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ENG-0034-T33, Rev. 001
Selenia Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

Part Number MAN-00745

Revision 002

January 2008

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Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. -i

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... -i

Preface ........................................................................................................................ P-iii

1.0 Intended Use ......................................................................................................................................P-iii
2.0 Quality Control ..................................................................................................................................P-iii
3.0 Training ..............................................................................................................................................P-iii
4.0 Product Complaints ............................................................................................................................P-iii
5.0 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................P-iii
6.0 Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................................P-iv
7.0 Document Conventions .................................................................................................................... P-viii
8.0 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes ........................................................................................................P-viii
9.0 International Symbols .........................................................................................................................P-ix
10.0 Using the Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual ................................................................P-x
Chapter 1—General Information ................................................................................. 1-1
1.0 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1-1
2.0 System Description ..............................................................................................................................1-1
3.0 Film Printer (option) .............................................................................................................................1-2
4.0 Safety ..................................................................................................................................................1-2
4.1 Isolation Integrity ..........................................................................................................................1-2
4.2 Radiation Safety ............................................................................................................................1-3
4.3 Electrical Safety .............................................................................................................................1-3
4.4 Mechanical Safety .........................................................................................................................1-5
4.5 Emergency Off Switches ................................................................................................................1-5
4.6 Interlocks ......................................................................................................................................1-6
5.0 Compliance .........................................................................................................................................1-7
5.1 Compliance Requirements ............................................................................................................1-7
5.2 Compliance Statements .................................................................................................................1-7
5.3 Label Locations .............................................................................................................................1-8
6.0 Room Planning ....................................................................................................................................1-9
7.0 Receiving and Unpacking ..................................................................................................................1-11
7.1 Receiving Instructions .................................................................................................................1-11
7.2 Uncrating the Gantry ..................................................................................................................1-11
7.3 Uncrating the Acquisition Workstation ........................................................................................1-13
7.4 Unpacking the Image Receptor ...................................................................................................1-14

MAN-00745 v
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

Chapter 2—Gantry Installation ..................................................................................... 2-1

1.0 Overview of Entire Installation Process ............................................................................................... 2-1
2.0 Securing the Gantry in Position ........................................................................................................... 2-1
3.0 Gantry Input Power Configuration ...................................................................................................... 2-2
3.1 Power Cable Connection .............................................................................................................. 2-3
4.0 Footswitch Installation ........................................................................................................................ 2-4
5.0 Remote X-ray On/Power On Light—Connection ................................................................................. 2-5
6.0 Installing the Image Receptor .............................................................................................................. 2-6
6.1 Image Receptor Installation .......................................................................................................... 2-6
6.2 Adjusting the C-arm Rotation Switch Assembly ............................................................................ 2-6
6.3 Shipping Container Return ............................................................................................................ 2-6
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate .............................................................. 3-1
1.0 Securing the Acquisition Workstation (AWS) in Position ..................................................................... 3-1
1.1 Removing the Rear Cover ............................................................................................................. 3-1
1.2 Mount the AWS ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
2.0 Input Power Configuration .................................................................................................................. 3-2
2.1 Acquisition Workstation ............................................................................................................... 3-2
3.0 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections ........................................................................... 3-3
3.1 Power ........................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Fiber Optics .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
4.0 Standard Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 3-6
4.1 Displays, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment ..................................................................... 3-6
5.0 Optional Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 3-11
5.1 Reversing the Direction of the Cable Harness ............................................................................. 3-11
5.2 Left-Side Selenia Display Arm Configuration .............................................................................. 3-12
5.3 Right-Side TechMate Swivel-Arm Configuration ......................................................................... 3-14
5.4 Displays, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment ................................................................... 3-15
6.0 Selenia Network Cable Installation ................................................................................................... 3-19
7.0 TechMate Network Cable Installation ............................................................................................... 3-19
8.0 Installing the Radiation Shield ........................................................................................................... 3-19
9.0 Installing the AWS Rear Cover .......................................................................................................... 3-20
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate .......................................................... 4-1
1.0 Standard Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
1.1 Display and Display Arm Attachment ........................................................................................... 4-1
1.2 Arm Harness Routing .................................................................................................................... 4-2
2.0 Display Harness Routing ..................................................................................................................... 4-2
3.0 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections ........................................................................... 4-3
3.1 Power ........................................................................................................................................... 4-3
3.2 Fiber Optics .................................................................................................................................. 4-4
4.0 Optional Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.1 Remove the Base .......................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2 Reconfigure the Base Wiring ........................................................................................................ 4-6
4.3 Replace the Base .......................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.4 Realigning the Cover on the Arm’s Post ........................................................................................ 4-6
4.5 Repositioning the Totoku Display Bracket .................................................................................... 4-7
4.6 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly ......................................................... 4-7

vi MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents

Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests .................................................. 5-1

1.0 Acquisition Workstation Controls and Display .....................................................................................5-1
2.0 TechMate Controls and Display ...........................................................................................................5-2
3.0 Initial Startup Procedures .....................................................................................................................5-2
3.1 Pre-Startup Checks ........................................................................................................................5-3
3.2 Turning On the System ..................................................................................................................5-3
3.3 Resetting the UPS ..........................................................................................................................5-4
4.0 Test Ground Impedance ......................................................................................................................5-5
5.0 Controls and Displays ..........................................................................................................................5-6
5.1 Emergency Off Switches ................................................................................................................5-6
5.2 Acquisition Workstation Keypads ..................................................................................................5-6
5.3 Selenia Display .............................................................................................................................5-7
5.4 Gantry Controls and Displays ........................................................................................................5-8
5.5 C-arm Controls and Displays .........................................................................................................5-9
5.6 Dual Function Footswitches ........................................................................................................5-11
6.0 Selenia Controls and Functional Tests ................................................................................................5-12
7.0 Continue with System Installation ......................................................................................................5-18
8.0 Emergency Off Switches ....................................................................................................................5-18
9.0 Shutdown Procedures ........................................................................................................................5-19
9.1 User Reboot and User Shutdown ................................................................................................5-19
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance ..................................................................................... 6-1
1.0 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................6-1
1.1 Component Identification ..............................................................................................................6-2
2.0 Accessing Internal Components—Selenia AWS ...................................................................................6-3
2.1 Rear Cover Removal .....................................................................................................................6-3
2.2 Internal Components .....................................................................................................................6-4
3.0 Accessing Internal Components—TechMate ........................................................................................6-5
3.1 Front Cover Removal ....................................................................................................................6-5
4.0 Preventive Maintenance Procedures ....................................................................................................6-6
4.1 AWS — Clean and Inspect ............................................................................................................6-6
5.0 Display Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................6-7
5.1 Selenia Display Replacement ........................................................................................................6-7
5.2 TechMate Display Replacement ....................................................................................................6-8
6.0 Trackball Replacement ........................................................................................................................6-9
6.1 Selenia ..........................................................................................................................................6-9
6.2 TechMate ......................................................................................................................................6-9
7.0 Keyboard Replacement ......................................................................................................................6-10
7.1 Selenia ........................................................................................................................................6-10
7.2 TechMate ....................................................................................................................................6-10
8.0 Compact Disk Drive and Storage Shelf Replacement .........................................................................6-11
8.1 Storage Shelf Replacement ..........................................................................................................6-11
8.2 Compact Disk Drive Replacement ..............................................................................................6-12
9.0 Bar Code Reader Replacement ..........................................................................................................6-12
9.1 Bar Code Reader .........................................................................................................................6-12
9.2 Bar Code Reader Power Supply ...................................................................................................6-12

MAN-00745 vii
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

10.0 AWS Computer Replacement .......................................................................................................... 6-13

10.1 Back up Configuration .............................................................................................................. 6-13
10.2 Back up the Calibration and Map Files ..................................................................................... 6-13
10.3 Create getinfo.html ................................................................................................................... 6-13
10.4 Capture the calibration data on the Host Microprocessor board ............................................... 6-13
10.5 Burn a CD with the backup files ............................................................................................... 6-15
10.6 Ultra 45™ Computer Replacement ........................................................................................... 6-16
10.7 Reinstall Backup Files ............................................................................................................... 6-16
10.8 Verify System Operation ........................................................................................................... 6-16
11.0 TechMate Computer Replacement .................................................................................................. 6-17
12.0 Radiation Shield Replacement ........................................................................................................ 6-18
13.0 Power Distribution Assembly Replacement ..................................................................................... 6-19
13.1 Power Distribution Fuses .......................................................................................................... 6-19
14.0 Power Distribution Board Replacement .......................................................................................... 6-20
15.0 Power Control Board Replacement ................................................................................................. 6-20
16.0 Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement ........................................................................................ 6-20
17.0 Right X-ray LED Board Replacement ............................................................................................... 6-21
18.0 Left X-ray LED Board Replacement .................................................................................................. 6-21
19.0 AWS Display Power Supply Replacement ....................................................................................... 6-21
20.0 Cooling Fans Replacement .............................................................................................................. 6-22
20.1 Selenia ..................................................................................................................................... 6-22
20.2 TechMate ................................................................................................................................. 6-22
21.0 Circuit Breaker Replacement ........................................................................................................... 6-23
22.0 AWS Emergency Off Switch Replacement ....................................................................................... 6-23
23.0 Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS) .......................................................................... 6-24
23.1 Selenia UPS Replacement ......................................................................................................... 6-24
23.2 UPS Battery Replacement ......................................................................................................... 6-25
23.3 TechMate UPS Replacement .................................................................................................... 6-26
23.4 TechMate UPS Battery Replacement ......................................................................................... 6-27
24.0 Fiber Optic Cable Replacement ...................................................................................................... 6-28
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance .................................................................................. 7-1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 7-1
2.0 Gantry Component Identification ........................................................................................................ 7-2
3.0 Removing Covers and Panels .............................................................................................................. 7-5
3.1 Gantry Cover Removal ................................................................................................................. 7-5
3.2 C-arm Covers—Removal .............................................................................................................. 7-6
4.0 Preventive Maintenance Procedures ................................................................................................... 7-8
4.1 Preventive Maintenance Tools and Procedures ............................................................................. 7-8
4.2 Gantry—Clean and Inspect ........................................................................................................... 7-9
4.3 Review the Exposure, Error, and Alarm Logs ................................................................................. 7-9
4.4 Accessing the Exposure and Error Logs ......................................................................................... 7-9
4.5 C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection and Lubrication ........................................................ 7-11
4.6 VTA Lead Screw Inspection and Lubrication ............................................................................... 7-12

viii MAN-00745
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Table of Contents

5.0 Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components ........................................................................................7-13

5.1 Fiber Optic Cabling .....................................................................................................................7-13
5.2 Image Receptor ...........................................................................................................................7-15
5.3 Preparing the Image Receptor for Return Shipping ......................................................................7-15
5.4 Image Receptor Fans ...................................................................................................................7-16
5.5 Image Receptor Dust Filter Maintenance .....................................................................................7-16
5.6 HV Generator Assembly ..............................................................................................................7-17
5.7 Beam Limiting Assembly .............................................................................................................7-19
5.8 X-ray Tube ..................................................................................................................................7-20
5.9 Brick Assembly ...........................................................................................................................7-21
6.0 Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components ...........................................................7-22
6.1 Firmware .....................................................................................................................................7-22
6.2 Jumpers .......................................................................................................................................7-22
6.3 Host Microprocessor Board .........................................................................................................7-23
6.4 Motor/Lamp Control Board .........................................................................................................7-24
6.5 Generator Microprocessor Board ................................................................................................7-25
6.6 Filament Control Board ...............................................................................................................7-25
6.7 Rotor Control Board ....................................................................................................................7-26
6.8 Tubehead Switch Boards .............................................................................................................7-27
6.9 Filament Protect Board ................................................................................................................7-27
6.10 Tubehead Microprocessor and Motor Driver Boards .................................................................7-28
6.11 Bucky Controller Board .............................................................................................................7-29
6.12 C-Arm Vertical Travel Limit Switches ........................................................................................7-30
6.13 C-Arm Rotation Limit Switch .....................................................................................................7-30
6.14 C-arm Switch Boards (2) ............................................................................................................7-30
6.15 Mag Tray Detector Board ..........................................................................................................7-31
6.16 Right Rotation Angle Display Board ..........................................................................................7-33
6.17 Left Rotation Angle Display Board .............................................................................................7-33
6.18 Gantry C-arm Rotational Switches .............................................................................................7-34
6.19 VTA Motor Driver Board ...........................................................................................................7-34
6.20 Compression / AEC Position Display Boards ..............................................................................7-35
6.21 AEC Position Switch ..................................................................................................................7-35
6.22 Paddle Detect Board .................................................................................................................7-36
7.0 Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies ...................................................................7-37
7.1 Power Distribution Board ............................................................................................................7-38
7.2 Mains Power Board .....................................................................................................................7-39
7.3 Emergency Off Switch .................................................................................................................7-39
7.4 Circuit Breaker ............................................................................................................................7-40
7.5 Isolation Transformer/Power Distribution Assembly ....................................................................7-41
7.6 Power Supply Interconnect Board ...............................................................................................7-43
8.0 Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies .........................................................................7-44
8.1 Tubehead Cooling Fan ................................................................................................................7-44
8.2 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer .....................................................................................................7-45
8.3 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly ...................................................................7-46
8.4 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly ....................................................................7-47
8.5 Compression Thickness Potentiometer ........................................................................................7-48
8.6 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly ........................................................................7-49
8.7 Compression Motor and Motor Brake ..........................................................................................7-51
8.8 Timing Belt .................................................................................................................................7-52
8.9 Force Load Cell ...........................................................................................................................7-53

MAN-00745 ix
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

Appendix A—Specifications ......................................................................................... A-1

1.0 Dimensional Information ....................................................................................................................A-1
1.1 Tubestand (Gantry with C-arm) .....................................................................................................A-1
1.2 Acquisition Workstation ...............................................................................................................A-2
1.3 Acquisition Workstation with Dual Swivel Arms ...........................................................................A-2
2.0 Operating Environment .......................................................................................................................A-3
2.1 General Operating Conditions ......................................................................................................A-3
3.0 Storage Environment ...........................................................................................................................A-3
3.1 Tubestand .....................................................................................................................................A-3
3.2 Image Receptor ............................................................................................................................A-3
4.0 Electrical Input ....................................................................................................................................A-4
4.1 Tubestand .....................................................................................................................................A-4
4.2 Acquisition Workstation ...............................................................................................................A-4
5.0 Acquisition Workstation Technical Information ..................................................................................A-5
6.0 Tubestand Technical Information ........................................................................................................A-6
6.1 C-arm ...........................................................................................................................................A-6
6.2 Compression ................................................................................................................................A-6
6.3 X-ray Tube: Molybdenum .............................................................................................................A-8
6.4 X-ray Tube: Tungsten ....................................................................................................................A-9
6.5 X-ray Collimation .......................................................................................................................A-10
6.6 Light Field Indication ..................................................................................................................A-10
6.7 X-ray Generator ..........................................................................................................................A-11
7.0 Imaging System Technical Information ..............................................................................................A-13
7.1 Image Receptor ..........................................................................................................................A-13
8.0 Hardcopy Film Printing Devices .......................................................................................................A-14
8.1 Image Engine ..............................................................................................................................A-14
8.2 Interface .....................................................................................................................................A-14
8.3 Printed Film ................................................................................................................................A-14
9.0 TechMate ..........................................................................................................................................A-14
10.0 Center-of-Gravity Reference ............................................................................................................A-15
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment ...................................................B-1
1.0 General Information ............................................................................................................................ B-1
1.1 The Vertical Position Override Switch (VPOS) .............................................................................. B-1
2.0 Safety Considerations and Other Precautions ...................................................................................... B-2
3.0 Mobile Specifications .......................................................................................................................... B-3
3.1 Shock and Vibration Limits ........................................................................................................... B-3
3.2 Coach Environment ...................................................................................................................... B-3
3.3 Electrical Input ............................................................................................................................. B-3
4.0 Preparing the System for Transport ...................................................................................................... B-4
5.0 Testing System Integrity After Transport ............................................................................................... B-4
5.1 Selenia Controls and Functional Tests ........................................................................................... B-4
5.2 Compression Thickness Test ......................................................................................................... B-4
5.3 Quality Control Tests .................................................................................................................... B-4
6.0 Integrity Checklist ............................................................................................................................... B-5

x MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents

Appendix C—Technical References .............................................................................. C-1

1.0 Peripheral Monitor Port ...................................................................................................................... C-1
1.1 Array Monitor Port ....................................................................................................................... C-2
2.0 Test Points .......................................................................................................................................... C-3
3.0 LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... C-7
4.0 Fuses .................................................................................................................................................. C-9
5.0 Jumpers ............................................................................................................................................ C-11
Appendix D—Parts List ............................................................................................... D-1
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................D-1
2.0 The Replacement Parts Lists ................................................................................................................D-1
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration .......................................................... E-1
1.0 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................E-1
2.0 Identification .......................................................................................................................................E-1
3.0 Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly ................................................................................E-2
3.1 Removing the Selenia Display .......................................................................................................E-2
3.2 Removing the Arm ........................................................................................................................E-2
3.3 Removing the Base ........................................................................................................................E-3
3.4 Reconfigure the Base Wiring .........................................................................................................E-5
3.5 Modify the Selenia Display Arm for Left-Side Articulation .............................................................E-5
4.0 Reconfiguring the TechMate Swivel Arm Assembly .............................................................................E-8
4.1 Modify the Swivel Arm for Right-Side Articulation ........................................................................E-8
4.2 Route the TechMate Swivel Arm Harness ......................................................................................E-9
4.3 Reinstall The Display and Cables ................................................................................................E-10
Appendix F—Installation Checklist ............................................................................... F-1
1.0 Objective ............................................................................................................................................F-1
2.0 Receiving and Unpacking ....................................................................................................................F-1
3.0 Gantry Installation ...............................................................................................................................F-1
4.0 Acquisition Workstation Installation ....................................................................................................F-2
Index ............................................................................................................................. I-1

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Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

xii MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Selenia System Description........................................................................................................1-1

Figure 1-2 Location of Emergency Off Switches..........................................................................................1-5
Figure 1-3 Selenia—Typical Room Layout (with TechMate)........................................................................1-9
Figure 1-4 Uncrating the Gantry ...............................................................................................................1-12
Figure 2-1 Isolation Transformer Taps—Gantry...........................................................................................2-2
Figure 2-2 Power, X-ray On, and Footswitch Connections..........................................................................2-3
Figure 2-3 Access to Power On and X-ray On Indicators ............................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4 Image Receptor..........................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 3-1 Acquisition Workstation—Installation and Cover Removal ........................................................3-1
Figure 3-2 Input Power Configuration—Acquisition Workstation................................................................3-2
Figure 3-3 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections ..................................................................3-3
Figure 3-4 Fiber Optic Cabling, Acquisition Workstation............................................................................3-4
Figure 3-5 Fiber Optic and Network Cable Termination Points...................................................................3-4
Figure 3-6 Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry.......................................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-7 Display, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment ...................................................................3-6
Figure 3-8 Selenia Harness Routing Through the Display Arm ....................................................................3-7
Figure 3-9 Selenia Display Connections .....................................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-10 TechMate Display Connections ...............................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-11 TechMate Harness Routing Through Swivel Arm .....................................................................3-8
Figure 3-12 TechMate Connector Assignments ...........................................................................................3-9
Figure 3-13 TechMate Harness Routing ......................................................................................................3-9
Figure 3-14 Removing the Base ................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-15 Harness Routing ....................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-16 Aligning the Arm Cover .........................................................................................................3-12
Figure 3-17 Repositioning the Display Bracket .........................................................................................3-12
Figure 3-18 Aligning the Shaft ..................................................................................................................3-13
Figure 3-19 Aligning the Shaft ..................................................................................................................3-13
Figure 3-20 Aligning the Arm Cover .........................................................................................................3-14
Figure 3-21 Display, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment ...............................................................3-15
Figure 3-22 Selenia Harness Routing Through Display Arm......................................................................3-16
Figure 3-23 Selenia Display Connections .................................................................................................3-16
Figure 3-24 TechMate Display Connections .............................................................................................3-17
Figure 3-25 TechMate Harness Routing Through Swivel Arm ...................................................................3-17
Figure 3-26 TechMate Connector Assignments .........................................................................................3-18
Figure 3-27 TechMate Harness Routing ....................................................................................................3-18
Figure 3-28 Selenia Radiation Shield Installation ......................................................................................3-19
Figure 3-29 Cooling Fan Harness..............................................................................................................3-20
Figure 3-30 Cover Notches for Cabling.....................................................................................................3-20

MAN-00745 i
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
List of Figures

Figure 4-1 Display and Display Arm Attachment........................................................................................ 4-1

Figure 4-2 Selenia Harness Routing Through Display Arm ......................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-3 Selenia Display Connections ..................................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-4 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections.................................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-5 Fiber Optic Cabling, Acquisition Workstation ........................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-6 Fiber Optic and Network Cable Termination Points .................................................................. 4-4
Figure 4-7 Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry ...................................................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-8 Removing the Base.................................................................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-9 Left-Side Base Wiring ................................................................................................................ 4-6
Figure 4-10 Aligning the Arm Cover........................................................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-11 Repositioning the Display Bracket ........................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-12 Aligning the Shaft .................................................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-13 Aligning the Shaft .................................................................................................................... 4-8
Figure 5-1 The AWS Controls..................................................................................................................... 5-1
Figure 5-2 The TechMate Controls ............................................................................................................. 5-2
Figure 5-3 Emergency Off Switches............................................................................................................ 5-3
Figure 5-4 Resetting the Selenia UPS.......................................................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-5 Resetting the TechMate UPS ..................................................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-6 Emergency Off Switches............................................................................................................ 5-6
Figure 5-7 Location of Acquisition Workstation Controls ........................................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-8 Flat Screen Display ................................................................................................................... 5-7
Figure 5-9 Compression Device ............................................................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-10 The Dual Function Footswitch .............................................................................................. 5-11
Figure 5-11 Power Panel Dialog Box ....................................................................................................... 5-18
Figure 5-12 Exit from AWS....................................................................................................................... 5-19
Figure 6-1 AWS Components—Front View ................................................................................................ 6-2
Figure 6-2 AWS Components—Top/Rear View .......................................................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-3 AWS Covers Removal ............................................................................................................... 6-3
Figure 6-4 Internal Components ................................................................................................................. 6-4
Figure 6-5 TechMate Computer Rear Panel ................................................................................................ 6-5
Figure 6-6 TechMate Internal Components ................................................................................................ 6-5
Figure 6-7 Removing the Display ............................................................................................................... 6-7
Figure 6-8 Selenia Display Control Dial ..................................................................................................... 6-7
Figure 6-9 TechMate Display Connections................................................................................................. 6-8
Figure 6-10 Cable Connections and Routing .............................................................................................. 6-9
Figure 6-11 Cable Connections and Routing ............................................................................................ 6-10
Figure 6-12 Shelf and CD-ROM Holder ................................................................................................... 6-11
Figure 6-13 HyperTerminal Connection ................................................................................................... 6-14
Figure 6-14 AWS Computer ..................................................................................................................... 6-16
Figure 6-14 TechMate Rear Panel and Cable Routing............................................................................... 6-17
Figure 6-15 TechMate Computer Removal ............................................................................................... 6-17
Figure 6-16 Radiation Shield .................................................................................................................... 6-18

ii MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents

Figure 6-17 Power Distribution Assembly.................................................................................................6-19

Figure 6-18 AC Power Distribution Board.................................................................................................6-20
Figure 6-19 AWS Circuit Breaker..............................................................................................................6-23
Figure 6-20 UPS Replacement ..................................................................................................................6-24
Figure 6-21 TechMate UPS.......................................................................................................................6-26
Figure 6-22 Fiber Optic Cabling, AWS. ....................................................................................................6-28
Figure 6-23 Fiber Optic Cable Termination Points ....................................................................................6-28
Figure 7-1 System Components Identification .............................................................................................7-2
Figure 7-2 Compression System Components Identification........................................................................7-3
Figure 7-3 C-arm Rotation and Vertical Travel Components—Rear View of Gantry ....................................7-3
Figure 7-4 C-arm Components—Front View ...............................................................................................7-4
Figure 7-5 Gantry Covers............................................................................................................................7-5
Figure 7-6 Tubehead Covers.......................................................................................................................7-6
Figure 7-7 Compression Device Covers—Remove and Replace..................................................................7-7
Figure 7-8 C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly................................................................................................7-11
Figure 7-9 Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry.....................................................................................................7-14
Figure 7-10 Image Receptor—Remove and Replace .................................................................................7-15
Figure 7-11 Adjusting the C-arm Switch Assembly....................................................................................7-15
Figure 7-12 Image Receptor Dust Cover and Filter....................................................................................7-16
Figure 7-13 HV Generator Assembly ........................................................................................................7-17
Figure 7-14 Beam Limiting Assembly........................................................................................................7-19
Figure 7-15 X-ray Tube.............................................................................................................................7-20
Figure 7-16 Brick Assembly ......................................................................................................................7-21
Figure 7-17 AWS Cable Connection .........................................................................................................7-21
Figure 7-18 Replacing a Firmware Chip....................................................................................................7-22
Figure 7-19 Host Microprocessor Board ...................................................................................................7-23
Figure 7-20 Motor Lamp Control Board ....................................................................................................7-24
Figure 7-21 Generator Microprocessor Board ...........................................................................................7-25
Figure 7-22 Rotor Control Board...............................................................................................................7-26
Figure 7-23 Tubehead Switchboard ..........................................................................................................7-27
Figure 7-24 Tubehead Assembly...............................................................................................................7-27
Figure 7-25 Tubehead Microprocessor and Motor Driver Boards..............................................................7-28
Figure 7-26 Bucky Controller Board .........................................................................................................7-29
Figure 7-27 C-arm Rotation Limit Switch ..................................................................................................7-30
Figure 7-28 C-arm Switch Board...............................................................................................................7-30
Figure 7-29 Remove the C-arm Switch Board ...........................................................................................7-31
Figure 7-30 Replacing the Mag Detect Board ...........................................................................................7-31
Figure 7-31 Mag Detect Board Location ...................................................................................................7-31
Figure 7-32 Right/Left Rotation Angle Display Board ................................................................................7-33
Figure 7-33 Compression / AEC Position Display Boards ..........................................................................7-35
Figure 7-34 Paddle Detect Board..............................................................................................................7-36
Figure 7-35 Power Distribution Components Identification.......................................................................7-37

MAN-00745 iii
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
List of Figures

Figure 7-36 Power Distribution Board ...................................................................................................... 7-38

Figure 7-37 Emergency Off Switch ........................................................................................................... 7-39
Figure 7-38 Circuit Breaker ...................................................................................................................... 7-40
Figure 7-38 Power Distribution Assembly ................................................................................................ 7-41
Figure 7-39 Tubehead Cooling Fan .......................................................................................................... 7-44
Figure 7-40 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer ............................................................................................... 7-45
Figure 7-41 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly.............................................................. 7-47
Figure 7-42 Compression Timing Belt ...................................................................................................... 7-48
Figure 7-43 Compression Thickness Potentiometer .................................................................................. 7-48
Figure 7-44 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly .................................................................. 7-49
Figure 7-45 Compression Motor and Motor Brake.................................................................................... 7-51
Figure 7-46 Timing Belt ........................................................................................................................... 7-52
Figure 7-47 Removing the Force Load Cell .............................................................................................. 7-53
Figure A-1 Tubestand Dimensions .............................................................................................................A-1
Figure A-2 Acquisition Workstation Dimensions ........................................................................................A-2
Figure A-3 Acquisition Workstation with Dual Swivel Arms .......................................................................A-2
Figure A-4 Selenia Gantry Center-of-Gravity ............................................................................................A-15
Figure A-5 Selenia AWS Center-of-Gravity ...............................................................................................A-16
Figure A-6 TechMate Center-of-Gravity....................................................................................................A-16
Figure B-1 Location of Vertical Position Override Switch (VPOS) ............................................................... B-1
Figure C-1 Debug Port KJ26 on Host Microprocessor Board.......................................................................C-2
Figure C-2 Gantry Fuses (Right Panel) ......................................................................................................C-10
Figure C-3 Gantry Fuses (Left Panel).........................................................................................................C-10
Figure E-1 AWS—Front View ..................................................................................................................... E-1
Figure E-2 Removing the Selenia Display ................................................................................................... E-2
Figure E-3 Removing the Display Arm........................................................................................................ E-2
Figure E-4 Standard Cable Routing ............................................................................................................. E-3
Figure E-5 Removing the TechMate Display. .............................................................................................. E-3
Figure E-6 Removing the TechMate Swivel Arm ....................................................................................... E-4
Figure E-7 Removing the Base .................................................................................................................... E-4
Figure E-8 Standard Harness Routing (right-side configuration)................................................................... E-5
Figure E-9 Optional Harness Routing (left-side configuration)..................................................................... E-5
Figure E-10 Aligning the Cover Plate .......................................................................................................... E-5
Figure E-11 Repositioning the Display Bracket ........................................................................................... E-6
Figure E-12 Aligning the Shaft .................................................................................................................... E-6
Figure E-13 Aligning the Shaft .................................................................................................................... E-7
Figure E-14 Harness Routing Through the Display Arm .............................................................................. E-7
Figure E-15 Aligning the Cover Plate .......................................................................................................... E-8
Figure E-16 Reinstalling the Swivel Arm to the Base ................................................................................... E-8
Figure E-17 AWS Right-Side Cable Routing ................................................................................................ E-9
Figure E-18 Harness Routing Through the Swivel Arm................................................................................ E-9
Figure E-19 TechMate Display Connections ............................................................................................. E-10

iv MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 6-1 AWS Recommended Preventive Maintenance Procedures .........................................................6-6
Table 7-1 Selenia Recommended Preventive Maintenance Procedures ......................................................7-8
Table 7-2 Selenia Firmware Identification by Circuit Board .....................................................................7-22
Table C-1 Computer Serial Port Settings ................................................................................................... C-1
Table C-2 Serial Port Cable Connections .................................................................................................. C-2
Table C-3 Monitoring Host Peripheral Ports .............................................................................................. C-2
Table C-4 Laptop HyperTerminal Communication Settings ....................................................................... C-2
Table C-5 HV Control Board .................................................................................................................... C-3
Table C-6 HV Inverter .............................................................................................................................. C-3
Table C-8 Generator Microprocessor Board .............................................................................................. C-4
Table C-9 Power Distribution Board ......................................................................................................... C-4
Table C-10 Mains Board ........................................................................................................................... C-4
Table C-7 Filament Control Board ............................................................................................................ C-4
Table C-11 Power Supply Interconnect Board .......................................................................................... C-5
Table C-12 Host Microprocessor Board .................................................................................................... C-5
Table C-13 Motor/Lamp Control Board ..................................................................................................... C-5
Table C-14 Rotor Control Board ............................................................................................................... C-6
Table C-15 Filament Protect Board ........................................................................................................... C-6
Table C-16 Tubehead Microprocessor Board ............................................................................................ C-6
Table C-17 Filament Control Board .......................................................................................................... C-7
Table C-18 Generator Microprocessor Board ............................................................................................ C-7
Table C-19 Mains Power Board ................................................................................................................ C-7
Table C-20 Power Supply Interconnect Board .......................................................................................... C-7
Table C-21 Host Microprocessor Board .................................................................................................... C-7
Table C-22 Motor/Lamp Control Board ..................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-23 AWS X-ray LED Board (left) .................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-24 AWS X-ray LED Board (right) .................................................................................................. C-8
Table C-25 Rotor Control Board ............................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-26 High Voltage Control Board ................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-27 Brick Assembly ....................................................................................................................... C-8
Table C-28 Selenia Fuses .......................................................................................................................... C-9
Table C-29 Circuit Board Jumper Settings ............................................................................................... C-11
Table D-1 Gantry Power Distribution Functions Parts List .........................................................................D-1
Table D-2 System Control and X-ray Functions Parts List ..........................................................................D-2
Table D-3 C-arm Functions Parts List ........................................................................................................D-2
Table D-4 Image Acquisition Sub-system Parts List ...................................................................................D-3
Table D-5 Selenia Paddles ........................................................................................................................D-4
Table D-6 Other Accessories ....................................................................................................................D-6
Table D-7 TechMate Parts List ..................................................................................................................D-6
Table D-8 Miscellaneous Parts List ...........................................................................................................D-6

MAN-00745 i
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
List of Tables

ii MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Intended Use


1.0 Intended Use

The SeleniaTM is intended to produce radiographic images of the breast. Its intended use is
for the production, storage and diagnostic review of digital screening, diagnostic, and needle
localization mammography.

2.0 Quality Control

• All quality control tests described in the QC manual must be performed at the prescribed
frequencies as required under MQSA regulations.
• To assure continued high level operation of Selenia, the recommended quality control
procedures must be followed.

3.0 Training
Hologic does not accept responsibility for injury or damage associated with improper or
unsafe system operation.
Service engineers must ensure that they receive training on Selenia with Hologic training
programs prior to servicing the unit.
In addition to this manual, service engineers should refer to the Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual, the QC Manual, the Software Operator’s Manual, and the Hardware
Operator’s Manual for directions on how to use and service Selenia.

4.0 Product Complaints

Any health care professional (for example, customer or user of this system of products) who
has any complaints or has experienced any dissatisfaction in the quality, durability,
reliability, safety, effectiveness, and/or performance of this product should notify Hologic. If
the device malfunctions and may have caused or contributed to a serious injury of a patient,
Hologic should be notified immediately by telephone, fax, or written correspondence.

5.0 Prerequisites
To perform the procedures in this manual, you should know how to do the following
operations related to the system’s graphical user interface:
• Perform mouse and trackball operations, such as click, drag, and select
• Select from menus
• Click buttons
• Enter information in text fields
• Select options
• Select entries from drop-down lists
• Use scroll bars
You should also have a good working knowledge of:
• Unix
• Acquisition Workstation (AWS) application software
• Netscape

MAN-00745 iii
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Terms and Definitions

6.0 Terms and Definitions

Accession Number A DICOM term that refers to a RIS generated number that
uniquely identifies a visit to a site by a patient.
AE Applications Entity. A DICOM term referring to the name
of an application that performs DICOM services.
AEC Automatic Exposure Control. A method of limiting the
amount of radiation a patient receives.
Ag Silver
AGD Average Glandular Dose
AWS Acquisition Workstation
Brick Power and x-ray ControlModule (PXCM)
CC, MLO Names of the view positions for screening mammography.
CHECKONSTART A term used in setting configurable parameters.
Determines whether a particular parameter is verified each
time the AWS is started.
Collimator Device at the x-ray tube that is used to restrict the area of
the receptor that is exposed
CPT Common Procedural Terminology
Dialog Box A pop-up which informs the user, may require a user
decision, and requires the action of the user by mouse click
before any other activities can occur. It is used for
important notices, warnings, errors.
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. Industry
standard for connection of medical imaging equipment.
DR Direct Radiography. A term used to distinguish the use of a
photoconductor-based method as opposed to the x-ray
capture and conversion method use in a scintillator or
phosphor-based detector.
DRAPI Direct Ray Application Programming Interface
DROC DirectRay Operator Console.
DVI Cable Digital Video Input Cable
ESA Exam Specific Algorithm (Lookup Table).
ESE Entrance Skin Exposure dose
Exam A generic term which is used in this document to mean
everything that the AWS user does to perform a study.
Exam is not part of DICOM nomenclature.
FAST Fully Automatic Self-Adjusting Tilt Paddle
Flip Change the orientation of an image about the vertical or
horizontal axis. (Mirror)

iv MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Terms and Definitions

Generator Device that supplies high voltage power to the x-ray tube.
Grid Element within the Image Receptor which reduces scatter
radiation during exposure
HIWATER A term used in setting configurable parameters. If the
reclaimer sees more than this number of images or
patients, the process starts. If it is less than this number, it
immediately stops. A log message says that the reclaimer
started but there was nothing to reclaim.
HOLDTIME A term used in setting configurable parameters. The
minimum amount of time that patients/images are held
before being reclaimed. Holdtime is expressed in
days.hours.minutes (00.00.00).
Host System The electronics connected to the PXCM, which provides
the user interface, hosts the image acquisition library and
API, generates detector corrected data from the array, and
determines disposition of the final image. Another name
for Host System is “Operator Console.”
HV High Voltage
HTC High Transmission Cellular Grid
HVL Beam Quality Half-Value Layer
Image (Object) A set of modality specific binary data and identifying
attributes which represents the result of an imaging
procedure performed on a patient. DICOM uniquely
identifies image objects with a globally unique identifier
INTERVAL A term used in setting configurable parameters. The time
period that the reclaimer looks for new patients or images
to be reclaimed. Time intervals are expressed in
days.hours.minutes (00.00.00).
IR Image Receptor
kV An electrical term used in setting x-ray exposure which
stands for kilo-volts.
login/logout The process of logging into and out of the Operating
System of the AWS. Upon start-up, this occurs before a
user signs into the AWS application, and upon exiting,
occurs after a user signs out of the AWS.
LOWATER A term used in setting configurable parameters. If the
reclaimer started, the oldest eligible images are reclaimed
until there are only Lowater images left on the system. For
patients, eligible patients that have been on the system the
longest are reclaimed down to the Lowater mark. Note that
the Lowater mark can never be more than 50 from the
Hiwater mark, or else you can cause very long reclaim

MAN-00745 v
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Terms and Definitions

LUT A Look-Up Table (LUT) is an image processing function

that replaces one image pixel value with a different image
pixel value.
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
Mag Magnification mode
mA An electrical term used in setting x-ray exposure which
stands for milliamperes
mAs An electrical term used in setting x-ray exposure which
stands for milliampere-seconds.
Mirror see Flip.
Mo Molybdenum
MPPS Modality Performed Procedure Step. A DICOM service to
allow the RIS (or other interested device) to know about
work performed on the AWS.
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act
N Newtons
OD Optical Density
Outputs A list of devices to which the captured, accepted images
are sent. Outputs consist of a combination of archives,
workstations and film printers.
PPS Status The condition of a Performed Procedure Step being “in
progress”, “completed”, or “discontinued”.
Procedure A generic pre-defined medical protocol which contains a
set of images (views) which are acquired under certain
conditions, and are performed together for a singular
purpose (for example, standard screening). Because a
procedure is a generic entity in DICOM, there is no
procedure instance UID, but DICOM supports
identification of requested procedures.
PXCM The communication interface between the AWS and the
Image Receptor. Also known as the Brick.
Reclaimer A process that allows images and patients to be
automatically removed from the AWS.
Rh or Rho Rhodium
RIS Radiology Information System
SecurViewRT The Hologic Technologist Review Workstation
Series A set of images which have all been acquired by a single tech
for a single study with the same modality.
SID Source to Image Distance.
Sign-in The process of a user identifying him/herself to the AWS

vi MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Terms and Definitions

Sign-out The process of a user exiting the AWS application, but not
logging out of the OS.
Solaris™ The commercial Sun Microsystems’ version of the UNIX
Operating System
STRATEGIES A term used in setting configurable parameters. Lists the
strategies (methods) that are used to reclaim images.
STU Service Tools Utility for the R2 Image Checker
Study A specific instance of a procedure on the AWS, consisting of
a set of images and/or series, which has been performed on
a specific patient, and is usually identified in some locally
unique way. DICOM uniquely identifies studies with a
globally unique instance UID.
TEC Tissue Exposure Control. The mammographer enters a
density for the patient (dense, normal or fatty), compresses
the patient normally, and the AWS monitors a
recommended technique read out of the generator, based
on standard tables. The operator approves this technique
and makes the exposure.
TechMate™ The Hologic SecurViewRT technologist review workstation
accessory, as packaged with the Selenia to reduce space in
the examination room.
Technique Combination of x-ray parameters (kV, mA, etc.) defined for
a particular procedure view.
TIMEOUT A term used in setting configurable parameters. The
amount of time that a process is tried before stopping.
Timeout is expressed in days.hours.minutes (00.00.00).
UID DICOM term meaning unique identifier.
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
View The combination of a single x-ray image and a specific set
of conditions under which the image was acquired. View
is not part of DICOM nomenclature, but in the context of
DR, is approximately synonymous with a DICOM image
VIEWS A term used in setting configurable parameters. Includes
the name of patient views that are to be excluded from the
reclamation process. This only applies to
Visit A set of studies identified in a locally unique manner and
performed on a particular patient at a particular site for a
singular reason. A visit is normally identified by an
accession number or a Visit ID and is associated with a
diagnosis. DICOM has no concept of a visit instance UID.
VAC Volts, Alternating Current
VDC Volts, Direct Current

MAN-00745 vii
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Document Conventions

VTA Vertical Travel Assembly

W Tungsten

7.0 Document Conventions

Text written in monospaced font is supposed to be typed exactly as shown. Pressing the
left trackball button is referred to as "click" and the right button as “right-click.”

8.0 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

Definitions of Warnings, Cautions and Notes used throughout this manual are as follows:

WARNING! This alerts you to procedures that you must follow precisely to
avoid causing potentially serious or fatal injury to yourself or

Warning: Warnings indicate procedures that you must follow precisely to

avoid injury to yourself or others.

Caution: Cautions indicate procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid dam-
age to equipment, loss of data, or corruption of files in software applica-

Note… Notes indicate important information that must be followed to ensure the
proper operation of the system.

viii MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
International Symbols

9.0 International Symbols

This section explains the International Symbols used on this system.
Potential Equalization Connection for a conductor other than the Protective
terminal Earth for a direct connection between two or more pieces
of electrical equipment.

Protective Earth terminal Used for the connection of the ground of the line cord or
ground cable of the equipment and no other purpose.

Off Power disconnection from the mains

On Power connection to the mains

Off Off, only for a part of equipment

On On, only for a part of equipment

Power Standby Power On, Standby

WEEE (Waste Electrical Symbol indicating separate collection for electrical and
and Electronic Equipment) electronic equipment

Dangerous Voltage Identifies area of potentially lethal voltage

MAN-00745 ix
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Using the Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

10.0 Using the Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

This manual is written for the Selenia system hardware, and describes the mechanical
controls, accessories, and the instructions for starting the system. Refer to the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual for information and instructions relating to
the Selenia software application.
A typical Selenia installation begins with hardware installation and functional testing
(Chapter 2 through Chapter 5), and continues using the Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual.
Chapter 1—General Information. This chapter provides an overview of the
mammography system, including component descriptions, patient and user safety,
interlocks, room planning, and compliance information.
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation. This chapter provides details of setup, positioning,
and installation of the Gantry and Image Receptor in the exam room.
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate. This chapter contains information to
install the Workstation with the TechMate option.
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate. This chapter contains
information to install the AWS without the TechMate option.
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests. This chapter contains
information on the pre and post-startup tests, the Startup, Shutdown, and Emergency
Operating procedures.
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance. This chapter contains preventive maintenance and
replacement information for the TechMate and AWS.
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance. This chapter provides maintenance information
and instructions for the Gantry.
Appendix A—Specifications. This appendix contains abbreviated specifications, and
center-of-gravity information.
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment. This appendix describes
the use of the Selenia in a mobile environment.
Appendix C—Technical References. This appendix provides additional technical
references to be used as aids in troubleshooting Selenia.
Appendix D—Parts List. This appendix provides tabular listings of the serviceable
components in Selenia. Part numbers and descriptions are provided for component
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration. This appendix provides
information and instructions to reconfigure the Selenia Display Arm.
Appendix F—Installation Checklist. This appendix provides a checklist of procedures
to follow during the installation of the Selenia.

x MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

Chapter 1—General Information

1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of Selenia, including component descriptions, patient and
user safety, interlocks, and compliance information.
2.0 System Description
The Selenia is available with a technologist review workstation (the Hologic SecurViewRT
TechMate). In the TechMate configuration, the SecurViewRT is packaged with the Selenia to
reduce space in the examination room.

Figure 1-1: Selenia System Description

Legend for Figure 1-1
1. The Selenia Acquisition Workstation contains the image processing electronics and provides the
operator interface.
2. The SecurViewRT TechMate technologist review workstation.
3. The C-arm provides a platform for the x-ray tube, compression systems, and the digital image
receptor. A pivot mechanism connects the C-arm to the Gantry.
4. The Gantry contains the electrical and mechanical subsystems for the Selenia. The C-arm and the
Gantry make up the Tubestand.
5. Dual-function Footswitches allow hands-free C-arm vertical travel and compression movements.

MAN-00745 1-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Film Printer (option)

3.0 Film Printer (option)

Printers are available for printed film. Printed films have the patient information, exposure
technique, projection, and institution information displayed.

4.0 Safety
This manual should be read and understood in its entirety before turning the unit On. Always
follow all the instructions in this manual.
The Selenia system is classified as CLASS I, TYPE B permanently connected
equipment as per IEC 60601-1. There are no special provisions to protect
the system from flammable anesthetics or ingress of liquids.

Warning: This x-ray unit may be dangerous unless safe exposure factors and
operating instructions are followed. Observe all operating and
safety instructions before making an x-ray exposure.

4.1 Isolation Integrity

WARNING! To ensure the isolation integrity for the system, attach only
Hologic accessories or options to the unit. Any changes to the
interconnections must be performed by Hologic authorized

WARNING! To insure proper isolation, maintain a 1.5 meter distance

between the patient and any non-patient devices. Non-patient
system components (such as the Workflow Manager, or the
hardcopy printer) must not be installed in the Patient Area.


1-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

4.2 Radiation Safety

The exposure duration is limited by the following normal conditions:
• The manual mAs timer
The exposure duration is also limited by the following abnormal conditions:
• Premature release of the x-ray exposure switch
• Exceeding the preset back-up time
• The independent safety hardware back-up timer
• Detection of a generator fault

4.2.1 Operator Radiation Shield

The unit’s radiation shield is designed to comply with all requirements of 21CFR
1020 and IEC 60601-2-45.2001. The shield is rated for a 0.5 mm Pb (lead)
equivalence and is permanently mounted to the AWS.

Warning: For maximum protection from x-ray exposure, the operator must
keep their entire body behind the radiation shield for the duration
of the exposure.

4.2.2 Exam Room Door Indicators

• Power On Indicator—There is a provision in the system to accommodate local
regulations that require an x-ray System Power-On Indicator at the door.
• X-ray On Indicator—There is a provision in the system to accommodate local
regulations that require an x-ray Exposure In Progress indicator at the door.

4.3 Electrical Safety

Only an authorized service engineer should remove covers from the mammography unit.

WARNING! Lethal voltages are present within the interior of this unit.

WARNING! Electrical equipment used in the presence of flammable

anesthetics or oxygen may cause an explosion.

WARNING! The Disk Drives equipped with this system are a Class I Laser
Product. Avoid direct exposure to the beam. Invisible laser
radiation is present if the case to a disk drive is open.

WARNING! The Bar Code Scanner equipped with this system is a Class II
Laser Product. Avoid direct exposure to the beam. Invisible
laser radiation is present if the cover is opened.

MAN-00745 1-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

WARNING! Per North American electrical safety requirements, grounding

reliability can only be achieved when the Acquisition
Workstation is connected to a receptacle marked Hospital

Caution: Do not store any magnetic media near or on devices, which produce
magnetic fields, since stored data may be lost.

Caution: Never switch off the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) except in
emergency (due to the risk of data loss).

Caution: To minimize potential damage from thermal shock to the Digital Image
Receptor, follow the recommended procedure to turn off the equipment.

Caution: Only Selenia recommended accessories should be used with this

equipment. Failure to heed this warning may cause unexpected functions
and possible data loss.

Caution: This is a medical device and should not be considered to be a general-purpose

computer. Users or service/administrative personnel may not amend,
configure, or modify any hardware or software on this medical device with
anything other than Hologic-approved components or software, including
anti-virus software. This device should be installed behind the institution
firewall for network security and anti-virus protection. No ongoing computer
virus protection or network security for this medical device is provided (for
example, a computer firewall). Network security and anti-virus provisions are
the ongoing responsibility of the user.

1-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

4.4 Mechanical Safety

The equipment is designed to comply with the requirements of IEC 60601-1, UL 60601-1,
and CSA 22.2 No. 601.1 by these safety features:
• The C-arm rotation braking is ensured upon loss of power.
• Compression release is disabled when a localization paddle is installed.
• Motorized compression force is limited to 200 N (45 lb).
4.5 Emergency Off Switches
There are three Emergency Off Switches on the Selenia, one on either side of the Gantry and one
on the AWS. Do not use the Emergency Off Switches for routinely removing power from the
Selenia. The Emergency Off switch only affects the Gantry and should be used only in an
emergency. For details on its use, refer to Chapter 5, Section 8.0, p. 5-18.

Figure 1-2: Location of Emergency Off Switches

MAN-00745 1-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

4.6 Interlocks
In addition to the Emergency Off Switches, Selenia has several other safety interlocks.
4.6.1 C-arm Movement Interlocks
C-arm vertical drive and rotation is disabled when 58 N (13 lb) or greater of
compression force is displayed.
4.6.2 Automatic Compression Release Interlock
Installing a Localization Paddle disables the automatic compression release functions.
4.6.3 Early Release Interlock
The two x-ray exposure switches must be activated and held throughout the entire
duration of the exposure. When the x-ray exposure switches are released prior to the
end of the exposure, this interlock causes immediate termination of the exposure.
An alarm message displays on the user interface.
4.6.4 Mirror and Filter Interlocks
These interlocks prevent x-ray exposure whenever the Light Field Mirror or the Filter
is not positioned correctly.
4.6.5 Smart Paddle System Position Interlock
When a breast examination (for example, 18 x 24 cm MLO view) is selected
requiring the use of an 18 x 24 cm (7.1 x 9.4 in.) shifting paddle, if the detected
position does not match the view, the acquisition computer prevents the x-ray
exposure until the faulty condition is corrected. A message is displayed to alert the

1-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

5.0 Compliance
This section details the mammography system compliance requirements and the
manufacturer’s responsibilities.

5.1 Compliance Requirements

The manufacturer is responsible for the effects of safety, reliability and performance of this
equipment with the following provisions:
• The electrical installation of the room complies with the appropriate requirements.
• The equipment is used in accordance with instructions for use.
• Assembly operations, extensions, re-adjustments, modifications, or repairs are
performed by authorized persons only.
• The installed network and communications equipment must comply with an IEC Standard
and the complete system (network/communications equipment and Selenia
Mammography System) must be installed to comply with IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1-1.

5.2 Compliance Statements

The manufacturer states that this device is manufactured/conforms to:
• CAN/CSA: ISO 13485:2003
• FDA, 21 CFR [Parts 820, 900 and 1020]
• IEC 60601-1:1988 +A1+A2:1995 +A13:1996 Medical Electrical Equipment—General
requirements for safety
• IEC 60601-1-1:2000-12 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard: Safety
requirements for medical electrical systems
• IEC 60601-1-2:2001 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard:
Electromagnetic compatibility for medical electric systems
• IEC 60601-1-3:1994 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard: Requirements
for radiation protection in diagnostic x-ray equipment
• IEC 60601-1-4:1996 +A1:1999 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard:
Programmable electrical medical systems
• IEC 60601-2-28: 1993-03 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular requirements for the
safety of x-ray source assemblies and x-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis
• IEC 60601-2-32:1994 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular requirements for the
safety of associated equipment of x-ray equipment
• IEC 60601-2-45:2001 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular requirements for the
safety of mammographic x-ray equipment and mammographic stereotactic devices
• UL 60601-1: Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1—General Requirements for Safety
• CSA: Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1: C22.2601 No. 601.1–M90—General
Requirements for Safety

MAN-00745 1-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

5.3 Label Locations

1-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Room Planning

6.0 Room Planning

The exam room layout should be pre-planned before the arrival of Selenia. A Typical Room
Layout is shown in Figure 1-3. Measure the height and width of the room door to ensure it
accommodates the Gantry and AWS, 190 cm high, 76 cm wide minimum (75 in. x 30 in.);
refer to “Appendix A—Specifications” on p. A-1.

Figure 1-3: Selenia—Typical Room Layout (with TechMate)

Legend for Figure 1-3

1. Tubestand
2. Acquisition Workstation
3. Wireways
4. Network Outlet
5. 120 Vac Outlet 2 Ganged
6. 208 Vac Disconnect Box

MAN-00745 1-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Room Planning

Other factors to consider when planning the room layout are:

1. C-arm clearances—The C-arm requires 135 cm (53 in.) minimum to accommodate
rotation, and 213 cm (84 in.) to accommodate raising the C-arm to its upper limit.
2. When planning the room layout, take into consideration extra wall and ceiling clearance
for movement and handling of C-arm controls.
3. Movement clearance—Always take into consideration space allocation for patient and
technologist movement. Avoid obstructions in the room that may hinder access to the
unit controls or the patient.
4. Storage—Provide convenient storage for patient records and system accessories. If
accessory storage is not possible within the exam room, make arrangements for safe
storage close by.
5. Physical and Environmental Requirements—
• Operating Temperature Range—20 °C to 30 °C (68 °F to 86 °F)
• Operating Humidity Range—10% to 80% non-condensing
• Refer to Appendix A of the Selenia Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
for complete system specifications.
6. To ensure proper isolation, a distance of 1.5 m (59 in.) must be
maintained between the patient and any non-patient devices.

1-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Receiving and Unpacking

7.0 Receiving and Unpacking

Required Tools:
• Electric screw gun with #2 Phillips screw head driver
• Small crowbar or claw hammer

7.1 Receiving Instructions

Selenia is shipped in containers that hold the:
• Gantry
• Acquisition Workstation (with or without TechMate)
• Radiation Shield
• Image Receptor (IR)—The IR usually does not arrive until the second day.
• Accessories and additional or optional equipment

Note… If there is a discrepancy between the contents and the packing list or sales
order, contact Hologic immediately. If it is necessary to repack any items for
future installation, use the original packaging materials.

Note… If shipping damage is of a concealed nature, contact the carrier as soon as

such damage is found, and request an inspection for shipping damage.
Normally, any claims for shipping damage must be completed within 15
days of receiving the shipment.
Upon receipt, perform the following before opening the containers:
1. Inspect each container for damage.
2. Note any damage on the shipping manifest.
3. Notify Hologic of any external shipping damage that may have occurred.

7.2 Uncrating the Gantry

The Selenia Gantry is crated and shipped in a prone position—Figure 1-4, p. 1-12.

WARNING! Be sure to have the necessary machinery and personnel available to

move heavy medical equipment safely.

WARNING! To prevent injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment, care

must be taken when uncrating the equipment.

MAN-00745 1-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Receiving and Unpacking

Figure 1-4: Uncrating the Gantry

Uncrate the Gantry as follows:

1. Cut the retaining straps that secure the container top to the shock-mounted wooden
2. Remove the nail holding the top to the pallet along the bottom of the cardboard.
3. Remove the screws that hold the shipping bracket for the tube.
4. Lift the container top off the unit.
5. Carefully remove all shipping materials (foam padding, tie-downs, straps, shipping wrap,
etc.) from the unit and pallet. Remove any accessory boxes from the pallet.
6. Open all boxes removed from Gantry crate and verify their contents against the packing
list and sales order.
7. Inspect each item for damage, then safely store them near the exam site.

Caution: To prevent damage, do not store the radiation shield flat. Avoid damage by
impact or scratching.

8. While still in the loading area, carefully move the pallet into an upright position.

WARNING! The unit is top-heavy when in the upright position.

1-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Receiving and Unpacking

Caution: Do not attempt to lift or move the Gantry by the C-arm or by either hinged
door on the left and right side of the Gantry frame, or damage may occur.

9. Remove the top collar securing the unit to the pallet. Using the installed dolly, carefully
roll the Gantry off the pallet.

Note… The dolly is not installed on units shipped overseas. For overseas sites,
transport the Gantry from the loading area to the exam area on a hand-cart
whose rating exceeds the 300 kg (661 lb) weight.
10. Transport the Gantry from the loading area to the exam area for installation. Sites using
the hand-cart can skip Steps 9 and 11.
11. Remove the four bolts securing the Gantry to the dolly.
12. Carefully maneuver the Gantry off the back end of the dolly or hand-cart, slide the dolly
or hand-cart out and position the Gantry in the area of installation.
13. Return the dolly to Hologic, within 35 days from date of shipment, as per the return
shipment Bill of Lading (attached to either the dolly or the Gantry). If this documentation
is unavailable, please contact Field Service to acquire a Return Authorization number.
Be prepared to identify the site/customer and the Selenia serial number. Sites whose
scheduled installation date exceeds the 35 day requirement may request an extension
for returning the dolly.

7.3 Uncrating the Acquisition Workstation

The Selenia AWS is crated and shipped upright with the displays, display arms, and
TechMate trackball and keyboard not installed, and the radiation shield not attached.

Warning: Be sure to have the necessary machinery and personnel available to

move heavy medical equipment safely.

1. While still in the loading area, cut the straps securing the cardboard shipping carton to
the shock-mounted wooden pallet. Lift the carton from the pallet.
2. Carefully remove all shipping materials (foam padding, tie-downs, straps, shipping wrap,
etc.) from the unit and pallet. Remove any accessory boxes from the pallet, including the
AWS display.
3. Open all boxes removed from the crate and verify their contents against the packing list
and sales order.
4. Inspect each item for damage, then safely store them near the exam site.
5. Remove the screws in the three wooden boards that hold the AWS to the pallet.
6. Carefully remove the AWS from the pallet and transport it from the loading area to the
exam area.

Caution: The Shield is tempered glass. Don’t drop the shield or lay down flat.

MAN-00745 1-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
Receiving and Unpacking

7.4 Unpacking the Image Receptor

Caution: Move Image Receptor to a controlled area prior to unpacking.

Caution: Extreme care should be taken during unpacking to prevent damage.

Note… The Image Receptor shipping container is specially designed to minimize

shipping damage and to facilitate storage. A temperature monitoring device
is included in the shipping container.

Note… If shipping damage is of a concealed nature, contact the carrier as soon as

such damage is found, and request an inspection for shipping damage.
Normally, any claims for shipping damage must be completed within 15
days of receiving the shipment.

1. Upon receipt of the Image Receptor, move the Image Receptor to a controlled area
which meets the environmental requirements listed below:
• Storage Temperature Range—10 °C to 40 °C (50 °F to 104 °F)
• Storage Humidity Range—10% to 80% non-condensing
2. Open the shipping container and inspect unit for damage.
3. Press the button on the temperature monitor. The LED should be green. If not, contact

1-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Overview of Entire Installation Process

Chapter 2—Gantry Installation

1.0 Overview of Entire Installation Process

The following sections detail setting up, positioning, and installing Selenia in the exam room.

Note… The installed network and communications equipment must comply with
an IEC Standard and the complete system (network/communications
equipment and Selenia Mammography System) must be installed to comply
with IEC 60601-1 AND IEC 60601-1-1.

Note… Thoroughly read all procedures prior to starting.

1. Position the Gantry and the AWS in the area of the exam room where the unit is
permanently installed.
2. Verify, with the technicians and doctors, the proper placement.
3. Be sure the Gantry is positioned for easy access to the rear panels.
4. Perform the following installation procedures in the order described in this chapter.

2.0 Securing the Gantry in Position

1. Position the Gantry in the exam room in a location satisfactory to the technicians and the
doctors. Ensure the circuit breaker and rear panels are accessible.

Caution: Never maneuver the Gantry by lifting, pulling, or pushing on the C-arm or
the tubehead assemblies. With proper equipment, the Gantry may be
moved by the two Eye Hooks on the top.

2. On the floor, mark the four holes of the Gantry with a marker and move the Gantry back
to allow you to access the marks for hole drilling.
3. Drill the anchor holes and set the inserts.
4. Position the Gantry over the holes and bolt in accordance with site specification
drawings and/or local building codes.

MAN-00745 2-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Gantry Input Power Configuration

3.0 Gantry Input Power Configuration

The isolation transformer in the Gantry must be configured to match the power source at the
1. Before connecting the Gantry to a mains disconnect, verify the source voltage as
a. Measure the voltage at the outlet receptacle.
b. Inquire as to any history of voltage fluctuations or voltage-related problems that
have occurred in other equipment at the site.
2. After determining the input voltage range, verify the unit’s isolation transformer is
correctly set (reconfigure as required).
3. To access the power assembly chassis and re-configure the isolation transformer taps to
match the measured source voltage:
a. Set the circuit breaker on the rear of the Gantry to Off.
b. To access the input power terminal block, remove the Gantry’s lower rear panel (see
Figure 2-1) by removing the six screws.
c. Verify the isolation transformer taps are wired to match the previously measured
source voltage; if it does not, configure the isolation transformer input wiring and
tap as shown.

Figure 2-1: Isolation Transformer Taps—Gantry

2-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Gantry Input Power Configuration

3.1 Power Cable Connection

1. Ensure that the circuit breaker is off.
2. Connect the input power cord—Figure 2-2, to the input power terminal block on the
rear of the Gantry.
3. Hard wire the opposite end of the input power cord into the power source via a
disconnect panel. This must be done by a certified electrician.

Legend for Figure 2-2

1. Footswitch Connectors
2. Power On/x-ray On Terminal Block
3. Isolation Transformer Taps
4. Input Power Terminal Block
5. Input Power Cord (Gantry)
6. Circuit Breaker

Figure 2-2: Power, X-ray On, and Footswitch Connections

Note… You will make the connections to the AWS in Chapter 3, Gantry to
Acquisition Workstation Interconnections, p. 3-3.

MAN-00745 2-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Footswitch Installation

4.0 Footswitch Installation

The system permits attachment of two dual-function footswitches that plug into receptacles
on the Gantry connector panel—Figure 2-2, p. 2-3, item #1.
Connect the footswitches:
1. Connect the footswitch to one of the footswitch receptacles by aligning the key to the
key hole and pushing the connector straight in.

Note… Either footswitch can be connected to either footswitch receptacle.

2. Position the footswitch in the desired location on the floor below the C-arm.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the second footswitch.

Warning: To avoid accidental footswitch activation, keep both footswitches

clear of the patient and C-arm setup area.

2-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Remote X-ray On/Power On Light—Connection

5.0 Remote X-ray On/Power On Light—Connection

Selenia provides the user with the ability to operate remote lights which indicate when the
system is On and when x-rays are being taken. These lights are normally installed above the
door to the exam room. Installation should be done by a certified electrician. The relay
contacts provided are rated:
• 10 A 250 VAC (normally open)
• 10 A 30 VDC (normally open)
The connection points are available through the access panel at the rear of the Gantry, as
shown in Figure 2-3. Connections are made on the Power On/x-ray On terminal block:
1. Install the remote Power On/x-ray On lights following local guidelines.
2. Route the remote cables from the lights to the Gantry and connect each cable to the
appropriate location on the Power On/x-ray On terminal block.

Figure 2-3: Access to Power On and X-ray On Indicators

MAN-00745 2-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 2—Gantry Installation
Installing the Image Receptor

6.0 Installing the Image Receptor

Switch Assembly

Figure 2-4: Image Receptor

6.1 Image Receptor Installation
1. Remove the Image Receptor from the shipping container.
2. On the bottom of the Image Receptor, loosen the two screws securing the C-arm switch
assembly in position.
3. Slide the rear of the Image Receptor into the guide rails on the bottom of the C-arm
assembly. Ensure the Image Receptor is firmly seated.
4. Secure in place using two bolts on each side. Be sure to use all four bolts.
5. Install the provided decorative caps over each bolt.
6.2 Adjusting the C-arm Rotation Switch Assembly
An additional C-arm Rotation switch assembly is located at the rear of the Image Receptor
and must be adjusted so it is seated within the C-arm switch assembly access hole on the
back of the C-arm frame. See Figure 2-4, p. 2-6.
1. Access the elongated holes for the switch assembly at the bottom of the Image Receptor.
2. Loosen the screws and slide the switch assembly forward until it is fully positioned
within the access hole on the rear of the C-arm frame.

Warning: Make sure the switches are not permanently actuated.

3. Tighten the screws.

6.3 Shipping Container Return

Return the shipping container and the temperature monitoring device to Hologic as per the
instructions in the container.

2-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Securing the Acquisition Workstation (AWS) in Position

Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate

1.0 Securing the Acquisition Workstation (AWS) in Position

Warning: Be sure to have the necessary machinery and personnel available to
move heavy medical equipment safely.

1.1 Removing the Rear Cover

Refer to Figure 3-1.
1. Remove the two bottom screws securing the rear cover to the rear of the AWS.
2. Slide the rear cover up to free the hooks from the slots in the rear of the AWS frame.
3. Disconnect the cooling fans’ power cable. Set the cover aside.

Legend for
Figure 3-1
1. Rear Cover
2. Rear Cover
3. Mounting
4. Anchor Bolts
and Washers

Figure 3-1: Acquisition Workstation—Installation and Cover Removal

1.2 Mount the AWS

1. Position the AWS in the exam room in a location satisfactory to the technicians and the
2. Mark the four holes of the AWS with a marker and move the unit back to access the
marks. See Figure 3-1.
3. Drill the anchor holes and set the inserts.
4. Secure the AWS to the floor using the required anchor bolts and washers in accordance
with site specification drawings and/or local building codes.

MAN-00745 3-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Input Power Configuration

2.0 Input Power Configuration

Refer to Section 2.1.

2.1 Acquisition Workstation

The isolation transformer within the AWS must
be configured to 100, 120, 220, 230, or 240
VAC. After determining the correct VAC for the
site, verify the AWS’s isolation transformer is
correctly set. Reconfigure the taps to match site
power requirements as required.
1. Verify the isolation transformer taps (Figure
3-2) are wired to the site voltage
requirements; if they are not, configure the
isolation transformer input wiring and taps as
shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Input Power Configuration—Acquisition Workstation

2. Verify circuit breaker CB1 current rating is as follows:

• for domestic, CB1 = 8.0 A
• for International, CB1 = 3.5 A

3-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.0 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.1 Power
1. At the rear of the AWS, connect one end of the power cable to the Power Out to Gantry
receptacle (#8, Figure 3-3) on the AWS Power Distribution Assembly.
2. Connect the power cable to the J2 Acquisition Power receptacle (#2,) on the Gantry
connector panel.
3. Make the remaining connections as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections
Legend for Figure 3-3
1. J2 Acquisition Power receptacle 6. Data Receptacle
2. J1 Acquisition Data receptacle 7. Power Out to Brick and Gantry Control
3. Data and Power Cable Ground Wires 8. Brick Power Fuses (2A FB, 250VAC)
4. Ground Studs 9. Input Power Receptacle (AWS)
5. Equipotential Ground Wire

4. Connect one end of the AWS input power cord to the AWS input power receptacle
(#9, Figure 3-3) on the AWS Power Distribution Assembly and plug the other end into
site power.

MAN-00745 3-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.2 Fiber Optics

The fiber optic cables are connected between the Gantry and the AWS computer.
At the AWS:
1. Locate the cable clamp at the rear of the AWS below the cover handle. An identical
clamp is located on the opposite side of the AWS. All the AWS cabling exits from the
cutouts in the rear cover.
2. Route the fiber optic cable into the AWS as shown in Figure 3-4. The dotted line in the
illustration shows alternate entry paths into the AWS. Use the existing cable clamps
along each path for cable support.
3. Continue to route the cable into the AWS computer.

Figure 3-4: Fiber Optic Cabling, Acquisition Workstation

4. Connect the fiber optic cable into the termination points at the rear of the computer—
Figure 3-5.

Legend for
Figure 3-5
1. Rx—Blue
2. Tx—Orange
3. Network

Figure 3-5: Fiber Optic and Network Cable Termination Points

5. Allowing for a service loop, secure the wiring with cable ties.

3-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

At the Gantry
1. Route the cable into the Gantry through the rear lower access panel. A cutout on the
power panel allows entry into the Gantry mainframe. See inset ‘A’ below.
2. Following the Main Harness inside the Gantry mainframe, route the fiber optic cable up
to the Brick. See inset ‘B’ below. Connect the cable to the Brick.

Note… It is possible to install the fiber optic cable incorrectly (reversed). If they are
reversed, the red LED is on. When correct, the red LED is off, the right green
LED is on, and the center LED blinks.
3. Allowing for a ‘service loop’, secure the wiring with cable ties.
4. Secure the fiber optic cable to the bulk cabling from the Gantry to the AWS.
5. Reattach the lower rear panel and turn on the wall and Gantry circuit breakers.
J3 J4

A Entry

(Rear view of
the Gantry)
J1 J2







B Routing and
(Front view of
the Gantry)

Three LEDs:
1 red, 2 green
Blue Wire
Orange Wire

Figure 3-6: Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry

MAN-00745 3-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Standard Configuration

4.0 Standard Configuration

Note… In the standard configuration, the Selenia display is installed on the right
side of the AWS, and the TechMate display, keyboard, and trackball are
installed on the left side of the AWS. Optionally, the Selenia display is
installed on the left side of the AWS, and the TechMate display, keyboard,
and trackball are installed on the right side of the AWS. For the optional
configuration, go to “Optional Configuration” on p. 3-11.
If you are installing the AWS without the TechMate, go to “Chapter 4—AWS
Installation without TechMate” on p. 4-1.

4.1 Displays, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment

Warning: Two people are required to safely perform this procedure.

1. Install the arms on the base, ensuring that, on each side of the unit, the elongated holes
are positioned toward the outside of the unit.
2. Install the displays on the arms.


Figure 3-7: Display, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment

3-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Standard Configuration

4.1.1 Arm Harness Routing—Selenia

Referring to Figure 3-8, route the harness through the bottom of the arm, and secure
with cable ties.

Figure 3-8: Selenia Harness Routing Through the Display Arm

4.1.2 Display Cables Attachment—Selenia

Refer to Figure 3-9.
1. Remove the cover (not shown) from the Display’s compartment to provide
access to the connectors.
2. Connect the display power cable to the power connector of the display.
3. Connect the VGA(Tototku), or DVI (Barco) cable to the VGA/DVI port of the

Note… Carefully position the VGA/DVI cable’s ferrite core so the cover closes
easily. Be sure the cover is fully latched.
4. Ensure full range of motion on the Selenia swing-arm.
5. Tighten the cable clamp.
6. Reinstall the cover on the Display’s compartment.


Legend for Figure 3-9

1. Power Supply Cable
2. VGA/DVI Cable
3. Cable Clamp
Figure 3-9: Selenia Display Connections

MAN-00745 3-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Standard Configuration

4.1.3 Display, and Arm Harness Routing—TechMate

1. Remove the display’s cover (not shown).
2. Connect the display power cable, and the DVI cable; see Figure 3-10.

Legend for Figure 3-10

1. Power Cable
2. DVI Cable
3. Spiral Wrap
4. Cable Clamp

12 in.


25 in.

Figure 3-10: TechMate Display Connections

Note… Allow for service loops as shown in Figure 3-10.

3. See Figure 3-11, and route the harness through the bottom of the arm, and
secure with cable ties.
4. Continue with Section 4.1.4, p. 3-9.

Figure 3-11: TechMate Harness Routing Through Swivel Arm

3-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Standard Configuration

4.1.4 Connect TechMate Keyboard, Trackball, and UPS Cables

Refer to Figure 3-12, and Figure 3-13.
Remove the AWS front cover:
1. Remove the two top screws securing the front cover to the front of the AWS.
2. Grasp the handles on the sides of the cover and slide upwards to free the hooks
from the slots in the front of the AWS frame.
3. Disconnect the cooling fans’ power cable, and the power switch cable from the
TechMate computer
4. Set the cover aside.
For cable routing see Figure 3-12 and Figure 3-13.
Connect the keyboard and trackball cables:
1. Position the TechMate To UPS
keyboard on the shelf and ‘Data Port’
connect the keyboard cable Display
to the TechMate computer. Keyboard Dongle
2. Position the TechMate Network Cable
trackball on the shelf and
connect the trackball cable to Trackball
the TechMate computer.
3. Dress the display, trackball
and keyboard cables, using Power
spiral wrap as shown. Switch

Figure 3-12: TechMate Connector Assignments

Note… Allow for service loop as shown in Figure 3-13.

Legend for Figure 3-13

1. Cable Clamp
2. TechMate Computer
3. Display Power Module

20 in.

Figure 3-13: TechMate Harness Routing

MAN-00745 3-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Standard Configuration

Connect the UPS cables:

1. Disconnect the cables from the UPS. Note the position of the cables.
2. Remove the stop nut securing the Display Power Supply strap to the UPS
Mounting strap.
3. Remove the Display Power Supply.
4. Remove the nut from the bracket that secures the UPS to the workstation.
5. Remove the bracket.
6. Remove the UPS from the shelf.
7. While viewing the UPS from the front, lay the UPS on its left side, the front of
the UPS is to the left; The rear of the UPS is to the right.
8. Slide the battery compartment cover off of the UPS.
9. Grasp the tab attached to the battery and slide the battery partially out of the
case. Hold the battery firmly and pull it straight out.
The UPS is shipped with the internal red battery wire disconnected.
10. Connect the internal red battery wire to the positive (+) battery terminal.
11. Push the battery all the way into the battery compartment, and reinstall the
12. Reconnect the cables to the UPS.
13. Secure the UPS to the workstation with the previously removed bracket/nut.
14. Attach the Display Power Supply and bracket to the UPS bracket.
The UPS requires 8 hours to become fully charged. You can use the system while the
UPS is charging.
Check cabling and install covers:
1. Ensure full range of motion for the TechMate swing-arm.
2. Secure the cable harness.
3. Reinstall the cover on the display’s rear compartment.
4. Reinstall the AWS front cover reversing the steps described in Section 4.1.4.

3-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.0 Optional Configuration

If the optional configuration is not used, skip to Section 3.0, p. 3-3.

5.1 Reversing the Direction of the Cable Harness

1. Remove the four screws
in the center of the base.
2. Remove both display
arm base clamps.
3. Flip the base to expose
the harness.
4. Cut the harness and
trackball cable ties.
5. Reverse the harness
See Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-14: Removing the Base

6. Insert new cable ties where you removed the old ones.
7. Install the harness in the swivel base and secure it with the new cable ties.
8. Reinstall the swivel base.

Standard Harness Routing

Optional Harness Routing

Figure 3-15: Harness Routing

Legend for Figure 3-15

1. Selenia Display Connectors

MAN-00745 3-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.2 Left-Side Selenia Display Arm Configuration

Place the arm assembly on a stable, padded work surface.

5.2.1 Realigning the Cover on the Arm’s Post

1. With the arm and cover as shown in Figure 3-16 A, move the cover
counterclockwise to the position shown by the dotted line B.
2. Remove the four button-head screws holding the cover to the post.
3. Place the cover back to position A (ensuring the elongated holes in the cover are
facing the outside) and reinstall the four button-head screws.

Figure 3-16: Aligning the Arm Cover

5.2.2 Repositioning the Display Bracket (Totoku)

1. Remove the display bracket by removing the two screws.
2. Rotate the bracket 180° and reinstall the screws. See Figure 3-17.

Figure 3-17: Repositioning the Display Bracket

3-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.2.3 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly (Totoku)

1. Remove the two Shaft Right-side Left-side
locking set screws, Support
Mount 180
and the two conical Set screws(4)
set screws. It is not
necessary to
remove the support
mount assembly.

Shaft support

Figure 3-18: Aligning the Shaft

2. Rotate the support mount assembly counterclockwise approximately 180°.

3. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle as
shown. Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
4. Reinstall the two set screws. Ensure the screws are securely set.

5.2.4 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly (Barco)

1. Remove the two locking set screws, and the two conical set screws.
2. Remove the support mount and shaft from the arm.


Figure 3-19: Aligning the Shaft

3. Remove the locking set screw, and the conical set screw from the support mount.
4. Remove the support shaft from the support mount.
You may have to loosen the two socket-head cap screws at the bottom of the support
mount to remove the support shaft.
5. Rotate the support shaft counterclockwise approximately 180°.
6. Secure the support shaft to the support mount with the previously removed set
7. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle.
Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
8. Reinstall the set screws; ensure the screws are securely set.

MAN-00745 3-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.3 Right-Side TechMate Swivel-Arm Configuration

Place the arm assembly on a stable, padded work surface.

5.3.1 Realigning the Cover on the Arm’s Post

1. With the arm and cover as shown in Figure 3-20 A, move the cover
counterclockwise to the position shown by the dotted line B.
2. Remove the four button-head screws holding the cover to the post.
3. Place the cover back to position A (being sure the elongated holes in the cover
are facing the outside) and reinstall the four button-head screws.


Figure 3-20: Aligning the Arm Cover

4. Install the swivel arm on the base, and the display on the swivel arm. Refer to
Section 5.4, p. 3-15.

3-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.4 Displays, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment

Warning: Two people are required to safely perform this procedure.

1. Install the arms on the base, ensuring that, on each side of the unit, the elongated holes
are positioned toward the outside of the unit.
2. Install the displays on the arms.

Totoku Barco
Display Display

Figure 3-21: Display, Swivel Arm, and Display Arm Attachment

MAN-00745 3-15
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.4.1 Arm Harness Routing—Selenia

Referring to Figure 3-22, route the harness through the bottom of the arm, and
secure with cable ties.

Figure 3-22: Selenia Harness Routing Through Display Arm

5.4.2 Display Cables Attachment—Selenia
Refer to Figure 3-23.
1. Remove the cover (not shown) from the Display’s compartment providing access
to the connectors.
2. Connect the display power cable to the power connector on the display.
3. Connect the VGA(Totoku) or DVI (Barco) cable to the VGA/DVI port on the
upper rear of the display.

Note… Carefully position the VGA/DVI cable’s ferrite core so the cover closes
easily. Be sure the cover is fully latched.
4. Tighten the cable clamp.
5. Reinstall the cover on the Display’s compartment.
6. Ensure full range of motion on the Selenia swing-arm.


Legend for Figure 3-23

1. VGA/DVI Cable
2. Power Supply Cable
3. Cable Clamp
Figure 3-23: Selenia Display Connections

3-16 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.4.3 Display, and Arm Harness Routing—TechMate

1. Remove the AWS front cover:
a. Remove the two top screws securing the front cover to the front of the AWS.
b. Grasp the handles on the sides of the cover and slide upwards to free the
hooks from the slots in the front of the AWS frame.
c. Disconnect the cooling fans’ power cable, and the power switch cable from
the TechMate computer. Set the cover aside.
2. Reverse the display’s power module located beneath the TechMate computer; as
shown in the cable routing illustration; Figure 3-13, p. 3-9.
3. Remove the display’s cover (not shown).
4. Connect the display power cable, and the DVI cable; see Figure 3-24.

Legend for Figure 3-24

1. Power Cable
2. DVI Cable
3. Spiral Wrap
4. Cable Clamp

25 in.

12 in. Mount

Figure 3-24: TechMate Display Connections

Note… Allow for service loops as shown in Figure 3-10.

5. See Figure 3-11, and route the harness through the bottom of the arm, and
secure with cable ties.
6. Continue with Section 4.1.4, p. 3-9.

Figure 3-25: TechMate Harness Routing Through Swivel Arm

MAN-00745 3-17
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Optional Configuration

5.4.4 Keyboard, and Trackball Cables Attachment—TechMate

For cable routing, see Figure 3-26, and Figure 3-13.
1. Position the TechMate
keyboard on the shelf and ‘Data Port’
connect the keyboard cable Display
to the TechMate computer. Keyboard Dongle
2. Position the TechMate
trackball on the shelf and Network Cable
connect the trackball cable to
the TechMate computer.
3. Dress the display, trackball Fan
and keyboard cables, along
the right-side of the frame. Switch

Figure 3-26: TechMate Connector Assignments

.Note… Allow for service loop as shown in Figure 3-13.

4. Ensure full range of

motion for the
TechMate swing-arm.
5. Secure the cable
harness to the right-
20 in.
side of frame.
6. Reinstall the cover on
the display’s rear
7. Connect the cooling
fans’ power cable,
and the power switch
cable to TechMate
8. Reinstall the AWS
front cover reversing
the steps described in
Section 5.4.3, p. 3-
Legend for Figure 3-13
1. Cable Clamp
2. Display Power Module

Figure 3-27: TechMate Harness Routing

3-18 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Selenia Network Cable Installation

6.0 Selenia Network Cable Installation

1. Connect the network cable to the computer; see Figure 3-5, p. 3-4.
2. Following the fiber optic cable, route the network cable through either the right or left
cable clamp at the rear of the unit.
3. Connect the network cable to the site network.

7.0 TechMate Network Cable Installation

The TechMate network cable is routed through a trough in the base of the unit and then
clamped down with the left clamp for shipment.
1. The cable exits the rear left of the unit, release one of the bolts on the clamp and rotate
the clamp to release the cables.
2. Connect the network cable to the site network.

8.0 Installing the Radiation Shield

Warning: The Radiation Shield is tempered glass and may shatter if dropped
or overstressed.

1. Lift the radiation shield and place it on the support shelf.

2. Attach the shield to the front shield support, with the logo facing the patient.
3. Align the holes in the shield with the threaded holes in the AWS rear frame.
4. Position the two protective plates over the shield mounting holes.
5. Secure the plates and the shield to the AWS rear frame using the four supplied bolts and
lock washers.
6. Tighten the bolts just enough to compress the lockwashers.

Figure 3-28: Selenia Radiation Shield Installation

Legend for Figure 3-28
1. Radiation Shield
2. Front Shield Support (part of sheet metal)
3. Support Shelf
4. Protective Plate (2)
5. Bolts and Lockwashers (4)

MAN-00745 3-19
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 3—AWS Installation with TechMate
Installing the AWS Rear Cover

9.0 Installing the AWS Rear Cover

1. Position the hooks on the rear cover so that they align with the slots in the rear frame.
2. Plug in the cooling fan harness; see Figure 3-29.

Figure 3-29: Cooling Fan Harness

3. Make sure all cabling is within the cover notches.

4. Insert the hooks into the slots, then slide the rear
cover down.
5. Secure the cover in place using two screws.
6. Turn on the AWS circuit breaker. Observe any
possible electrical malfunction.

Figure 3-30: Cover Notches for Cabling

3-20 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Standard Configuration

Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate

1.0 Standard Configuration

In the standard configuration, the Selenia display arm and the trackball are installed on the
right side of the AWS. Optionally, the Selenia display arm and/or the trackball is installed on
the left side of the AWS.
Refer to “Optional Configuration” on p. 4-6 for details.

1.1 Display and Display Arm Attachment

Warning: Two people are required to safely perform this procedure.

1. Install the arm on the base, ensuring that, the elongated holes are positioned toward the
outside of the unit.
2. Install the display on the arm.

Totoku Barco
Display Display

Figure 4-1: Display and Display Arm Attachment

MAN-00745 4-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Display Harness Routing

1.2 Arm Harness Routing

Route the harness from underneath through the bottom of the Selenia Display Arm, and
secure with cable ties.

Figure 4-2: Selenia Harness Routing Through Display Arm

2.0 Display Harness Routing

1. Connect the display cables as shown in Figure 4-3.

Note… Be sure the cover closes easily, and the cover is fully latched.
2. Tighten the cable clamp.



Figure 4-3: Selenia Display Connections

4-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.0 Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.1 Power
1. At the rear of the AWS, connect one end of the power cable to the Power Out to Gantry
receptacle (#8, Figure 4-4) on the AWS Power Distribution Assembly.
2. Connect the power cable to the J2 Acquisition Power receptacle (#2,) on the Gantry
connector panel.
3. Make the remaining connections as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections
Legend for Figure 4-4
1. J2 Acquisition Power receptacle 6. Data Receptacle
2. J1 Acquisition Data receptacle 7. Power Out to Brick and Gantry Control
3. Data and Power Cable Ground Wires 8. Brick Power Fuses (2A FB, 250VAC)
4. Ground Studs 9. Input Power Receptacle (AWS)
5. Equipotential Ground Wire

4. Connect one end of the AWS input power cord to the AWS input power receptacle
(#9, Figure 4-4) on the AWS Power Distribution Assembly and plug the other end into
site power.

MAN-00745 4-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

3.2 Fiber Optics

The fiber optic cables are connected between the Gantry and the AWS computer.
At the AWS:
1. Locate the cable clamp at the rear of the AWS below the cover handle. An identical
clamp is located on the opposite side of the AWS. All the AWS cabling exits from the
cutouts in the rear cover.
2. Route the fiber optic cable into the AWS as shown in Figure 4-5. The dotted line in the
illustration shows alternate entry paths into the AWS. Use the existing cable clamps
along each path for cable support.
3. Continue to route the cable into the AWS computer.

Figure 4-5: Fiber Optic Cabling, Acquisition Workstation

4. Connect the fiber optic cable into the termination points at the rear of the computer—
Figure 4-6.

Legend for
Figure 4-6
1. Rx—Blue
2. Tx—Orange
3. Network

Figure 4-6: Fiber Optic and Network Cable Termination Points

5. Allowing for a service loop, secure the wiring with cable ties.

4-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Gantry to Acquisition Workstation Interconnections

At the Gantry
1. Route the cable into the Gantry through the rear lower access panel. A cutout on the
power panel allows entry into the Gantry mainframe. See inset ‘A’ below.
2. Following the Main Harness inside the Gantry mainframe, route the fiber optic cable up
to the Brick. See inset ‘B’ below. Connect the cable to the Brick.

Note… It is possible to install the fiber optic cable incorrectly (reversed). If they are
reversed, the red LED is on. When correct, the red LED is off, the right green
LED is on, and the center LED blinks.
3. Allowing for a ‘service loop’, secure the wiring with cable ties.
4. Secure the fiber optic cable to the bulk cabling from the Gantry to the AWS.
5. Reattach the lower rear panel and turn on the wall and Gantry circuit breakers.
J3 J4

A Entry

(Rear view of
the Gantry)
J1 J2







B Routing and
(Front view of
the Gantry)

Three LEDs:
1 red, 2 green
Blue Wire
Orange Wire

Figure 4-7: Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry

MAN-00745 4-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Optional Configuration

4.0 Optional Configuration

Note… This procedure mounts the Selenia Display Arm, display, and trackball on
the left-hand side of the AWS.

4.1 Remove the Base

1. Remove the label and
the four screws in the
center of the base.
2. Remove both display
arm base clamps.
3. Rotate to expose the
harness under the base.
4. Cut the harness and
trackball cable ties.

Figure 4-8: Removing the Base

4.2 Reconfigure the Base Wiring

Reroute the harness and
trackball cable for left
side configuration.

Trackball Cable

Figure 4-9: Left-Side Base Wiring

4.3 Replace the Base

1. Position the base at the rear of the AWS.
2. Reinstall the four screws and the display arm base clamps.
3. Replace the label.

4.4 Realigning the Cover on the Arm’s Post

1. With the arm and cover still fastened as shown in
Figure 4-10 A, move the cover counterclockwise to A B
the position shown by the dotted line B.
2. Remove the four button-head screws holding the
cover to the post.
3. Place the cover back to position A (being sure the
elongated holes in the cover are facing the outside)
and reinstall the four button-head screws.

Figure 4-10: Aligning the Arm Cover

4-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Optional Configuration

4.5 Repositioning the Totoku Display Bracket

1. Remove the display bracket by removing the two screws.
2. Rotate the bracket 180° and reinstall the screws. See Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11: Repositioning the Display Bracket

4.6 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly

4.6.1 Totoku
1. Remove the two locking set screws, and the two conical set screws. It is not
necessary to remove the support mount assembly.
Shaft Support
Right-side Left-side
Handle Mount 180
Set screws(4)

Shaft support

Figure 4-12: Aligning the Shaft

2. Rotate the support mount assembly counterclockwise approximately 180°.

3. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle as
shown. Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
4. Reinstall the two set screws. Ensure the screws are securely set.

MAN-00745 4-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 4—AWS Installation without TechMate
Optional Configuration

4.6.2 Barco
1. Remove the two locking set screws, and the two conical set screws.
2. Remove the support mount and shaft from the arm.


Figure 4-13: Aligning the Shaft

3. Remove the locking set screw, and the conical set screw from the support mount.
4. Remove the support shaft from the support mount.
You may have to loosen the two socket-head cap screws at the bottom of the
support mount to remove the support shaft.
5. Rotate the support shaft counterclockwise approximately 180°.
6. Secure the support shaft to the support mount with the previously removed set
7. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle.
Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
8. Reinstall the set screws; ensure the screws are securely set.

4-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Acquisition Workstation Controls and Display

Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests

Note… Refer to the Selenia Software Operator’s Manual and Hardware Operator’s
Manual for detailed information about operating the Selenia.

1.0 Acquisition Workstation Controls and Display

Legend for Figure 5-1
1. Emergency Off Switch
2. Circuit Breaker (at rear of AWS)
3. Selenia Display
4. Selenia Trackball
5. CD-RW Drive
6. Selenia Keyboard
7. Selenia Power On Button

Figure 5-1: The AWS Controls

MAN-00745 5-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
TechMate Controls and Display

2.0 TechMate Controls and Display

Legend for Figure 5-2
1. TechMate Display
2. TechMate Keyboard
3. TechMate Trackball
4. Power Button for TechMate
5. Reset Button for TechMate

Figure 5-2: The TechMate Controls

3.0 Initial Startup Procedures

At this point in the Selenia installation procedures:
• Both the Gantry and AWS are permanently mounted in position.
• All power and applicable accessory connections are complete.
• The Image Receptor is installed.
• The footswitch(es) are installed.
• Additional system components (for example, Hard Copy Film Printer) are installed.

5-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Initial Startup Procedures

3.1 Pre-Startup Checks

Perform the following pre-startup checks before applying power to the system for the first
time following installation:
1. Verify that:
a. Primary (source) power circuit breaker is On.
b. Circuit breaker on the rear of the Gantry is On.
c. Turn on UPS (Selenia) see Figure 5-4, p. 5-4.
d. All three Emergency Off switches are reset (two on
the Gantry, one on the AWS) see Figure 5-3.
2. Inspect the overall integrity of the mammography unit
for open or loose panels, missing hardware, and signs
of damage.
3. Inspect the radiation shield for chips, cracks, breaks,
and secure attachment.
Figure 5-3: Emergency Off
4. Be sure the room is clear of obstructions. Switches
5. Correct all discrepancies before starting the system.

3.2 Turning On the System

3.2.1 Selenia AWS
1. Press the Power On button (small black button, #1, on
the left keypad) momentarily to start the system.
2. A green LED, #2, illuminates to indicate power is on.
3. Wait for the computer to start.
The system initializes and runs the diagnostic tests.
This may take several minutes. The temperature of the
Selenia Detector is critical for image quality. To
stabilize its temperature, the detector should be on for at least 1 hour (warm up)
before patient exposure.

Notes… If during the internal checks, the system detects a fault condition, a message
displays, and startup is suspended until the problem is remedied.

3.2.2 TechMate
1. Turn on UPS (TechMate), see Figure 5-5, p. 5-4.
2. Start the TechMate by pressing the TechMate power button on the upper right
side of the Workstation front cover. See Figure 5-2, p. 5-2.
3. Refer to SecurViewRT documentation for additional TechMate Installation and
User information.

MAN-00745 5-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Initial Startup Procedures

3.3 Resetting the UPS

3.3.1 System Power Is Turned Off
If the Acquisition Workstation does not respond to the On button, the
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) may need to be reset. For example: If power is
removed from the Acquisition Workstation (such as power source disconnected or
circuit breaker switched off) and then re-applied, the UPS may not automatically
To reset the Selenia UPS:
See Figure 5-4.
1. Locate the UPS button at the lower right of the
back panel.
2. Press down and hold the button to press the UPS

reset button on the UPS. The UPS chirps.

3. Press the button again and listen for a second
4. Start the Acquisition Workstation normally.

Figure 5-4: Resetting the Selenia UPS

To reset the TechMate UPS:

See Figure 5-5.
1. Locate the access hole in the middle of the left
side of the front cover. This hole is aligned with
the Power button on the UPS.
2. Insert the eraser-end of a pencil into the hole to
press the button on the UPS. The UPS chirps.

3. Press the button again and listen for a second

4. Start the TechMate normally.

Figure 5-5: Resetting the TechMate UPS

Notes… If the above procedure fails to reset the UPS, the circuit breaker located at
the right side of the TechMate UPS may have tripped. Remove the front
cover (refer to Chapter 3, Section 4.1.4, p. 3-9). Determine if the equipment
plugged into the protection outlets are creating an overload, then reset the
circuit breaker by pushing it back in.

5-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Test Ground Impedance

3.3.2 All Power Is Off

If the site looses power, the UPS begins to chirp. This is an expected alarm indicating
that the power is off.
1. Shut down the AWS if it is still on.
2. To turn off the beeping noise, follow the appropriate procedure above, but press
the button only once.
3. Press it again when the power returns.
4. Start the Acquisition Workstation normally.

4.0 Test Ground Impedance

Equipment Required:
DVM—to measure AC voltage
Inductive Ammeter—capable of measuring at least 30 A AC
Measure Voltage/Current:
1. Measure the no-load voltage.
2. Measure the full-load voltage:
a Click on the Non-Imaging Mode.
b Cover the Image Receptor with lead.
c Perform a full-exposure test in manual mode—32 kV, at 200 mAs.
Calculate the ground impedance using the following formula:
R = ------------------------
I MaxL

R = Ground Impedance
VNL = Voltage at no load
VFL = Voltage at full load

IMaxL = Current at full load

Ground impedance must be no more than:
0.20Ω at 208, 220, 230, 240 V~TAP
0.16Ω at 200 V~TAP
If results are higher, stop work and contact the building electrician to repair the ground

MAN-00745 5-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

5.0 Controls and Displays

Each of the operator controls on the C-arm, Tubehead, and Footswitch must be tested to
verify the unit’s electromechanical functions
5.1 Emergency Off Switches
Location of Emergency Off Switches Description
There are three Emergency Off
switches on the Selenia, one
on each side of the Gantry and
one on the AWS.
Press any of the Emergency
Off switches to immediately
remove power to the gantry.
Turn the Emergency Off switch
one-quarter turn to reset the
To restart the system after
using an Emergency Off
switch, refer to “Emergency
Off Switches” on p. 5-18.

Figure 5-6: Emergency Off Switches

5.2 Acquisition Workstation Keypads

Keypads provide power, x-ray, and Compression Release functions.

Figure 5-7: Location of Acquisition Workstation Controls

Legend for Figure 5-7
1. On button. 4. X-ray buttons on both panels, one on each side of the keyboard.
2. On indicator light. Press them both simultaneously to make an exposure and hold for
3. X-ray Indicator lights the duration of the tone.
on both panels. 5. Compression Release button.

5-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

5.3 Selenia Display

Press the Control Dial to turn on the display. A green indicator light shows power is on.
To turn off the display, press and hold the button for at least 1 second until the LED is off.
The display can be left on. It turns off when the system is turned off.

Control Dial Control Dial

Totoku Barco
Display Display

Figure 5-8: Flat Screen Display

5.3.1 Adjusting the Display

The Control Dial can be pressed like a push button and rotated like a knob.
Navigation through the menus to make adjustments, and to change values can be
made using the on-screen display (OSD) menu, activated by rotating the control
dial. To enter a menu:
1. Rotate dial to the desired menu
2. Press the dial to select
3. Rotate the dial to change an adjustment, then press to select
4. To exit, rotate dial to EXIT, then press the dial
The Totoku displays have submenu items for Auto Setup (recommended), Display
Mode, Brightness, Clock/Phase, Contrast, Management, Display (Horizontal/Vertical
position control), and EXIT. (Display mode, Clock/Phase, and Management controls
are factory set and do not need adjustment.)
The Barco displays have submenu items for Luminance, Adjustments, Input
Selection, Settings, Information, and EXIT.

Caution: Do not make any brightness and/or contrast adjustments to the display
unless the SMPTE test pattern is on the screen.

If the computer is being replaced on a console with the Barco display, the following
instructions should be followed:
1. Open a Terminal Window
2. Type cd <space>/linx_mp/resources/installed/raw/
customluts_001/ then press Return.
3. Type mv <space> linear.lut <space> preview.lut then press

MAN-00745 5-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

5.3.2 Using the SMPTE pattern for Brightness and Contrast Adjustments (Totoku
1. From the AWS, select Admin>Test Patterns. Select SMPTE in the Pattern field.
2. Click Preview to display the full screen.
3. Adjust the Brightness and Contrast using the display submenus.

5.4 Gantry Controls and Displays

Gantry Controls
1. C-arm Rotation Angle displays on either side of the
Gantry show the C-arm angle.
2. Emergency Off Switches, located on each side of the
Gantry, immediately remove power from the Tubestand.
3. Gantry C-arm Rotation Switches, if equipped, are
located on each side of the Gantry, initiate C-arm
movement to a pre-programmed position.
4. The Input Power Circuit Breaker at the rear of the Gantry
provides overload protection.
5. Dual-Function Footswitches activate C-arm and
Compression Device movement.

5-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

5.5 C-arm Controls and Displays

C-arm controls are located at the Tubehead, the

Compression Device, the C-arm Side Rails, and the rear
of the Image Receptor Support Device.
1. Tubehead Controls
2. Compression Device
3. Rear of the C-arm Side Rails
4. Rear of the Image Receptor

Tubehead Controls, located on either side of the x-ray

tube side covers, provide Collimator Override, C-arm
Rotation, and Light Field functions.

The Compression Device houses AEC Sensor control

and position LEDs, and displays compressed breast
thickness and force. Handwheels allow manual
compression control for patient positioning and
applying final compression force.

MAN-00745 5-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

The rear edges of the C-arm Side Rail house recessed

push-button controls for motorized compression and
C-arm movement. An additional C-arm Rotation button
is available on the rear of the Image Receptor.

5.5.1 Compression Device Controls and Displays

Legend for Figure 5-9

1. Compression Handwheels.
2. AEC Sensor Position controls.



3. AEC Sensor Position Display. 5


4. Compression Force Display shows


the compression force through the


range of 10 lb to 67.4 lb (44.5 N to NEW



300 N) in 1 lb (4.4 N) increments.

5. Compression Thickness Display
shows the thickness between 0 and
15 cm above the image receptor in
0.1 cm increments.
6. Compression Paddle Sensor
7. Compression Paddle Docking
Figure 5-9: Compression Device

5-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Controls and Displays

5.6 Dual Function Footswitches

The system has two footswitches, one

for C-arm and one for Compression
Up/Down movement. Locate the
footswitches for easy access at either
side of the C-arm.
Using the Footswitch:
1. Press the footswitch to activate.
2. Release the switch to stop
motorized movement.
Legend for Figure 5-10 Figure 5-10: The Dual Function Footswitch
1. C-arm Down
2. C-arm Up
3. Compression Down
4. Compression Up

Warning: Always position the footswitches so as to eliminate accidental

activation by patient, operators, or wheelchairs.

MAN-00745 5-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

6.0 Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Test the C-arm, Tubehead, and Footswitch functions to ensure mechanical integrity.

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

Compression Down Pressing a Compression Down button:
• Engages the compression brake.
• Turns on the light field lamp.
• Lowers the compression device.
Note… Once activated, the compression
brake remains engaged until compression
release is pressed.
Compression down movement stops:
• Upon release of the button.

• At the compression down force limit.

• At the lower compression travel limit.

Confirm the buttons function correctly.

Compression Up Pressing a Compression Up button:

• Raises the compression device.
• Does not release or activate the
compression brake.

Motorized compression up movement

automatically stops:
• Upon release of the button.
• Upon reaching the upper
SSION compression travel limit.

Confirm the buttons function correctly.

Compression Release Pressing the Compression Release button:

• Releases the compression motor
• Raises the compression device
approximately 10 cm.
Confirm the buttons function correctly.

Note... The system disables all

compression release functions when a
localization paddle is installed (including
automatic compression release, if
enabled). Patient release is available
through the compression up functions.

5-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

Counterclockwise When you press a C-arm Rotation switch,
C-arm Rotation rotation commences immediately and
ceases when you release the switch.

Pressing this button initializes motorized
counterclockwise C-arm rotation.
C-arm movement is disabled when
compression force of 58 N (13 lb) or
greater is applied.

Confirm the C-arm Angle Rotation

Displays on the Gantry reflect the
changes in rotation.

Rotating the C-arm counterclockwise

changes the display to a more negative

Clockwise C-arm Pressing this button initializes motorized

Rotation clockwise C-arm rotation.
C-arm movement is disabled when
compression force of 58 N (13 lb) or
greater is applied.

Confirm the C-arm Angle Rotation

Displays on the Gantry reflect the
changes in rotation.

Rotating the C-arm clockwise changes the

display to a more positive reading.

After making an oblique exposure, the C-

arm angle is stored in memory. When you
rotate the C-arm past 0 degrees for the
next exposure, the system automatically
stops the C-arm at the opposite oblique

MAN-00745 5-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

Counterclockwise Gantry C-arm Rotation Switches When you press a Gantry C-arm Rotation
C-arm Rotation switch, rotation commences after a short
delay and stops after a pre-programmed
amount of travel.
• Service configures the rotation detent
position for the switches from 10-100
degrees of rotation; the default is 45
• Press and hold a counterclockwise
Gantry C-arm Rotation switch;
audible beeps indicate the C-arm is
about to move, then movement starts.
• Movement stops when the pre-
Right programmed rotation angle is
Side reached.

Press the center button and confirm the

C-arm moves to the zero degree (center)
Clockwise C-arm
• Press and hold a clockwise Gantry
C-arm Rotation switch; audible beeps
indicate the C-arm is about to move,
then movement starts.
• Movement stops when the pre-
programmed rotation angle is

Press the center button and confirm the

C-arm moves to the zero degree (center)

5-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

C-arm Up Pressing this button moves the C-Arm up.
Motorized C-arm movement
automatically stops upon release of the
button or upon reaching the upper C-arm
travel limit.

C-arm movement is disabled when

compression force of 58 N (13 lb) or
greater is applied.

Confirm the buttons function correctly.

C-arm Down Pressing this button moves the C-Arm

down. Motorized C-arm movement
automatically stops upon release of the
button or upon reaching the lower C-arm
travel limit.

C-arm movement is disabled when

compression force of 58 N (13 lb) or
greater is applied.

Confirm the buttons function correctly.

MAN-00745 5-15
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

Collimator Override The Collimator Override button allows
the collimator to cycle through the
available calibrated x-ray fields.
Choice of the collimator mode,
Automatic or Manual, is made in
Edit>Standard Setup.

Confirm the buttons function correctly

(press the light field lamp button to
visualize the x-ray field, and then press
the Collimator Override button).

The collimator device moves to another

field size and the light field size changes.

Light Field Lamp Pressing the light field lamp button turns
on the light field lamp for approximately
30 seconds, permitting you to visualize
the x-ray field.

The light field lamp automatically turns

on whenever a Compression Down
button is activated.

Confirm the buttons function correctly.

5-16 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Functional Test

Smart Paddle Smart Paddles incorporate a mechanical
System function that permits the paddle to shift
~2.5 cm into a left, center, or right
position. While compression is applied,
the paddle cannot be unlocked. The
collimator is programmed to follow the
position of the Smart Paddles.
To test this functionality:
1. Install any Smart Paddle into the
compression device.
2. Shift the paddle into one of the detent
To change the position of a Smart Paddle:
1. Rotate and hold the knob on the side
of the paddle.
2. Move the paddle into the correct
3. Release the knob to lock the paddle
in place.
4. Turn on the light field lamp. Confirm
that the collimator position matches
the paddle position.
5. Repeat this procedure for the other
two paddle positions.
AEC Change the AEC Position by pressing one
Position of the arrows on the top of the
compression device.
(You can also change it at the AWS.)
To test this functionality:
1. Select an AEC mode using the AWS.
2. Change the AEC position using the
arrow buttons on the device and the
AWS display.
3. Confirm the position indicator on the
side of the device and on the AWS
display matches the current position.
4. Move the AEC position beyond #7 or
#1. Confirm the Auto position
indicator on the compression device
is illuminated and the AWS display
indicates Auto.

MAN-00745 5-17
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Continue with System Installation

7.0 Continue with System Installation

Continue with system installation using the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

8.0 Emergency Off Switches

There are three Emergency Off Switches on the Selenia, one on
either side of the Gantry and one on the AWS. Do not use the
Emergency Off Switches for routinely removing power from
the Selenia. They only affect the Gantry and should be used
only in an emergency.
To use, press any Emergency Off switch. The power to the
Gantry is immediately removed.
To restart the system after activating the switch:
1. Turn the Emergency Off switch one-quarter turn to reset it.
2. Wait for the Power Panel dialog box to appear. It indicates
the Communication with the Gantry is lost, and instructs you to inspect the Emergency
Switches and the circuit breaker.
3. If the Emergency Switches and the circuit breaker are set correctly, click OK to restart the

Figure 5-11: Power Panel Dialog Box

If the dialog box reappears:

Review the status of the Gantry before responding to the Power Panel Dialog Box.
• If the Gantry displays are On, click Cancel.
• If they are Off, click OK.
If the dialog box continues to reappear, shut down the AWS following the Shutdown
procedure—Refer to Section 9.0, p. 5-19. After waiting a minimum of four minutes, press the
On button to restart the unit.

5-18 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Shutdown Procedures

9.0 Shutdown Procedures

To properly shut down the Selenia System:
1. Exit any open patient procedure.

Note… Always shut down using the Exit menu as described below. Do not use the
task launcher or the bottom Solaris bar, except in emergencies.
2. Sign out of the application by clicking on File> Exit on the main menu.
a Click File and click Exit.
b Click the Power off the computer button on the dialog box.
c Click Yes.

Figure 5-12: Exit from AWS

3. At the Confirmation message, “Are you sure you would like to power off the computer?”
Click Yes.
4. When the Green Power indicator on the AWS turns off, the system is completely shut
5. If the program does not close correctly, these steps shut the system down manually:
a After the application closes, click OK at the Logout Confirmation dialog box. If you
do not see the Logout confirmation box, click Exit on the Taskbar.
b At the Solaris Welcome window, type shutdown (all lower case) for the user
name and click OK or press Return.
c For the Password, type shutdown (all lower case) and click OK or press Return.
d When the Green Power indicator on the AWS turns off, the system is completely
shut down.

9.1 User Reboot and User Shutdown

There are two special users on the system: User Reboot and User Shutdown. These are
initiated from a command line or the Sun interface, not from the Selenia interface. Initiating
a User Reboot reboots the operating system. Initiating a User Shutdown provides for an
orderly shutdown of the system.

MAN-00745 5-19
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 5—Startup, Shutdown, and Functional Tests
Shutdown Procedures

5-20 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance

Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance

1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides maintenance information and instructions for the AWS, including:
• Component identification
• Removing covers and panels
• Preventive maintenance procedures
• Component replacement procedures

MAN-00745 6-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance

1.1 Component Identification

AWS Components—Front View
Legend for Figure 6-1
1. TechMate Display
2. Radiation Shield
3. Selenia Display
4. Selenia Trackball
5. CD-RW Drive
6. Cooling Fan
7. Selenia Keyboard
8. TechMate Computer and UPS
(not shown, located behind cover)
9. Barcode reader
10. Storage Shelf
11. TechMate Trackball
12. TechMate Keyboard

Figure 6-1: AWS Components—Front View

Legend for Figure 6-2

1. Selenia Trackball
2. Right LED Board (x-ray LED board)
3. Selenia Keyboard
4. Left LED Board (x-ray LED board)
5. TechMate Trackball
6. TechMate Keyboard
7. Circuit Breaker
8. Cooling Fans (4)
9. Rear Cover Handles
10. Selenia UPS Reset

Figure 6-2: AWS Components—Top/Rear View

6-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Accessing Internal Components—Selenia AWS

2.0 Accessing Internal Components—Selenia AWS

2.1 Rear Cover Removal
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the two rear cover screws; see Figure 6-3.
3. Grasp the handles on each side of the cover.
4. Slide the cover upwards, then pull backwards to remove the cover.
5. Disconnect the cooling fan harness.

Legend for Figure 6-3

1. Rear Cover
2. Rear Cover Mounting Screws (two)
3. Rear Cover Handles
(two, only one shown)

Figure 6-3: AWS Covers Removal

MAN-00745 6-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Accessing Internal Components—Selenia AWS

2.2 Internal Components

To access internal components or wiring inside the AWS; see Figure 6-4.

Legend for Figure 6-4

1. Selenia Trackball
2. Right LED Board (x-ray LED board)
3. Selenia Keyboard
4. Left LED Board (x-ray LED board)
5. TechMate Trackball
6. TechMate Keyboard
7. AWS Cooling Fans
8. Circuit Breaker
9. Barcode Reader Power Supply
10. Display Power Supply
11. Computer
12. Uninterruptible Power Supply
(behind computer)
13. Power Distribution Assembly (PDA)
14. Low Voltage Power Supply
15. Power Control Board

Figure 6-4: Internal Components

6-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Accessing Internal Components—TechMate

3.0 Accessing Internal Components—TechMate

3.1 Front Cover Removal
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the two front cover screws; see Figure 6-6.
3. Grasp the handles on each side of the cover.
4. Slide the cover upwards, then pull backwards to remove the cover.
5. Disconnect the cooling fan and power button cables from the TechMate computer.

Figure 6-5: TechMate Computer

Rear Panel

Legend for Figure 6-5

1. Power Button Cable
2. Fan Power Cable
3. Computer Rear Panel
4. Trackball Cable
5. Keyboard Cable
6. Display Cable
7. To UPS “Data Port”
8. Dongle
9. Network Cable
10. AC Power (from UPS) Cable Figure 6-6: TechMate Internal Components

Legend for Figure 6-6

1. AWS Front Cover
2. Cover Screws (one each side)
3. TechMate Computer
4. TechMate Computer Rear Panel
5. TechMate UPS
6. Cooling Fan Power and Power Button Cables
7. Handles

MAN-00745 6-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.0 Preventive Maintenance Procedures

The tools and materials required for performing preventive maintenance on Selenia:
• Standard hand tools • CRT Wipes • Brush
• Lint Free Cloths • Small Vacuum Cleaner •

Table 6-1: AWS Recommended Preventive Maintenance Procedures

Freq Procedure Refer To Performer

S AWS—Clean and Inspect Section 4.1, p. 6-6 Service Eng
Backup the AWS Computer Section 10.0, p. 6-13 Service Eng
Empty the Reject Bin Administrator’s Guide Service Eng
A Inspect/Replace UPS Battery in AWS Section 23.2, p. 6-25 Service Eng
Recommended frequency of performance: A = Annual S = Semi-Annual

4.1 AWS — Clean and Inspect

The following procedures should be performed to maintain the Selenia AWS in optimum
working condition. The recommended frequency is semi-annual maintenance by a qualified
service engineer. If necessary, revise the care and cleaning cycle as conditions and use dictate.
4.1.1 Cabinet Cleaning
1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the Workstation rear cover. For Selenia, refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Remove the front cover of the TechMate.
4. Inspect the chassis for loose or missing hardware.
5. Inspect the cables for signs of wear such as crimps, breaks, and frays.
6. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove dust from inside the chassis, cooling fans,
and air intakes on each computer (Selenia and TechMate).

4.1.2 Display Cleaning

Avoid touching the display screen.
Care should always be used when cleaning the outer surface of the LCD screen.
Always use a clean soft, lint-free cloth. Microfiber cloths, available at most camera
stores, are highly recommended.
• Never spray or pour a liquid directly onto the screen.
• Never apply excessive pressure to the screen.
• Never use detergents with fluorides, ammonia, alcohol, or abrasives.
• Never use bleach.
• Never use steel wool, or cloth woven with metal.
• Never use a sponge with abrasives.
4.1.3 Keyboard and Trackball Cleaning
1. Use the vacuum cleaner to clean any dust or debris from the keyboard.
2. Wipe clean the keyboard and trackball surfaces using a standard CRT wipe.
Caution: Do not use liquid or spray detergents to clean the keyboard. Do not
remove the rear cover of the keyboard to expose the internal circuit board.

6-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Display Maintenance

5.0 Display Maintenance

5.1 Selenia Display Replacement

VGA cable Cover Display Display

screws (4) Power screws (4)
cable Cover
supply Cable
cable clamp


Totoku Barco
Display DVI cable Display

Figure 6-7: Removing the Display

1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the cable cover from the rear of the Display; see Figure 6-7.
3. Disconnect the power supply and VGA/DVI cables.
4. Remove the cable clamp.
5. Remove the Display by removing the screws from the Display Bracket. Install the new
Display to the Display Bracket using the previously removed hardware.
6. Reconnect the VGA/DVI and power supply cables.
7. Reinstall the cable clamp.
8. Install the cable cover, carefully positioning the VGA/DVI cable so the cover closes
easily. Be sure the cover lock engages.
9. Start the system.
10. On the Selenia Display, push in the Control Dial to turn on the Display.
11. Reinstall the cable clamp.
Control Dial Control Dial

Totoku Barco
Display Display
Figure 6-8: Selenia Display Control Dial

Caution: Do not make any brightness and/or contrast adjustments to the display
unless the SMPTE test pattern is on the screen.

MAN-00745 6-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Display Maintenance

5.2 TechMate Display Replacement

1. Ensure that the TechMate computer is off.
2. Remove the cover (not shown) from the Display’s right rear compartment to provide
access to the connectors.
3. Note the position of the cables, then disconnect the display power and DVI connectors.
4. Untie the reusable tie wrap (black), and remove the complete harness.
5. Remove the Display.
6. Install the new Display.
7. Reconnect the DVI and power cable.
8. Position the cables as they were originally so the cover may be easily closed.
9. Reinstall the cover on the Display’s rear compartment.
10. Refer to the SecurViewRT manual to calibrate the display if necessary.

Legend for Figure 6-9

1. Display Power cable
2. DVI Cable
3. Service loop for trackball and
keyboard cables
4. Spiral Wrap
Totoku 5. Cable Clamp


Figure 6-9: TechMate Display Connections

6-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Trackball Replacement

6.0 Trackball Replacement

Note… The Computer does not start up without the trackball installed.
In most cases, the Display Swing Arm must be removed to access and
replace the Selenia Trackball.
6.1 Selenia
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. At the top of the Ultra™ 45 computer, disconnect the trackball cable.
4. Cut cable ties securing the trackball cable to the inside of the AWS.
5. To remove the swing-arm, refer to Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance. Lay it on a clean
padded work area on top of the AWS providing access to the under-side of the swing-
6. The Trackball cable is mounted under the base with double-sided tape. Free the cable
from the tape.
7. Remove the Trackball cable through the access hole on the top of the AWS.
8. When re-installing, on the bottom of the trackball, verify the DIP switch positions 2, 4, 6,
and 8 are On.
9. Reverse the procedure to install.

6.2 TechMate
1. Shut down the TechMate computer and Display.
2. Remove the AWS front cover.
3. Disconnect the trackball
cable, #1, and the keyboard
cable, #2; see Figure 9.
4. Cut the cable ties, #3.
5. Remove the spiral wrap.
6. Replace the trackball.
7. Dress the display, trackball,
and keyboard cables;
replace the spiral wrap as
shown and maintain the
service loops as shown in
Figure 6-9, p. 6-8.
8. Reconnect the display, Figure 6-10: Cable Connections and Routing
trackball, and keyboard
cables to the computer.
9. Replace any cable ties that you removed.

MAN-00745 6-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Keyboard Replacement

7.0 Keyboard Replacement

7.1 Selenia
1. Turn the Selenia system off.
2. Working under the keyboard ledge, remove the three screws securing the keyboard to
the center front edge of the AWS work surface.
3. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
4. At the top of the Ultra 45 computer, disconnect the keyboard cable.
5. Removing cable ties as necessary, remove the keyboard cable through the keyboard
access slot. Remove the keyboard.
6. Reverse procedures to install the replacement keyboard.

7.2 TechMate
1. Shut down the TechMate computer and Display.
2. Remove the AWS front cover.
3. Disconnect the trackball
cable, #1, and the keyboard
cable, #2; see Figure 6-11.
4. Cut the cable ties, #3.
5. Remove the spiral wrap.
6. Replace the keyboard.
7. Dress the display, trackball,
and keyboard cables;
replace the spiral wrap as
shown and maintain the
service loops as shown in
Figure 6-9, p. 6-8.
8. Reconnect the display, Figure 6-11: Cable Connections and Routing
trackball and keyboard
cables to the computer.
9. Replace any cable ties that you removed.

6-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Compact Disk Drive and Storage Shelf Replacement

8.0 Compact Disk Drive and Storage Shelf Replacement

Figure 6-12: Shelf and CD-ROM Holder

8.1 Storage Shelf Replacement

Refer to Figure 6-12 when performing this procedure.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove any items currently stored in the Storage Shelf.
3. Remove the AWS rear cover. Refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
4. From the back of the unit, remove the screw holding the shelf to the AWS.
5. Remove, from the bottom left side of the shelf, the three screws that secure the holder to
the AWS.
6. Supporting the shelf, slide it forward and remove the Bar Code Reader cable from the
notch in the shelf.
7. With a 5/16 in. driver, remove the hex nut holding the Bar Code Reader cable. Remove
the cable from the shelf housing.
8. Reverse procedures to install the storage shelf.

MAN-00745 6-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Bar Code Reader Replacement

8.2 Compact Disk Drive Replacement

1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. From the back of the unit, remove the screw holding the CD-ROM holder; see Figure
6-12, p. 6-11.
4. Remove, from the bottom right side of the CD-ROM holder, the three screws that secure
the holder to the AWS; see Figure 6-12.
5. Supporting the holder, slide it out to access the cables on the rear of the CD-ROM.
6. Disconnect the cables from the CD-ROM.
7. Access the three screws securing the CD-RW Drive mounting plate to the bottom of the
CD-ROM Holder. Remove the screws.
8. Slide the CD-RW Drive back until the latch on the mounting plate is clear. Remove the
drive from the mounting plate.
9. Reverse procedures to install the CD-RW Drive.

9.0 Bar Code Reader Replacement

9.1 Bar Code Reader
1. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3
2. Remove the storage shelf; refer to Section 8.1, p. 6-11.
3. Remove the power supply from the bar code reader cable; see Figure 6-4, p. 6-4.
4. Unscrew the two screws that hold the bar code reader connector to the harness.
5. Remove the bar code reader and cable through the hole.
6. Reverse procedures to install the bar code reader.
7. Turn system on.

9.2 Bar Code Reader Power Supply

1. Remove the AWS rear cover.
2. Disconnect the bar code reader power supply cable from serial connector J50; see
Figure 6-4, p. 6-4. Remove tie-wraps as necessary.
3. Remove the three screws securing the bar code reader power supply mounting bracket
to the computer mounting panel.
4. Remove the power supply.
5. Reverse procedures to install the bar code reader power supply.
6. Replace any tie-wraps you removed.

6-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
AWS Computer Replacement

10.0 AWS Computer Replacement

10.1 Back up Configuration
1. Login as apps, minimize application and maximize Netscape as necessary.
2. Select Service Tools in Netscape.
3. Under Maintenance column, click the Backups link.
4. Click on the Backup DROC link.
5. Select Standard Backups + Logos from dropdown menu.
6. Click on Start Backup button and type the password if prompted. File will be saved
under /linx_mp/backups directory on the Selenia, where filename is
7. Click on Service Tools link on the top to go back.
10.2 Back up the Calibration and Map Files
1. Log in as apps (if not already logged in).
2. Insert CD1 into the CD-RW drive. Wait for the read light to stay on.
3. Type in a Terminal window su dr and press Return.
4. Enter password when prompted.
5. Type in a Terminal window cd /cdrom/cdrom1/5.10 and press Return.
6. Type in a Terminal window ./usave then press Return.

10.3 Create getinfo.html

1. From Terminal Window, type cd<space>/opt/users/dr
2. Type
3. Follow the on screen instructions:
a. Find the Selenia Serial Number
b. Find the Brick Serial Number
c. From the Application, Info, About Acquisition Station
4. The script will prompt you to place a cd in CDRW. Ignore this step and close the
Terminal Window.
5. Follow the on-screen directions to allow the system to collect system information. Be
sure to click Binary Checksum and Resource Checksum before closing.
6. At the prompt that asks you to insert a blank CD to write the system information in
HTML format, press N. The getinfo file will be written to:
<linx_mp/backups/save/getinfo . . . . .html>

10.4 Capture the calibration data on the Host Microprocessor board

1. Connect the adapter cable (1-040-0812) from Host Microprocessor board KJ26 to the
serial port of your laptop.
2. Launch HyperTerminal.

MAN-00745 6-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
AWS Computer Replacement

Figure 6-13: HyperTerminal Connection

3. Enter Selenia for the new connection.
4. Select any icon.
5. Click OK.
6. Set Connect using by clicking the drop down arrow to the Com Port that the adapter
cable is connected to:
• COM1 or COM3
7. Click OK.
8. Change the Serial port settings to:
• Bits per second: 9600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow Control: None
9. Click Apply.
10. Click OK.
11. From Transfer, Capture Text.
12. Enter the filename of the text file that you wish the log to be written to. (Pay attention to
what folder you are in.)
• For Example: test.txt
13. Click Start.
14. On the host microprocessor board, set Rotary S4 to Position 0.
15. Display should read 28kV, Man, Auto etc.
16. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On. All others Off.
17. Press S1 to download calibration data. The data will download 1 page at a time.
Continually press S1 until all pages are shown on the screen.

6-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
AWS Computer Replacement

18. Cal Data Download Complete displays:

a. 19 pages for V 2.6.2.
b. 20 pages for V 3.2.2 and above.
19. When complete: Transfer, Capture Text, STOP.

10.5 Burn a CD with the backup files

1. Create a folder on your laptop to move the backups to. This will be your backup folder.
2. FTP the files to your service laptop.
3. Navigate the remote site window pane to /linx_mp/backups on the Selenia.
4. Navigate the local site window pane to your backup folder on your laptop.
5. Select the *.mpb files and the "save" folder.
6. Click "←" to transfer the files and folder to your laptop.
7. Verify that all files have moved.
8. Copy to the backup folder the host microprocessor cal data text file from the directory
used in Step 12 of the previous section.
9. Burn contents of your backup folder to CD.
10. Label the CD, to include from the Application, Info/ About Acquisition Station:
• Date of backup.

MAN-00745 6-15
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
AWS Computer Replacement

10.6 Ultra 45™ Computer Replacement

Note… After you install a replacement computer, to reconfigure the system, refer to
Chapter 5—”Computer Replacement” in the Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the rear cover from the workstation, Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Disconnect all cables from the rear panel (top) of the computer. Note their location.
4. Remove the two screws from each side of the support bracket.
5. Disconnect the ground strap from the computer.

Warning: Two people are needed to safely perform steps 6, 7, and 8.

6. Lift the computer slightly up to free it from the shelf.

7. Remove the computer from the AWS and set it aside.
8. Install the replacement computer on the shelf and reattach the support bracket.
9. Reconnect the ground strap.
10. Reconnect the cables to the computer.

Legend for Figure 6-14

1. Rear Panel
2. Support Bracket
3. Screws (2 each side)
4. Ground Strap
5. Shelf

Figure 6-14: AWS Computer

10.7 Reinstall Backup Files

1. Connect the laptop to the computer using a crossover cable.
2. FTP the backup files to the new computer to the directory linx_mp/backups.
3. Launch the Netscape Service Tools.
4. Under the Maintenance column, click Backups.
5. Click on Restore DROC.
6. Select the backup from the list.
7. Click Start Restore. Ignore the warning about it being a backup from an earlier version.
10.8 Verify System Operation
1. Turn system on.
2. Confirm system boots up and application loads correctly.
3. Perform the Standard System Test described in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual before returning the unit to service.

6-16 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
TechMate Computer Replacement

11.0 TechMate Computer Replacement

1. Ensure that the TechMate Computer and Display are off.
2. Remove the front cover from the workstation; see Figure 6-6, p. 6-5.
3. Remove all cables from the computer and note their location; see Figure 6-14.

Legend for Figure 6-14

1. Power Button Cable
2. Fan Power Cable
3. Computer Rear Panel
4. Trackball Cable
5. Keyboard Cable
6. Display Cable
7. To UPS “Data Port”
8. Dongle
9. Network Cable
10. AC Power (from UPS) Cable

Figure 6-14: TechMate Rear Panel and Cable Routing

4. Remove the six captive nuts from

both sides of the computer’s flanges;
see Figure 6-15.
5. Slide the computer off of the studs.
6. Reverse the procedures to install the
7. Refer to the SecurViewRT Hardware
Service Manual and User/
Administrator Guide for procedures
to configure and restore the
Technologist Workstation.

Figure 6-15: TechMate Computer Removal

MAN-00745 6-17
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Radiation Shield Replacement

12.0 Radiation Shield Replacement

Legend for Figure 6-16
1. Radiation Shield
2. Support Shelf
3. Front Shield Support
4. Protective Plate (two)
5. Bolts and Lock
washers (four)

Figure 6-16: Radiation Shield

Warning: The Radiation Shield is tempered glass and may shatter if dropped
or overstressed.

8. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.

9. Remove the four bolts securing the two protective plates and the radiation shield to the
AWS rear frame.
10. Lift the radiation shield up off the support shelf and the front shield support high enough
to clear the circuit breaker.
11. Reverse the procedures to install the radiation shield. Ensure the logo faces to the front of
the AWS. Do not over tighten the bolts.

6-18 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Power Distribution Assembly Replacement

13.0 Power Distribution Assembly Replacement

1. Shut down the system.
2. Unplug the AWS.
3. Remove the AWS rear cover, refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
4. Turn off the UPS; refer to Chapter 5, Section 3.2.2, p. 5-3.
5. Remove the Selenia computer. Refer to Section 10.6, p. 6-16.
Legend for Figure 6-17
1. TB1 Terminal Block
2. Power to TechMate UPS
3. Line Filter
4. Power Distribution Board
5. Power to Selenia UPS
6. Ground Post
7. P1 and P2, Gantry Power and Data
8. F1 and F2, Brick Power
9. AC Input

Figure 6-17: Power Distribution Assembly

6. Unplug the power cables from P1 and P2, and remove P1 and P2, leaving them attached
to the wire harness. They will be reinstalled on the new assembly.
7. Remove five bolts (three in the front, two in the rear) securing the Power Distribution
Assembly mounting bracket to the base of the AWS.
8. Pull the unit forward until you can get to the wires in the back.
9. Remove wires carefully, noting locations.
10. Pull unit out of cabinet.
11. Reverse the procedures to install the replacement Power Distribution Assembly
13.1 Power Distribution Fuses
There are two fuses for the Brick Power, F1 and F2; see Figure 6-17.
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover.
3. Twist out and replace both fuses (F1 and F2) located on the Power Distribution
4. Reinstall the AWS rear cover.

MAN-00745 6-19
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Power Distribution Board Replacement

14.0 Power Distribution Board Replacement

1. Shut down the system.
2. Unplug the AWS
3. Remove the AWS rear cover.
4. Turn off the UPS
5. Remove the Selenia computer; refer to
Section 10.6, p. 6-16.
6. Disconnect the cables and connectors
from the Power Distribution board (#1);
note locations.
7. Using needle-nose pliers, pinch the
nylon standoffs, and carefully pull the
board off the standoffs.
8. Reverse the procedures to install the
Power Distribution board. Figure 6-18: AC Power Distribution Board

Note… If replacing a bad fuse (#2) on the Power Distribution board, perform Steps 1
through 4. It is not necessary to completely remove the board to replace a fuse.
Refer to Table C-28 on p. C-9 for a list of the fuses on this board.

15.0 Power Control Board Replacement

1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover.
3. Turn off the Selenia UP; refer to Chapter 5, Section 3.1, p. 5-3.
4. Disconnect the cables and connectors from the AWS Power Control board; note location
in Figure 6-4, p. 6-4.
5. Pull the board off the plastic standoffs.
6. Reverse the procedures to install the AWS Power Control board.

16.0 Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement

1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover.
3. Turn the UPS off.
4. Disconnect cables and connectors from the Low Voltage Power Supply; refer to Section
2.2, p. 6-4.
5. Remove four screws securing the power supply to the standoffs. Remove the power
6. Reverse the procedures to install the Low Voltage Power Supply.

6-20 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Right X-ray LED Board Replacement

17.0 Right X-ray LED Board Replacement

1. Turn system off
2. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Remove the CD-ROM Holder, and disconnect the cables from the CD-ROM; refer to
Section 8.2, p. 6-12.
4. Disconnect the cables and connectors from the Right LED board; note locations.
5. Remove two screws securing the board to standoffs. Remove board.
6. Reverse the procedures to install the Right LED board.

18.0 Left X-ray LED Board Replacement

1. Turn system off
2. Remove the AWS rear cover, refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Remove the storage shelf and bar code cables from the shelf; refer to Section 8.0, p. 6-
11. Set aside.
4. Disconnect the cables and connectors from the Left LED board; note locations.
5. Remove two screws securing the board to standoffs. Remove board.
6. Reverse the procedures to install the Left LED board.

19.0 AWS Display Power Supply Replacement

1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. At the Display Power Supply, disconnect the connector.
4. Remove the four nuts securing the power supply mounting bracket to the computer
mounting plate. Remove the bracket and power supply.
5. Reverse the procedures to install the Display Power Supply. Dress cables as required.

MAN-00745 6-21
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Cooling Fans Replacement

20.0 Cooling Fans Replacement

20.1 Selenia
The Selenia has four cooling fans installed on the upper inside of the AWS rear cover. See
Figure 6-3, p. 6-3 for location.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover.
3. Remove the wires from the fan to be replaced; note locations.
4. Remove the four nuts securing the fan mounting plate and set aside.
5. Remove old fan from mounting plate.
6. Secure the new fan to the mounting plate with original hardware.
7. Connect the wires on the replacement fan to the appropriate leads.
8. Secure mounting plate with original hardware.
9. Reinstall the rear cover, making sure fan power cable is connected.
10. Turn power on.
11. Ensure fans are operating.

20.2 TechMate
The TechMate has one cooling fan installed on the upper right inside of the AWS front cover.
See Figure 6-3, p. 6-3 for location.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the AWS front cover.
3. Remove the wires from the fan to be replaced; note location.
4. Remove the four nuts securing the fan mounting plate and set aside.
5. Remove old fan from mounting plate.
6. Secure the new fan to the mounting plate with original hardware.
7. Connect the wires on the replacement fan to the appropriate leads.
8. Secure mounting plate with original hardware.
9. Reinstall the front cover, making sure fan power cable is connected.
10. Turn power on.
11. Ensure fan is operating.

6-22 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Circuit Breaker Replacement

21.0 Circuit Breaker Replacement

1. Ensure system is off and AWS is unplugged.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Turn off the UPS; refer to Section 23.1, p. 6-24.

Figure 6-19: AWS Circuit Breaker

4. Remove the four screws securing the circuit breaker mounting bracket to the rear of the
AWS. Refer to Figure 6-19 for location of circuit breaker.
5. Remove the four Quick Disconnect wires from the bottom of the circuit breaker, noting
their positions.
6. Remove the circuit breaker from its mounting bracket.
7. Reverse the procedures to install the circuit breaker.

22.0 AWS Emergency Off Switch Replacement

The AWS Emergency Off Switch is on top of the AWS near the top of the Selenia keyboard.It
is attached from underneath the AWS with one nut.
1. Ensure system is off and AWS is unplugged.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover; refer to Section 2.1, p. 6-3.
3. Turn off the UPS; refer to Section 22.0, p. 6-23.
4. Remove the Selenia computer; refer to Section 10.0, p. 6-13.
5. Using a flashlight if necessary, from the rear of the AWS, locate the underside of the
6. Unscrew the nut that secures the switch to the AWS.
7. At the top of the workstation, pull the switch up to provide access to the two wire leads
on the switch.
8. Carefully remove the two leads and connect them to the new switch.
9. Insert the new switch into the AWS, and from underneath, re-connect and tighten the
10. Reinstall the computer.
11. Start the UPS and reinstall the AWS rear cover.

MAN-00745 6-23
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS)

23.0 Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS)

23.1 Selenia UPS Replacement
Legend for Figure 6-20
1. Power out to Brick and Gantry Control
2. UPS
3. AC Input Filter
4. Mounting Brackets
5. Input Power Receptacle
6. UPS power button

Figure 6-20: UPS Replacement

1. Ensure system is off and AWS is unplugged.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover and turn off the UPS.
3. Disconnect the cables from the rear panel of the UPS.
4. Disconnect the UPS from the Input Power Receptacle.
5. On both sides of the UPS, remove the screws that attach the UPS Mounting Brackets to
the AWS frame.
6. Remove the UPS from the AWS.
Note… If you are only replacing the battery, go to Section 23.2, p. 6-25. You do not
need to remove the Mounting Brackets from the UPS.
7. Remove the Mounting Bracket from each side of the UPS.
8. To install the replacement UPS, reverse these procedures.

6-24 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS)

23.2 UPS Battery Replacement

The UPS batteries require recharging after an extended outage. Batteries age faster when put
into service often and when operated at elevated temperatures. If the battery is near the end
of its service life (2 years), consider replacing the battery even if the replace battery indicator
on the front of the UPS is not lit. The UPS charges its battery whenever it is connected to
utility power. The battery charges fully during the first eight hours of normal operation. Do
not expect full runtime during this initial charge period.

To replace the UPS battery:

1. Remove the UPS from the AWS. Refer
to Section 23.1.
2. Lay the UPS flat in a position where
you can access the front panel.
3. Unclip the small panel with the logo
on the front of the UPS.
4. Remove the two screws.
5. Remove the left-hand side of the front
panel by pulling it forward.
6. Disconnect the battery module by
pulling apart the two connectors. Do
not pull on the cables.
7. Remove the cover.
8. Gently pull out the battery by grasping
the plastic tab.
9. Reverse the previous steps to install the
new battery
10. Re-install the UPS by reversing the
procedures in Section 23.1.

MAN-00745 6-25
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS)

23.3 TechMate UPS Replacement

Figure 6-21: TechMate UPS

1. Ensure that both the TechMate computer and display are off.
2. Remove the Workstation front cover; see Figure 6-6, p. 6-5.
3. Turn off the UPS. The UPS power button, Figure 6-21, #1, is on the UPS front panel,
which is on the left end of the UPS when viewed from the front of the AWS.
4. Disconnect the cables from the UPS. Note the position of the cables.
5. Remove the nut from the bracket that secures the UPS to the workstation.
6. Remove the bracket.
7. Remove the unit from the shelf.
8. Before installing the new UPS:
a. Open the battery compartment in the new UPS.
b. Pull the battery about halfway out. Refer to Section 23.4, p. 6-27 for accessing the
battery. The UPS is shipped with the internal red battery wire disconnected.
9. Connect the red battery wire to the positive (+) battery terminal.
10. Push the battery all the way into the battery compartment, and reinstall the cover.
11. Install the new UPS in the workstation, and reconnect the cables to the UPS.
12. Allow the UPS to charge for eight hours prior to use.

6-26 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Uninterruptible Power Supply Maintenance (UPS)

23.4 TechMate UPS Battery Replacement

The UPS battery requires recharging after an extended outage. Batteries age faster when put
into service often and when operated at elevated temperatures. If the battery is near the end
of its service life (3 to 6 years), consider replacing the battery even if the replace battery
indicator on the front of the UPS is not on. The UPS charges its battery whenever it is
connected to utility power. Prior to normal operation, charge the batteries for 8 hours. Do
not expect full runtime during this initial charge period.
To replace the UPS battery with a new battery:
1. Remove the UPS from the AWS. Refer to Section
2. While viewing the UPS from the front, lay the UPS
on its left side. In the views shown, the front of the
UPS is to the left; The rear of the UPS is to the right.
3. Slide the battery compartment cover off of the UPS.

4. Grasp the tab attached to the battery and slide the

battery partially out of the case. Hold the battery
firmly and pull it straight out. The battery cables
should disconnect as the battery is pulled out.
5. Insert the new battery halfway into the UPS.
6. Connect the wires to the new battery as follows:
a. Red Wire—to red (positive) terminal, #1.
b. Black Wire—To black (negative) terminal, #2.

Note… Small sparks at the battery terminals are normal during connection.
7. Carefully insert the battery fully into the UPS.
8. Slide the battery compartment cover back into
9. Re-install the UPS by reversing the procedures in
Section 23.3.

MAN-00745 6-27
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 6—AWS Maintenance
Fiber Optic Cable Replacement

24.0 Fiber Optic Cable Replacement

Locate the cable clamp at the rear of the AWS below the cover handle—an identical clamp is
located on the opposite side of the AWS. All the AWS cabling exits from the cutouts in the rear
cover. Gantry routing and connections are covered in Chapter 7, Fiber Optic Cabling, p. 7-13.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the AWS rear cover.
3. Disconnect the fiber optic cable from
the computer; see Figure 6-22.
4. Remove the fiber optic cable from the
5. Route the replacement fiber optic cable
into the AWS as shown. The dotted line
in Figure 6-22 shows alternate entry
paths into the AWS. Use the existing
cable clamps along each path for cable
6. Connect the fiber optic cable into the
termination points at the rear of the
computer; see Figure 6-23.
7. Allowing for a service loop, secure the
wiring with cable ties.
Figure 6-22: Fiber Optic Cabling, AWS.

Legend for Figure 6-23

1. Rx—Blue Wire
2. Tx—Orange Wire

Figure 6-23: Fiber Optic Cable Termination Points

6-28 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance

Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance

1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides maintenance information and instructions for the Gantry, including:
• Component identification
• Removing covers and panels
• Preventive maintenance procedures
• How to access the system exposure and error logs
• Component replacement procedures
Component replacement procedures are sub-divided by topics:
• X-ray and Imaging components
• Circuit boards, firmware, and circuit components
• Mechanical components and related assemblies
• Electrical power components and assemblies

Note… The Selenia serviceable components are identified in Appendix D—Parts


Warning: Service engineers must take appropriate radiation safety measures

when testing (or maintaining) the unit.

Caution: Always observe Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working

with electronics and electronic components.

Caution: Turn Off the system before performing these remove and replace
procedures unless instructed otherwise.

Note… If a procedure instructs you to remove any covers or panels, do not reinstall
the covers until all required procedures are completed.
Only Hologic-authorized, trained service engineers can service this system. The unit is
designed for module-level repair.

MAN-00745 7-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Component Identification

2.0 Gantry Component Identification

Remove and replace procedures are provided for the System Components identified in
Figure 7-1.
Rotation Angle
Display (2)
Brick Assembly
Emergency Off
Switch (2)
HV Generator Assembly VTA Motor Drive Board

Host Microprocessor

Generator Microprocessor
Motor/Lamp Control
Filament Control

High Speed Rotor Control

Mains Power Board

Power Distribution

Relay Connector
Fuse Board
Isolation Transformer
Power Supply
Innerconnector Board
Fuse Block Left Door Front View (Doors Open) Right Door

Figure 7-1: System Components Identification

7-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Component Identification

Legend for Figure 7-2

1. Compression Motor
2. Compression Motor Brake
3. Compression Chain
4. Compression Thickness
5. Compression Device
6. Compression Clutch and
Clutch Brake
7. Compression Thickness
Timing Belt
8. Chain Adjustment Points
9. Chain Idler Gear
10. Compression / AEC
Position Display Boards
(not shown; see
Figure 7-33, p. 7-35)
11. Compression Accessory
Detect Board (not shown,
part of Compression
12. Paddle Detect Board (not
shown; see Figure 7-34,
p. 7-36)

Figure 7-2: Compression System Components Identification

Legend for Figure 7-3

1. C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and
Gearbox Assembly
2. C-arm Rotation Potentiometer
3. C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and
Gearbox Assembly

Figure 7-3: C-arm Rotation and Vertical Travel

Components—Rear View of Gantry

MAN-00745 7-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Component Identification

Legend for Figure 7-4

1. Lead Screw
2. Rotation Angle Display Boards
(1 on each side—see Figure 7-32, p. 7-33)
3. VTA Motor Driver Board
4. C-arm Rotation Limit Switch
(Normally Closed)
5. Mag Tray Detector Board (not shown,
located on right side patient view)
6. Compression System—VTA Motor Driver
7. C-arm Switch Boards (not shown, 1 on each
side—see Figure 7-28, p. 7-30)
8. Lower Limit Adjusters
9. C-arm Vertical Travel Limit Switches
(Normally Open)
10. Upper Limit Adjusters

Figure 7-4: C-arm Components—Front View

7-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Removing Covers and Panels

3.0 Removing Covers and Panels

The maintenance procedures in this chapter require covers or panels to be removed in order
to gain access to the interior.
Be sure to turn the unit off before removing the covers. Do not reinstall any covers or panels
until all required procedures are completed.

3.1 Gantry Cover Removal

Figure 7-5: Gantry Covers

Legend for Figure 7-5
1. Top Restraining hardware and Locking Mechanism 6. Upper Rear Panel
for Left Door (not shown for right door) 7. Lower Rear Panel
2. Bellows Frame bolt (one shown) 8. Left Front Cover
3. Front cover Locating Pin 9. Gantry Frame
4. Right Front Cover 10. Left Side Door (shown open)
5. Right Side Door (shown closed)

3.1.1 Left and Right Side Gantry Doors (hinged)

1. Locate the top restraining hardware.
2. To unlock the door, back out the top nut using a 7/16 in. nut driver.
3. Pull door to open.
4. To lock door, screw top nut in.

3.1.2 Left and Right Front Gantry Covers

1. Remove screws fastening the front Gantry cover to the Gantry Frame.
2. Pull the cover off the locating pin, then lift it off the frame.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the right front Gantry cover.

3.1.3 Bellows Frame

1. Remove the two bolts securing the top of the Bellows frame to the Gantry.
2. Remove the two bolts securing the bottom of the Bellows frame to the Gantry base.
3. Pull the Bellows frame forward on the pivot tube to enable access to the Gantry
frame components. It may be necessary to rotate the Bellows frame to a
horizontal position in order to facilitate access.

MAN-00745 7-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Removing Covers and Panels

3.1.4 Upper Rear Access Panel

1. Remove the screws that fasten the Upper Rear Access Panel to the Gantry.
2. Lift the panel off the unit.

3.1.5 Lower Rear Access Panel

1. Remove the screws that fasten the Lower Rear Access Panel to the Gantry.
2. Lift the panel off the unit.
3. Reverse the procedures to replace the covers and panels.

3.2 C-arm Covers—Removal

Access to the serviceable components and assemblies of the C-arm are through:
• Tubehead Covers
• Compression Device Covers
• C-arm Bellows Assembly

3.2.1 Top and Bottom Tubehead


Warning: The Bottom Tubehead

cover is lined with lead.
Do not touch the

1. Remove the face shield (not

shown) by pulling the rear
sides of the shield out and
sliding the shield off.
2. Remove the two screws at the
front of the tube shield mount,
Figure 7-6 #5, securing the
bottom tubehead cover.
3. Slide the bottom cover down
and forward approximately 2.0
cm, then angle it downward to
release. Figure 7-6: Tubehead Covers
4. Remove the Tubehead side
covers; refer to Section 3.2.2.
5. Loosen the captive knurled screws securing the top tubehead cover to the side
covers (two rear screws under the side covers, one for each side - #2).
6. Remove the screws, #4, securing the top tubehead cover to the front bracket.
7. Reverse procedures to replace the Tubehead Covers.

3.2.2 Tubehead Side Cover Removal

1. To remove side covers, remove the two screws at the rear, Figure 7-6, #1, and
the two screws at the front of the side covers, #3.
(TIP: Use a screw holder screwdriver when removing the bottom screws—they
can easily fall into the unit.)
2. Reverse procedures to replace the Tubehead Side Covers.

7-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Removing Covers and Panels

3.2.3 Compression Device Covers

Access to the serviceable components and assemblies of the C-arm are through the
Upper and Lower Compression Device Covers.

Caution: The top and bottom Compression Device covers are fastened to the
bellows assembly. Use care not to damage the bellows when removing or
replacing these covers.

1. Remove the mounting hardware that fastens the compression device covers (top
and bottom) to the compression device; see Figure 7-7.
2. Carefully lift the covers off the compression device. The bellows remain
3. Disconnect the wiring between the covers and the compression device
(includes 1 ground wire for each cover).
4. Reverse procedures to replace the Compression Device covers.

Figure 7-7: Compression Device Covers—Remove and Replace

3.2.4 C-arm Bellows Assembly

Remove the upper and lower Bellows Assembly:
1. Remove the Image Receptor. Refer to Section 5.2, p. 7-15.
2. Remove the screws, then the cables from the top and bottom Compression
Device covers. Refer to Section 3.2.3.
3. From the bottom of the C-arm, unscrew and remove the two bellows rods (two
thin rods with slotted ends; one on each side).
4. Remove three screws securing the upper bellows assembly to the C-arm sub-
frame. Carefully remove the Bellows and Compression Device Cover assembly.
5. Remove three screws securing the lower bellows assembly to the bearing block
assembly. Carefully remove the Bellows and Compression Device Cover
6. Reverse procedures to replace the Bellows.

MAN-00745 7-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.0 Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.1 Preventive Maintenance Tools and Procedures
The tools and materials required for performing preventive maintenance on Selenia are:
• Standard hand tools • Synthetic Lubricant PN 2-580-0207
• Lint Free Cloths • Small Vacuum Cleaner
• Brush • CD-R/W drive
• Laptop Computer • Oscilloscope
• kVp Meter • Volt Meter
• HV Divider tank • 8 cm BR-12 or equivalent
• AEC Phantom (US only) • DB9 female-female adapter and serial cable
• Anti-Static Wrist Strap • CRT Wipes
• Dosimeter • HVL Aluminum sheets
Table 7-1: Selenia Recommended Preventive Maintenance Procedures

Freq Procedure Refer To Performer

Test Function of Safety Interlocks and Chapter 1, Section 4.5, p. 1-5; Service Eng
Switches Chapter 5, Section 8.0, p. 5-18;
Input wiring Inspected for safety and Service Eng
Voltage Verification (line voltage, console Service Eng
supply, HV supply)
C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection Section 4.5, p. 7-11 Service Eng
and Lubrication
A VTA Assembly Inspection and Lubrication Section 4.6, p. 7-12 Service Eng
C-arm Functionality test. Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Service Eng
Functional Tests", p. 5-12
Rotation Calibration Verified Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Maintenance Manual
Rotation Angle Limit Switch Operation Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Verified Maintenance Manual
Compression Force Calibration Verified Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Maintenance Manual
Compression Thickness Calibration Verified Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Maintenance Manual
Exposure System Calibration—Tube Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Voltage (kV) Calibration Maintenance Manual
Exposure System Calibration—Tube Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng
Current (mA) Adjustment Maintenance Manual
Reproducibility and Linearity Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng,
S Physicist
Maintenance Manual
X-ray and Light Field Compliance Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng,
Maintenance Manual Physicist
Beam Quality Assessment (Half-Value Selenia Calibration and Software Service Eng,
Layer Measurement) Maintenance Manual Physicist
Evaluation of Focal Spot Performance Selenia Quality Control Manual Service Eng,
Phantom Image Quality Evaluation Selenia Quality Control Manual Service Eng,
Detector Flat-Field Calibration Selenia Quality Control Manual Service Eng
S Image Receptor Dust Filter Maintenance Section 5.5, p. 7-16 Service Eng
Recommended frequency of performance: A = Annual S = Semi-Annual

7-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.2 Gantry—Clean and Inspect

Each time the system is down for service:
1. The unit should be inspected for:
• Cleanliness
• Loose or missing panels or covers, and loose or frayed wires or cables
2. Vacuum around the light field window and image receptor fans.
3. Clean the Face shield and displays with a CRT wipe. Clean any fingerprints, etc. from the
painted surfaces.
4. Annually or whenever the left Gantry door is opened, perform the procedures in
Section 4.5 and Section 4.6.

4.3 Review the Exposure, Error, and Alarm Logs

1. The Alarm Codes Log should be reviewed for existing fault conditions. Refer to the
Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.
2. Review the exposure error logs. Refer to Section 4.3.
3. Correct any problems found before returning the unit to operation.
Upon removing and replacing Selenia components, any recommended calibration and/or
performance test procedures must be performed.

4.4 Accessing the Exposure and Error Logs

1. Connect adapter cable from board KJ26 to the serial port of a pc running Hyper Terminal,
Vterm, or some other serial communication program (refer to the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual). Refer to Appendix C, Section 1.0, p. C-1 of this manual.
2. Set Serial port settings: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.
4.4.1 Downloading the Selenia Exposure Log
On the Host Microprocessor Board:
1. Set Rotary switch to Position 9.
2. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On, S6-4 Off, S6-8 Off.
3. Press S1 to download the exposure log.

Note… This configuration automatically outputs the exposure log after each
4.4.2 Clearing the Selenia Exposure Log
On the Host Microprocessor Board:
1. Set the Rotary switch to Position 9.
2. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On, S6-4 Off, S6-8 Off.
3. Press S3 and S5 together to clear the log. The Host Microprocessor Board
displays “CLR_XLOG”
4.4.3 Downloading the Selenia Error Log
On the Host Microprocessor Board:
1. Set the Rotary switch to Position 9.
2. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On, S6-4 On, S6-8 Off.
3. Press S1 to download the error log.

MAN-00745 7-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.4.4 Clearing the Selenia Error Log

On the Host Microprocessor Board:
1. Set the Rotary switch to Position 9.
2. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On, S6-4 On, S6-8 Off.
3. Press S3 and S5 together to clear the log. The Host Microprocessor Board
displays “CLR_ELOG”
4.4.5 Selenia Error Log Format
The error log stores the most recent 48 errors. Each line in the log, approximately 60
bytes in length, represents one error condition. The format is described below.
Sample Error Log
E52_X 610_mmddyyyy_28100146000N010104500000000000+000100000450
E06_X 677_mmddyyyy_28100075000N010112000000000000+000000001200
E60_X 691_mmddyyyy_28100075000N010140000000000000+000000004000
E53_X 710_mmddyyyy_28100120000N010112000000000000+000000001200
E33_X 710_mmddyyyy_28100120000N010112000000000000+000100001200
E54_X 1146_mmddyyyy_34080116000N010137500000000000+000000003000
E33_X 1146_mmddyyyy_34080116000N010137500000000000+000100003000
field name field width
Error code 2 bytes
exp Count 6 bytes 000000 to 999999
Date 8 bytes mmddyyyy
kV 2 bytes range 20 to 40
mA 3 bytes range 000 to 500
comp thickness 3 bytes 2.1cm would be 021, 12.5cm would be 125
comp force 4 bytes format: 010N (Newtons) or 010# (pounds)
filter 1 byte 0= Mo 1= Rh
sense Num 1 byte AEC sensor position 1-7 or 8 (auto-sense)
mode 1 byte 0=Manual, 1=Auto-Time, 2=Auto-kV, 3=Auto-Filter
focal spot 1 byte 0 = SMALL FOCAL SPOT, 1 = LARGE FOCAL SPOT
time 4 bytes Exposure time in milliseconds. 5 seconds= 5000
mag 1 bytes 1=mag mode.
paddle ID 4 bytes 0001 = 18x24 paddle, etc.
collimation code 4 bytes Codes are: 0 = 24x29 cm
1 = 18x24 cm
2 = 15x15 cm
3 = 10x10 cm
grid position 1 byte 0=IN. 1=OUT
C-Arm angle 4 bytes Angle in degrees. Range: –180 to +180 (zero = +000)
Generator status 1 byte 0 = Ready, 1 = Standby, 2=Setup mode, 3=x-ray
post_mAs 4 bytes 0100 = 10.0 mAs. Measured mAs from last exposure
programmed mAs 4 bytes 0100 = 10.0 mAs. Programmed mAs (manual mode)
current.status 2 bytes current Gantry status bytes
Total: 60 bytes

7-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.4.6 Download Calibration Data

On the Host Microprocessor Board, Figure C-1, p. C-2:
1. Set Rotary switch to Position 0.
2. Set DIP switch S6-1 On, S6-2 On. Ensure that all others are Off.
3. Press S1 to download cal data. The data downloads 1 page at a time. There are
20 pages total, and S1 has to be pressed up to 20 times. Press S1 until all pages
are shown on the laptop screen.
4. Cal Data Download Complete displays when done.
5. Print a hard copy of this data and save with the unit.
6. Alternatively, FTP the files to a folder on your laptop and save them to a CD to
leave on site. Refer to for additional details if necessary.

4.5 C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection and Lubrication

Perform this procedure annually or as required (any time the Location in Gantry—Rear View
upper rear cover is off the unit for service, the rotation gear
assembly should be inspected).
1. Turn the system off.
2. Remove the Gantry Upper Rear Access Panel. Refer to
Section 3.1.4, p. 7-6.
3. Locate and inspect the gear assembly for loose hardware.
4. Inspect harnesses for proper dress and clearances.
5. Clean and lightly lubricate (if required) the C-arm rotation
gear assembly, Figure 7-8, using approximately 1
tablespoon of synthetic type lubricant (PN 2-580-0207).
Apply lubricant with brush. Ensure gear teeth and worm
gear are evenly coated.
6. Turn the system On.
7. Rotate C-arm through full operational travel.
8. Remove any excess lubrication.
9. Replace Upper Rear Access Panel.

Legend for Figure 7-8

1. C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly
2. VTA Lead Screw

Figure 7-8: C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly

MAN-00745 7-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Procedures

4.6 VTA Lead Screw Inspection and Lubrication

Perform this procedure annually or as required (any time the left front cover is off the unit for
service, the VTA lead screw should be inspected).
1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the Gantry Left Front Cover. Refer to Section 3.1.2, p. 7-5 (do not remove right
front cover).
3. Locate and inspect the VTA lead screw for loose hardware; see Figure 7-8, p. 7-11, #2.
4. Inspect harnesses for proper dress and clearances.
5. Clean and lightly lubricate the VTA lead screw (if required) using approximately two
tablespoons of synthetic type lubricant (PN 2-580-0207). Evenly coat all metal surfaces.
6. Turn system on.
7. Raise C-arm to top of vertical travel. Lower C-arm to bottom of vertical travel.
8. Remove any excess lubrication.
9. Replace Gantry Left Front Cover.

7-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.0 Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

This section describes the replacement of x-ray and imaging components:
• Fiber Optic Cabling
• Image Receptor
• HV Generator Assembly
• Beam Limiting Assembly
• X-ray Tube
• Brick Assembly

5.1 Fiber Optic Cabling

The fiber optic cables are connected between the Gantry (at the Brick) and the AWS

5.1.1 Removing the Fiber Optic Cable from the Gantry

1. Remove the rear panel from the Gantry.
2. Disconnect and remove the cable.

5.1.2 Installing Fiber Optic Cabling—Gantry

1. Route the cable into the Gantry through the rear lower access panel. A cutout
on the power panel allows entry into the Gantry mainframe. See Figure 7-9,
p. 7-14, inset A.
2. Following the Main Harness inside the Gantry mainframe, route the fiber optic
cable up to the Brick. See Figure 7-9, p. 7-14, inset B. Connect the cable to the

Note… It is possible to install the fiber optic cable incorrectly (reversed). If they are
reversed, the red LED is on. When correct, the red LED is off, the right green
LED is on, and the center LED blinks.
3. Allowing for a ‘service loop’, secure the wiring with cable ties.
4. Secure the fiber optic cable to the bulk cabling from the Gantry to the AWS.

MAN-00745 7-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

J3 J4

A Entry

(Rear view of
the Gantry)
J1 J2







B Routing and
(Front view of
the Gantry)

Figure 7-9: Fiber Optic Cabling, Gantry

Legend for Figure 7-9

1. Blue Wire
2. Orange Wire

7-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.2 Image Receptor

1. Remove the four decorative caps, two on each
side (Figure 7-10, #1), covering the bolts
securing the Image Receptor (#2) to the C-arm.
Remove the bolts.
2. Remove the Image Receptor by sliding it
forward along the guide rails on the bottom of
the C-arm assembly.
3. Install the new Image Receptor by sliding it
backward along the guide rails on the bottom
of the C-arm assembly
4. Reinstall all four bolts securing the Image
Receptor to the C-arm.
5. Reinstall the four decorative caps covering the
6. After replacing the Image Receptor, loosen the
two screws on the bottom of the Image
Receptor, securing the C-arm switch assembly
in the back/shipping position (Figure 7-10, #3, Figure 7-10: Image Receptor—Remove
and Figure 7-11). and Replace

Warning: Make sure the switches are not permanently actuated.

7. Slide the switch assembly forward until it is fully positioned within the access slot on the
rear of the C-arm frame.
8. Tighten the screws.
9. Verify the Image Receptor is working properly. Perform the following before releasing
the unit to service:
a. If remounting the original Image Receptor, acquire an image.
b. If installing a new/replacement Image Receptor:
• Phantom Image Quality Evaluation—Selenia Quality Control Manual
• Artifact Evaluation—Selenia Quality Control Manual
5.3 Preparing the Image Receptor for Return Shipping
If the Image Receptor is to be returned, the C-arm switch assembly, located on the rear of the
Image Receptor, must be moved to the shipping position.
1. On the bottom of the Image
Receptor, loosen the two screws
securing the C-arm switch assembly
in the operational position.
2. Slide the switch assembly to the
shipping position.
3. Tighten the screws.

Figure 7-11: Adjusting the C-arm Switch Assembly

MAN-00745 7-15
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.4 Image Receptor Fans

1. Rotate the C-arm to access the bottom of the Image Receptor.
2. Turn the system off.
3. Remove the carbon fiber cover (ten screws).
4. Remove the bottom Black cover (two Phillips screws and two Allen screws).
5. Disconnect the two connectors.
6. Remove the two screws from the fan you want to change.
7. Reverse the process to install the new fans.
8. Perform the following before releasing the unit to service:
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
5.5 Image Receptor Dust Filter Maintenance
Hologic recommends changing this filter at each Preventive Maintenance interval.
1. Start up the unit and rotate the C-arm to a 90-degree angle. (+90 degrees is shown for
the example.)
2. Raise the C-arm to a comfortable working height.
3. Shut down the unit.
4. Following the illustration below, locate the two release tabs on the filter cover.
5. Release the tabs to open the cover, then lift the cover away from the Detector to expose
the filter.
6. Remove and discard the filter.

Figure 7-12: Image Receptor Dust Cover and Filter

7. Place the new filter in the Detector.

8. Replace the filter cover. Depress the two release tabs to ensure the filter cover
‘snaps’ in-place.
9. Start up the unit and return the C-arm to the original (starting) position.

7-16 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.6 HV Generator Assembly

The HV Generator Assembly (For location; see Figure 7-1, p. 7-2):.

Legend for Figure 7-13

1. Upper Mounting Nuts (2)
2. Terminal Block
3. HV Cable Well
4. Multiplier Assembly
5. HV Generator Assembly Mounting Plate
6. Center Mounting Nuts (2)
7. Safety Shield
8. PJ1
9. Bottom Screw on Safety Shield
10. HV Control Board
11. NJ1
12. Lower Mounting Nuts (2)
13. NJ5
14. NJ4
15. HV Inverter Board

Figure 7-13: HV Generator Assembly

Note… The HV Generator is assembled, calibrated, and complied at the factory as

an assembly and must be replaced as an assembly.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is unlit and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

MAN-00745 7-17
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

Refer to Figure 7-13 when replacing the HV Generator Assembly

1. Turn system off. Wait five minutes.
2. Access the HV Generator Assembly by opening the left side Gantry door. Refer to
Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect the HV cable from the HV Cable Well, Figure 7-13, p. 7-17 (#3). When
reconnecting the HV cable later in this procedure, push cable down to the proper
insertion depth of the plug.
4. On the HV Inverter Board, (#15), remove the bottom screw on the safety shield (#7) and
loosen the top screw.
5. Move the shield out of the way.
6. Disconnect PJ1 (#8) on the HV Inverter Board.
7. Remove the green and yellow ground wire from the Terminal Block (#2).
8. Remove the EMO switch assembly (left side, not shown). Refer to Section 7.3, p. 7-39.
9. Move the switch assembly out of the way by pulling it through the cover opening and let
the assembly hang loosely.
10. On the HV Control Board, disconnect NJ1, NJ4 and NJ5, (#11, 14, and 13 respectively);
note locations.
11. Remove the center nuts (#6) securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to the
12. Loosen the two upper nuts (#1) securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to
the Gantry.
13. Remove the bottom nuts (#12) securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to
the Gantry.
14. With one hand on the Multiplier Assembly (#4) and one hand under the HV Control
Board frame, lift up the assembly taking care to clear the bottom studs, removing the
assembly from the Gantry.
15. Once it is clear, slide the assembly down to clear the upper studs, removing the entire
16. Reverse procedures to replace the HV Generator Assembly.
17. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
• “HV Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment,” in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
• “Tube Current (mA) Adjustment,” in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual

7-18 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.7 Beam Limiting Assembly

The Beam Limiting Assembly (Figure 7-14) mounts below the x-ray tube inside the tubehead
enclosure. The Beam Limiting Assembly is a 2-tier mechanism; an upper tier containing the
dual filter changer and the mirror/lamp assembly, and a lower tier containing the 4-blade
automatic beam collimator. The lower tier must be removed before the upper tier.
The following procedures explain how to remove the Beam Limiting Assembly.
1. Turn the system Off.
2. Remove the top and bottom tubehead covers. Refer to Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6.
3. Disconnect the Lamp Cooling Fan power cable, Figure 7-14, #1, from the Filament
Protection Board, Figure 7-1, p. 7-2.
4. Disconnect the cables (DJ1-DJ12) from the Tubehead Motor Driver Board; see
Figure 7-1, p. 7-2.

Note… It is possible to install cables DJ1, DJ2, DJ3, and DJ4 incorrectly. To avoid
this; note the cable position and orientation before disconnecting.
5. Remove the hardware that secures the lower tier (collimator blades) to the Beam
Limiting Assembly chassis; see Figure 7-14.
6. Carefully remove the collimator assembly and set it aside. Use care not to damage the
lead lining on the collimator blades.

Caution: Do not touch either filter on the dual filter assembly. Filter contact with
bare skin, or other materials, can cause artifacts on the image.

7. Remove the hardware that secures the

upper tier (mirror and filter assemblies) Chassis
to the Beam Limiting Assembly chassis;
see Figure 7-14.
8. Carefully remove the mirror and filter
assembly and set it aside.
9. Remove the hardware that secures the
Upper Tier
Beam Limiting Assembly chassis to the
tubehead frame and remove the chassis.
10. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement Beam Limiting Assembly.
11. Ensure the Lamp Harness Cable #1 is Lower Tier
securely routed through the cable
clamp, Figure 7-14, #2.
12. Perform x-ray and Light Field
Compliance alignment; refer to the
Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual.

Figure 7-14: Beam Limiting Assembly

Warning: The Beam Limiting Assembly contains lead. Return replaced unit to
Hologic or arrange for proper disposal.

MAN-00745 7-19
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

5.8 X-ray Tube

The x-ray tube mounts to the tubehead frame. See Figure 7-15 during this procedure.
Note… The Beam Limiting Assembly (Figure 7-14, p. 7-19) must be removed to
access the x-ray tube mounting hardware.
1. Shut the system down and turn the Gantry circuit
breaker Off.
2. Wait until the red LEDs go out.
3. Remove the top and bottom tubehead covers; see
Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6.
4. Remove the Beam Limiting Assembly; see Section 5.7.
5. Disconnect the high voltage cable and the filament cable
from the rear of the x-ray tube.
6. Loosen the band clamp, near the rear end of the x-ray
tube, so that it can be slipped over the rear edge of the
x-ray tube.
7. Remove the x-ray tube mounting hardware from beneath
the tubehead frame.
8. Slide the x-ray tube out of the tubehead frame from the
9. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement x-ray
tube. High voltage conduit grease for the high voltage
cable is included with the replacement tube.
Figure 7-15: X-ray Tube
10. If necessary, install the near aperture in the tube opening
with the window toward the C-arm. Secure near aperture tight against the tube element
using an Internal Retaining ring.
11. Reinstall the Beam Limiting Assembly.
12. Turn on the Machine.
13. Exposure Counter Reset:
a. On the Host Microprocessor Board, Figure 7-1, p. 7-2, set the system to display the
exposure counter (S4 to position 0, S6 switch 8 = On).
b. Reset the exposure counter by pressing the Host Microprocessor Board switches S2
and S5 simultaneously.
c. When complete, return all switches to their normal operating positions.
14. Perform the following before returning the unit to service:
• “Tube Bias Adjustment,” in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance
• “Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration,” in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• “Tube Current (mA) Adjustment,” in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• “Reproducibility and Linearity,” in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• “Beam Quality Assessment (Half-Value Layer),” in the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual
• Selenia Quality Control Manual—X-ray System Performance.
• Selenia Quality Control Manual—Breast Entrance Exposure, Average Glandular
Dose and AEC Reproducibility.

7-20 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing X-ray and Imaging Components

15. Perform the following Compliance Requirements before returning unit to service:
• Affix new compliance label. Refer to Chapter 1, "Label Locations", p. 1-8.
• Complete FDA 2579C form (tube exchange, US only).

5.9 Brick Assembly

1. In the AWS application, locate the software PCXM
version number in the Information Dialog box, and
verify that the new Brick Assembly has the same
software number on the box label.
2. Exit the application. Shut the system down.
3. Open the right side Gantry door.
4. Remove lower back panel.
5. Disconnect the AWS cables from the rear of the
Gantry; see Figure 7-17.
6. Remove the two screws securing the strain relief cable
clamp to the Brick Assembly mounting plate; see
Figure 7-16.
7. Disconnect all cables on the Brick Assembly.
8. Remove the nuts securing the Brick Assembly
mounting plate to the right side Gantry door.
9. Carefully lift the Brick Assembly off the mounting
studs. Ensure all cables and wires are out of the way.
10. Reverse procedures to replace the Brick Assembly.

Figure 7-16: Brick Assembly

Legend for Figure 7-16 and Figure 7-17
1. Nuts securing the Brick Assembly mounting plate
2. Brick Assembly mounting plate
3. Strain Relief Cable Clamp
4. Fiber Optic connector
5. +24 V Power supply
6. +5 V Power supply
7. EL Power supply
8. AWS Cables

Figure 7-17: AWS Cable Connection

11. Perform the AEC Calibration to re-calibrate the Goaltab files before returning the unit to
service; refer to the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.
12. Perform the "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

MAN-00745 7-21
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.0 Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.1 Firmware
Table 7-2: Selenia Firmware Identification by Circuit Board

Circuit Board Firmware Function
Ref. Des.
Host U4 Host CPU
U5 Calibration Data
U59 Programmable Logic
Motor/Lamp Control U1 Motor/Lamp CPU
Generator U18 Generator CPU
Rotor Control U13 H.S. Starter
Tubehead U2 Tubehead CPU
Bucky Controller U1 Bucky Driver CPU Figure 7-18: Replacing a
Tubehead Driver U2 Tubehead Driver CPU Firmware Chip
Microprocessor U17 Tubehead Driver CPLD

To replace the firmware chips:

1. Using the appropriate style chip remover, gently remove the firmware chip from the
socket, as shown in Figure 7-18.
2. Install the replacement firmware chip. Be sure to align the dot on the chip with the arrow
in the socket, or the flat corner with the flat edge in the socket.

6.2 Jumpers
When replacing a circuit board, verify that jumpers are installed as shown in Appendix C,
Section C-29, p. C-11—”Circuit Board Jumper Settings”.

7-22 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.3 Host Microprocessor Board

The Host Microprocessor Board (Figure 7-19) is
positioned on the right side Gantry frame below
the Brick Assembly (Figure 7-1, p. 7-2).
Equipment required:
• Chip Remover
To replace the Host Microprocessor Board:
1. Shut the system down.
2. Open the right side Gantry door. Refer to
Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect all cables from the board; note
4. Lift the Host Microprocessor Board off of
the mounting standoffs.
5. Remove U5 (#1) (contains calibration data)
from the old Host Microprocessor Board
and set aside.
6. On the new Host Microprocessor Board,
remove U5 and replace with the U5
removed from the old Host Microprocessor
7. Install the new U4 (#2) and U59 (#3) on the
new Host Microprocessor Board.
8. Install the new board on the same standoffs
used by the old board.
9. Connect all cables in the positions noted in
Step 3 above.
10. Perform the following procedures before
returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and
Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance
Manual Figure 7-19: Host Microprocessor Board

MAN-00745 7-23
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.4 Motor/Lamp Control Board

The Motor/Lamp Control board, Figure 7-20, is
positioned on the right side Gantry frame below
the Host Microprocessor Board (Figure 7-1,
p. 7-2). To replace the firmware chip U1 (#1),
refer to Section 6.1, p. 7-22.
Replace the Motor/Lamp Control board:
1. Shut the system down.
2. Open the right side Gantry door. Refer to
Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect all cables from the board; note
4. Reverse procedures to replace the Motor/
Lamp Control board.
5. Perform the following procedures before
returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12,
“Selenia Controls and Functional Tests”
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance

Figure 7-20: Motor Lamp Control Board

7-24 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.5 Generator Microprocessor Board

The Generator Microprocessor board
(Figure 7-21) is positioned near the center of the
left side Gantry frame below the HV Generator
Assembly (Figure 7-1, p. 7-2).
To replace the firmware chip U18 (#1),
Generator CPU EPROM, refer to Section 6.1, p.
Replace the HV Generator Microprocessor
1. Shut the system down.
2. Open the left side Gantry door, Section
3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect all cables on the board.

Figure 7-21: Generator Microprocessor Board

4. Lift the board off of the four “squeeze type” mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Generator Microprocessor Board.
6. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12, “Selenia Controls and Functional Tests.”
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

6.6 Filament Control Board

Replace the Filament Control board (Figure 7-1, p. 7-2):
1. Turn system off.
2. Open the left side Gantry door—Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect all cables.
4. Lift the board off of the four “squeeze type” mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse the procedure to install the replacement board.
6. Perform the following procedures in the order listed before returning the unit to service:
• “Filament Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment,” in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
• “Tube Current (mA) Adjustment” in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance
• X-ray System Performance—Selenia Quality Control Manual

MAN-00745 7-25
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.7 Rotor Control Board

The Rotor Control board (Figure 7-22) is positioned on the left side Gantry frame below the
Filament Control board (Figure 7-1, p. 7-2).

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electric shock, do not attempt

service until 5 minutes have elapsed after turning off the
power to unit. Wait until the 2 Red LEDs on the board are off.

To replace the firmware chip U13 (#1)

H.S. Starter EPROM, refer to Section 6.1.
To replace the Rotor Control board:
1. Turn system off.
2. Open the left side Gantry door. Refer to
Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect all cables.
4. Lift the board off of the 6 squeeze type
mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Rotor
Control board.
6. Perform the following procedures before
returning the unit to service:
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance

Figure 7-22: Rotor Control Board

7-26 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.8 Tubehead Switch Boards

There are two Tubehead Switch Boards; one on each tubehead side cover. See Figure 7-23.
1. Locate the Switch Board that requires replacement.
2. Shut the system down.
3. Remove the right or left side
tubehead covers; refer to Section
3.2.1, p. 7-6.
4. Remove all cables from their
board connectors. Note each
cable location for replacement.
5. Remove switch hardware.
6. Remove the switch board from the
tubehead side cover.
7. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement Switch Board.
8. Verify all switch functions before
releasing the unit to the user.

Figure 7-23: Tubehead Switchboard

6.9 Filament Protect Board
1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the upper tubehead cover.
Refer to Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6.
3. Locate the Filament Protect board
(Figure 7-24, #1) on the C-arm
frame. Disconnect all cables from
the board connectors; note
4. Remove the hardware and the board
from the standoffs on the C-arm
5. Reverse these procedures to install
the replacement board.

Figure 7-24: Tubehead Assembly

Legend for Figure 7-24
1. Filament Protect Board
2. Beam Limiting Assembly
6. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• "ACR Phantom Evaluation," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

MAN-00745 7-27
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.10 Tubehead Microprocessor and Motor Driver Boards

The Tubehead Motor Driver Board (#1) mounts to the bottom of the tubehead frame, directly
behind the beam limiting assembly. The Tubehead Microprocessor (#4) mounts to standoffs
on the Tubehead Motor Driver board.
To replace the Tubehead microprocessor board only, perform Steps 1 through 5, 8, and 9.
Perform all the steps when replacing the Tubehead Motor Driver board. Refer to Section 6.1,
p. 7-22 to replace the firmware chip U2 (#3-not visible in Figure 7-25), Tubehead CPU
EPROM on the Tubehead Microprocessor board, and firmware chips U17 (#5) and U18 (#2)
EPROMs on the Tubehead Motor Driver board.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the tubehead top and bottom
covers. Refer to Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6.
3. Locate the Tubehead Microprocessor
Board, Figure 7-25, which is mounted to
the Tubehead Motor Driver Board, beneath
the tubehead frame (to the rear of the beam
limiting assembly; see Figure 7-24, #2).
4. Remove the hardware that secures the
Tubehead Microprocessor to the standoffs
(attached to the Tubehead Motor Driver
5. Carefully pull the connector on the
Tubehead Microprocessor from its mating
socket on the Tubehead Motor Driver
Figure 7-25: Tubehead Microprocessor and Motor Driver Boards

6. Disconnect all cables on the board. Note each location for replacement.
7. Remove the hardware that secures the Tubehead Motor Driver Board to the tubehead
frame. Carefully remove the board from the tubehead.
8. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Tubehead Microprocessor and the
Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
9. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• Cycle through all the light fields manually.
• Light Field and x-ray alignment.
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

7-28 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.11 Bucky Controller Board

1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the four decorative caps, two on each side (Figure 7-10, #1), covering the bolts
securing the Image Receptor (#2) to the C-arm. Remove the bolts.
3. To provide access to the Bucky Controller board, slide the Image Receptor forward along
the guide rails on the bottom of the C-arm assembly.
4. To replace only the firmware chip U1 (#5) Bucky Driver CPU, refer to Section 6.1, p. 7-
22 and Figure 7-26.
5. To replace the Bucky Controller board, refer to Figure 7-26.
a. Disconnect all cables that are attached to the board.
b. Remove four screws.
c. Install the new board, and reinstall the four screws.
d. Reconnect the cables.
6. Slide the Image Receptor backward along the guide rails on the bottom of the C-arm
7. Reinstall all four bolts securing the Image Receptor to the C-arm.
8. Reinstall the four decorative caps covering the bolts.
9. After reinstalling the Image Receptor, loosen the two screws on the bottom of the Image
Receptor, securing the C-arm switch assembly in the back/shipping position
(Figure 7-10, p. 7-15, #3, and Figure 7-11, p. 7-15).

Figure 7-26: Bucky Controller Board

MAN-00745 7-29
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.12 C-Arm Vertical Travel Limit Switches

1. Shut the system down.
2. Open left Gantry door to access the switches; see Figure 7-4, p. 7-4.
3. Remove the two slotted head screws holding the switches (3) to the bracket.
4. Remove the wires from the switches noting their location.
5. Replace the appropriate switch(es).
6. Mount the switch assembly to the bracket, do not tighten.
7. Perform the “C-Arm Vertical Travel Adjustment”; refer to the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual.

6.13 C-Arm Rotation Limit Switch

1. Shut the system down.
2. Open the left Gantry door.
3. To locate C-arm rotation limit switch; see Figure 7-4.
4. Remove the two slotted screws holding the switch to its bracket;
see Figure 7-4, #3.
5. Remove the wires from the switch, noting their location.
6. Reconnect the wires to correct locations on the replacement
7. Mount the switch to the bracket, but do not tighten.
Figure 7-27: C-arm Rotation Limit Switch

8. Verify the adjustment of the C-Arm Rotation Limit Switch. Refer to the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.

6.14 C-arm Switch Boards (2)

There are two C-arm Switch boards on
the C-arm Frame, one on each side. See
Figure 7-28.
1. Shut the system down.
2. At the rear of the C-arm, locate the
C-arm Switch board (#1) to be
3. Remove the upper and lower
decorative hole covers (2) to access
the screws securing the board to the
4. Remove the screws.
5. Remove the board from C-arm
frame and disconnect the cable
connectors. Note locations.
Figure 7-28: C-arm Switch Board

6. Reverse procedures to re-install the C-arm Switch board. Ensure the top switch is convex
(bump) and the bottom switch is concave (dimple).
7. Perform the Functional Tests—Mechanical (C-arm controls)—Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12.

7-30 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.15 Mag Tray Detector Board

6.15.1 Access the Mag Tray Detector Board
1. Raise the Selenia C-arm to a height that facilitates access to the front of the pivot
2. Shut down the system.
3. Remove any attachments from
the C-arm (for example, image
4. Remove the Lower
Compression Device Cover for
easier access while replacing
the board:
a. Remove the two button-
head screws that fasten the
compression device lower
cover to the Compression
b. Remove the ground wire Figure 7-29: Remove the C-arm Switch Board
from the lower cover, and
lower the cover and bellows.
5. At the rear of the C-arm, locate the right C-arm Switch board (Figure 7-29).
a. Remove the upper and lower decorative hole covers (using a thin-bladed
screwdriver) that access the screws securing the board to the C-arm.
b. Remove the screws.
c. Remove the board from the C-arm frame and let it hang, but do not remove
the cable connectors.

Figure 7-30: Replacing the Mag Detect Board Figure 7-31: Mag Detect Board Location

MAN-00745 7-31
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.15.2 Remove the Mag Tray Detector Board

1. Remove the 5-pin connector at the bottom of the Mag Detect board
(Figure 7-30, p. 7-31).
2. Through the right C-arm Switch board access hole, using a 1/4 in. nutdriver,
remove the two #4 internal tooth washers and two 4-40 nuts holding the
assembly (Figure 7-31, p. 7-31). Save the hardware.
3. Untie the Mag Tray Detector Board cable and harness from the mount.
4. Pull the Mag Tray Detector Board assembly through the C-arm Switch opening.
5. Remove the old board from the assembly. Using the original hardware, install
the new board on the assembly.
6. Through the C-arm Switch board access hole, position the Mag Tray Detector
Board bracket over the two studs.
7. Using a 1/4 in. nutdriver, secure the assembly through the access hole using two
#4 internal tooth washers and two 4-40 nuts.

Tip… Place the nut and then the washer onto the nutdriver. Carefully align the
nutdriver with the stud before securing. To prevent the studs from
stripping, do not over-tighten.
8. Reinstall the 5-pin connector at the bottom of the replacement board.
9. Re-tie the cable and existing harness to the mount.
10. Reinstall the right C-arm Switch board. Ensure the top switch is convex (bump)
and the bottom switch is concave (dimple). Tighten screws and replace the
decorative hole covers.
11. Reinstall the lower Compression Device cover.
12. Install a Mag Platform and observe the AWS to verify that the display recognizes
the Mag platform.
13. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
"Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

7-32 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.16 Right Rotation Angle Display Board

1. Shut the system down.
2. Open right Gantry door.
3. To access to the right rotation angle display board (see Figure 7-32), the Brick Assembly
must be removed. Refer to Section 5.9, p. 7-21.
4. Disconnect all cables on the board.
5. Remove the mounting hardware (4 hex nuts) that secure the board to the chassis, then lift
the board out of the Gantry door.
6. Reverse procedures to replace the right rotation angle display board.
7. Rotate the C-arm to ensure the display changes.

6.17 Left Rotation Angle Display Board

1. Shut the system down.
2. Open left Gantry door.
3. To access the left rotation angle display board (see Figure 7-32), the HV Generator
Assembly must be removed. Refer to Section 5.6, p. 7-17.
4. Disconnect all cables on the board.
5. Remove the mounting hardware (4 hex nuts) that secure the board to the chassis, then lift
the board out of the Gantry door.
6. Reverse procedures to replace the left rotation angle display board.
7. Rotate the C-arm to ensure the display changes.

Note: Right board is shown.

Figure 7-32: Right/Left Rotation Angle Display Board

MAN-00745 7-33
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.18 Gantry C-arm Rotational Switches

1. Shut down the system.
2. Open the right or left Gantry door.
a. To access the right C-arm rotation switch assembly, the Brick Assembly must be
removed. Refer to Section 5.9, p. 7-21.
b. To access the left C-arm rotation switch assembly, the HV Generator Assembly must
be removed. Refer to Section 5.6, p. 7-17
3. Disconnect the harness from the board.
4. Remove the three button-head screws from the switch assembly.
5. Pull the switch assembly out.
6. Reverse procedures to install the new switch assembly.
7. Reinstall the Brick or HV Generator Assembly.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
a. Brick Assembly—Refer to Section 5.9, p. 7-21, steps 15 and 16.
b. HV Generator Assembly—Refer to Section 5.6, p. 7-17, step 17.
c. The ‘Gantry C-arm Rotation Switches’ procedures found in:
Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.

6.19 VTA Motor Driver Board

1. Shut the system down, switch off the input power circuit breaker, and disengage the
voltage source.
2. Remove the Bellows frame—Section 3.1.3, p. 7-5.
3. On the VTA Motor Driver board, see Figure 7-4, p. 7-4, disconnect harness connectors.
4. Remove 7 screws and associated hardware securing the board to the VTA.
5. Remove board.
6. Reverse procedures to install the new VTA Motor Driver board.
7. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.

7-34 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.20 Compression / AEC Position Display Boards

The Compression/AEC Position Display Boards (left and right—Figure 7-33) provide readouts
for compression thickness, compression force, and the position of the AEC Sensor Board.
These display boards mount to the inside of the top Compression Device cover.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the top Compression Device
cover—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
3. Disconnect the cable connectors
from the Compression/AEC Position
Display Board to be removed (left or
4. Remove the hardware securing the
Compression/AEC Position Display
Board to the standoffs on the top
5. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement display board.
6. Perform the following procedures
before returning unit to service: Figure 7-33: Compression / AEC Position Display
Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Boards
Functional Tests", p. 5-12.

6.21 AEC Position Switch

The AEC Position Switch selects a different area used by the electronic circuitry during AEC
1. Shut the system down.
1. Remove the top Compression Device cover—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
2. Unplug the 3 conductor ribbon cable from the top of the Paddle Detect board, see
Figure 7-34, p. 7-36.
3. Peel off the old switch from on top of the compression device cover.
4. Pull the ribbon cable through the slot in the compression device cover.
5. Reverse procedures to install the new switch.
6. Perform function test, Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12

MAN-00745 7-35
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Circuit Boards, Firmware, and Circuit Components

6.22 Paddle Detect Board

The Paddle Detect board, Figure 7-34, has four electrical contacts that detect the type of
Compression Paddle installed on the Compression Device. This board mounts to the bottom
Compression Device frame, near the front.
1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the top and bottom
Compression Device covers—
Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7. Use care not
to damage the Compression
Device bellows.
3. Disconnect the cable connectors
on the Paddle Detect Board; note
4. Remove the screws securing the
Paddle Detect board to the
Compression Device frame as
shown in Figure 7-34.
5. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement Paddle Detect Board.

Figure 7-34: Paddle Detect Board

Legend for Figure 7-34

1. Paddle Detect Board
2. AEC Switch Connector

Note… The Paddle Detect Board is spring loaded. Make sure the board has free
6. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12, Smart Paddle test
• Ensure the paddle is identified correctly on the display
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual

7-36 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

7.0 Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

Remove and replace procedures are provided for the Power Distribution Components
identified in Figure 7-35. Refer to Figure 7-35 as needed when performing the procedures in
this chapter.

Legend for Figure 7-35

1. Rotation Angle Display
2. Emergency Off Switch
3. Left Fuse Panel
4. Mains Power Board
5. Power Supply
Interconnect Board
6. Isolation Transformer
7. Right Fuse Panel
8. Power Distribution

Figure 7-35: Power Distribution Components Identification

WARNING! Ensure system power is Off and Gantry circuit breaker is in

the Off position for the procedures in this section. Some
procedures in this sections also require the wall circuit
breaker be off.

MAN-00745 7-37
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

7.1 Power Distribution Board

All system voltages are sourced from the Power Distribution Assembly.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not attempt

service until Red LED D14 on the HV board is unlit and at least 5
minutes have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

Replacing the Power Distribution Board; see Figure 7-36.

1. Turn system off and ensure mains (wall) circuit breaker is in the Off position.
2. Open the left and right side Gantry doors. Refer to Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Remove the two front panels, Figure 7-36, #4, and the lower rear access panel.
4. Remove the four hex-head bolts holding the Gantry bellows to the base and the top of
the Gantry. Pull back bellows and rotate to expose the Power Distribution Assembly.


Figure 7-36: Power Distribution Board

5. Remove the two bolts (#1) securing Power Distribution Assembly to Gantry base plate.
6. Remove the four flat-head screws securing the Power Distribution Assembly to the rear
of the Gantry frame #2; also see Figure 7-38, p. 7-41.
7. Carefully slide Power Distribution Assembly forward to access the power distribution board.
8. Disconnect the harness connectors from the Power Distribution board; note locations.
9. Remove the six screws securing the Power Distribution board to the standoffs and
carefully remove the board #3.
10. Reverse the procedures to install the new board, and the Power Distribution Assembly.
11. Set the wall circuit breaker to the On position and turn system On.
12. Inspect for abnormal indications of an electrical malfunction.

7-38 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

13. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual

7.2 Mains Power Board

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until Red LED D14 on the HV board is unlit
and at least 5 minutes have elapsed after turning off the

The Mains Power Board controls the On/Off function for the Gantry, including the Exposure
Switch interface.
1. Turn system off and ensure mains (wall) circuit breaker is in the Off position.
2. Open the left side Gantry door.
3. Disconnect the harness connectors from the Mains Power board, Figure 7-35, p. 7-37,
and note the locations.
4. Lift the board off the mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Mains Power Board.
6. Set the circuit breaker to the On position and turn system On.
7. Inspect for indications of an electrical malfunction.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
7.3 Emergency Off Switch
Refer to Figure 7-35, p. 7-37, for location of switches.
1. Turn system Off.
2. Open the applicable Gantry door. Refer to
Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Remove the cable tie securing the cables to
the Gantry.
4. Loosen the ring nut and back the ring nut
and the lock washer off the switch assembly;
see Figure 7-37.
5. From the front of the Gantry door, pull the
switch assembly out of the door until the
wires are accessible. Note the wire locations
and cut the wires off of the switch assembly
leads. Figure 7-37: Emergency Off Switch
6. Solder the wires to the new switch assembly
leads in the location noted in Step 5. Legend for Figure 7-37
1. Switch assembly
7. Reverse Steps 1 through 4 to install the new 2. Ring nut
switch assembly. 3. Lock washer
8. Test switch for functionality. Refer to Chapter
5, Section 8.0, p. 5-18.

MAN-00745 7-39
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

7.4 Circuit Breaker

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until Red LED D14 on the HV board is unlit
and at least 5 minutes have elapsed after turning off the

Refer to Figure 7-37 when replacing the Circuit Breaker.

1. Turn system off and ensure mains (wall) circuit breaker is in the Off position.
2. Remove the lower rear access panel. Refer to Section 3.1.5, p. 7-6.
3. Remove the two screws securing the circuit breaker mounting bracket to the Power
Distribution Assembly.
4. Gently pull the circuit breaker forward to access the connectors on the rear.
5. Disconnect the wires from the rear of the circuit breaker; note locations.
6. Remove the four screws securing the circuit breaker to the mounting bracket.
7. Re-install the mounting bracket on the new circuit breaker.
8. Reverse procedures to install the new circuit breaker.

Legend for Figure 7-37

1. Mounting bracket screws
2. Circuit Breaker
3. Circuit breaker mounting bracket
4. Screws holding circuit breaker to
mounting bracket

Figure 7-38: Circuit Breaker

7-40 MAN-00745
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Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

7.5 Isolation Transformer/Power Distribution Assembly

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until Red LED D14 on the HV board is unlit
and at least 5 minutes have elapsed after turning off the

Refer to Figure 7-35, p. 7-37, for location of boards.

If the Isolation Transformer, Figure 7-35, #6, fails, the Power Distribution Assembly must be

1. Shut down the system and ensure the

mains (wall) circuit breaker is in the Off
2. Remove the lower rear access panel.
Refer to Section 3.1.5, p. 7-6.
3. Disconnect the input power cord from
the input power terminal block on the
rear of the Gantry; see Figure 7-38.
4. Disconnect the equipotential ground
wire from the ground stud.
5. Remove the strain relief hardware from
the rear of the Gantry.
6. Remove the four screws securing the
Power Distribution Assembly to the
rear of the Gantry frame.
7. Open the left and right Gantry door.
Refer to Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
8. Remove the left and right front covers
and bellows frame. Refer to Section
3.1.2, p. 7-5.
9. On the Mains Power board, disconnect
ABJ6 and ABJ8; note locations.
Remove cable ties securing the cables
to the main harness assembly.

Figure 7-38: Power Distribution Assembly

10. On the lower left side of the Power Distribution Legend for Figure 7-38
Assembly, locate the relays and disconnect the 1. Screws attaching Power Distribution
following connectors; note locations (remove Assembly
cables ties as necessary): 2. Ground Stud
3. Input power terminal block
• K1-1
4. Strain Relief Hardware
• K1-2 5. Input Power Cord
• SS1-3 6. Equipotential ground wire
• SS1
11. On the left fuse panel, disconnect F22 and GB4; note locations.
12. On the left side of the Power Distribution Assembly, disconnect in-line connector LPP2,
and remove cable ties as necessary.

MAN-00745 7-41
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

13. On the Power Distribution board, disconnect connector ACJ11.

14. At the front of the Gantry, locate the Harness Assembly which is cable tied to the lower
tray above the Power Distribution Assembly. Disconnect all cables from this Harness
Assembly which are connected to the Power Distribution board and the Right Fuse
Panel; note locations.
15. From the front of the Gantry, disconnect the two ground wires connected to GB1 located
at the rear of the Power Distribution Assembly.
16. Remove the two bolts securing the Power Distribution Assembly to the Gantry base
plate; see Figure 7-36, p. 7-38.
17. Carefully slide the Power Distribution Assembly forward and out of the Gantry frame.
18. Reverse procedures to install new Power Distribution Assembly.
19. Inspect for indications of an electrical malfunction.

7-42 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Electrical Power Components and Assemblies

7.6 Power Supply Interconnect Board

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until Red LED D14 on the HV board is unlit
and at least 5 minutes have elapsed after turning off the

The Power Supply Interconnect Board distributes power to assemblies located on the left side
of the Gantry door. Refer to Figure 7-35, p. 7-37, for location of board.
1. Shut down the system and switch circuit breaker to the Off position.
2. Open the left side Gantry door. Refer to Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
3. Disconnect the harness connectors from the Power Supply Interconnect board; note
4. Lift the board off of the mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Power Supply Interconnect board.
6. Inspect for indications of an electrical malfunction.
7. Perform board adjustment.

7.6.1 Board Adjustment

To adjust the Power Supply Interconnect board:
1. Set the AWS to Non-imaging Mode. Refer to the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual.
2. To change voltage threshold, on the Power Supply Interconnect board, connect
a DMM between TP4 (V+) and AYJ9 pin 7 (return).
3. Adjust R7 to 2.5 VDC.
4. Remove DMM leads.
5. Connect a 14 pin chipclip to U8. Connect an oscilloscope to U8 pin 1 with the
return on AYJ9 pin 7.
6. Take an exposure and display the waveform.
7. Adjust R11 so that the waveform goes high (+5 VDC) for 0.4 +0.1 seconds.
8. Repeat step 6 until the waveform is correct.
9. Remove scope leads and chipclip.
10. If the board cannot be adjusted, replace it.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual

MAN-00745 7-43
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.0 Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.1 Tubehead Cooling Fan
The tubehead cooling fan mounts to the tubehead frame, on the bulkhead directly behind
the x-ray tube.
1. Turn system Off.
2. Remove the tubehead top cover.
Refer to Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6. Locate
the tubehead cooling fan.
3. Disconnect the fan power cable.
4. Remove all cable ties from the
power cable, then remove the
hardware securing the cooling fan
mounting bracket to the tubehead
5. Lift out the fan and bracket assembly.
6. If necessary, remove the hardware
that secures the mounting bracket to
the cooling fan.
7. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement cooling fan. Position for
proper air flow (out). Figure 7-39: Tubehead Cooling Fan
8. Verify fan is operating before
returning to service.

7-44 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.2 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer

1. Access the C-arm Rotation Potentiometer by removing the upper rear Gantry panel.
Refer to Section 3.1.4, p. 7-6.
2. Raise the C-arm so the C-arm Rotation
Potentiometer, Figure 7-40 (#2) is
positioned in the Upper Rear Access
Hole (#1).
3. Turn system off.
4. Remove cable ties securing wires to
mounting bracket.
5. Note position of wires on potentiometer
(Pins 1, 2, and 3). Unsolder the wires.
6. Remove two screws securing the
potentiometer mounting bracket (E) to
the VTA. Remove bracket with E
potentiometer still attached.
7. Note alignment of potentiometer to
mounting bracket.
8. Loosen screw (A) on the end of the Pin 2
potentiometer shaft (B). Remove the
sprocket assembly (C). Pin 1
9. Remove the hex nut (D) securing the B D C
potentiometer to the mounting bracket. Pin 3
Slide the potentiometer out of the Figure 7-40: C-arm Rotation Potentiometer
10. Reverse Steps 3 through 9 to install the replacement C-arm Rotation Potentiometer.
11. Perform the following procedures:
• Rotation Angle Calibration procedures in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual

MAN-00745 7-45
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.3 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly

1. Remove the upper rear Gantry panel—Section 3.1.4, p. 7-6.
2. Position the C-arm so the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly,
Figure 7-41, p. 7-47, is accessible through the Gantry upper rear access hole—
Figure 7-40, p. 7-45 (#1).
3. Shut down the system.
4. From rear of unit, disconnect the motor power cable from the wiring harness. Cut all
cable ties securing the harness to the motor and gearbox assembly.
5. On the drive coupling, loosen the upper coupling screw. See Figure 7-41.
6. Remove the four bolts that mount the motor and gearbox assembly to the VTA.
7. Lift assembly shaft out of drive coupling and remove motor and gearbox assembly
through the Gantry upper rear access panel.
8. Reverse this procedure to install the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox
9. Turn system on.
10. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
• Verify the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly is working properly.
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

7-46 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.4 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly

1. Remove the Gantry left front cover—Section 3.1.1, p. 7-5.
2. Remove the upper rear Gantry panel—Section 3.1.4, p. 7-6.
3. Position the C-arm so the C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly,
Figure 7-41, is accessible through the Gantry upper rear access hole, Figure 7-40,
p. 7-45 (#1).
4. Shut down the system.
5. From the rear of the unit, disconnect
the motor power cable from the
wiring harness. Cut all cable ties
securing the harness to the motor
and gearbox assembly; see
Figure 7-41:
6. From front left side of unit, at bottom
of C-arm drive pulley coupler,
remove the two hex head bolts.
7. Reinsert them in the other threaded
holes (between where they were).
8. Alternately tighten the bolts until the
machine lock is broken and the
coupler and drive pulley can be
removed from the assembly shaft.
Remove the bolts. (Do not re-install
screws in these holes when
installing the C-arm Vertical Drive
Motor and Gearbox Assembly.)
9. Remove coupler, drive pulley and
key, taking care not to drop the key.
Note pulley position and key-way Figure 7-41: C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and
orientation. As pulley is removed, Gearbox Assembly
the belt may fall to the bottom of the Legend for Figure 7-41
unit around the lead screw 1. C-arm drive pulley coupler
(Figure 7-4, p. 7-4). Set coupler, 2. Drive pulley
drive pulley, and key aside. 3. Assembly shaft
10. From rear of unit, remove the four 4. Key
bolts that mount the motor and 5. Mounting bolts (Assembly to VTA)
gearbox assembly to the VTA.
11. Reverse this procedure to install the C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly.
Ensure the following:
• Belt is positioned around the C-arm drive pulley and the lead screw nut pulley prior
to tightening the two C-arm drive pulley hex head bolts.
• Pulley is positioned and key way is aligned with drive shaft as noted in Step 8 above.
• Key is installed.
12. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
• Verify the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly is working properly.
• Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

MAN-00745 7-47
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.5 Compression Thickness Potentiometer

The Compression Thickness Potentiometer mounts to the left side bulkhead of the
Compression Device frame. See Figure 7-42.
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
3. Remove the Image Receptor—
Section 5.2, p. 7-15.
4. Remove the lower bellows
assembly—Section 3.1.3, p. 7-5.
5. Loosen two hex screws securing
the Compression Timing Belt to
the Bearing Block Assembly.
Remove timing belt from the
bottom clamp.
6. Gently thread timing belt up and
out of the pulleys. Compression
Timing Belt
7. Inspect timing belt. If damaged, Bottom Clamp
order new belt and replace,
Section 8.8, p. 7-52. Bearing Block

Figure 7-42: Compression Timing Belt

8. Loosen the clamp screw (A) on the
end of the potentiometer (B) shaft.
Remove the clamp and the
sprocket (C) together.
9. Remove the hex nut (D) that
secures the potentiometer to the
mounting bracket (E). Slide the
potentiometer off the bracket.
10. Unsolder the three wires’
connections (white, red, and black)
from the pins on the potentiometer
(Pins 1-3). Note the color of the
wire for each pin.
11. Reverse steps 3 through 10 to
install the replacement

Figure 7-43: Compression Thickness Potentiometer

12. Perform "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment" in the Selenia

Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual before performing steps 13 through 15.
13. Reinstall the lower bellows assembly.
14. Reinstall the Compression Device Assembly upper and lower covers.
15. Reinstall the Image Receptor.
16. Turn the system on.

7-48 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

17. Perform the following procedures before returning the unit to service:
Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
• "Compression Force Calibration" in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration" in the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance
8.6 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly
The Compression Device houses a clutch and clutch brake assembly. The clutch brake
prevents Compression Device backlash after motorized compression; the clutch stops
manual compression before the maximum compression force is exceeded.
Refer to Figure 7-44 during this procedure.
8.6.1 Remove the Clutch Assembly
1. Shut system down.
2. Remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
3. Loosen the set screws that secure the right side compression knob to the clutch shaft.
4. Slide the knob off the shaft.
5. Loosen the screws that secure the locking bar to the clutch shaft.
6. Slide the clutch shaft out of the Compression Device from the left side.
7. Lift the clutch, the armature, and the brass spacer from the Compression Device.
If it is only necessary to replace the clutch, skip the next procedure.
8.6.2 Replace the Clutch Brake
1. Remove screws securing clutch brake to the left side Compression Device frame.
2. Remove the clutch brake harness connector from the main harness.

Figure 7-44: Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly

Legend for Figure 7-44
1. Clutch Shaft 5. Clutch
2. Armature 6. Locking Bar
3. Force Load Sensor 7. Brass Spacer
4. Right Compression Knob 8. Clutch Brake

3. Install the replacement clutch brake and tighten the mounting screws.
4. Connect the clutch brake harness to the main wiring harness.

MAN-00745 7-49
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.6.3 Replace the Clutch

1. Slide the clutch shaft into the Compression Device from the left side the shaft
end protrudes through the opening in the clutch brake.
2. Slide the brass spacer, raised edge first, over the shaft and into the brake.
3. Place the armature on the end of the replacement clutch, machined side toward
the brake.
4. Slide the clutch shaft through the clutch, then out the opposite side of the
Compression Device.
5. Install the previously removed knob and tighten the set screws.

8.6.4 Adjust the Assembly

1. Adjust the clutch shaft by sliding it back and forth until both knobs are equal
distances from the sides of the Compression Device. The shaft should protrude
2.625 in. from the load cell.
2. Place a 0.015 in. feeler gauge (or shim stock) between the armature and the
clutch brake. Spread the clutch mechanism so that the clutch sprocket is pressed
firmly against the chain gears (at right), and that the armature is pressed against
the feeler gauge.
3. Tighten the locking bar mounting hardware.
4. Remove the feeler gauge. Verify that the gap between the armature and the
clutch is 0.25 mm (minimum) to 0.51 mm (maximum) (0.010 in. to 0.020 in.).
Verify that there is no left-to-right “play” in the clutch.
5. Reinstall the covers.
6. Verify compression movement functions correctly, Chapter 5, "Selenia Controls
and Functional Tests", p. 5-12.
7. Perform "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration," in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.

7-50 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.7 Compression Motor and Motor Brake

The Compression Motor drives the compression chain through a series of gears to move the
Compression Device up or down. The Compression Motor Brake holds the chain in place to
prevent a decrease in compression force from slippage.

8.7.1 Access the Compression Motor and Brake

1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the Image Receptor—Section 5.2, p. 7-15.
3. Remove the top and bottom compression device covers—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
4. From the bottom of the C-arm, locate, unscrew and remove the two bellows
rods (1 on each side).
5. Remove three screws securing the upper bellows assembly to the C-arm sub-
frame. Carefully remove assembly.
6. Remove the lower tubehead enclosure—Section 3.2.1, p. 7-6.
7. Remove the Tubehead Microprocessor and the Tubehead Motor Driver Board—
Section 6.10, p. 7-28.
8. Manually move the Compression Device to center it on the C-arm.

8.7.2 Remove the Compression Motor

1. Disconnect the master link on the drive chain, then remove the drive chain from
around the Compression Motor sprocket.
2. Disconnect the input power wires from the rear of the compression motor. Note
the polarity for replacement purposes.
3. Remove the two screws
that secure the
compression motor
bracket to the C-arm
4. Pull the compression
motor and brake out of
the C-arm as an
5. Loosen the set screws
that secure the motor
shaft to the motor
6. Pull the brake, with the
sprocket, off the motor
7. Remove the screws that
fasten the compression Figure 7-45: Compression Motor and Motor Brake
motor to the mounting
bracket. Legend for Figure 7-45
1. Motor shaft set screws
2. Compression motor bracket
3. Compression motor bracket screws (two)
4. C-arm frame

MAN-00745 7-51
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.7.3 Replace the Compression Motor and Brake Assembly

1. Mount the replacement motor onto the bracket.
2. Reverse these procedures to install the replacement compression drive motor
and brake assembly.
3. Perform the procedures below before releasing the unit to the user:
• "Compression Force Calibration" in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration" in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
• "Compression Chain Tension Adjustment" in the Selenia Calibration and
Software Maintenance Manual
• "Standard System Test" in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

8.8 Timing Belt

Perform this procedure only if the compression timing belt has been damaged.
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers—Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
3. Remove the Image Receptor—Section 5.2, p. 7-15.
4. Remove the lower bellows assembly—Section 3.1.3, p. 7-5.
5. Loosen two allen hex screws securing Compression Timing Belt to the Bearing Block
6. Remove timing belt from the bottom clamp.
7. Gently thread timing belt up and out of
the pulleys.
8. Loosen the two screws securing the
timing belt in the upper clamp block
(Figure 7-46, #1).
9. Remove the belt and discard it.
10. Insert the new timing belt through the
upper clamp on the Tubehead Support
11. Apply Blue Loctite 242 and retighten Figure 7-46: Timing Belt
12. Perform the procedures below before releasing the unit to the user:
• Chapter 6, "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment", p. 6-58
of the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.
• Chapter 6, "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment", p. 6-58
of the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual.
• "Standard System Test," in the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance

7-52 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.9 Force Load Cell

8.9.1 Remove the Force Load Cell
1. Shut the system down.
2. Remove the top compression device cover, Section 3.2.3, p. 7-7.
3. Take both bottom screws out that hold the load cell to the bottom plate; see
Figure 7-47.
4. Loosen the set screws that secure the right side compression knob to the clutch

Figure 7-47: Removing the Force Load Cell

5. Slide the knob off the shaft.
6. Loosen the screws that secure the locking bar to the clutch shaft.
7. Slide the clutch shaft out of the compression Device from the left side and note
the position and orientation of all parts removed from the assembly.
8. Remove the load cell from the compression device by removing the two hex-
head screws. The spring wrap in the side pulls the load cell up.
9. Remove the gear on the load cell housing, holding it with the chain attached, in
your left hand and slide the load cell off with the right.

MAN-00745 7-53
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Chapter 7—Gantry Maintenance
Replacing Mechanical Components and Assemblies

8.9.2 Replace the Force Load Cell

1. While still holding the gear and chain, slide the new wire for the load cell in
between the chain loop and place the new load cell on the bottom plate.
2. Reinstall the top screw on the new load cell into the Compression device.
3. Tilt the load cell to outside slightly and reinstall the socket gear with the chain
loop, using the original hardware.
4. Push the load cell down into the lower half, and reinstall both screws in the
lower plate.
5. Put in the bottom screw that fastens the load cell to the compression device.
6. Slide the compression clutch shaft into the load cell and test to see if it slides
smoothly. If not, loosen the lower screws and adjust until it is smooth.
7. Re-assemble the compression clutch and brake assembly and adjust following
steps 12 through 21 in Section 8.6, p. 7-49.
8. Turn on the system.
9. Carefully move the compression device with the Compression Up and Down
buttons to be sure the compression device moves. If not reverse procedures and
10. To calibrate the Force Load Cell, perform the following procedures:
• "Setting—Force Load Cell" in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• "Compression Force Calibration," in the Selenia Calibration and Software
Maintenance Manual
• "Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration" in the Selenia
Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual
11. Reinstall the compression device covers.

7-54 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Dimensional Information

Appendix A—Specifications

1.0 Dimensional Information

1.1 Tubestand (Gantry with C-arm)

Figure A-1: Tubestand Dimensions

Height 190.0 cm (74.8 in.)±1.0 cm (0.4 in.); 213.0 cm

(84.0 in.) ±1.0 cm (0.4 in.) at highest C-arm travel
Width 65.0 cm (25.6 in.) ±1.0 cm (0.4 in.) (C-arm at 0°
Depth 110.0 cm (43.3 in.)±1.0 cm (0.4 in.)
Weight 300 kg (661.4 lb) ±20 kg (44.0 lb)

MAN-00745 A-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Dimensional Information

1.2 Acquisition Workstation

Figure A-2: Acquisition Workstation Dimensions

Overall Dimensions 189.2 cm (74.5 in.) (H) x 107 cm (42.1 in.) (W) x
76 cm (30.0 in.) (D) (maximum)
Weight 154 kg (340 lb) (maximum)

1.3 Acquisition Workstation with Dual Swivel Arms

Figure A-3: Acquisition Workstation with Dual Swivel Arms

Overall Dimensions 195.6 cm (77.0 in.) (H) x 107 cm (42.1 in.) (W) x
76 cm (30.0 in.) (D) (maximum)
Weight 218 kg (480 lb)

A-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Operating Environment

2.0 Operating Environment

2.1 General Operating Conditions
Temperature Range 20°C (68° F) to 30°C (86° F)
Maximum rate of temperature change <10º C/hr
Relative Humidity Range 10% to 80% non-condensing
BTU output Typical Range 1700–2500 BTU/hr

3.0 Storage Environment

3.1 Tubestand
Temperature Range -25°C (-13° F) to +60°C (140° F)
Humidity Zero to 95% humidity—non-condensing (not
packaged for outdoor storage)

3.2 Image Receptor

Storage Temperature Range 10 ºC (50° F) to 40 ºC (104° F)
Maximum rate of temperature change <15º C/hr
Storage Humidity Range 10% to 80% humidity— non-condensing (not
packaged for outdoor storage)

MAN-00745 A-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Electrical Input

4.0 Electrical Input

4.1 Tubestand
Mains Voltage 200/208/220/230/240 VAC nominal, true
sinusoidal, (tap selectable at installation) ±10%,
Single Phase, 50/60 Hz ± 5%, permanently wired
Mains Impedance Maximum line impedance not to exceed 0.20
ohms for 220/230/240 VAC, 0.16 ohms for 200/
208 VAC
Maximum Power Consumption 6.5 kVA for 5 second duration
Standby Current 2.0 A (maximum)
Maximum Line Current 35 A for 5 seconds (momentary rating per NEC
Recommended Branch Circuit
Breaker Rating 25 A minimum, refer to NEC 660.6

4.2 Acquisition Workstation

Input Line Voltage 100/120/200/208/220/230/240 VAC nominal,
true sinusoidal, (tap selectable at installation), ±
Input Current 8.0 A maximum @ 100/120 VAC
3.5 A maximum @ 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Frequency 50/60 Hz ±5%
Number of Phases Single

A-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Acquisition Workstation Technical Information

5.0 Acquisition Workstation Technical Information

Operating System Sun™ Solaris OS
Computer Memory 2 GB RAM minimum
Disk capacity > 60 GB Image Storage
Storage Media CD-RW Disks
Display Adapter Card 1600 x 1200 matrix minimum 8 bit gray scale
Display 1600 x 1200 matrix minimum 450 cd/m2
nominal brightness
Network Interface 10/100 Base-T Ethernet
Remote Diagnostics Internet
Graphical User Interface X-ray exposure control
Configurable mammographic Workflow
Patient demographics
Brightness and contrast control
Magnification screen
Pixel value readout
QC test tools
System Status Monitoring
Error reporting
Unattended archiving and printing
Radiation Shield Pb equivalence Rated for a 0.5 mm Pb (lead) equivalence

MAN-00745 A-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

6.0 Tubestand Technical Information

6.1 C-arm
Motorized C-arm Rotation Speed Variable speed (18° per second maximum).
Rotation speed is service selectable: 50% to
100% in 5% increments. Motor Control provides
soft start and dynamic braking.
C-arm Rotation Range +195° +2° /-0° to 0° ±0.5° to -150° +0° /-2°
(detent at 0°, ±90°). Rotation angle is displayed
on both sides of Gantry.
Vertical Travel 74.5 cm (29.5 in.) total travel.
Source-to-Image Distance (SID) 66.0 cm (26.0 in.) ± 1.0 cm (0.4 in.)
Source-to-Image Receptor Support Device Distance
64.0 cm (25.2 in.) ± 1.0 cm (0.4 in.)
Magnification Ratio 1.8 x for objects 22.5 mm above the
magnification platform breast support surface

6.2 Compression
Manual Compression Force Limited to a maximum of 300 N +0/-89 N (67.4
lb +0/-20 lb) from 0° to +/-90° C-arm rotation.
Not less than 169 N (38 lb) for a C-arm angle
range greater than +150° and an angle less than
Motorized Compression Functions in three operating modes, Pre-
compression, Full-Range, Dual Compression,
user selectable through software.
Pre-Compression Force 67 N +0/-22.3 N to 133.5 N ±22.3 N (15 lb +0/-5
lb to 30 lb ±5 lb)
Full-Range Compression Force 89 N ±22.3 N to 178 N ±22.3 N (20 lb ± 5.0 lb to
40.0 lb ± 5.0 lb)
Dual Mode Compression Provides Pre-Compression force upon first
activation of compression switch; then, if switch
is activated within 2 seconds, the force is
increased incrementally for each additional
switch activation, up to the user selected FULL
compression force.
Compression Controls Up/Down controls on both sides of C-arm and on
2-position footswitch (Motorized). Handwheel on
both sides of Compression Device (Manual).
Compression Release Manual or Automatic. Motorized Release mode
controlled by push-buttons on both sides of the
C-arm. User selectable automatic release mode
raises Compression Device upon exposure
termination. All release functions are disabled if a
Localization paddle is detected.

A-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

Automatic Compression Release Moves the compression device upward a

predetermined distance (10 cm). For
Magnification Mode this may be less.
Compression Down Motion Variable Speed
Service Selectable between approximately 10%
through 100% of full speed.
Compression Force Display Two LED Displays on the Compression Device
show the compression force through the range of
10 lb to 67.4 lb (44.5 N to 300 N) in 1 lb (4.4 N)
Compression Force Display Accuracy ±4.5 lb (±20 N)
Compression Thickness Display Two LED Displays on Compression Device
measures between 0 and 15 cm above image
receptor in 0.1 cm increments. The display is
visible from both sides of the patient.
Compression Thickness Accuracy ±0.5 cm for thicknesses between 0.5 cm and 15
Compression Paddles Compression paddles are transparent. The
paddles are composed of polycarbonate. The
paddles provide a parallel plane to the image
receptor and do not deflect by more than 1 cm
difference from any surface providing
compression under 25 lb (111.1 N) of
compression force (except for F.A.S.T. paddles.).
The paddles are adjustable to provide the focal
spot, compression device and image receptor
alignment requirement.

MAN-00745 A-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

6.3 X-ray Tube: Molybdenum

Focal Spot (NEMA / IEC) Large (0.3 mm) Nominal
Small (0.1 mm) Nominal
Tube Voltage 20 kV to 39 kV
Tube Current Large Focal Spot = 100 mA between 25 and 32 kV
Small Focal Spot = 30 mA between 25 and 32 kV
Anode Rotation 180 Hz (9600 RPM minimum)
Anode Angle Bi-angular: Large focal spot at 16°, Small focal
spot at 10°. X-ray tube angle at 6° to provide 22°
(Large FS) and 16° (Small FS) anode to Image
Receptor plane angle.
Anode Material Molybdenum
X-ray Window Beryllium 0.8 mm thickness (maximum)

6.3.1 X-ray Tube Housing

Over Temperature Protection Sensor Internally connected in series with the stator
common lead.
Maximum Temperature, Tube Housing Surface
55°C (151° F)
Maximum Temperature, Tube Head Cover Surface
41°C (105.8° F)
Safety Class IEC 60601-1, Class I, IEC 60601-2-28

6.3.2 X-ray Beam Filtration and Output

Inherent Tube Filtration 0.0 mm Al equivalent
Added Filtration Two-position filter changer mechanism to carry a
30-micron (0.03 mm) Molybdenum foil filter and
a 30-micron (0.03 mm) Rhodium foil Filter. Type
of filter is user selectable.
Beam Quality HVL for Mo/Mo Operation At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is equal to
or greater than the value of kV /100 +0.03 (in
units of mm of aluminum) but less than the value
of kV /100 +0.12 (in units of mm of aluminum).
Beam Quality HVL for Mo/Rh operation At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is equal to
or greater than the value of kV /100+0.03 mm Al
(in units of mm of aluminum) but less than the
value of kV /100+0.19 mm Al (in units of mm of
Radiation Output Equal to or greater than 800 mR/second for at
least 3 seconds. Output is measured through the
Compression Paddle, 4.5 cm above the breast
support, 4.0 cm from the chest wall edge, using
exposure techniques of Mo/Mo target/filter, large
focal spot, 28 kV.

A-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

6.4 X-ray Tube: Tungsten

Focal Spot (NEMA / IEC) Large (0.3 mm) Nominal
Small (0.1 mm) Nominal
Tube Voltage 22 kV to 39 kV
Tube Current Large Focal Spot = 100 mA between 25 and 32
Small Focal Spot = 30 mA between 25 and 32 kV
Anode Rotation 180 Hz (9500 RPM minimum)
Anode Angle Bi-angular: Large focal spot at 16°, Small focal
spot at 10°. X-ray tube angle at 6° to provide 22°
(Large FS) and 16° (Small FS) anode to Image
Receptor plane angle.
Anode Material Tungsten
X-ray Window Beryllium 0.8 mm thickness (maximum)

6.4.1 X-ray Tube Housing

Over Temperature Protection Sensor Internally connected in series with the stator
common lead.
Maximum Temperature, Tube Housing Surface
55°C (151° F)
Maximum Temperature, Tube Head Cover Surface
41°C (105.8° F)
Safety Class IEC 60601-1, Class I, Type B, IEC 60601-2-28

6.4.2 X-ray Beam Filtration and Output

Inherent Tube Filtration 0.0 mm Al equivalent
Added Filtration Two-position filter changer mechanism to carry a
60-micron (0.06 mm) Rhodium foil filter and a
60-micron (0.06 mm) Silver foil Filter. Type of
filter is user selectable.
Beam Quality HVL for W/Rh Operation At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is less than
the value of kV/100 +0.03 (in units of mm of
Beam Quality HVL for W/Ag operation At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is less than
the value of kV/100 +0.03 (in units of mm of
Radiation Output Equal to or greater than 230 mR/second for at
least 3 seconds. Output is measured through the
Compression Paddle, 4.5 cm above the breast
support, 4.0 cm from the chest wall edge, using
exposure techniques of W/Rh target/filter, large
focal spot, 28 kV.

MAN-00745 A-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

6.5 X-ray Collimation

Available Collimated x-ray fields

Predefined Collimation Settings

24 x 29 cm
18 x 24 cm
15 x 15 cm
10 x 10 cm
7.0 x 8.5 cm

6.6 Light Field Indication

Light Field Lamp Illuminates for 30 seconds, ±5 seconds, upon
pressing a Light Field switch on either side of the
x-ray tubehead or by pressing a Compression
Down switch. Extinguishes automatically upon
exposure initiation. A shatter shield is provided.
Light Field Illuminance 160 lux (minimum)—meets 21 CFR 1020.31
requirements. Lamp is adjustable to provide
alignment of the light field to the x-ray field.
Light Field-to-X-ray Field Congruency Within 2% of SID

A-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

6.7 X-ray Generator

Output Rating 3.2 kilowatt, maximum (isowatt), 100 mA @ 32
Ripple 2% or less (typical), maximum 4%
Topology Pulse width modulated High Frequency, active
servo controlled

6.7.1 kV /mA Range

mA setting as a function of kV
Large Focal Spot Small Focal Spot
kV mA kV mA
20* 75 mA 20 20 mA
21* 80 mA 21 22 mA
22 85 mA 22 24 mA
23 90 mA 23 26 mA
24 95 mA 24 28 mA
25-32 100 mA 25-32 30 mA
33 85 mA 33-34 28 mA
34-35 80 mA 35-37 26 mA
36-37 75 mA 38-39 24 mA
38-39 70 mA
*Molybdenum Tubes only

Note… All above values are for mAs values ≥40 mAs. For mAs values < 40 mAs, the
mA value is adjusted by the mA Factor listed in the table below as a
function of mAs.

mAs mA Factor
4-6 10%
8-10 20%
12-22 30%
24-38 60%
≥40 100%

MAN-00745 A-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Tubestand Technical Information

Large Focal Spot Manual mAs Range:

TABLE 1 (default): 3 mAs through 400 mAs, 22 steps: 3, 4, 5, 6.4, 8,
10, 12.5, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100,
125, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400.

Note… Lower limit is 4 mAs when grid is in field.

TABLE 2 (user selected): 3 mAs through 400 mAs, 55 steps: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
32.5, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65,
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140,
150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 220, 240, 260,
280, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400.

Note… Lower limit is 4 mAs when grid is in field.

Note… In AEC modes, in Large Focal spot, the mA setting adjusts downward, if
necessary, to achieve the calculated mAs. mA can be adjusted as low as 10
Small Focal Spot Mag Manual mAs Range:
TABLE 1: 3 mAs through 100 mAs, 16 steps: 3, 4, 5, 6.4, 8,
10, 12.5, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100
TABLE 2: 3 mAs through 120 mAs, 38 steps: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
32.5, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65,
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120

6.7.2 Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Linearity

Reproducibility < 0.05 coefficient of variation for 10 consecutive
exposures (21 CFR).
Linearity < 0.10 for adjacent mAs selections per the
(X1-X2) is less than or equal to 0.10 (X1+X2)
where X1 and X2 are average mR/mAs values for
consecutive exposures (21 CFR).
mAs Accuracy ±5% or ±2 mAs, whichever is greater, from
indicated, measured from the ground side of the
tube circuit.

kV Accuracy Within 1 kV of the indicated kV

A-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Imaging System Technical Information

7.0 Imaging System Technical Information

7.1 Image Receptor
Fluid ingress No fluid from incidental spillage on the top
surface of the Image Receptor seeps inside
Deflection Does not exceed 1.0 mm at maximum
Active Imaging Area 24 cm x 29 cm Nominal. The active image area is
marked on the digital image receptor/breast
platform cover.
Image Size, Screening and Diagnostic Exams
18 x 24 cm nominal; locations: center, left, right
24 x 29 cm nominal; center location only
Image Size, Diagnostic-Spot Compression 18 x 24 cm nominal; locations: center, left, right
Image Size, Diagnostic-Magnification 18 x 24 cm nominal; center location only
Image Pixel Size 70 µm
Digital Image Receptor MTF -Nyquist frequency
> 0.40
DQE at 0 c/mm 50% or greater at 7.0 mR -0.0/+0.7 mR x-ray
DQE at Nyquist frequency 15% or greater at 7 mR -0.0/+0.7 mR x-ray
Saturation X-ray exposure level at which image pixels are
saturated is not less than 1000 mR
Dynamic Range Linear response over at least 400:1 in x-ray
Output Image 14 bit image data
Scatter Rejection Lorad HTC™ high transmission cellular grid
Chest Wall Access The distance from the outside edge of the Image
Receptor enclosure to the Active Image Area
along the chest wall is less than 5 mm.
Lateral Wall Access The distance from the outside edge of the
detector enclosure to the active detector area
along the edges perpendicular to the chest wall is
less than 40 mm.
ACR Phantom Score at MGD = 2mGy At least 5 fibers, 4 specks, 4 mass
Image Preview Time The time between completion of an x-ray
exposure and availability of the Preview image:
less than 20 seconds.
Transmission Limit Within Federal Regulatory limit for screen-film
mammography systems (21CFR 1020): 0.1 mR/h.

MAN-00745 A-13
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Hardcopy Film Printing Devices

8.0 Hardcopy Film Printing Devices

This section lists the relevant technical characteristics for the hardcopy film printing device.

8.1 Image Engine

Film sizes 20 cm x 25 cm (8 in. x 10 in.)
25 cm x 30 cm (10 in. x 12 in.), optional
Pixel size ≤70 µm
Grey level resolution ≥ 8 bits
Maximum Film Optical Density ≥ 3.5

8.2 Interface
Connectivity DICOM 3.0 compatible
Data port Ethernet
Transfer rate Minimum: 10 Mbits/sec

Look up Tables (LUT) Field programmable; Linear

8.3 Printed Film

Print to fit If a 24 x 29 cm image is printed on a 20 x 25 cm
(8 x 10 in.) film, the printer prints the image to fit
onto a 20 x 25 cm (8 x 10 in.) film without
cropping the image or without dropping rows
and columns of data
Patient Information Film meets ACR/MQSA requirements for patient
demographics. Printed Information Is User

9.0 TechMate
CPU Dual Intel® Xeon® Processors
Operating System Microsoft Windows®
Computer Memory 2 GB RAM minimum
Disk capacity 400 GB SATA minimum
Display 3 Mega Pixel, 21 in. LCD, 2048 x 1536 resolution

User Interface Keyboard, Trackball

A-14 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Center-of-Gravity Reference

10.0 Center-of-Gravity Reference

Figure A-4: Selenia Gantry Center-of-Gravity

MAN-00745 A-15
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Center-of-Gravity Reference

Figure A-5: Selenia AWS Center-of-Gravity

Figure A-6: TechMate Center-of-Gravity

A-16 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
General Information

Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment

This appendix provides information about Selenia systems installed in a mobile


1.0 General Information

1.1 The Vertical Position Override Switch (VPOS)
The Mobile Selenia is equipped with a Vertical Position Override Switch (VPOS) located on
the back of the Gantry (see Figure B-1.) This switch is used to start the Selenia in the event
that the C-arm is lower than its normal operating position after rough-road travel.

Figure B-1: Location of Vertical Position Override Switch (VPOS)

1.1.1 Background
Switches located in the Gantry limit the C-arm vertical travel to a pre-defined range.
When the C-arm reaches its highest or lowest point of normal travel, the switches
engage to stop further motion. If the C-arm should travel past the Limit switches (in
the event of switch failure or other electrical malfunction), a second switch engages
that removes power from the system. A Field Engineer would normally be contacted
to repair and restart the Selenia.
In a mobile environment (during transport), it is possible for the C-arm to 'creep'
downward and beyond the two Limit switches. If this occurs, the Selenia would be
disabled—the lower limit switch would engage, preventing the system from normal
start-up. This is not a failure condition that would require a Field Engineer's
attention. The Vertical Position Override Switch is used to allow the operator to start
the system and raise the C-arm to within its normal working limits.

MAN-00745 B-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
Safety Considerations and Other Precautions

1.1.2 Conditions for Using the VPOS

This condition presents itself on the first start-up after transport. The Acquisition
Workstation starts normally, but the Gantry does not start-up. After Login, the
Acquisition Workstation displays an alert that communication to the Generator is

1.1.3 Using the Vertical Position Override Switch to Re-start the Gantry
1. Press and hold the Vertical Position Override Switch—the Gantry starts-up.
Continue to hold the switch depressed.
2. After approximately 5 seconds, raise the C-arm approximately 7.5 cm (3 inches)
using the normal system controls. Release the VPOS after raising the C-arm.
3. At the Acquisition Workstation, accept the prompt to re-start the Generator. The
Gantry turns off for a few seconds, then automatically re-starts.
4. The system is ready for normal use.

2.0 Safety Considerations and Other Precautions

Warning: The Selenia radiation shield is not approved for mobile use and is
therefore not provided. The coach manufacturer must provide
adequate shielding.

Caution: When shore power is unavailable, mobile power sources that provide
equivalent performance may be employed (see “Appendix A”). Proper
system function and performance can only be ensured if continuous true
sinusoidal VAC power is supplied per the Selenia power input
specifications and loading characteristics. Minimally, the power source
must provide 35A at 208VAC for minimum of 5 seconds and support this
load once every 30 seconds. Acquisition Workstation and Gantry power
must be fed on separate dedicated circuits. The use of an uninterruptible
power supply with active line conditioner is recommended on each power
circuit. Accordingly, all ancillary mobile coach power should be
distributed by other circuits. The electrical installation must be verified to
meet system power input specifications and IEC 60601-1 safety
requirements after initial installation and upon each relocation of the
mobile coach.

Caution: The temperature and humidity inside the vehicle must be maintained at all
times. Do not allow environmental parameters to exceed stated
specifications when the unit is not in use.

Caution: For permanent archive, the Selenia must be attached to a PACS system or
connected to a suitable hard-copy printer when in use.

B-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
Mobile Specifications

3.0 Mobile Specifications

3.1 Shock and Vibration Limits
Vibration Limit Not greater than 0.35 G (2 Hz to 200 Hz), as
measured at mounting point of system to coach.
Shock Limit Not greater than 1.0 G (½ sine pulse), as
measured at mounting point of system to coach.
An “air ride” coach suspension is recommended.

3.2 Coach Environment

3.2.1 Operating Environment
Temperature Range 20°C (68° F) to 30°C (86° F)
Maximum Rate of Temperature Change <10ºC/hr
Relative Humidity Range 10% to 80% non-condensing
BTU output Typical Range 1700–2500 BTU/hr

3.2.2 Non-operating/Transit Environment

Temperature Range 15oC (59o F) through 35oC (95o F)
Maximum Rate of Temperature Change <15ºC/hr
Relative Humidity Range 10% to 80% non-condensing

3.3 Electrical Input

3.3.1 Tubestand
Mains Voltage 200/208/220/230/240 VAC nominal, true
sinusoidal, (tap selectable at installation)
±10%, Single Phase, 50/60 Hz ± 5%,
permanently wired
Mains Impedance Maximum line impedance not to exceed 0.20
ohms for 220/230/240 VAC, 0.16 ohms for
200/208 VAC
Maximum Power Consumption 6.5 kVA for 5 second duration
Standby Current 2.0 A (maximum)
Maximum Line Current 35 A for 5 seconds (momentary rating per NEC
Recommended Branch Circuit Breaker Rating 25 A minimum, refer to NEC 660.6

3.3.2 Acquisition Workstation

Input Line Voltage 100/120/200/208/220/230/240 VAC nominal, true
sinusoidal, (tap selectable at installation), ± 10%
Input Current 8.0 A maximum @ 100/120 VAC
3.5 A maximum @ 200/208/220/230/240 VAC
Frequency 50/60 Hz ±5%
Number of Phases Single

MAN-00745 B-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
Preparing the System for Transport

4.0 Preparing the System for Transport

Perform these steps before transporting the Mobile System:
1. Rotate the C-arm to 0 degrees (CC position).
2. Lower the C-arm to its lowest position.
3. Shut down the system completely.
4. Remove all system accessories (such as the Face Shield, Compression Paddles, etc.)
before transport. Store all accessories appropriately to assure the integrity of the

5.0 Testing System Integrity After Transport

Instructions: Photocopy the checklist on the following page for use after the system is

5.1 Selenia Controls and Functional Tests

Perform the Controls and Functional Tests. Refer to Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12.
• C-Arm, Compression, and other functional tests
• Emergency Off Switch tests

5.2 Compression Thickness Test

Required Equipment:
Acrylic block or BR-12 of known thickness (approximately 4-5 cm thick)
7.5 cm Spot Contact compression paddle.
1. Center the attenuator laterally on the image receptor and position it so the chestwall
edge of the phantom is aligned with the chest wall side of the image receptor.
2. Install the 7.5 cm spot contact compression paddle in the compression device.
3. Apply Full Automatic Compression of approximately 30 pounds to the attenuation
4. Confirm that the system displays the thickness of the attenuator (±0.5 cm).

5.3 Quality Control Tests

Refer to your Selenia Quality Control Manual for detailed instructions.
• Artifact Evaluation
• Signal-to-Noise Ratio Test
• Phantom Image Evaluation (optional)

B-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
Integrity Checklist

6.0 Integrity Checklist

Instructions: Photocopy this checklist for use after the system is relocated.

Name_____________________________________ Date_______________

System Serial Number____________________________________

Evaluated Control Functions Reference/Sec/Page

Mechanical System Tests
Compression Up/Down Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
Compression Release Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
C-arm Rotation Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
C-arm Up/down Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
Collimator Override Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
Light Field Lamp Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
Smart Paddle System Chapter 5, Section 6.0, p. 5-12
Emergency Off Switches Chapter 5, Section 5.1, p. 5-6
Compression Thickness Calibration and Software Maintenance
Quality Control Tests
Artifact Evaluation Selenia QC Manual
Signal-to Noise Ratio Test Selenia QC Manual
Phantom Image Evaluation Selenia QC Manual

MAN-00745 B-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix B—Using Selenia in a Mobile Environment
Integrity Checklist

B-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Peripheral Monitor Port

Appendix C—Technical References

This appendix provides additional technical references to be used as aids in troubleshooting

Selenia. The information covered is:
• Monitor Points
• Test Point Tables
• LED Indication Tables
• Jumper Tables
• Fuse Identification
Refer to the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual for additional
information on alarms and error messages.

1.0 Peripheral Monitor Port

Selenia permits the user to connect a computer, via serial port, to the Host Microprocessor
Board. This permits the user to monitor various subsystem serial communication transfers.

Note… The computer used to monitor the serial communication transfers must have
terminal emulation (for example, VTERM, ANSI, VT100, etc.). Set the
computer’s serial port:

Table C-1: Computer Serial Port Settings

Port Setting
Baud 9600
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None

To monitor peripheral communications, connect the serial cable to debug port KJ26 on the
Host Microprocessor Board. (A 10-pin 5x2 header to 9-pin Dsub adapter is needed.)

MAN-00745 C-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Peripheral Monitor Port

Figure C-1: Debug Port KJ26 on Host Microprocessor Board

Table C-2: Serial Port Cable Connections

Host Microprocessor Serial Port Cable DB9

Board KJ26 Connector
Pin 3 Pin 2
Pin 9 Pin 5

Use to connect KJ26 to serial port on the PC without the adapter.

DIP switch S6 is used to select which peripheral to monitor.
Table C-3: Monitoring Host Peripheral Ports

Switch Setting Peripheral/Port

S6 (1=Off, 2=Off) Tubehead Motors/KJ22
S6 (1=On, 2=Off) Generator/KJ23
S6 (1=Off, 2=On) Motor Controls (C-arm up, down, rotation)/KJ24
S6 (1=On, 2=On) Cal Data Download/Exposure Log

1.1 Array Monitor Port

Selenia permits service access to the array via a serial port. This port is used for software
upgrades and readouts sequences.
Table C-4: Laptop HyperTerminal Communication Settings

Port Setting Serial Port Location

Baud 38400
Data Bits 8
Parity N
Stop Bits 1

Flow Control N
Serial Port

1. Connect the laptop to the Array Serial Port using a serial cable.
2. Connect first with HyperTerminal to monitor Power-On Self Test and Cycling Status.
3. Type Service Mode and press Return to stop cycling.
4. Type jumpToFloader and press Return to go to Software Upgrades.
5. Now Windows Flash Array can be used to perform upgrades.

C-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Test Points

2.0 Test Points

Use the following test point tables as an aid in troubleshooting the Selenia:
• “HV Control Board” on p. C-3
• “HV Inverter” on p. C-3
• “Filament Control Board” on p. C-4
• “Generator Microprocessor Board” on p. C-4
• “Power Distribution Board” on p. C-4
• “Mains Board” on p. C-4
• “Power Supply Interconnect Board” on p. C-5
• “Host Microprocessor Board” on p. C-5
• “Motor/Lamp Control Board” on p. C-5
• “Rotor Control Board” on p. C-6
• “Filament Protect Board” on p. C-6
• “Tubehead Microprocessor Board” on p. C-6

Table C-5: HV Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

(1V = 8 kV) (1 V = 40 mA)
TP13 SHUT DN TP14 -20 V
TP15 +20 V TP16 CLAMP
(1 V = 4 kV)
TP19 R+15 V TP20 +5 V
TP21 +10 V TP22 -15 V
TP23 +15 V TP24 GND
TP28 VREF TP29 +12.5 V

Table C-6: HV Inverter

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP3 BRIDGE TP4 Primary A
TP11 INV DRV C TP12 Primary B

MAN-00745 C-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Test Points

Table C-7: Filament Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP5 +20 V TP6 -20 V
TP13 +15 V TP14
(1V = 1A)
(1V = 1V)
TP19 PGND TP20 -15 V
TP23 +25 V TP24 FIL I MON
TP31 FIL I MON TP32 12.5 V

Table C-8: Generator Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP3 +5 V VCC TP4 4.75 k
TP5 4.75 k

Table C-9: Power Distribution Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 +525 V TP2 +22 V
TP3 +28 V TP4 +22 V
TP5 16 V/40 V TP6 12 V-C-Fused
TP7 32 V-A-Fused TP8 +20 V
TP9 -20 V TP10 +10 V

Table C-10: Mains Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 +24 V TP2 +24 V
TP3 Less than 5Ω resistance TP4 Less than 5Ω resistance
TP5 Less than 5Ω resistance TP6 Line Voltage
TP7 U1B Pin 8 “TR” TP8 GND
TP9 U1A Pin 5 “Q” TP10 U1A Pin 6 “TR”
TP11 U1B Pin 9 “Q”

C-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Test Points

Table C-11: Power Supply Interconnect Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal
TP1 Phase Sense TP2 Rotor OK
TP3 Main Sense TP4 Vth

Table C-12: Host Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal
TP1 R/W TP2 x-ray Button
TP16 +5 PORT TP17 +5 SPI

Table C-13: Motor/Lamp Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP9 PE7 TP10 T1 IN
TP11 R1 OUT TP12 OC4
TP19 SEL4 TP20 Tower Down
TP21 Tower Up TP22 Compression Release
TP23 Compression Down TP24 Compression Up
TP25 Collimator Lamp TP26 Rotate Right
TP27 Rotate Left TP28 Aux Rotation Limit Sw
TP29 Aux Rotation Limit Sw TP30 Aux Rotation Limit Sw
TP31 Aux Rotation Limit Sw TP32 Aux Tower Limit Sw
TP33 Aux Tower Limit Sw TP34 Lower Tower Limit Sw #
TP35 Top Tower Limit Sw # TP36 GND
TP37 Spare Pot TP38 Spare Pot
TP39 StereoLoc Pot TP40 Collimator Lamp
TP41 Collimator Lamp Ret TP42 C-arm Angle Pot
TP43 Compression Height TP44 Compression Force
TP45 VTA Force TP46 C-arm Torque
TP47 Comp Motor - TP48 Logic +5 V
TP49 Display +5 V TP50 +12 V
TP51 -12 V TP52 Comp Motor +
TP53 StereoLoc Input TP54 StereoLoc Input

MAN-00745 C-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
Test Points

Table C-13: Motor/Lamp Control Board (Continued)

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP55 StereoLoc/Limit Sw TP56 StereoLoc/Limit Sw
TP57 StereoLoc CMP Sw # TP58 StereoLoc Comp Sw
TP59 StereoLoc Center Sw # TP60 StereoLoc Adjust
TP61 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP62 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP63 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP64 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP65 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP66 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP67 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP68 Aux StereoLoc Inputs

Table C-14: Rotor Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 Gate DRV C TP2 Gate DRV A
TP3 500 VDC TP4 Gate DRV B
TP5 +90 V TP6 +90 V RTN
TP7 +500 V RTN TP8 Brake XSR
TP17 RPM TP18 ISO +15 V DR
TP19 RAMP TP20 +5 V
TP21 GND TP22 +15 V

Table C-15: Filament Protect Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal


Table C-16: Tubehead Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP42 R/W

C-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
LED Indicators

3.0 LED Indicators

Use the following LED Indicator tables as an aid for troubleshooting the Selenia.
• “Filament Control Board” on p. C-7
• “Generator Microprocessor Board” on p. C-7
• “Mains Power Board” on p. C-7
• “Power Supply Interconnect Board” on p. C-7
• “Host Microprocessor Board” on p. C-7
• “Motor/Lamp Control Board” on p. C-8
• “AWS X-ray LED Board (left)” on p. C-8
• “AWS X-ray LED Board (right)” on p. C-8
• “Rotor Control Board” on p. C-8
• “High Voltage Control Board” on p. C-8
• “Brick Assembly” on p. C-8

Table C-17: Filament Control Board

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication

D1 RED = Grid Fault D2 RED = OC
D3 RED = OV D8 GREEN = +15 V

Table C-18: Generator Microprocessor Board

LED LED “ON” Indication

D3 + 5 V OK

Table C-19: Mains Power Board

LED LED “ON” Indication

D16 Power

Table C-20: Power Supply Interconnect Board

LED LED “ON” Indication

D5 GREEN = Rotor Ready

Table C-21: Host Microprocessor Board

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication

D1 +5 Port D2 +5 Port
D3 +5 Port D4 +5 Port
D5 Run D6 x-ray Button

MAN-00745 C-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References
LED Indicators

Table C-22: Motor/Lamp Control Board

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication

D4 LOGIC +5 V OK D5 Display +5 V OK
D6 +12 V OK D7 -12 V OK

Table C-23: AWS X-ray LED Board (left)

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication


Table C-24: AWS X-ray LED Board (right)

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication


Table C-25: Rotor Control Board

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication

D3 RED = 500 V Rail D8 RED = Brake
D20 GREEN = +15 V D22 RED = INV OC
D35 GREEN = Rotor Ready D36 RED = Control Fault
D37 RED = Rotor Fault D38 RED = Power Interlock Fault
D39 GREEN = + 5 V D43 GREEN = -15 V

Table C-26: High Voltage Control Board

LED LED “ON” Indication LED LED “ON” Indication

D14 RED = Tube OV D15 RED = Tube OC
D19 RED = Arc D22 RED = Rail OV
D23 GREEN = x-ray Interlock D26 GREEN = +15 V
D33 RED = HV Interlock

Table C-27: Brick Assembly

LED Description
DS1 Brick +5v Power Supply
DS2 Generator +5v Power Supply
CARDET RED = Card Detect
APWR GREEN = Array Power

C-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References

4.0 Fuses
Table C-28 provides rating, circuit, and part information on the fuses. Figure C-2, p. C-10
shows the AC fuses on the AC Fuse Board and the right AC Fuse Panel. Figure C-3, p. C-10
shows the DC fuses on the left Fuse Panel.
Table C-28: Selenia Fuses

Description/Part No. Fuse Rating Circuit Part No.

AWS Fuses
AC Power Distribution F1 4 Amp SB, 125 V 120 VAC 1-070-1250
Board PN 1-003-0505 F2 4 Amp SB, 125 V 120 VAC 1-070-1250
F3 4 Amp SB, 125 V 120 VAC 1-070-1250
F4 4 Amp SB, 125 V 120 VAC 1-070-1250
Power Distribution F1 2 Amp FB, 250 V 120 VAC 1-070-1011
Assembly F2 2 Amp FB, 250 V 120 VAC 1-070-1011
Low Voltage Power Supply
F1 2 Amp FB, 250 V Input AC 1-070-1121
P/N 1-095-0049
Gantry Fuses
Right Gantry Fuse Panel F1 10 Amp SB, 250 V +90 VDC 1-070-1275
PN 1-003-0306 F2 10 Amp SB, 250 V +90 VDC 1-070-1275
F3 2 Amp SB, 250 V 120 VAC 1-070-1072
F4 2 Amp SB, 250 V 120 VAC 1-070-1072
F5 10 Amp SB, 250 V 24 VAC (Motor Control) 1-070-1275
F6 10 Amp SB, 250 V 24 VAC (Motor Control) 1-070-1275
F7 10 Amp SB, 250 V +28 VDC 1-070-1275
F8 10 Amp SB, 250 V +28 VDC 1-070-1275
F9 10 Amp SB, 250 V Filament 1-070-1275
F10 10 Amp SB, 250 V Filament 1-070-1275
F11 5 Amp SB, 250 V Image Receptor 1-070-1080
F12 5 Amp SB, 250 V Image Receptor 1-070-1080
F13 4 Amp SB, 250 V +15 VDC 1-070-1079
F14 4 Amp SB, 250 V +15 VDC 1-070-1079
F15 5 Amp SB, 250 V +10 VDC 1-070-1080
F16 5 Amp SB, 250 V +10 VDC 1-070-1080
F17 15 Amp SB, 600 V +525 VDC 1-070-1114
F18 15 Amp SB, 600 V +525 VDC 1-070-1114
F19 30 Amp SB, 600 V +325 VDC 1-070-1119
F20 30 Amp SB, 600 V +325 VDC 1-070-1119
Left Gantry Fuse Panel F21 8 Amp, 600 V Rotor Rail 1-070-1333
F22 25 Amp, 600 V Power Supply 1-070-1332
F23 8 Amp SB, 250 V Rotor Rail 1-070-1083
F24 5 Amp SB, 250 V Motor Driver 1-070-1080
F25 8 Amp, 250 V Filament 1-070-1083
Mains Power Board F1 1/32 Amp SB, 250 V Input AC 1-070-5019
PN 1-003-0354 F2 1/2 Amp SB, 250 V 20 VAC 1-070-1062
Power Supply
Interconnect Board F1 1/10 Amp SB, 250 V 5 VDC 1-070-1053
PN 1-003-0483

MAN-00745 C-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References

Figure C-3: Gantry Fuses (Left Panel)

Figure C-2: Gantry Fuses (Right Panel)

C-10 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References

5.0 Jumpers
Table C-29: Circuit Board Jumper Settings

Circuit Board Jumper # Jumper Position

Host Microprocessor Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Host Microprocessor Board JP2 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board CJ32 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP2 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP3 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP4 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP5 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP6 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP7 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP8 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP9 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ8 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ9 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ10 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ11 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ15 pins 1 and 2
Rotor Control Board JP2 pins 1 and 2
Rotor Control Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Power Distribution Board JP1 K2 pin 3 and K2 pin 5
Power Supply Interconnect Board J1 pins 1 and 2
Power Supply Interconnect Board J2 pins 1 and 2

MAN-00745 C-11
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix C—Technical References

C-12 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List

Appendix D—Parts List

1.0 Introduction
This appendix provides tabular listings of the serviceable components in Selenia. Part
numbers and descriptions are provided for component identification.

2.0 The Replacement Parts Lists

The Parts Lists are:
• “Gantry Power Distribution Functions Parts List” on p. D-1
• “System Control and X-ray Functions Parts List” on p. D-2
• “C-arm Functions Parts List” on p. D-2
• “Image Acquisition Sub-system Parts List” on p. D-3
• “Selenia Paddles” on p. D-4
• “TechMate Parts List” on p. D-6
• “Miscellaneous Parts List” on p. D-6
The replacement parts lists are divided into four parts:
• Part Number: This is the order number for the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)/part. The
Hologic Service Department requires this number when placing an order.
• Description: Identifies the FRU/part by name.
• Refer To: Identifies the Chapter and Section in this manual to go to for installation or
remove and replace procedures for that FRU/part.
• Comments: Contains additional information. Also identifies components which make up
the FRU. If any of these components fail, replace the FRU.

Table D-1: Gantry Power Distribution Functions Parts List

Description Refer To Comments
1-003-0341 Power Distribution Chapter 7, Section 7.1, p. 7-38
1-003-0354 Mains Power Board Chapter 7, Section 7.2, p. 7-39
1-003-0483 Power Supply Chapter 7, Section 7.6, p. 7-43 Adjustment and Replacement Procedures
Interconnect Board
4-000-0135 Emergency Off Switch Chapter 7, Section 7.3, p. 7-39 Qty 2, 1 each on Left and Right Gantry doors
1-070-0025 Circuit Breaker Chapter 7, Section 7.4, p. 7-40
Various Fuses Appendix C—Technical References Refer to Appendix B for Fuse Identification
and Location
4-000-0207 Power Distribution Chapter 7, Section 7.5, p. 7-41 If the Isolation Transformer fails, replace the
Assembly Power Distribution Assembly.

MAN-00745 D-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-2: System Control and X-ray Functions Parts List

Part Number Description Refer To Comments

1-003-0481 Host Microprocessor Board Chapter 7, Section 6.3, p. 7-23
1-003-0288 Motor / Lamp Control Board Chapter 7, Section 6.4, p. 7-24
4-000-0014 HV Generator Assembly Chapter 7, Section 5.6, p. 7-17 Contains the HV Inverter, HV
Multiplier and HV Control
1-003-0335 Generator Microprocessor Chapter 7, Section 6.5, p. 7-25
1-003-0333 Filament Control Board Chapter 7, Section 6.6, p. 7-25
1-003-0336 Rotor Control Board Chapter 7, Section 6.7, p. 7-26
4-000-0029 Beam Limiting Assembly Chapter 7, Section 5.7, p. 7-19 Contains collimator blades,
collimator Drive Motor,
collimator Lamp Assembly,
Mirror Assembly, Lamp /
Mirror Drive Motor, Dual Filter
Assembly, Filter Drive Motor,
Beam Limiting Assembly
Chassis, Fan Assembly
Varian M113R 2-425-0037 x-ray Tube Chapter 7, Section 5.7, p. 7-19
2-200-0010 Tubehead Cooling Fan Chapter 7, Section 8.1, p. 7-44
1-003-0308 (right) Tubehead Switch Boards Chapter 7, Section 6.8, p. 7-27
1-003-0324 (left)
1-003-0289 Tubehead Filament Protect Chapter 7, Section 6.9, p. 7-27
1-003-0300 Tubehead Microprocessor Chapter 7, Section 6.10,
Board p. 7-28
1-003-0474 Tubehead Motor Driver Board Chapter 7, Section 6.10,
p. 7-28

Table D-3: C-arm Functions Parts List

Part Number Description Refer To Comments

1-003-0307 (right) C-arm Switch Board Chapter 7, Section 6.14, p. 7-30
1-003-0328 (left)
1-003-0095 Mag Tray Detector Board Chapter 7, Section 6.15, p. 7-31
1-003-0301 C-arm Rotation Display Board Chapter 7, Section 6.14, p. 7-30 Qty 2, 1 each on Left and
Right Gantry doors
ASY-01478 C-arm Rotation Switch Chapter 7, Section 6.18, p. 7-34 Qty 2, 1 each on Left and
Right Gantry doors
1-003-0303 VTA Motor Driver Board Chapter 7, Section 6.19, p. 7-34
1-195-3058 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer Chapter 7, Section 8.2, p. 7-45
2-320-0028 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gear Box Chapter 7, Section 8.3, p. 7-46
2-320-0037 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gear Box Chapter 7, Section 8.4, p. 7-47
9-200-0472 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Chapter 7, Section 8.5, p. 7-48
1-003-0465 (right) Compression/AEC Position Display Chapter 7, Section 6.20, p. 7-35
1-003-0466 (left) Board
1-003-0501 Paddle Detect Board Chapter 7, Section 6.22, p. 7-36
2-155-0006 Compression Device Slip Clutch Chapter 7, Section 8.6, p. 7-49

D-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-3: C-arm Functions Parts List (Continued)

Part Number Description Refer To Comments

4-000-0132 Compression Device Brake Assembly Chapter 7, Section 8.7, p. 7-51
4-000-0209 Compression Motor and Motor Brake Chapter 7, Section 8.7, p. 7-51
2-230-4001 Timing Belt Chapter 7, Section 8.8, p. 7-52

Table D-4: Image Acquisition Sub-system Parts List

Part Number Description Refer To Comments

ASY-00457 Digital Image Receptor Chapter 7, Section 5.2, p. 7-15
FAB-02401 Image Receptor Dust Filter Chapter 7, Section 5.5, p. 7-16
MEL-00061 Brick Assembly Chapter 7, Section 5.9, p. 7-21
1-040-1275 Fiber Optic Cable Chapter 7, Section 5.1, p. 7-13
1-096-0102 Display - Totoku Flat Panel Monitor Chapter 6, Section 5.1, p. 6-7 Includes display power
CMP-00434 Display - Barco Nio, 2MP Painted Chapter 6, Section 5.1, p. 6-7 Includes display power
1-096-0128 Trackball Chapter 6, Section 6.0, p. 6-9
1-096-0104 Keyboard Chapter 6, Section 7.0, p. 6-10
1-096-0107 Bar Code Reader Chapter 6, Section 9.0, p. 6-12
1-096-0123 Bar Code Reader Power Supply Chapter 6, Section 9.2, p. 6-12
CMP-00308 Sun Ultra™ 45 Computer Chapter 6, Section 10.6, p. 6-16 AWS Computer
1-096-0105 CD-RW Drive Chapter 6, Section 8.2, p. 6-12
ASY-01403 Power Distribution Assembly Chapter 6, Section 13.0, p. 6-19
1-003-0503 Power Control Board Chapter 6, Section 15.0, p. 6-20
1-003-0505 Power Distribution Board Chapter 6, Section 14.0, p. 6-20
1-095-0049 Low Voltage Power Supply Chapter 6, Section 16.0, p. 6-20
1-003-0506 (right) LED Board Chapter 6, Section 17.0, p. 6-21
1-003-0504 (left) Chapter 6, Section 18.0, p. 6-21
2-200-0024 Fan, 115 VAC Chapter 6, Section 20.0, p. 6-22 Qty 4
5-000-0057 Assembly, Stop Switch Chapter 6, Section 22.0, p. 6-23 AWS Emergency Stop Switch
1-070-0022 Circuit Breaker Chapter 6, Section 21.0, p. 6-23 Domestic units only.
PWR-00052 Power Supply, UPS 1100 VA 700 Chapter 6, Section 23.1, p. 6-24 Selenia UPS
PWR-00069 UPS Battery Chapter 6, Section 23.4, p. 6-27
Various Fuses Appendix C, Section 4.0, p. C-9 Fuse Identification and

MAN-00745 D-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-5: Selenia Paddles

Paddle P/N Description Plastic P/N Paddle P/N Description Plastic P/N
ASY-00596 7.5 cm Spot Magnification 3-535-0012 ASY-00600 7.5 cm Spot Contact 3-535-0012

ASY-00601 10 cm Contact FAB-00608 ASY-00602 10 cm Perf. Localization 3-000-4617

ASY-00603 10 cm Open Localization 3-000-1528 ASY-00604 15 cm Contact FAB-00609

ASY-00605 15 cm Perf. Localization 3-535-0063 ASY-00606 15 cm Magnification FAB-00752

(Perf. Plastic)

(Detail Grid

D-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-5: Selenia Paddles (Continued)

Paddle P/N Description Plastic P/N Paddle P/N Description Plastic P/N
ASY-00607 15 cm Open Localization 4-000-0144 ASY-00608 18X24 Standard w/shift 5-000-0072

ASY-00609 24X30 Standard 5-000-0073 ASY-00610 18X24 Frameless Spot FAB-00757


ASY-00611 18X24 Ultrasound 3-535-0087 ASY-00612 18X24 Fast w/shift 5-000-0072

ASY-00613 24X30 Fast Paddle 5-000-0073 ASY-00614 Small Breast Paddle FAB-00610

ASY-00615 10 cm Magnification FAB-00754

MAN-00745 D-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-6: Other Accessories

Part Number Description Plastic P/N
ASY-00528 Crosshair Assembly
FAB-00619 Face Shield
ASY-00726 Mag Platform Assembly 3-535-0089

Table D-7: TechMate Parts List

Part Number Description Refer To Comments

CMP-00212 Computer, TechMate Chapter 6, Section 11.0, p. 6-17
CMP-00236 Monitor, BARCO, 3MP Painted Chapter 6, Section 5.2, p. 6-8
CMP-00213 Keyboard, Mini 88 Key, USB, White Chapter 6, Section 7.2, p. 6-10
1-096-0128 Trackball, DT-225/USB Chapter 6, Section 6.2, p. 6-9
PWR-00033 Power Supply, Back-up UPS 120V 60Hz Chapter 6, Section 23.3, p. 6-26
PWR-00068 UPS Battery Chapter 6, Section 23.4, p. 6-27

Table D-8: Miscellaneous Parts List

Part Number Description Refer To Comments
2-580-0207 Synthetic Lubricant Chapter 6, Section 3.0, p. 6-5

D-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration

Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration

1.0 Introduction
This appendix provides information and instructions for reconfiguring the Selenia Display
Arm and the TechMate Swivel Arm.

Note… In a standard installation, the Selenia Display Arm is on the right side of the
Acquisition Workstation (AWS). The TechMate Swivel Arm, if present, is on
the left side of the AWS.

2.0 Identification
AWS without TechMate AWS with TechMate

Figure E-1: AWS—Front View

MAN-00745 E-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.0 Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

The rear cover and radiation shield must be removed when the display arm is reconfigured.
Refer to Chapter 6, Accessing Internal Components—Selenia AWS, p. 6-3, and “Installing
the Radiation Shield” on p. 3-19.

3.1 Removing the Selenia Display

1. Remove the cable cover from the display, and disconnect all cables.
2. Disconnect the cable clamp.
3. Remove the display by removing the four screws from the display bracket.



Figure E-2: Removing the Selenia Display

3.2 Removing the Arm

1. Remove the Selenia Display Arm (Figure E-3).
2. Flip to expose the harness.
3. Cut the cable ties and remove the harness.

Totoku Barco
Display Display

Figure E-3: Removing the Display Arm

E-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.3 Removing the Base

Note… If your system includes TechMate, before removing the base, perform the
following procedures (Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3) to remove the
TechMate Display and Swivel Arm from the base.
If the system does not have TechMate, proceed to Section 3.3.4.

3.3.1 Removing the TechMate Display Cables

Figure E-4: Standard Cable Routing

1. Remove the cable cover from the display, and disconnect all cables.
2. Disconnect the cable clamps, #1.
3. Cut cable ties, #2.
4. Remove all cable wrap. Note the lengths of the service loops.
5. Carefully pull the cables down through the left side of the AWS.
6. Reverse the direction of the Display Power Module, #3.

3.3.2 Removing the TechMate Display

1. Remove the Display
mounting bracket cover Cover screw Bracket bolt
screw. New mount
2. Remove the Display
4 screws
mounting bracket bolt.
3. Remove the display.

Figure E-5: Removing the TechMate Display.

MAN-00745 E-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.3.3 Removing the Arm

Remove the TechMate Swivel Arm
Assembly (Figure E-6).

Figure E-6: Removing the TechMate Swivel Arm

3.3.4 Remove and Flip the Base

1. Remove the label and the four screws in the center of the base.

Figure E-7: Removing the Base

2. Remove both display arm base clamps.

3. Flip to expose the harness under the base.
4. Reverse the harness direction.

E-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.4 Reconfigure the Base Wiring

Determine the location (right or left) for the trackball (not shown):
1. Cut the cable ties.
2. Reroute the harness for left side configuration; see Figure E-8 and Figure E-9.

Figure E-8: Standard Harness Routing (right-side configuration)

Figure E-9: Optional Harness Routing (left-side configuration)

3. Secure the harness and trackball cable with cable ties.

4. Reinstall the swivel base.

3.5 Modify the Selenia Display Arm for Left-Side Articulation

3.5.1 Realigning the Cover on the Arm’s Post
1. With the cover fastened to the arm as late B
shown in A, move the cover
counterclockwise to the position shown
by the dotted line B.
2. Remove the four button-head screws
holding the cover to the post. post
3. Turn the cover back to position A (being
sure the elongated holes in the cover are
facing the outside end) and reinstall using
the original hardware.

Figure E-10: Aligning the Cover Plate

MAN-00745 E-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.5.2 Repositioning the Display Bracket (Totoku)

1. Remove the display bracket by removing the two screws.
2. Rotate the bracket 180° and reinstall the screws. See Figure E-11.

Figure E-11: Repositioning the Display


3.5.3 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly (Totoku)

1. Remove the two Shaft Right-side Left-side
locking set screws, Handle 180
and the two conical Set screws(4)
set screws. It is not
necessary to
remove the support
mount assembly.

Shaft support

Figure E-12: Aligning the Shaft

2. Rotate the support mount assembly counterclockwise approximately 180°.

3. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle as
shown. Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
4. Reinstall the two set screws. Ensure the screws are securely set.

E-6 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the Selenia Display Arm Assembly

3.5.4 Repositioning and Realigning the Support Mount Assembly (Barco)

1. Remove the two locking set screws, and the two conical set screws.
2. Remove the support mount and shaft from the arm.


Figure E-13: Aligning the Shaft

3. Remove the locking set screw, and the conical set screw from the support mount.
4. Remove the support shaft from the support mount.
you may have to loosen the two socket-head cap screws at the bottom of the support
mount to remove the support shaft.
5. Rotate the support shaft counterclockwise approximately 180°.
6. Secure the support shaft to the support mount with the previously removed set
7. Align the holes in the support shaft with the holes in the collar and handle.
Notice the holes are slightly staggered in this position.
8. Reinstall the set screws; ensure the screws are securely set.

3.5.5 Modify the Display Arm from Left Side to Right Side
Install the display arm on the left side of the base using the original hardware.
3.5.6 Install the Selenia Display Arm Harness
1. Route the harness from spiral
underneath, and secure with wrap (10 in.)
cable ties.
2. Add spiral wraps as shown.

wrap (16 in.)

Figure E-14: Harness Routing Through the Display Arm

3.5.7 Install the Display and Cables

Refer to Section 3.1, p. E-2.

MAN-00745 E-7
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the TechMate Swivel Arm Assembly

4.0 Reconfiguring the TechMate Swivel Arm Assembly

If the system has TechMate, follow the procedures below:

Note… The AWS is shipped with the TechMate Swivel Arm on the left side and the
Selenia Display Arm on the right side.

4.1 Modify the Swivel Arm for Right-Side Articulation

1. With the cover fastened to the arm as shown in A, late
move the cover counterclockwise to the position
shown by the dotted line B.
2. Remove the four button-head screws holding the
cover to the post.
3. Continue turning the cover to position A (ensuring the post
elongated holes in the cover are facing the outside
end) and reinstall using the original hardware.
4. Remount the arm assembly to the base; see Figure
Figure E-15: Aligning the Cover Plate

Figure E-16: Reinstalling the Swivel Arm to the Base

E-8 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the TechMate Swivel Arm Assembly

4.2 Route the TechMate Swivel Arm Harness

1. Route the cables up through the right
side of the AWS as shown.
2. Reinstall cable wrap.
3. Install new cable ties as needed.

20 in.

Figure E-17: AWS Right-Side Cable Routing

4. Route the harness under the arm,

and secure with cable ties.

Figure E-18: Harness Routing Through the Swivel Arm

MAN-00745 E-9
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix E—Alternate AWS Arm Configuration
Reconfiguring the TechMate Swivel Arm Assembly

4.3 Reinstall The Display and Cables

1. Reinstall the Display.
2. Reconnect the DVI and power cable.
3. Position the cables as they were originally so the cover may be easily closed.
4. Reinstall the cable clamp.
5. Reinstall the cover on the Display’s rear compartment.

Legend for Figure E-19

1. Power cable
2. DVI Cable
3. Spiral Wrap
4. Cable Clamp

25 in.

New 12 in.

Figure E-19: TechMate Display Connections

E-10 MAN-00745
Installation & Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix F—Installation Checklist

Appendix F—Installation Checklist

1.0 Objective
The objective of this appendix is to provide service personnel procedures to follow during
the installation of the Selenia system.

2.0 Receiving and Unpacking

____ Inspect each container for damage.
____ Note any damage on the shipping manifest.
____ Notify Hologic of any external shipping damage.
____ Uncrate the Gantry if necessary.
____ Uncrate the Acquisition Workstation if necessary.
____ Unpack the Image Receptor in an environmentally controlled environment.
• The Image Receptor usually does not arrive until the second day.

3.0 Gantry Installation

____ Secure the Gantry in Position (Chapter 2, Section 2.0, p. 2-1).
____ Set the Gantry Input Power Configuration
(Chapter 2, Section 3.0, p. 2-2).
____ Install the Remote x-ray On/ Power On Light (Optional)
(Chapter 2, Section 5.0, p. 2-5).
____ Install the Footswitch (Chapter 2, Section 4.0, p. 2-4).
____ Install the Image Receptor (Chapter 2, Section 6.0, p. 2-6)

MAN-00745 F-1
Installation & Hardware Maintenance Manual
Appendix F—Installation Checklist
Acquisition Workstation Installation

4.0 Acquisition Workstation Installation

____ Secure the AWS in Position (Chapter 3, Section 1.0, p. 3-1).
____ Set the Input Power Configuration (Chapter 3, Section 2.0, p. 3-2).
____ Install the Selenia Display Arm (Chapter 3, Section 4.1, p. 3-6).
____ Install the TechMate Swivel Arm, if part of system (Chapter 3, Section 4.1, p. 3-6).
____ Install the Displays (Chapter 3, Section 4.1, p. 3-6).
____ Install the TechMate keyboard and trackball, if part of system
(Chapter 3, Section 4.1.4, p. 3-9).
____ Install the Bar Code Reader—Usually already installed.
____ Cable the Gantry to Acquisition Station
(Chapter 3, Section 3.0, p. 3-3).
____ Install and connect the Selenia network cable
(Chapter 3, Section 6.0, p. 3-19)
____ Connect TechMate network cable, if part of system
(Chapter 3, Section 7.0, p. 3-19).
____ Install the Radiation Shield (Chapter 3, Section 8.0, p. 3-19).
____ Plug the AWS power cord into duplex outlet.
____ Start Up the System and Perform Initial Startup Procedures.
(Chapter 5, Section 3.0, p. 5-2).
____ Install the Image Receptor Array Files
(refer to the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual).
____ Test Ground Impedance
(refer to the Selenia Calibration and Software Maintenance Manual).
____ Perform Functional Tests (Chapter 5, Section 5.0, p. 5-6).
____ Install the Rear Cover (Chapter 3, Section 9.0, p. 3-20).

F-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual


A removing rear cover 3-1

accessing replacing
exposure and error logs 7-9 bar code reader 6-12
Selenia components 6-3 CD-RW drive 6-12
accessories circuit breaker 6-23
compression paddles computer 6-13
smart paddles, moving position 5-17 display 6-7, E-2
Acquisition Workstation 1-1 display power supply 6-21
see also AWS fiber optic cable 6-28
acquisition workstation keyboard 6-10
clean and inspect 6-6 left LED board 6-21
adjusting low voltage power supply 6-20
C-arm rotation switch assembly 2-6 power control board 6-20
power supply board 7-43 power distribution assembly 6-19
Totoku display 5-7 power distribution board 6-20
AEC right LED board 6-21
sensor position 5-9, 5-10, 5-17 storage shelf 6-11
array monitor port C-2 UPS batteries 6-25, 6-27
Assembly 7-17 workstation cooling fans 6-22
AWS 5-1, 5-2 securing in position 3-1
clean and inspect 6-6 standard display configuration 3-6
component identification 6-2 UPS maintenance 6-24
computer, replacing 6-13 without TechMate 4-1
controls and displays 5-1 optional display configuration 4-6
display and swing-arm maintenance 6-7 standard display configuration 4-1
gantry to AWS interconnections 3-3, 4-3 B
fiber optics 3-4, 4-4 backup
power 3-3, 4-3 calibration and map files 6-13
input power configuration 3-2 configuration 6-13
Sun Ultra™ 45 Workstation 3-2 bar code reader
installing replacing 6-12
image receptor 2-6 beam limiting assembly, replacing 7-19
radiation shield 3-19 brick assembly, replacing 7-21
rear cover 3-20
trackball 6-9 C
maintenance 6-1 cabling, fiber optic 7-13
preventive maintenance 6-6 calibration and map files backup 6-13
realigning C-arm
display bracket E-6 compression clutch and clutch brake assembly, re-
post 3-13, 4-7, E-6 placing 7-49
swing-arm plate E-5 compression thickness pot, replacing 7-48
reconfiguring controls and displays 1-1, 5-8, 5-9, 5-10
swivel arm to right E-8 covers, removing 7-6
removing left rotation display board, replacing 7-33
covers 6-3 motor and motor brake, replacing 7-51

MAN-00745 I-1
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

movement controls 5-12

disabled 5-13 AEC sensor position 5-10
paddle detect board, replacing 7-36 automatic compression release 5-12, A-7
position display boards, replacing 7-35 C-arm 5-9, 5-11, 5-13, 5-14, 5-15
right rotation display board, replacing 7-33 collimator override 5-9, 5-16
rotation 5-13 compression 5-6, 5-10, 5-11, 5-12, 5-16
rotation drive motor and gearbox assembly, replac- compression device 5-9
ing 7-46 compression release 5-12
rotation gear assembly inspection and lubrication compression release button 5-6
7-11 handwheels 5-10
rotation limit switch, replacing 7-30 light field lamp 5-9, 5-16
rotation potentiometer, replacing 7-45 covers
switch boards, replacing 7-30 compression device 7-7
vertical drive motor/gearbox assembly, replacing gantry, removing 7-5
7-47 tubehead side 7-6
vertical travel limit switches, replacing 7-29
VTA motor driver board, replacing 7-34
CD-RW drive, replacing 6-12 definitions P-iv
center-of-gravity A-15 display
checklist, installation F-1 adjustment 5-8
circuit boards, replacing 7-22 power supply, replacing 6-21
circuit breaker replacing 6-7, E-2
Gantry 5-8 display arm attachment 3-6
replacing 6-23, 7-40 display arm reconfiguration, Selenia E-1
circuit components, replacing 7-22 long base E-2
clean and inspect display cables connection
acquisition workstation 6-6 Selenia 3-7, 3-16
AWS 6-6 TechMate 3-9, 3-18
gantry 7-9 display, Selenia
cleaning adjusting 5-7
cabinet 6-6 displays
keyboard 6-6 AEC Sensor Position 5-10
trackball 6-6 compression force 5-10
collimator compression thickness 5-10
override 5-16 Document Conventions P-viii
complaints, product P-iii E
compliance 1-7 electrical safety 1-3
requirements 1-7 Emergency Off switch 5-8
statements 1-7 replacing 7-39
component identification, AWS 6-2 emergency off switches 1-5, 5-6, 5-18
Compression 1-6 exposure and error logs, accessing 7-9
automatic release A-7 F
controls and displays 5-10 fiber optic cabling 7-13
force gantry 7-13
display accuracy A-7 replacing 6-28
release 5-6 filament control board
thickness replacing 7-25
display accuracy A-7 filament protect board, replacing 7-27
mobile system test B-4 film printer, general description 1-2
configuration file backup 6-13 Filter 1-6

I-2 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

filter switch boards 7-30

interlocks 1-6 vertical drive motor/gearbox assembly 7-47
Rh definition P-vi vertical travel limit switches 7-29
firmware, replacing 7-22 VTA motor driver board 7-34
flat screen display 5-1, 5-2 rotation switches 5-14
footswitch installation 2-4 gantry controls 5-8
footswitches 1-1, 5-8, 5-11 gantry installation
functional tests 5-12 footswitch 2-4
fuses C-9 input power configuration 2-2
overview 2-1
power cable 2-3
Gantry remote x-ray on/power on light, connection 2-5
restart Mobile with VPOS B-2 securing the gantry in position 2-1
gantry 1-1 gantry to AWS interconnections 3-3, 4-3
clean and inspect 7-9 fiber optics, AWS 3-4, 4-4
component identification 7-2 power, AWS 3-3, 4-3
fiber optic cabling 7-13 general description
maintenance 7-1 film printer 1-2
preventive maintenance 7-8 safety 1-2
removing covers 7-5 General Information 1-1–??
removing covers and panels 7-5 Generator 7-17
replacing generator microprocessor board, replacing 7-25
beam limiting assembly 7-19 ground impedance, testing 5-5
boards, firmware, circuit components 7-22
brick assembly 7-21 H
circuit breaker 7-40 harness routing through arms 3-7, 3-8, 3-16, 3-17
electrical power components/assemblies 7-37 host microprocessor board
Emergency Off switch 7-39 replacing 7-23
filament control board 7-25 HV assembly 7-17
generator microprocessor board 7-25
isolation transformer/power dist assembly 7-41
mains power board 7-39 image receptor
mechanical components and assemblies 7-44 replacing 7-15
motor/lamp control board 7-24 replacing fans 7-16
position display boards 7-35 returning 7-15
power distribution board 7-38 storage temperature A-3
rotor control board 7-26 technical information A-13
timing belt 7-52 images, sizes A-13
tubehead cooling fan 7-44 initial pre-startup tests 5-3
x-ray and imaging components 7-13 initial startup procedures 5-2
x-ray tube 7-20 initiating X-ray exposure 5-6
replacing C-arm input power configuration
compression clutch/clutch brake assembly 7- gantry 2-2
49 inspection and lubrication
compression thickness pot 7-48 C-arm rotation gear assembly 7-11
left rotation display board 7-33 VTA lead screw 7-12
motor and motor brake 7-51 installation checklist F-1
paddle detect board 7-36 installing
right rotation display board 7-33 display arm without TechMate 4-1
rotation drive motor/gearbox assembly 7-46 display arms 3-6
rotation limit switch 7-30 image receptor, AWS 2-6
rotation potentiometer 7-45 radiation shield, AWS 3-19

MAN-00745 I-3
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

rear cover 3-20 O

rear cover, AWS 3-20 On
swivel & display arms, standard configuration 3-6 button/indicator light 5-6
intended use P-iii operating conditions A-3, B-3
Interlocks 1-6 operator interface 1-1
international symbols P-ix operator radiation shield 1-3
isolation integrity 1-2
isolation transformer/power distribution assembly, re- P
placing 7-41 paddle parts list D-4
parts list D-1
peripheral monitor port C-1
jumpers C-11 power cable, gantry installation 2-3
K power distribution board
keyboard replacing 6-20, 7-38
replacing 6-10 prerequisites for installation P-iii
keypads 5-6 pre-startup tests, initial 5-3
kV/mA range A-11 preventive maintenance 7-8
AWS 6-6
L procedures, shutdown 5-19
label locations 1-8 product complaints P-iii
LED board, left, replacing 6-21
LED board, right, replacing 6-21
LED Indicator tables C-7 quality control P-iii
light field lamp 5-12, 5-16 mobile systems B-4
low voltage power supply, replacing 6-20 R
M radiation safety 1-3
mains power board, replacing 7-39 radiation symbol
maintenance X-ray indicator 5-6
gantry 7-1 receiving instructions 1-11
preventive 7-8 reconfigure
mAs display arm E-1
focal spots manual range A-12 remote x-ray on/power on light, connection 2-5
mechanical components and assemblies, replacing 7- removing
44 rear cover 3-20
mechanical safety 1-5 removing gantry covers 7-5
Microprocessor 7-28 replacement parts D-1
Mobile specifications B-3 C-arm D-2
Mobile system image acquisition subsystem D-3
C-arm position switch B-1 miscellaneous D-6
compression thickness test B-4 paddles D-4
Integrity Checklist B-5 power distribution D-1
safety considerations B-2 system control and x-ray D-2
specifications B-3 TechMate D-6
temperature/humidity control requirements B-2 replacing
tests, pre/post transport B-4 bar code reader & power supply 6-12
Vertical Position Override Switch(VPOS) B-1, B-2 C-arm covers 7-6
monitor See display CD drive 6-11
motor/lamp control board, replacing 7-24 circuit breaker 6-23
Multiplier Assembly 7-17 computer 6-13, 6-16
cooling fans 6-22

I-4 MAN-00745
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

display 6-7 specifications A-1, B-1

display power supply 6-21 dimensional information A-1, B-1
fiber optic cabling 7-13 Mobile B-3
filament protect board 7-27 standard configuration
firmware, gantry 7-22 no TechMate 4-1
host microprocessor board 7-23 startup 5-3
image receptor 7-15 startup, shutdown, and functional tests 5-1
keyboard 6-10 Supply 7-43
low voltage power supply 6-20 swing-arm maintenance 6-7
power control board 6-20 Switch 7-27
power distribution assembly & fuses 6-19 switches
power distribution board 6-20 emergency off 5-6, 5-18
radiation shield 6-18 Gantry Circuit Breaker 5-8
trackball 6-9 VPOS B-1
restarting the Gantry with Mobile VPOS B-2 Swivel-Arm
returning the shipping container 2-6 attachment 3-6
room planning 1-9 left display configuration 3-6
Rotation Angle displays 5-8 symbols, international P-ix
rotor control board, replacing 7-26 system
controls and functional tests 5-12
description 1-1
safety 1-2 tests after transport B-4
electrical 1-3
emergency off switches 1-5 T
mechanical 1-5 TechMate
mobile requirements B-2 accessing internal components 6-5
radiation 1-3 connections 3-19
Selenia display cables 3-9, 3-18
accessing internal components 6-3 displays and arm attachment 3-15
display arm reconfiguration E-1, E-2 installing
display cables 3-7, 3-16 network cable 3-19
installing reconfiguring swivel arm E-3
network cable 3-19 replacing
label locations 1-8 computer 6-17
reinstall backup files 6-16 display 6-8, E-3
replacing keyboard 6-10
X-ray LED boards 6-21 trackball 6-9
standard configuration without TechMate 4-2 UPS 6-26
verify system operation 6-16 UPS battery 6-27
shipping container return 2-6 technical references C-1
shutdown procedures 5-19 LED indicators C-7
Smart Paddle 5-17 test points C-3
SMPTE pattern, display adjustment 5-8 terms and definitions P-iv

MAN-00745 I-5
Installation and Hardware Maintenance Manual

test ground impedance 5-5 V

test point tables C-3 Vertical Position Override Switch(VPOS) B-1
the 5-3 VTA lead screw inspection and lubrication 7-12
timing belt, replacing 7-52
trackball W
installing 6-9 warnings, cautions, and notes
training P-iii definitions of P-viii
tubehead workstation cooling fans, replacing 6-22
cooling fan, replacing 7-44
tubestand 1-1
U buttons 5-6
Ultra 45, replacing 6-16 collimated fields 5-16
uncrating indicators 5-6
acquisition workstation 1-13 x-ray
gantry 1-11 collimated fields A-10
image receptor 1-14 tube
radiation shield 1-13 replacing 7-20
UPS 5-4 x-ray and imaging components
UPS & UPS batteries, replacing Selenia 6-25 replacing 7-13
UPS & UPS batteries, replacing TechMate 6-26 x-ray tube
Molybdenum A-8
Tungsten A-9

I-6 MAN-00745

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