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Yoga has its origin thousands of years ago in India. It has originated from a
universal desire towards attaining happiness and getting rid of sufferings.
According to yogic lore, Shiva is considered as the founder of Yoga. A number of
seals and fossil remains of Indus Valley Civilization, dating back to 2700 BC
indicates that yoga was prevalent in ancient India. However, systematic reference
of yoga is found in Patanjali's Yogadarshna. Maharishi Patanjali systematized the
yogic practices. After Patanjali, many sages and yogis contributed to its
development and as a result, yoga has now spread all over the World. In this
sequence, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
with 193 members approved the proposal to celebrate ‘June 21’ as the
'International Yoga Day'1.

Surya Namaskara’ or ‘Sun Salutation’ is an integral part of the yogic approach for
solution of all the psycho-pysiological problems of human being and can be
easily integrated into our daily lives as it requires only five to fifteen minutes of
daily practice to obtain beneficial results. Surya Namaskara is a series of twelve
physical postures or asanas.

According to the scriptures, if performed correctly, Surya namaskar does not strain
or cause injury. If performed in the morning, it relieves stiffness, revitalizes the
body, refreshes the mind and purifies subtle energy channels2. Though the
greatness of Surya namaskar has been described in scriptures extensively, not

1 Yoga A Healthy Way of Living (2015). Secondary Stage. Published by National Council of Educational Research and Training
2 Saraswati SS (2002) Surya namaskar – A technique of solar vitalization. Yoga publication trust, Munger.
much research has been done to understand its benefits. it was speculated that
Surya namaskar can be an ideal aerobic exercise as it involves both static
stretching and slow dynamic component of exercise with optimal stress on the
cardio-respiratory system3. A later study assessed the cardio-respiratory and
metabolic responses of four rounds of Surya namaskar, a typical amount performed
by practitioners, to determine its potential as a training and weight loss tool. It was
found that participants exercised at 80% of age-predicted maximal heart rate
(HRmax) during Round 2, 84% during Round 3, and 90% during Round 4.
Average intensity during the four rounds was 80% HRmax, sufficient to elicit a
cardio-respiratory training effect. Oxygen consumption averaged 26 ml/kg/ min
during each round, resulting in an energy expenditure of 230 kcals during a 30 min
session for a 60 kg individual.4

Researcher has reviewed related literature i.e. articles, books and research papers
on surya namaskar , but can not found relevant answers of their curiosities, that
became research questions of this work i.e.

Are the various frequencies of practicing surya namaskar e.g. 10 rounds or 25

rounds have different effect on physical health of the students ?

Are the various frequencies of practicing surya namaskar e.g. 10 rounds or 25

rounds having different effect on height, weight, heart rate & BP (systolic,
diastolic) of the students?

Are the various frequencies of practicing surya namaskar e.g. 10 rounds or 25

rounds have different effect on mental health and self confidence of the students?

3 Sinha B, Ray US, Pathak A, Selvamurthy W (2004) Energy cost and cardio-respiratory changes during the practice of Surya
namaskar. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 48: 184-189. From P Javadekar - 2012
4 Mody BS (2011) Acute effects of Surya namaskar on the cardiovascular & metabolic system. J Bodyw Mov Ther 15: 343-347
What is the best duration of practicing Surya Namaskar for enhancement of
psychological well being i. e. mental health and self confidence etc?

What is the best duration of practicing Surya Namaskar for physical well being and
balancing of weight, height, and BP, heart rate etc?

To find out the scientific & research based answer of the above questions
researcher decided to work on the topic, A Study of Psycho-Physiological Effects
of Surya Namaskar on Adolescent Students.


(1) Study of the effect of duration and frequencies of Surya Namaskar on

physical health of adolescent students.

(2) Study of the effect of duration and frequencies of Surya Namaskar on

mental health of adolescent students.

(3) Study of the effect of duration and frequencies of Surya Namaskar on

self-confidence of adolescent students.


(i) There is no significant effect of the effect of duration and frequencies of

Surya Namaskar on physical health of adolescent students.

(ii) There is no any significant effect of the effect of duration and

frequencies of Surya Namaskar on mental health of adolescent

(iii) There is no significant of the effect of duration and frequencies of

Surya Namaskar on self-confidence of adolescent students.

(A) Psycho-physiological: Psychophysiology5 is the branch of physiology that

is concerned with the relationship between mental (psyche) and physical
(physiological) processes; it is the scientific study of the interaction between
mind and body. The field of psychophysiology draws upon the work of
physicians, psychologists, biochemists, neurologists, engineers, and other

In this proposed research psycho-physiological variable considered as

psychological variables & physical variables. In which psychological
variables consist mental health, self confidence, creativity, personality and
EQ etc of the subject. In the present study mental health & self-confidence
were considered as psychological variable.

(B) Mental Health:- The concept mental health is as old as human beings.
Mental health as defined by Kornhauser6 (1965) connotated those
behaviours, perceptions and feelings that determine a person’s overall level
of personal effectiveness, success, happiness and excellence of functioning
as a person. The concept of mental health takes a Gestalt view of the
individual. It incorporates the concepts of personality characteristics and
behavior all in one. It may also be understood as the behavioural
characteristic of the person. Six popular indices of mental health were finally
selected for inclusion in the present research : Emotional stability, over all
adjustment , autonomy, security – insecurity, self concept and intelligence.

(C) Self-confidence:- Self –confidence refers to a person’s perceived ability to
tackle situations successfully without learning on others and to have a
positive self- evaluation. In the words of Basavanna7 (1975), In general
terms , self- confidence referes to an indivudual’s perceived ability to act
effectively in a situation to overcome obstacle and to get things go all right.

(D) Physical variable:-

Height8:- the distance from the bottom to the top of someone or something
standing upright estimating the height of a tree a woman of average height
six feet in height b : the extent of elevation above a level .The land reaches
a height of 600 feet above sea level.

Weight:The force 9with which a body is attracted to Earth or another celesti

al body and which is equal to the product of the object's mass and the
acceleration of gravity. Kg was used as unit of weight in this research.
Blood Pressure:-Pressure exerted by the blood upon the walls of the
blood vessels and especially arteries, usually measured on the radial artery
by means of a sphygmomanometer, and expressed in millimeters of mercury
either as a fraction having as numerator the maximum pressure that follows
systole of the left ventricle of the heart and as denominator the minimum
pressure that accompanies cardiac diastole or as a whole number
representing the first value only <a blood pressure of
{frac120/80}> <a blood pressure of 120>—abbreviation BP

7 Manual for Agnihotri’s Self – confidence Inventory. Agra :National Psychological corporation
Blood pressure, measured with a blood pressure cuff around an arm or leg, is
the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls.

Heart rate: - The rate at which heart beat. 11 A measure of cardiac activity
usually expressed as number of beats per minute. Children who are 11 to 17
have heart rates that range from 60 to 100 bpm. Just as with adults, female
children tend to have slightly higher resting higher heart rates than males.

(E) SURYA NAMASKAR: Surya Namaskara12 is one of the most

important yoga practices. It is the set of 12 yoga poses which can be
performed while chanting 12 different mantras. Mantras add a profound
spiritual element to the practice.

Surya Namaskara is sometimes translated as "eternal salutations to the

sun." In Sanskrit, surya means "sun" and namaskara means "salutations."
The practice of Surya Namaskara awakens the body intelligence to create
energy directly from the sun. In the Vedic tradition, the sun is symbolic of
consciousness and, therefore, has been worshiped daily in the Indian culture.

But in present study 16 steps of surya namaskara was practiced for

three months and SN is used briefly in place of Surya Namaskar.

(F) Adolescent students : Adolescence13 describes the teenage years

between 13 and 19 and can be considered the transitional stage
from childhood to adulthood. However, the physical and psychological
changes that occur in adolescence can start earlier, during the preteen or
"tween" years (ages 9 through 12). Adolescence can be a time of both

disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of
independence and self-identity.

In this study age group 12-17 years was considered as adolescent students.

(G).Effect:- Effect of independent variable (Surya Namaskar) was measured

with special reference to its duration & frequency.

Duration: - Duration refers to various sessions in a day for practicing surya

namaskar i.e. morning session, evening session & both the timing session.

Frequency: - frequency means rounds of a set of 16 steps surya namaskar

practicing during a session by the subject e. g. 10 rounds or 25 rounds.


 Forty adolescent students of the age group 12-17 years were included in the
 Psycho-physiological variable was physical and psychological variables, in
which height, weight, BP, Heart rate and physical well-being were included
as physical variables and mental health and self-confidence were included as
psychological variables.
 Navodaya Vidhyalaya of district sardarshahar was selected as population of
the study from which adolescent students were selected as sample.
 Treatment was given to the students for three months.

Review of related literature:-

In view of the worth wholeness of reviewing the related literature, the researcher
also made his effort to have a conspectus of related studies. In the second chapter
thirty five related studies have been presented which completed in abroad and in
Research methodology & Procedure:-

In the third chapter particular attention has been given to research methodology &
designing, the proposed research is experimental in nature, so in this chapter
experiment design, sample, procedure, used tools, techniques and statistics have
been given comprehensively.


A sample of 45 (10 Male & 35 Female) students of class 6 th to 12thwith the
mean age of 15 years (12-17 yrs) has been selected through random sampling from
the population. These selected students have divided into three groups on the basis
of timing i.e. Morning group, evening group and the group practicing both time
both. Again these groups were divided into two group of students each on the basis
of frequency 10 rounds or 25 rounds. At last for preparing Experimental groups,
students have also been divided into three groups of 15 students each. After the
proper categorization of the students, pre-test were taken of self- confidence and
mental health then appropriate treatment with the help of their PTI madam has
been given to them for three months. After the completion of the treatment self-
confidence and Mental health test have been applied again and their physical test
(height, weight, BP, heart rate and general wellbeing) also performed again &
physical examination was done with the help of Nurse Madam. On the basis of
significant difference of obtained scores on both pre & posttests , Effectiveness of
the Surya Namaskar have been calculated with the help of suitable statistics.
As per objectives of the study, to measure the Psychological variable of the
subjects, following tools have been used for collecting data –
Name of Tools Developed by
A Self-Confidence Inventory (ASCI) Rekha Agnihotri
B Mental Health Battery Arun Kumar Singh & Alpana
Sen Gupta


To analyze the collected data from the adolescence students of Navodya
school with reference to the specific objectives and hypothesis, the following
stastistical techniques have been used.
(i). Mean
(ii). Standard Deviation (S.D.)
(iii). CR/“t” Value
analysis and interpretation of the collected data. This chapter consists of 24 tables
& 17 graphs for clarification and presentation of the standard scores or data and


ACTION PLAN:The researcher devoted fifth chapter to the main findings,
conclusion, educational implications and suggestions for further research. These
have been discussed in different heading in this chapter.

Results of data analysis and its interpretation have been given in the previous
chapter. This chapter deals with the discussion of the results in relation to
achievement of objectives of the study and testing of the hypothesis formulated for
this study, the rationale behind various results obtained and the like. These findings
are the results of data analysis obtained by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
followed by t-test. Hypothesis wise findings are discussed as follows:
1. Hypothesis – I :- “There is no significant effect of duration & frequency
of Surya Namaskar on physical health of adolescent students.”

For the purpose of testing such hypothesis researcher applied advanced statistics
i.e. ANOVA (F-test) followed by t-test for analyzing the scores collected after
treatment. From the result of data analysis, the null hypothesis has been partial
rejected. It shows that there is a significant effect of duration & frequency of Surya
Namaskar on some variables of physical health of adolescent students.

Hypothesis – V.I.i :-There is no any significant effect of duration & frequency

of surya namaskar on height of subjects.

Two-Factor without Replication Anova was used for analysis of the sub hypothesis
. F-value of rows is found 0.887724 which is not significant at .05 level . Rows &
column have shown durations and frequencies of performing SN respectively. F-
Value of columns is found 1.498147 which is also not significant at .05 level of
significance. Columns have shown effect of frequency of SN on height. Hence the
proposed hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis – V.I.ii :- “Significant difference would not be observed between the

mean scores of measured height of the subjects practicing different duration of
Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by ANOVA (F-test) and t-test, finally it has
been accepted. It has been observed that there is no any significant difference
among the mean scores of height of the subjects practicing of SN in the morning
,evening and both the times.
Hypothesis –V.I.iii:- “There is a no any significant difference between the
mean scores of height for practiced different frequencies of SN.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by ANOVA (F-test) and t-test, finally it has
been accepted. It has been observed that there is a no any significant difference
between the mean scores of height for practiced different frequencies i.e. 10
rounds or 25 rounds of SN.

Hypothesis -V.I.iv:- “There is no any significant difference between the mean

scores of measured height of the subjects practicing different frequencies of SN
at different time.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by ANOVA (F-test) and t-test, finally it has
been accepted. It has observed that there is no any significant difference between
the mean scores of measured height of the subjects practicing different frequencies
of SN at different time.

Hypothesis -V.I.v:- “Not any significant effect of duration & frequency of surya
namaskar on weight of subjects.”

Two-Factor without Replication Anova was used for analysis testing the
hypothesis. It has observed that the F-value of rows is found 1.129204 which is
not significant at .05 level . Rows & column have shown duration and frequency
of performing SN respectively. F- Value of columns is found 9.34207 which is
significant at both .05 & .01 level of significance. Columns have shown effect of
frequency of SN on weight. Hence the proposed hypothesis is partially rejected.

Hypothesis “Significant difference would not be observed between the

mean scores of measured weight of the subjects practicing different duration of
Surya namaskar.”
This hypothesis has also been tested by t-test, finally it has been accepted. It has
been observed that there is no any significant difference among the mean scores of
weight of the subjects practicing SN in the morning ,evening and both times.

Hypothesis –V.I.vii:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the

mean scores of measured weight of the subjects practicing different frequencies
of Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by t-test, finally it has been rejected. It has
been observed that there is significant difference between the mean scores of
weight for practicing different frequencies of SN. High mean score obtained by the
group who practiced 25 rounds than the group practiced 10 rounds. Above
discussion proves that 25 rounds at a time are more effective than 10 rounds effect
on weight of the adolescent students.

Hypothesis - V.I.viii:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the

mean scores of measured weight of the subjects practicing different frequencies
at various durations of Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by t-test, finally it has been rejected. There is
a significant difference between the mean scores of measured weight practicing
different frequencies of SN at morning and evening session, but no any difference
between mean scores of the frequencies were found in the both timing practicing
group. Mean scores of morning & evening session who practiced 25 rounds got
high mean than 10 rounds practicing SN.

Hypothesis –V.I.ix:- “There is no any significant effect of duration & frequency

of surya namaskar on heart rate of subjects”.

Two-Factor without Replication Anova was used for analysis the hypothesis. The
conclusion has been drawn that the F-value of rows is found 0.907404 which is not
significant at .05 level . Rows & column have shown duration and frequency of
performing SN respectively. F- values of columns is found 0.96701 which is also not
significant at .05 level of significance. Columns have shown effect of frequency of
SN on heart rate. Hence the proposed hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis –V.I.x:- “There is no any significant effect of duration for practicing

of surya namaskar on heart rate of the subjects.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by t-test, finally it has been accepted. It has
been observed that there is no any significant difference among the mean scores of
heart rate of the subjects practicing SN in the morning ,evening and both times.

Hypothesis –V.I.xi:- “There is no any significant effect of frequency for

practicing of surya namaskar on heart rate of the subjects.”

It has been founded that there is no any significant difference between the mean
scores of heart rate for practicing different frequencies of SN.

Hypothesis –V.I.xii:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the

mean scores of heart rate of the subjects practicing different frequencies at
various durations of Surya namaskar.”

It has been founded that there is no any significant difference among the mean
scores of heart rate of the subjects practicing SN in the morning , evening and both

Hypothesis –V.I.xiii :-“There is no any significant effect of duration &

frequency of surya namaskar on blood pressure (systotic) of subjects.”

Two-Factor without Replication Anova was used for analysis of this hypothesis
.The conclusion has been drawn that the F-value of rows is found 0.741447 which
is not significant at .05 level . Rows & column have shown duration and frequency
of performing SN respectively. F- values of columns is found 0.485259 which is
also not significant at .05 level of significance. Columns have shown effect of
frequency of SN on BP (systolic). Hence the proposed hypothesis is accepted..

Hypothesis – V.I.xiv :- “significant difference would not be observed between

the mean scores of duration & frequency of surya namaskar on blood pressure
(diastolic) of subjects.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by ANOVA (F-test) and t-test, finally it has
been accepted. Two-Factor without Replication Anova was used for testing the
hypothesis and the conclusion has been drawn that F-value of rows is found
1.470352 which is not significant at .05 level. Rows & column have shown
duration and frequency of performing SN respectively. F- values of columns is
found 0.600856 which is also not significant at .05 level of significance. Columns
have shown effect of frequency of SN on BP (diastolic). Hence the proposed
hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis – V.II :- “There is no any significant effect of duration & frequency

of Surya Namaskar on mental health of adolescent students.”

This hypothesis has also been tested by Two-Factor without Replication Anova.It
reveals that the F-value of rows were found 4.673159 which is significant at .05
level, rows shown duration of performing SN. But f value of columns was found
0.113523 which is not significant at .05 level of significance. Columns were shown
effect of frequency of SN on obtained scores in mental health battery. Hence the
proposed hypothesis is partial rejected.

Hypothesis –V.II .ii:- “There is no any significant effect of duration for

practicing of surya namaskar on mental health of the subjects.”
The conclusion has been drawn that there is a significant difference among the
mean scores obtained in mental health battery of morning , evening and both
times practicing group . It is a founded that morning group obtained high score
than evening group and the group practicing both time got highest score in the
post test of mental health.

Hypothesis –II. iii:- There is no any significant effect of frequency for

practicing of surya namaskar on mental health of the subjects.

It has been observed by that there is no any significant difference between the
mean score obtained in mental health battery of practicing different frequencies of
SN. It is also clear from that 10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time is equal
effect on mental health of the adolescent students.

Hypothesis –II. vi:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the
mean scores of mental health of the subjects practicing different frequencies at
various durations of Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has been tested by t-test and found that there is no any
significant difference between the mean score obtained in mental health battery
of practicing different frequencies of SN at different times. It is also clear from
above table that 10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time have equal effect on
mental health of the adolescent students in reference to various duration of

Hypothesis –V.II. vi:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the
mean scores of mental health of the subjects before & after practicing different
frequencies at various durations of Surya namaskar.”
This hypothesis has been tested by t-test and found on the base of analysis of pre &
post test scores, mean, SD and t-value that calculated t-value is higher than table
value at .01 significant level (df 78 than table value of t at .01 level is 2.63) .It is
found that there is significant difference in obtained scores of pre & post test.
Mean value of post test scores is greater than the pre test scores

Hypothesis – V.III :- “There is no any significant effect of duration & frequency

of Surya Namaskar on self confidence of adolescent students.”

Two-Factor without Replication Anova is used for data analysis Table No. – T.IV.III
(i) reveals that the F-value of rows is found 0.66093 which is not significant at .05
level, rows are shown frequency of SN. But f value of columns is found 4.028409,
which is significant at 0.05 level of significance. Obtained scores on various
duration of performing SN are shown in columns. Hence the proposed hypothesis
is partial rejected.

Hypothesis –V.III.i:- “There is no any significant effect of duration for

practicing of surya namaskar on self- confidence of the subjects.”

This hypothesis has been tested by t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal

Variances.It has been observed that there is a significant difference among the
mean scores obtained in self confidence inventory of morning, evening and
evening, both times practicing group . It is also clear from above table that
evening group obtained high scores than morning group in self confidence
inventory and the group practicing both times. Evening group got highest scores
in the post test of self confidence inventory. In the self confidence inventory all
questions are negative; it means high scores or mean value indicate low
confidence level.
Hypothesis –V.III. v:- “There is no any significant effect of frequency for
practicing of surya namaskar on self-confidence of the subjects.”

there is no any significant difference between the mean score obtained in self
confidence inventory for practiced different frequencies of SN. It is also clear that
10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time have equal effect on self confidence of
the adolescent students.

Hypothesis –V.III. vi:- “Significant difference would not be observed between

the mean scores of self confidence of the subjects practicing different
frequencies at various durations of Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has been tested by t-test and found that there is a no any
significant difference between the mean scores obtained in self-confidence
inventory for practicing different frequencies of SN at different time.

Hypothesis -II. vi:- “Significant difference would not be observed between the
mean scores of self -confidence of the subjects before & after practicing different
frequencies at various durations of Surya namaskar.”

This hypothesis has been tested by t-test and found on the base of analysis of pre &
post test scores, mean, SD and t-value .It is founded that calculated t-value is
higher than table value at .01 significant level (df 78 than table value of t at .01
level is 2.63) .It is found that there is significant difference in obtained scores of
pre & post test. The self-confidence inventory includes negative questions only.
Mean value of pre test scores is greater than the post test scores.

1. On the basis of findings drawn through the testing of the related hypothesis, the
following conclusion have been washed out –
2. There is no any significant effect of various duration e.i. morning, evening & both
times & frequency ( 10 rounds or 25 rounds) of surya namaskar on height of the
adolescent students.
3. Surya namaskar is equally effective on height variable of the subjects who
practiced during any times of the day e.i. morning, evening & both the times.

4. 10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of surya namaskar have equal

effect on height of the adolescent students.

5. 10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of surya namaskar have equal

effect on height of adolescent students at various duration of the time e.g. morning,
evening and both times.

6. SN is equally effective on height variable of the subjects who practiced SN during

any time of the day e.i. morning, evening & both the times.

7. 25 rounds at a time are more effective than 10 rounds practicing of surya namaskar
effect on weight of the adolescent students.

8. In the morning and evening session practicing 25 rounds of SN is more effective

for weight reducing than 10 rounds practicing SN, but 10 rounds and 25 rounds
were found equally effective on weight of the adolescence for the group practicing
in both times.

9. SN is equally effective on heart rate of the subjects who practiced SN during any
time of the day e.i. morning, evening & both times.

10.25 rounds at a time are as effective as 10 rounds practicing of surya namaskar for
balancing heart rate of the adolescent students.
11.SN is equally effective on maintaining of BP of the subjects who practiced SN
during any time of the day e.i. morning, evening & both times.

12.25 rounds at a time are as effective as 10 rounds practicing of surya namaskar for
balancing of BP of the adolescent students.

13.Both times practicing of SN is more effective than practicing in one time a day for
enhancement in mental health, although morning time is more effective in
comparison of evening time for mental health.

14.10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of surya namaskar is equal

effect on mental health of the adolescent students.

15.10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of surya namaskar have equal
effect on mental health of the adolescent students in various duration of times.

16.Surya namaskar have positive effect on mental health of the adolescent students.
17.morning time is the most effective period in comparison to both times for
enhancement of self confidence.

18.10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of surya namaskar have equal
effect on self confidence of the adolescent students.

19.Various frequencies i.e. 10 rounds at a time or 25 rounds at a time practicing of

surya namaskar have equal effect on self-confidence of the adolescent students in
morning session, evening session and both times.

20.SN has positive effect on self confidence of the adolescent students.


The basic objective of educational research is to improve by implementing finding
of the research. Therefore, if a research study does not have point of implications
mentions separately, it is not consider as research work of education. Keeping this
significant factor in mind the researcher has mentioned following implications of
her research findings.

The goal of education is to overall development of human being can effectively

attain by the incorporation of surya namaskar in each level of education e.g.
nursery, primary, elementary, secondary or senior secondary level.

The study has implication for education to suggest how Surya Namaskara could be
used to physical, emotional and mental development effectively and tell which
behavioral changes can promote.

Since students have regular practiced the surya namaskar with in month they
reported that there concentration is being improved with stamina. If our students
will accept it in daily life they will be not only physical fit but mentally healthy

Among with the students, teachers and parents should also adopt in their life for
there physical, spiritual and mental development.

Teachers at pre-service stage as well as in-service state need to be trained in

performing surya namaskar with proper orientation regarding to its benefits for
human beings.

Teachers also need to be trained in effective presentation with all necessary

precautions and prerequisites of performing surya anmaskar, appropriate strategy
at the right hour is most effective. Even high creative potential can be fruitfully
exploited through adaptation of it.


Today all over world is understand the importance of yoga that is given by ancient
India. International Yoga day is celebrating at 21 st January from 2015.Yoga
especially surya namaskara is not only the best yogic exercise for physical health
but it is also excellent for mental & emotional health too.

Based on the research experience of the present investigator as well as the process
of experimentation, treatment, responses of the subjects, details of the ongoing
process, findings of the study, their need and environment prevailing in Indian
schools & daily life of every one. Some of the suggestions for further research in
the area of Yoga & Surya Namaskar are identified as follows:

1. The study may be replicated for various grade levels and for different
genders or age level to confirm the generalisability of the results and conclusions
of the study.

2. Researches need to be conducted to study the feasibility in terms of cultural

milieu so that it can be effectively and frequently used.

3. Variables like pupil’ cognitive level, student’ background, spiritual &

emotional intelligence, creative potential and the like can be studied in relation to
surya namaskar.

4. Affective and psycho motor domains need to be further explored as desired

effect of surya namaskar.

5. Application of surya namaskar to various disadvantaged groups,

handicapped, the gifted and the like may be helpful.

6. Curriculum planners can study and evolve plans of studies or organization of

content areas in various subjects at elementary to senior secondary level on the
lines of philosophy of Indian yoga.

7. Research based guideline is required to decide the best timing, frequency

and duration for various age group students like nursery, primary, elementary,
secondary or senior secondary.
8. This research study should be conducted with emotionally imbalanced
students and the students who have poor concentration.

9. Comparative study may be conducted to study various psychological &

physical variables of the students who are practicing and not practicing surya


In the present days, with a rapidly changing educational scenario, the role of
teacher and teaching are changing fast wherein he is enshrined with the
responsibility of promoting fruitful learning with overall development of the
learners. Yogic activities like surya namaskara have attained a prominent place in
the world and so is development of mental processes, including emotional
stabilities. The present study has this scientific race having interest in research and
innovation in the field of education and do not want to lag behind in this
technologically developing world. This study can give contribution to society and
useful to the student, teachers and everyone if -

Awareness programmes would be conducted for Surya Namaskar at every level of

education and society.

Philosophy of surya namaskar with its need, importance and benefits should be
taught to students as well as teachers.

It may be a compulsory to practice surya namakara for all the educational

institutions as well as parents too.

Teachers at pre-service stage as well as in-service state should to be trained in

performing surya namaskar with proper orientation regarding to its benefits for
human beings.
Teachers should be given proper training with all necessary precautions and
prerequisites of performing surya anmaskar, appropriate strategy should be made at
govt level for govt and private educational institutes.

Teacher education programmes in India should incorporate training for a variety of

surya namaskara so that tomorrow’s teachers are more rational, physically fit and
mentally healthy, it could eliminate crimes form the society.

Some Academic Staff Colleges would be started by our govt., for the purpose of
training our teachers’ in this field.

Necessary contents should be included in the Teachers’ Training Programme as a

separate paper.

Special talks on the surya namaskara & yoga would be given by the experts in
schools, U.G., P.G. and In-Service Teachers’ Training Programme.


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