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farmers guide

World Tree

• Free trees for qualified farmers

• Fast growing trees suitable for inter-cropping
• Valuable lumber within 10 years
• Education, support and a buyer for the lumber
World Tree

We have 1 million trees to give to farmers

Have you heard about the amazing, fast-growing Empress Splendor tree?

It produces valuable light-weight straight-grained hardwood lumber, with the trunk di-
ameter reaching 18” or more in just 10 years. In its first season, it can readily grow to 10
feet height and can even reach 20 feet on the best sites !

World Tree is looking for farmers to participate in our free tree program. We provide the
trees for free, including shipping to your door at no cost, on-going management advice,
an on-site visit by an expert forester at planting time and access to the market at the end
of 10 years. Your role is to plant and manage the trees on your land, and report to us a
few times a year on their progress.

Within 10 years, World Tree will work with you to harvest the trees and will bring the buy-
er for the lumber. All proceeds will be split evenly, 50/50.

The expected harvest volume is around 30,000 bd ft per acre from 110 trees per acre.
Empress lumber currently sells at between $3 and $14 a board foot. At $3 a board foot,
you could receive $45,000 per acre for your trees.
How it works
World Tree provides Empress Trees to qualified farmers with at least 20 acres of available. Farmers care for the
trees under the guidance of our team of experienced growers and once the trees reach maturity (within 10
years) they are sold for lumber and the proceeds are split evenly.

The farmer receives 50% of the proceeds and World Tree receives 50%.

Once harvested, Empress Splendor trees regenerate from the root and will grow again up to seven times. After
the first harvest, the trees belong 100% to the farmer who keeps all ongoing profits.

About the Empress Splendor Tree

The Empress Spendor is the fastest growing hardwood tree in the world reaching maturity in just 10 years.

The Empress is a member of the Paulownia family, a sacred tree of the orient, long revered for its fast growth
and quality wood. In Japan it is the emblem of the Prime Minister. It has beautiful scented mauve flowers in
Spring, the leaves are palatable for grazing animals, and it re-grows from the stump after harvest, for 7 harvest
cycles or more; no re-planting needed for 70 years!

Empress Splendor trees are not genetically modified and are bred using conventional methods used by
farmers for thousands of years. They are non-invasive and are safe to plant with native species. They do not
respond well to chemical products, preferring instead organic farming methods and the use of natural fer-
tilizers such as chicken manure.

The Empress tree is a ‘wet’ wood which makes it naturally fire retardant and termite resistant.
The world’s fastest growing hardwood tree

Root 3 months 10 + years

Benefits Growing requirements

• Fastest growing hardwood tree in the world • Warm wet growing season
• Valuable lumber within 10 years • Well drained soil that is free of flooding – prefers
• Deep tri-tap root system sandy clay loam
• Sequesters 11 times more carbon than any other • Fertilizing may be necessary, depending on soil
tree conditions

• Hardwood worth $3-14/board foot • Pruning is necessary in years 2, 3 and 4

• Up to 30,000 board feet per acre

• Expert support every step of the way
• Regenerates without replanting
• Non-invasive, Non-GMO
• Suitable for intercropping
A beautiful, useful hardwood
The Empress Splendor produces a light, straight-grained lumber that is silky to the touch. It has an exceptional
strength to weight ratio with lumber that is comparable in strength to pine.

Empress wood is very light, strong and water resistant when dry. This combination of strength, light-weight
and water resistance makes it the ideal wood for building boats and surfboards. Paulownia wood is becom-
ing popular with surfers looking for an environmentally friendly alternative to fibre-glass boards.

Empress wood is also used for the production of musical instruments, furniture, windows, doors and crown
molding. It can be peeled for veneer in 1/32 inch thickness and the Chinese use the veneer as paper.
Empress Splendor lumber
• Pale blond with a light honey color, gradually transitioning from sapwood to heartwood
• Long straight grain with a finish that is soft and smooth to the touch
• Robust wood that does not easily warp, crack or deform
• Up to 30% stronger than most types of pine, 40% lighter than other hardwoods
• Weighing in at 14 - 19 lbs. per cubic foot, it has one of the highest strength to weight ratios of any wood
• Air dries quickly with low shrinkage in as little as 30-60 days
• Can be kiln dried at high temperatures to 10%-12% moisture content with minimal warping within a few
• Can be peeled for veneer at 1/16th inch thickness and can also peel at 1/32nd inch for use as paper
• Easy to plane, cut and carve with little splitting or chipping
• Used as a finishing wood for furniture manufacturing, crown molding, musical instruments, log homes,
fence posts, coffins, surfboards and airplane & sailboat applications
“At first I was concerned, would these trees
really grow that well? Well I found out they
do if you take good care of them in the first
year; mine grew from ground level to 15 ft. tall
in one season after coppice. I want to say to
new farmers that World Tree has a great team
to work with, and I look forward to a long rela-
tionship with them“
— Johnathan Walker, Alabama

“I wanted to improve my property with an envi-

ronmentally friendly tree that was fast growing
and beautiful to look at. At first I questioned,
were these trees for real? But the trees got 8
to 10 ft. tall in their first season, in spite of the
— Richard Cumberland, Georgia

“I am happy to think not only about the benefit

that I can experience here on my farm, but also
the bigger benefit, the change that we can do
for the world.

The carbon capture is important for our sustain-

ability, and we are also very happy to get the
benefit of extra income in 10 years.”
— Mauro Solis, Costa Rica
Distribution of World Tree plantations


United States

Costa Rica

“At first I had some concerns about whether the tree would grow on poor
soils in my climate. But I discovered they have outstanding growth for this
area, and will do amazingly well if properly cared for. I want to say to new
farmers that World Tree has been super, very helpful and informative and
nice friendly people to work with… give it a try, you’ll love the results!”
— Dave Smith, Mississippi
Return on harvest
Your profit is dependent on the sale of lumber, which currently sells at between $3 and $14 per board foot.

If the lumber sells for $3 per board foot this would provide you with a return of $45,000 an acre.

We can’t predict the future or what will happen to the price of lumber in years to come. In 14 years of doing
business, we have never sold lumber for less than $8 per board foot.

Price per board ft. ($USD)

$3 $5 $8

Total profit PER ACRE $90,000 $150,000 $240,000

Farmer return $45,000 $75,000 $120,000

World Tree return $45,000 $75,000 $120,000

Potential return per acre based on lumber prices between $3 and $8 a board foot and
assuming an average 30,000 board feet per acre.
How to qualify
To qualify you need to have at least 20 acres of suitable farmland.

Your success is our success. World Tree only makes money when you do. We will be your partner every step
of the way in making sure that your trees are well managed so that they produce the highest quality lumber.

You need to have:

• At least 20 acres of available land in zones 7 - 11

• Warm, wet growing season
• Water table below 6-8 feet
• Sandy clay loam soil or better
• Previous experience growing Paulownia trees or other relevent farming experience*

* If you don’t have prior experience with Paulownia and would like to test out a smaller planting you can start
with our trial package (see next page).

What you get

• A minimum of 2,200 trees (20 acres)
• 50% of the proceeds of the sale of the lumber
• Expert support to ensure successful growth
• Access to the ‘Growers Guide’ and online support materials
• World Tree provides a buyer for the lumber of the first harvest
• Ownership of the trees after the first harvest

Risk reduction
We know that farming can be a risky business, that’s why we take the following precautions to make sure that
your plantation is successful:

• World Tree replaces any trees lost in the first two years from natural causes
• Annual farm visits from one of our experts for the first 3 years to support you in growing the trees
• Regular support calls and tree health check-ups
Empress Intro Package
If you have never grown Paulownia before and are interested in gaining some experience, you can get start-
ed with our Intro Package. This includes:

• 110 trees (1 acre) for the reduced price of $550 USD (includes shipping and handling)
• Expert support and advice on growing your trees
• The Growers Guide

To find out more about the Empress Intro Package:

or call us toll free at 1 888 693 8733
Frequently asked questions
How and when do I get my trees?
The best time to plant Empress Splendor trees is in late April or May. We will call you to let you know your
trees are ready to be shipped, answer your questions and make sure you are ready to plant them. It is import-
ant that you plant the trees as soon as they arrive.

Who owns the trees?

The investors who bought the trees are grouped into a legal partnership. The partnership owns the trees
and you enter into an agreement with that partnership to grow the trees and share the proceeds. World Tree
manages this whole process and you are unlikely to ever meet any of the individuals who purchased the

How many trees do I get?

You will receive a minimum of 20 acres / 2,200 trees. Larger numbers will be provided based on the amount
of land you have and availability.

Do the trees require a lot of care? How can I be sure they will grow well?
Empress Splendor are not plant and walk away trees. They need to be hand planted in the first year and
pruned in the first four years. An experienced grower will visit you on your farm and show you how to take
good care of the plantation. Our customer support team and grower’s guide will be made available to you
to make sure that the trees are grown successfully. Our goal is to help you grow the best quality lumber that
will attract the highest possible price when it is harvested.

Are the trees genetically modified?

The trees have not been artificially genetically modified in any way.

They are super-performing strains that have been carefully selected from the wider wild population. This tree
is sometimes historically and scientifically referred to as the Paulownia. Do not mistake this Empress Splendor
for any seed-grown, inferior or invasive wild varieties.

The Empress Tree is an environmentally correct and economically positive, regenerating renewable resource.
It is perfectly suited to help solve the world’s deforestation problems and old-growth timber shortages.
Frequently asked questions (continued)
What happens if I lose the trees?
The Empress Splendor is naturally fire retardant and drought resistant making it a resilient crop when properly
managed. All the same, it is possible that severe weather conditions could impact the plantation. If you lose
the trees in the first two years, we will replace them. From year three the crop is insured which means that
even in the worst case scenario you will receive a return on your time and investment.

These safeguards only cover severe weather, fire or other ‘acts of God’. If you lose the trees through neglect
or poor maintenance and we are unable to work with you to find a solution, you will be removed from the

Are the trees invasive?

No, the Empress Splendor tree is not invasive.

The Empress Splendor tree belongs to the genus Paulownia. There are many different species of Paulownia
and there is only one that is classified as invasive, the Paulownia tomentosa (http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.
gov/plants/printree.shtml). We do not use this variety, choosing instead non-invasive species such as the
Paulownia fortuneii.

The Rainforest Alliance has chosen Paulownia as an an ecologically sound tree for the purposes of eforesta-
tion and carbon sequestration (
projects/paulownia). The Rainforest alliance is internationally recognized as a certification program for sus-
tainable forestry and best practices for tree planting and agroforestry.

How to Apply
Fill out the application form at

Call toll free 1-888-693-TREE (8733)

About World Tree
I started World Tree 14 years ago because of my love for the Empress Splendor Tree. I travelled
the world meeting specialists, learning how to plant and manage the trees for optimal lumber and
bringing together a group of global experts who today are the World Tree team.

While the Empress Tree is known and greatly prized in Asia, it is relatively unknown in North America.
World Tree has been an innovator, leading the way in researching the best way to plant and grow
the tree, educating the public in the properties of the tree and training farmers how to successfully
cultivate it.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of farmers. I was shocked to learn that
many farmers are living on the edge, hardly scraping out a living and are worried about the future.
In fact, it was the farmers who gave me the idea for this program: “You give us the trees and we’ll
grow them!”

The World Tree Carbon Offset Program launched in 2015. The program aligns perfectly with World
Tree’s mission to transform the planet by providing the Empress Splendor tree as a powerful solu-
tion to the world’s carbon footprint.

We envision a future where farmers are appreciated for the significant role they play and people
are inspired by their contribution. Our Carbon Offset Program makes it possible for everyone to re-
verse their impact on the environment and generate wealth for themselves, their families and their

Wendy Burton, CEO, World Tree

World Tree

Tel: 1 888 693-TREE (8733)

World Tree Canada

1321 Blanshard St #301
Victoria BC, V8W 0B6

World Tree USA

550 West Baseline Road, Suite 102-199
Mesa, AZ 85210

World Tree Costa Rica

Centro Corporativo Plaza Roble
Escazu – Edificio El Portico
Primer Nivel, San José

Apply Now to be a World Tree Farmer

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