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Write T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false.

1. Commercial law is part of Political Law.

2. Ignorance of law excuses no one from compliance therewith.
3. Aliens don’t have political rights in the Philippines.
4. Political law is broader than constitutional law.
5. Constitution refers to the supreme law of the land.
6. Operation of a nuclear power plant is unconstitutional.
7. A province in case of injuries suffered by anybody by reason of defective roads under its
supervision maybe sued.
8. A senator maybe arrested for the crime committed during his tenure when such crime has
a penalty of an imprisonment of 5 years.
9. Equality of laws will apply to everything and to everybody at all times.
10. it is important that a person must be dead in order to say hat there is a deprivation of Life.
11. Freedom is beyond the commerce of man.
12. Criminal laws are applied to aliens sojourning in the Philippines.
13. Archipelagic Doctrine is recognized by all nations.
14. Philippine Warships are extensions of our territory.
15. Appeal is part of due process.
16. The Philippines has a parliamentary form of government.
17. The Philippines is a democratic and republican state.
18. Civilian authority is superior at all times except during martial law.
19. In the Philippines, sovereignty resides to the people.
20. Government authority emanates from the people.

Part II Principles and State Policies

1. This principle allows one department to resist encroachments upon its prerogatives or rectify
the mistakes or excesses committed by other departments.
a. Principle of Binding Powers
b. Principle of Check and Mistakes
c. Principle of Blending Powers
d. Principle of Check and Balances

2. It indicates authorship to the constitution and serves as an aid in the construction of the
a. Republicanism
b. Preamble
c. Eminent Domain
d. Taxation

3. It is the inherent power of the state to take private property to be used for public use after the
payment of just compensation.
a. Eminent Domain
b. Power of Expropriation
c. Double Taxation
d. Taxation

4. It is one of the characteristics of sovereignty wherein power is taken as one.

a. Indivisibility
b. Comprehensive
c. Exclusiveness
d. Inclusiveness
5. Which of the following is not a scope of Political Law?
a. Law on Municipal Corporation
b. Administrative Law
c. Law on Private Corporation
d. Election Law

6. Which of the following is a characteristic of sovereignty?

a. Absoluteness
b. Inclusiveness
c. Imprescription
d. Divisibility

7. Which of the following are immune from suit?

a. Nations
b. United Nations
c. Government
d. Diplomatic government of states

8. Regional Trial Court has jurisdiction over cases or complaint for ___________.
a. Police Power
b. Double Taxation
c. Taxation
d. Eminent Domain

9. Which of the following is not a requisite for the exercise of Eminent Domain?
a. Taking in the constitutional sense
b. Private use
c. Necessity
d. Just compensation
10. What are the essential features of Republicanism?
a. Representation and Innovation
b. Representation and Repetition
c. Representation and Renovation
d. Representation and Innovative
11. It refers to the written order issued by the court requiring the search officer to take into
custody the thing/things which is/are described in the warrant and bring it to court.
a. Search Warrant
b. General Warrant
c. Appeal
d. Warrant of Arrest
12. Which of the following is not a scope of searches and seizures?
a. Filipino citizens
b. Artificial person
c. Aliens
d. Non-resident aliens
13. It means that all persons and things similarly situated should be treated a like both as of the
right conferred and liabilities imposed.
a. Equal protection of man
b. Appeal
c. Equal protection of law
D. Due process
14. It is the most pervasive, least limitable and most demanding of the three powers.
a. Power of Eminent Domain
b. Double Taxation
c. Police Power
d. Taxation
15. Which of the following is not a component of national territory?
a. Maritime Domain
b. Territorial Domain
c. Aerial Domain
d. Terrestial Domain
16. The power of Judicial Review must be exercise by the ____________.
a. State
b. Supreme Court
c. Private individual
d. People
17. It is a branch of public law which deals with the organization and operation of the
governmental organs of the state with the inhabitants of its territory.
a. Political Law
b. Constitutional Law
c. Governmental Law
d. Bill of Rights
18. Which of the following is not a classification of Constitution?
a. Cumulative
b. Non cumulative
c. Written
d. Unwritten
19. The provisions pointing out the mode of procedure in changing the constitution.
a. Constitution of Liberty
b. Constitution of Laws
c. Constitution of Sovereignty
d. Constitution of Government
20. It is a classification of government wherein it takes possession and control of, or usurps by
force or violence the rightful legal government and maintain itself against the will of the latter.
a. Presidential
b. Parliamentary
c. De Facto
d. De Jure
21. It is a kind of government in which the state makes the executive constitutionally independent
of the legislature as regards to his tenure.
a. Presidential Government
b. Parliamentary Government
c. Federal Government
d. Unitary Government
22. It refers to the mass of population living within the state.
a. Government
b. Nation
c. People
d. State
23. Which of the following is a manifestation of Republicanism?
a. Rules of the minority
b. Accountability of People
c. Bill of the rights
d. Legislature can pass its irrepeatable laws
24. It is that part of sea extending 12 nautical miles from the low-watermark.
a. Fluvial Domain
b. Maritime Domain
c. Territorial Sea
d. Philippine Archipelago
25. Which of the following is not a requisite for the exercise of Eminent Domain?
a. Private Property
b. Necessity
c. Just compensation
d. Taxation

II. Write True if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

___________1. Preamble enumerates the secondary aims and aspiration of framers.

___________2. Property taken in Police power and Taxation is usually noxious or
intended for a noxious purpose and may thus be destroyed while Eminent
Domain is wholesome and thus devoted for public purpose.
___________3. The effect of change in sovereignty is constitutional laws are abrogated
and municipal laws remain enforce.
___________4. State is the juristic concept while nation is the racial concept.
___________5. One of the purposes of constitution is to prescribe a temporary
framework of system of government.
___________6. The constitution of government outlines the different organizations of the
government and enumerates their powers and functions.
___________7. Double Taxation is additional taxes laid on same subject matter by the
different taxing jurisdiction during the same taxing period.
___________8. Doctrine of Corporation means that there is a provision in the
constitution recognizing international law as part of the law of the land.
___________9. Political Rights refer to the right to participate, directly or indirectly in
the establishment or administration of government.
___________10. Due process defined as a law which hears before it condemns which
proceeds upon a inquiry and renders judgment before trial.
___________11. Property is anything that comes under the right of ownership which
cannot be subject of a contract.
___________12. One of the requisites of a valid warrant is warrant must be issued before
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and witnesses
he may produce.
___________13. Appeal can be allowed or denied by the legislature.
___________14. Substantive Due Process serves as a restriction on government law on
rule making powers.
___________15. Referendum n statutes reject r approve and ordinance passed by local
legislative bodies.
___________16. Equal Protection of. Law applies at all times.
___________17. An alien can exercise his political rights in as stated in the Philippine
___________18. There are exceptions to the application of warrant of arrest.
___________19. No judgment maybe issued at all times without notice and hearing.
___________20. The Philippines can use the outer space to protect its sovereignty.
___________21A warrant maybe issued without identifying the persom to be arrested.
___________22. Politics is the dirtiest game.
___________23. The senate may issue an arrest order.
___________24. A prisoner who escaped from confinement cannot be arrested without a warrant.
___________25. In the Philippines, powers are confined exclusively to one department.

III. Identify what is asked. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
___________1. It is an electoral process by which an initiative in the constitution is
approved or rejected by the people.
___________2. Powers are not confined exclusively within one department but are
assigned to or shared by several departments.
___________3. Refers to the question which is to be resolved by the court.
___________4. It is a characteristic of sovereignty wherein it cannot be deprived from
the government.
___________5. The body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the powers of
sovereignty are habitually exercised.
___________6. It refers to the revamp of the entire constitution.
___________7. It refers to the right of individual to his bodily completeness, free from
dismemberment and extends to the use of good given faculties which
makes life enjoyable.
___________8. It refers to the written order issued by the court ordering the arresting
officer to take into custody of the person of an accused whose name is
appearing in the warrant and bring it to the court.
___________9. it refers to those questions which under the constitution are to be decided
by the people in their sovereign capacity.
___________10. It is a characteristic of sovereignty wherein it exists for as long as the
state exist.

“ The secret of success is the uniformity of intentions”

Ryan Fernandez Hidalgo

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