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Sleeping Beauty Script

 Felicia as Aurora
 Michael as Prince Phillip
 Tommy as King Stefan
 Yonathan as King Hubert
 Eldora as Maleficent
 Francesco as Diaval
 Evelyna as Merryweather
 Derrick as Fauna
 Kelly as Flora

Dialogue and settings

Scene 1:
Fauna : Once upon a time, there lived a good king and his queen.
Flora : They were happy, but they had no children for so many years.
Mw : Years went by, then a miracle happens, the queen gave birth to a lovely baby
Flora : The whole kingdom was very excited. But unfortunately, the queen died when
she gave birth
Fauna : The king, who was very happy about his daughter’s arrival decided to arrange a
grand party.

Scene 2:
—— in the castle, the throne room
Hubert : That should we name her, Stefan?
Stefan : She looks like a rose… How about aurora?
Hubert : Aurora? It’s really pretty. Now she’s princess aurora, then. You’ve waited for
the birth of this child, so now that your wish has been granted, why don’t you
celebrate it?
Stefan : Yes, I decided to host a grand party to celebrate my newborn daughter, all the
fairies and people in this kingdom are invited.
//Hubert started to prepare for the party//
Hubert : Um sir, if I may ask, I think you for-
Stefan : Questions later Hubert! Now go help the others prepare!
Hubert : Oh no, the king forgot to invite Maleficent...well, just forget it, she wouldn’t
know it anyway... I better go help others...

Scene 3:
//Hubert delivering the invitation.//
Hubert : Excuse me fairies, we would invite you to the grand party for the newborn king
Stefan's daughter. Here’s the invitation.
Flora : That sounds great!
Mw : We definitely come to the party.
Fauna : Thanks for the invitation!
//Diaval spy on the fairies//

Scene 4:
—— meanwhile in Maleficent’s castle
Diaval : Excuse me, ma'am, I have some news for you.
Maleficent : News? What kind of news do you bring for me?
Diaval : It seems that the king has a daughter and they’re arranging a party to celebrate
her birthday, the king invited all of the fairies in the kingdom
Maleficent : A party? And yet the king did not invite me, how dare he forgot the most
powerful fairy in this kingdom.
Diaval : So what are you planning to do?
Maleficent : We’ll see when the day of the party came...

Scene 5:
—— the day of the party, in the ballroom
//Stefan is sitting on the dais, a cradle beside them//
Flora : Greetings my king (the three fairies bow down), we’re the fairies of the forest,
and we want to bless baby aurora with a few gifts.
Stefan : Of course, that would be very great.
(then the fairies come and approach the king)
Fairies : (at the cradle) Oh little darling! (to king) your majesties…

Flora : Each of us the child may bless with a single gift. No more, no less.
(at the cradle) little princess, my gift shall be the gift of beauty.

Fauna : Tiny princess, my gift shall be the gift of song, so you can sing beautifully,

Mw : Sweet princess, my gift shall be ...

(a blow of the wind, the door of the castle swings open. Lightning and thunder. Maleficent

Flora : Why it's Maleficent!

Mw : What does she want here?
Fauna : Sshhh!
Maleficent : What a delightful party it is... It's a pity that I and my trusted assistant do not get
Hubert : We’re so sorry Maleficent, we didn’t mean to do that, you’re very welcome to
the party now.
Maleficent : Thank you, then I shall bless baby aurora a little gift too...
//Maleficent step forward towards the cradle//
Maleficent : When aurora reaches her sixteenth birthday, she will touch a spindle and fell
into a deep sleep and never wake up again!
Stefan : Oh no! (takes the child in his arm)

Maleficent : Ha, ha, ha, ha!

King : Seize that creature!

Maleficent : Stand back, you fools! (vanishes)

Diaval : Don’t you think the curse is a bit too cruel for a little baby?
Maleficent : That is what they get when they decided that I'm not important enough to be
invited. Now be quiet or else I’ll curse you to be a frog!
//Maleficent walk out and disappear//

Flora : Don't despair, your majesties. Merryweather still has her gift to give.
King : Then she can undo this fearful curse?

Mw : Oh no, sir.

Flora : Maleficent’s power is far too great.

Fauna : But she can help!

Mw : But…

Fauna : Just do your best, dear.

Mw : Sweet princess, if through this wicked witches trick a spindle should your finger
prick, not in death but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep, and from
this slumber, you shall wake when true love's kiss the spell shall break.

Mw : The whole kingdom was devastated upon hearing that their princess will die.
Flora : Years passed, the princess grew up to be exactly what the fairies gifted her, a
beautiful and talented young woman, loved by her people.

Scene 6:
——sixteen years later, in the Maleficent castle
Maleficent : Hey, Diaval!
Diaval : Yes, your highness.
Maleficent : It has been already sixteen years since I cursing the baby!
Diaval : Yes, time flies so fast!
Maleficent : Sure is it. I have something that you need to do.
Diaval : Yes, what is it, your highness?
Maleficent : Go far-far away and search a sixteen girl with hair of sunshine gold named
Aurora. Go and do not fail.
Diaval : Yes, your highness.

Scene 7:
—— in the forest
Aurora : Such a nice day to take a walk...
Phillip : Hear that? Beautiful! What is it? Let's find out.

Aurora : Oh, why, it's my dream prince! (laughs) your highness! No, I'm really not
supposed to speak to strangers. But we've met before!

Phillip : That voice... I’ve heard that before.

Aurora : Oh? (turns around and sees Phillip) oh! (tries halfheartedly to run off, but is
held by Phillip)

Phillip : I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just... Feel like dancing and
singing with you.

Aurora : Oh it wasn't that. It's just that you're a, a ...

Phillip : A stranger?

Aurora : Hmm-hmm.

Phillip : But don't you remember? We've met before!

Aurora : We, we have?

Phillip : Of course, you said so yourself: once upon a dream! Who are you, what's your

Aurora : Hmm? Oh, my name. Why it's, it's ... Oh no, no, I can't, i ... Goodbye! (runs off)

Phillip : But when will I see you again?

Aurora : Oh never, never!

Phillip : Never?

Aurora : Well, maybe someday.

Phillip : When, tomorrow?

Aurora : Oh no, this evening.

Phillip : Where?

Aurora : At the cottage, in the glen.

//Aurora walks to the cottage//

Scene 8:
—— at the cottage
//Diaval spying//
Flora : Hey! Look!

Mw : It's Aurora!

Flora : She's back, enough of this foolishness.

Fauna : Now hide, quick!

(outside, Aurora hurries toward the house. Aurora opens the door and enters.)

Aurora : Flora, Fauna, Merryweather! Where is everybody? (sees dress) oh!

Fairies : Surprise!

Fauna : Happy birthday!

Aurora : Oh you darlings, this is the happiest day of my life. Everything's so wonderful,
just wait till you meet him.

Fauna : Him?

Mw : Aurora!

Flora : You've met some stranger?

Aurora : Oh he's not a stranger, we've met before.

Flora : You have?

Mw : Where?

Aurora : Once upon a dream!

Fauna : She's in love.

Mw : Oh no.

Flora : This is terrible!

Aurora : (startled) Why? After all, I am sixteen.

Flora : It isn't that, dear.

Fauna : You're already betrothed.

Aurora : Betrothed?

Mw : Since the day you were born.

Fauna : To prince Phillip, dear.

Aurora : But that's impossible! How could I marry a prince, I'd have to be ...

Mw : A princess.

Fauna : And you are dear!

Flora : Princess Aurora. Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan.

Aurora : But, but I can't! He's coming here tonight, I promised to meet him.

Flora : I'm sorry, child, but you must never see that young man again.

Aurora : Oh, no, no! I can't believe it. No, no! (Aurora runs upward to her room)

Mw : And we thought she'd be so happy.

Scene 9:
——in the throne room

Stefan : No sign of her yet, Hubert.

Hubert : Of course not, could have heard it somewhere, *eating* excellent food, oh

enough sulking, come here.

Stefan : I’m sorry Hubert, but after sixteen years of worrying, never knowing anything...

Hubert : The past, it's all in the past, tonight, we toast for the future with something I’ve

been saving for sixteen years.

*glass clinking, drinking happily*

Stefan : Hmm, excellent wine.

Hubert : And now to their new home.

Stefan : Home?

Hubert : Yes home, our children will need a new nest of their own.

*glass clinking, drinking happily*

Hubert : What do you think? Nothing elaborates of course, 40 bedrooms, dining hall and

a honeymoon cottage.
Stefan : You mean you’re building it already.

Hubert : Built, it's already finished, and they can move in tomorrow.

Stefan : Tomorrow?! But Hubert, they are not even married yet.

Hubert : Well let's fix that shall we, they’ll get married tonight.

Stefan : Tonight?! But I haven't even seen my daughter yet and you’re taking her away

from me.

Hubert : You want to see our grandchildren do you?

Stefan : Of course.

Hubert : Then there’s no time to lose.

Stefan : Be reasonable Hubert, Aurora has known nothing about this, it will come as a

Hubert : Shock? What's wrong with my Philip?

Stefan : Nothing.

Hubert : Then let's prepare for the wedding immediately.

Scene 10:

Hubert : Philip! Philip my son! Hurry boy! Hurry change into something nicer, you don't

want to meet your future bride like this

Philip : but I have met her father

Hubert : you have?! Where?

Philip : once upon a dream......

Hubert : oh stop joking Philip

Philip : but I really do meet her

Hubert : you met princess aurora?? Oh good heavens, I must tell Stefan

Philip : I didn't say it was aurora father

Hubert : but you did...

Philip : I say I met the girl that I was going to marry, I don't know who she was, a
peasant girl maybe

Hubert : no! You cant do that to me, you're a prince and you will marry a princess

Philip : oh father, you’re living in the past, its the 14th century,

Hubert : and I'm still the king, and I command you to marry...

Philip : and marry the girl I love, goodbye father!

Scene 11:
——at the Maleficent’s castle
//Diaval came into Maleficient’s castle//
Maleficient : Who’s there? Oh... My brave servant. So... What do you get here?
Diaval : Aurora is in the cottage in the forest near the castle with three fairy

Maleficient : Oh, what good information. You’re sure the best servant I have.

Diaval : Of course, I am good at spying.

Scene 12:

——at Aurora’s bedroom

Flora : All right, in here, dear.

(Merryweather closes the door and sighs)

Flora : Lock the door, Merryweather! Fauna pull the drapes! And now,dear, if you'll
just sit here. This one last gift, the dear child for thee, the symbol of thy
royalty. A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right, and royal duty.

(the fairies set the crown on her head. Aurora again breaks into tears.)

Fauna : Now, dear.

Flora : Come, let her have a few moments alone. (They leave the room)

Scene 13:
//Maleficent appears//

Maleficent : Well, well, princess aurora. It’s time to carry out my plan! (Laughing and the
hypnotized aurora)

Flora : Listen! Maleficent!

Fairies : Aurora, aurora!

(They open the door.)

Mw : Oh why did we leave her alone?

Fairies : Aurora, aurora!

//The fairies try pushing the wall open, and then flora uses her magic. There are multiple
ways of going off the fireplace. The fairies don't find the right way at once//

Fairies : Aurora, aurora! Where are you? Aurora!

//Aurora follows the light into a room in the tower, where there is a spindle. Aurora starts to
reach towards it with her left hand//

Fauna : Aurora! Don't touch anything!

Maleficent : Touch the spindle. Touch it I say!

(in a flash of light, Aurora touches the spindle with the middle finger. Just this moment, the
fairies appear in the door.)

Fairies : Oh!

Maleficent : You poor simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me, me, the mistress of all
evil. Well, here's your precious princess.

(Maleficent turns beside, revealing Aurora laying face-down on the floor. Maleficent
disappears, laughing.)

Fairies : Aurora!

Scene 14:

//The fairies started crying over aurora’s body.//

Fauna : Poor King Stefan.

Mw : They'll be heartbroken when they find out.

Flora : They're not going to.

Mw : They aren't?

Flora : We'll put them all to sleep until aurora awakens.

Scene 15:
—— back in the palace, the throne room
Stefan : (crying while lying beside aurora)
Hubert : Um sir, if I may suggest, I think we should call the forest fairies, I believe they
will have some sort of solution to this problem
Stefan : Alright, call the fairies in
Fauna : I'm sorry my dear king, we could not alter nor defeat the curse
Flora : But we might have another idea
Mw : We can cast a spell over the kingdom so that every one of you will fell asleep
Fauna : Then after a hundred years, when princess aurora wakes up, she will not be
Stefan : Then do what you have to
(the three fairies cast a spell over the kingdom, everyone, including the guards, servants, and
animals are now fast asleep)

Scene 16:

——at the throne room

Flora : Hey guys! Prince Philip was the man aurora met in the forest! I realize it just a
moment ago!

Mw : Wha-what?!

Fauna : Then we must hurry back to the cottage!

Scene 17:

——at the cottage

//Phillip knocking the door//

Maleficent : Come in!

(Phillip gets in and is surprised by a couple of Maleficent's servants. He struggles but

ultimately is completely tied. Maleficent and her raven watch the scene with deep
Maleficent : Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I set my trap for a peasant, and yes! I catch a
prince! (Laughs) Away with him. But gently, Diaval, gently, I have plans for our
royal guest.

//Philip left his hat//

//Fairies come to the cottage and see Prince Phillip’s hat//

Fairies : Huh! Maleficent!

Mw : She got Prince Phillip!

Flora : In the Maleficent castle!

Fauna : But we can’t, we can’t go there!

Flora : We can and we must!

Scene 18:

—— at the Maleficent castle

Maleficent : Oh come on prince Phillip you’re the hero who will save princess aurora. Why
don’t you cheer up a bit?


Maleficent : Well, well, let us leave the noble prince with these happy thoughts.

(outside the dungeon, she locks the door.)

Maleficent : For the first time in sixteen years I shall sleep well.

Scene 19:

//The fairies have arrived and free Prince Phillip//

Phillip : Now it’s time to save the princess!

Maleficent : You wish! (throws spells, it missed) argh!

Maleficent : You little brat! I’ll kill you! Just wait and see! (throws a spell again, and
and it missed again) aarrghh!!!!

Phillip : You can’t catch me, old woman! See ya!

Maleficent : Old woman?!

Diaval : She’s still young and pretty... And you call her an old woman?

Maleficent : Go die!! (throws spells) and now you shall deal with me, old prince!

Diaval : Hey, what do you want, huh? Come on, beat me if you can!

(Phillip and Diaval fight and after some time Maleficent yelled)

Mw : Now prince Phillip! Kill her! (Put a spell on Philip's sword)

//Phillip killed Maleficent with his sword and Maleficent died//

Diaval : Hey, boss wake up! Wake up, boss!

Phillip : Yess! I killed your boss!

Diaval : Please don’t kill me, Prince Phillip! I will do whatever you want!

Phillip : Are you sure??

Diaval : I’ll be a nice person! I promise!

Phillip : Okay then, do you want to come with me to the castle?

Diaval : Yes, of course! I’ll be your servant if you want..

Philip : Okay, let’s go!

Scene 20:
—— inside the castle, the throne room
//Prince Philip went to the castle and entered it, they were surprised to see the whole castle
//Prince Philip explored the castle and found Princess Aurora//
Dival : Wow, this castle very huge!
Philip : Sure is it!
Diaval : But, why everyone sleeping?
Philip : Hmm… I don’t know.
Philip : A sleeping princess...she’s really beautiful, I wonder what happened to her.
Diaval : She’s very beautiful.
//Princess Aurora slowly open her eyes, and the whole castle finally awoke from their deep
Philip : Hello, I'm prince Philip from a faraway kingdom.
Aurora : Well hello Prince Philip, I see you’ve stumbled over our castle.
Philip : Yes it seems that way, you’re very beautiful, and I would like to marry you if
that’s possible.
Aurora : Of course.
//Meanwhile, in the surroundings, all the people are waking up//

Scene 21:
Flora : The prince and princess fell in love and decided to marry each other
Fauna : The king arranged a grand ball to celebrate the wedding, Prince Philip and
princess aurora rode to the faraway kingdom
Mw : And they lived happily ever after.

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