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Technological University of the Philippines

Ayala Blvd., Ermita Manila, 1000, Philippines

Food and Apparel Technology Department

Ang Kalagayan ng Agham at Teknolohiya sa Pilipinas

Jobelle M.Cuenca


Prof. Mr. Froilan De Guzman

Science Technology And Society Subject


1. What are the Different Issues in the Video, In what way this issues slowed down the
progress of Science and Technology in the Philippines?

• As I have watched the video, I realized that this country is much even worse for the
present time. especially that for this day, almost all the people are being dependent to
use their gadgets that to focus on their works, studies and even in their families. some of
the issues tackled in this video are the status of education here in our country. were as
we all know now a days the population of the children's not being sent yo school, not
being able to finish grade school, high school and college is much more higher than
before. Because the population of poor people here in the Philippines is high. also the
students who graduated with a degree at Science and technology end up taking different
job rather than the job right for the degree they have taken. Next is the Budget of the
Government for the research here in the philippines is very low that it doesn't even meet
the U.N Standard of 1. Then the Metrology Laboratories in our country where we can't
even buy the machines needed because it cause a million for us to purchase it. Then our
country is being dependent of the Import And Export of goods here. The government
rather choose to spend a lot of money buying goods at other country rather than
focusing in our Agriculture. were we can make our own goods. less expenses right?.
Also the Transportation we have here in our country. the electricity. All of this Issues
slowed down the progress of Science and Technology in the Philippines in a way that
the government are not even focusing to give AGHAM AT TEKNOLOHIYA a chance
to change and solve all of this issues with the help of the Filipinos of course. why does
the government give a budget that is right for the need of the improvement of
technology here in our country? why do they spend too much money in other things
than to use it to solve the poverty here in our country?. If the Government, and all of the
Filipinos UNITE, then we wouldn't be like this. Our country can be like Cuba, Vietnam
and China in terms of the Science and Technology in there Country if we will just push
ourselves to be like them.

2. Suppose you are granted authority of a Senator, What possible Laws should be
enabled for long term development?

• I think if I were given an authority of a Senator, The Possible Laws i will be

implementing are:

- Local Agriculture should be used rather than Imported Products. Especially Rice,
Milk, Sugar and etc.

- Budget for Metrology Machines needed.

- Specific Jobs for the Graduate Students.

This Laws can help the science and technology in our country also the Local
Agriculture of our country will be more used than the products if the other countries
which is importing there goods here in our country. All of this Laws will only be
possible if it will be implemented properly and if the filipinos will follow this laws.

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