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Of Applied Linguistics


Constrastive analysis of the distribution of the adjective

"make" in english and ukrainian

Presented by

The student of the group FL-31

Loza Anatoliy.

Supervised by


Denysyuk M.Y.
Table of Contents
1.Theoretical part................................................................................4-12
2.Practical part.....................................................................................13-21


The theme of this course paper is "Contrastive analysis of the distribution of the
verb "to make" in English and Ukrainian". I am going to clarify the mechanism of the
conceptual universal phenomenon of the well-used verb,which has high
communicative and instructive power.
The aim of my investigation is to analyze the verb "to make",using distributional
analysis as one of the methods of contrastive linguistics,in English and Ukrainian
taking into consideration different criteria: compare and contrast the results of
investigation in order to discover differences and similarities in the meaning of the
verb "to make" that depends on distribution of this word and to compare the amount
of distributional patterns in both languages.
The target of my work is to evaluate different distributional patterns of the verb
"to make" in English and Ukrainian in order to carry out the amount of these patterns
in both languages and to find out how the verb is related with modern English and
Ukrainian languages.
The verb "to make" is used for communicative purposes and we need pragmatic
reasoning in order to understand it from all sides.That is ,it is used with a certain
communicative aim that transcends it linguistic form and meaning.
The object of this course paper is the distribution of the verb "to make" in English
and Ukrainian.
The subject of the research is the comparison of English word "to make " and its
distribution with Ukrainian equivalents of this word.
Structurally this course paper consists of:theoretical part and practical part.In
theoretical part the notion of lexicology and contrastive linguistics,the main methods
of contrastive lexicology are described.The practical part contains the gathered
material of the distributional analysis of the verb "to make" in English and Ukrainian.

Theoretical part

1.1. Lexicology as a science.

The term lexicology is composed of two Greek morphemes: "legis" (word)

and "logos" (learning). Thus, the literal meaning of the term "lexicology" is "the
study of words".
There is general lexicology and special lexicology. General lexicology studies
vocabulary in different languages of the world. Special lexicology studies the
vocabulary of one language.
There is also historical lexicology and descriptive lexicology. Historical
lexicology studies the changes of the vocabulary in the course of time. Descriptive
lexicology studies the vocabulary at a given stage of its development. Historical
lexicology uses the diachronic approach to the vocabulary; it focuses on the
regularities of the development of the vocabulary. Descriptive lexicology uses the
synchronic approach to the vocabulary; it describes the principles of the organization
of the vocabulary as a system.
There also exist comparative lexicology, which studies the lexical systems of
closely related languages aiming at their typological [ai] identity or differentiation;
contrastive lexicology, which studies similarities and differences of related and non-
related languages; and applied lexicology, which includes terminology and
lexicography, translation, linguodidactics [i] and pragmatics of speech.
Lexicology is connected with other subjects such as phonetics, grammar,
stylistics and history of the language. All these subjects study the word, but from
different angles. Phonetics studies the sounds that make up a word. Grammar studies
the use of words in speech. Stylistics studies the use of words in different situations:
formal and informal. The history of the language tells about the development of
words in different periods of their history: how the words changed – lost their
endings, began to sound differently; it tells about the change of the phonetical and
grammatical structure of the language.

Thus, in studying the word "information" the phonetician will investigate the

phonemes that make up the phonetic shape of the word and the distribution of the
stress (in-for-ma-tion – 4 syllables).
The grammarian will point out the part of speech to which the word
"information" belongs (the noun) and the fact that this noun has no plural and
genitive case forms and is followed by a verb in the singular (The information is
important). lexicology word method research
The lexicologist will state that the word consists of two morphemes: one root
and one affixational morpheme, that it is built by affixation (the suffix "tion" is added
to the stem "inform"), that it is a borrowing – the morphemes are of Romanic origin,
that it is polysemantic, having (at least) 5 meanings: 1) communication of knowledge;
2) knowledge; 3) the act of informing against a person; 4) (a term in jurisdiction) a
formal accusation of a crime; 5) a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in
the outcome of the experiment to be performed. The first meaning is the primary
meaning, the rest are secondary meanings. In the second meaning – knowledge
obtained from investigation, study or instruction – it has synonyms: intelligence,
news, facts, data.
The stylist will state the fact that the word is referred to the neutral layer of
words, and is distinguished from its synonyms – "knowledge", "learning", "science".
Lexicology consists of the following parts, or branches:
1. Etymology, which studies the origin of words and the connections of the
vocabulary of the given language with the vocabularies of other languages.
2. Word-structure (word-building), which studies the elements the word
consists of (morphemes: roots, affixes) and the patterns according to which words are
built: affixation, composition, conversion, shortening, sound imitation, etc.
3. Semasiology [meisi], which studies the meaning of words, its types,
paradigmatic classifications of words according to meaning (into homonyms,
synonyms, antonyms) and types of the change of meaning.
4. Phraseology, which studies phraseological units (set expressions) and their
5. Lexicography, which deals with creation of dictionaries, their types and

Lexicology also studies the stylistic differentiation (stratification) of the
vocabulary and variants and dialects of the language.
The methods used in lexicological research are componential analysis,
transformational analysis, the contextual method, analysis of dictionary definitions,
the statistical method and others. The componential analysis method is concerned
with the components the meaning of the word comprises. The method of
transformation consists in using one word for another in order to see the likeness or
the difference. The contextual method reveals the meaning the word is used in a
certain context. But the main method is that of observation of linguistic facts, of the
word functioning in written and oral speech.

2.2 The place and role of contrastive analysis in linguistics

Contrastive analysis is a linguistic branch whose main aim is to help the

analyst to ascertain in which aspects the two languages are alike and in which they
differ. It includes two main processes – description and comparison set up in four
basic steps: a) assembling the data, b) formulating the description, c) supplementing
the data as required, and d) formulating the contrasts.
CA grew as the result of the practical demands of language teaching
methodology where it was empirically shown that the errors which are made
recurrently by foreign language students can be often traced back to the differences in
structure between the target language and the language of the learner. This naturally
implies the necessity of a detailed comparison of the structure of a native and a target
language which has been named contrastive analysis.
It should be borne in mind that though objective reality exists outside human
beings and irrespective of the language they speak every language classifies reality in
its own way by means of vocabulary units.
The central theoretical issue and the ultimate goal of contrastive studies is the
question of establishing similarities and differences and, consequently, their
quantification. Chesterman (1998), in addressing this issue, makes a useful distinction

between ‘similarity-as-trigger’, defining it as “the notion of a particular relation
existing between entities in the world, a relation that impinges upon human
perception, from matter to mind” and ‘similarity-as-attribution’, which goes in the
opposite direction, from mind to matter. It is essentially a subjective, cognitive
process that perceives two entities as being similar. Similarity judgements, in turn,
“are (…) ways of organizing and clarifying one’s mental representations of
the world” . They are also bound to be relative, variable and culture dependent.
Contrastive analysis also brings to light what can be labelled problem pairs, the
words that denote two entities in one language and correspond to two different words
in another language.
Contrastive analysis brings to light the essence of what is usually described as
idiomatic English, idiomatic Ukrainian the peculiar way in which every language
combines and structures in lexical units various concepts to denote extra-linguistic
СA deals with the meaning and use of situational verbal units, words, word-
groups, sentences which are commonly used by native speakers in certain situations.
Сontrastive analysis cannot be overestimated as an indispensable stage in preparation
of teaching material, in selecting lexical items to be extensively practiced and in
predicting typical errors. It is also of great value for an efficient teacher who knows
that to have a native like command of a foreign language, to be able to speak what we
call idiomatic English, words, word-groups and whole sentences must be learned
within the lexical, grammatical and situational restrictions of the English language.

1.3. Contrastive Lexicology

Contrastive lexicology is systematic branch of linguistics which deals with

similarities and differences of two or more related and non-related languages.
Contrastive lexicology studies various lexical units. They are: morphemes, words,
variable word-groups and phraseological units. We proceed from the assumption that
the word is the basic unit of the language system , the largest on morphological & the
smallest on syntactic plane of linguistic analyses . Other labels that have been used in
the literature are: comparative semantics; comparative synonymies; lexical/semantic
comparison; differential lexicology; lexical contrastive analysis; semantic/lexical
The vantage-point varies, depending on whether the aim is to enlighten
semantics, translation, lexicography, bilingualism, or foreign language teaching, but
"inherent in all these approaches is the belief that lexical patterns can be studied
synchronically and descriptively by assessing the similarities and differences in the
structure of the vocabulary of two or more languages.
There are seven stages in the development of contrastive lexicology. These are:
1. prelinguistic word studies; 2. semantics; 3. lexicography; 4. translation; 5. foreign
language learning; 6. bilingualism; 7. contrastive analysis.
Contrastive lexicology is directly connected with contrastive analysis at the level of
lexis, conducting the studying of perception and categorization of the real word
around us.

1.4. Methods of contrastive lexicology.

An important and promising trend in modern linguistics which has been

making progress during the last few decades is the quantitative study of language
phenomena and the application of statistical methods in linguistic analysis.

The first requirement for a successful statistical study is the representativeness

of the objects counted for the problem in question, its relevance from the linguistic
point of view. Statistical approach proved essential in the selection of vocabulary
items of a foreign language for teaching purposes.

It is common knowledge that very few people know more than 10% of the
words of their mother tongue. It follows that if we do not wish to waste time on
committing to memory vocabulary items which are never likely to be useful to the
learner, we have to select only lexical units that are commonly used by native

It goes without saying that to be useful in teaching statistics should deal with
meanings as well as sound-forms as not all word-meanings are equally frequent.

Besides, the number of meanings exceeds by far the number of words. The
total number of different meanings recorded and illustrated in Oxford English
Dictionary for the first 500 words of the Thorndike Word List is 14,070, for the first
thousand it is nearly 25,000. Naturally not all the meanings should be included in the
list of the first two thousand most commonly used words. Statistical analysis of
meaning frequencies resulted in the compilation of A General Service List of English
Words with Semantic Frequencies. The semantic count is a count of the frequency of
the occurrence of the various senses of 2,000 most frequent words as found in a study
of five million running words. The semantic count is based on the differentiation of
the meanings in the OED and the frequencies are expressed as percentage, so that the
teacher and textbook writer may find it easier to understand and use the list. An
example will make the procedure clear.

One more specific feature must, however, be stressed here. All modern
methods aim at being impersonal and objective in the sense that they must lead to
generalizations verifiable by all competent persons. In this effort to find verifiable
relationships concerning typical contrastive shapes and arrangements of linguistic
elements, functioning in a system, the study of vocabulary has turned away from
chance observation and made considerable scientific progress.

Thus, statistical analysis is applied in different branches of linguistics including

lexicology as a means of verification and as a reliable criterion for the selection of the
language data provided qualitative description of lexical items is available.

1.5. Distributional Analysis

The distributional analysis in its various forms is commonly used nowadays by

lexicologists of different schools of thougt.By the term "distribution" we understand
the occurrence of a lexical unit relative to other lexical units of the same level (words
relative to words \morphemes relative to morphemes ,etc).In other words,by this term
we understand the position which lexical units occupy or may occupy in the text or in
the flow of speech.It is readily observed that a certain component of the word
meaning is described when the word is identified distributionally.

It is also observed that in a number of cases words have different lexical meanings
in different distributional patterns.Compare, e.g., the lexical meaning of the verb to
treat in the following: to treat somebody well,kindly,etc.- "to act or behave towards"
where the verb is followed by a noun + an adverb and to treat somebody to ice-
cream,champagne,etc.-"to supply with food,drink,entertainment,etc. at ones own
expense where the verb is followed by a noun +the preposition to +another noun.

The independenceof disrtibution and meaning can be also observed at the level of
word-groups.It is only the distribution of otherwise completely identical lexical units
that accounts for the difference in the meaning of water tap and tap water.Thus,as
far as words are concerned the meaning by distribution may be defined as an
abstraction on the syntagmatic level.

It should also be noted that not only words in word-groups but also whole word-
groups may acquire a certain denotational meaning due to a definite distributional
pattern to which this particular meaning is habitually attached.

As can be inferred from the above, the distributional analysis is mainly applied by
the linguist to find out sameness or difference of meaning.

It was pointed out above that,as a rule ,distribution of stems in a compound word
predicts a certain component of meaning as the stem that stands first is understood as
modifying the one that follows.

The essential difference between grammar and lexis is that grammar deals with an
obligatory choice between a comparatively small and limited number of
possibilities.Lexis is thus said to be a matter of choice between open sets of items
while grammar-between closed systems.

Hence,by the term"distribution" we understand aptness of a word in one of its

meanings to collocate or to co-occur with a certain group,or certain groups of words
having some common semantic component.

What we describe as meaning by collocation or meaning by co-occurence is
actually a blend of extralinguistic and intralinguistic components of meaning.

1.6.Phraseology as a science.

Phraseology as a branch of linguistic science appeared and developed in our

country. English and American linguists collect various words, word-groups, other
units presenting some interest. These units are described as idioms. No attempt is
made to investigate them as a separate class and lay down a reliable criterion to
distinguish between word-groups and phraseological units. The first attempt to place
the study of various word-groups on a scientific basis was made by the outstanding
Russian linguist A.A. Schachmatov in his book "Syntax". Investigation of English
vocabulary was initiated in our country by prof. A.V. Kunin whose dictionary of
English idioms (1955) has valuable information in this branch of linguistics.
Phraseology as a branch of linguistic science is closely connected with Semantics,
Grammar and Lexicology. It has its own methods of investigation and problems for

The national peculiarity of phraseological units is revealed on all the linguistic

levels: phonological, grammatical and lexical. On the phonological level, a
phraseological unit is peculiar because the very combination of sounds, it consists of,
is characteristic for the phonological system of this or that language.

On the lexical level, the national peculiarity of a phraseological unit lies in the
fact that it often consists of the words that denote specifically national notions that
are determined by the extralinguistic reality: customs, traditions, legends and historic
facts of the nation, e.g., the bard of Avon, Fleet Street. The translator should be aware
of the cultural and social background of such phraseological units.

One more peculiarity of phraseological units is due to the difference in thinking

and cognition of human beings. Every nation has its own way of creating images. In
most cases phraseological units in different languages, having the same meaning, are
different in inner form and images. Compare, the phraseological units with the
meaning “у когось в покорі” in English – under smb’s thumb, in Russian – под
каблуком, in Ukrainian – під черевиком. Or, e.g., the “similarity” as a Ukrainian, a
Russian, a Frenchman and a Bulgarian see it, may be expressed as “дві краплі води”,
a German and a Check – “as two eggs”, and an Englishman – “as two peas”.

According to the degree of the national peculiarity of ph.u., all phraseological

units are divided into three groups:

1) International phraseological units, which are based on universal images, e.g.,

the alpha and omega of smth, to discover America, to cross the Rubicon, the heel of
Achilles (ахіллесова п'ята), the Trojan horse (троянський кінь), the tree of
knowledge (дерево/древо пізнання), thirty pieces of silver (тридцять срібняків),
Pandora's box, Herculian pillars, Gordian knot, between Scylla and Charybdis; I
came, I saw, I conquered; the Ten Commandments, wise Solomon, prodigal son/to be
in (the) seventh heaven

2) Locally unmarked phraseological units, which are based on neutral images,

not nationally peculiar, e.g., to burn one’s fingers, to break one’s heart, to snake in
the grass, a fly in the ointment (ложка дьогтю в бочці меду);, make haste slowly (
тихіше їдеш - далі будеш).

3) Locally marked phraseological units with vividly expressed national and

cultural component, e.g., to catch the Speaker’s eye, to set the Thames on fire, to
carry coals to Newcastle, something is rotten in the state of Denmark, to dine with
Duke Humphry, to cut off with a shilling and only in Ukrainian such idioms as
передати куті меду, впіймати облизня, ставити на карб, пекти раків, утерти
носа, etc.

These and the like idiomatic expressions, including several proverbs and
sayings, have usually absolute or near equivalents in languages of one culturally and
geographically common area, e.g., to kiss the post - поцілувати замок, as pale as
paper - блідий як стіна; grass widow — солом'яна вдова, measure twice, cut once -
сім раз одміряй, а раз одріж; to know smth. as one knows his ten fingers - знати
щось, як своїх п'ять пальців.

Practical part
2.1.The object of the investigation is adjective"to make", using distributional
analysis as one of the methods of contrastive linguistics,in English and Ukrainian
taking into consideration different criteria: compare and contrast the results of
investigation in order to discover differences and similarities in the meaning of the
verb "to make" that depends on distribution of this word and to compare the amount
of distributional patterns in both languages.

Make an attempt
Definition:When somebody tries to do something,you can refer to what they do as a
try or an attempt.
Examples: 1) We made an attempt to get in touch with them. 2) They've attempted a
climb up Mount Everest once before. 3) they made an attempt on his life.

Make an appoinment
Definition: Shedule a meeting with someone.
Examples:1)She made an appoinment with a client at 10.30.2)I will tell my
receptionist to make an appoinment for next week.3)I can make it to my appoinment
without you.
Make an arrangement
Definition:to make plans with someone for something.
Examples:1)He said he would make arrangement for the room and his
equipment.2)Various conjectures were made as to the arrangement of the
figures.3)Connie and Howard talked to the school ,making an arrangement for
Make a bed
Definition:rearrange a bed and its coverings to its condition before it was slept in

Examples:1)Carmen was making the bed while Destiny slept in.2)I went to make the
bed after breakfast as I was tired.
Make changes
Defiition:to change something in your life.
Examples:1)I will make change for the telephone for you.2)The clerk refused to make
change for her for the dollar bill.
Make a decision
Definition:the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available
Examples:1)And so I make these creative decisions and can execute them in a much
,much simpler way.2)I made the decision to move to the U.S after only one trip.
Make a complaint
Definition: written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not satisfied
with something.
Examples:1)I wish to make a complaint .2)Should you have been delivered the wrong
bin,you will,be able to make a complaint.
Make a choice
Definition:to select something and take in preference.
Examples:1)And I say that thats fine -the future humanity is entitled to make that
choice.2)After school I have made a choice to be lawyer.
Make an excuse
Definition:to apologize to someone for something.
Examples:1)I made an excuse and left the meeting early.2)You dont have to make
any excuses to me.
Make a mistake
Definition:to make something incorrect or unfortunate .
Examples:1)We made the mistake of leaving our bedroom window open.2)The
mistake had been made and she had no choice but to acknowledge it and get on with
her life.
Make a joke
Definition:to laugh at something although it is serious or important.

Examples:1)He tried to make a joke of the fact that he hadnt passed the test.2)She
would make jokes about her appearance.
Make an impression
Definition:to produce a positive memorable effect on someone while one is present.
Examples:1)Tom made quite an impression on the banker.2)He tried to make a good
impression on his girlfriends parents.

Make money
Definition: to make a profit in dealings.
Examples:1)And for the people who there running the gang,it was a great
way,seemingly,to make a lot of money.2)But beyond the profound federal
perks,married people make more people.
Make a fuss
Definition:to worry about or make a bother about someone or something.
Examples: 1)He made a fuss over the bill.2)Whenever they visit Grandma she makes
a fuss over the children.
Make a promise
Definition:to tell someone that you will definitely do something.
Examples:1)She never made a promise that she didnt intend to keep.2)He made a
promise her that he will buy a dog.
Make friends
Definition:if you know a person very well and spending and spending time with.
Examples:1)I hope that Brian will soon make friends at school.2)She is done a good
job of making friends with influential reporters.
Make an offer
Definition:to present or proffer someone for acceptance or rejection.
Examples:1)I have made an offer on a house in the town centre.2)It seems a sound
project with potential and so I advise you to make an offer for it.
Make a noise
Definition:to talk a great deal or complaint,to talk loudly.
Examples:1)She made a soft noise ,cuddling closer to her father.2)The more noise
you make,the worse I make it for you.
Make a request
Definition:asking for something you want or need.
Examples:1)My friend make a polite request.2)The President made request an
emergency meeting of the United Nations.
Make a speech
Definition:the act or faculty of speaking adrressed to the audience.

Example:1)Our President made an important speech to peoples.2)She has to make a
speech at the convention.
Make after
Definition:to run after someone or something.
Examples:1)Paul made out after Fred,who had taken Pauls hat.2)The police officer
made after the robber.
Make away with
Definition:to make someone or something disappear.
Examples:1)The robbers made away with $2,000 from the store.2)It was decided to
make away with.
Make for
Definition:to head towards,to help bring about.
Examples:1)She got up and made for the exit.2)We made for home when it started
Make into
Definition:to change someone or something so that they become something else.
Examples:1)His first record made into a star.2)The story was made into a film two
years ago.
Make of
Definition:ask someone what they make of someone or something,you want their
opinion about that person or thing.
Examples:1)I dont know what to make of her behavior.2)This job is whatever you
make of it.
Make out
Definition:to complete by supplying required information,to form an opinion or idea
Examples:1)How is she making out in her university?2)Could you make out the bill?
Make over
Definition:to transfer the title of (property)
Examples: 1)They made the money over to him.2)The old factory was completely
made over and now is an upscale shopping centre.

Make up
Definition:to behave in a very friendly way towards someone ,or to praise them,in
order to get something for yourself.
Examples:1)She is always making up to the boss.2)I am really sorry ,I will make it up
to you.
Make up for
Definition:to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for
something bad with something good.
Examples:1)He sent me a present to make up for his being impolite yesterday.2)I
hope this will make up for your trouble.
Make off
Definition:to leave quickly,usually in order to escape.
Examples:1)The burglars made off before the police arrived.2)The hooligans made
off when saw the police.

2.2 Коментувати
Пояснення:to express your own opinion
Приклади:1)ООН прокоментувала на останному засіданні ситуацію в
Україні.2)Я прокоментував свою власну думку щодо ситуації в Украіїні на

Завдавати клопіт
Пояснення:to cause trouble or additional work.
Приклади:1)Діти завжди в ранньому віці завдають клопоту молодим
батькам.2)Я прогуляв багато пар в університеті і це задало мені багато клопоту.
Зробити вибір
Пояснення:to separate and take in preference.
Приклади:1)Кожен абітурієнт має зробити правильний вибір стосовно
майбутньої професії.2)Якщо ти хочеш мати міцну сімю,ти повинен зробити
правильний вибір щодо майбутньої дружини.
Внести зміни
Пояснення:to return change for someone to use for some some purpose.
Приклади:1)Верховна Рада внесла зміни щодо закону про адміністративний
устрій.2)Якщо тобі щось набридло ,просто треба внести зміни у своє

Зробити комплімент
Пояснення:to say some good words to anyone about character or appearance.
Приклади:1)Вона зробила їй комплімент стосовно нової зачіски.2)Я зробив їй
комплімент щодо її вихованості.
Пояснення:to earn so much money or to win lottery.
Приклади:1)Недавно мій друг розбагатів,вигравши один міліон
гривень.2)Можна легко розбагатіти,гравши в лотерею.
Складати список
Пояснення:A series of names,words or other items written, printed or imagined one
after the other.
Приклади:1)Наша староста упорядковала і склала весь список групи.2)На день
народження мого друга ми всі складали список гостей.
Зробити відкриття
Пояснення:the process of learning something that was not known before ,or of
finding someone or something that was missing or hidden.
Приклади:1)Христофор Колумб зробив відкриття Америка, як континента.2)Ми
зробили для себе відкриття,коли дізналися що Каспійське море є насправді
Привести до безпорядку
Пояснення:to spoil something or do it very badly.
Приклади:1)Наш уряд привів до безпорядку нашу державу.2)Після вечірки ми
привели нашу кімнату до безпорядкую.
Зробити звіт
Пояснення:an account or statement describing in detail an event,situation or the like
,usually as the result of observation ,inquiry.
Приклади:1)Після кожної роботи роботодавець вимагає зробити звіт.2)Після
пограбування свідка попросили скласти звіт подій.
Пояснення:to call to someone .
Приклади:1)Я подзвонив до подруги,щоб назначити зустріч.2)я подзвонив до
друга і запросив його на вечірку.
Пояснення:to earn for living.
Приклади:1)Мені портібно заробляти гроші,щоб забезпечувати сімю.2)З 15
років він почав заробляти гроші і став великим бізнесменом.

Пояснення:to think carefully about a series of actions that you need to take in order
to achieve something.
Приклади:1)Після закінчення навчання я планую поїхати десь відпочити
.2)Коли ми вирішили подорожувати ми складали плани ,куди краще поїхати.
Отримувати прибуток
Пояснення:the advantage or benefit that is gained from doing something.
Приклади:1)Після довготривалої роботи я отримав свій прибуток.2)Через
великий стаж він отримав прибуток у великому розмірі.
Дати дорогу
Пояснення:to clear a path for someone or something.
Приклади:1) Завжди потрібно давати дорогу пішоходом першим.2)Багато
нещасливих випадків відбуваються через те,що водїі ігнорують і не дають
дорогу .
Мати сенс
Пояснення:to understand someone or something.
Приклади:1)Кожна зроблена хороша справа має сенс в житті людини.2)Він
зрозумів її ,коли вона попросила його вийти з кімнати.
Добитися успіху
Пояснення:the achievement of something that you planned to do or attempted to do.
Приклади:1)Він починав з дрібного бізнесу і зараз він добився великого
успіху.2)Щоб добитися успіху в житті потрібно працювати над собою і йти до
Пояснення:a time spent travelling from one place to another.
Приклади:1)Він любив подорожувати по Європі.2)Вони вирішили
подорожувати з одного континенту на інший.
Уступити місце
Пояснення:to provide space for someone or something.
Приклади:1)Молоді люди повинні уступати місце пенсіонерам.2)Він уступив
місце людині тому що бачив що їй недобре.
Робити нотатки
Пояснення:to write something down as a reminder.
Приклади:1)Під час лекції він зробив собі нотатку щоб мати інформацію для
відповіді.2)Він побачив важливе оголошення і занотував його в словник

Пояснення:to complain or make trouble.
Приклад:1)Сімя не могла спокійно спати через те,що поверхом вище сильно
шуміли.2)В гуртожитку однокімнатники сильно шуміли і не давали студенту
Провести добре час
Пояснення:to complete a journey quickly
Приклади:1)Ми добре провели час,будучи на відпочинку в Туреччині.2)Я добре
провів час з друзями на пікніку.
Зробити паузу
Пояснення:to stop working being damaged
Приклади:1)Після важкої роботи ми зробили паузу на обід.2)Ми зробили
трішки паузу і пішли погуляти.
Завести розмову
Пояснення:to say things to someone who you do not know well,in order to be polite.
Приклади:1)Мій друг старався завести розмову з моєю подружкою.2)Коли усі
мовчали я старався завести розмову.
Змінити місце
Пояснення:to go to a different place to live or work.
Приклади:1)Я чув що Паула зі своїм хлопцем переїхала жити окремо.2)Ми
переїхали жити в центр міста.
Кинути погляд на когось
Пояснення:to look at someone with interest.
Приклади:1)Вона кинула погляд на нього і дивились весь день.2)Він кинув
погляд на дівчину яка йому дуже сподобалася.
Пояснення:to laugh at something although it is serious or important.
Приклади:1)Він хотів пожартувати ,але його ніхто не зрозумів.2)Він любив
жартувати і через це виграв КВН.
Пояснення:to give someone a lot of attention and treat them well.
Приклади:1)Вона почала панікувати коли Річард вилив вино на її сукню.2)Коли
вона побачила що підходить сесія вона почала панікувати.
Лягати спати
Пояснення:to pull up and tidy the covers on a bed after it has been slept in.
Приклади:1)Він піднявся до спальні і пішов спати.2)Після роботи в нічну зміну
він пішов спати вранці.
Пояснення:to give false reasons why you cannot do something.

Приклади:1)Ти завжди вибачаєшся за те що не допомагаєш мені.2)Він накоїв
багато всього і вирішив вибачитися


The main aim of this course paper was to make contrastive analysis of English
and Ukrainian the adjective "to make", to reveal differences and similarities, proper
ways of translating these adjectives from one language into another. Appropriate
equivalence of adjective and their forms is very important to communicate the needed
ideas and actions in mind properly.
This research has shown that in Ukrainian variety of adjective "to make" is smaller
and this adjectives are like word combination.

The total number of suffixes in English is bigger than in Ukrainian. That point
out that Ukrainian adjective-forming suffixes bear more than one lexical meaning.
In English new meanings of adjectives are created by adding prepositions
which in the Ukrainian language have stable meanings without adding preposition, so
the conclusion of this is that in English language there are more ways of creating new
words, with new or similar meanings.
In my investigation I analyzed adjective"to make" in English and Ukrainian
taking into account structural and semantic criteria; compared and contrasted the
results of the research.

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