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Republic of the Philippines

Compostela Valley Province

Compostela Valley State College
Montevista Branch
S.Y. 2018


At the end of one hour discussion, the pupils should be able to;
1. define Personal Pronouns;
2. practice using Personal Pronouns by rewriting the sentence; and
3. create sentences using Personal Pronouns.


Topic: Personal Pronouns
Reference: English For You and Me, grade 4, p.85-87
Author/s: Benita, M.N, (
Materials: pictures, cartolina, pentelpen, scissors
Learning Competency:


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Review
- Assume that the past lesson is all about Noun.
- What is Noun?
- Who can give me an example of Noun that is a name of person?
- How about a Noun that is a name of things?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
‘’Present Me’’
The teacher will pick some pupils to present the children
in the sentences.
1. My name is Artemis. 2. This is Zita Mulang.
I am a Mangyan boy. She is a T’boli girl.
I live in the Mountains of Mindoro. She lives in Mindanao.

3.Odin is a Tasaday boy. 4. This is Omar and I am Kalim.

He gather roots and fruits of plants for food. We are Tausug boys.
He catches, fish, crabs, and frogs, for food too. We live in Sulu.

5.Betty and Nena are Igorot children.

They live in Mountain Province.
They make flower necklace.

2. Analysis
From the sentences above,
 What do you observe the name of children in the sentences?
As shown in the sentences about the children, I takes place the name of
Artemis, She take the place of Zita Mulang.
 How about, Odin, Omar and Kalim, and Betty and Nena, what words that
takes place of their name?
 What do you call this word?

3. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss the following:

Personal Pronouns are used to take place the name of persons, things, or
I is used when you talk about yourself.
He is used when you talk about a man or a boy.
She is used when you talk about a woman or a girl.
It is used when you talk about animals or things.
We is used when you talk about other person and yourself.
You is used when talking to the person.
They is used when you talk about other person.

4. Application
The class will be divided into four groups. They will answer the following.
Direction: Create sentences that align to the following pictures. Use personal

Example: Aling Nena is a farmer.

She plants fruits and vegetables.
She goes to farm every morning.
Direction: Rewrite each sentence in a ½ sheet of paper. Change the
underlined Nouns to Pronouns.

1. Nona is industrious and cheerful.

2. Nestor and Tony are helpful.
3. My Uncle is a doctor.
4. The boys water the plants.
5. Miss Castor is a nurse.

Choose the correct Personal Pronouns inside the parenthesis to complete the
sentences. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

1. Noli’s mother is going to the farm with her neighbors. ____ (He, She,
They) will harvest a corn.
2. Nilo and I rode on the carabao’s back. ___ (I, We, They) enjoyed our ride.
3. Mother said,’’ ___ (She, I, We) will go to farm next week to buy some
4. My sister and I picked some ripe Guavas. ____ (She, We, You) gave me
one ripe Guava.
5. Ben brought a basket. ___ (He, I, You) will bring some corn.

Prepared by:
Queenie T. Nagaliza

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