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Bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak ​is a traditional English dish made with the
shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. Bubble and squeak,
with its cutesy name, is a classic British day-after-holiday dish. It is
incredibly versatile, as you can throw in any leftover vegetables or mashed
potatoes into this comforting recipe — perfect for a relaxing meal after a
hectic Thanksgiving.The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but
carrots, peas, Brussels sprouts, or any other leftover vegetables can be

The origins of this dish are unknown, but it is firmly established in

British culinary traditions. Usually made to use up leftovers after a Sunday
roast dinner, or a major holiday like Christmas, bubble and squeak is
quintessentially British and makes for a hearty breakfast, lunch, or even a
quick weeknight meal.

The unusual name probably stems from the bubbly and squeaky noises
that the dish makes while being cooked. This dish tastes wonderful just by
itself, but I have also served it with fried eggs, sausages, and homemade
English-style baked beans, for the perfect after-holiday meal.

One of the reasons this dish is so popular is because of its versatility.

All the countries in the UK have a version of this classic. In Ireland,
colcannon is a similar dish with cabbage, kale, and potatoes, while in
Scotland, it is the delightfully named "rumbledethumps," which also
includes cheese. You can also add bacon to give the dish an extra hearty
flavor, or replace half the potato mash with sweet potato or yam mash for
an unusual, sweet-and-savory dish.


Serves 4 to 6

∙ 1 tablespoon butter
∙ 1 to 2 tablespoons canola oil
∙ 1/2 medium onion, finely diced
∙ 1/2 cup shredded, cooked brussels sprouts
∙ 1/2 cup shredded, cooked cabbage (optional)
∙ 1/2 cup grated carrots (can be cooked or raw)
∙ 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes
∙ Salt and pepper to taste
∙ Fried eggs, to serve (optional)
1 Gently heat the butter and oil in a wide, shallow skillet over medium
heat, and add the onion. Cook for five minutes, until the onion is
2 Turn up the heat to medium-high and add the shredded brussels
sprouts, cabbage (if using), and carrots. Season with a little salt and
pepper. Cook for five minutes, until the vegetables start to color.
3 Add the mashed potatoes to the skillet and stir briskly, until the
vegetables and potatoes are well combined. Season again, to taste.
4 Press down on the skillet and fry for five to seven minutes, until the
bottom is lightly browned and crisp. Drizzle a little oil around the
edges if the mixture looks like it's drying out. The potato mixture
should start making squeaking sounds at this point.
5 Using the lid of the skillet, invert the bubble and squeak into the lid,
then slide back into the skillet to cook the other side. Cook for an
additional five to seven minutes. Serve cut into wedges and topped
with fried eggs, if desired.
∙ Recipe Notes

You can use almost any leftover vegetables to make bubble and squeak.
Parsnips, peas, sweet potato mash, swedes, and turnips all make excellent

You can also add bacon to this dish. Cook the bacon in the skillet first, then
remove from the skillet, drain, and chop. Add a tablespoon of butter to the
bacon fat in the skillet and continue as described, stirring in the chopped
bacon with the potatoes.

The name bubble and squeak is used primarily in England , and it may also
be understood in parts of some other Commonwealth countries and the
United States.

Bubble and squeak was a popular dish during the Second World War, as it
was an easy way of using leftovers during a period when most foods were
subject to rationing. In more recent times, prepared frozen and tinned
versions have become available.

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