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4 / 9 JANUARY 2002



2.1 Emergency plan 3
2.2 Emergency response planning 4
2.3 Emergency organisation 4
2.4 Alerting and communication 5
2.7 Radiation measurements 7
2.8 Providing information to the public 8
2.9 Premises and equipment 9
2.10 Termination of emergency situations and post-emergency
measures 10
2.11 Emergency response records 11


This Guide is in force as of 1 June 2002 until further notice.

It replaces Guide YVL 7.4, issued on 1 March 1997.

Third, revised edition ISBN 951-712-981-5(print) Dark Oy / Vantaa 2005

Helsinki 2005 ISBN 951-712-982-3 (pdf)
ISSN 0783-2443 ISBN 951-712-983-1 (html)

STUK • SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS Osoite/Address • Laippatie 4, 00880 Helsinki

STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN Postiosoite / Postal address • PL / P.O.Box 14, FIN-00881 Helsinki, FINLAND
RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Puh./Tel. (09) 759 881, +358 9 759 881 • Fax (09) 759 88 500, +358 9 759 88 500 • www.stuk.fi
By virtue of the below acts and regulations, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety
Authority (STUK) issues detailed regulations that apply to the safe use of nuclear
energy and to physical protection, emergency preparedness and safeguards:
• Section 55, paragraph 2, point 3 of the Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987)
• Section 29 of the Government Resolution (395/1991) on the Safety of Nuclear
Power Plants
• Section 13 of the Government Resolution (396/1991) on the Physical Protection
of Nuclear Power Plants
• Section 11 of the Government Resolution (397/1991) on the Emergency
Preparedness of Nuclear Power Plants
• Section 8 of the Government Resolution (398/1991) on the Safety of a Disposal
Facility for Reactor Waste
• Section 30 of the Government Resolution (478/1999) on the Safety of Disposal
of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

Rules for application

The publication of a YVL guide does not, as such, alter any previous decisions
made by STUK. After having heard those concerned, STUK makes a separate
decision on how a new or revised YVL guide applies to operating nuclear power
plants, or to those under construction, and to licensees’ operational activities. The
guides apply as such to new nuclear facilities.
When considering how new safety requirements presented in YVL guides
apply to operating nuclear power plants, or to those under construction, STUK
takes into account section 27 of the Government Resolution (395/1991), which
prescribes that for further safety enhancement, action shall be taken which can
be regarded as justified considering operating experience and the results of safety
research as well as the advancement of science and technology.
If deviations are made from the requirements of the YVL guides, STUK shall
be presented with some other acceptable procedure or solution by which the safe-
ty level set forth in the YVL guides is achieved.

Translation. Original text in Finnish.


1 General shall plan, implement and maintain emergency

response arrangements. This guide is also app-
The use of nuclear energy is enacted in the lied to nuclear material and nuclear waste tran-
Nuclear Energy Act (990/1987) and the Nuclear sport in situations referred to in Guide YVL 6.5.
Energy Decree (161/1988) issued by virtue of the Requirements on physical protection are pre-
Act. According to Section 3, point 7 of the Nuclear sented in a separate guide of STUK.
Energy Act, emergency preparedness means the Requirements on methods used to conduct
measures needed to reduce nuclear damage at the assessments on the radiation situation of the
nuclear facility, in its precincts, in other places or environment are given in Guides YVL 7.2 and
in vehicles where nuclear energy is used. YVL 7.3. Radiation and release measurements
In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of are dealt with in more detail in Guides YVL 7.6,
Section 9 of the Nuclear Energy Act it is the li- YVL 7.7 and YVL 7.11. Requirements concerning
cence holder’s obligation to assure the safe use of meteorological measurements are presented in
nuclear energy. It is the licence holder’s obligation Guide YVL 7.5.
to assure such physical protection and emergency Illicit action may also take place during an
planning and other arrangements, necessary to emergency situation. According to Section 10,
ensure limitation of nuclear damage, which do first paragraph, of the Government Resolution
not rest with the authorities. (396/1991) on general regulations for the physi-
Section 7 of the Nuclear Energy Act legislates cal protection of nuclear power plants, during a
about physical protection and emergency prepa- threat, immediate action in compliance with the
redness as follows: security plan shall be taken. Even other measures
Sufficient physical protection and emergen- to gain control of the threat shall be taken, whe-
cy preparedness as well as other arrangements re necessary. According to paragraph 3, during
for limiting nuclear damage and for protecting a threat, the person designated for the task in
nuclear energy against illegal activities shall be a the security plan takes over command of on-site
prerequisite for the use of nuclear energy. activities. Command of activities is handed over
The Government Resolution (397/1991) pro- to the police when the police officer concerned
vides the general regulations concerning the announces he assumes command of physical pro-
nuclear power plant emergency preparedness. tection. [ – – ].
The licensee’s emergency plan includes a Rescue operations and physical protection
description of emergency preparedness planning, arrangements shall be fit together in such a way
implementation and maintenance. The emergen- that the safety of the nuclear power plant, its
cy plan describes the measures to be taken in workers, the population and the environment is
an emergency situation. An abnormal situation, assessed as a whole.
which requires the alerting of the emergency Emergency plan referred to in Section 6 of
organisation, is considered to be an emergency the Government Resolution (397/1991) is a part
situation. of a rescue plan mentioned in Section 10 of the
In an emergency, the on-site emergency ma- Decree on Rescue Services (857/1999).
nager of the nuclear power plant is in charge of
on-site rescue operations until the rescue autho-
rity announces that it assumes command respon- 2 Emergency response
sibility for the rescue operations.
According to Guide YVL 1.1, STUK maintains
preparedness to act in case of a nuclear power 2.1 Emergency plan
plant emergency situation. In a possible emer- The emergency plan shall cover the following:
gency situation, STUK acts as an expert autho- • classification of emergency situations and
rity providing support to authorities in charge of description of events and accidents on which
rescue services. classification is based on (Chapter 2.2)
This guide sets forth detailed requirements • description of the emergency organisation
on how the licensee of a nuclear power plant (Chapter 2.3)


• description of alert and communication arran- ces and for various periods of time, considering
gements (Chapter 2.4) both internal and external radiation doses. The
• management of an emergency situation and impact of protective measures shall be separately
conducting situation assessments (Chapter analysed.
2.5) Radiation conditions that may hamper actions
• safety of workers and radiation protection at the plant and on the plant site shall be analy-
(Chapter 2.6) sed in advance to plan the actions and radiation
• on-site and off-site radiation measurements protection measures taken during an emergency.
during an emergency situation (Chapter 2.7) Guide YVL 7.3 sets requirements on the cri-
• provision of information to the public (Chapter teria for calculating the dispersion of radioactive
2.8) releases. Guide YVL 7.2 deals with the calcula-
• premises and equipment (Chapter 2.9) tion of radiation doses to the population in the
• termination of an emergency situation and surroundings of a nuclear power plant.
post-emergency measures (Chapter 2.10) Emergencies shall be rated by severity and
• report on the maintenance of preparedness manageability as follows:
(Chapter 3). • A site emergency is a situation during which
the nuclear power plant’s safety deteriorates
In addition, the emergency plan shall describe or is in the danger of deteriorating significant-
the licensee’s actions related to rescue opera- ly. In the event of a plant emergency, STUK
tions (Chapter 4). Instructions on the emergency shall be alerted and the rescue authorities
response activities shall also be attached to the notified immediately.
plan. • A general emergency is a situation during
which the hazard of such a radioactive mate-
2.2 Emergency response planning rial leak exists, which may require protective
According to Section 3 of the Government measures in the vicinity of the nuclear power
Resolution (397/1991), emergency planning shall plant. In the event of a general emergency,
be based on the analysis of nuclear power plant STUK and the rescue authorities shall be
behaviour in emergencies and on the analysis of alerted immediately.
the consequences of emergencies.
Action in an emergency shall be planned ta- Emergency situations also include an emergen-
king into account manageability of events as well cy standby, which involves alerting the nuclear
as severity of their consequences. Therefore, emer- power plant emergency organisation to the extent
gencies shall be grouped into classes. necessary to ensure the safety level of the plant.
Emergency response arrangements shall be The emergency standby and its justification shall
co-ordinated with management of operation and be promptly communicated to STUK and, if con-
physical protection of nuclear power plants. sidered necessary, to the local rescue authority.
Emergency response arrangements shall also The emergency plan shall include the clas-
be co-ordinated with the rescue service [rescue] sification of emergency situations. In addition,
and emergency plans made by the authorities in examples of various emergency situations shall
provision against nuclear power plant accidents. be given. The plan shall especially include such
In order to plan emergency response activities information on conditions of the plant, compo-
and the classification of emergency situations, nents or systems which define the situation. The
events related to different accident scenarios plant’s operating procedures for disturbance and
shall be analysed. Also severe reactor accidents accident situations may also be used for the iden-
shall be considered, and the variations concer- tification of the situation.
ning the state of the plant, duration of events, ra-
dioactive releases, radioactive release routes and 2.3 Emergency organisation
weather conditions shall be taken into account. According to Section 4 of the Government
The radiation situation in the environment of the Resolution (397/1991), the duties and respon-
power plant shall be analysed at various distan- sibilities of personnel who plan and implement


emergency response arrangements (emergency or- shall act in his stead until he/she arrives and
ganisation) shall be defined. assumes command responsibility.
In an emergency situation, the shift supervi-
Duties sor and control room on-duty personnel are res-
The emergency organisation is headed by an ponsible for the operating activities of the plant
on-site emergency manager who shall be respon- in the control room.
sible for the emergency response on the site of a
nuclear power plant and liaison with the authori- Drawing of the emergency plan
ties. The on-site emergency manager is in charge Individuals or organisation units responsible for
of the on-site emergency response activities until preparing and maintaining the emergency plan
the rescue authority notifies that it assumes shall be nominated. When defining the duties,
command over the rescue operations. in addition to overall planning attention shall
The on-site emergency manager is responsible be paid to the planning of the various sectors of
for the following: emergency response.
• classification of the emergency situation The emergency plan shall describe the actions
• managing the safety of on-site personnel taken in emergency situations. In addition, the
• managing plant safety plan shall give an overall picture of other orga-
• organising the alerting of the authorities nisations acting in emergency situations and
• securing the transport and care of those inju- their main duties. The functions of the nuclear
red power plant’s emergency organisation shall be
• organising event log keeping presented in such a way that the plan defines
• informing the emergency organisation, power the responsibility of the nuclear power plant for
plant personnel and authorities managing an emergency situation; the plan shall
• INES rating of the event also define how the plant’s activities are co-ordi-
• organising communication to the media nated with the rescue operations of authorities
(Chapter 2.8) and STUK’s activities.
• ordering plant site evacuation
• issuing recommendations, if necessary, for Preparedness to act
evacuation in the plant environment and for The nuclear power plant shall have sufficient
the carrying out other protective measures 24-hour preparedness for immediate emergen-
in the emergency planning zone until STUK cy response, should the situation require it.
announces it assumes responsibility for the The emergency plan shall describe the nuclear
issuing of recommendations power plant’s constantly available emergency
• having radiation measurements made and en- organisation and also its organisation when fully
vironmental samples taken both on-site and manned.
off-site The licensee shall be prepared to continue the
• restriction and management of damage operation of the emergency organisation without
• deciding about the scope and termination of interruption for several days and to supplement
the emergency organisation’s activities. the organisation, if the situation requires it. The
plan shall give a target time period during which,
The emergency plan shall describe how these du- at the latest, the emergency organisation is ca-
ties are allocated and how they are implemented. pable of operating efficiently. The availability of
Accordingly, the plan shall include the structure, the emergency organisation staff shall be regu-
duties and responsibility areas of the emergency larly tested.
In the emergency plan, a sufficient number 2.4 Alerting and communication
of individuals shall be assigned to perform the According to Section 5, third and fourth parag-
tasks referred to in the plan. raphs, of the Government Resolution (397/1991)
If the emergency manager is not at the plant there shall be appropriate rooms and equipment
when an accident occurs, the shift supervisor as well as sufficient communication and alarm


systems for emergency response arrangements. cy organisation shall prepare assessments on the
It shall be ensured that there are always situation, its development and possible causes.
enough personnel promptly available in an emer- In a situation assessment, the plant’s technical
gency. condition and the radiation situation inside the
There shall be pre-planned procedures for plant, on the plant site and in its environment
alerting and communicating with those on the are assessed. Based on the assessment, measu-
plant site, the plant emergency organisation and res to manage the situation and to prevent and
the authorities’ emergency response and rescue restrict radiation exposure shall be planned and
organisations. In addition, the contents of alarm implemented. These assessments are also needed
messages shall be planned in advance. Alarm for the planning of measures to protect workers
and communication procedures for situations and the population as well as for communica-
defined in the emergency plan shall be agreed ting.
upon with off-site organisations. The licensee’s There shall be pre-planned procedures for the
emergency instructions shall include a procedure planning, approval and implementation of opera-
for assuring the recording of spoken alarms and tion and repair actions during emergencies.
the most important spoken messages. STUK’s approval for actions needed in emer-
gency situations is not required, but these should
Management of an emergency situation be reported as effectively as possible. If needed,
According to Section 5, first paragraph, of the STUK will present recommendations to the licen-
Government Resolution (397/1991) provision see on emergency response activities and mana-
shall be made at a nuclear power plant to carry gement of the plant situation.
out in an emergency the measures necessary to The licensee shall assure that the various
keep an accident under control. Provision shall units of the emergency and rescue organisations
be made to analyse the emergency and its con- and STUK have sufficient and uniform data
sequences as well as to assess their postulated about a situation. The liaison and data transfer
development. needed for the situation assessment shall be
Section 8, first paragraph, of the Government arranged in such a way that there is as little as
Resolution (397/1991) stipulates about emergen- possible interference with the activities of va-
cy response as follows: In an emergency, imme- rious emergency organisation units, the control
diate action in compliance with the emergency room in particular. For this reason there shall
plan shall be taken. Also in other respects, effecti- be liaison officers and automated data transfer
ve action shall be taken to prevent or limit radia- equipment. In addition, in an emergency the
tion exposure. licensee shall send a liaison officer to the rescue
The duty of the emergency organisation is to services command centre of the co-operation area
prevent or restrict the progress of an accident and to the local information centre.
and to bring the plant into a safe state. An un-
controlled release of radioactive materials and Safety of workers and radiation protection
resulting radiation effects at the plant, on the Section 8 of the Radiation Decree (1512/1991,
plant site and in the environment shall be pre- amendment 1143/1998) provides that when app-
vented or restricted as well as possible. lying the maximum values for radiation exposure,
According to Guide YVL 1.9, the licensee shall no allowance shall be made for exposure arising
make provision for abnormal situations by pre- from immediate measures necessary to limit the
paring procedures for disturbance and accident radiation hazard resulting from an accident and
situations to guide actions of the shift. In the to bring a radiation source under control. These
event of disturbances and accidents, the licensee measures shall be arranged so that the radiation
shall also assign an individual to the main cont- exposure resulting from the situation is limited to
rol room to give support to the shift manager. In the least possible.
addition to the shift, this individual will indepen- If the radiation exposure resulting from meas-
dently assess nuclear safety. ures referred to in paragraph 1 may exceed any of
During an emergency situation, the emergen- the dose limits prescribed in Section 3, then the


measures shall be performed on a voluntary basis. to areas where a radiation work permit is requi-
The persons performing the measures shall be ad- red and procedures for keeping in contact with
vised of the hazard pertaining to the said measu- those working in radiation hazardous areas.
res. The radiation exposure of persons involved Dose monitoring shall be arranged so that
in all immediate measures shall be assessed and the dosimeters are read and the accumulation
their medical surveillance shall be arranged in a of doses is followed regularly as required by
manner corresponding to the medical surveillan- the situation. If needed, individual doses shall
ce prescribed for radiation workers in category A. be recorded after each separate task has been
Except where the matter concerns the saving performed. Also the exposure caused by internal
of human lives, the effective dose of a person in- radiation shall be monitored. Radiation exposure
volved in the measures referred to in this Section exceeding 50 mSv shall be separately reported to
shall not exceed 0.5 Sv and the equivalent dose at STUK without delay.
any point on the skin shall not exceed 5 Sv. Data on radiation exposure incurred in an
Furthermore, according to Section 8a of emergency situation shall be recorded and re-
the Radiation Decree (1512/1991, amendment ported to STUK’s Dose Register separated from
1143/1998) no duties shall be assigned to a preg- doses incurred during the normal operation.
nant woman, either during or after an accident Radiation doses of all on-site persons in an
situation, which will cause exposure to radiation. emergency situation shall be monitored as requi-
According to Section 3 of the Radiation Decree red by the radiation situation. Radiation doses
(1512/1991, amendment 1143/1998) the effective exceeding 5 mSv incurred by the rescue person-
dose caused to a worker by radiation work shall nel and other corresponding external workers
not exceed an average of 20 millisieverts (mSv) shall be reported without delay to STUK’s Dose
per year reckoned over a period of five years, nor Register after their work on-site is finished.
50 mSv in any one year. The annual equivalent The licensee shall be prepared to assist the
dose in the lens of the eye shall not exceed 150 rescue authorities in rescuing of, giving first aid
mSv, nor shall the annual equivalent dose at any to and transporting injured workers to hospital.
point on the hands, feet or skin exceed 500 mSv. The procedures shall also take into account the
All actions should be planned in advance. possible contamination of patients.
A goal shall be to limit the radiation exposure Section 8 a of the Radiation Decree (1143/1998)
below 50 mSv. Exceptions to this are life saving provides that when the immediate measures ne-
operations and prompt action to bring a radiation cessary for limiting a radiation hazard and brin-
source under control. ging a source of radiation under control have been
To monitor radiation exposure, those partici- performed, the dose limits stipulated in Section 3
pating in accident restriction must carry a dosi- shall apply to protection work and other measu-
meter, which reliably records the dose incurred, res seeking to ameliorate the consequences of the
and also a real-time dosimeter. Workers shall accident. The protection of workers, monitoring
have appropriate protective equipment. of radiation exposure and medical surveillance
There shall be procedures for the preparation shall be governed by the provisions prescribed for
and granting of a radiation work permit in an radiation work.
emergency situation. It shall be planned in par-
ticular how to proceed if there is a possibility to 2.7 Radiation measurements
receive doses exceeding the annual limit. When According to Section 5, second paragraph, of the
issuing the permit, attention shall be paid to the Government Resolution (397/1991) on site of a
clarification and monitoring of the radiation situ- nuclear power plant provision shall be made to
ation in the workplace, instructions on exposure carry out radiological and meteorological measu-
times and possibilities to reduce the radiation rements in an emergency to assess the dispersion
exposure. Procedures for the decontamination of of radioactive substances.
workers and equipment shall also be planned in According to Section 9, first paragraph, of
advance. the Government Resolution (397/1991) in an
There shall also be pre-planned access control emergency, the licensee shall arrange for off-site


radiation monitoring in order to promptly obtain significant radioactive substances. A sufficient

information on the dispersion of radioactive sub- number of dosimeters shall be available to be
stances in the environment. placed in the surroundings.
The licensee shall be prepared to evaluate the The measurement patrols in the surroundings
volume and nuclide composition of radioactive shall have vehicles in their use, suited for me-
releases in all emergency situations and to make asurement activities, and channels for communi-
prognoses concerning them. For this purpose cating with the on-site emergency organisation.
measurement programmes implemented at the A reliable pre-planned method shall be used
plant and in its vicinity shall be planned, in or- for identification of the measurement locations.
der to identify exceptional releases. The nuclear Transferring the data to the on-site emergency
power plant shall have preparedness for the organisation, rescue organisations and STUK
continuous measurement of radioactive releases shall be planned in such a way that the data is
and, in addition, preparedness for the evaluation available quickly and reliably.
of exceptional radioactive releases at all rele-
vant dose rates. In addition, the licensee shall 2.8 Providing information to the public
be prepared to carry out such measurements in According to Section 5, fifth paragraph, of the
the plant’s vicinity that help the authorities to Government Resolution (397/1991) informing the
establish what radioactive releases into the en- media and the public in an emergency shall be
vironment have occurred and what measures are preplanned. In addition, Section 9, second pa-
needed to protect the population. ragraph, of the Resolution stipulates that the
Plans for measurements at the nuclear po- licensee shall, in co-operation with the authorities
wer plant and in its vicinity shall be prepared responsible for rescue services, supply the local
as part of emergency response planning. Local population with advance instructions for emer-
conditions shall be taken into account in these gencies. [ – – ].
plans and they shall also indicate the degree of
preparedness of the personnel, the schedule of Prior information
activities, the number and types of measurement According to Section 4 of the Decree (774/2001)
equipment ready for use, the filing and reporting of the Ministry of the Interior the rescue authori-
of measurement results, as well as personal pro- ties referred to in Section 9, second paragraph,
tective equipment. There shall also be plans for of the Act on Rescue Services and the licensee of
the taking of samples. a nuclear facility shall prepare together a bulle-
During an emergency, there shall be prepared- tin which shall be distributed in advance to the
ness to apply and complement measurement and population likely to be affected in a radiological
sampling plans according to the prevailing situ- emergency. The bulletin shall include the follo-
ation. If the radiation conditions allow, the data wing information:
from fixed measurement stations on the location • basic information about radioactivity and its
and composition of the radioactive plume and effects on human beings and the environment
fallout should be complemented with the help of • various types of radiological emergency and
measurement patrols to the surroundings. In or- their consequences for the population and the
der to rapidly obtain an overall picture of the ra- environment
diation situation, the highest external radiation • emergency measures planned to alert, protect
dose rate shall be measured and related airborne and assist the population in the event of a
concentrations of the most important nuclides radiological emergency, and information on
determined as far as possible at some distances authorities responsible for these measures
from the point of release. Each measurement pat- • instructions to the population on action in ra-
rol shall be capable of measuring external dose diological emergencies.
rate at all radiation intensities concerned. At
least one measurement patrol must be capable [– – ] the information mentioned in paragraph 1 is
of taking airborne samples and measuring them continuously updated and distributed at least at
for determining the concentrations of the most three year intervals to the population likely to be


affected in a radiological emergency and whene- and recording, planning and repair, fire protec-
ver significant changes in the arrangements take tion, transportation, assembly and decontami-
place. This information shall be permanently nation of personnel, first aid, dose monitoring as
available to the public. well as radiation measurements and laboratory
In co-operation with the authorities in charge activities.
of the rescue operations, the licensee shall see to The emergency response premises shall be
it that the bulletin is distributed to all perma- planned so that it is safe to work there during
nently occupied and free-time residences as well an emergency. Access routes between different
as workplaces in the emergency planning zone premises have to be sufficiently quick and safe.
(within a radius of about 20 km from the plant). Access control shall be planned in such a way
that the whereabouts of those on the site are
Providing information during an event known and that the operation of the emergency
The commander of rescue operations is respon- organisation is not disturbed.
sible for providing information about an accident The premises reserved for management, situ-
and rescue operations. Only the commander may ation assessment, planning of emergency respon-
issue instructions and orders to the population. se actions during the emergency and laboratory
STUK follows and assesses situations involving activities shall be equipped with such devices,
a radiation danger or a threat of it and provides systems and computer programmes that are
information on them to other authorities and the needed in making a situation assessment and
population. in updating, presenting and recording it and in
Also the licensee shall be prepared to provide communication. Situation assessment shall be
information through the media to the population made as promptly as possible and it shall be
at risk about the event, its significance to the presented clearly. The premises and devices shall
safety of the population and its likely progress. be available also in a situation when large quan-
The licensee shall provide information at regular tities of radioactive materials have been released
intervals and every time the situation essentially to the plant site and when both the on-site and
changes. When providing information the licen- off-site power supply has been cut off.
see shall take into account the communication STUK sends its representative to the nuclear
activities of authorities. power plant, if necessary. Workplaces for STUK’s
For the public information, the licensee shall representatives shall be reserved in the close vi-
evaluate the INES level of the event during the cinity of the emergency response premises.
emergency situation according to Guide YVL 1.12. There shall also be off-site premises available
There shall also be preparedness to change the for media briefings.
preliminary rating if the situation changes or The emergency organisation shall have an
more detailed information is obtained. The INES adequate amount of personal protective equip-
rating with its justification shall be delivered to ment available for emergency situations.
STUK without delay. Protective equipment shall be stored or placed
appropriately and in such a way that they are
2.9 Premises and equipment quickly available for different teams. Premises
According to Section 5, third paragraph, of the for the decontamination of personnel and devices
Government Resolution (397/1991) there shall shall be available in emergency situations.
be appropriate rooms and equipment as well as An adequate amount of measurement equip-
sufficient communication and alarm systems for ment shall be on continuous standby at the
emergency response arrangements. nuclear power plant so that measurements can
be conducted on-site and in the surroundings of
Premises and devices the plant. Measurement equipment shall be ap-
In order to prepare for emergencies, the nuclear propriately placed.
power plant shall have premises, equipment, and A record shall be kept on quantity, location
devices for the management, situation assess- and operability of the premises and equipment.
ment, alerting, communications, data transfer


Communication means • decay heat removal systems

The control room and emergency response com- • containment main parameters
mand posts shall be equipped with redundant • the most important reactor and plant protec-
alarm and communication systems to alert those tion signals
in danger, to launch emergency response and • the most important electrical systems
rescue operations and to keep in contact with the • radiation situation at the plant unit
command and operation units of the emergency • on-site radiation situation
organisation, the rescue services command cent- • radiation situation in the plant vicinity
re of the co-operation area and STUK. • meteorological data.
Oral connection between the control room and
emergency command posts shall be secured by Furthermore, the transfer of measurement re-
communication systems that are not dependant sults of the on-site and off-site measurement
on one another. The number of connections shall patrols as well as calculated environmental ra-
be adequate. The personnel carrying out on-site diation situations and their prognoses to STUK
and off-site measurements and repairs shall and between the emergency command posts shall
have the necessary devices in order to keep in be arranged.
contact with the command post.
A dedicated telephone connection for off-site 2.10 Termination of emergency situations
communication shall be reserved for STUK’s rep- and post-emergency measures
resentative at the emergency response command The principles concerning the termination of an
post. emergency situation shall be defined. A precondi-
The control room and emergency response tion for the termination is that the nuclear power
command posts shall be equipped with recording plant has been brought into a safe state, the
communication devices. releases do not exceed the thresholds set for the
For the situation assessment, the licensee normal operation and post-emergency measures
shall arrange a system for automatic data trans- are initiated.
fer and display from the power plant’s computer Post-emergency measures include at least the
system to STUK and to the on-site emergency following:
response command posts. In provision for a failu- • identification of such changes in the nuclear
re or malfunction in the system, a compensatory power plant’s structures, components or sys-
procedure shall also be planned. tems which affect on keeping the plant in a
The contents of the transferred data shall be safe state and managing radioactive materi-
planned so that all data significant to the assess- als
ment of the situation and its progress is trans- • measures which may be needed to keep the
ferred. Data on the states of the plant systems plant in a safe state and to prevent and redu-
and measured parameters shall be transmitted. ce radioactive releases
The data transmission system must be capable of • evaluation of radiation doses caused by the
supplying information on both the current situa- accident
tion and the previous situation from a sufficient- • investigation of event causes and preparation
ly long time period so that the situation progress of an event report
can be monitored. When planning the data trans- • necessary decontamination measures and
fer, also clear displaying of the information shall planning of efficient waste management.
be taken into account.
The transmitted data shall at least include If rescue operations are continued after the
• reactor main parameters termination of the emergency situation at the
• primary circuit main parameters nuclear power plant, there shall be preparedness
• secondary circuit main parameters (pressuri- for co-operation in a way corresponding to that
sed water reactors) during an emergency.
• make-up and emergency cooling systems


2.11 Emergency response records have to be taken into account when developing
The licensee shall plan procedures for recording the emergency plan.
data on the course of events and essential deci-
sions. Training
Guide YVL 1.7 deals with the qualification and
training of nuclear power plant personnel.
3 Maintenance of An approval from STUK shall be obtained for

preparedness the person nominated responsible for the on-site

emergency preparedness.
According to Section 9, third paragraph, of the Task related basic training shall be organised
Government Resolution (397/1991) the licensee for the persons of the emergency organisation
shall maintain continuous preparedness to per- prior to their assignment to a task. Persons
form measures related to rescue services in an belonging to the emergency organisation shall
emergency. These measures shall be practised in be provided with annual refresher training and
co-operation with the authorities concerned. advanced training. Weaknesses and development
According to Section 7 of the Resolution ap- areas, detected in emergency exercises, shall be
propriate training and exercises shall be ar- taken into account in training.
ranged to maintain operational preparedness. All nuclear power plant staff, both permanent
Exercises shall also be arranged in co-operation and temporary, shall be given training on activi-
with the authorities concerned. ties during emergency situations. The training
The rooms and equipment reserved for emer- shall deal with alarm and emergency situation
gency response arrangements shall be maintained procedures. Furthermore, an overall picture of
operational at all times. the operation of the emergency organisation du-
Documents pertaining to emergency response ring emergency situations shall be given.
arrangements shall be continuously updated. The licensee shall arrange training possibili-
ties for organisations participating in the rescue
Operability of premises and equipment operations on the nuclear power plant emergency
The premises shall have the necessary equip- response arrangements.
ment available so that prompt action can take An emergency training and exercise plan
place without delay. The operability of premises, shall be prepared every year.
equipment and devices shall be regularly proven
at least once a year. Alarms and communication Emergency exercises
and data transfer shall be tested regularly at Before the commissioning of a nuclear power
least once a month according to a separate pro- plant unit, an exercise in the practical implemen-
gramme. Defects, disturbances and deficiencies tation of the emergency plan shall be arranged
detected in tests or otherwise shall be fixed wit- in co-operation with the emergency and rescue
hout delay. Significance of the detected defects organisations of relevant authorities. During the
and weaknesses shall be assessed for the recog- operation of a nuclear power plant, joint exer-
nition of potential improvement needs. Devices cises between the authorities and the nuclear
intended for emergency situations shall also be power plant shall be organised with the lead of
tested in exercises. the State Provincial Office at least once every
The emergency plan and other documents three years according to Section 7 of the Decree
concerning the emergency response shall be re- (774/2001) of the Ministry of the Interior. The
viewed and regularly updated at least once a licensee shall participate in the planning, organi-
year. Changes in contact information and com- sing and implementation of these exercises.
puter programmes shall be done without delay. When the nuclear power plant is in operation
Weaknesses detected in exercises or otherwise, there shall be at least one on-site emergency
technological development of the field and chan- exercise every year. The objective of these exer-
ges in the operating conditions and legislation cises is to ascertain the appropriateness of pre-
mises, devices and equipment reserved for emer-


gency response; the suitability, compatibility and to rescue services are set forth in the emergency
scope of operating instructions and computer plan.
programs; and the capability of the organisati- The on-site emergency manager is in charge
on to identify potential needs for modifications of the emergency response activities within the
or improvements. Public rescue and emergency site area, until the rescue authority assumes
organisations shall be provided with the oppor- command over the rescue operations. According
tunity to participate in these exercises in a way to Section 8, third paragraph, of the Government
suitable for the exercise situation. Resolution (397/1991) enough assisting personnel
The annual emergency exercise shall cover a with expert knowledge of nuclear technology and
significant part of the emergency plan activities. radiological protection shall then be placed at the
In addition, special exercises involving one or disposal of the authority.
several sectors of emergency response shall be The licensee’s person in charge is obligated
arranged to enhance the performance of tasks, to to comply with the orders concerning the rescue
improve co-operation and to develop activities. operations, issued by the authority that has
An exercise plan shall be prepared for an assumed command responsibility for the rescue
emergency exercise. The date and participants operations. In practice, however, the licensee is
of the annual exercise may be announced in ad- always responsible for nuclear safety and radiati-
vance but the exercise situation shall mainly be on protection at the plant and on the plant site.
concealed. Special exercises may be training type Rescue operations management is based on
activities by nature, where the exercise situation the Act on Rescue Services (561/1999) and Decree
can be known beforehand. (875/1999). The rescue administration manage-
The annual emergency exercise shall be eva- ment system is based on a regional responsibility
luated. For this purpose, evaluators are needed allocation that covers the whole country. The
to follow the exercise. The exercise experiences Ministry of the Interior in co-operation with other
and suggested improvements by the participants government authorities is responsible for measu-
shall be collected for example in an evaluation res needed at a national level. State Provincial
meeting held after the exercise, by post-exercise Offices have the corresponding responsibility for
interviews or by means of written feedback. measures on the provincial level in co-operation
An exercise report shall be prepared, stating with other local administrative authorities. Local
any observed defects or development areas and chief fire officers and rescue authorities manage
actions decided based on them. action taken in their own responsibility areas.
A record on training and exercises shall be By virtue of Section 46 of the Act on Rescue
kept to evaluate the scope and quality of activi- Services (561/1999) State Provincial Offices or
ties. A record shall be kept on all who have ta- the Ministry of the Interior can issue orders
ken part in the training and exercises to ensure concerning rescue operations and appoint the
the regular participation of those with assigned commander of rescue operations.
emergency response duties. Management activities by the Ministry of
the Interior and State Provincial Offices include
mainly acquiring the needed resources and allo-
4 Rescue operations cating them for right areas, upholding an overall

and protective measures picture of the situation and based on that issuing
orders and instructions to lower levels of mana-
of the public gement. In addition, they are also responsible for
the provision of information to the public. Local
According to Section 9, third paragraph, of the chief fire officers and authorities are responsible
Government Resolution (397/1991) the licensee for real rescue operations and organising and
shall maintain continuous preparedness to per- managing other measures needed in the situa-
form measures related to rescue services in an tion.
emergency. The plans for measures pertaining In plans prepared for a nuclear power plant


accident, the assumption is that when rescue According to Section 9, second paragraph, of
operations are initiated the local chief fire officer the Government Resolution (397/1991) [ – – ]. In
of the nuclear power plant region will act as com- emergencies the licensee is obliged to take part in
mander of rescue operations and will initiate the warning and alerting those in jeopardy.
needed notification, alarm and rescue operations. Beforehand planning shall be conducted in
If a severe accident is in question and measures co-operation with responsible authorities on how
are needed in a wider area, in addition to neigh- to warn the people on the plant site and in the
bouring municipalities, the national management vicinity, who may be in immediate danger in an
system will be established to the extent needed. accident situation. The plan concerning the plant
According to Section 8, second paragraph, of site shall address the warning of the populati-
the Government Resolution (397/1991) [ – – ]. on, providing information on the event, issuing
The rescue services command centre and STUK operative instructions, activities in places of as-
shall be provided with the information necessary sembly and exit from the plant site. Warning of
in the event of an emergency. all personnel on the plant site shall be ensured.
In the early stages of an accident situation, For ensuring fluent action, the exit vehicles and
the emergency organisation of the nuclear power routes from the site shall be planned and the
plant is responsible for issuing recommendations needed exit time shall be estimated. The nuclear
on protective measures for the population to the power plant shall have an effective alarm system
authority commanding the rescue operations. to warn the population. The alarm system shall
This responsibility is continued until STUK has be operable even though any single component of
adequate information on the situation and it an- the system would be inoperable.
nounces to assume the responsibility for issuing Iodine tablets shall be distributed in advance
recommendations. Even after this, the plant for the population to permanent and free-time
emergency organisation has to conduct situation accommodations as well as work places at least
assessments on the progress of the accident and within a five kilometre radius from the nuclear
its consequences and report them to STUK. power plant. The distributation shall be repeated
During an emergency situation, STUK moni- regularly in accordance with the expiration of the
tors and assesses the situation and its progress iodine tablets.
as well as the appropriateness of management The goal for radiation protection in an emer-
measures of the situation at the nuclear power gency situation is to prevent all severe acute
plant. STUK’s accident assessment group keeps (deterministic) health effects of radiation and to
in touch with the plant emergency organisation, keep late effects (stochastic effects) of radiation
deploys a plant group to the accident site and in all population groups as low as reasonably
monitors data on the plant and surroundings si- achievable. When considering the protective me-
tuation, received via the automatic data transfer asures, the basis is that the measures shall be
from the nuclear power plant. justified in the prevailing circumstances.
STUK conducts an overall situation assess- The commander of rescue operations decides
ment based on the plant state, its predicted prog- on all taken protective measures based on recei-
ress and the surroundings situation. It assesses ved recommendations. When considering protec-
the safety significance of the accident from the tive measures, the prevailing situation and be-
viewpoint of the population, surroundings and nefits and drawbacks caused by these measures
society, issues instructions and recommendations shall be taken into account.
on needed protective measures and reports on STUK’s Guide VAL 1.1, Protective actions in
the situation to the public and domestic and fo- nuclear or radiological emergency, sets forth the
reign co-operation organisations. STUK issues bases for emergency preparedness planning for
recommendations on protective measures to the nuclear and radiological emergencies, interven-
commander of rescue operations and other co- tion levels for initiating essential protective me-
operation organisations which decide on actions asures and also radiation protection bases for the
in their own administrative areas. personnel participating in rescue operations.


5 Regulatory control 2. Preparedness of the Operating Organisation

(Licensee) for Emergencies at Nuclear Power
According to Section 35 of the Nuclear Energy Plants, IAEA Safety Guide No. 50-SG-O6,
Decree (161/1998) when applying for a construc- Vienna 1982.
tion license, the applicant must submit to the 3. Preparedness of Public Authorities for
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority: [ – – ] Emergencies at Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA
4) plans for physical protection and emergencies. Safety Guide No. 50-SG-G6, Vienna 1982.
According to Section 36, first paragraph, when 4. On-site Habitability in the Event of an
applying for an operating license, the applicant Accident at a Nuclear Facility, IAEA Safety
must submit to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Series No. 98, Vienna 1989.
Authority: [ – – ] 6) a description of the arrange- 5. Emergency Preparedness Exercises for
ments for physical protection and emergencies. Nuclear Facilities: Preparation, Conduct and
According to Section 6 of the Government Evaluation, IAEA Safety Series No. 73, Vienna
Resolution (397/1991) approval for the plan re- 1985.
ferred to in Section 35, point 4 (preliminary emer- 6. Intervention Criteria in a Nuclear or Radi-
gency plan) and the report referred to in Section ation Emergency, IAEA Safety Series No. 109,
36, first paragraph, point 6 of the Nuclear Energy Vienna 1994.
Decree (161/88) and amendments therein shall 7. Principles for Intervention for Protection of
be applied for with the Radiation and Nuclear the Public in a Radiological Emergency, ICRP
Safety Authority. Publication No. 63, Annals of the ICRP 22 4,
The licensee shall provide the Ministry of the Pergamon Press, Oxford 1993.
Interior, the State Provincial Office and the rescue 8. Emergency Response Planning and Pre-
authority concerned with approved emergency paredness for Transport Accidents Involving
plans and amendments therein. Radioactive Materials, IAEA Safety Series
STUK regulates the operation of nuclear po- No. 87, Vienna 1988.
wer plants as described in Guide YVL 1.1. This 9. Decree (774/2001) of the Ministry of the
Guide sets out e.g. general procedures which are Interior on rescue services plans prepared
followed when updating documents approved for nuclear and radiological emergencies and
by STUK. Emergency plan contact information communication on the emergencies.
updates and other comparable minor changes or 10. EU Council Directive 89/618/Euratom of 27
definitions of instructions that do not change the November 1989 on informing the general
content of activities, are submitted to STUK for public about health protection measures to
information. be applied and steps to be taken in the event
The annual plan for emergency exercises and of a radiological emergency. OJ No L 357,
training and a summary of their implementation 7.12.1989, p. 31.
as well as a more detailed emergency exercise 11. EU Council Directive 96/29/Euratom of 13
plan with situation descriptions shall be sub- May 1996 laying down basic safety standards
mitted to STUK for information. A report on an for the protection of the health of workers
exercise shall be delivered to STUK for informa- and the general public against the dangers
tion within three months from the exercise. arising from ionizing radiation. OJ No L 159,
29.6.1996, p. 1.
12. Protective Actions in Nuclear or Radiological
6 References Emergency. Guide VAL 1.1, 15 June 2001, is-
1. International Basic Safety Standards for sued by STUK.
Protection Against Ionizing Radiation and for
the Safety of Radiation Sources, IAEA Safety
Series No. 115, Vienna 1996.


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