:00–5:00 p.m. (cont.)

Natasha Liebig (Adams State University)

“Trauma Swamps; Love Builds Up—An Analysis of
Resilience through Kierkegaard’s Works of Love”
Michele Merritt (Arkansas State University)
“Trading Traumas: Disruptive Psychopharmaceutical
Interventions in Human and Non-Human Animal

G5P. Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love

Chair: TBA
Speakers: TBA

G5Q. Society for LGBTQ Philosophy

Chair: TBA
Speakers: TBA

G5R. International Ernst Cassirer Society

Chair: TBA
Speakers: TBA

Program Participants

Aarons, Kieran (Loyola University, Chicago)............................................... G4E
Aas, Sean (Georgetown University)............................................................ G2P
Abbarno, G. John (D’Youville College)................................................ G2B, G3I
Abel, Johannes (Freiburg University).......................................................... G2F
Abelson, Shannon Sylvie (Indiana University-Bloomington)......................M10
Adeel, Mohammad Ashraf (Kutztown University Pennsylvania)................... 6Q
Adelsberg, Geoffrey (Edgewood College)..................................................... 9J
Aenehzodaee, Ali Kaveh (Ohio State University)........................................... 7T
Ahmed-Buehler, Russell (University of California, Berkeley)........................ 5C
Aikin, Scott (Northwestern University)....................................................... G4M
Akiba, Ken (Virginia Commonwealth University).......................................... 3G
Albrecht, Ingrid (Lawrence University)..........................................................3M
Alcoff, Linda Martin (Hunter College, CUNY)........................................3L, G4N
Alford, Lucy (University of Chicago)............................................................ 10C
Allori, Valia (Northern Illinois University)....................................................... 7N
Almassi, Ben (Governors State University)..................................................G5A
Alnusf, Marzouq (Northwestern University)................................................... 7J
Alonso, Facundo (Miami University, Ohio).....................................................6E
Altepeter, Maria (Washington University in St. Louis)...................................3S
Alter, Torin (University of Alabama)..............................................................10E
Alvear, Fernando (University of Missouri)......................................................2L
Alznauer, Mark (Northwestern University).................................................. G2E
Amir, Lydia (Tufts University and founding-president of the
International Association for the Philosophy of Humor).... G3P, G4D, G5D
Anderson, Charity (Baylor University)......................................................3O, 5A
Anderson, Luvell (Syracuse University)......................................................... 3C
Anderson, Morgan (University of Northern Iowa).......................................G1A
Andreas, Holger (University of British Columbia, Okanagan)....................... 9C
Andrews, Austin (Washington University in St. Louis)...................................9R
Angermann, Asaf (University of Louisville)................................................... 9N
Ansari, Rosabel Pauline (Georgetown University)........................................ 9G
Archer, Avery (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)........................................ 1J
Argüello Manresa, Gemma (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)....3L
Artis, Aderemi (University of Michigan–Flint)................................................. 2J
Arzuaga, Fabian (University of Chicago)........................................................6B
Ashfield, Mike (University of Southern California)......................................... 9J
Ashton, Zoe (Ohio State University).............................................................. 9Q
Asper, Jon Marc (University of Missouri–Columbia)......................................9P

Program Participants

Atherton, Margaret (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee)............................1B

Au-Mullaney, Michael (Fordham University)............................................... G2F
Aumann, Antony (Northern Michigan University)....................................... G2F
Austin, Emily (Wake Forest University)...........................................................2F
Austin, Michael (Eastern Kentucky University)............................................ G1F
Aylsworth, Tim (Florida International University)...........................................9P

Bach, Theodore (Bowling Green State University Firelands College).......... 6Q
Baker, Samuel (University of South Alabama).............................................10M
Balcerak Jackson, Brendan (University of Miami).....................................1I, 7T
Balcerak Jackson, Magdalena (University of Miami).................................... 6U
Ballivian, Joel (University of Wisconsin–Madison)........................................ 5C
Banks, Jennifer (Yale University Press).......................................................... 7A
Barbone, Steve (San Diego State University)............................................... G1I
Baril, Anne (Washington University in St. Louis)..........................................10B
Barker, Beth (Northwestern University)......................................................... 6O
Barker, John (University of Illinois Springfield).............................................7P
Barker, Jonathan (Wake Forest University).....................................................1I
Barker, Matthias T. S. (University of Texas at Austin)................................... 10N
Barnes, Michael Randall (Georgetown University)........................................1L
Barreto, Kimberly Vargas (Loyola University Chicago)..................................9S
Barry, Christian (Australian National University)......................................... G3Q
Barry, Galen (Iona College)......................................................................... G5N
Bartolini, Elena (University of Milan-Bicocca).............................. G1G, G3K, 7R
Baumann, Peter (Swarthmore College)....................................................... 10G
Baxley, Anne Margaret (Washington University)........................................... 7C
Bazargan-Forward, Saba (University of California, San Diego).....................7M
Beaudry, Jonas-Sebastien (McGill University).............................................. 3K
Beddor, Robert (National University of Singapore)...................................... 2K
Behun, William A. (McHenry County College)............................................... 9N
Bell, William (Washington University in St. Louis)..........................................7S
Belle, Kathryn Sophia (Pennsylvania State University).................................. 9H
Bellinger, Brian (Eastern Michigan University).............................................. 6O
Ben-Moshe, Nir (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)................ 3Q, 9T
Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron (University of Haifa).................................................. G3E, 7R
Benton, Matthew (Seattle Pacific University)........................................... 3O, 5I
Berg, Anastasia (Corpus Christi College)...................................................... 5K
Bergmann, Michael (Purdue University)......................................................... 1J
Bergo, Bettina (University of Montreal)...................................................... G2O
Bernstein, Alyssa (Ohio University).............................................................G1C
Bernstein, Justin (Johns Hopkins University)................................................ 1H
Bett, Richard (Johns Hopkins University).......................................................3B
Bey, Marquis (Northwestern University).................................................... G3G

Program Participants

Bhandary, Asha (University of Iowa)..............................................................1E

Bhardwaj, Kiran (Phillips Academy Andover)........................................ G4R, 9P
Biehn, Parker (Loyola University Chicago).................................................... 5N
Bierria, Alisa (University of California, Riverside)........................................G5A
Bigelow, Erica (Miami University)................................................................G2U
Biletzki, Anat (Quinnipiac University)............................................................9M
Bisanz, Elize (Texas Tech University)........................................................... G3N
Björnsson, Gunnar (University of Stockholm)............................................ G3Q
Blake-Turner, Christopher (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).........1I
Blanchette, Patricia (University of Notre Dame).......................................... G4B
Blankschaen, Kurt (Daemen College)............................................................1M
Bloomfield, Paul (University of Connecticut).............................................. G3E
Bluhm, Robyn (Michigan State University)..................................................... 6J
Bodde, Emerson (Vanderbilt University)....................................................... 1H
Boehm, Miren (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee).................................... 2G
Boehm, Omri (The New School).................................................................. G2L
Bollard, Mara (University of Michigan)........................................................... 6T
Bommarito, Nic (University at Buffalo, SUNY)............................................... 6H
Booth, Richard (Columbia University)............................................................ 7T
Borchert, Rhys (University of Arizona)............................................................5E
Bradford, Gwen (Rice University)................................................................. 10J
Brady, Michael S. (University of Glasgow)............................................ G3E, 7R
Brandom, Robert B. (University of Pittsburgh)............................................ G2E
Braver, Lee (University of South Florida).................................................... G1G
Brecevic, Char (University of Notre Dame).....................................................3R
Brennan, Haley D. (Princeton University).......................................................2B
Brichacek, Katherine (Loyola University Chicago)......................................G2A
Briggs, Ray (Stanford University)................................................................... 1K
Brighouse, Harry (University of Wisconsin–Madison)................................ G5G
Brister, Evelyn (Rochester Institute of Technology)....................................G5A
Brito, Marisol (Metropolitan State University)............................................... 6A
Broadbent, Alex (University of Johannesburg)............................................. 6C
Bromhall, Kyle (Sheridan College).............................................................. G2N
Brooks, Thom (Durham University, UK)......................................................... 1H
Brosow, Frank (University of Education Ludwigsburg)...............................M10
Brower, Jeffrey (Purdue University)........................................................... G2G
Brower-Toland, Susan (Saint Louis University)........................................... G2G
Brown, Molly (University of Chicago)............................................................ 5H
Brown, Simon (Columbia University)............................................................. 7H
Brown-Kinsella, James (Peking University)................................................. G1J
Brownlee, Timothy (Xavier University)........................................................G5H
Bruckner, Michael (University of Wisconsin–Madison)................................. 5D
Bruno-Nino, Teresa (Syracuse University)..................................................... 2H
Brunson, Daniel (Morgan State University)................................................. G5J

Program Participants

Bruss, Neal (University of Massachusetts Boston).................................... G3N

Buben, Adam (Leiden University)...................................................................5F
Buchanan, Allen (University of Arizona)...................................................... 10D
Buchanan, Ray (University of Texas at Austin)................................................7E
Budolfson, Mark (University of Vermont)...................................................... 7G
Budron, Robert (Loyola University Chicago)................................................. 7Q
Bueno, Otávio (University of Miami).......................................................... G2Q
Burke, Teresa Blankmeyer (Gallaudet University)......................................... 5H
Buttaci, Jonathan A. (The Catholic University of America).............................5L
Bykova, Marina (North Carolina State University)...................................... G3M
Byrne, Celia (MacEwan University)................................................................ 9G
Byrnes, Jeffrey (Grand Valley State University)............................................ 5G

Cahill, Ann (Elon University)........................................................................M10
Callahan, Laura (University of Notre Dame).................................................10R
Calosi, Claudio (University of Geneva)........................................................ G1E
Camp, Elisabeth (Rutgers University–New Brunswick)................................. 9A
Campbell, Douglas (University of Toronto)....................................................6R
Capone, Abram (Loyola University Chicago)............................................... 10K
Caravello, Jonathan (California State University, Channel Islands).......Posters
Carr, Jennifer (University of California, San Diego)...............................1F, 10R
Carruthers, Peter (University of Maryland).................................................... 7H
Carson, Thomas (Loyola University Chicago)................................................ 7O
Carter, Eric (North Carolina State University)...............................................10P
Cartwright, David (University of Wisconsin–Whitewater)............................G4K
Carvalho, João (University of Otago)..............................................................7I
Casey, John (Northeastern University)....................................................... G4M
Casser, Laurenz (University of Texas at Austin)...............................................2I
Castillo, Larisa (University of California, Irvine).......................................... G5B
Castro, Susan V. H. (Wichita State University)................................................6S
Catala, Amandine (University of Quebec at Montreal)............................... G3F
Cebrero, Grace (University of Minnesota)................................................... G5J
Chakravartty, Anjan (University of Miami).................................................. G2Q
Chalmers, David (New York University)..........................................................1F
Chamberlain, Colin (Temple University)...................................................... G5E
Champene, Aaron (St. Louis Community College)........................................ 3U
Chan, David (University of Alabama at Birmingham)............................7Q, G2J
Chan, Rebecca (San José State University)................................................... 3A
Chaplin, Rosalind (University of California, San Diego)........................ 6T, 10N
Chen, Eddy Keming (University of California, San Diego)......................6D, 7N
Chiao, Vincent (University of Toronto)........................................................... 1G
Chislenko, Eugene (Temple University)....................................... G3C, G5A, 9P
Cho, Kyoung Min (University of Illinois at Chicago)............................... 2E, 6O

Program Participants

Choi, Yoon (Marquette University).......................................................... 1A, 2D

Christiano, Thomas (University of Arizona)...................................................9M
Christodoulides, Phedias (Northwestern University)................................. G3M
Chung, Julianne (University of Louisville and Associate Editor, Oxford
Studies in Epistemology).................................................................. 7A, 9A
Cisney, Vernon W. (Gettysburg College)..................................................... G3T
Clatterbuck, Hayley (University of Rochester and University of
Wisconsin–Madison)............................................................................... 7H
Cleary, Skye (Barnard College)...................................................................... 3N
Clevenger, Danielle (University of Wisconsin–Madison).................... M1, G5G
Clewis, Robert R. (Gwynedd Mercy University).................................G2H, G3C
Cochran, William B. (Northwestern University)............................................. 9N
Cokelet, Brad (University of Kansas)...................................................... 6M, 9K
Colapietro, Vincent (University of Rhode Island)............................... G3N, 10K
Colgrove, Nick (Baylor University).................................................................. 9J
Comstock, Reid (University of Notre Dame)................................................. 2A
Concepción, David W. (Ball State University)................................................ 3A
Conroy, Renee (Purdue University Northwest)........................................... G2B
Cooley, Dennis (North Dakota State University).......................................... G3I
Corcoran, Pam (Fairfield University)............................................................ 10G
Cordry, Ben S. (Lorain County Community College)..................................... 2H
Cornell, Nicolas (University of Michigan Law School)...................................9S
Corvino, John (Wayne State University)........................................................ 1K
Costa, Victoria (College of William & Mary)................................................... 9J
Covington, Corbin (Howard University)....................................................... G2T
Crasnow, Sharon (Norco College)................................................................. 7O
Crawford, Sean (University of Manchester)................................................... 7T
Creel, Kathleen (University of Pittsburgh, HPS)............................................ 6N
Crosby, Tom (Loyola University Chicago)....................................................M10
Crull, Elise (City University of New York).................................................... G2Q
Cruz Tleugabulova, Maite (Boston University).............................................. 2G
Cudd, Ann E. (University of Pittsburgh)...................................................... G4G
Culbreth, Andrew (Emory University)............................................................5M
Cundall, Jr., Michael K. (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical
State University)....................................................................................G5D
Cunliffe, Zoë (The Graduate Center, CUNY).................................................. 5Q
Cunning, David (University of Iowa)............................................................ G5E
Cunningham, Anthony (St. John’s University).............................................. G3I
Cureton, Adam (University of Tennessee)............................................ G2P, 7Q
Curtis-Trudel, André (Ohio State University)................................................. 6N

D’Alessandro, William (University of Illinois at Chicago).............................. 6U
D’Angelo, Lorenza (Syracuse University).......................................................7R
D’Arms, Justin (Ohio State University)...........................................................9E

Program Participants

Dadlez, Eva (University of Central Oklahoma)................................................7R

Dai, Yuanfang (Michigan State University)......................................... G1J, G2D
Dalglish, Steven (Ohio State University).....................................................M10
Darling, Karen Merikangas (University of Chicago Press)............................ 7A
Daru, Hannah (Fordham University)............................................................M10
DaVia, Carlo (Fordham University).................................................................5M
David, Wasserman (National Institutes of Health)........................................ 3K
Davies, Katherine (University of Texas at Dallas)........................................ G3R
Davis, Illya E. (Morehouse College)................................................................5F
Davis, Michael (Illinois Institute of Technology)............................................9S
Davis, Benjamin P. (Emory University)......................................................... G3R
de Brigard, Felipe (Duke University)...............................................................9I
de Cruz, Helen (Saint Louis University)....................................................... 10Q
Deane, Samantha (Loyola University Chicago)...........................................G1A
DeBrabander, Firmin (Maryland Institute College of Art)........................... G1F
Del Dotto, Jacob (Loyola University Chicago).............................................G1A
Dennett, Daniel (Tufts University)...................................................................7B
Dethier, Corey (University of Notre Dame)................................................... 7N
Devine, John William (Swansea University (Wales)).................................. G2M
Dewar, Neil (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich)........................................7N, 9C
Deweese-Boyd, Ian (Gordon College).........................................................10P
Dickie, Imogen (University of St Andrews)....................................................1F
DiDomenico, David (University of Miami)..............................................Posters
Dillon, Robin (Lehigh University)................................................................... 1H
Director, Samuel (University of Colorado, Boulder)...................................... 7Q
Doherty, Dylan (Washington University in St. Louis)..................................... 6Q
Donelson, Raff (Louisiana State University)................................................ 10A
Donhauser, Justin (Bowling Green State University)........................... 7G, G1E
Donnelly, Matthew Z. (John A. Logan College).......................................... G5B
Doppelt, Torin (Independent Scholar)........................................................ G5N
Dorsey, Dale (University of Kansas)............................................................ 10O
Dotan, Ravit (University of California, Berkeley)...................................2L, M10
Draper, Kaila (University of Delaware)..........................................................7M
Dreier, Jamie (Brown University)....................................................................6L
Dresow, Max (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)..................................... 6N
Driver, Julia (University of Texas at Austin)................................................... 8A
Duindam, Guus (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor).....................................9F
Dular, Nicole (Franklin College)...................................................................... 9J
Dunaway, Billy (University of Missouri–St Louis).......................................... 9G
Dunne, John (University of Wisconsin–Madison).......................................G4C
Dutton, Simon J. (University of South Florida)...............................................6R
Dyck, Corey (Western Ontario)....................................................................... 3J
Dyke, Michelle (New York University)............................................................ 5A

Program Participants

Easwaran, Kenny (Texas A&M University).....................................................10R
Ebbs, Gary (Indiana University)................................................................... G5F
Edwards, Jaime (St. Norbert College)........................................................... 3D
Eklund, Matti (Uppsala University).................................................................9B
El Murr, Dimitri (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)...................................... G2I
Elder, Alexis (University of Minnesota–Duluth).............................................3M
Elgin, Samuel (University of California, San Diego)...................................... 6D
Elizondo, E. Sonny (University of California, Santa Barbara)......................... 7C
Emery, Victoria (Fordham University).......................................................... 10N
Eng, Jonathan (Tulane University)............................................................... G3B
Engster, Daniel (University of Houston).........................................................1E
Eyal, Nir (Harvard University)..........................................................................1L

Fard, Sahar Heydari (University of Cincinnati)............................................... 6Q
Fatima, Saba (Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville)............1E, G4N, 10Q
Faucher, Nicolas (University of Helsinki)..................................................... G4F
Faust, Jackson Reese (University of Memphis).......................................... G4E
Fazeli, Faeze (University of Notre Dame).......................................................1L
Feldblyum, Leonard (Brown University)................................................ 2D, 10L
Feldblyum, Vivian (University of Pittsburgh).................................10M, Posters
Ferrarin, Alfredo (University of Pisa).......................................................... G3O
Ferrin, Asia (American University)............................................................... G2T
Ferrucci, Anthony (University of Washington)................................................3R
Fields, Keota (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)................................1B
Fifer, Ralph (Sauk Valley College)............................................................... G4P
Figueroa, Charlotte (University of Southern California)................................ 2C
Filby, Sam (University of Missouri–St Louis).........................................3O, 10H
Filotas, Zoli (University of South Dakota)...................................................... 7D
Fine, Jonathan (Yale University).....................................................................6R
Finocchiaro, Peter (Wuhan University).......................................................... 1C
Fisher, Jeffrey (Loyola University Chicago)....................................................5L
Fisher, Naomi (Loyola University)................................................................ G2L
Fitelson, Branden (Northeastern University)................................................10F
Flanagan, Owen (Duke University)............................................................. G4G
Flanders, Chad (Saint Louis University)....................................................... 10N
Flanigan, Jessica (University of Richmond)................................................... 9T
Fleisher, Will (Washington University in St. Louis)................................... 3S, 7T
Fletcher, Samuel C. (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)................. G1E, 5O
Flint, Dylan (Ohio State University)................................................................. 9J
Flocke, Vera (Indiana University–Bloomington)............................................ 6D
Flores, Carolina (Rutgers University)........................................................... G2R
Flowers, Johnathan Charles (Worcester State University)............................M7

Program Participants

Floyd, Kamper (Wake Technical Community College)................................ G5R

Flynn, James (Caldwell University)................................................................5M
Fogal, Daniel (New York University)......................................................3O, 10H
Forman, David (University of Nevada–Las Vegas)........................................ 7C
Fortier, Nikki (Syracuse University)...............................................................10I
Foster, Cheryl (University of Rhode Island)................................................G4K
Frank, Devin (Eastern Illinois University)........................................................ 3T
Frankowski, Alfred (Southern Illinois University).......................................... 3Q
Fraser-Burgess, Sheron (Ball State University)............................................G3H
Frazier, Cheryl (University of Oklahoma)....................................................... 7O
Fredericks, Rachel (Ball State University)....................................................G4H
Friedman, Robin (Independent Scholar).................................................... G2N
Frigault, Joseph (Boston University)......................................................Posters
Fritz, Kyle G. (University of Mississippi)...................................................... 10A
Frost, Gloria (University of St. Thomas, St. Paul)................................... 3I, G4G
Frugé, Christopher (Rutgers University)........................................................ 1C
Fruh, Kyle (Duke Kunshan University)....................................................Posters
Fu, Pauline (York University)........................................................................G2C
Fuchs, Tobias (Brown University).................................................................. 10J
Fulkerson-Smith, Brett (Harper College)....................................................... 2G
Furtak, Rick Anthony (Colorado College).................................................... 10C
Fuyarchuk, Andrew (Yorkville University)....................................................G3D
Fyfe, Shannon (George Mason University)....................................................3R

Gabriel, Rami (Columbia College, Chicago)............................................... G4G
Gaffney, Paul (St. John’s University)........................................................... G2M
Gallow, J. Dmitri (University of Pittsburgh).....................................................5I
Gammage, Jennifer (DePaul University)........................................... G1G, G5O
Ganesh, Akshay (University of California, Riverside)..................................G2H
Garcia, Nathaly Ardelean (Northwestern University).....................................5E
Gardner, Molly (Bowling Green State University)......................................... 6C
Garrett, Don (New York University)..................................................................7I
Garrison, James (Baldwin Wallace University)............................................ G3J
Gaskin, Hilary (Cambridge University Press)................................................. 7A
Gasper, Phil (Madison College).................................................................... G5I
Gattai, Guido (University of Florence and director of the Festival of
Philosophy of Florence)........................................................................G5D
Gawel, Kelly (New School University)............................................................1E
Gendreau, Megs (Centre College).............................................................. G5P
Geng, Boya (Beijing Normal University)......................................................G1H
Genin, Konstantin (Kasey) (University of Toronto).........................................3F
Gentry, Gerad (Lewis University and the University of Chicago)
.............................................................................................G1D, G2L, G3O

Program Participants

George, B. R. (Carnegie Mellon University)................................................ G3F

George, Kizito Michael (Kyambogo University)..........................................G4H
Gert, Joshua N. (College of William & Mary).................................................5P
Ghaffari, Sara (Bowling Green State University)........................................... 6O
Giberman, Daniel (University of Texas at Arlington)..................................... 1C
Gill, Mary Louise (Brown University)...............................................................6I
Gjesdal, Kristin (Temple University)............................................................... 3J
Glasscock, Juan Piñeros (University of Toronto)......................................... 10G
Godden, David (Michigan State University)............................................... G4M
Goering, Sara (University of Washington, Seattle)........................................ 3K
Goguen, Stacey (Northeastern Illinois University)...................................... G3F
Goldberg, Sanford (Northwestern University)...............................................2L
Goodson, Jacob (Southwestern College)...................................................G1H
Goodyer, Rachael (Harvard University)......................................................... 1H
Gorman, Sarah (Vanderbilt University).......................................................... 5G
Gorman, August (University of Southern California)...................................... 6T
Gotlib, Anna (Brooklyn College, CUNY)................................................... 5H, 6K
Gottlieb, Paula (University of Wisconsin–Madison).................................... G2P
Graham, Kevin (Creighton University)............................................................1L
Grant, Cosmo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)................................5E
Graves, Adam J. (Metropolitan State University of Denver).............. G2E, G3C
Gray, Aidan (University of Illinois at Chicago)................................................ 7T
Gray, Gillian (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)........................................10L
Green, Ronald (Coastal Carolina University)...............................................G4C
Greenough, Patrick (University of St. Andrews)............................................ 3G
Grenberg, Jeanine M. (St. Olaf College)....................................................... 5K
Grey, John (Michigan State University)................................................... G1I, 7I
Griffin Morris, Dolores (University of South Florida)................................... G1F
Grob, Kristina (University of South Carolina)................................................ 9N
Groenhout, Ruth E. (University of North Carolina at Charlotte).................... 5H
Gross, Steven (Johns Hopkins University).................................................... 7H
Guilbault, Russell (Northern Illinois University)..........................................G2D
Guo, Bixin (University of Southern California)............................................... 7N
Gurley, S. West (Blinn College)................................................................... G5O
Gutmann, Timothy (University of Chicago).................................................G2D

Haase, Matthias (University of Chicago).....................................................G1D
Hagedorn, Eric (St. Norbert College)........................................................... G4F
Halvorson, Hans (Princeton University)......................................................... 9C
Halwani, Raja (School of the Art Institute of Chicago).................................. 2H
Han, Choong-Su (Ehwa Womans University, Seoul).................................... G3P
Hanauer, Tom (University of California, Riverside)......................................G2H
Hanna, Jason (Northern Illinois University)............................................. 7Q, 9T

Program Participants

Hanna, Patricia (University of Utah)............................................................... 1G

Hannegan, William (Saint Louis University)................................................... 2H
Hansen, Nat (University of Reading)..............................................................7E
Hanson, John Arndt (University of Notre Dame)........................................... 5N
Haque, Adil (Rutgers University Law School)................................................7M
Harbin, R. Kathleen (University of Pennsylvania)...........................................5L
Hardy, Emma (University of Michigan)........................................................ 10O
Harrelson, Kevin (Ball State University).......................................................G3H
Harris, Daniel (Hunter College).......................................................................7E
Harris, Kimberly Ann (Marquette University)................................................ 3Q
Harroff, Joseph (Temple University)............................................................ G5B
Harry, Chelsea C. (Southern Connecticut State University)............................6I
Hartley, Christie (Georgia State University)................................................. G2P
Hartman, Peter (Loyola University Chicago).......................................... 3I, G2G
Hartmann, Bill (St. Louis Community College).............................................. 3U
Harvey, Celeste (College of Saint Mary)...................................................... G2J
Hasan, Rafeeq (Amherst College)................................................................. 1H
Hasfeldt, Maria (University of Copenhagen and Sogang University)
...................................................................................................... G1J, G3U
Hause, Jeffrey (Creighton University)........................................................... 7K
Hauthaler, Nathan (Stanford University).........................................................6E
Hazlett, Allan (Washington University in St. Louis)....................................... 2K
Healow, Christopher (Southern New Hampshire University).........................7S
Heckel, Marta (University of Missouri)...........................................................6R
Hedahl, Marcus (U.S. Naval Academy)........................................................G4H
Helm, Bennett (Franklin & Marshall College)................................................ 9D
Henne, Paul (Lake Forest College).................................................................9P
Henning, Tempest M. (Vanderbilt University)............................................. G3F
Hensell, Kori (University of North Carolina)................................................ G2S
Hensley, Ian (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)............................6R
Herbert, Cassie (Illinois State University)......................................................3M
Hereth, Blake (University of Arkansas)...........................................................3R
Herlitz, Anders (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)..........................1L
Hessler, Kristen (University at Albany, SUNY)................................................7L
Hicks, Mar (Illinois Institute of Technology)...................................................6S
Hiddleston, Eric (Wayne State University)....................................................10E
Hilbert, David (University of Illinois at Chicago)............................................9R
Hildt, Elisabeth (Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions,
Illinois Institute of Technology)...............................................................9S
Hill, Benjamin (University of Western Ontario)...............................................1B
Hlobil, Ulf (Concordia University, Montreal)................................................. 3H
Hoek, Daniel (Princeton University)................................................................5E
Hoffer, Noam (Ben Gurion University, Israel)................................................ 5N
Holdier, A. G. (University of Arkansas)..................................... G3T, 2I, Posters
Holt, Justin P. (Wright College).......................................................................1L

Program Participants

Homan, Catherine (Mount Mary University).................................................. 9N

Homan, Matthew (Christopher Newport University).................................. G5N
Hominh, Yarran (Columbia University)............................................................5P
Hong, Hao (University of Maine)................................................................. G1J
Horisk, Claire (University of Missouri–Columbia).......................................... 3C
Hormio, Sade (University of California, Berkeley)....................................... G5P
Horne, L. Chad (Northwestern University).................................................... 1H
Horton, Michael (Harper College)................................................................ G5R
Hotoda, Kei (University of Illinois at Chicago)............................................... 2J
Howard, Dana (Ohio State University)............................................................ 9T
Hsiung, Ted Wei-Chun (National Taiwan University)................................... G4J
Hu, Jing Iris (Concordia University).............................................................G3D
Hu, Jianping (Nanyang Technological University)...................................... G4J
Huang, Alice (DePaul University)....................................................................5F
Hubert, Mario (California Institute of Technology)........................................ 7N
Huggett, Nick (University of Illinois at Chicago)........................................... 9C
Hunt, Luke William (Radford University)..................................................... 10A
Hur, Young-Jin (University College, London)..............................................G2H
Hurley, Paul (Claremont McKenna University)...............................................6L
Hurley, Regina (Northwestern University)......................................................7R
Hussain, Waheed (University of Toronto).................................................... G2S
Hyde, Madeleine (Stockholm University)........................................................2I
Hyska, Megan (Northwestern University)......................................................3R

Iaquinto, Samuele (University of Milan)...................................................... G1E
Irwin, Kristen (Loyola University Chicago)........................................... G1F, M6
Ito, Kensuke (University of Connecticut)....................................................... 6U

Jackson, Elizabeth (University of Notre Dame)............................................10F
Jackson, Myron Moses (Xavier University)........................................ G2N, G3H
Jalsevac, John (University of Toronto)..........................................................5M
James, Joy (Williams College)....................................................................... 9H
Jameton, Andrew (University of Nebraska)...................................................6F
Jamieson, Dale (New York University)......................................................... 10D
Janes, J. Jered (Marquette University)...........................................................2I
Jang, Minji (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)................................ 9J
Janowski, James (Hampden-Sydney College)............................................ G2B
Jaskolowska, Jolanta (Harper College)..........................................................5L
Jimenez, Marta (Emory University)..............................................................10M
Jin, Yutang (University of Oxford)...............................................................G2D
Joakim, Sahar (Saint Louis University)................................... 1I, G1B, M10, 6U
Johansen, Marc (Creighton University)......................................................... 9Q

Program Participants

John, Tyler (Rutgers University).................................................................... 1D

Johnson, John F. (Concordia University Chicago)........................................5M
Jollimore, Troy (California State University, Chico)...............................3N, 10C
Jones, Rusty (University of Oklahoma)........................................................ G2I
Jorati, Julia (University of Massachusetts Amherst)..................................... 7K
Joshi, Hrishikesh (Bowling Green State University).......................................9S
Joyal, Abe (University of California, Santa Cruz)........................................... 1G
Joyce, Jim (University of Michigan)...............................................................3E
Judkins, Jennifer (University of California, Los Angeles)........................... G2B

Kain, Patrick (Purdue University)................................................................... 2D
Kallberg, Luke (Saint Louis University).......................................................... 5A
Kalmanson, Leah (Drake University)...........................................................G4A
Kamtekar, Rachana (Cornell University)........................................................ 2A
Karbowski, Joseph (University of Pittsburgh)............................................. G3S
Kasimis, Demetra (University of Chicago)..................................................... 7D
Kassman-Tod, Joseph (University of California, Berkeley)......................... 10K
Katz, Corey (Georgian Court University)........................................................6F
Katz, Claire (Texas A&M University)............................................................... 6A
Kawamleh, Suzanne (Indiana University)...................................................... 6Q
Kazanjian, Mariam (Indiana University)..........................................................3R
Keller, Pierre (University of California, Riverside)....................................... G2E
Kelly, Paul (University of Wisconsin–Madison)....................................... 3S, 6Q
Kelly, Daniel (Purdue University)................................................................... 6K
Kemp, Ryan (Wheaton College)......................................................................5F
Kennedy, Susan (Boston University)...........................................................G3A
Keough, Sydney (St. Norbert University).......................................................3M
Kerimov, Khafiz (DePaul University)........................................................... G1G
Khader, Serene (Brooklyn College, CUNY)................................................. G4N
Khalidi, Muhammad Ali (York University)...................................................... 6N
Kianpour, Connor (Georgia State University).............................................. G5P
Kim, Richard (Loyola University Chicago)............................................ 6M, G1J
Kim, Hannah (Stanford University).............................................................. G2T
Kim, Halla (Sogang University)....................................................................G3U
Kisner, Matthew (University of South Carolina).............................................3P
Kisner, Manja (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich)..........................G4K
Kitcher, Patricia (Columbia University).......................................................... 1A
Kitcher, Philip (Columbia University)..............................................................5R
Klemick, Griffin (University of Toronto)..........................................................5P
Kling, Jennifer (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)............... G3A, G4R
Kment, Boris (Princeton University)............................................................... 6D
Koch, William (Borough of Manhattan Community College)..................... G5O
Koolage, W. John (Eastern Michigan University)..........................7O, M1, G5G

Program Participants

Koon, Justis (University of Massachusetts Amherst).................................... 7Q

Kopeikin, Zak (University of Colorado, Boulder)...........................................10I
Koperski, Jeffrey (Saginaw Valley State).................................................... G4O
Korman, Daniel (University of California, Santa Barbara).............................. 5A
Korsmeyer, Carolyn (University at Buffalo, SUNY)...................................... G2B
Kosch, Michelle (Cornell University).................................................. G1D, G2E
Kovacs, David M. (Tel Aviv University)........................................................... 1C
Koziolek, Nic (Washington University in St. Louis)......................................... 7T
Krakauer, Barak (IBM)..................................................................................... 5J
Kraus, Katharina (University of Notre Dame).................................................7F
Kraut, Richard (Northwestern University).......................................................3B
Krishek, Sharon (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)...................................... 3N
Ku, Hsiulin (Daisy) (Chinese Cultural University).........................................G2K
Kühle, Lana (Illinois State University)............................................................ 1D
Kuperus, Gerard (University of San Francisco)............................................ G4I
Kurth, Charlie (Western Michigan University)............................................... 6K
Kuster, Justin (Norwich University)............................................................... 9Q

Laden, Anthony (University of Illinois at Chicago)........................................ 5Q
Lafont, Cristina (Northwestern University)....................................................9M
LaGuardia-LoBianco, Alycia W. (Grand Valley State University).................. G3E
Lambeth, Morganna (Purdue University)..............................................2B, G3C
Lang, JJ (Stanford University)...........................................................Posters, 7S
Langland-Hassan, Peter (University of Cincinnati)..........................................9I
Lännström, Anna (Stonehill College).............................................................M1
Lanphier, Elizabeth (Vanderbilt University)....................................................3R
Lascano, Marcy (University of Kansas)........................................................ G5E
Lau, Ting Cho (University of Notre Dame)...................................................... 1J
Lauffer, Nate (Northwestern University)......................................................10R
Lavallee, Zoey (The Graduate Center, CUNY).................................................3S
Law, Andrew (University of California, Riverside)......................................... 9Q
Lawless, John (Utica College)....................................................................... 3D
Lebkuecher, Gina (Loyola University Chicago)............................................. 9K
LeBlanc, Mary (DePaul University).............................................................. G5O
LeBuffe, Michael (University of Otago)...........................................................7I
Lee, Wooram (Universität Duisburg-Essen)................................................... 6O
Lee, Jeonggyu (Seoul National University)................................................... 6U
Lee, James (University of Notre Dame)........................................................ 9D
Lee, Chungsoo J. (Independent Scholar)...................................................... 9N
Lee, Seungil (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)..................9Q, G2D
Leferman, Alexander (York University)...................................................Posters
Legum, Richard (Kingsborough Community College, CUNY)....................... 3U
Lennon, Preston (Ohio State University)........................................................9R

Program Participants

Lennox, James G. (University of Pittsburgh).......................................... 6I, G3S

Leonard, Matt (California Baptist University)................................................. 3T
Levine, Amy (University of Chicago).............................................................. 6T
Levinstein, Ben (University of Illinois).............................................................5I
Lewis, Karen (Barnard College)......................................................................7E
Lewis, Court (Owensboro Community and Technical College).................. G4R
Liang, Hao (Northwestern University)........................................................ G3M
Lichtenbert, Bob (author and retired professor)......................................... G4P
Liebig, Natasha (Adams State University).................................................. G5O
Lilly, Whitney (Northwestern University)........................................................ 6T
Limanowski, Alex (Montesquieu Forum Visiting Scholar).......................... G3B
Lin, Ting-An (Rutgers University)....................................................................1L
Linn, Marcella (Loyola University Chicago).......................................... 10N, M7
Lipshitz, Nethanel (University of Chicago).................................................... 7Q
Littlefield, William (Case Western University).............................................G4H
Livengood, Jonathan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).................3F
Lockard, Claire (Loyola University Chicago).....................................1G, 3A, M9
Lockart, Jennifer (Auburn University)............................................................. 7T
Lockhart, Thomas (Auburn University)...........................................................9R
Lockwood, Thornton (Quinnipiac University)................................................ 7D
Loftis, J. Robert (Lorain County Community College).................................G2A
Long, Christopher P. (Michigan State University and HuMetricsHSS).......... 7A
Longuenesse, Beatrice (New York University)...............................................7F
Lopez, Theresa (Susquehanna University).................................................. 10D
Lopez de Sa, Dan (Universitat de Barcelona).................................................5B
Lopez Frias, Francisco Javier (Pennsylvania State University)................... G2M
Löwe, Can Laurens (Purdue University)..........................................................3I
Luft, Sebastian (Marquette University)...........................................................2B
Luzardo, Jesús (Fordham University)............................................................ 9N
Lyssy, Ansgar (Heidelberg University)....................................................... G3M

Mackay, John (University of Wisconsin–Madison)........................................ 6U
MacKenzie, Jordan (Virginia Tech)........................................................ 6G, 10P
Macnamara, Coleen (University of California, Riverside)..............................9E
Macpherson, Cheryl (St. George’s University, Grenada)...............................6F
Mager, Kevin (Loyola University Chicago)......................................................1I
Magnani, Meica (Harvard University)..........................................................G3C
Magrin, Sara (University of California, Berkeley).......................................... 2A
Mahon, James (Lehman College, CUNY).....................................................10P
Maiese, Michelle (Emmanuel College)..........................................................7R
Malfara, Fabio (University of Western Ontario)........................................... G3L
Malm, Heidi (Loyola University Chicago)....................................................... 9T
Mar, Gary (Stony Brook University)................................................................7P

Program Participants

Marechal, Patricia (Northwestern University)...................................... 6M, 10M

Marino, Patricia (University of Waterloo)..................................................... 10D
Marmodoro, Anna (Durham University).........................................................2E
Marmysz, John (College of Marin)..................................................... G3P, G4D
Martin, Christopher (University of Toledo)................................... 2G, G1I, G5N
Martin, Kiesha (Marquette University)....................................................... G5N
Martin-Seaver, Madeline (Auburn University)............................................. 10K
Martínez Cruz, Jessica (Michigan State University)....................................... 7J
Mason, Sharon (University of Central Arkansas)............................................ 1J
Mason Bizri, Michelle (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)....................... 9D
Masrour, Farid (University of Wisconsin–Madison).......................................9R
Masto, Meghan (Lafayette College)...............................................................9R
Maxwell, Mark (Yale University)..................................................................... 6D
Mayo, Deborah G. (Virginia Tech)...................................................................3F
Mayo-Wilson, Conor (University of Washington).................................... 3F, 7N
McAleer, Sean (University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire)............................. 6H, G4J
McCammon, Christopher (Tidewater Community College)...........................9P
McCarroll, Chris (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, University of
Grenoble Alpes)........................................................................................9I
McCready-Flora, Ian (University of Virginia)..................................................5L
McDonald, Fritz J. (Oakland University)................................................ 9J, G3C
McGinnis, Jon (University of Missouri–St. Louis).......................................... 9G
McGowan, Mary Kate (Wellesley College).................................................... 3C
McKinney, Rachel (Suffolk University).......................................................... 3C
McKittrick-Sweitzer, Lavender (Ohio State University)................................. 5Q
McLear, Colin (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)............................................2B
McPherson, Tristram (Ohio State University)................................................. 7G
McShane, Katie (Colorado State University)...............................................G2H
Medina, José (Northwestern University)........................................................3L
Meehan, Alexander (Princeton University).................................................... 5D
Melamed, Yitzhak (Johns Hopkins University)...............................................3P
Memon, Arsalan (Lewis University).............................................................G5H
Mendelsohn, Joshua (Loyola University Chicago).........................................2F
Mendelsohn, Stephen (Boston College)..................................................... G3B
Mendez, Xhercis (California State University, Fullerton).............................G5A
Merli, David (Franklin & Marshall College)...................................................10P
Merritt, Michele (Arkansas State University).............................................. G5O
Meyer, Susan Sauvé (University of Pennsylvania)....................................... G2P
Meyer, Matthew (University of Scranton)...................................................G5D
Milam, Per-Erik (University of Gothenburg)...................................................9P
Millan, Elizabeth (DePaul University)...........................................................G1D
Miller, Christian (Wake Forest University)....................................................10B
Miller, Benjamin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)......................6R
Miller, Jr., Fred D. (Bowling Green University and University of Arizona).....G3K
Millhouse, Tyler (University of Arizona)......................................................... 6N

Program Participants

Milona, Michael (Auburn University).............................................................. 1J

Minarik, Julia (University of Manitoba)......................................................... 2C
Mineau, André (University of Quebec at Rimouski)...........................G2O, G3R
Miracchi, Lisa (University of Pennsylvania)................................................... 1K
Mischler, Steve (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).................... G3L
Mitchell, Sandra (University of Pittsburgh)................................................... 9A
Mitias, Lara (Antioch College)................................................... G3J, G4Q, G4A
Möbus, Freya (Loyola University Chicago)..............................................2F, M9
Mohammadian, Mousa (University of Notre Dame)..................................... 6Q
Mollison, James (Purdue University)..............................................................6R
Monaghan, Jake (University of New Orleans)............................................. 10A
Montaner, Nicoletta Ruane (Loyola University Chicago)............ 5P, G3M, G4E
Moon, Andrew (Virginia Commonwealth University)..................................... 1J
Morgan-Olsen, Brandon (Loyola University Chicago)................................... 6A
Morris, Sean (Metropolitan State University of Denver).................... G4B, G5F
Morrison, Donald (Rice University)............................................................... G2I
Moses, Greg (Texas State University).......................................................... G4R
Moyar, Dean (Johns Hopkins University).................................................... G2E
Mubirumusoke, Mukasa (Claremont McKenna College)............................ G3R
Muench, Paul (University of Montana)...........................................................5F
Mulkey, Jordan (Northwestern University)................................................ G3G
Mullen, Gary (Gettysburg College)............................................................ G2O
Mun, Cecilea (Independent Scholar)............................................G3E, G4H, 7R
Murphy, Allison (Carleton College)................................................................5L
Murphy, Peter (University of Indianapolis).................................................... 6O
Murphy, Colleen (University of Illinois).........................................................7M
Murphy, Sean (Indiana University–Bloomington).......................................G5C
Mylopoulos, Myrto (Carleton University)........................................................6E

Na’aman, Oded (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)...................................... 6G
Nadler, Steven (University of Wisconsin–Madison)...................................... 7K
Nefsky, Julia (University of Toronto)............................................................. 7G
Nelkin, Dana Kay (University of California, San Diego).............................. G3Q
Nemli, Osman (Vassar College)..........................................................G2O, G3R
Nenadic, Natalie (University of Kentucky)................................................. G2O
Neth, Sven Moritz Silvester (University of California, Berkeley)................... 5C
Newhard, Jay (East Carolina University)......................................................... 3T
Newlands, Samuel (University of Notre Dame)..............................................3P
Nguyen, Anthony (University of Southern California).....................................1I
Niebylski, Dianna (University of Illinois at Chicago)...................................G5D
Nirshberg, Gregory (University of Wisconsin–Madison)................................1I
Nisenbaum, Karin (Boston College)............................................................ G2L
Noggle, Robert (Central Michigan University).............................................10P

Program Participants

Norlock, Kathryn J. (Trent University).................................................... 9S, 10Q

Norman, Judith (Trinity University)..............................................................G4K
Norris, Steven (University of California, Irvine)..............................................2L
Nussbaum, Martha C. (University of Chicago)...............................................5R

O’Brien, Lilian (University of Helsinki)............................................................6E
O’Connell, Rory (University of Chicago)........................................................ 6O
O’Donnell, Patrick (Oakton Community College).......................................... 6Q
O’Loughlin, Ryan (Indiana University–Bloomington).................................... 7N
Oh, Jea Sophia (West Chester University of Pennsylvania)..... G2D, G3B, G4G
Ohata, Barbara (Sauk Valley College).......................................................... G4P
Olin, Lauren (Center for Neurodynamics, University of Missouri–St. Louis)
Oliver, Phil (Middle Tennessee State University)........................................G1H
Olsen, April (Tulane University)................................................................... G3B
Olson, Daniel (Ohio State University)............................................................ 5O
Ori, Meshi (Tel-Hai College)........................................................................... 7O
Ortega, Mariana (Pennsylvania State University)...........................................3L
Osborne, Robert Carry (Northwestern University).........................................7S
Osorio, Peter (Cornell University)...................................................................2F
Ostaric, Lara (Temple University)................................................................. G2L
Ott, Walter (University of Virginia)...................................................................3I
Oxley, Julinna (Coastal Carolina University)................................................ 10Q

Paakkunainen, Hille (Syracuse University).................................................... 3H
Page, Meghan (Loyola University Maryland)............................................. G4O
Palatnik, Nataliya (Harvard University)..........................................................10L
Parker, Kelly A. (Grand Valley State University).......................................... G3N
Parks, Jennifer (Loyola University Chicago)............................................ 3K, 6A
Parmar, Harjeet (University at Buffalo)...........................................................3S
Parsons, Keith (University of Houston, Clear Lake)..................................... G2J
Parsons, Jonathan (College of DuPage, Joliet Junior College, Elgin
Community College, North Central College, Ashland University).........M7
Patton, Kevin (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)...........................................10R
Patton, Lydia (Virginia Tech)........................................................................ G5F
Paul, L. A. (Yale University)..............................................................................7F
Pautz, Adam (Brown University)......................................................................1F
Pautz, Anna Bjurman (Brown University)........................................................5B
Payton, Jonathan (University of Calgary)...................................................... 1C
Payton, Dee (Rutgers University)................................................................. G2T
Pearce, Kenneth (Trinity College Dublin).......................................................1B
Peck, Eliana (The Graduate Center, CUNY)..................................................G2U
Peled, Yael (McGill University)..................................................................... G2S

Program Participants

Pentassuglio, Francesca (Sapienza University of Rome)............................. G2I

Pereboom, Derk (Cornell University)............................................................10E
Pereira, Felipe ()..............................................................................................5F
Perez-Gea, Armando (Yale University)........................................................... 5G
Perkins, Franklin (University of Hawai’i)........................................................ 9A
Perl, Caleb (University of Colorado, Boulder)............................................. 10H
Perry, Lauren (Simon Fraser University)......................................................G2U
Peterman, Alison (University of Rochester)................................................. G5E
Peterson, Charles F. (Oberlin College).......................................................... 5Q
Pettit, Kaitlin Louise (University of Utah).....................................................M10
Phillips, Blakely (Mississippi State University).............................................. 1D
Phillips-Garrett, Carissa (Loyola Marymount University)............................ G2J
Picard, Michael (Douglas College).....................................................G4D, G5D
Pickavance, Timothy (Biola University)........................................................... 3T
Pitt, David (California State University, Los Angeles).....................................9R
Polansky, Ronald M. (Duquesne University)...................................................6I
Pollok, Anne (University of South Carolina)................................................... 3J
Pollok, Konstantin (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz).....................9F
Porat, Roy (Harvard University).................................................................... G1J
Portmore, Douglas (Arizona State University)................................................6L
Powell, Russell (Boston University)............................................................. 10D
Powell, Lewis (University at Buffalo, SUNY).................................................. 2K
Prendergast, Emma (University of Wisconsin–Madison)..................... 1H, G2A
Price, Anthony (NYU London and Birkbeck, University of London).............. 9D
Protasi, Sara (University of Puget Sound)...............................................Posters
Prunkl, Carina (University of Oxford)............................................................. 7N
Prusik, Charlie (Villanova University)..............................................................6B
Psaroudaki, Katerina (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)..............................M10
Purcell, Elyse (SUNY Oneonta).....................................................................G2C
Purcell, Sebastian (SUNY Cortland).............................................................G2C
Pynn, Geoff (Northern Illinois University)..................................................... 2K

Quinn, Aleta (University of Idaho)........................................................ M10, 6N

Räber, Michael (Universität Zurich)............................................................... 3D
Ramsauer, Laurenz (University of Chicago).................................................. 2D
Rao, C. Upender (Jawaharlal Nehru University)..........................................G4C
Rapstine, Mica (University of Houston)......................................................... 7O
Ratner, Steven (University of Michigan Law School).....................................7L
Rauschenbach, Michael (Washington University in St. Louis).......................3P
Ray, Andrea (Tulane University)................................................................... G3B
Rayo, Agustin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)................................9B

Program Participants

Reed, Baron (Northwestern University)....................................................... 10G

Reeves, Anthony (Binghamton University)....................................................9M
Reginster, Bernard (Brown University)........................................................G4K
Rehn-DeBraal, Merritt (Texas A&M University, San Antonio)........................M1
Reid, James D. (Metropolitan State University of Denver)......................... 10C
Reinhardt, Isabella (University of Pennsylvania).........................................G3K
Reis-Dennis, Samuel (Albany Medical College)........................................... 10J
Rempala, Kit (Loyola University Chicago)..............................................7Q, M1
Rentmeester, Christy A. (AMA Journal of Ethics)...........................................6F
Rescorla, Michael (University of California, Los Angeles)............................ 6N
Reyes Cárdenas, Paniel (Universidad Popular Autónoma del
Estado de Puebla)................................................................................. G3E
Riggs, Wayne (University of Oklahoma)........................................................ 9A
Rimell, Nicholas (Jilin University).................................................... G1E, 1C, 6T
Rini, Regina (York University)............................................................. G4M, 10Q
Rioux, Catherine (University of Toronto)......................................................... 1J
Rischert-Garcia, Kirsten (Yale University).................................................... G2F
Ritzo, Jamie (University of Iowa)............................................................Posters
Rivera Berruz, Stephanie (Marquette University)...........................................3L
Robinson, Jenefer (University of Cincinnati)........................................... 5R, 7R
Robinson, Michael (Chapman University)......................................................9S
Robinson, Thaddeus (Muhlenberg College)................................................ G1I
Robitzsch, Jan Maximilian (Sungkyunkwan University).................................2F
Rockwood, Nathan (Brigham Young University)........................................... 2G
Rodgers, Travis (Valencia College)..............................................................G3A
Rodriguez, Jared (Northwestern University).............................................. G3G
Rogerson, Ken (Florida International University).......................................... 5K
Rome, Julian (University of Memphis).......................................................... 2H
Romines, Jacob (Centre College)................................................................M10
Rooney, OP, Fr. James Dominic (Saint Louis University)............................G3D
Rosefeldt, Tobias (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).................... 1A, G1D, G3O
Roselli, Andrea (Durham University)....................................................... 3T, 9Q
Rouse, Joseph (Wesleyan University)............................................................7B
Rowbottom, Darrell P. (Lingnan University)................................................ G2Q
Rozeboom, Grant (St. Norbert College)........................................................ 6O
Rubenstein, Ezra (Rutgers University)........................................................... 5O
Rubio, Daniel (Princeton University).............................................................. 1C
Rudd, Anthony (St. Olaf College)................................................................... 3Q
Ruetenik, Tadd (St. Ambrose University).....................................................G1H
Rufener, Casey (University of Wisconsin–Madison)..................................... 5C
Rupprecht, Rachel (University of Notre Dame).............................................. 1J
Russel, John S. (Langara College).............................................................. G2M
Russell, Devlin (York University).....................................................................3S
Russell, Francey (Yale University)...................................................................9F

Program Participants

Russon, John (University of Guelph, Canada)............................................ G2E

Ruth, Christopher (Ocean County College)....................................................6B

Saint-Croix, Catherine (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities)....................... 5C
Saito, Yuriko (Rhode Island School of Design).............................................. 9K
Salerno, Joe (Saint Louis University)..............................................................3E
Salmieri, Gregory (Anthem Foundation and Rutgers University)............... G3S
Sampson, Eric (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)....................... 10O
San, Weng Kin (University of Southern California)........................................ 5D
Sandridge, Shannon (Saint Louis University)................................................ 9Q
Sartorio, Carolina (University of Arizona)....................................................... 6C
Sattar, Alexander (Johannes Gutenberg University and Mainz
& Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow).........................................G5C
Sbardolini, Giorgio (University of Amsterdam).............................................. 7T
Scarbrough, Elizabeth (Florida International University)............................ G2B
Scarffe, Eric (Boston University).............................................................Posters
Schafer, Karl (University of California, Irvine)............................................... 5A
Schaffer, Jonathan (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)............................. 6D
Schapiro, Tamar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)........................... 7C
Schechter, Joshua (Brown University)................................................... 5A, 10H
Schechter, Elizabeth (Indiana University).......................................................7F
Schechtman, Marya (University of Illinois, Chicago)......................................9I
Scherkoske, Greg (Dalhousie University)..................................................... 10J
Schiemer, Georg (University of Vienna)...................................................... G4B
Schiller, Henry (University of Texas at Austin).................................................2I
Schlossberger, Eugene (Purdue University Northwest)............................... 1G
Schmidt, Heidi (Becker Fellow)................................................................... G5J
Schoenecker, Dieter (University of Siegen (Germany))..............................G5K
Schroer, Jeanine Weekes (University of Minnesota–Duluth).......G3F, 7A, G4N
Schuster, Nick (Washington University)........................................................ 6H
Schwartz, Arieh (University of California, Davis).............................................9I
Scott, Kevin M. (University of Notre Dame)................................................ 10K
Scott, Rebecca (Harper College).......................................... 3U, G3A, M8, M10
Scott, Jacqueline (Loyola University)............................................................ 9H
Seagraves, Troy (Purdue University)..............................................................5M
Sedgwick, Sally (Boston University)............................................................G1C
See, Adam (New Jersey Institute of Technology)......................................... 1D
Seipel, Peter (University of South Carolina)................................................... 6T
Seok, Bongrae (Alvernia University)........................................................... G4G
Sepinwall, Amy (University of Pennsylvania).............................................. G2S
Sethi, Janum (University of Michigan–Ann Arbor)........................................ 1A
Shaddock, Justin (Williams College)............................................................. 5N
Shafer-Landau, Russ (University of Wisconsin–Madison)............................. 8A
Shahar, Zaynab (Chicago Theological Seminary)....................................... G3G

Program Participants

Shapshay, Sandra (Hunter College, CUNY and The Graduate

Center, CUNY)..............................................................................G2H, G4K
Sharma, Ravi (Clark University)..................................................................... G2I
Sharp, Hasana (McGill University)...................................................................7I
Shatalov, Keren (Illinois Institute of Technology)..........................................2E
Shatsky, Adam (Grand Valley State University)............................................. 1G
Sheintul, Stephanie (University of Wisconsin–Madison)...............................2L
Sheldon, Mark (Northwestern University)......................................................9S
Shephard, Paul (Indiana University)............................................................... 6T
Shepherd, Melanie (Misericordia University)................................................ 3N
Sheridan, Patricia (University of Guelph)....................................................... 3J
Shukla, Aditi (Centre College).....................................................................M10
Siakel, Daniel R. (University of California, Irvine)........................................ G5B
Siegfried, Brandie (Brigham Young University)........................................... G5E
Silva, Grant (Marquette University)................................................................ 7J
Silverstein, Matthew (New York University Abu Dhabi)................................ 3H
Simon, Jonathan (University of Montréal)..................................................... 7H
Simon, John Charles (Independent Scholar).............................................. G3P
Simmons, Keith (University of Connecticut)..................................................7P
Simpson, Anika (American University).......................................................... 9H
Simpson, Daniel (Saint Louis University)..................................................... G4F
Sinkler, Georgette (University of Illinois at Chicago).................................... 9H
Slater, Michael (Georgetown University)............................................... 6M, 9K
Smart, Joshua (Ohio State University)..........................................................10R
Smith, Catherine (Iona College)...................................................................10L
Smith, Colin (University of Colorado–Boulder)...............................................2E
Smith, James (Indiana University)................................................................. 6U
Smith, Josh (Central Michigan University)..................................................... 1J
Smith, Nicholas D. (Lewis and Clark College).............................................. G2I
Smith, Sean M. (University of Hawai’i).......................................................... 9A
Smithson, Robert (University of North Carolina at Wilmington).....................1I
Snow, Nancy (University of Oklahoma).................................................. 3D, 6M
Snow, James (Loyola University Maryland)...................................................5B
Solomon, Monica (University of Notre Dame).............................................. 5N
Sommers, Tim (University of Iowa)................................................................1L
Song, Si-Won (University of Kansas)........................................................6J, 9K
Song, Jiewuh (Seoul National University)......................................................7L
Song, Jinsub (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)........................G2D
Spencer, Jack (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).............................10F
Spinella, Jake (University of Illinois Chicago)............................................... 6U
Springle, Alison (University of Pittsburgh).....................................................3S
Stabell, Espen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)........... G5P
Staffel, Julia (University of Colorado, Boulder)..............................................3E
Stalnaker, Aaron (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)..........................6M
Star, Daniel (Boston University)...................................................................... 2J

Program Participants

Starkey, Charles (Clemson University).................................................. G3E, 3S

Stein, Sebastian (Heidelberg University)................................................... G3M
Sterrett, Susan G. (Wichita State University)..................................................6S
Stetter, Jack (Loyola University New Orleans)............................................. G1I
Stewart, Heather (Western University)...........................................................5B
Stitzlein, Sarah (University of Cincinnati)....................................................G1A
Stockton, Jim (Boise State University)........................................................ G3T
Stohr, Karen (Georgetown University)..........................................G2J, 6H, 10B
Stoljar, Daniel (Australian National University).............................................10E
Stoner, Samuel (Assumption College)........................................................G1C
Stratman, Christopher M. (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)...........................2I
Stromback, Dennis (Temple University)............................................. G3J, G4Q
Stueber, Karsten (College of the Holy Cross)............................................... 3Q
Sullivan, Mack (University of Notre Dame).................................................... 3T
Sun, Angela (University of Michigan).......................................................... G2R
Superson, Anita M. (University of Kentucky)..................................................3R
Svolba, David (Fitchburg State University)..................................................... 6T
Swenson, Philip (College of William & Mary)........................................ 5E, 10N
Szustak, Bailey (University of Illinois at Chicago)...................... G5G, G2A, M3

Táíwò, Olúfémi O. (Georgetown University).........................................6G, G4N
Talbot, Brian (University of Colorado)..............................................................5I
Tang, Min (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)................................. 2C
Tarantino, Giancarlo (Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago)....G2A, M8
Taylor, Adam (North Dakota State University)............................................... 1D
Taylor, David (University of Minnesota)................................................... 3G, 9B
Teitel, Trevor (New York University and University of Toronto)..................... 5O
Tekin, Serife (University of Texas at San Antonio).......................................... 6J
Tempio, Rob (Princeton University Press)..................................................... 7A
Thomason, Krista (Swarthmore College)................................................. 6K, 9E
Thomasson, Amie (Dartmouth College).........................................................9B
Thompson, Kevin (DePaul University).........................................................G5H
Thomson, Iain D. (University of New Mexico)......................................3N, G1G
Thomson, Jordan (University of Toronto).......................................................7S
Thorp, John (Western University)................................................................G3K
Thorsrud, Harald (Agnes Scott College).........................................................2F
Tian, Chuyu (Columbia University).............................................................. G4J
Timmerman, Travis (Seton Hall University).....................................................7S
Timpe, Kevin (Calvin College)........................................................................M7
Titelbaum, Michael (University of Wisconsin–Madison)................................3E
Tolley, Clinton (University of California, San Diego)............................ 9F, G3O
Tönissen, Bas (University of California, San Diego)...................................... 5K
Torza, Alessandro (National Autonomous University of Mexico).................. 3G

Program Participants

Toth, Zita (University of Virginia)................................................................ G2G

Trees, Hannah (University of Texas at Austin)................................................ 9J
Trott, Adriel M. (Wabash College)..........................................................7D, 10Q
Tsou, Jonathan Y. (Iowa State University)....................................................... 6J
Tucker, Ericka (Marquette University)............................................................3P
Tuna, E. Hande (University of California, Santa Cruz).................................... 2C
Turan, Caner (Tulane University).................................................................... 2D
Turnbull, Greta (Gonzaga University)......................................................... G4O
Twomey, Rosemary (Queens College, CUNY)................................................6R

Ulatowski, Joe (University of Waikato)........................................................ G5R
Um, Sungwoo (National Institutes of Health)............................................... 7O
Urban, Charles (Independent Scholar).......................................................... 9N

Valde, Katherine (Wofford College)................................................................5P
Valeriano-Flores, Rebecca (Loyola University Chicago)................................ 3Q
van Fraassen, Bas (San Francisco State)....................................................... 9C
Van Zyl, Liezl (University of Waikato, NZ).....................................................10B
Varden, Helga (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)........................ 3Q
Vasudevan, Anubav (University of Chicago)................................................. 5C
Vélez de Cea, Abraham (Eastern Kentucky University)...............................G4C
Veltman, Andrea (James Madison University)............................................. 10J
Vereb, Zachary (University of South Florida)............................................... G5P
Verhaegh, Sander (Tilburg University)........................................................ G5F
Verrochi, Meredith (Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville)..................G2U
Vessel, Jean-Paul (New Mexico State University)..........................................6R
Vessey, David (Grand Valley State University).............................................. 2H
Vihvelin, Kadri (University of Southern California)........................................ 6C
Vineberg, Susan (Wayne State University).................................................... 5D
Vision, Jerry (Temple University)................................................................... 9Q
Vitale, Sarah (Ball State University).................................................................6B
von Kriegstein, Hasko (Ryerson University)................................................. 10J
Vranas, Peter (University of Wisconsin)..........................................................9P
Vucu, Simona (Pontifical Institute, Toronto)....................................................3I
Vukov, Joseph (Loyola University Chicago).................................... 1D, 3Q, M1

Waddle, Emily (University of Iowa)................................................................ 9Q
Wagner, Steven J. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).................. 1C
Wagner, Kyle (University of Chicago Press).................................................. 7A
Wagner, Stephen (St. John’s University and College of Saint Benedict)... G3L
Walen, Alec (Rutgers University–Camden)..............................................7M, 9P

Program Participants

Walker, Stephen (University of Chicago)....................................................... 1D

Warde, Ann (Independent Scholar).............................................................G3H
Warner, Stuart (Roosevelt University).......................................................... G3B
Warrier, Niranjana (University of Illinois at Chicago)..................................... 7T
Washington, Natalia (University of Utah)....................................................... 6J
Waters, Lindsay (Harvard University Press)................................................... 7A
Watkins, Aja (Boston University).................................................................... 6Q
Watson, Jeffrey J. (Arizona State University)......................................... 1C, 10E
Watson, Lori (University of San Diego).......................................................... 3C
Wautischer, Helmut (Sonoma State University).......................................... G2E
Weidenbaum, Jonathan (Berkeley College)................................................ G3P
Weiner, Joan (Indiana University)................................................................ G4B
Welchman, Alistair (University of Texas at San Antonio).............................G4K
Wells, Aaron (University of Notre Dame)................................................. 1L, 5N
Westlund, Andrea (Florida State University)..................................................1E
White, Amy (Ohio University–Zanesville)............................................. 1H, G2K
White, Ben (Trinity College Dublin)...........................................................1I, 9R
White, Stephen (Northwestern University).............................................. 3H, 6L
White, Patrick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)............................... 9N
Whiting, Jennifer (University of Pittsburgh).................................................. 2A
Wiebe, Kayla (University of Toronto)..............................................................9S
Wiggleton-Little, Jada (University of California, San Diego)..........................3S
Wiland, Eric (University of Missourl–St. Louis)..............................................10I
Wilburn, Heather (Tulsa Community College Community College).............. 3U
Williams, Jessica (University of South Florida)............................................10L
Williams, Elizabeth Cargile (Indiana University–Bloomington)..................... 1D
Williams, Evan (University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh)..................................... 10O
Williams, Louise (University of Notre Dame)..............................................G2A
Williams, Robbie (University of Leeds)................................................... 1F, 6U
Willsey, Al (University of Missouri).................................................................5B
Wilson, Aaron (South Texas College)............................................................. 2G
Wilson, Jesse (University of Southern California)...........................................2I
Winkler, Kenneth (Yale University).................................................................1B
Witmer, D. Gene (University of Florida)........................................................ 1C
Wolf, Clark (University of Wisconsin–Parkside).......................................... G3M
Won, Yuna (Ithaca College)..................................................................... 5B, M9
Wonderly, Monique (University of California, San Diego).............................9E
Wood, Adam (Wheaton College)................................................................... 7K
Woodard, Elise (University of Michigan)..................................................... G2R
Woods, David Bather (University of Warwick).............................................G5C
Worsnip, Alex (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).......................... 3O
Wray, K. Brad (Aarhus University)............................................................... G2Q
Wright, Ava (Northeastern University)........................................................... 3Q

Program Participants

Wright, Travis (University of North Texas)....................................................M10

Wyant, Patrick (Temple University)............................................................. G4Q

Xhignesse, Michel-Antoine (Capilano University).......................................G5C

Yan, Leo (Brown University)............................................................................7S
Yanke, Greg (Arizona State University)...........................................................7S
Yao, Vida (Rice University)............................................................................. 6G
Yaure, Philip (Columbia University)............................................................... 5G
Yeomans, Christopher (Purdue University)................................ 1G, G1C, G3M
Yonover, Jason (Johns Hopkins University)............................................... G3M
Yost, Benjamin (Providence College and Cornell University)....................... 1G

Zbikowski, Kristen (Hibbing Community College)........................................ 3U
Zhao, Haicheng (Saint Louis University).........................................................2L
Zheng, Robin (Yale-NUS College).................................................................. 1G
Zhuang, Xuanpu (Bowling Green State University)........................................7S
Zimmer, Tyler (Northeastern Illinois University).......................................... G5I
Zinaich, Jr., Samuel (Purdue University Northwest)....................................G2K
Zuckert, Rachel (Northwestern University).................................................G5K
Zysset, Alain (University of Glasgow).............................................................7L

Sessions Sponsored by APA

Graduate Student Meet and Greet (G1B)

Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.

Productive Conversations on Problematic Issues: Graduate Student Edition

Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.



Author Meets Critics: Aaron Stalnaker, Mastery, Dependence, and the

Ethics of Authority (6M)
Friday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Ritual, Etiquette, and Everyday Aesthetics (9K)

Saturday, 8:30–11:30 a.m.


Philosophy of International Law (7L)

Friday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.

Human Rights (9M)

Saturday, 8:30–11:30 a.m.


Social Categories and Emancipatory Struggles (1K)

Wednesday, 3:00–6:00 p.m.


Women in Tech: Things Philosophers Need to Know (6S)

Friday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Sessions Sponsored by APA Committees

Inconsistent Truth, Semantic Singularities, and Chaotic Liar (7P)

Friday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.


Author Meets Critics: Alec Walen, The Mechanics of Claims and Permissible
Killing in War (7M)
Friday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.


Romanell Lecture (7B)

Friday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.


Advice for Students, Chairs, and Placement Directors on Non-Academic

Careers (5J)
Thursday, 5:15–7:15 p.m.


New Angles on Paternalism in Medicine (9T)

Saturday, 8:30–11:30 a.m.


Jobs and Careers Teaching Philosophy at a Two-Year College: Find and

Keep a Position (3U)
Thursday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.


Using Pre-College Philosophy to Engage with Controversial Subjects and

Difficult Conversations (6A)
Friday, 8:30–10:25 a.m.


Teaching Introductory Courses Without Canonical Texts (3A)

Thursday, 2:15–4:10 p.m.

Sessions Sponsored by APA Committees


Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Publishing (7A)

Friday, 1:00–4:00 p.m.

Women and Online Philosophy (10Q)

Saturday, 11:45 a.m.–1:45 p.m.

Group Sessions
American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), G2A, Thursday, 9:00
a.m.–Noon; G3A, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
American Society for Aesthetics (ASA), G2H, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
American Society for Value Inquiry, G2B, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon; G3I,
Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
APA Graduate Student Council, G1B, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.; G5G,
Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking (AILACT), G4L, Friday,
7:00–10:00 p.m.
Association for Philosophy of Education, G4M, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Association for the Development of Philosophy Teaching (ADOPT), G4P,
Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.

Center for New Narratives in Philosophy, G5E, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Charles S. Peirce Society, G3N, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Concerned Philosophers for Peace, G4R, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Conference on Philosophical Societies, G1M, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.

Diversity Institute Alumni Program, G2T, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Evangelical Philosophical Society, G1F, Wednesday, 8:00–10:00 p.m.

Gandhi, King, Chavez, Addams Society, G4R, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.

Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC), G4T,
Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
International Association for Japanese Philosophy, G4Q, Friday, 7:00–10:00
International Association for the Philosophy of Humor, G3P, Thursday, 7:30–
10:30 p.m.; G4D, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.; G5D, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS), G2M, Thursday,
9:00 a.m.–Noon
International Ernst Cassirer Society, G5R, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
International Plato Society, G2I, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Group Sessions

International Society for Buddhist Philosophy, G3J, Thursday, 7:30–10:30

p.m.; G4C, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP), G3D, Thursday, 7:30–
10:30 p.m.
International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western
Philosophy, G4J, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
International Society for Environmental Ethics, G4H, Friday, 7:00–10:00
p.m.; G5L, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

John Dewey Society (JDS), G1A, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.
Josiah Royce Society, G1K, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.

Karl Jaspers Society of North America, G2E, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
Karl Jaspers Society of North America, G3C, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.

Marxism and Philosophy Association, G5I, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Midwest SWIP, G2U, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
Minorities and Philosophy (MAP), G2R, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

National Philosophical Counseling Association, G2K, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–
North American Division of the Schopenhauer Society, G4K, Friday, 7:00–
10:00 p.m.; G5C, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
North American Kant Society, G1C, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.; G5K,
Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
North American Korean Philosophy Association, G3U, Thursday, 7:30–10:30
North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP), G2J, Thursday, 9:00
North American Spinoza Society, G1I, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.; G5N,
Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition (PACT), G4I, Friday, 7:00–
10:00 p.m.
Philosophy of Time Society, G1E, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.
Philosophy, Politics and Economics Society, G2S, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
Political Theology Group, G3G, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Prisma: Global Research Network for Pluralisms, Relativisms, and
Contextualisms, G5M, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Group Sessions

Public Philosophy Network, G5A, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Radical Philosophy Association, G4E, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.; G2C,
Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

Society for Analytical Feminism, G3F, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.; G4N,
Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP), G3K, Thursday, 7:30–10:30
Society for Applied Philosophy, G3Q, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR), G1D, Wednesday,
8:00–11:00 p.m.; G2L, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon; G3O, Thursday, 7:30–
10:30 p.m.; G5H, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Society for German Idealism , G3M, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Society for LGBTQ Philosophy, G5Q, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, G2G, Thursday, 9:00
a.m.–Noon; G4F, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Society for Philosophy and Disability, G2P, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World, G5O, Saturday, 2:00–
5:00 p.m.
Society for Philosophy of Agency, G1L, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.
Society for Philosophy of Creativity, G4S, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Society for Philosophy of Emotion, G3E, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.; G4G,
Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Society for Realist/Antirealist Discussion, G2Q, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon
Society for Teaching Comparative Philosophy (STCP), G4A, Friday 2:40–4:35
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, G2N, Thursday, 9:00
a.m.–Noon; G3H, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Society for the Philosophic Study of Genocide and the Holocaust, G2O,
Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon; G3R, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts, G3T,
Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, G5P, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Society for the Study of Process Philosophies (SSPP), G5B, Saturday,
2:00–5:00 p.m.
Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP), G4B,
Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.; G5F, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP), G1J, Wednesday,
8:00–11:00 p.m.
Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy (SACP), G2D, Thursday, 9:00

Group Sessions

Society of Christian Philosophers, G4O, Friday, 7:00–10:00 p.m.

Soren Kierkegaard Society, G2F, Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–Noon

The Ayn Rand Society, G3S, Thursday, 7:30–10:30 p.m.
The Descartes Society, G3L, Thursday, 7:30–9:30 p.m.
The Heidegger Circle, G1G, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.
The Society for the History of Political Philosophy, G3B, Thursday, 7:30–
10:30 p.m.
The Society of Philosophers in America, G5J, Saturday, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

William James Society, G1H, Wednesday, 8:00–11:00 p.m.


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