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‘ Deflection Analysis of ~ ' ) Prestressed Concrete Segmental * . Cablé Stayed Bridges . . Astiok Narayan A Thesis 5 in ‘The Faculty” 2 : ~ : ‘of. \ Engineering Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements ” for the degree of Master of Engineering at Concordia University Nontreal, Quebec, Canada ° duly 1983 - © Ashok Narayan, 1983.9 \ a ; oo ABSTRACT Deflection Analysis ,Of Prestressed Concrete“ Cable Stayed Bridges Oo 2 . Ashok Narayan Analytical studies are carried out on'precast Prestressed concrete segmental cable stayedgbridges. The prototype bridge, is analysed for-both erection and service stages. ‘The method of predicting initial camber during erection and Galculation of the required pre- tensioning forces in the cable stays to produce this camber re discussed. A numerical design example and a computer _ program are also presented. ‘The results obtained for the cable stayed bridge ‘are compared to a structjre without cable stays. These results are presented in a table. -ii- : ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS : The author wishes to express his gratitude to ' ‘ 5 Dr. M.S. Troitsky and Dr. Z.A. Zielinski for invaluable advice and guidanée, ‘throughout the research program and preparation of this thesis. Financial assistance provided from‘research grant is appreciated. The author would like to express his gratitude to hié parents and friends for their understanding and support throughout the research program. it a riii- a TABLE OF CONTENTS i . i: ABSTRACT \ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT =. . jibe : : LIST OF FIGURES svi , . NOTATIONS # ax . . a INTRODUCTION a 3 ~ +2.‘ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 6 "2.1, Prototype stgucture 6 iH so 2.2. . Arrangement of post tensioning tendons 6 . ae 2.3. Methed 7 ‘ oe THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 1s - : 3.1. Basic concepts :18 ~ 5 “3.24, Brection stage ee aa 7 . 3.2.1, system without cable stays 20° aoe ae 3.2.1, 1.zrection moments and i a deflection due to own weight 20 * fe : 3,2.1,.2,Deflection-of cantilever due to moving equipment 24 i i,Deflection due to pre- stressing forces 26 “+ 3.2.2,Deflection control using | temporary cable stays 35 wave . Page | an 2 3.2.3. Deflection control using « . vi * + permanent cable stays oo . 3.3. Equivalent modulus of elasticity ~ 49 3.4, Analysis of continuous system 52 . 3.4.1, System without cable stays 52 \ a -4,1,1,Dead and live load deflections : . 7 \ for the primary system 54 ; oo prestressing ‘58 \ . ro 3.4.1,3,Secondary moments 76 : a 3.4.2. Structure with cable-stays 81 ! ° 3,4,2.1,Method 1: Determination of required tension forces in cable stays by mixed method of 5 analysis 81 7 ; 7 3.4.2,2.Methed 11: Pre~Tensioning \ forces required to produce ! maximum monent at intermediate ; supports. a1 i 4. NPPBCE OF CRUE mi PRECAST SEGOEREAL MILGES 94 | 4.1. Cantilever stage 94 \ - \ | : DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘AND NUMERICAL’ EXAMPLE 99 5.1. Approximate structural design procedure 99 5.2. Design of the cable stayed bridge* . ee in figure 2.1. 101 concLUSIONS 109 APPENDIX oon CS ‘ 42 Computer Programs a2 122 REFERENCES | ae LIST OF FIGURES Elevation of cable-stayed bridge cross-section . Lay out of post tensioning tendons in segmental cantilever construction, Tendon arrangement-1, Layout of post tensioning tendons in segmental cantilever construction, Tendon arrangenent-II. ~ Layout of post’ tensioning tendons in segmental cantilever construction, Tendon arrangement - III. Erectionvof sements Erection moments during cantilever construction. ‘ Cantilever spans loaded’ with own weight cantilver main span acted upon by load of construction equipment Bending moment diagram due to ‘concentrated, load of equipment. Bending moment diagram due to tendon Arrangement-I. Bending moment diagram due to tendon Arrangement-II. » Page 10 12 16 a. 23 24 25 29 a1 wvii- . Fig.No. Page No. | 3.7 Bending monent diagram due to tendon 7 arrangement-1iT. 34 . 3.8 _ Forces due to cable-stéy tension acting i on the system . 36 : "3.9 Deflection due elongation of cable stays 39 ‘ - 3.10 Beriding moment diagram due to cable stay { force . ; a | 3.11 Forces acting in a system with. permanent : cable stays 40 : 3.12 Live load position and elastic curve 87 ‘ “ "53,13 Bending moment diagram for group-3b } prestressing ‘ 59 i 3.14 Sending monent diagram for group-3a _ prestressing, tendon arrangenent-I‘ . 8 : ° 3.15 Bending moment diagram for groupr3a 7 prestressing,tendon arrangement-II 65 i .3.16 Bending moment diagram for group-3a prestressing, tendon arrangement-III 67 — 3.17 Bending moment diagram due to group-2 : : prestressing, tendon arrangenent-I 70 Fig. No, 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 5.1 ~vidi- Page Bending moment diagram due to group-2 72 prestress, Tendon arrangenent-II Bending moment diagram due to group-2 . 74 prestress, Tendon arrangement III, . Elastic curve due to prestress and Bending moment due to unit loads at 'B' and 'F'. 77 Load position for beam flexibility 86 a Forces acting on prirfary system and bending moment Giagram due to forces in cable stay 93 Typical cross section for design example 101 Ey 18 3q/2 35 ow ~ixe ‘ NOTATIONS + Length of cantilever during erection stage@ Area of crogs section of girder. Area of cross section of temporary cable stays. Area of cross section, permanent cable stays. . Area of cross section of tower. . Length of each segment. Flexibilities of cable stays, at ‘A’ and 'c’. Eccentricity of prestressing tendons Eccentricity of group-1 tendons Ecceritricities of group-2, group-3and, group-3b prestressing tendons respectively. Eccentricity of group-2 tendons at the outer and inner ends respectively. f | Young's modulus of elasticity of girder and tower materials respectively. * Equivalent modulus of elasticity of cable stay. srfgn Flexibilities of the simple beam ‘AG’. Flexibility, of the tover. cylinarical strength of concrete in compression. ; Prestressing forces in the first, second, seer n®? tendons. 7 = uD LP IF, ,/2F 3, Mg >. + Total prestressing * cat Total prestressing the support . due to group-1 cantilever, prestress. force due to group-2, group-3a,and group-3b tendons respectively. Hérizontal compqgent of tension force in cable stay. + Height of the tower. ~ “Moment of*imertia of girder: Numbex Of temporary cable stays, Length pf main span. Tength of flanking span. . Tota} length of the bridge Yength of auxiliary cable. stays. iength of permanent gable stays. = Prestressing, moment at the supports for | the cantilever beam when the suctessive segments are erected. c Morient at section .'x*s Maximum bending moment in the girder. Bending ‘moment at * system. Ce Bending moment at {for the primary. 4 Muimber’ of Seghents in the cantilever ‘span. rt due to unit load | Number of segments tip to the respective cable points. |.” ee . ‘wi [ : Number of segments up to any section Gistaht ‘x! from the free end. Totdl load/unit Iength acting on the girder. Secoridary reaction at intermediate supports _ Nunber of segments up to point of permanent cable stay. ‘Total, length of horizontal projection of group-2 tendons. - Length of straight portion of group-3a tendons in the main span. Horizontal projéction of bent down portion of group~3a tendons in the main Span. Straight pértion ‘of group-2 tendons in flanking span. Horizontal projectich of bent down portion of,group2 tendons in flanking span. Timé after casting (days). Age of ‘confrete (days). Cable stay tension. | . Initial tension in cable stays, Final tension in cable stays. Vertical component of tension force, in cable stays.” — a uniformly distributed load due to self weight. . ve ie { | a . Concentrated load due to construction equipment. ’ Uniformly distributed live load due to an . lane 1ading. Concentrated load due to lane loading. Weight per unit length of cable stay. Distance from a given section. Support ‘reactions at ‘B' and 'F'. . p Pretensioning forces in the auxiliary cable stays. Required cable force to reduce M, to C,M,. Vertical componénts of cable stay force at ‘at and ‘ct. Pretensioning force in permanent cable stays. Modified tension in cable stays to account ® for creep. my Angle of. inclination of auxiliary cable stays. Angle of inclination of permanent cable stays. Factor accounting for relative humidity of ambient médium and composition of concrete. . Faétor dépending on theoretical thickness of structural element. . Factor variable from zero to infinity ifdieatifg variation of 44 with time. -xili- Mece) “ecg, HOKE variable from zero infinity indicating variation of $, with time. Elastic deflection of girder. / 7 Deflection of girder at 'A', 'BY, ..., 'G' °° respectively due to action of total-loads on the structure. Deflection at 'B' due to concentvatea live load. . 2 ocne. Deflection at 'c' due to concentrated live 16a. iive toad. | uedele Weflection at -'B* due to uniformly distributed lane loading. ued.l, .. Deflection at ‘ct “due to uniformly . distributed lane loading. Deflection at 'A', 'B!, ..., 'G' due to primary prestressing forces in girder. (an . Deflection at 'B' or. 'F' due to primary prestreésing forces. eee Deflection of-the free end of the cantilever due to the concentrated moving load of the equipment. ; i ad of cantilever Sep, “nle.p Deflection of the free en ever due to prestressing forces. 4e.p. up to x Deflection of the free end of cantilever due to prestressing up to a point distant ‘x* i: | - from the fixed end. . oxive \ (ap) 9 ‘Deflection at 'D' due to total primary prestress. . t 1 “(p)q1(dp), Deflection at 'D' due to group-1 and and group72 prestressing tendons. (dp) 3a" (dp) 3p Deflection at -'D' due to group~3a and group-3b prestressing tendons respectively. rh, Deflection of eable stay points due to : dort axial shortening of the girder. he. b Defildction of permanent cable stay point due to axial shortening of gizfer. a, Total deflection at the frgé end of the N cantilever. Deflection of girder due to shortening of the tower. , Required camber and deflection at any section distant ‘x! from the fixed end. . Agiteerrdy, Deflection at the respective cable points due tension forces in the stays. on Deflection at 'B! cr ‘FY due’ to unit loads applied at 'B' and ‘Ft. ALgyrseesAlg, Axial shortening of girder due to cable . stay forces. SL, ,+.+/01, Extension of cable stays due to tension, Ale Axial shortening of the tower. 5 BL eee rbby Deflection of girder due to extension of 1 : ' cable stays. ‘ 5 =xv- Deflection dug to rotation of tower at, ‘At and 'C'. Deflection due to elastic stretch of cable stays, during service stage. e Area of bending moment diagram due to prestressing, + Recoverable creep or delayed plasticity. Delayed plasticity at infinity. “Irrecoverable creep or flow, Flow at infinity. . Rotation of towers, < creep factor. ~ e Creep factor at time 't' for a concrete specimen loaded at time 't,'. Shape function for a cantilever beam. eZ CHAPTER-1 i INTRODUCTION a In recent years, cable stayed bridges have : found wide applicaticn throughout the world, especially in European countries. The concept of supporting the stiffening girders or beams by cables was known long ago but the type of cables and the material with which they were made were very crude. The cables were made out of bamboo sticks and chains. Also the construction techniques were crude. The renaissance of cable stayed bridges in modern bridge engineering can be traced back to the post war years in Germany. Due to shortage in construction materials, German and other European engineers started investigating ways of obtaining optimum structural perfor- mance. 5 The modern renaissance of cable stayed bridges is considered to have begun in 1955 with the construction of Stromsund bridge in Sweden. The development of cable stayed structures was mainly due to progress in the methods of structural analysis and use of Electronic Computers for : exact solutions. ect Although most of the cable stayed bridges have been of steel construction with orthotropic decks, some with “pte-stressed and precast concrete box girders have also been constructed. The/precast, prestressed concrete structures posses better damping capacity and ability to resist vibrations. The first concrete cable stayed structure cons tructed was the Tempul Aqueduct, crossing, Guadelete River in Spain. “However, the first concrete cable stayed bridge of American continent was Morandi's Lake Maracaibo Bridge constructed in 1962 in Venezuela. In general the development of cable stayed bridges ¢an be attributed to the following factors?. » Development of methods of structural analysis of statically indeterminate structures: and use of electronic computers. 7 ' 2) Development of post-tensioned, segmental, double cantilever type of construction in case of concrete bridges and orthotropic decks in case of steel structures. 3) Experience from previously built bridges 4) Development of methods of analysing bridges through model studies. The significance of cable stayed bridges lies in the utilisation of high strength cables which act as supports for the bridge girder, replacing the piers, thus enabling the girder to span longer distances. A cable - stayed bridge is beructurally very stiff with very Little deformation of its members, until recently, segmental cantilever construc- tion without’ cable stays was considered to be economical in the range of 200-300 feet spans. But with the applica- tion of cable stays to prestressed, segmental cantilever conatuction, the span range has been increased to 500~ 1600 feet. \ So far most of the technical work described in the literature deals with cable stayed bridges with orthotropic steel decks, A method of linear analysis suitable for computer use was proposed by Smith”’? in 1967. The assumption of linear behaviour means that deflection is proportional to the loads acting on the structure, These articles describe the behaviour of single and double plane cable stayed bridges under the action of loads. Troitsky and Lazar 4 described an experimental procedure ‘to deter- mine the tension forces required in the cable stays in order to reduce the bending moments and displacements of stiffen- ing girders and towers in cable stayed bridges. A detailed analysis and application of reduction method (Transfer matrix method) to cable stayed bridges was presented by Tang>. ‘the effect of axial forces due to tension in cable stays have been included in ;the analysis. Analysis of cable stayed bridges using stiffness methéd has been described by tazar'l. his article describes appli- cation of stiffness method of ‘analyis taking into account the non linear behaviour. The non linearity in cable stayed bridges is due to large displacements, bending moment-axial force interaction and cathary action of cables. The stiffness matrix for ‘the system is assembled on basis of the deformed geometry of the structére. Fach subsequent step ‘i’ uses data in the previous step i-l. The iteration continues until the last displacement vector obtained is a fraction of the total displacement. « \ . This study is concerned with prestressed, posi- tensioned concrete girders erected by segmental cantilever method. Analytical studies are carried out in order to develop methods of predicting initial camber required and deflections in bridge structures erected by segmental cantilever method. The camber can be provided at different stages of construction by using auxiliary and permanent cable stays. The camber can also be provided by adjusting the tension force in cable stays after the structure is completed. The initial camber needed at each stage of erection, prediction of final camber to compensate for dead load deflection and tension forces required to produce the necessary’ camber are to be analysed. The analysis has to be carried out both in the cantilever erection stage and during the final service = ‘stage when the system is continuous. For a preliminary study, of a giver geometric layout, a reasonable preprefiminary design may be obtained by considering that the dead load amounts to approximately 75% to 90% , of the total load in long span bridges and that girders are cambered to compensate for dead load deflection: ‘The main advantage of using precast segmental construction is that the segments can be cast in the cast ing yard and transported to site for erection, thus reducing cxeep in the concrete and eliminating elastic shortening and thus shrinkage in the concrete. It is possible to extend the competitive span range of such structures to dimensions that had previously been condtdered impossible. oS © © cuxprer-2 ‘ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURAL SYSTEM 2.1 PROTOTYPE STRUCTURE : 5 : . ‘Theoretical investigations were carried out on the post tensioned segmental bridge structure during the erection and service stages. Compardble investigation was carried out on systems with and without cable-stays, for the same depth of the main girder. The deflections and pre-tensioning forces in the.prototype structure are apalysed. A typical structure with cable stays on which the study is to be carried out is shown in figure 2.1. The system has a constant depth throughout its entiré span. A typical cross sectiomjof the concrete girder with prestress- ing tendons is shown in figure 2.2. 2.2 ARRANGEMENT OF POST TENSIONING TENDONS: The prestressing tendons required to hold the segments in position during erection, and to provide conti- nuity between the two cantilevers to make the structure continuous can be grouped as follows®’7: Group 1: Cantilever post tensioning tendons in top slab. Group 2: Tail span continuity post-tensioning tendons in the web. { . \ | q- . - Group 3: a) Centre span continuity post-tensioning “tendons in bottom slab and webs. . b) (Centre span continuity post-tensioning . i tendons located in the top slab. | The different types of arrangement of prestress- oo ing tendons in the main girder may be grouped into three i common types. Arrangement I +: Straight tendons bent down as shown in 2 a Figure 2.3. Parabolic tendon profile as shown in Arrangement IT Figure 2.4 : Arrangement III : System with straight tendons as shown in Figure 2.5. \ 2.3 METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION The widely used construction methoa’’® is to assemble precast segments on falsework or the segmental . cantilever erection. The great advantage of the cantilever “method lies in the fact that the complete erection may be accomplished without any falsework and hence without traffic interruption. 5 ‘ robptag peduas ~ etqed Jo uoyaeasta T°2°6Ta “har tare S/T oleemicsa M4 2 z ! euL suoysus3 zapun sXeate aq 03 paunsse axe sheas sotqeo *s]uawom BuTpusq 2y3 30U 3nq ‘se0I0J TeTXe ATUO dn exe3 Ue eTqeo Oya exoyezeus, “sx9M03 pue TepzIyb 03 suOTIO@UUCO 3e PEBUTY ST eTGeo ouL - * © oF . “ . ae i - ell at* mags oy we ’ : : Boo : . : : - Gorsedg-sd0a9" -2-z-bra *, : : ; . . : " g , eye -dnozs * ee 7 : suopte} Ayqnuy3uo3 . De & . . (z) dnozb ‘suopusz ueds .913u99 Le + Ayynutquoo ueds-Tret 0TH ‘. a 7 a ? aes e De oe oe : vee=m = : o : 5 65 fe : é (1) dnoz6’ suopuay - -. . shU etcenecr aes fia. : . |. ag) anda6 suopies’ 1 + skeenuysuen ede oxaues’ > : “ : \ : . set ao : z : _ _ i —______ ee af J 7 : 7 : shorages Grow Cantilever tendons Cantilever tendon layout & TTA LE >) WN pier in tail span . eee 4 Group: 2 Prestressina tendons oo Prestressing tendons in the fianking span Group-3b Continuity tendons th L: | See : | Anchorage : uments ¢) Group-3a Continu{tv tendons \ Main span continuity tendons “pig. 2.3. Layout of post tensioning tendons in segmental cantilever coristruction : Tenéon arrangement I. . ToTEEEE) -1- 4 ; Pier segment a) Cantilever tendon layout Group-2 Prestressing tendons Pier b) Prestressing tendons in flanking span ‘oup-3b Continuity tendons : TT TSSSSE Group-3a Continuity tendons ¢) Main span continuity tendons . Fig 2.4 Tendon Arrangement II Z i.e. parabolic profile. 8 ‘ \ oe Pier segment Group 1-Cantilever prestressing tendons a) Cantilever tendon layout [ -2 Post_tensionin tendons b) Prestressing tendons in the flanking span Group-3b Continuity tendons Pier segment, Group-3a Continuity tendons c) Mainsapan continuity tendon layout Fig. 2.5 Tendon Arrangement 111 System vith’ stgaight tendons 2 Note: All tendons are located at the same level. They are shown at different levels for clarity. “13+ The assembly of precast segments is carried out in sequential balanced cantilevering from piers towards the span centre lines. Initially the "Hammer Head" is formed by erecting the first segment and attaching it to the pier to provide unbalanced moment capacity. The adjoining segments are then erected on both sides of the piér and post tensioned successively through the pier segment as shown in figure 2.6. Auxiliary and permanent cables are employed to reduce the monents and deflections in the girder. The stage by stage erection and post tensioning ofsegments is continued until the cantilever span reaches the centre of main span. In this configuration the span is ready for closuré. The steps involved in making the structure continuous are as follows: 1) Ensure that the displacements of the two cantilever ends are equal. 2) Cast a closure strip. 3) Post-tension through the closure strip to ensure continuity. According to the usual prefabricaticn methods, @ gap exists between the different elements which must be filled with mortar. If the same method was used for bridges erected by cantilevering, the whole advantage of prefabri- ~ ~24- > cation would be lost due to waiting time between the erection and stressing of an element to allow for setting time of mortar. To overcome this drawback " Thickless " joints atch cast" joints are used called "conjugate" or Which ensure a prpper fit during erection. These joints are coated with’bonding material such as the epoxy resins. Tt is important that all the operations such as epoxy application, setting of segment in place and partial tensioning are completed during the pot life of the bonding agent. The recommended practice governing the application of bonding agents is specified by thé prestressed: Concrete tnstitute? The epoxy bonding material is supplied to the erection site in sealed containers, Preproportioned in the proper reacting ratio. Surfaces to which epoky material is to be applied should be free from oily materials. All the contaminants are removed by light sand blasting or high peoseara water blasting with a minimum pressure of 5000 psi. The wet surface is dried before application of epoxy agent. Instructions fer storage, mixing and handling of the epoxy bonding agent are ‘provided on the container. The epoxy material is applied to all surfaces to be joined yithin the first half of the gel time as shown on the container. 7 5 +15- The segments are joined within 45 minutes after application of the first epoxy material placed and a minimum averdge temporary prestress of 50 psi over the cross section is applied within 70 percent of open time of epoxy material. The joints are checked immediately after erection to verify proper fit. Excess epoxy resin is removed. -16- Epexy Resin Joint . 1 Anchor Bolts“or ! Pe . prestressing Ji | J*— Pier : a) Construction of Hammer Head J Mobile Cranes. | Seqmental Cantilevering using 7 ook \ S a) . Fig.2.6 Erection of Segments. wets ZNZRZN come . . av jain ZV\ -18- CHAPTER-3 7 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS 3.1 BASIC CONCEPTS Theoretical analysis was carried out on the prototype bridge structure shown in figure 2.1 at different stages, namely : , 1) Erection or cantilever stage 2) | Service or continuous girder stage. The analysis was also carried out seperately for two structural systems namely: 1) Structure without cable stays and 2) Structure with cable stays. Analysis during the cantilever stage is simple and can be carried out using basic principles of statics and mechanics of materials. During this stage the structure is statically determinate and represents a fixed cantilever beam. After the structure is made continuous the analysis becomes more complicated both for systems with and ? without cableygtays. In this stage the structure is eight times statically indeterminate. -19- The theoretical investigation is based on the assumption that the behaviour of structure is linear under the applied loads, the displacement under loads is small, and proportional to the applied loads. Linear superposition is valid for deflections caused by different load groups. ‘he cable stays are hinged at connections to towers and girders and hefice-they can takpe up only axial forces and not bending moments’ _The_cable stays‘are always under tension. In‘the first part, the bending moments, axial forces, shear forces and deflections for a’ system without cable stays are determined.. In the second part, tension forces in cable stays required to reduce these displacements, the intial camber and final displacements ~ are calculated. 3.2 ERECTION STAG In the erection stage the system is treated as a double cantilever. The forces to be considered are the dead load of the girder, the weight of moving equipment and the prestressing forces in main girder. In cable stayed bridges the tension forces in the cable stays also have to be taken in to account. ad s e -20- 3.2.1, SYSTEM WITHOUT CABLE STAYS Deflection in a system without cable stays can be calculatea?’1° by superposition of dead load deflection, deflection due to moving equipment and deflection due to prestressing forces in the girder. ‘These deflections may be calculated separately using principles such as virtual work or moment area method. . OWN WEIGHT: During erection, the bending monents over the pier increase with the addition of each pair of segments® as shown in figure 3.1. The increase of moment caused by addition of the seventh segment at the cantilever end is shown as an example by the shaded area in figure 3.1. Se ee provided in the top slab which may be anchored at the face of the segments or in buildouts inside the box sections. The use of buildouts makes it possible to place the segients and stress the tendons in two separate opera- tions, but tends to complicate the manufacturing of segments. -212 SINIOW dogans mM “d-S4IH NT -22- If a section of constant section is considered, then the deflection at the free end of the cantilever due to its own weight is given by equation (3.1). < 5. (3.2) 5 If a=nb, the deflection at the free end of the cantilever due to its own weight is given by equation (3.2). (3.2) When the erection of the cantiiever reaches full span length "a", the deflection at any intermediate point can be calculated using equation (3.3)-° Q@y w(x! ~ 4a%x - 3a4) 4 = ge G3) Where x= distance from free end of cantilever. : When the erection of the cantilever cole has réached the point of cable stay attachment only, then the deflection at that point is : 4 = wirb) ’o = Ter fF) HB “a uybueT 3 FURn/m qusuibes z0ta. . -24> . \ |; DEFLECTION OF CANTILEVER DUE TO MOVING a EquteyeN ~ 4 i- i Fig. 3.3. Cantilever main span acted upon by load . 5 of construction equipment. The maximum deflection in the, cantilever,occurs when the load is placed at the free end and can, be calcula- | tedsas follows: : ae sot a : conchioad ~ ET 2 (3.5) - 7 : . Ab different stages of erection, the deflection \' es 5 at the free end is given by equation (3.6). \ -_- (3.6) : » Sone. 10a ~ When the span“Yength reacties the full cantilever r wspan "a", the deflection at any point distant from : the free end is given by equation (3.7). Bisa + x2 : = HL (2093a7x + x9) oan eer tc . -25- The deflection at the point of cable attachment 1 when the erection reaches full span ‘a’ is given by 4 2, (222-30 4a)? a J : ber 3 3.4348 wo (2a%-a548, ) oar by (28) | LawWa’ 7 a (3.8) ‘TezEr SET ° Deflection of the free end under a moving concentrated, load, when the load is-at any intermediate location is defined by equation * (3.9); Fig.3.4 Bending moment Diagram due to concentrated load of equipment. 2 : Wx? (3a - x) GEI . ca 5 \ / =26- where x distance from the fixed end. . If we substitute x=a , we obtain the deflection at the free end when the load is placed at the point. DEFLECTION DUE TO PRESTRESSING: ‘ The arrangement of prestressing tendons considered is shown in figures 2.3 to 2-5:° During the cantilever construction stage only group-1 cantilever tendons are provided. Each of the segments erected are post tensioned successively, either partially or in full. Prestressing the tendons with a force placed with an eccentricity ‘e' causes a moment 'M', where M Fe . ‘The prestressing moments act in a direction opposite to the dead load moments. Hence the effect of prestressing is to reduce tensile stresses in concrete, to introduce negative deflection and thus to reduce the final bending moments in the structure. If P etc. are the successive prestress- 1 Poo ing forces applied to each of the segments, then Prestressing force at the support after stressing each of the segments is POT Pt Fa HF. + FP, t = Prestressing force in first tendon = Prestressing force in second tendon Prestressing force in the nth tendon m2 Total prestressing force at the support when the first segment is erected, Total prestressing force at the support when the second segment is erected, F, = F, + F, Total prestressing force at the support when the nth segment is erected is n Roe en ea 19) t 1* Fp nn The moment at support when the first segment is erected is M, = Fle, + ‘ Moment at the support when second segment is erected is F e, + F, 1° 2 Moment at the support when nth segment is erected a = Ap on (3.11) Y In case when F, = F) = F, and all segments are +F, -+Fie n of equal length, then the moment diagram will be a sttaight line as shown in fig.3.5. ‘The moment at any section distant 'x' from the free end is given by Mtr, e, . = . : (3.12) + : To find the deflection at the free end we can i used the moment area method. . a | aM a GF e, x ay - afn (2) x ax 4, So gy QOdx = tS ET ° 0 0 Q a ~ Fata, . “ ETT a 0 2 7Fn On 2 (8p) 2 gEr (nb) i | Fig.3.5 Bending Moment Diagram due to Tendon arrangement I. | | -30- The final deflection at the free end of the cantilever can be folind as a sum of Stotar “ ‘p.n* Scone * 4c.p 2 4) tab)? _ FFy ep (nb) G.14) BET “Ser 7) eT For large spans, it is desirabl} to introduce parabolic prestress to reduce the shear force in the girder. In case of parabolic pre-stressing, the moment over the supporting piers due to prestressing of successive segments increases gradually as shown in figure 3.6. Moment at any section along the girder is assumed to vary parabolically by proper arrangement of tendon profile or varying the strength of individual tendons: Let the ordinate of moment diagram at any section be given by equation (3.15). yr kx (3.15) atx = a : ' ' Ine, = & a, C (3.16) a=nb Bending moment diagram due to Tendon 3.6. Fig. erence arrangement II. ’ due to prestressing can be found by using moment area method -32- * an The deflection at the free end of the cantilever as follows: (On) op Oy) e.p a a ™, Oy ae ede eee (2) (an) Ge e310) o 0 a IF, e, Beenie er a? EI ate fi (3.19) The deflection due to prestress during different stages of erection can be calculated using (a, Dc.P 2 + (nb) (3.20) For example, when the span length reaches the point of cable attachment 'C', the deflection at that point can be calculated as follows: “dep PRY &y (xb)? : (3.22) 4Er ‘ -33+ ) = Deflection at ‘c' due to cantilever = prestress when erection has reached point 'C'. IF, = Total prestressing force at support for ‘r’ Segements ey = Eccentricity of prestressing tendons total 8. * Scone * Ace venmy 4 3. Fy eg” (nb)? winb)* , win)? _*Fn_€n (3.22) “ger + “SEI” “4ET p For a system with straight tendon profile, moment over the support is given by equation (3.11). ‘The deflection at the free end is calculated as follows: b (Sp) o.p = C Fy ey: bla = z d+ Fey 2b(a - 2b/2) 7 _mby) 1 (3.23) + + Fe, nb( a ae ET a n Pie ~mb (a--3 ) (4p) = _ ser” d 1 CAP (3.28) The reqyired initial camber can be provided | Using auxiliary cable stays at intermediate locations The tension forces in these cable can be adjusted at any time, if necessary. The vertical component of tension force in the first auxiliary cable stay is ’ sin a. 3,29) ‘ The horizontal component of tension force in the first cable stay is . X, cos a. (3.30) ‘The horizontal component of the cable stay force causes elastic-shortening of the girder. Dug, to this shortening the cable stay and the girder move down to'the new positidn as shown in figure 3.8. Since these formations are small, the arcs along which they deform are approximated as straight lines.° : -38- . \ ‘The shortening of the girder due to tension in the first cable stay is . ' : , “ . | Hy (nb) x, eb8,0, (n,b) i fee SS ele eee lceese eee bby, we: HS B.3) The deflection due to this elastic shortening "is calculated’ from figure 3.8. * an, : : | oni tana, = ak (3.32) i 7 gl an X, (nb) ti ! ; Ma. inyb) cosa, cota, ; | “Sg ta EE : : 24 vy, (yb) | n. a 2g 2 1 : sg cot*s, (3.33) The upward deflection due to tension force in tension force. The deflection due to elongation of cable i i ij the first temporary cable stay is _ | 3 3 ‘ | ye Yyeab)? shina, (mb? een x, 7 SEF Fg : 7 | - The cable stays stretch elastically due to the | | stays is caleulated from figure 3.9. -39- ~40- Extension of the cable stay due to 'x,' is a ay an, = (3.35) ‘1 RE, y Deflection of the girder at the cable stay point is XL, ee fee ee eee (3.36) Tx ALR, Sina, . 7 axial shortening of the tower is ae 2x, sina, (a) : ‘aan Ap Ep x Deflection of girder at thé cable point due to shortening of the tower is 2X, Sin a (Hy) (3.38) Ay Ep | i i { on =41- Vy (nb) . \ -—_——+ Fig.3.10 Bending moment diagram due to cable stay force. Defléction at any section (n,bon)b) due to tv)! is given by equation( 3.39). 1 22 any = 3 V,(nyb)? FZ nyb + nb - nb) 2 21 (Gay-1) Vy tmp)? og Ue a a (3.39) =42- The tension force 'Xx,' is calculated by equating the deflection due to total loads at the final stage to the total deflection due to the tension force in cable stay. ‘ * jzinag inp)? _ cosaycotay(nyb) Ly _ Bein, (Hy) Er BE 77 RyE,sing, ~ Ap Eg nyt 4 3 eee winb) 4, winb) 3 =(1-cos 3) (REPS FP ap) (3.40) | . | oe + | ' i : \ “ 3 : ‘ | See en _ Bain ip) | 0 eset By Ey i \ 7 : (han | 7 i 4 | w(nb) win)? | i : pi Beh RY - te (3.42) - ny tb : x] By =D, (1-cos 3) n,tb D a n (1-cos yc za) (3.43) once the required tension force ‘X,' has been calculated, the initial camber to be provided can be | | calculated using equation(3.45). os =43- winpy* —winby? let D, = { jer oe eet a Sop up to nb 1, M% Be eg tee as ae Similarly, the deflection at the auxiliary cable due to tension force in all the cable stays th (3.44) (3.45) provided up to that point can be calculated as follows. (n,b)%sina, cosa, cota, (nb) SEE 2sina, (H, ) k mE! cosa, cota, _,(n,_,b) Ly + (3.46) evs ‘The pretensioning force in the xk temporary cable is calculated as follows. : “ k 3n, nyt eek ek RAE Oh Baa) 3 D = p,(l-e08 BK The required initial camber at or after the xth cable stay point can be calculated using equation (3.48). nth k y 3n . Ayr Dy treos $e) = 2 Oy BB CED (3.48) -45- = Required force in (i-1)" temporary cable stay. = Number of segments up to (i-1) a temporary cable stay point. Area of cross section of (i-1)*® temporary cable stay. = Angle of inclination of (i-1)" temporaty cable stay with the horizontal. The pretensioning forces in the cable stays required to produce the necessary initial canber is calcula- ted using equations 3.47 and 3.48. ‘The erection is continued further until the point of attachment of permanent cable stay is reached. At this stage, permanent cable stays have to provided and all the temporary cables removed, so that the entire load is transfered to these cables. In the equations derived above, the deflection due to cantilever prestressing should be substituted with equations (3.49) to (3.54). I. Arrangment:straight tendons bent down EPpy (nb)? as = sr and (3.49) i Sc.p = EF upto w, II Arrangment :parabolic tendon profile 2 ZF,e, (nb)? Sc.p 0° GET ooo a = OF x®x (nib)? c.P Er up to 7 eae : III Arrangment: straight tendons EFL, Sop 7 —gyt-nb(atnb/2) and rPe, Co OF is up to vee (3.50) (3.51) * (3.52) (3.53) (3.54), -47- 3.2.3 DEFLECTION CONTROL USING PERMANENT CABLE STAYS: When the required span length has been erected, _ permanent cables stays are provided to transfer the loads to the tower. After the permanent cables are attached, all the temporary cables are removed and the entire load is now transfered only by the permanent cable stays. Initially when the erection has reached point ‘ct and permanent stays are installed, there will not be any negative moments in the girder. But as the erection is continued further, the girder is subjected to negative moments at the cable stay connections. Hence it is desirable to use a girder of constant section. If the spans on either side of the tover are different, the dead load and hence the prestressing forces will be different. A hinge is provided at the base of the tower so that, the tover rotates aboyt the hinge. But when the cantilever erection reaches the permanent cable points, the end 'A’ of the flanking span is pinned down, thus eliminating the rotation of the tover. (drotation 7 BC = 0 (3.55) of tower ~48- 7 Considering zero rotation of towers the expression for the required tension force in’ cable stay is given by equation (3.56). ies ire} \ DQ. COS Fa ) 5, : F (3.56) Pig. 3.11 Forces acting in a system with Permanent cable stays. sina, (rb)? cosa,cota, (rb) re 2sing, (Hq) 8, t Se > Sg + aaa =i (3.57) aid D, is given by equatidn (3.42). -49- ‘The subscript denotes the section and geometric properties for permanent cable stays. Ifa number of permanent cable stays are used then the pre- tensioning force can be calculated using equation (3.47). The required canber to be provided at the cable point can be calculated using equation (3.56). ab = cos *—) - 4, = D,U-cosF—) - (x, B,) ox (3.58) Where D, and B, are given by, equations (3.44) and (3.57) respectively. If a number of permanent cablesy are provided then the required initial camber can be calculated using equation (3.48). 3.3 EQUIVALENT MODULUS OF ELASTICITY ‘The cable stays provided in bridge structures which are pre-tensfoned, present a great problem because of their non linear behaviour?/17 and change in sag under load. pisplacement of ends of the free hanging cable under an axial load depends not only on the cross sectional area, but to a certain extent of sag of the cable. One of the proposed methods for considering this non-linear behaviour is to substitute for the modulus of elasticity of the curved cable member, an equivalent modulus of elasticity of any load increment is r a 2 » ~50- . which is camptible with that of the curved member, considering material as well as geometric elongation. The equivalent modulus of elasticity*” can be ’ a takes as equal to 4 E . RB o>. * (3.59) ° (we)* AE a) ° . lor = ‘Equivalent cable modulus. B+ = Modulus of cable material. 4 W, = Weight per unit length gf the cable. A = Cross-sectional area of the cable. T = Cable tension. ‘ ° as seen from the Equation (3.59) the equivalent modulus of elasticity of the cable varies with change in cable tension, due to change in geometry of the cable. N Equivalent modulus of elasticity?” at the end ROOF wnt ae (3.60) wot? (n,4T,) aE ut —2 SasE } rT T, = Initial cable tension, 4 T, * Final.cable tension. a : . \ . a : -51- c \ : : . . - Ih the above formula the material modulus so of elasticity remains unaffected. Equation (3.60) can be used to determine an equivalent modulus of a particular ‘tension force, which in turn 4s evaluated from the/pre- -/ * dad indrement, Tt depends on evaluation of the a viously calculated value E,. Because of change in . pgeonetry. during ‘application of load, an iterative procedure. must be employed so that final tension converges to a -¥alue within allowable limits. VO 5 Applying the concept of equivalent : * stiffness?/27 . ia : “aE . . ry (AE), = AEE > * (3.61) i : _ : ~ oo + . AE (Wet) ' . ~ ae . 2ate T; * AB (3.62) 14AE(w,t) (T4T) 4 if ae ee 7 -52- 3.4, ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS SYSTEM: . 3.4.1. SYSTEM WITHOUT CABLE STAYS: After completion of cantilever stage, continuity tendons are introduced in the top and bottom slabs and the closure segment is cast in place to make the system a continuous one. The prestressing continuity strands are now stressed to the required initial prestressing force and anchored in the top slab, thus providing continuity. The moment in the cantilever structure willbe modified by change in statical system due to coupling of the two cantilevers from adjascent piers in to a continuous structure. Subsequent to completion of stressing of strands and closure of joint, the influence of concrete creep modifies the continuity moments. The total deformation during this stage includes: , 1. Elastic and creep deformations due to the . ¢ superimposed dead load. 2. Elastic and creep deformations due to prestressing forces from the cantilever and continuity tendons provided in stiffening girder. i | ! 53+ 3, Deformation of stiffening girder due to losses in the prestressing force in tendons. The prototype bridge structure abalysed consists of 3 spans as shown in figure 2.1. All the cable connec- tions to the girder and tower are hinged, so that thé cable stays are subjected to axial loads only. The connection between the tower and the girder are also hinged in order to eliminate bending moment in the tower. If we consider the same structure, figure 2.1, without cable stays, the system will be twice statically indeterminate. The two unknown redundants are the interior support reactions. The dqflection of this type of structure can be calculated using basi¢ principles of mechanics of materiais!®, the deflection due to prestressing forces and dead load are Superposed to obtain the resultant deflection for the structure. A cable stayed structure shown in figure 2.1, is eight times statically indterminate, The eight unknown redundants are : Internally redundant cable stay forces) .. 4 Externally redundant reactions at piers .. Rotation of two towers : Total 2 2 8 a For a symmetric structure, the number of redundants is halved in number , i.e. 4 times statically indeterminate. Mixed method of analysis developed by Stafford smith?’? was used for the analysis of the structure. + SOLUTION OF THE SYSTEM: 1) Remove the redundant forces to obtain a statically determinate system. 2) Write equilibrium equations for deflection at ‘point of application of each redundant using principle of consistent deformations. The number of equations will be equal to the number of unknown redundants. DEAD AND LIVE LOAD DEFLECTIONS FORTHE PRIMARY SYSTE! Referring to figure 3.12. = Dead load of the structure = uniform live load due to lane loadihg = Total uniformly distributed load = w + wy, = Concentrated load to lane loading. Displacement cf points 'B' and 'C' due to uniformly distributed loading is : ’ \ , =55- 4 Togs q(at2e'y , gett , gineaety S(2ry Ter * eer * ~ ager Cy 3 (288 12428") 3 (284) qier2 1) (204), qize') Seer TET 1ZEr , naqinere'y (23, 2qnt® ys Re Ser er 1 The deflection due to concentrated live load at (3.64) \ the cable point 'C' occurs under the load. When the : + load isat ‘cl, : te s Pb [(22-b?) x-x?} (3.65) ; ‘c) cone. sere live load ’ Ls (2+ 22"), bet , a=2h*, x= 28! . “ay we (i) 102420) (2 Gant) = 209 © conc. 6EIL(2+22") [ live load. wot) Ca eanere at? 22?) (ant) oe ° SEr(atai") “we (arnt? + an? - an? ° GEI(aIE) fw, (07417) eae (3.66) SEI (2+28") fo -56- ey S 9 6 pee, GET (2+28") live. load. 5 : . woe) 2? + anne 4 ant? - 0? )0 ’ GET (2+28") 2 3 Wo) (4 ERT HARE EI (2+22") wy (ane? + 3009) c GET (2+28") + (8) = 6h) uae + ($e) cone =" (8h) yap + (8g)e0ne b= b42Rt | b=k, aH2k", wea! -2 wy (A) Ue (asaet)? 873 (at) = any 4 13) (3. 67) (33 68), “AMINO OTSETS pue uOTRTSod peoT MTT ZTE “STs Peor Te303 Jopun aamo oTseTa (q ~58- DEFLECTION DUE TO PRIMARY PRESTRESSING MOMENTS: DEFLECTION DUE TO GROUP 1. CANTILEVER PRESTRESS: ‘The deflection due to grou-1 cantilever prestress remains the same as that for cantilever stage and only the deflection ¥ due to total load changes. ‘The prestressing deflections are as follows: ‘ Acrangenent. I . . 2 BF, @, (nb) fe aislig (3.69) 3B Arrangement IZ ‘ 2 =F e_ (nb) t= aS (3.70) 4EI, Acrasgenent. IIL ge Engg lomb72) (3.72) 2 EI DEFLECTIGN DUE TO CONTINUTTY POST TENSIONING TENDOSW (GROUP 3b) : COMMON FOR TYPES 1, 11, 111 TENDON ARRANGEMENTS: ‘The bending moment diagram for group- 3b post-tensioning tendons is shown in figure 3.12. ‘ ‘The deflection at the centre of main span 'D' due this Prestressing is “ssansaig g¢—dnoz6 203 uesberp quem burpueg -¢T"¢ “bTd k—_——HI 1 } aa | oT at we + a + 2 4 boreece rit suopusy AyinuTqUOD - aE dnoxy +60- Total prestressing force in continuity tendons of 5 a grow 3b. : = ‘Eccentricity of group .3b. tendons. 6 _ a Sp 4 a & \ ET = te x, RT Pye ee ee eee Sr IFy © ‘» : = Ser et aean _ (3.72) DEFLECTION DUE TO COMTINUTTY POST TENSIONING TENDONS IN BOTTOM SLAB (GROUP- 3a) ‘Arrangenent I: ‘The bending moment diagram is shown in figure 3.14. tet / . ii = . Total prestressing force in grou-3a. Post tensioning tendons in the bottom slab, = Eccentricity of group-3a tendons at 'D'. %.) Bocentricity of group~3a tendons at anchorages . 2s, = Length of straight partion of tendons parallel to horizontal. ~61- Horizontal projection of the bent down portion of tendons, Figure 3.14. rea of bending marent diagram for group "3a! prestressing for one half of symmetric structure. 1 Fan C2a + %) (2), M3al@sa'to) () 2 ET +e Hh 2 | Ley . web -d = Fae way . , = dLimreges - ” = Fates, - 8) Rt + &, 3 (62'432-65,-35, +68 '+8.-36 +62 '+3t~36,-38,) 1 , = fy (18t" + ot- 128, - 5s, (3.74) sssemsead e¢-dnoab 03 uesberp Wi Burpued-p T"E“6TL 62: 3 By _ Rj dg! Fanaa (8y428)) “DF;,29°8)] (181 +91-128, +585) (3.75) ‘This deflection is calculated by superposition of the bending moment diagrams shown in fig. 3.14, DEFLECTION DUE TO CONTINUITY POST TENSIONING TENDONS IN BOrTO SLAB__(GROUP-3a) z_ Arrangement 0 The bending manent diagram due to this group of tendons is shown in figure 3.15. 2s, = Length of Horizontal projection between end points of group-3a tendons for type IT arrangerent. TP3q = Total prestressing force at centre of main span 'D', 4 due to grou-3a continuity tendons. . C5q = Eccentricity of group-3a tendons at 'D'. % 5 Eccentricity of group-3a. tendons at the anchorages} OF = Area of bending moment diagram for symmetric half of the structure, -64- 2 Waa l@gq +9) (8) _ ° EF 34+ €9 (84) 7 ~r 2 Faq EN (Fag = & (8) 3 EL 3 EI a : ‘1 (25F,,-e,,- IF3,- &) . (3.76) =r ‘3a’ 3a 3a" 0" . rah - 35> = Ligne 7 M4Z - Fs] = glee! + 4e- 35)) s, Nee ee , wee -3 Fm ee \ low & 23 eee ai 4g ze +375 sth +F 5) Erg (162 *+8t- ‘78,) 2° G77) OIF 5,4 Cyg _ TF yq- &y) (16t+82~ 75,) (3.78) “sppum ecdhoab 205 westerp aun burpueg-st-¢ “fa” —--—}+----— = woyatsod secns Aa . s GQ : 7 ened SS ~66- DEFLECTION A CENTRE OF MAIN SPAN "0D" DUE 10 PRESTRESSING TENDONS (GROUP-3a) : © ‘TENN Arrangement 111 . ‘The bending moment diagram for this type of tendon arrangenent is shown in figure 3.16, IF3g = Total prestressing force at 'D' due to growp-3a, prestressing tendons, type III arrangement. i? A5, = Number of segnents in one half of maiit span on _ ttfough which grou 3a prestressing tendons (? , -Prestressing tendons pass ‘through. GO) = 4th +4 Rt . = CG) gy be +$-B + a, mer ot -B r. a + Fy) gq ltggb) (at + 5 Pay CF) 5, (gq b) (ttt =r Fy) 3a M3 27.2 1 TE vw seuopusn e¢-dnoxB 203 wezfeTp qauou buypued -9T"E “BTL ek ‘The maximm moment due to self weight of girder in flanking span occurs at a distance "22!" fram the end ‘A’. as show in figure 3.17. So the prestressing cables should be arranged symmetrically on either sides about this section. TROON ARNGRENT I: R " Straight portion of tendons in the’ flanking span. Horizontal projection of the bent down portion of tendons as shown in figure 3.17. : ‘Total length of horizontal projection of grow-2 ‘tendons. . ” Eccentricity of right end of group-2 tendons. . Boomntricity of group-2 tendons at the end 'a" and ‘G'. Tr, £, (2syts) | IF, pad ete : ’ -69- : . £ bey gSR5 80.1. cxainate 2 ta ot Apo). at centre of group? tendons figure 3.17. ‘ : a (3,82) On (3.82) By substituting e, +0 in the above expression, we obtain the deflection at 'D' when eccentricity at 'A’ is zero. ‘The bending manent diagram is shown in figure 3.18. = length of horizontal projection of group-2 tendons. £, = Gable ordinate at” 2.2". from ‘AY as shown in * figure 3.20. \ vee *puyuoysuey ye0d z-cnoxf 09 anp uezdeTp jueub buypUEd “LTE “BN Polar A$ -70: x § ra ea 1 I | \ \l \l ‘\ 7 3 o quates ameota ety qm fo B/E Ls a a |. REPS PEEP EE ‘ J 6 4 2h 203 _ EARS _ ZO Sa es EI - (3.83) 20s. 4 3 . Fos (8, + 8+ $8) => (3.84) 2 5 1orF, 8 [ 4f, - 3e, ~ 3e9) . (4) 23°51 Bu (3.85) . 2781 We obtain the deflections at 'D' for by substituting the values of prestressing force and the cable eccentricities. suyuoysuaa eo z-choxh 203 wrabeyp uauéu Surpuod—OT¢ “ES a > : > wore sans ke 4 a oes eee, tic) T 3° ag as -73- DEFLECTION AT THE CENTRE OF MAIN SPAN PRESTRESSING STRANDS (GROUP-2) : ‘TENDON ARRANGEMENT IIT STRAIGHT TENDONS: The bending moment diagram due to this group of prestressing tendons is shown figure 3.19 2s, = Length of group-2 prestresssing tendons. (3.86) wy ee & (1e-e) a Ia ze ia (tye) * (e/a) aa (et PE, PE (U. we Te Foal — SED EMM Cas ito" an6 quetotay . (si~a84, 091 te | rae mu ry yf ea + 11 frst) 7 Fo 5} (Pa: az — Pa-"laz) Ts (ag - “og - Top) 24901 (a) Yo as (sc+"szt-16+ 781) * 12 re 2,8. |, I= a E 1 me (area) For Fay ~[%s-%0-E ay -(Tse4%s) Foray) Ths) (Pate Ty) saz Estyaz 1) cau) o%ag Teuopass | ssuopuey sueds upeu uy suopiey cueds Gapyueys | meneTTqUep hueuiue e-dno Aymuysucg —e¢-dnoz UT suopueg *z- dnox 1 - rox | go adkt, futssoqserd Areutsd 03 ep uorosTsep TeI0L -76- SECONDARY MOMENTS: 3 ‘The primary prestressing forces cause deformation of the structure. In statically determinate structures, the line of thrust resulting fron prestressing force is coinciding with the cable profile and the deformations take place freely without inducing any change in bearing reactions. On jhe other had, in statically indeter- minate structures!5, the line of thrust does not coincide with the, c.g-8. Line, because redundant reactions are introduced at intemediate supports by deformations due to prinary prestressing, ‘These redundant reactions are also called parasitic and they produce a secondary rament. Considering the continuous beam with the gemmetric layout of tendons discussed in Chapter2, secondary maments are Produced at intermediate suports by the reactions induced due to primary prestressing. Consider the basic system with simple supports at ‘A! & 'G' as shom in figure 322, with the support reactions at ‘3? and 'F' to be the redundant’ forces. So now for the simply supported bean 'AG' let the total deflection at the omtre of the span due to primary prestressing force be represented by (A, x For the primary systen, the deflected shape of the beam due to primary prestress can be assured to follow a sine curve, -17- 7 dy Pur 4g, 9e PeoT ann 03 anp jusucu SuTpusq pur ssarjsead 03 enp amo OT;SuIE -0z"E “STE "syd pur ya, 9 peoT'| Rin sox wexberp usuON SuUTPURE (qT where, x = Any section at a distance 'x' from Y = Ordinate of deflection at Section 'x'. , = Maximum deflection at centre Of span. nox = Here , feerp ee poe Ree, ut : : ‘Therefore, the deflection at points ‘B! and 'F', the intermediate support points is given by ' (ty Pp (3. 88) » The reactions " Rj," induced at these intermediate support points can be given by the relation Gye p 7 Oy) CRED (3.89) Where, 0) )= Deflection at -fit* or 'P! due to unit loads. ed at ‘BY and "rt, ~ : Secondary reactions at 'B' or 'F". The deflections at intermediate swpart points 'B! is * u and 'F! dvs to unit loads placed at 'B' and 'F! is given by Pa? (3% - 4a) . | * (3.90) -79- .L+ 2k, pal, ant! a Toate) aye 12 (e+ 20) dj, = Deflections at ‘B' or ‘'F' due to wit loads acting at ‘BY and !F', “ (y)p~ Deflection at 'B' ‘due to total primary prestress, 7 : . (p)p = Deflection at 'F' dus to total primary prestress. Sp : (3.94) ou : (45). : : : rR, 7 BR " (3.95) a A ‘The secondary reactions and moments developed at the intatmediate’ support pdints will be such that the-total deflections at thése points will be zero. x Soa oy -80- . wor Hence, the resultant deflection. at the cehtre of main 3 i span "DY is given by ¢ OO Fins Op tea ee ‘The resultant reactions at interpediate supports can be . determined using principle of corisistent deformation. Considering the: ” : intémediate support reactions as redundants, we get, : = Ay het % tte + (3.97) Sine 4, = 7 bY symietry : 5 : 8h = (te) Ne ee . ’ a 6 - boo ~ (3.98) 2 ~ Spt fe gi " Where 6° 7 Deflection at 'B' for primary system due to : : o 4 dead and live loads. : fy = Deflection at 'B’ due to unit load placed at 'B'. y te Deflection at 'B' due to unit! load placed at 'F!, £ . | After the ‘support feactjohs are determined the . @eflection at any.point can be easily calculated. Soci : 6 3.4.2 STRUCTURE WITH CABLE‘SiAYS + 8 : 3.4.26] METHOD-1:DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED TENSION FORCES IN CABLE STAYS BY MIXED METHOD OF “ANALYSIS * A cable stayed structure is many times statically indeterminate. The degree of redundancy is \ equal. to the riumber of unknowns. he seen in Art.3.4:1.3 ~ the cable stayed Structure shown in figure 2.1 is eight, times statically indeterminate. By considering the symme- tric nature of the structure. the degree of .redundancy is reduced to 4. Tension force in the cablés . f 5 XX, =| The vertical component ‘of cable force : at ‘At and ct. ees enor ‘ : (3.99) (%) sin a, : (3.100) The basic equation for the continuous system + ean be: formulated using principle of consistent deformations. ifaa%afap%efackonfacke” fark fagkg "4a (3.101) Bf ya%afoe%y “Arce Speke Snake ~fng%y 7 (3.102) 8 o-£ Xan fep%y Fock feeXe feeXefegtg 7 4c (3.203) cf. . 7 Since the structure ig symmetrical, the ‘ equations for the other half will bé exactly similar. + Similarly, the equations for the other half are: 83 fyg%™ Fge%er Fge%e”, fge%e™ Fab” Fga%a 7 bg (2-208 8E~ Fegky> feeXem FeeXe™ Fecko” Fepty” feat “Me (3-108). . peg (ediouet; {el celai cecjcg1chabe tears =). (2-106) These equations account only for total loads on’ the structure and they can be modified to include the 7 effect of ptéstressing 184 (0), (fy otf ge) 7 Egyttge ty “Ba, (2-207) oe 7 . ] ° (8, - Gp) dba fg) Xa” fet ne) Xo fob pe) Mp “Aa (3-198) 185 - OQ) UE cat Egg) an Feet foe ¥er Fant foe My “Ap (3-108) | Where : | 8 = Deflection at 'a' due to toal load on the , girder. ‘ ‘ = Deflections at. 'B', ‘Cc! total loads on the girder. =83- Deflections at ‘At; "Bt, “=== 'G!, . ‘respectively due to total prestressing forces in girder. faa’ fbb = Flexibilities of beam due to unit loads placed at these points. + * fap'fac = Flexibilities of the beam, where the first subscript denotes the point at which flexibilities are required and the second subscript represents the point of appli- cation of unit load. Ke X, = Vertical components of cable forces. Increase in deflection due to rotation of tower at {BY is 1.BA, ag = on Be (3,110) Similarly, deflection due to elastic stretch of cables is ‘given by ays. CyXye = Cox, (3.221) Where, C, (3.112) =84- 7 Elastic shortening of tower = (X,+X) f, (3.113) - ae ‘C at) fp : Defléction due to axial shortening ofthe girder is given by equation (3.114). XB) og = = 5 doe = xe cota, = Xero (3.114) wnere 2, = Flexibility of girder due to axial loads. . |A stability equation must be formulated; due'to rotatién of the tower about its hinge. ‘ | ‘ : HKBA +X. BC = 0 (3.115) a Kgs FG +X, FE = 0 ; : @.u6) — A For a structure with cable anchored at the = supports, — OO ya ge elie 9s ° : fee pee ete © (3.117) _ Substituting equations (3.110)yto (3.117) in“ equations (3.107) to (3.109), we obtain _ > (Cy+Eg)X, + (0) Xyot (£_)X, — OyeBA = 0 (3.108) + (OX, + (by Hoe) Bt Enetipe Me = (E-(p) pl, (HY g (Eq) Xt (Eggi ge) Xpt (Ege Ege tq tBat Cg) Kot hy BC . (3-120) S HBR xHieC 3! 10 Gres)? a c These equations are represented in a matrix -85- form as shown in equation (3.122). (b+fq) 0 pal o ‘ 7 > aL ° (ppt tye! (fpcttpe) + VF | [Settee 4 s 5 FY su (foattoe) Eooticet fect tate) Bel |g 09) I -BA 0 . ey te, Cea ~ (3,122) EXPRESSION FOR FLEXIBILITIES OF BEAM : “The expression 1° for flexibility of beam due to different load positions can be calculated as follows: ree Oe rete rete (3.123) _ faa 7 fra * fea * faa * fea ~ fra“ fga = ° The deflection at 'B' due to unit load placed at 'B' is (3.124) Here , p=l, belt s', Lt, Lett 20", xet! any (Ree hE = 8 bb ~ “SET (EF2E) 4, 786- ee Let ett fp aR aane teas ‘bb GET (L+22°) ee RL (eR) (2024 2a) - bb" GEYU+ZE) Unit load placed at"B Fig. 3.2/1,Load position for beam flexibility. BY +20) (240 ") fop = Lo GET (2+28") oe PA (xFe3x’b + (2u24a) x = a?y) Bc” GEIL : . foc = fop Here, ant', x=2h', “Lelt2i", p= 1 BP (3.125) (3.126) q 184 P n42ny) ar? (8h ° SEY Gra") 213 (4nt43t) =" 6EI (2+28") . ~ foe 7 fey Here ace', 2in'=24e' ean ere netiee 2426 Rett 2007) xegt, Leyt2pe, - (Fae? neon) ee 2 (nea) 24 017) (24281) 412 (8428197244929 (24) (3.127) - = 38 fpefeb™ SEITEHZET, . w0'2 (ne 20") . ; - ‘ = Rt eran Lenre2420 2490721 40n Ze 4022-21 ea2e! ] * SETH) IK . ar (ePaeere 2n03) : = GEI (2422 ie ee eee teceden es 8 4 BEY (2287) (3.128) ‘Lett 20! xe 242, -38- 5 3 mia 5 yay a Learnt)? 3 (LAR) (eg 2e 42 (L428) HE bff, ~ 6EI (2+28") : ; . (L4h") = we 22°)) a (34302242008 m0 323236070" Bkk ~6n72" . 6EI(At22 ~1222 6267420740220 4900'242072 Beet? +92"9) a? 2ni2se7sannty 7 (3.129) 7 GEI (£+32') : . FLEXIBILITIES DUE TO UNIT LOAD AT a= 22", x=2L',. pol, Lnat2n', 2e' (89-3 (abu sae yz ceezny? (201)? 200) . foc" EGF 4 5 : . © (20) (42097 ‘ pe (8a ane Pager Fe(2eZeene ean?) (224) “SET Cray s +82"? -4ne'? ap an2yr2 —— (35230) ) SET(2+24") ae kt, xet, pel, Leste", -89- : et aaa? ceszerys. (2(eranty 2H 2n")) ey —(aN 224204) at aseer7r-420 3002240002440 aes! oe 9) * = 6 aett (aP sang rman') (3.13) 3ET(1422") i a= 20, eat at, pel, Lent2t', | . f i 6 . zat (eaatyFaent 2 asaneys (262420) (20)? > eh) fapfe= : 26 ft Sr az") 2 cae? een, ; 743070202 3n36n2e! - ae? 7 , © SEE (RARRY ‘ 2 motes — aren? e220 eon 70 1200742022 r40t0'24a20"9) 2 q@2 D5 . a2 am - 2 een 7 SET (2428') . ot 7 DEFLECTION AT CABLE POINT 'C' AND INTERMEDIATE : SUPPORTS DUE 10 PRESTRESSING: . 5 | (2), = Deflection at centre of main span 'D' due to { primary prestressing forces. 4 ‘The deflection at the cable stay ‘point due to primary prestressing force is 133 : (be) (3.133) “ - qhe defection at the infermediate supports ‘Bt and 'P' can be determined in a similar way using : 2 ce Upp = ply + 8iR EEET : (3.134) @), = 0 (3.135) * . : 91- ,,METHOD-II: _PRE-TENSIONING FORCES REQUIRED TO PRODUCE MAXIMUM MOMENT AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS: © ‘The maximum bending: moment due to dead load occurs at intermediate supports. Since these intermediate supports‘ are considered as redundants’ in the primary system, the bending moment at these points is given by the equation, on , | eye oe wibe2et bey weterey powe" (eete 2 = ((stiaG) i a 2 0 ..,2 2 | . Thé procedure to evaluate the pre-tensioning force in cables cons§sts of reducing the bending moment 'm," dead load in the stiffending girder to C,jt,. Cy = A reduction factor less than unity. ~ (he basic equation for the bridge sysfem is M+ M, 1 2 a , xy #2 x,t oneee HM x = CoM, (3.137) Where x,, x, --- %, = pre- tensioning forces in the cables. Since the pre- ténsioning forced in all the cables are equal, . 7 4 = *) =F (3.138). 7. : Therefore , M+ ME xy = CoM (3.139) wt \ eee ; . : . eo a . Dae : weg = MIC: . (3.140) og 7 ee ' Meg er mo of : _ Gian ra cae oot SS ene : laulu want a. e Where, “ul + Mr Mo hme = nt (3.142) mi ° = Bending moment at. location due’ to 4" unit load placed at 'i', & = Requited cable stay force to reduce ° . . ~ . + TM, to CoML. . "4 The moment at intermediate stipport point, 'B', “for the simple beam: 'AG'. is given by “ . wa = 2 sind, (£")-1 sina (2") = £' sito, © (3.143) | . ee ie a. a “2 2sin a, i wet (R48") (Coot) . (3.144) ce “or sina, ope TE EF,e,- = Momént due to’ prestressing at 'B' then the ae ‘ * expression is modified -as follows: . . aa ' ' - = . ™“ x v EWEN UAE) /2 ~ EFpegl (Co-Dd one 7 J. 8" sin oy , wa! (242-208 6,1 Co-2)] 2 x ee - (34145) . 7 ‘wt sina, ~ 7 le » mw. ast 7 DoE Fputs-z=°y seoz0g Aes eTqeo 03 onp werbetp suowou SuTpusE (o “\Aeqs eTqeo UT s80703 03 enp wezbeyp yuowou SuTpuog pue woysks Azewyad uo Buyjoe sooz0a-zz‘e "Sta 4p utsz=¥y, rae. (a { 4, Soups ‘ouTs : . suorsks Kreuz xd uo BuyIOe IYBFOM und (e Aerie copter potted: Sruabuet grun/a EFFECT OFGREEP IN PRECAST SEGMENTAL BRIDGES . CHAPTER=4_ ---. 4.1 CANTILEVER STAGE: Creep deformation of concrete® is that part of the inelastic deformation occuring with time under constrained load, The rioment in the’ existing cantilever of precast segmental bridges will be modified by the creep. Creep deformations occur as a result of inelastic response of concrete to long term loadings, such as dead load, prestresssing forces and the pre--tensioning forces in the cables stays. Restraint of creep deformations causes * rédistribution of moments. _é The relation between creep and elastic deforma- tions is linear. Their ratio is called the creep factor oe. Where, €, ex cr = oe (0 = Creep strain . sf. = Blastic strain = Modulus elasticity’ of conreter’ at 28 dafs = Creep factor. “™ ted pale The modulus of elasticity of concrete can be calculated using the ACI &quation: aa 5, FS veE (4.2) fhe Cylindrical strength of coperete in : psi at time of erection. . \ w = Unit weight of concrete in 1bs/cu.ft. The modulus of elasticity may be assumed constant for precast segments after the concrete age reaches 28 days. The creep factor, ¢ , can be considered to be t the sum of recoverable creep, $4, and irrecoverable creep, b¢- oe = Og t oe (4.3) Recoverable creep and irrecoverable creep are referred to as “Delayed plasticity" and flow" respective- ly. Both $3 and ¢, are time dependent, but according to different relations. .. Créep factor $, is given by, @ (ert gI= tabaltto) enlace} “Beceg)! 4.4) Where (t,t) = Creep factor ai time 't' for a concrete specimen loaded at time 'ty'. ' tg, 7 Delayed elasticity at infinity. 7 } Sait-tg) =) ractor variable from zero to unity indicating ithe variation of ¢, with time. %e0 = "Plow" at infinity, f(tg)= Factor variable from zero to unity indicating the variation of 4, with time. = Age of concrete at loading (days). t = ime after casting (days). The recoverable creep factor will have effect only for thmporary loads acting on structure, such as those applied during construction. ‘The creep factor due to flow is given by tte = Bey *Bg2 (4.5) By, = Factor for accounting relative humidity of anbient medium and composition of concrete. -97- Boa = Factor depending on the theoretieal thickness of the structural element. + "| Phe deflection due to creep of concrete - (4.6) Ser: Me . Sq = Blastic’deflection’of concrete. Total deflection = 6 )( 14.) . (4.7) The required tension force in the permanent cable stays will have to be modified accordingly as follows: Xe, x01 494) (4.8) The temporary or auxiliary cabl¢s contribute to the recoverable creep, where as the dead load, prestressing forces, tension forces in cable stays contribute to irrecoverable creep deformations. 4.2 CONTINUOUS STAGE. In the continuous stage the Ancrease in angle of rotation is restrained. Hence the foment at the centre of the span has to modified® by the fdctor ( 1-ee). Accordingly, the deformations ahd the! post tensioning forces required in the cable stays pve to modified by [. Cree, , considered. (4.9) In this analysis the effect of cable forces on the girder and corresponding creep of concrete has beeri -99- CHAPTER-5 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND NUMERICAL EXAMPLE * APPROXIMATE * STRUCTURAL DESIGN PROCEDURE 1) A preliminary set of sectional properties is assumed for all component members of the cable stayed bridge. 2) For these assumed sectional properties, stresses and, displacements under the given load are determined, which should be within the limits specified (by The Task Committee On Cable Suspended structures!’). 3) A new set of sectional properties is chosen, to satisfy the requirements of specifications. Some of the sectional properties can be assumed as follows: i) Height of tower in a cable stayed bridge = Lito i (F to Z) (main span). 2. The ratio of the depth of girder to main span length is a function of the maximun allowable ratio of live load deflection to main span. The economic depth-to-span ratio is in the range of 1/60 to 1/90. » 3) 4) 5) <-100- Length of main span is 0.6 to 0.7 times the total length. Allowable static deflection mder Toads Cig 00, sip) span.” Optimum inélination of cable stays = 25°to 65°. For preliminary design of cable system, the approximate maximum moments can be calculated using the following formulas. For a-system with 5 equal panels 2 Myax™ 0+ 007aL For’a system with 7 equal panels Muax= 0-006qt7 Where q dead load + live’ load. : Ds \ -1o1- 5.2. DESIGN AND-CHECK FOR THE CABLE STAYED STRUCTURE , SHOW IN FIGURE 2 at 6" 8 I : i 5 B=10' | Figure 5.1 Refering to Figure 2.1 . Length of main span '£' = 510". Assume the dimensions of section as shown. in figure 5.1. i 1 1 1 Depth of girder = (2; to 35) (span) = 45 (span), = shisi0) = 7 feet. - # = eet. (384 x 8.5) 4.25 + (285.5x96) (8. (2x5.5%48) (8,545.5), (2x14578) (49) +(120x8) (80) 2 3 “et (38 4x85) + (2x5. 5x96) + (2x5 , 5248) + (2x1 4x78) + (120%8) ate ete Ye Dead weignt = 2704 (25°) - “7400 ips/ft. 4 ow -102-~ nO =/ 13872 + 5456 + 2728 + 107016'+ 69120 3264 + 5284264 + 2184 + BET = 2m 2. = 56" 5 aa | ‘ = 7.4 kips/ft. Let. the concentrated load due to equipment = 25 kips, 384x6.53 a 1)? . x8.5° , (384 x 8.5) (28-4.25) Tz : 4 2 Gh* 96 * 5-8) 4 ( beo6x.5) (28-8,5)? , 13? y+ ( dx96x5. +317 . at (qhe * 495-53, 1 2 ora y+ (Feder. 5) (28-8.5)7) 2 : [aax7e? 2 a +2 WaxT8', 24 (4x78) (56-35)? 1osxe? , 2 q + 108K + (10Bx8) (80-28) . ' = 19652 + 1841100 + 202103 + 101052 + 2258218 » + 4608 + 2336256 = 67630000 int = 327 fe‘, . a ere SECTION MODULU: . ‘ a = ch = 8763000 | >” yy, 36 %, = gh = 6763000 = 241536 in?= 40 te? ee ye 26 i : : 1, CANTILIEVER STAGE: Maximum moment due to (dead load of girder and concentrated load of equipment ) is . = 7400 (250)? ° ax’ t + 25000(250) 23125x104 + 625 x 104 23750 x 104 ip-ft. : 237500 kips-ft. - Assuming a concrete strength of f, Maximum allowable stresses in concrete are: fope = 0-45 & 6000 = 2700 psi ‘cbf fot 0.6 x 6000 = 3600 psi ‘foee = 6 XVEL = 464 psi. fore = 3 XVEL = 232 psi. ‘ 4 : / “6000 pai. -104~ Providing the prestiessing tendons as shown”in figures 5.1, e= 20" Limiting the tensile stress in top fibres = -464 psi. ‘ / : JABLE-1 Continued 230 1.0342. ° 1.0400 “0.8400 . 240 “13.1148 1.2777 1.2700 , : ye a, 2.3600 404 +250 14.4764" + 21,4423 0.0000. ~ * ie . . wo a ae ' 8 2 : ie , es * Main span length * &% =. CONTINUOUS STAGE For a system with 5 510" equal panels, the approximate maximuh bending moment is yiven by : “Max = 0.007 gt? (Influence lines?) Dead load + Live load = 7.4+0.640 = 8.04 kips/ft. hao Il 0,007 x 8,04 x (510)7 _ 14639 kips - ft. 140 et? . 70 £ 327 st : Bcebritricity of prestressing tendons’ e = 20" = 1.67' Maximum allowable tensile stress = 6 /f{ = 464 psi ‘ : P Pe: x * 7 120768 in? Poy 2.67 PL 704 320768 2464 + 1415 1, 407x107 440,138x10" 14639 x 103x 12 T20768 6155340 lbs. 6156 kips. ~108- Using 22 cables each made of 7-0.6%- ‘strands 0.7 fou Abu for each strand: = 40.7 kips. Prestressing force provided = 6268 kips = 6268 kips. ‘The results are provided by the computer program. -109- 6. CONCLUSTONS The cable stayed bridge has numerous advantages ver a structure without cable stays. A comparison can be made between the two types of structures by referring to the results a) 2) presented for displacements and camber to be provi ded during erection, in Table 1. For the same depth of the girder a cable stayed structure is structurally more rigid than the one without cables. As we can see from results presented in Table 1, deflection is almost nil, whereas in a structure without cables the deflect- ions become very large with increasing spans. A structure without cable stays requires 3to 4 times the depth of girder in order to provide the same rigidity as that of a cable stayed bridge. This means, for a main span length of 510' a cable stayed bridge requires 5-7', where as the one without cables requires 20-25' depth of girder. The smaller sections and design moments reduce the prestressing forces requiyed in the case of cable stayed structures thus eliminating the.need for special anchorages. 4) 6) -110- In case of cable stayed bridges it possible to produce the desired initial camber in the girder by adjusting the pre-tensioning forces in the cable stays, so that the deflections are within allowable limits. Upte a certain span length, the desired initial camber can also be obtained in a structure without cable stays by adjugting the prestressing forces in the girder, But for very large spans these prestressing forces become so large that it may be impossible to accommodate the strands in the girder. sections even by providing buildouts. For large spans we observe that any increase in prestressing forces in the girder has negligible effects in reducing the deflections in the stiffening girder. But in cable stayed bridges even a small increase in pre-tensioning forces in cable sttys results in considerable improve~ ment in reducing deflections. Concrete cable stajéd bridges becone more economical over?? other structural types (suspension, arch-cantilever, cantilever) of structures with respect to the concrete volume required. : | -111- A structure without cable stays erected by double cantilever method required temporary supports, which can be eliminated in case of cable stayed bridges by using auxiliary cables. — Prestressed concrete girders with cable stays perform better than those without cable stays, since the horizontal components from the cable stays have the same effect as the prestressing in'the girder, This in turn, adds to the rigidity of the structure. Erection and handling of precast prestressed segments is easier than reinforced concrete segments, since in the latter case couplers. have to be used to join the reinforcements from adjascent segments. ) -112- PROGRAM ONE (INPUT, OUTPUT) THIS PROGRAM CALCULATES DEFLECTION IN POST-. TENSIONED SEGMENTAL’ CANTILEVER BRIDGES DURING ERECTION AT DIFFERENT STAGES DEPTH OF THE STIFFENING GIRDER USED=L/75 EGSMODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF GIRDER IG=MOMENT OF INERTIA OF GIRDER W1=SELF WEIGHT OF GIRDER W2=WEIGHT OF MOVING EQUIPMENT B=SEGMENT LENTH N=NUMBER OF SEGMENT F1(1)= PRESTRESSING FORCE WHEN PIRST . SEGMENT IS ERECTED. EBl= ECCENTRICITY OF TENDON, SIGHMAP*TOTAL PRESTRESSING FORCE D(I)= DEFLECTION AT DIFFERENT POINT DIMENSION SIGMAF (25) ,D(25) ,F1 (2: REAL 1G INTEGER B READ* ,EG, 1G ,W1,W2,B,N,P1(1) ,E1 SIGMAF (1) =F1(1) DO 5 1=2,N : SIGMAF (I) =SIGMAF (1-1) +F1(1) D(I)=(((I*B) *#2) / (EG*IG) ) * (W14 ((T*B) $*#2) /8+ (W2*I*B) /3- (SIGMAF (I) *E1) /4) 5 CONTINUE PRINT 10,EG,1G,W1,W2,B,P1(1) ,EL 10 FORMAT ("1", 25x, 'EG=",F12.1,2X,'IG=",F6.1, $2X, "Wis" ,F5.2,2X,'W2=",P6.2,2X,'B=", $13,//,25X,"P(1)=" ,F8.2,2X,El=' ,P4.2 PRINT’ 30 30 FORMAT('1',25x,'NO OF SEGMENTS' , 4X, $'TOTALTPRESTRESS' , 4X, "TOTAL DEFLECTION' DO 25 I=1,N PRINT 40,1 ,SIGMAF (I) ,D(I) 40 FORMAT (28X,13,15X,F10.1,10X,F12.8,//) 23 CONTINUE STOP END aanneananacanaaa EG F(1)= 1332.00 B1=6.25 NO OF SEGMENTS 1 oe 12 I a 1s 16 676800.0 IG=4000.0 -113r ‘TOTALTPRESTRESS 1332.0 2664.0 3996.0 5328.0 6660.0 7992.0 9324.0 10656.0 11988.0 13320.0 14652.0 15984.0 17316.0 18648.0 19980.0 21312.0 22644.0 W1=15.00 W2= 25.00 Be-10 TOTAL DEFLECTION 0.00000000 -.00047959 -.00143160 -.00295016 -.00489628 -.00696476 -.00868417 -.00941686 = .00835896 -,00454036 00317525 +01609043 03567393 106356075 10155211, 15161545 21588442 19 20 22 22 23 24 25 -114- 23976.0 25308.0 26640.0 27972.0 29304.0 30636.0 .31968.0 33300.0 29665891 39640503 51775512 66350773 '+83662763 1.04024584 1.27765957 1455233228 =115- . EG= 676800.0 IG* 327.0 Wl= 7.40 W2= 25.00 B= 10 F(1)= 488.00 £1=1.67 NO OF SEGMENTS § TOTALTPRESTRESS * TOTAL DEFLECTION 1 488.0 0.00000000 2 976.0 00023349, 3 . 1464.0 00191652 4 1952.0 00721780 , 5 . 24io.0 | oom 6 2928.0 +042.41590 : 7 * 34%6.0 08169087 ° : a 3904.0 +1433.4039 9 . 4392.00 +23456129 h, * 4880.0 -36355350 . al 5368.0 +53952004 ‘ 12 ~ 5856.0 «77266706 13 6344.0 1.07420378 uw 6832.0 145634254 : : 1s 7320.0 1.93229878 16 7808.0 2.51629104 ’ a7 ~ 9296.0 3.22354096 18 as 20 22 23 24 25° af -u6- | - 8784.0 * 4,07027328 9272.0 5.07371584 a760.0'° 6.25209958 10248.0 7.62465857 yo7as.0 7+ 9.21162993 11224.0 . | 2103425392; 1712.0 13.11477390 7122000 | 15.47643630 one ‘ Vy annnnnAnnaanonancanne OM AAAAadnanAAAAAAAAAnAAAAAAAAAA -17- PROGRAM INVERT (INPUT, OUTPUT, TAPE 3=OUTPUT) DOUBLE PRECISION A (20,20) ,B(20 ,20) ,F (20,20) , X(9) ,D(9) ‘PRIS PROGRAM CALCULATES THE POST TENSIONING FORCES IN CABL8 STAYS,REACTIONS AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS AND ROTATION OF TOWERS. L=LENGTH OF MAIN SPAN L1sLENGTH OF FLANKING SPANS SIGEN=TOTAL PRESTRESSING FORCE AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS DUE 10 GROUP 1 CANTILEVER TENDONS IN MAIN SPAN. SIGFR=TOTAL PRESTRESSING FORCE IN THE TAIL SPAN PROVIDED OVER THE INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS DUE TO GROUP.1. CANTILEVER TENDONS. SIG3B=PRESTRESSING FORCE DUE TO GROUP 3B CONTINUITY TENDONS. ‘SIG3A=PRESTRESSING FORCE DUE 10 GROUP 3A CONTINUITY TENDONS. SIGP2=PRESTRESSING FORCE DUE 10 GROUP 2_‘TENDONS EN-ECCENTRICITY OF GROUP 1 CANTILEVER TENDONS IN MAIN SPAN. ER-ECCENTRICITY OF GROUP 1 CANTILEVER TENDONS IN@TAIL SPAN. E3B=ECCENTRICITY OF GROUP 3B TENDONS E3A=ECCENTRICITY OF GROUP 3A TENDONS E2SECCENTRICITY OF GROUP 2 TENDONS: 2#S1=TOTAL HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF GROUP 3A TENDONS. EG=MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF GIRDER IG*MOMENT OF INERTIA OF GIRDER\ Q=DEAD LOAD+LIVE LOAD ON THE GIRDER : LR=LENGTH OF PERMENENT CABLES PROVIDED ALR=INCLINATION OF CABLE STAYS 10 THE HORIZONTAL AE = CABLE CROSS SECTIONAL AREA EESEQUIVALENT MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF CABLE STAYS. BA,BC=LENGTH OF GIRDER UP TO POINT OF CABLE CONNECTION. ET-HEIGHT OF TOWER AT=CROSS SECTIONAL AREA OF TOWER ET=MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF TOWER MATERIAL FCC, FBB,FBC-~- FLEXIBILITIES OF TE GIRDER FOR THE PRIMARY SYSTEM.FIRST LEPTER F REPRESENTS THE FLEXIBILITY , SECOND LEPTER REPRESENTS THE POINT WHERE THE FLEXIBILITY IS REQUIRED, LAST LETTER REPRESENTS THE POINT WHERE THE UNIT LOAD IS APPLIED. CCRELASTIC STRETCH OF CABLE AT C CAmEZASTIC STRETCH OF CABLE AT A PI*FLEXIBILITY OF TOWER DPD=DEFLECTION DUE TO PRIMARY PRESTRESS AT CENTRE OFMAIN SPAN D, aaaacooe te nnnn nnn ““ORMAIN: SPAN De / (B*BG* 1G* (L+24L1) ) (6*BG* IG* (L+2*L1)) ‘Are- DPC*DEFLECTION DUE TO PRIMARY PRESTRESS AT C DPB=DEFLECTION DUE TO PRIMARY PRESTREEE AT B DIB,DIC=DEAD LOAD +LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION AT B C RESPECTIVELY (UNIFORM LOAD) DIBC,DICC=DEFLETION DUE TO CONCENTRATED LIVE LOAD AT B,C RESPECTIVELY, REAL L,L1,IG,LR COMMON ' SIGEN , SIGFR , SIG3B ,SIG3A , SIGF2 , EN,ER, E3B COMMON E3A,E2,SL,Q,WC,EO ,EA,S3 , READ* , SIGN , SIGFR, SIG3B, SIG3A, SIGF2,EN,ER,E3B READ* , E3A,E2 ,L,L1,S1,BG, 1G,Q,LRyALR, AE, EE READ* , BA,BC, HT,AT ,ET,WC,E0,EA,S3 TO CALCULATE THE FLEXIBILITY MATRIX FOR THE CABLE STAYED STRUCTURE CC#LR/ (AE*EE* (SIN (ALR) **2)) CAOUR/ (NESE (SIN (ALR) #23) PI-HT/ (AT*ET) , \ FBB= (L1**2) * (L1¢2*L)* (L#Ll) / (6*EG*IG* (L#2*L1)) \ PBC= (L1*#3) * (44L1+34L) / (6*EG*IG* (L4+2*L1)) _ L1#83) * (4*L14+34L) / (6*EG*IGS (L4+2*L1)) FOC=4* (L442) * (L1*#2) /(3*EGHIG# (L+24L1)) FCE=2* (L1*#2)#((L##2)+4*L*L1~4# (L1**2) ) CPs (L1*#2) * ((L**2)+4*L*L1-(L1**2)) / . (3*BG* IG* (L4 2411) ) FEC#2* (L1**2)*((L**2)+4*L*L1~4* (L1**2)) 7 (34EG* IGE (L+2*L1) ) . FEBS (L1**2) * ((L**2) +4*L*L1- (L1*#2) ) / (3*EG*IG*. (L#2*L1) ) FFB= (L1**2) * (24 (L1*#2)+ (L4*2) +4*L*L1) / PBE= (L1**2) * ((L**2) +4*L*L1-(L1**2)) / (3*EG*1G* (142*L1)) PBF= (L1**2) * (24 (L1*#2)+ (L**2) +4#L*L1) /(6*EG*IG* (L+2#11)) P(1,1) CAPT F(1,2)=0 P(1,3) =FT t P(1,4) BA F(2,1)=0 . F (2,2) =FBB+FBF F(2,3) =FBC+PBE F (2,4) =0 (3,1) #FT . s F(3,2) =FCB+FCF — ‘F(3,3) *FCC+PCEHCC+FT F (3,4) =BC F (4,1) =-BA F(4,2) #0 | F (4,3) =3C F(4,4) =0 | (1,5) a1 \ oa. ‘200 2. -1- , P(1,5)*1 . F(1,6)=0 F(1,7)=0 F(1,8)=0 F(2,5)=0 F(2,6)=1 F(2,7)#0 . F(2,8)=0 F(3,5; B(3,6)=0 PG, 741 F(3,8)=0 F(4,5)=0 F(4,6)=0 F(4,7)=0 F(4,8)=1, oo DO 2 I=1,4 . . DO 1d=1,8 . A(L,J)=F (I,J) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE (3, 4) FORMAT (1H1,6X,'PLEXIBILITY MATRIX A’,//) WRITE (3,5) ((A(T/d) ,J=1,4) ,T=1,4) FORMAT (10X, 4P12.6,///) q TO FORMULATS THE INVERSE OF THE FLEXIBILITY MATRIX DO 9 K=1,4 - DO 6 J=1,8 a A(K+4,J) =A(K,J)/A(K,R) Kl=K+1 K3=K+3 / fe DO 8 I=K1,K3 B(T,K)*A(I,K) . DO 7 J=1,8 : A(T ,J)*A(T,3)-A (Kd, J) *B(,R) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE (3,21) FORMAT (//,4X,' INVERSE OF MATRIX A ',//) WRITE (3,5) ((A(I J) J™5,8) s1=9,8) 10 CALCULATE THE’ POST TENSIONLNG FORCES IN CABLES, INTERMEDIATE REACTIONS AND ROTATION OF TOWERS CALL PSTRESS(L,L1,1G,EG,DB ,DC) D(5)=0 : D(6)=DB D(7)=DC oa D(B)=0 DO 40 Ke1,4 X(K)=0 . DO 3 J=5,8 X (K) #X (K} #8 (R44 3) #0 (T) CONTINUE . . 3 +,” CONTINUE 7 240 ,, CONTINUE 5 06 ; WRITE (3,42) . ; 42°". FORMAT('1", 6X, "VERT COMPONENT OF TENSION',1X, 5 : . $ *REACTION, ',1X,"ROTATION OF TOWERS',//) o i 2 : 2 WRITE(3, 43) (X(K) ,K=1, 4) : Pons 743s . FORMAT (5X, 4(F14.7) ,///) ‘ XR®X (1}/SIN (3.142* 45/180) 7 ' WRITE (3, 44) . : 44 v Fomaag('21.20x, ‘post TENSION FORCE') —- * WRITE(3, 45) a : 3 . 45 FORMAT(25X,F1234) —* . ! ' ae STOP . . | . END , | a SUBROUTINE PSTREBS(L,L1,1G,EG,DB/DC) . o co “THIS PROGRAM IS. CALCULATE THE’ DEFLECTION . ce. .DUE [0 PRESTRESSING FORCES DUE TO TOTAL : ' c LOADS ACTING ON THE STIFFENING GIRDER 4 Lh © COMMON SIGFN SIGER,SIG3B, SIG3A,SIGF2,EN ,ER,E3B poe _ COMMON JE3A,£2,81,Q,WC,E0,EA,S3-" 7 5 5 | : REAL L,L1, 16. 5 : { ~€iesrGeNeEns ((N#B) **2) /(3*EG*1G) 6 (SIG3B*E3B) *L* (L+4*L1) / (8*EG*IG) . : . C3=S1* (2*SIGJA*E3A~SIG3A*ED) * (16*,1+8*L-7*S1) 2 eee s. . ' /(48*EGETG) ° ob 2 PeE2+(EO+EA) /2 | + Cae L0*S1GP2* (53442) * (4*P-34EA-34E0) /(274EC*1G) | * DPD==C1+C2=C3-C4" i | | | a : DPC=DPD*SIN ( (2*3.142*L1) /(L42*L1)) . : DPB=DPD*SIN(3.142*LE/(L#2*L1)) . : A PRINT 50,DPD,DPB,DPC +7 80 ve PORMAR(* 1 112X, 'DPD=" ,F10. 4, 5X, "DPB=",F10.4 : $e + 1SXp"DPC=* jF10. 4) ” - ae _ C6 (142811) # (L2*43) / (12*EG*TG) - C7eQ* (L1** 4) /(24*EG*IG) : moot CB=Q* ( (L+24L1) #43) #11/ (24*BG*I6) : 4 . ‘ * C9mZ4O# (L1##3) # (L424L1)/(3*EG41G) . : i a. e + G10=2*Q* (Li**d) / (3*BG* IG) — ao CLI=Q*LL* (4(L424L1) #43) /(12*BG*IG) ' DICB=4*WC# (L##2) * (L1*#2) /(6*EG*IG* (L42*L1) ) : . : DICCAWC#L# (4*L* (L1*#2)+3* (L1*#3) ) / (3*EG*1G* o $ (L+2*b1)) ‘ . oo DB*DIB+DPB+DICB DC=DIC+DPC+DICC : PRINT 51,DIB,DIC,DICB, pice sl FORMAT (" 1", 8X, 'DIB=" , F10.4,2X,"DIC=" )F10ah, 2X, ° 8 *DICB#' ,F6.4,2K, "DICC=" ,F6. 4) PRINT 52,DB,DC 5 $2 : FORMAT ('1",20X, 'DB*" ,F14,4,5X,'DC= . 7 -@ RETURN a + END -121- PLEXIBILI@Y MATRIX A : s 7 : +000431 0.000000 *:000025 -170.900000 — “oe 0.000000 +037739 + 039219. 0000000 : * 039219 +104028 270,000000 _ 000025 “+ -1702000000: 0.000000 170.900000 . * 0.000000 INVERSE OF MATRIX A C e - x 15.685722 -16.300848 15.685722 -. 005840 -16.300848 43..438056 -16.300848 — -. 000044 - 15.685722 -16.300848 5.685722 000042 ~ : = -.005840 © -. 000044 +000942 -..000000 . DpD= -3.1514 DPB= -1.8526 DPCs -2.9973 DIB= 146.6528 DIC= 235.1502 DICB= .2398 DICC= 15994 DBs 145.0400 DC= 232.7522 VERT COMPONENT OF TENSION REACTION, ROTATION OF TOWERS — 1286.6119132 2506.1965473 1286.6119132 0034525 {POST TENSION FORCE ' 1819.3587 : -122- REFERENCES Troitsky. M.S, "Cable Stayed Bridges, Theory afd Design", Granada Publishing Lwmited, St.Albans, Great Britain, 1977. smith.B.S, "The Single Plane Cablé Stayed Girder Bridge : A Method of Analysis Suitable for Computer Use", Proc, Inst. Civ. Engrs, 37; 183-194, July,1967. Smith.B.S, "A Linear Method of Analysis for Double- plane Cable - Stayed Girder Bridges", Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs, -39, 85-94, January, 1968. Troitsky.M.S, and Lazar.B, "Model Investigation of Cable - Stayed Bridges - Post Tensioning of Cables", Report No«S, Sir George Williams University, Montreal, “canada, 1970. Man-Chung Tang, "Analysis of Cable Stayed Girder Bridges", Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol.97, No.ST5, May, 1971. 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