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ChE 140: Chemical Process Industries

2nd Semester, AY 2019-2020

WCD/FRU W: 9-11AM, F: 8:30-11:30AM, JOVELLANA, RIVERA A101-102
Survey of the different industrial chemical processes. Unit processes &
operations in chemical industries. Mass and energy balances in industrial
CREDIT 3 units (2 hr lec, 3 hr lab per week)
PREREQUISITES ChE 125, 132, 133 and 134
1. To introduce the student to the real setting of an industrial chemical
COURSE process of a particular product, by performing an actual plant visit.
OBJECTIVES 2. To conduct a market study of the subject product and analyze its industry
as a whole.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

1. identify and describe unit operations and unit processes involved in
chemical industries;
2. solve industrial stoichiometry problems using the concepts in
mathematics, chemistry, and elementary chemical engineering
COURSE principles (i.e. mass and energy balance);
OUTCOMES 3. write a paper on the assigned chemical industry, focusing on its
current industry and market profile, manufacturing processes of the
plant, and their developments;
4. report on the actual health, safety, and environment (HSE) practices
being implemented on the assigned chemical industry; and
5. present the corporate social responsibilities of the company and the
industry as a whole.

The program aims to educate students such that three to five years from
graduation, they:
1. take leadership roles in their respective fields and/or effectively
work in or manage a team,
PROGRAM 2. are equipped with the extensive knowledge and relevant skills
EDUCATION necessary to succeed in their chosen careers and to become
OBJECTIVES responsive citizens,
(BSChE) 3. are able to demonstrate strong research & innovative capability as
they recognize and address opportunities and challenges in their
respective spheres of influence, and
4. have shown strong commitment to the ethical practice of their
profession; to health, safety and environment; and service to society.

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Student Outcomes [SOs] satisfied by the Course Outcomes:
[SO1] ability to apply knowledge in mathematics and science to solve
engineering problems
[SO4] ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
[SO5] ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
[SO6] understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
STUDENT [SO7] ability to communicate effectively
OUTCOMES [SO8] broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
(SO) satisfied by solutions in a global economic, environmental, and societal context
the COURSE [SO9] recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning
OUTCOMES [SO10] knowledge of contemporary issues
[SO11] ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice
[SO12] knowledge and understanding of engineering and management
principles as member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments

The course is divided into two; namely, Part 1: Industrial Stoichiometry

(Stoich) and Part 2: Chemical Process Industries (CPI). The requirements for
each part are the following:
Class Works 10 %
Two (3) Long Exams 35 %
Consultations 35 %
Oral Presentation 10 %
Final Paper 10 %
Mandatory Plant Visit

Room C301-302
John Andrew Kane
Email Address
P. Jovellana
Consultation Hrs. M 9-11AM; TH 8AM – 12NN
Room C303-304
Antonio Y. Rivera
Consultation Hrs. Upon request at least 2-3 days
of requested time and date
Room B305-306
Carmelita J.
Email Address
Consultation Hrs. W & F 8-11am
>92.00 (88,92] (84,88] (80,84] (76,80] (72,76] (68,72] (64,68] [60,64] <60
SCALE 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00


A. Part I: Industrial Stoichiometry – This part consists of lectures and discussion on the
following topics.
1. Sulfur Compounds (Sources of Sulfur, Overview of Sulfur Process, Burning of Raw
Sulfur, Roasting of Pyrites, Bisulfites and Sulfates, Sulfuric Acid Production)
2. Nitrogen Compounds (Sources of Nitrogen, Overview of Nitrogen Processes,
Ammonia Synthesis, Ammonia Oxidation, Nitric Acid Production)
3. Lime and Cement (Sources of Lime and Cement, Calcination)

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B. Part II: Chemical Process Industries - In this part, the student shall conduct a study on a
particular Philippine Chemical Process Industry focusing on the chemical engineering
principles. The study shall consist of three (3) phases, refer to item III.



Overview of the industry, its product(s) and processes
Product history, where and when it all started.
Product description, including product types and classification
Industry Profile
Company’s Profile (company visited that represent the industry
Current outlook of the industry and other pertinent information that will
describe the industry.
Total Supply (Economics Local Production
of Production, Law of
Import and Export
Supply & Demand)
Market segmentation based on product
Market and
Economics Profile
Market Competition (presence of
Market Dynamics
competitors and their market share) This
includes direct importers and local traders.
Global and regional market (data) profile
Description/ classification/ types
Raw Materials Economics: cost, sourcing, imported, local
Manufacturing Process flow description with process flow
Process – Manufacturing Process diagram. Includes upstream process if
Technical applicable.
Description of the Manual, automated, semi-automated
Unit Processes Process Controls DCS, PC, PLC, PID electronic controls, others
and Unit Simple software, remote controls
Operations Equipment design ad Equipment description (using equipment
safety specifications sheets).
Safety engineering, energy source
Supply Chain Distribution and Logistics
Health, Safety, Occupational safety
and Environment Process safety (including safe handling of chemicals)
(HSE) Environmental Management
Quality Waste management (Pollution Control)
Management Quality Management
Research and Product Development
Development: Process Development
On-going R&D
and Future Market Development

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A. Part I – Industrial Stoichiometry (Stoich)

1. Schedule of long examinations be on Mondays 1PM-4PM after the last meeting of
industrial stoichiometry for the respective coverage of the exam, or as agreed
upon by both classes with the faculty.
2. Long examinations are closed-notes. Required correlations, tables, and figures
shall be agreed and given during the exam as necessary.
3. Student must submit at least 10 sheets of ruled yellow paper, on the last industrial
stoichiometry class meeting before the scheduled exam. Failure to comply, will be
given a 10-point deduction on the rating for that particular exam.
4. Grievances regarding the results of the long exams shall be entertained only
within two (2) days upon the return of papers or announcement of scores; beyond
this period, it will no longer be entertained.
5. There will be no make-up class works. For missed long exams with valid excuse, an
excuse letter supported by valid documents (e.g. medical certificate with medical
laboratory results) must be provided. Only one (1) missed long exam is allowed.
6. Use of mobile phones (texting and answering calls) and other electronic gadgets
during the lecture, is strictly prohibited.
7. The instructor deserves the right to change class policies when deemed necessary.
The change in class policy will be discussed in mutual agreement between the
instructors and students.

B. Part II – Chemical Process Industries (CPI),

1. Refer to item no. VI Schedule of Class Activities, guide in managing your CPI
2. Selection of topics shall be done by draw lots (one student per industry). A student
is not allowed to change topic without prior approval from the adviser.

3. A plant visit is a mandatory requirement for better understanding of the

industry. Conduct your plant visit between 22-Jan to 28-Feb 2020. The plant visit
should be completed prior to Consultation-1schedule. No plant visit, no

Request Letter
There is a standard-template letter for “request of plant visit”, to be printed in an
official DChE letter head, and to be requested from your adviser.
Printing and use of official DChE letter without approval from the adviser is strictly
prohibited and will be subject to legal action.

4. PROOF OF INSURANCE PLAN (valid between January-March 2020); an

accomplished Student Participation Agreement (SPA) form and itinerary details
are required for plant visits. Your advisers will release a separate guideline on

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Your Insurance Policy/Plan must be submitted by 21-January 2020, Tuesday,
4:00pm at DChE Admin Office A202 (office closes at 5pm). Late submission will
be subject to grade deduction as per policy.

An accomplished SPA and details of itinerary must be submitted to your

advisers, one week before the actual plant visit. Your itinerary must strictly cover
only your trip to the plant site. Side trips or any detours will not be allowed.

Insurance policy plan is individual and can be obtained from legitimate

insurance policy providers (i.e. Sun Life, Philam, PNB etc.). SPA forms are available
at DChE Admin Office.
No (insurance plan and signed SPA), no plant visit. In the event that a plant visit
has been done without an insurance plan and signed SPA, the said plant visit will
be invalidated.

5. PROOF OF PLANT VISIT - A copy of plant visit certificate or any confirmation

letter signed by a company representative must be presented during Phase-1
consultation and should be attached to the final document (hard copy). Pictures
alone will not be an admissible evidence.

6. Schedule of consultations (refer to item VI, Schedule of Activities)

There shall be three (3) major consultations (based on phases of report). Changes
in the schedule shall be communicated immediately and will be posted on FB
Group Page.

a. Reports shall be written per phase, i.e. P1, P2, and P3. All students must
submit a draft (softcopy) of each phase report on the schedule indicated in
Item VI. No draft submitted, no consultation.

The draft should be in word.doc format (Word processed).

b. Etiquettes in submitting softcopy of report. - All reports must be submitted

via [email or uvle or google drive, Dropbox], as specified by the advisers.
Do not send in hard-document or via FB messenger.

Your email content must include the following.

1. Title: The title or subject of your email is the same as the title of the
file you will be submitting.
Ex. Surname FirstName_Industry_Phase No.
Pascual Piolo_Sugar_P1

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2. A brief note on what is your email all about and the attached. If
using a cloud storage like Dropbox, a transmittal note should
accompany the file.
3. Use your email add ( Your full name must be
indicated at the end of your email note or transmittal note.
4. None compliance to the above instruction, your document will be
returned and might incur delays.

c. DRAFT of the Final Report (soft copy) – this is the compilation of all phase
reports (P1, P2 & P3), shall be emailed, by 29 March 2020, Sunday by

d. The FINAL REPORT (soft and hard copy required) shall be submitted a
week after each individual oral presentation.

e. Format of the written report. The final written report should also be in
”word.doc format (Word-processed)” and plastic-wire-bound with a
transparent front cover. The format shall be as follows. [For uniformity, use
APA-style, font-11, single space].

I. Title Page
II. Acknowledgment
III. Table of Contents
IV. List of Tables and Figures
V. Limitation of Study
VI. Introduction
VII. The three (3) phases of the report
VIII. Conclusion
IX. References (Works Cited)
X. Annexes
a. Attachment of important and relevant market data
b. Certificate of Plant Visit, signed by the company

f. All references and materials used should be properly cited, including

attachment of screenshots and photocopies of some important market data

a. The medium of instruction is strictly English.
b. Strictly no reading of report and should speak with appropriate pace and
c. The dress code is business attire for the reporter.
d. The formal presentation should be in MS PowerPoint, must not have
animations and must not contain sounds and videos. Only a maximum of 20
slides excluding title and references slides shall be allowed.

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e. The oral report must last for 20 minutes. A 5-minute Q and A shall follow.

9. PANEL during Oral Report. There shall be a panel to review the oral
a. There shall be three (3) panel members per reporter, and will be chosen
by the adviser. A student must be a panel for at least three (3) sessions.
b. During the oral report, each panelist is required to ask at least two (2)
sensible questions. The panelist shall be graded according to the quality of
the discussion that ensues from his/her questions.

V. GENERAL CLASS POLICIES (for both Stoich and CPI)

A. Students should comply with the schedule of consultation and oral presentation. No-show
during these activities shall merit a grade of zero.
B. All requirements should be completed and submitted on time, including submission of
insurance, SPA form/itinerary, and completion of plant visit. A three (3) point deduction
per day in the final combined-grade shall be given per late submission of all
requirements. See sample grade computation.
C. A maximum of six (6) absences shall be allowed (excused and unexcused) for this
course. A student incurring more than six (6) absences shall either be dropped from the
course if his/her standing is passing or be given a grade of 5.0 if his/her class standing is
failing. University rules on absence, cheating, dropping and LOA shall apply. Attendance
will be checked every meeting.
D. Anyone caught committing acts of dishonesty (i.e. cheating, plagiarism) in any class
requirement, will automatically merit a grade of 5.00 in the course, and will be subject
to further disciplinary and legal action.
E. Tardiness is not allowed. Presentation will start on time. Please be courteous enough to
come on time during oral presentations. Doors will be closed at the start of presentation.
F. Attendance in all the sessions of the oral presentation is a must. A student should not miss
any session. Should he/she miss an oral presentation without a valid excuse, a deduction
of 1.5 points per missed topic, in the final combined-grade will be applied, and he/she is
required to attend another session of the same topic/s.
G. Use of cellphones/mobile phones (texting or answering calls) or any electronic gadget
during lectures and oral presentation is strictly prohibited. Only the reporter is allowed
to use his/her laptop computer and other electronic gadgets (i.e. ipad, tablet or mobile
H. The advisers may change class policies and schedules (but within the time frame of 18
weeks) when deemed necessary. These changes shall be discussed with the students for
mutual agreement

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I. Example of Grade Computation

Assessment Raw Grade Net Grade Transmuted

Class Work 10% 100 (100)*10 10.00
Long Exam 1 80
Stoich Less Late Submission -10 70 (70+65)*
35% 23.63
(45%) Ans Sheets 0.35/2
Long Exam 2 65 65
Raw Stoich Grade 33.63
Consultation 35% 85 85*0.35 29.75
Oral Presentation 10% 90 90*0.10 9.00
CPI (55%) Final Paper 10% 85 85*0.10 8.50
Raw CPI Grade 47.25
Total Raw Combined-Grade 80.88 1.75
Less:15 min late for P1 Draft -3
Combined Less: Unexcused absent OP (3 topics), 1.5 x 3 -4.5
Grade Less: One-day late, PV completion -3
Final Combined-Grade (Net) 70.38 2.5

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10 Jan LECT: Syllabus: Class Policies & Requirements to be conducted by CPI
Fri Advisers. Draw Lost of Topics
15 Jan LECT: CPI Lecture: Industry &
Wed Market Profile (Market Study and
Economics) & Manufacturing, HSE
and R&D
17 Jan LECT: Review of material & Parallel Activities:
Fri energy balances 1. Search, schedule and visit
22 Jan LECT: Sources of sulfur the plant
Wed 2. Gather data on the specific
3 industry assigned
24 Jan LECT: Calculations- Burning of raw
Fri sulfur 3. Import and Export data
29 Jan LECT: Roasting of pyrites, 4. Local Production data
Wed bisulfites and sulfates 5. Local Market competition
4 6. Regional and global data
31 Jan LECT: Calculations- Roasting of
Fri pyrites, bisulfites & sulfates including market
5 Feb competition
LECT: Sulfuric acid production 7. Manufacturing and other
5 technical data
7 Feb LECT: Calculations – Sulfuric acid
Fri production 8. HSE data
12 Feb LECT: Sources of nitrogen, 9. R&D data
Wed ammonia synthesis
14 Feb LECT: Calculations: Ammonia
Fri Synthesis
MON Market & Economics: How to
organize your data. Time to be
7 19 Feb LECT: Ammonia Oxidation/ Nitric 1. All market data –
Wed Acid Production completed
2. All market data -
21 Feb LECT: Calculations: Ammonia
Fri Oxidation/ Nitric Acid Production
26 Feb LECT: Sources of Lime and
Wed Cement/ Calcination
28 Feb LECT: Calculations: Calcination ALL PLANT VISIT MUST BE
Fri and Cement Process COMPLETED
4 Mar LECT: CPI: Review of P1-Market
Wed Study Results,
6 Mar LECT Review of P2-Manufacturing;
Fri P3-HSE & R&D
8 Mar SUBMIT: Phase-1 Draft, online, by
SUN 5pm

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9 Mar DRAW LOTS for Consultation
MON Sched (time to be announced)
11 Mar
PHASE 1 Consultation Batch-1
13 Mar
PHASE 1 Consultation Batch-2
15 Mar SUBMIT: Phase- 2 Draft, online,
SUN by 5pm
18 Mar
11 PHASE 2 Consultation Batch-1
20 Mar
PHASE 2 Consultation Batch-2
22 Mar SUBMIT: Phase- 3 Draft, online,
SUN by 5pm
25 Mar
12 PHASE 3 Consultation Batch-1
27 Mar
PHASE 3 Consultation Batch-2
29 Mar SUBMIT copy of the FINAL DRAFT
SUN Report (P1P2P3), online by 5pm
1. Guide on Oral
30 Mar Presentation.
MON 2. Draw Lots for Oral
13 Time to be announced.
ALL: SUBMIT Oral Presentation,
31 Mar
Online, 1159 pm.
1 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 1-3)
3 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 4-7)
8 Apr
10 Apr
15 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 8-10)
17 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 11-14)
22 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 15-17)
24 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 18-21)
29 Apr Oral Presentation (Slots 22-24)

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1 May
6 May Oral Presentation (Slots 25-27)
8 May Oral Presentation (Slots 28-29)
19 13 May
UPD End of Classes


1. Alcoholic Beverages (Beer/ Spirited) 16. Adhesives

2. Dairy Products (milk, ice cream, cheese) 17. Meat Processing
3. Carbonated Drinks 18. Personal Care (facial, body soap etc)
4. Ceramics (tiles/saniwares etc) 19. Agrochemicals (Fertilizer/ Pesticides)
5. Power Plants (Coal-fired) 20. Ethanol
6. Power Pants (Geothermal) 21. Pulp & Paper
7. Sugar (Milling and Refining) 22. Plastics - PVC
8. Edible Oils (Oils & Fats) 23. Detergents
9. FAME (Biodiesel) 24. Steel Smelting
10. Fish Canning 25. Petroluem (Diesel
11. Polyolefins (PE or PP) 26. Petroleum Refining (Gasoline)
12. Plastics (PE & PP) 27. LPG [Upstream and Cylinder Refilling]
13. Coatings (Paint) 28. Mining (Gold/ Copper/ etc)
14. Rubber (natural/synthetic) 29. Glass (Panel/ container)
15. Cement


A. Basta, N. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Inc., USA, 1997.
B. Benett, H. The Chemical Formulary: Collection of Commercial Formulas for Making
Thousands of Products on Many Fields. Chem. Pub, USA, 1992.
C. Buchel, K.H. Industrial Inorganic Chemistry. Wiley-VCH. 2000.
D. Kirk, Othmer. Chemical Technology and the Environment. Wiley, USA. 2007.
E. Kirk, Othmer. Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Wiley, USA. 2007.
F. Kent, J.A. Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry. Reinhold, USA. 1992.
G. Lewis, W.K., et al. Industrial Stoichiometry: Chemical Calculations of Manufacturing
Processes, 2nd Ed., 1954.
H. Lipton, S., Lynch, J. Handbook of Health Hazard Control in the Chemical Process Industry.
Wiley, USA. 1994.
I. Soares, C. Process Engineering Equipment Handbook. McGraw-Hill, USA. 2002.
J. Wang, L.K., et al. Waste Treatment in the Process Industries. CRC/Taylor & Francis, USA.

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