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Zulaikha binti Mohd Kamal (59217118312)

Zur’Aein binti Zulhairi (59217118336)

1. A study was conducted to find out the effect of a new drug on blood pressure. Patients with
high blood pressure were randomly assigned into two groups, a placebo group and a treatment
group. The placebo group received conventional treatment while the treatment group received
a new drug that was expected to lower blood pressure. Table 1 shows blood pressure after two
months of treatment. (The blood pressure is normally distributed)

i) State null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for this study:

 Null hypothesis: There is no significant differences in blood pressure level in individual
diagnosed with hypertension that undergoes two different techniques which are placebo
and new drugs.
 Alternative hypothesis: There is significant differences in blood pressure level in individual
diagnosed with hypertension that undergoes two different techniques which are placebo
and new drugs.

ii) Perform an independent t-test on the data on Table 1 using SPSS software (show your
SPSS output)

Group Statistics

Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Blood Pressure 1 10 89.90 14.019 4.433

2 10 81.50 9.192 2.907

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence
Interval of the

Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Difference

F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper

Blood Equal
Pressure variances .368 .552 1.584 18 .130 8.400 5.301 -2.738 19.538

variances not 1.584 15.531 .133 8.400 5.301 -2.866 19.666

Zulaikha binti Mohd Kamal (59217118312)
Zur’Aein binti Zulhairi (59217118336)

iii) State the independent and dependent variables analyzed.

 Independent: The treatment that have been carried out which are placebo and
new drugs.
 Dependent: The blood pressure that have been analyzed

iv) State the mean, standard deviation and standard error mean for the placebo group.

Mean 89.90
Standard Deviation 14.019
Standard Error Mean 4.433

v) State the mean, standard deviation and standard error mean for the new drug.

Mean 81.50
Standard Deviation 9.192
Standard Error Mean 2.907

vi) State the p-value for this test.

P value: P>0.130

vii) At significance level of 0.05, can the researcher conclude that there is any difference
between the mean blood pressure between the placebo group and new drug group?
Give a reason.
 Null hypothesis is accepted. There is no significant because p value it is more than

Zulaikha binti Mohd Kamal (59217118312)
Zur’Aein binti Zulhairi (59217118336)

2. A dietician wishes to see if a person’s cholesterol will change if the diet is

supplemented by a certain mineral. Six subjects were pretested (initial cholesterol
level), and then they took the mineral supplement for a 6-week period. Results are
shown in the Table 1 below.

a) State the research question.

Is there any significant different in cholesterol level in individual diagnosed with
mineral supplement that undergoes two techniques which are before and after
took the mineral supplement.

b) State null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

 Null hypothesis: There is no significant in cholesterol level in individuals that
diagnosed with mineral supplement that undergoes two techniques which are
before and after took the mineral supplement.
 Alternative hypothesis: There is significant in cholesterol level in individuals that
diagnosed with mineral supplement that undergoes two techniques which are
before and after took the mineral supplement.

c) Perform a paired t-test on the data on Table 1 using SPSS software (show your
SPSS output)

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Before 209.83 6 26.940 10.998

After 193.17 6 22.257 9.086

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Before & After 6 .481 .334

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval

Std. Std. Error of the Difference Sig. (2-

Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)

Pair Before -
16.667 25.390 10.366 -9.979 43.312 1.608 5 .169
1 After

Zulaikha binti Mohd Kamal (59217118312)
Zur’Aein binti Zulhairi (59217118336)

d) State the independent and dependent variables analyzed.

 Independent: The mineral supplement that have been given,
 Dependent: The cholesterol level before and after give the mineral supplement.

e) State the mean, standard deviation and standard error mean (before and after

Treatment Before After

Mean 209.83 193.17
Standard Deviation 26.940 22.257
Standard Error Mean 10.998 9.086

f) State the p-value for this test.

 P value: P>0.169

g) Conclude your findings. Take level of significance at 0.05.

 Null hypothesis is accepted. There is no significant because p value it is more
than 0.05.


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