Crane RTG

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4.7 Rubber Tire Gantry (RTG) Hard Controls 1 | RTG shallbe fitea with pedestrian stoppers in between RTG wheels /legs. ‘To prevent personne! walking inbetweenRTG whees / regs. 2 | RTG shallnave a positioning | To assist the eperater with guides installed io assist the | aigning contaners correctly operator with aligning ‘and to prevent damage to cortainers, preventing Feeter racks walle loading or damage te container etacks | cacharging centainers. and resfer racks — Appropriate center markings ‘whe dearly marked in cortainer yard siaels to aline RTs. 3 | RTG fippers spreaders / To prevent the fipper from guide shal be fitedwih a | falling itdamagec secondary atachment chain 4 | TG ehallbe ted with hands | To allow operators to ‘tee two-way radio communicate safely while communication device ‘operating equipment operated by a foot pedal end | actities. or button positoned on the operators joy stick 5 | RTG shallbe fited with speaker(s) a diferent locations 20 operator can be heard clearly when communicating fo personnel and or truck drivers, ‘To assist with communicating to personnel and or truck carvers. © | Rreenainenteaminane | To protectagans: natn chein guarding. human error and lapsesin jdgment, as wellas ‘accidental contact wih moving pars. 7 | RTG shallbe fited with ong | To assist operator while long ‘ravel cameras inked ta —_| traveling. monitor located in operator's eatin. GHSE Engagement Programe ‘Asian Terminale Incorporated RTG cabin gates shall be ‘ited with an open / close cireutt gate wnien is sett ‘losing. To prevent cabin movement ‘during personnel access. TG shallbe assisted with a ‘terminal vehide when itis required to change container locks or stacks. “To assist operator changing contaner blocks or stacks safety, 40 TG operator cabins shall ‘To aseistin handling have an aiding mirrerfited | contaners and viewing container stacks wile tralleying backwards. 11 | RTC shallbe fited witha To safely secure trainers training seat with a two (2) poirt lap eoat belt while taining new operators. 12. | RTC shallbe ted with To detect and stop hoisting of overload devices with warring | overweicht containers. alarms that detect and stops ‘he loading of overweight containers. 13. | RTGshalthaye all emergency | To be abie to identty he stop buttons identified end | emergency bution quickly and Clearly labelled, ‘shut of a device in an ‘emergency situation. 14 | Permanent RTC maintenance | Te prevent unauthorized areas located at the end of container yard stacks/blocks shall be barricaded with cement pares, - Sde accra to the maintenance area should be protected with fencing ‘Vehicles frm diving rough maintenance area(s). 15 TG shall be fited with clecronic ant-calision {devices on each comer for Tong traveting. “To prevent RTG calling wit ‘objects while long travelling. GHSE Engagement Programs {Asian Terminals Incorporated 48 | RTG shal be ftea with “To push personnel out ofthe people pusner on each camer | way of long traveling located at the ovterend of | equipment each lag a7 | RTG shal be fted with a To detect the profle of the stack profling system. slack to automaticaly prevent the ravating containerispreader to calide vith the stacked containers 18 | RTG shal havedesignated — | To be able to lock out isolation points identified and | equipmentto protect clearly labelled io identify the | individuals and groups, ‘reuttor sysiem over wnien | exposed to danger. thoy have dirt control, 49. | Tc eccesstadder shall be | To protect personnel from fitted with safety cage hoops. | falling while climbing, Hoop shall commence at a height of 20m above the base of the ladoer. legsiation, ins equpment alles, 21 | RTG shal be fiteawith afre | To suppress equipment fires etecton ana automated are | wien nelp to reduce aamage suppression system installed, | and oss to equipment? intnewity Geng policy DPWRICOEIAN-GMdd (Maintenance of Crtical (Components) 22 | RTC operater’s cabin shat be | To escure the oecupantof he fitted with a 2 (two) point TG against harmful adustable seatheltand be | movement that may result wor while operating. during 2 calision ora sudden ‘sop. SaaS | area ‘a portable fire extinguisher in | fires. fe sree pee ae ae ‘Gi S GHSE Engagomont Programs Asian Terminals Incerperated Soft Controls 23. | Sites shalluse“Set stack | Tomanage pedestian ard Status" function in TOS. mobile equipment interacion ‘Spares oF cimlar functions. | while personnel are in the stack, 24 | RTGshall be fted with Toinform operetorit lockable “In service/Out service” signage next to ‘scoene adder. ‘equipments safe to operate ‘or under maintenance. 25 | RTGshallhave aunique 10 | Toeffectvely track ‘number clearly marked with | maintenance of equipment. ‘SW Limits. 26 | RTC ahall be stad with Toinerease vishilly froma ‘warning beacens (total (4) | distance orn low foht four) and an audible waming alarm for long travel 27 | Where loca legislation Te deter drug and alcohol use permits, employees onsite and to provide a safe ‘contractors shall undergo working environment. random drug alconol testing, Inctuaing post nedent testing 28 | Empoyeesana or contractors | Asnign-vsieuty clotnng ‘operating eguioment shall | allows personne! to be seen ‘wear high-vsibilityclathing in | bythe equipment cperaters: line with OS10. ‘sooner and more readily. 29. | Shitrosterpaterns shouldbe | Toprevent and reduce work Ssructured fo ensure that all | related fatigue inthe wort equipment operatorsreceive | place. ‘aminimumof § hours rest Peried between shifts. 24 hour break periods should be provided when changing rem aday or evening shift to or froma right shift GHSE Engagement Programs Asian Terminals Incorporated 20 | Sites shat undertake nazare | To deny ential eontot identieaton ask aseesement | measures nurimce me nex “os procers must be ee nazar wo poteet doaimentes ina saarsized | pecole property or the risk regiter. Emirosment ron te ‘dente nazare 3 Toctective communicate the wl prtrm he task, what mati are necessan. tere the tack wil ake place, then te task shallbe deromed, and now the Berton wil execute netsh 32 | Enployens contactors chat | To ensure opeetoris Bettaned aidasceseedin | conpetentte operator er woRtD tne win OPWenguainng | equpmen assccomont packegos fr me. 33 | RIG operators shat undergo | To aseese operators actual 5 competency re-assessments | skiis end knowledge in anon aie oat crerydycereraterbeng | thejebstuaton we inveiedin any siieart $. inadent. 2 OSs 34 | Operator shat underco | Toensure operetoris ttt regularmedcalexamnators. | operatormebie equpmert (Wedial examnaton shal ve ; Inline wth DP Word Olcbal He Sundar andrea! leaslaton). 35 | Preopertenal cheats Toinsure equpmentisin = covering teal safety good epat ents safe to devese dented e0"no-got | 2peraia. items shall be checked no less than every 24 hours. 1.4 Quay Crane Hard Controls 1 | Quay Crane shal haveani | To prevent personnel walking pecestian chains. Inbetween quay crane: E bogies. 2 | Quay Crane shal be fited | Tobe thrown to a personin with a He buoy, mounted the water, to provide waterside and clearly marked | buoyancy, to prevent with identification signage | drowning. located on beth sides of auay crane boge. - Alife buoys shal be connected with at least 20 meters of floating rope, 3 | Quay crane pin-down and ie- | To assist quay erane operator down locaton shail be clearly marked and idenifeble. ‘he near pin down and tie down points. 4 | Quay crane shall be fited with {re detection and automated fre suppression system, in Ine with G-Eng patiey DPW/2ICOEIAN-GM40 (Maintenance of Crea Components). ‘To suppress equipment fres which help to reduce damage ‘and loss to squipment. i ) " td GHSE Engagement Programs Asian Terminale Incorporated 5 | Quay crane shal be fited win | To extinguish or contr! small Pottatlefreextnguishers in | fires. line with (OEM) original equipment manufacturer requirements and or local legslation. Located in operator's cabin, machine clectical rooms and ground level. Portable fre exinguisner should be easy ‘to access ata times, 6 | auay crane shat nave a To provide adequate lighting ‘minimum lux level f 2001ux | in operational aroas whore “while working under the quay | people and vehicle or plant crane. work together. 7 | Allconfined spaces shallbe | To protect werkers om toxic, secured, identifed and clearly | explosive and asphyxiating rmerked with appropriate imoepheree. sionage. 7 8 | Quay cranes spreader fippers | To increase visitlity for shall be painted wih a high | personnel and mobie Visible edlor and or an ‘equipment operators, 4 slterative color to aprender 9 | Quay crane spreader tipper | To prevent the fipper from shall be fitted with a falling damaged. Secondary atachment enain. i 10 | Quaycranes shallbe fitted | To prevent quay crane boom wit an electoric boom to | colliding with berthed veseel. ship ant-colision device ang a ncudea winin regular preventative maintanence programs. 11 | Quay cranes shallbe fitted | To prevent quay crane ; ‘win anti-cottsion cevices cobaing win otner quay “which shal be included within | cranes and or wih any Drevestatvemintenance | objects wile long traveling programs. 12 | Quay crane cabin gates shat | To prevent cabin movement beffited with an open close | during personnel access. ceutt gate whieh is sett ‘leoing. GHSE Engagement Programs Asian Termnale Incorporated 13 | Quay cranes shall be sted | To wam personnel and , with an audible waming ‘equipment operators that 2 ‘ “sircnhom’ (diferent the | hatch covers is being gantry alarm), handled. 14 | Quay cranes shall have ‘To assist quay crane operator alignment guides on front with lining up with container ‘103s ral bays and coniainers. 45 | Quay cranes shall be sted | To assist with removing Je with automated chassis personnel from under the alignrent system. ‘quay crane. I 416 | Quay cranes shall have al | To be able toidentty the ‘emergency stop buttons: ‘emergency button quickly and Identifed and cleary labeled | shut off a device in an to Intemational standard. ‘emergency sitition. a7 | Quay cranes machinery ‘To protectagainst bon house chall have euitaole human error and lapses in = ‘uarding and orfencing fited | judgment. as well as ‘round moving pars, cable | accidental contact with drums and floor openings. | moving parts. 18 | Quay cranes machinery ‘To prevent personnel from house shall have suitable {aling tom heights. {uerding and or forcing fitod ‘round service opening hatches with kick rails 19° | Quay cranes shall have a To effectively track Unique ID number and clearly | maintenance of equpment. marked with SWVL Imi, 20 | Quay cranes to be fitted with | To inform operator it Insenicelout ofserice tg | equpmentis safe to operate next to access ladder. ‘or under maintenance. 21 | Quay cranes shall have ‘To be able talock aut Ny designated isolation points | equipmentto protect ‘dentifed and cleary labeled | individuals and groups, to Identity tne circut or ‘exposed to danger. GHSE Engagement Programs Asian Terminals Incorporated) ‘ystem aver which Wey Rave rect contrat with an ani-snag load pats from damage. election cevice. 22 | Quay cranes shal be fted | Topprevent ropes and crane a 23. | Quay cranes shal be ited | Todetect and stop hoisting of —_ with an overioad device, wih | overweight containers. ‘warring alarms. 24 | auay cranes chat be fed | To.allow operatoreto vith hands free two-way radio | communicate safely while ‘communication device ‘operating equipment operated by afoct pedal and | acivites. cer bution positoned on ie eperators jy stick 25. | Quay cranes shal be fied | To safely secure trainers with a traning seat witha two | while trahing new operators (@) point ap seat bet. 26 | auay cranse secseetacder | Toprotact personnel fom shallbe fied wih safety cage | falingto the ground or other oops. *Hoop shall, platiom. commence at a height of 20m above the base ofthe lads. Soft Controls 27 | where toca legislation ‘Te deter drug and alechol uso permits, employees ang onsite and to provide a safe contractors shall undergo working environment. random drug alechol testing, Inciuaing postinedent testing 28. | employees ana or contractors | As igh-visiuty cotnng cperating equipmentehall | allows personne! te be sean ‘wear high-visbiliy cottingin | bythe equipment operators: Tine with 0510. ‘sooner and more readly GHSE Engagement Programs Asion Termnale Incorporated 29 | Stitrostr pater shoud te | To prevent ard reduce wor Strictred to ensure thet all | telatedfaigue nthe work caunenteperatr receive | place Stnmum of Bhourerest Detod between shite 26 hour Break pecs shouldbe Droviged when changing fon cay or cwering sito or froma night oi 20 | Sites shat undertake nazara | To ery ees eantot ; Ietteton rikasoesonent | mescueste minmice he isk | Zo “nis posets must be rte hazard w protec Se dosumertogina eandarszed | poopie, propery orhe . fot reniter Envirorment ron the ~ ‘ete nazar 31 _ | Sites ana deveop To etectve communicate comprehensive SOP’ orall__| who wil pertermthe an, werk atts. ine wth | what materals are necessary Stpparing rok asecssmenta, | where he tak wl ake place, when the task sallbe Pevirmed and tow the Person wil excute ne task 32__| Sites shall develop and To ensure that al of DP_ “5 implement High Wind Wotts operating terminals procedure nine wine | nave adequate proceaires to ‘Weld Global Operation High | manage operatone ne Wrds Poter vent of adverse High Wid) i weather condions 33 | Employess anc contactors | To ensure opertris halle ainedand osseased_| conpetentteopereor oP WORLD intnewin OP Word taining | equprent i and assesomert packages or auay cane. 24 | Guayereneoperatorsahat!__ | To asaces operators actu! undergo competency r=- skills and inowledge in anion iO gs assessment every 3 years or | thejob station oe afer berg mvaved inany % Stgrteart gent © Oe 35 | Operator shatundergo | To ensure operatris tio : regular medealexaminatons. | operator mobie equipment (Maciel examination shal be < Inne wih OP Word Global HR Siandarts andor local tegeiaton) 26 | Preoperatonal checks To ensure equipment iin = coverng critcal saiety devices identified as "no-go" items shall be cnecked no lees than every 24 hours, 00d repair and is safe to operate.

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