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Application of leadership and teamworking skills N3

1. Proper and accurate inventory of stores should be maintained inorder to:

a. Control the ship's budget
b. Order the required stores
c. Report to the office
d. Show to the port authorities
e. Saya tidak tahu

2. Manajemen yang mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yang susah diatur atau dalam
krisis, disebut :
a. Crisis Management
b. Crowd Management
c. Management Representatif
d. Officer Management
e. Saya tidak tahu

3. Prior to ordering stores for any department;

a. The store inventory should be checked so that you order only the items required
b. Consult the ISSA catalogue to ascertain what stores are available for ordering
c. Consult the ISSA catalogue and order whatever is available but not on board
d. Ask the departmental head for a list of store to be ordered
e. Saya tidak tahu

4. Which of these is an Advantage of Teamwork?

a. Conflict may occur
b. Compromises may not be best option
c. Cost may be increased due to extra resources
d. Can provide Support
e. Saya tidak tahu

5. Identify 4 of the Five Steps in Team Formation and Development.

a. Storming, Warming, Norming and Performing
b. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing
c. Storming, Norming, Practicing and Adjourning
d. Starting, Norming, Performing and Adjourning
e. Saya tidak tahu

6. To help turn an individual into becoming a Team Player we would need to

a. Check their Fair Work Act Award
b. Train them in one task at a time
c. Monitor their individual performance
d. Reward and motivate them
e. Saya tidak tahu

7. Berapa tahunkan berlakunya DOC ( Documen Of Compliance ) ?

a. 1 th
b. 2 th
c. 3 th
d. 4 th
e. Saya tidak tahu
8. Suatu manajemen kapal yang sudah berjalan dengan baik dapat dilihat dari indicator –
Indikator, diantara indicator – indicator tersebut adalah :
a. SMC
b. DOC
c. DPA
d. CLC
e. Saya tidak tahu

9. Which of these is a Disadvantage of Teamwork?

a. More ideas may be generated
b. More resources are available
c. More time is taken to perform the tasks
d. More networking opportunities
e. Saya tidak tahu

10.Pihak – pihak mana sajakah yang tidak terlibat dalam pemberlakuan ISM Code ?
a. Pemerintah
b. Perusahaan
c. Nakhoda & Crew
d. Buruh
e. Saya tidak tahu

11.Yang tidak termasuk setifikat sesuai dengan ISM Code adalah :

b. CLC
c. Derating Certificate
d. Oil Record Book
e. Saya tidak tahu

12.The Roles and Responsibilities of a team includes:

a. Reinforcing Individualism
b. Taking one’s time
c. Quality Management
d. Assimilating Diversity
e. Saya tidak tahu

13.Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's documents?

a. Master
b. 3rd Officer
c. Chief Engineer
d. Chief Officer
e. Saya tidak tahu

14.Which of the Following is not a Type of Team?

a. Cross Functional
b. Virtual
c. Problem Solving
d. Individual
e. Saya tidak tahu
15.Manajemen yang cenderung pada pengaturan massa yang banyak dimana kita harus
mengatasinya, disebut :
a. Crisis Management
b. Crowd Management
c. Management Representatif
d. Officer Management
e. Saya tidak tahu

16.Yang bertugas tanggung jawab semua peralatan keselamatan yang ada diatas kapal
adalah :
a. Nakhoda
b. Mualim I
c. Mualim II
d. Mualim III
e. Saya tidak tahu

17.What Individual or Group Behaviours might lead to an effective Team?

a. Self Interest verses Group Interest
b. Lack of boundaries
c. ill-defined roles
d. Able to listen to feedback
e. Saya tidak tahu

18.Salah satu keuntungan adanya ISM Code bagi pelaut adalah :

a. Menjadikan kapal sebagai tempat bekerja yang aman bagi pelaut
b. Menjadikan kapal sebagai tempat kerja untuk mencari uang yang lebih banyak
c. Menjadikan kapal sebagai tempat bekerja agar dapat keliling dunia.
d. Menjadikan kapal sebagai tempat bekerja untuk menimba ilmu
e. Saya tidak tahu

19.Suatu proses atau sejumlah aktivitas yang berkesinambungan dan saling berhubungan
melibatkan manusia, tekhnologi, metode, modal untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi
didalam pengoperasian kapal disebut :
a. Management Crew
b. Shipping Management
c. Ship Management
d. Crew Management
e. Saya tidak tahu

20.To help Create and Manage Diversity in a team you need to

a. Actively stick to company procedures
b. Actively discourage members to ask for help as it is a sign of weakness
c. Actively take time out to include people in formal meetings & discussions
d. Actively avoid introducing too many diverse ideas as it may create confusion
e. Saya tidak tahu

21.Where will you normally find the ship's documents including Crew Passports and CDC
board a vessel?
a. Ship's Office
b. Master's cabin
c. On the bridge
d. Telly clerk room
e. Saya tidak tahu

22.When observing how teams communicate what signs do we see when identifying
team decision making?
a. Two people always seem to make the decisions
b. Decision reached by voting or by consensus
c. Silence implies acceptance
d. The loudest member always decides
e. Saya tidak tahu

23.To be an effective communicator in a team

a. Never Praise your team mates
b. Never Judge your team mates
c. Never Listen by yourself
d. Never Respond to your team mates
e. Saya tidak tahu

24.Bukti objective yang ditemukan menunjukkan kondisi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan
keselamatan yang ditetapkan sewaktu dilakukan external audit dan diberi catatan untuk
diperbaiki namun sewaktu external audit berikutnya tidak dilakukan perbaikan disebut
temuan :
a. Non Conformity
b. Observation
c. Finding
d. Sounding
e. Saya tidak tahu

25.Representative of the port authorities should always receive the best possible treatment:
a. For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications
b. Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents
c. Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order
d. Because you have undeclared dutiable items in excess of permitted on board
e. Saya tidak tahu

26.The office phone, fax, telex and after office hours telephone numbers can be found in:
a. The Ship's emergency contingency manual
b. Vessel health, safety and environment manual
c. Vessel operation manual
d. Radio log book
e. Saya tidak tahu

27.An alien crewmember with a D-1 permit leaves the vessel in a foreign port and fails to
The first report you make should be to the __________.
a. Customs Service
b. Immigration Service
c. local police
e. Saya tidak tahu
28.The responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is:
a. Master
b. Chief Engineer
c. Chief Officer
d. Chief Steward.
e. Saya tidak tahu

29.The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to __________.

a. erase the entry and rewrite
b. draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
c. completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
d. draw one line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
e. Saya tidak tahu

30.Which of the following will be reported to a company on the emergency phone?

a. All accidents where crew are injured or killed
b. All arrival and departure time from port
c. All cases concerning cargo shortages
d. All near misses
e. Saya tidak tahu

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