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I read in the internet that teaching is a mathematical

procedure. 2 plus 2 equals 4. 2 teach is 2 touch lives

4ever. It is so simple an addition but it has caught my
attention so much because it was very true. Indeed our
teachers have touched lives, our lives, our children’s lives
forever. In fact teachers are the most influential people at
this very early life of our children. Ruferich said one day
after attending classes, kaon ko vegetable ma kay nag-
laong c teacher. And since then it was never hard to
convince him to eat vegetable.
David Haselkorn quoted “Teaching is the essential
profession, the one that makes all professions possible.”
Another quote from Helen Caldicott goes like this,
”Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and
important members of society because their professional
efforts affect the fate of the earth.

And everything about me and you, they helped to create.

Undeniably, we owe a lot to our teachers. And we know
Teaching is hard, and at times it can seem like energy is in
short supply. Sometimes, teachers need a little inspiration
to remind them why they do what they do. That is why we
are doing this simple celebration to honor our teachers …
the best people that help us mold our children into
becoming beautiful, responsible adults in the future. And
so much more. And for that teachers …. THANK YOU
VERY MUCH. Your influence in our children’s lives can
never be erased. God bless you more.

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