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Journal Environmental Health

Sustainable Development(JEHSD)
Sustainable Development

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds from Aqueous

Environments– A Review
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Zahra Derakhshan , Mehdi Mokhtari , Fatemeh Babaei , Roya Malek Ahmadi

1 2*
Mohammad Hassan Ehrampoush , Mohammad Faramarzian

Environmental Science and Technology Research Center, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School
of Public Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran.
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.


Introduction: Antibiotics as a type of pharmaceutical compounds are widely
REVIEW ARTICLE used in modern medicine and veterinary industries. They enter the environment
in different ways, including agricultural runoff, direct discharge of urban
wastewater treatment or human waste, direct disposal of medical, veterinary
Article History: industrial waste and to name but a few. Antibiotics have been able to influence
Received: 10 Dec 2015 the microbial population. Their continuous presence in the environment can
Accepted: 30 Feb 2016 lead to bacterial resistance and in recent years, the issue has caused serious
concerns in the scientific community.
Materials and Methods: Unfortunately, in spite of the extensive investigations,
*Corresponding Author: there is still a considerable lack of integrated and classified information to
Mohammad Faramarzian assess the environmental risks of antibiotics. Therefore, in the current study, the
Email: removal of these compounds from aqueous solutions was studied. This study was carried out on the basis of surveys accomplished in recent decades and also
the ones published in databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Elsevier,
Tel: Scopus, Springer, Magiran and SID using anti-bacterial agents, antibiotic,
+989357579258 wastewater and removal methods as the keywords.
Results: Advanced treatment processes such as ozonation, advanced oxidation,
activated carbon, Nano filtration and reverse osmosis can remove higher levels
Keywords: of antibiotics.
Antibiotic Removal, Conclusion: Generally, the biological and chemical processes alone are not
Aqueous Solution, effective for antibiotics' removal from aquatic environments while combination
Environment. of advanced oxidation and biological treatment processes can effectively
reduce the amount of antibiotic.

Citation: Derakhshan Z, Mokhtari M, Babaei F, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds from Aqueous
Environments–A Review. J Environ Health Sustain Dev. 2016; 1(1): 43-62.

Introduction contained a kind of synthetic antibiotics 4- 6.

The amount of drug consumption suggests that Antibiotics can be mentioned as pharmaceutical
there is a high interaction between the human and compounds widely used in the modern medicine
microorganisms in the modern medicine and and veterinary industries. As a matter of fact, they
biological health 1- 3. According to the statistics enter the environment via different ways, including
published by the Food and Drug Administration agricultural runoff, direct discharge from refineries
(FDA) and the Ministry of Health and Medical of urban and hospital wastewater, human waste,
Education (MOHME), by the end of February of direct disposal of medical, veterinary as well
2014, 31363314674 drugs had been sold, among as industrial waste to name but a few. 7- 9. Exposure
which at least 33% of patients’ prescriptions to low-doses that causes the development of
Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

antibiotic resistance is raised as a major concern 10, in humans, animals and plants. In other words, all
. Indeed, during the last years, much attention has the compounds with natural origin, which can
been paid to the studies related to the reduction of affect the cell life, are called antibiotic. Generally,
such micro-pollutants; furthermore, notable antibiotics affect four major components and
researches have been carried out regarding the functions of cells:
antibiotics removal from aqueous environments. In 1- Cell wall;
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spite of the extensive investigations, there is still a 2- Cell membrane;

considerable lack of integrated and classified 3- Protein synthesis;
information to assess the environmental risks of 4- DNA replication and its transcription 18-20.
antibiotics 8, 12. Antibiotics enter the surface and
The Entry Ways of Antibiotics to the
groundwater resources in different ways. The issue
can lead to serious concerns over human drinking
Many studies have been conducted on the
water, which doubles the necessity of identifying
presence of antibiotics in the environment and their
and removing the compounds from aqueous
effects on the nature thus far. Researchers through
solutions. Some reports suggest that the
their examination of hospital wastewater found that
compounds are resistant to conventional (water and
certain substances such as anti-tumor agents,
wastewater) treatment and purification methods.
antibiotics and organ halogenated compounds are
As a result, some concentrations of the drug
often removed from the wastewater refinery
combinations may be observed in the people’s
entrance without any analysis. As a consequence,
drinking water, which were not able to be removed
the mentioned chemical compounds can cause
by our refineries 13, 14. On the other hand, the
natural environment pollution due to the biological
resistant microorganisms can be transmitted to the
imbalances they can cause. Emanuel et al.
human beings through the food chain or through
proposed that hospital wastewater and municipal
contact with animals. Antibiotic resistance can
wastewater had the highest and lowest
be considered as a food security problem, that
concentration, respectively 13, 21, 22.
is to say, reduction of unnecessary antibiotic
Generally, there are two main ways for
consumption as a dietary supplement in animals
antibiotics to enter the environment:
can exert less pressure on the micro-organisms and
1- Through the excretion and the entrance to the
as a result, it lowers the possibility of bacteria’s
sewage network and eventually surface water or
resistance 15, 16. There is much concern over
groundwater or soil. In fact, after taking various
the issue that the World Health Organization
drugs, different percentages of them excrete from

(WHO) puts up the year 2011 as the year of

the body without any changes. The amounts of any
global campaign against antimicrobial resistance.
antibiotic’s metabolism in the human body depend
Today, a serious problem exists in regard
on its chemical structure and also its operation in
with finding new antibiotics to deal with old
the body.
diseases;there is also a serious problem in regard
2- Through the discard of expired and unused
with finding new antibiotics to combat the
44 antibiotics which may be carried through the health
new-emerging diseases 17.
services, sewage or household waste. In such
Introducing the Antibiotics cases, the antibiotics are carried to landfill through
Today, any substances with anti-bacterial, anti- the discard of waste. In fact, the amounts of
fungal or anti-parasitic activities are called discarded drug all depend on the patient’s habit
antibiotic, which scientifically refers to any agent and also the amount of drugs prescribed by the
with biological activity against the living physicians. The main sources of antibiotics
organisms. Antibiotics have no toxicity effect on entrance to environment is shown in figure 1.
their host and are used to treat infectious diseases Generally, these sources can be categorized into

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

several groups: antibiotics manufacturing industries have a

significant effect on the total concentration of
Natural sources
mentioned compounds, distributed in the
Some different antibiotics such as beta lactams,
wastewater treatment plant's output 12, 23, 24.
streptomycin, amino glycosides etc. are produced
by bacteria in soil. For example, actinomycete Antibiotics’ consumption
group is produced by some soil bacteria like Antibiotics are widely used in human societies
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streptomycin. to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Obviously,

the habit of their consumption would be different
Pharmaceutical industry
in different countries. In general, per capita
During the past decades, the effluence from the
consumption of antibiotics for human use and the
manufacture of pharmaceutical compounds was
prescribed dose of these compounds vary
less considered; nonetheless, recently in some
significantly from one country to another. As the
Asian countries, the high concentration (up to
compounds will not completely have metabolized
several milligrams per liter) of pharmaceutical
in human body, they would excrete from body and
compounds has been reported for the outputs of
eventually enter the environment 12, 26, 27.
such industries. Even in the developed countries,

Figure 1: The main routes and sources of contamination of human and animal antibiotics 20, 25

Sewage from hospitals and health centers because they contain potential toxic or infectious
In general, the wastewater from hospitals and substances and compounds. As in developed and
health centers are qualitatively almost the same as some developing countries, the amount of water
city wastewater; nevertheless, they may endanger consumption in hospitals is high and wastewater is
the health of environment, the employees of the diluted. As a result, the wastewater from hospitals
health and treatment centers and the whole society and health centers, in these countries, will be

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

treating in municipal wastewater treatment plants The Effect of Antibiotics on the Environment
without the need for additional treatment and The human body cells react to antibiotics in
would not cause any specific health and very low systemic levels. As a result, their
environmental risk. In countries where there is no existence in drinking water or food can increase
network to collect the swage, the evacuation of the levels of these compounds in body. These
wastewater, untreated or partially treated, from compounds can reach the body tissues and cause
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hospitals and health centers can inevitably different responses from body. It can be said that
endanger the health of society. It must be said that there is still insufficient information available
during the process of treatment, the chemical about the possible effect of small amounts or low
substances of wastewater from hospitals and health concentrations of antibiotics on human body.
centers can have a toxic effect on bacteria and Nonetheless, even low concentrations can act as a
active microorganisms. In fact, this is another risk vaccine for bacteria and make them resistant to
which is associated with the hospitals and health the antibiotics used in the treatment of diseases.
centers’ wastewater 24, 28, 29. The bacteria resistance can happen due to the
existence of antibiotics in hospitals and health
centers wastewater, swage, soil etc. Moreover, on
Animal antibiotics are used in different ways in
barren fields, the wastewater containing antibiotic,
order to prevent or treat the animal diseases. They
bacteria and resistant bacteria would be used for
would be taken as an animal feed or growth
irrigation and also the excess sludge is used as
supplement. Indeed, in some countries, small
fertilizer. As a result, the resistant bacteria directly
amounts of antibiotics would be used in animal
enter the food chain. The concentrations less than
feed in order to improve the product quality and
the required rate for diseases treatment have a
produce a meat with low fat and high amounts of
significant role in bacteria resistance, which can
protein 30.
even transmit to the bacteria genetics. Studies have
The production of herbal products shown that the chronic effects of antibiotics are
Since World War II, antibiotics had been used in more than their acute effects 23, 30, 33.
order to control and threat certain bacterial
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Wastewater
diseases and also for producing many fruits,
Treatment System
vegetables and decorative plants. Antibiotics
Antibiotics have the ability of affecting bacteria
should have the fallowing features in order to be
colony existing in wastewater networks. Moreover,
suitable for control of plant diseases:
in the presence of antibiotics in the sewage
1- Being active both on the surface and inside of

treatment systems, bacteria activities would be

the plant,
inhibited and this can seriously affect the
2- Being resistant to oxidation, ultraviolet
decomposition of organic matter 34, 35.
radiation (UV), rain and high temperatures.
Having the mentioned features play a crucial The Effect of Antibiotics on Surface Water
role in environmental problems occurrence. The Antibiotics that have been removed partially
antibiotics used in agricultural and fishery products from wastewater in treatment systems can enter the
can aggregate or settle in soil and provoke the surface water resources and affect the different
infection and environmental pollution 8, 12, 31. organisms of food chain. Algae have abundance
sensitivity to different types of antibiotics. Algae
are the basis of food chain. Therefore, even a slight
In aquaculture also the antibiotics would be used
decrease in the population of algae can affect the
for therapeutic purposes or as a preventive agent.
balance of water system. Although the
The antibiotics used in aquaculture include:
concentration of related compounds in water is
Sulfonamides, erythromycin and oxitetracycline 19, 32.
very low (ng or µg), their aggregation in poultry,

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

livestock and plants can cause a disease in human environmental risks of antibiotics. Therefore, in the
and in animals, as well 26, 36, 37. current study, the removal of these compounds
from aqueous solutions was studied. This study
The Effect of Antibiotics on Sediments
was carried out on the basis of surveys
Antibiotics can qualitatively and quantitatively
accomplished in recent decades and also the ones
affect the bacteria colonies existing in sediments,
published in databases such as Google Scholar,
which can seriously affect the decomposition of
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PubMed, Elsevier, Scopus, Springer, Magiran and

organic matter. The aggregation and concentration
SID using Anti-bacterial agents, antibiotic,
of antibiotic compounds in sediments can reduce
wastewater, removal methods as the keywords.
the growth and activity of sulfate reducing bacteria
and consequently affect the sulfate reduction Results
process. Indeed, due to the aggregation and high Examining the Methods of Removing
concentration of such anti-bacterial compounds in Antibiotics from Aqueous Solutions
sediments located in the bottom of fish farming Biodegradation
sites, it is essential to consider the effect of Biodegradation is a process during which
antibiotics on sediments 38. microorganisms would be used to convert and
degrade pollutants to final stable and safe products.
The Reasons and Necessity of Treating
Studies in laboratory scale and full-scale have
Aqueous Solutions Containing Antimicrobial
shown that some antibiotics in soil and sediments
are quite resistant to biodegradation. On the other
Among the proposed reasons about the
hand, there are some other components that are not
necessity of treating aqueous solutions containing
degrading well under anaerobic biodegradation.
antimicrobial compounds, we can mention the
Ingerslev and Halling 32 found that there are 12
different sulfonamide components, which were not
 The production and consumption of large
biodegraded during the process of active sludge in
quantities of a variety of human and animal
sewage treatment. Indeed, the amounts of
antibiotics around the world;
biodegrading for most of studied components in
 Arrival of large quantities of antibiotic
laboratory scale were low. Generally, it must be
compounds and metabolites into the environment
said that biodegradation processes are not effective
through feces and urine;
in removing antibiotics 37, 39, 40.
 Disposal of antibiotics with no expiration date,
which can pollute the ecosystem; Absorption
 The possible increase of contiguity with The process is widely used to remove organic
antibiotic residues can accumulate in food chain or industrial pollutants in a medium that molecules of
drinking water; liquid phase tend to be a solid phase. In fact,
 increased risk of unwanted effects on the accessing the absorption of antibiotic on absorbent
ecosystem; requires knowing their physical and chemical
 Lack of sufficient information on the presence features. Studies have shown that antibiotics’
and persistence of antibiotics in the environment absorption behaviors could be very complex. On
and its risks to ecosystems and humans 12, 37-39. the other hand, deployment and generalization of
data from experiments with unknown matrices
Materials and Methods such as soil to another, such as sewage sludge, is
So far, many studies had been done about the not possible. Although the use of an adsorption
presence of antibiotics in the environment. filtration method by adsorbents such as activated
Unfortunately, in spite of the extensive carbon is suitable for removing high doses of many
investigations, there is still a considerable lack of antibiotic compounds, the efficiency of antibiotics
integrated and classified information to assess the absorption could be affected by several factors

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

such as the type of activated carbon, the initial  classification of membrane processes based
concentration of target compounds, pH, on the geometric shape of the membrane;
temperature and concentration of dissolved organic  classification of membrane processes based
carbon 8. Kim et al. studied the adsorption on membrane structure;
characteristics of antibiotics Trimethoprim (TMP) The main separation processes include
in continuous and batch conditions and achieved microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration,
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the removal efficiency greater than 90%. The reverse osmosis, electrodialyze, gas separation and
document published by the United States evaporative leak each of which are used in many
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) different areas 45, 46.
announced that the best available technology
Reverse Osmosis
for filtering pollutants and also sweeteners
Reverse osmosis process is able to remove
disrupting the endocrine is granular activated
dissolved solid particles, bacteria, virus and
carbon process 12, 41- 43.
microbial agents in water. Reverse osmosis is
Membrane processes basically a penetrating membrane process that
The removal of chemical pollutants will be works on the basis of compression driving force.
determined by means of high pressure membranes The process is mainly used to desalinate seawater.
such as nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis The prominent features of reverse osmosis are the
(RO) and the help of complex interaction of absence of phase change and its low energy
physical and electrostatic forces between consumption. In the reverse osmosis, the mean
pollutants, aqueous solution (water, sewage, etc.) antibiotics separation rate changes from 90.2% for
and membrane. The processes are increasingly distilled water to 90.3% for river water.
used for separation while the method is not able to Considering the calculated rates, it can be said that
remove or decompose the pollutants and only using two or three consecutive reverse osmosis
enters them into a new dense phase. Gholami et al. units, 99 and 99.9% rate can be achieved,
in their study on antibiotics ampicillin and respectively. Using reverse osmosis in municipal
amoxicillin removal by means of reverse osmosis water treatment systems is not usually economic.
membrane stated that the flux flow and also the Although the method is often used in particular
amount of antibiotic removal is affected by any refinery units, in general, it could be an appropriate
factors of leading flux, pH and temperature 44. The method to remove the above mentioned antibiotic
limitations to predict the chemical behaviors of compounds from drinking water 47- 49.
treatment systems in full-scale, membrane fouling

due to chemical deposits or microbial growth and
Nanofiltration is a kind of filtration which uses
thus the need to increase the pressure to maintain
the membranes in order to segregate the fluids or
leadership flux, changing the physicochemical
ions of different sorts. It is regarded as more
properties of membrane surface are considered as
gentle reverse osmosis due to the fact that it
the disadvantages of using this method 42, 43.
contains bigger membranous holes in comparison
48 Indeed, due to the wide range of their application
with reverse osmosis membranes. Owing to the
and also in order to facilitate the understanding
fact that these membranes are operated in very
and application of membranes, there would be
low pressures and transmit some minerals,
different classifications. Fallowing, some of the
nanofiltration can be regarded to be useful in
classifications are mentioned:
conditions in which high removal of organic
 classification of membrane processes based
material and average removal of minerals are vital
on the mechanism governing the separation;
and warranted. The advantage of this method
 classification of membrane processes based
(nanofiltration) over the reverse osmosis is that
on membrane type;
nanofiltration is usually useful in higher recycles;

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

as a result, there would be more chances of saving Ultrasonic Radiation

total used water, which in turn is due to the flow The word ultrasonic means beyond the sound.
rate with lower density. Nonetheless, this Ultra sonic waves are classified as those types of
method is not effective concerning with organic mechanical waves in which frequency fluctuation
compounds with low molecular weight like is beyond the range of human hearing (20HZ-
methanol. In respect of energy costs, ions disposal 20KHZ). Having idiosyncratic properties, these
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and hole dimensions, nanofiltration has provided waves perform various and interesting functions.
more optimum condition than other methods 50, 51. Therefore, as other types of waves, ultrasonic
waves have properties of deflection, reflection,
permeability and diffraction. There are different
Ultrafiltration (UF) is partly dependent on
ways of producing these waves. One of the
factors such as load and particle size. This method
features of this method versus filtration is the
is not so effective in segregation of organic
probability of effect on organic material with low
streams. UF membranes are capable of maintaining
solubility or high volatility and also there is a
species, which have the molecular weight running
possibility of being effective for pharmaceutical
the gamut from 300 to 500000 Dalton, and the size
Micro-pollutants. After all, there is possibility
of holes ranging from 10 to 1000 angstrom 49, 52.
effect of many factors on its efficiency such
Microfiltration as frequency, ultra sound density, type and
Microfiltration is a process in which the size of the nature of pollutant, water temperature and water
holes is between 1 and 10 microns. Microorganisms matrix 46, 50, 56-59.
are unable to transmit those holes. This process is
Advance Oxidation Process
utilized for separation of substances with colloidal
Advance oxidation process usually involves
size in which screening mechanism is used for
producing and using free radicals, hydroxyl, as a
retaining the substances larger than the holes’
powerful oxidizer for purposes such as
diameter 52, 53.
destruction of compounds in which they do not
Membranous Biological Reactor oxidize completely with prevailing oxidizers
This reactor contains a chamber in which such as chlorine. Hydroxyl radical reacts with
segregation of biological mass is done by a soluble compounds, which results in oxidization
membrane, namely, micro filter, with size around reactions so that it leads to doing away with
1_10 micrometers. These reactors have been found the component in mind. These treatment
to be useful in wastewater filtration in aerobic and processes are considered as suitable methods
anaerobic conditions. In these reactors, filtered for purification of pollutants in groundwater
wastewaters have quality the same as the output of resources, waters at the surface level of ground,
the secondary sewage deposits and microfiltration industrial wastewaters containing biological non-
unit output. These reactors are useful for urban and biodegradable pollutants. Hydroxyl radicals are
industrial wastewater treatment and wastewater very reactive; as a result, they react to the most of
reuse schemes 3, 54. organic compounds. For the time being, in 49
The process of coagulation, flocculation and advanced oxidation processes, there are many
sedimentation technologies for producing hydroxyl radicals.
The processes of coagulation, flocculation, and These processes have been categorized differently
sedimentation are methods of chemical and in different sources and texts based on ultraviolet
physical filtration in which they increase the ray, processes based on hydrogen oxidation and
amount of sediments and segregation of solids. In processes based on ozonation 60, 61. They studied
this method, the flocculation and consequently the decomposition of β-Lactam antibiotic. Using
sediment are used 55. this method, they found that although they reach

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

at high removal efficiency, it is low. And all  Photo-Fenton

authors studied the effect of pH in this process Generally, the presence of UV light in the
and found that there was an increase in Fenton process (Photo-Fenton) seems to improve
decomposition rate as pH increased 60. the performance of treatment. However, the
 Ozonation process of Photo-Fenton is regarded inapplicable
During the treatment process by ozonation, for wastewater with high amount of organic
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oxidative decomposition of organic compounds is matter (high concentration of COD such as

occurred by direct reaction of ozone molecules, wastewater of antibiotic factories, hospitals and
and or indirectly by hydroxyl radicals. Ozone or urban wastewater), since the turbidity prevents
hydroxyl radicals produced in this process, attacks the penetration of UV rays. Although the Fenton
the active pharmaceutical ingredients, and thus process can cause less efficiency of removal and
their anti-bacterial properties will be inactive. mineralization, it is regarded more applicable for
Different studies have shown that the ozonation treatment of this kind of wastewater. The Fenton
could be effective in regard with removing process in low concentration of COD is
antibiotics from water and wastewater. Several applicable while water with high concentrations
studies have been carried out on using ozone to of ions (such as seawater) cannot be treated with
treat the contaminated water via antibiotics and this method since the chlorine- nitrate- carbonate
indicate that ozonation process requires a greater ions and bicarbonate are captors of hydroxyl ion
amount of oxidizing agent in comparison with the (pH) 69- 71.
other oxidation methods to treat the similar  Oxidation of Electrochemical
pollution. Moreover, the findings of other studies In this method of treatment, the efficiency
revealed that although the degradation efficiency of would be increased by H2O2 usage. Effective
this method is high, mineralization and parameters on performance consist of used
detoxification of wastewater seem to be low. In fact, electrodes, type of electrolyte, electricity use, and
this process depends on pH changes and requires initial concentration of organic substances. In fact,
cost, equipments and high energy, which is not applying NaCl increases a concern regarding
regarded appropriate for treatment of environments formation of oregano-chlorine compounds as a
contaminated by pharmaceuticals 62-65. byproduct. The need to adjust the pH of
 Fenton Oxidation Process wastewater can be stated as another limitation of
In Fenton oxidation process, the toxic or this method 66. Dirany et al. 72 examined the
biologically non-biodegradable chain structure reduction of antibiotic sulfamethoxazole by the

can transmute to less toxic or biologically electrochemical process of water anddemonstrated

oxidable substances. These reactions are progeny, that the sulfamethoxazole under the experimental
which result in foam and gas emission. This conditions was quickly destroyed. However, the
process is easily used in the treatment of small elimination of all organic carbon was obtained
contaminants due to the capability for only in boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode/carbon
50 mineralization of main portion of contamination, felt cell 7, 72.
creation of less toxic wastewater, ease of final
 Semiconductors Photocatalysts
biological treatment, easier utilization and
Photo catalysts are substances that destroy the
control, and thus, adjustment of the work
contaminants of water and wastewater, and
conditions. This process not only helps to remove
convert them into harmless substances such as
organic carbon, heavy metals and phosphorus, but
water and carbon dioxide. Photo catalyst is a
also deactivates the bacteria. Nevertheless, it is
substance that can induce a chemical reaction by
necessary to consider the adjustment of
the light exposure while it would not be subject to
environment pH and retrieval of the soluble ions
any changes. In deed; they are not directly
from the treated wastewater 66- 68.

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

involved in oxidation and reduction processes, chlorination method was done with a dose of nearly
and only provide the required conditions for the 1 mg per liter in the both distilled and river water.
reaction. Some substances that can be used as a Based on the results of this research, the studied
Photo catalyst entail: titanium dioxide (TiO 2), antibiotics are removed at a rate of 50-90% of what
zinc oxide (ZnO), iron oxide (Fe2O3), tungsten was expected. The chemical oxidation of organic
oxide (WO3). Titanium dioxide is regarded more compounds by organic chlorine as an oxidizing
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popular than the other catalysts due to low cost, could lead to byproducts production 74, 75.
no need for high energy, high efficiency, and lack  Ion Exchange
of contamination. The ion exchange phenomenon was first reported
Generally, semiconductor photo catalyst in 1850 following observing the agricultural soil
mechanism is performed in five main steps: ability in the exchange of some ions such as
1) Transmission of the reactant in the liquid ammonium with calcium and magnesium ions
phase to the surface; existing in their structures. The ion exchange is a
2) Absorption of the reactant; process in which cations or anions in a liquid
3) Reaction in the adsorbed phase; environment are exchanged with zinc anions and
4) Desorption of products; cations on a solid adsorbent. In this process, cations
5) Removal products from the intermediate exchange with cations and anions exchange with
zone. Several researchers used this method to anions, as well. Moreover, chemical reactions
remove different antibiotics and have reported a between ions within the phase are liquid and the
high efficiency for this method 12, 73. phase ions are solid. Some particular ions are
 Chlorination (Cl2) preferably absorbed by solid ion exchangers in the
Due to the low cost of chlorine or hypochlorite, liquid. Since electrical inactive state must be
these oxidizer materials are usually used in established, the solid exchanger releases some ions
disinfection unit of water and wastewater into the liquid in order to present an alternative to
refineries. In addition, it is used as a next filtration the absorbed ions. The ion exchange process is
unit in order to maintain some disinfecting agents mainly used to soften water, remove minerals,
in distribution system of drinking water. This desalination, and denitrification 43, 76, 77. Choiet et al.
method is used more than biological methods to (2007) widely investigated the ion exchange system
treat water containing pharmaceuticals in order to in removal of pharmaceutical compounds, and was
oxidate the contaminants 2, 74. By chlorination, reported that this method has some disadvantages
there is a possibility of oxidation of target such as a need to inverse washing, reducing and
antibiotics to non-active small molecules. obstruction 78.
Nevertheless, the need to high concentration of  Photolysis
free chlorine (3.5-3.8 mg/L) for removing more Photolysis is the disintegration of chemical
than 90% of antibiotics such as Sulfamethoxazole composition by natural or artificial light consisting
(SMX) with 24 hours of contact time, need to of direct and indirect photolysis. In direct photolysis
adjust the pH, and the possibility of creating the process, the organic compounds absorb UV rays 51
byproducts, even more harmful than initial whereas in indirect Photolysis, the disintegration of
compounds, can be mentioned as the limitations of light is done by photosensitizers such as oxygen and
this method. Although some studies have hydroxyl, or peroxide radicals 11, 79, 80. If the organic
examined wastewater treatment by chemical compounds are sensitive to light, optical dispersion
oxidation using a variety of chlorinated substances, would be the main removal process. The photolysis
this method is less employed in treatment of water process widely occurs in surface water, which plays
containing medicinal material before applying the an important role as an extra phase of removal in
biological treatment in regard with more surface water or wastewater treatment.
biodegradation and less toxic compounds. The

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

Photochemical decomposition depends on the wavelength between 0.0144 to 0.39 micrometers.

intensity and frequency of light. Moreover, the Irradiation with UV could be employed to
effect of frequency is based on absorption spectrum decompose the organic compounds in water. In this
of combination. Therefore, the photolysis process process, the decomposition is resulted from energy
will not occur, if the surface of river or lake is absorption and load of UV quantum by combining.
covered by shade of trees or other factors, or The concentration of dissolved organic carbon
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existence of given contaminant in the soil. All (DOC), UV dose, and contact time are regarded as
combinations have not the ability of light the important factors in order to achieve the removal
decomposition. Several studies examined optical efficiency. The results of different studies revealed
disintegration of tetracycline (a group of antibiotics that in the dose range of 30 to 80 mj/cm2 of UV
that are very sensitive to light), and found that their radiation, antibiotics’ slight removal from secondary
removal efficiency was about 80%, and the removal wastewater treatment of WWTP occurs, and for
efficiency of TOC was approximately 14%, which achieving high efficiency (more than 90%) in
represented the production of intermediate removing some antibiotics such as Sulfamethoxazole
compounds. They concluded that the treated and Nourphloxazine, a high dose of UV (about 3000
wastewater is more toxic than input wastewater. In mj/cm2) is needed 8. The amount of ultraviolet rays to
comparison with other methods, this process is disinfect water is about 30 mj/cm2 while the radiation
nearly inefficient and is only usable for wastewaters dose was 3000 mj/cm2 in a research conducted on
with light-sensitive combinations as well as water disinfecting the studied antibiotics, in which obtained
with low concentrations of COD 81. In the case of percentages of the removal was only between 50%
antibiotics, the amounts of direct and indirect and 80%. It is obvious that the applying ultraviolet
photolysis in water environments for various rays with a wavelength of 254 nm and conventional
compounds are different. Baron et al. (2006) in their intensity used in water disinfection for removing the
examination on the removal of sulfamethoxazole given compounds are ineffective 26.
and sulfadiazine antibiotics with initial 1.0 mM In the figure 2 and 3, distribution and frequency of
concentration from synthetic wastewater through the studied antibiotic, and the methods using to remove
365 nm TiO2/UV photo catalytic process, concluded these substances from environment are displayed.
that using this treatment method leads to removal of
all considered pharmaceutical compounds after 180-
With development of cities and increasing
300 minutes from reaction time. In addition, they
population and expansion of industries, the
reported that mediatory produced compounds have
importance of environmental pollution is increasing

more biological degradability and less toxicity than

day by day. Sewages and industrial pollution are the
initial compounds 82.
result of human activities that varies depending on
 Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation the source of the quality and content of organic and
UV radiation in completely random manner was inorganic, dissolved and suspended matter. Natural
discovered by color changing and darkening of cleansing action to reduce and remove contaminants
silver solutes against direct sunlight. German in the environment always occurs; nonrtheless, it
scientist, Johann Wilhelm Ritter (1801), based on takes during very long period of the processes and
his observations, discovered that UV radiations, reactions that may take several years to remove a
which are invisible, are the main factor in the contaminant from the nature 21, 83. In general, the
darkness of paper sheets impregnated with silver most important goals include providing water
chloride. He then called it "chemical rays". UV treatment and wastewater sanitary conditions suitable
radiation is the electromagnetic energy that has for life, preserve the environment and prevent
short wave length and high energy that is invisible, pollution in sewage acceptor with the advancement
and locates X-rays and visible light in the of science in relation to environmental engineering.
electromagnetic spectrum. This ray has a

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

Percentage of studies

70 antibiotics
60 Tetracyclines
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30 Quinolones

Figure 2: Distribution and frequency of various processes of removing antibiotics from aquatic environment



Figure 3: Distribution and frequency of antibiotics

Today, we can refine different types of require investigation to identify various strategies
wastewater treatment plants with different to reduce or remove them. Various processes
characteristics in order to maintain the required for the removal of environmental pollutants
standards. in water, wastewater and air are used that there
Environmental pollution is a serious problem is not suitable efficiency. In recent years,
with which human is faced and due to the biological technologies for pollutants removal
population growth, the importance of from the environment has played an important
environmental pollution control and its exponential role in the use of these technologies for the
growth prevention is needed more than ever. removal of environmental pollutants as one of the
Problems caused by the presence of persistent newest and best pollutant removal practices in the
pollutants in the environment such as amoxicillin world.

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

Toxicology is the study of the effects of harmful 1- It is the highest possible value, and
chemical compounds in natural environments. This therefore, represents the maximum risk;
category includes the harmful effects on people 2- Does not depend on time;
although the main aim is to understand the effects 3- The speed of input and loss of pollutants
on individuals and how to change the community are equal, and thus the rate of constants becomes
and ecosystem levels (the natural environment). easier.
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Persistent organic pollutants, which are sufficiently Measuring the concentration of biological and
long half-life in the body of living creatures, move environmental factors before reaching a steady
along the food chain and can increase their life to state concentration has a very little value,
reach higher trophic levels. Lower trophic levels because they depend on how long an organism is
can bioaccumulate in biological concentrations exposed to the chemical composition and an
while at higher levels easily metabolized by increase in temperature may be less than what is
vertebrates. Biological increase during drought in calculated. This issue will be corrected in
the food chain is owing to bioaccumulation, food consideration of the fact that long-term exposure
pollutants is the main source of most of the to the organism has not come to steady state. The
pollutants. In some cases, major possible route of overall position of the relative importance of entry
pollutants emission is the air in contact with and loss in different livings is shown by counting
contaminated surfaces or drinking water. The system in the positive scale. Some differences have
cause of bioaccumulation is a chemical been observed in each group of living organisms in
combination like following factors: regard with the importance of various mechanisms
Biological increase along the food chain, as a between the compounds, for instance, some
result of condensed water, can be biological as differences have been detected with respect to
well as bioaccumulation. Aquatic Vertebrate and different biological polarities and degradability.
invertebrate can attract the surrounding water The most important concepts are listed as follows:
organisms that live in the lower levels of sediment 1- Entering and missing (loss) from exchange
contaminants and which can enter their body. spread of water. The surrounding environment is of
Biodoping agent is a chemical compound that is great importance for aquatic organisms, but not for
absorbed directly from the water, which is defined land creatures.
as follow: 2- Metabolism of major mechanism of
One of the challenges, during reviewing pollutants’ loss is in terrestrial vertebrates, though
biological increase in the food chain, is proving it is of less importance in aquatic organisms that

their bioaccumulation importance in opposition to pollutants can be eliminated via spreading to the
doping. To increase the biological processes that surrounding water.
lead to the development of stable, predictable 3-Most aquatic invertebrates demonstrate very
patterns of synthetic pollutants are being studied. little capacity for the metabolism, which this issue
When living organisms are continually exposed to is especially true in the case of mollusks.
contaminants in food or wastewater and the Crustaceans such as round crabs and elongated
amount is almost constant, concentration of crabs have a greater metabolic capacity compared
pollutants in the tissues increases with time until: to mollusks. The balance between competitive
1- Reach the lethal concentrations in which mechanisms of pollutants’ loss in a living
the organism will die. organism depends on the composition and the
2- A constant state arises where pollutants studied species. For example, within aquatics,
entering the living body are equal to the ones lost. some of the compounds that serve as good
Bio-concentration factor or bioaccumulation substrate for monooxygenases, hydrolases, etc.
factor in the steady state is of prime importance can be metabolized fairly quickly, though even
because: the fishes, as a group, have a low metabolic

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

capacity. Thus, in such metabolic cases as soils involving high amount of clay or organic
emissions of pollutants, the amount of pollutants’ matter absorb hydrophobic compounds with more
loss is taken as an important factor into force, compared to light sandy soils possessing
consideration. On the contrary, since many multi- lower amount of organic materials. Lipophilic
halogenated compounds by fish are metabolized compounds seem to be more resistant in the heavy
too slowly, metabolism does not contribute soils. In high contrast with hydrophobic
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significantly to remove the pollutants and in fact, compounds, more polar compounds are absorbed
the loss of pollutants via the diffusion method is in a less quantity and get a relatively higher
regarded as the major mechanisms of digestion. concentration in the soil water.
However, the emergence of slow burning organic It was thought for a long time that organic
pollutants, which has integrated the high toxicity contaminants demonstrate a low tendency to move
and high lipophilicity, indicate the restrictions of from soil into the fields of water (water drainage,
detoxification systems. Soil particles can be sewerage). In fact, the same can be expected from
introduced as complex interfaces between living the undisturbed soils. Hydrophobic compounds get
organisms and mineral particles. Decomposing rejected by adsorption since the water-soluble
the organic remains of the microorganisms compounds are decomposed by soil living
produces complex organic polymers ("Humic organisms. In heavy soils, Then if it rains,
substances" or simply ―soil organic matter"), that contaminants that are dissolved or have been
join the mineral particles together and form absorbed in the form of movable colloids can be
clumps that give the soil a special structure. washed into the fissures and appear in the adjacent
Soil organic matter and clay minerals make up ponds and streams.
the soil colloids. Small size and larger surface than In assessing environmental risks, the purpose is
its volume possess a large capacity in order to to prove the possibility of a compound or chemical
absorb soil- contaminating organic pollutants. Air compounds that make toxicity in their natural
and water ducts in the soil freely groove it and then biological environment. The analysis was based on
ground water moves near to the surface and comparing environmental toxicities data of
eventually exits. Chemical compositions are laboratory experiments to the data obtained or
differently distributed to three phases of water, estimated in the natural environment. Posing
soil, and air depending on their physical properties. questions in regard with the quality of the
Lipophilic compounds are strongly attracted to soil population level or above mentioned issues can be
colloids and thus are static and durable. Due to low related to that the consequences of such toxicity
solubility in water and slow burning nature of these has not been taken into account. Toxic effects on
compounds, the major mechanism of loss in each individual in the environment can be
various soils is performed by volatility. established in various ways and quantitatively
Metabolism is limited by two factors: estimated. In the case of cytotoxic effects, a simple
1- Tight connection, these compounds are approach is that after applying chemical
not freely available to the enzymes of soil compounds, the bodies are collected and counted,
organisms as they can be broken. such as the tests carried out on the effects of
2- At the best state, they can be metabolized modern insecticides in natural environments.
as slowly as the enzyme systems. However, it is a non-precise approach since
Due to strong absorption and low solubility in many kinds of sacrifices; especially stirring
water, they are often washed in a small quantity by varieties such as birds flee from poisoning. Such
water from the soil surface and penetrate into the data can be used to assess the effects of chemical
underlying layers. compounds on the rate of population killing in the
The degree of absorption and thus the strength natural environment, and then they can be placed
and mobility depend on the type of soil. Heavy in the form of population patterns.

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

Biological response criteria seem to have greater drinking water need to be illuminated further. The
ability in order to control the effects of chemical results of studies that have been published
compounds on living organisms in the natural indicated that unfortunately common methods
environment. In this regard, the side effects can be mainly used for purification of drinking water in
calculated and measured using biological response our country seem to be ineffective for the removal
criteria. To obtain the desired result, they should be of hormone and antibiotic compounds, except for
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nondestructive, so if the sampling could be several exceptional cases. Within mostly

performed on individual organisms in each groups. influential methods in removal of hormonal
The position of population can be illustrated by compounds and antibiotics as well as other
numbers (population density and population pharmaceutical compounds based on some
density) or genetic combining components evidence, such advanced methods can be
(population genetics). Early in the history of mentioned as absorption by activated carbon,
evolution, "natural" xenobiotic toxicity has exerted reverse osmosis and nanofiltration as well as
a selective pressure imposed on the living oxidation by chlorine and ozone.
organisms. Much evidence of chemical compounds Although ozonation presents many benefits, it
produced by plants and animals exist that are toxic needs great cost, energy and equipment, while
to species other than their own and have been used mineralization rate is unchanged or even lower
as chemical warfare agents. Preparing chemical after reduced long treatment duration and toxicity
compounds produced by human is regarded as an of treated wastewater demonstrating production of
extremely new event. In truth, selective pressure metabolites which are more toxic compared to the
on natural populations, and thus the emergence of primary compounds. In spite of the fact that
resistant strains has recently been started. To put it combined methods are not regarded as normal
more generally, mechanisms of resistance are of methods, they are recognized as one of the
two sorts: powerful processes to remove antibiotics from the
1- Mechanisms that depend on the synthetic environment.
factors of toxin such as decreased entering, In a study, analyses with grid solar photo-fenton
increased metabolism or increased storage. process and biological treatment were investigated
2- Mechanisms that rely on dynamic factors by Sirtori et al. 84. The overall efficiency of
of toxin, mainly a shift in action positions leads to dissolved organic carbon removal was 95% of
reduce the sensitivity. which 33% and 62% belonged to solar photo-
Resistance mechanisms associated with changes fenton and biologic treatment, respectively. In this

in toxins synthetics, largely belong to metabolic study, analysis of all antibiotics with 90%
detoxification cases. Metabolic resistance may be mineralization was attainable. Applying photo-
resulted from incidence of a new gene in the fenton as a preliminary method resulted in
resistant varieties that are absent in the other increased capacity of biological wastewater
members of the population. Furthermore, it may be treatment.
56 related to multiple copies of a gene in different Assessing the Technologies of Toxicity
races or communities. Removal or Reduction:
According to the aforementioned adverse effects Technologies of toxicity removal or reduction
resulting from exposure to the little concentrations are being used in order to remove contaminants
of pharmaceutical compounds in the long run, from the aquatic environment and to protect human
making an effort to identify the status of surface and ecosystem health. Absorption is also one of the
water, groundwater, as well as drinking water in approaches that have been used. Although the
the cities of Iran should be considerate. In this method does not have broad application, in all
regard, studying and identifying effective methods studies, it has been very effective (more than 80%
on the removal of discussed compounds from

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Derakhshan Z, et al. Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds

removal). However, the main disadvantage of antibiotic removal through water or wastewater
absorption is producing a new residual. Moreover, treatment while the combination of chemical and
in most studies, the active carbon is being used, biological processes can lead to more effective
that is very expensive. On the other hand, most antibiotics removal.
researchers believe that using cheap and economic Ozonation, Fenton- Photo- Fenton and
absorbents is not very efficient. While advanced semiconductor photo-catalyzers have been
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oxidation processes with biological treatment or considered as the most used technologies in
membrane or even with absorption process are order to remove pharmaceutical compounds
frequently effective and reduce the production of from aqueous solutions.
toxic metabolites, the methods are impractical due
to their complexity, operational costs and the
Over the past years, the presence of antibiotics
required time.
in the environment has been of particular interest
Although antibiotics are invaluable compounds
to scientists since they can have harmful effects on
with broad application in modern societies,
land and sea ecosystems. As a result, several
releasing them in wastewater despite some
removal and analysis processes have been studied
problems in the biological treatment, they disrupt
to solve this problem. Most conventional treatment
filtration operations; with accumulate different
processes in regard to removal of these compounds
organisms on filters and cancause pathogens
in the refinery were unsuccessful consist of
resistance. Absorption, biotic and abiotic
coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and
transformations are among main processes that
filtration. Due to the nature of the antibiotic-
affect antibiotics in natural or engineered aquatic
containing waste, utilizing advanced oxidation
environments. Some antibiotics may be removed
process has been taken into consideration as an
through the absorption or decomposition process
option. In general, ozonation and oxidation by
while others would not completely remove. Indeed,
fenton involve the most experimented methods.
there are many different physical, chemical and
Although ozonation has advantages, it suffers from
biological methods to remove antibiotics which
some disadvantages as high costs, the need for
their selection depends on chemical and physical
advanced equipment, high required energy and the
properties of the desired material. Biological
need for backwashing. Several studies have
methods usually have less negative effects on the
reported that these methods are effective for the
environment and produce fewer byproducts.
removal of certain antibiotics, whereas mine
Nonetheless, in many cases, they lack efficiency
building is really low even during long periods.
due to their low availability and also their
Furthermore, toxicity of treated wastewater has
resistance to biodegradation. On the other hand,
remained unchanged, or even more toxic due to
chemical methods will be selected to increase
compared to the primary compounds. All these
pharmaceuticals degradability due to the chemical
methods are not applied due to their complexity as
structure of the drug substance and also the number
well as high operating cost, though combined
of aromatic rings in it. Among chemical methods,
processes can be introduced as the best solution for 57
ozonation, oxidation with Fenton, TiO2
antibiotic-containing wastewater treatment.
photocatalysis etc. are being used as a pretreatment
to increase degradability of noted pharmaceuticals. Acknowledgments
Advanced treatment processes such as ozonation, We thank our colleagues who provided insight
advanced oxidation, active carbon, nanofiltration and expertise that greatly assisted the research.
and reverse osmosis can cause higher removal Funding
rates. The authors declare that they have no
Generally, chemical and biological processes by funding/support.
themselves are not effective in biodegrading and

JEHSD, Vol (1), Issue (1), June 2016, 43-62

Removal Methods of Antibiotic Compounds Derakhshan Z, et al.

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