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To design and simulate microstrip patch antenna and to plot S11 Vs frequency
graph. Find study radiation pattern of dipole antenna and calculate various dipole
antenna parameters.


Micro strip Patch Antenna:

The microstrip patch antenna consist of a metallic patch on a grounded
substrate. The metallic patch can take many different configurations in which
the rectangular and circular patches are the most popular because of ease of
analysis and fabrication, and their attractive radiation characteristics, especially
low cross-polarization radiation. The microstrip antennas are low profile,
comfortable to planar and nonplanar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to
fabricate using modern printed-circuit technology, mechanically robust when
mounted on rigid surfaces, compatible with MMIC designs, and very versatile
in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern, and impedance. These
antennas can be mounted on the surface of high-performance aircraft,
spacecraft, satellites, missiles, cars, and even handheld mobile telephones.

Radiation Pattern:
The radiation pattern of microstrip antenna reflects the amount of power radiated
from the dipole in any given direction. An understanding of the microstrip
radiation pattern enables the antenna to be oriented in the optimum direction at
any time. The radiation pattern of microstrip antenna is Uni-directional.
Maximum Radiation intensity:
Radiation intensity is defined as the power per unit solid angle, that is the power
incident on that portion of the surface of a sphere which subtends an angle of one
radian at the centre of the sphere in both the horizontal and the vertical planes.
Thus, at any point in the field of an isotropic radiator:
Radiation intensity=U=W/4π
Where W is power incident on the portion of the surface of sphere

Peak gain:
It is a measure of input power concentration in the main beam direction as a ratio
relative to an isotropic antenna source.

Pr is radiated power of antenna,
U(theta,phi) is radiation intensity of antenna

Radiation efficiency :

Antenna efficiency means how efficiently the antenna receives or transmit the
signal. Mostly it's is the ratio of total radiated power and the total input power at
transmitted side and vice versa at reception. Antenna efficiency or radiation
efficiency is expressed as

Er=antenna efficiency
Pradiated= total radiated power
pinput= total input power


For designing of a microstrip patch antenna, we have to select the resonant
frequency and a dielectric medium for which antenna is to be designed. The
parameters to be calculated are as under.
1. Width (W): The width of the patch is calculated using the following
W=C/(2*f)sqrt(2/( 𝜀𝑟 +1))

Where, 𝑊 = Width of the patch

𝐶= Speed of light
𝜀𝑟= value of the dielectric substrate

2. The length (L) of the patch


3. Length (Lg) and width (Wg) of ground plane:

𝐿𝑔 = 6ℎ + 𝐿
𝑊𝑔 = 6ℎ + W

 Length of substrate and ground plate: 48mm
 Width of substrate and ground plate: 56.6mm
 Relative permittivity of substrate: 2.45
 Thickness of substrate:1.57mm
 Thickness of ground: 0.035mm
 Dimensions of patch: 39mm*47.5mm*0.035mm

S11 Vs Frequency plot
2.)3D Radiation Pattern

3.)Gain Vs Theta plot

4.)Gain Vs Phi Plot
 Theta = 90 degree

 Theta=180 degree
 Theta = 0 degree

5.)Calculated Antenna Parameters

1.)The plot of S11 Vs Frequency shows that antenna is designed for particular
frequency i.e. 2.4GHz

2.) It is observed from the radiation pattern of microstrip antenna that radiation
along a particular direction is unidirectional in nature.
3.) The plot of gain vs theta describes crosssectional view of 3D radiation pattern.
4.) The plot of gain vs phi describes top view of 3D radiation pattern.

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