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Name : Azalea Berliana Putri

NPM : 16111094
Psychology of Literature
Life of Pi Essay

In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the narrator and protagonist In his story, Pi is a young man who
thinks analytically, logically and critically, he was also quite curious about the world around him. those
characters caused him believes in three religions which are Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. Pi
constantly explores his faith and imagination to normalize this provocative and extreme landscape.
Even as a young boy, Pi seems to have an ability to understand the various religions in great depth and
has faith in the gods. From these religions he has developed a sense of morality which exists in and
benefits all living things. Regarding of what happened with the ship and had to live in the middle of the
sea, having motivation of psychological safety needs Pi had to adapt both his emotional and psychology
that he’s living the life of deprivation and constant fear. He survived mentally after seven months at sea
on a lifeboat by keeping his mind occupied with the following: completing daily tasks, such as reading,
fishing, and keeping a diary; taming Richard Parker; and practice religious rituals. By that means he
appreciate anything that keeps him busy, to distract himself. All of these things helped Pi to keep his mind
active without success in depression and despair. Rather than killing Richard Parker because of fear, Pi
prefer to tame him, find food and water for both of them. Richard Parker wasn’t just a distraction to keep
him occupied, he was also a company as they enjoyed the view of the sea at night together. By the time
they get along so well, He realizes that he loves Richard Parker, the aggressive tiger. Many times he stated
that Richard Parker saved his life mentally. The survival book also plays the role to guide him what to do,
reminding there’s hope to stay alive in that extreme situation.

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