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ARMS OF MANA (MANA NEXII): Forge from six mana nexii that persisted from the origin
of the Multiverse, the Arms of Mana are incredibly powerful and esoteric items.
After millennia in which they were lost across the Multiverse, they were gathered
on the plane, Theros. There, they were entrusted to Quinton of Halycon, lest they
be taken by the gods of that world.

White: Kupatrypo, the Spear of the General, wielded by Caide the Warden.

Blue: Soniphia, the Cloak of the Philosopher, worn by Quinton of Halycon.

Black: Rynnos, the Lash of the Tyrant, wielded by the Dread Lord Abominus.

Red: Polemoka, the Axe of the Warmonger, wielded by Lordeg Forgebrand of Krynn.

Green: Nygos, the Bow of the Hunter, wielded by Nissa Revane before the Mending and
Cyndora after the Mending.

In addition to the five that were forged in harmony with the Multiverse, a sixth
found home in the Far Realm.

Purple (Colorless): Vilicus, Tome of the Patriarch

Color Identity: Colorless/White/Blue/Black/Red/Green (Ur)

BLACK LOTUS FELLOWSHIP: The organization headed by Quinton of Halcyon before his
mind was flayed and used as a prison for Balphamog. Originally intended to maintain
the balance between order and chaos on Dominia and the nearby planes, it was later
expanded to cover the entire Multiverse. In addition, they sought to explore the
Multiverse, gaining a better understanding of creation as a whole.

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CYNDORA: Cyndor, the new Oeridian goddess of Time, was once the planeswalker Nissa
Revane for a destroyed timeline. However, she was saved from the collapsing
timestream before it was too late. Cyndor, under the influence of the eldritch
being Marit Lage, used this Nissa to convince Quinton of Halycon to alter the past
in hopes of escape.

After Nissa and Quinton destroyed Cyndor and restored Marit Lage's prison, Nissa
became the new goddess of time. This was owed to her being the most powerful being
nearby, aligned with that particular type of mana.

Color Identity: Green, Blue/Black

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FALLS-FROM-GRACE: A succubus, Falls-from-Grace is the companion of the being known
as the Nameless One.

Color Identity: White/Black

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FORCE GOLD: The strike team assembled by Caide and Quinton of Halcyon to act when
the Black Lotus Society is unable to. Its members include Caide and Quinton, Abdel
Adrian, Jaheira, Connor Adrian, the Nameless One, Nissa Revane, Aladdin of Baghdad,
as well as Drak and Kat Umdaer. Generally, the entire force is not assembled in one
place except in the most dire situations. In addition, after the Mending, planar
travel became a great deal more difficult across Dominia.

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DRAKKOV UMDAER: An elvish druid in the service of the Simic Combine.

Color Identity: Green/Blue

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FORCE GOLD: The strike team assembled by Caide and Quinton of Halcyon to act when
the Black Lotus Society is unable to. Its members include Caide and Quinton, Abdel
Adrian, Jaheira, Connor Adrian, the Nameless One, Nissa Revane, Aladdin of Baghdad,
as well as Drak and Kat Umdaer. Generally, the entire force is not assembled in one
place except in the most dire situations. In addition, after the Mending, planar
travel became a great deal more difficult across Dominia.

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KATARENNA UMDAER: An elvish member of the Selesnyan Conclave. Though she had
achieved an officer's rank in the Haazda, she traded that position for a position
as an advocate. This was because she was starting a family with her husband, Garen
Umdaer. Motherhood has not, however, dulled her fighting skills. She is a trained
monk and an expert with both tonfa and the quarterstaff.

Color Identity: Green/White (Selesnya)

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KUHU: The overgod of the Oeridian Crystal Sphere (Greyspace). Kuhu is an ancient
ally of both Ao, the keeper of the Aber-Toril Crystal Sphere (Realmspace), and Vea,
of the Mystaran Crystal Sphere (Mystspace). Though Kuhu has even less interaction
with mortals when compared to the other overgods, he was present at the death of
Cyndor. It was Kulu that elevated the Nissa Revane that had been from an alternate
timeline to the position of Goddess of Time of the Oeridian pantheon.

Color Identity: Colorless

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KUPATRYPO, THE SPEAR OF THE GENERAL: A weapon wielded by the greatest champions of
the Theros. Quinton of Halycon was given the weapon by the Oracle and has kept it
with him during his adventures.

Color Identity: White

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PRADOOSHAN SOVEREIGNTY: Though relatively small, the Pradooshan Sovereignty is
composed of dozens of island city-states, colonies, and ports. The center of the
government is located in Pradoosha, near the border of Ghirapur's territory.

Color Identity: Blue/Red

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PURPLE MANA: Otherwordly power from the Far Realm, this magic inherently brings
existance out of order, pulling the other colors of mana apart.

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REYA DAWNBRINGER: One of the first angels created Serra; she led their order until
the Phyrexian Invasion.

She was closest of her sisters in apperance and temprament to her creator, Serra.
Indeed, Serra thought of her as a daughter.

Color Identity: White

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RISE OF THE NEW GODS: An event in which gods from the world Mystara attempted to
invade Theros and supplant the gods. At the behest of the Lich God Vecna, the
Oeridian panthen travelled across the Phlogiston to Theros.

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SCION OF THE UR-DRAGON: "You will breathe out my breath, draw blood with my claws,
command with my voice, soar with my wings, and pierce the soul with my eyes. You
will bleed my blood and embody my will in all things." The ancient spirit of
dragonkind, older than almost any creature in Dominia, the Ur-Dragon's
responsibilities are vast. Because of this, he will lend his power to his Scions to
ensure that the needs of dragonkind are tended to.

There have been many Scions over the millennia, but the most recent was the human
Quinton of Halcyon. Quinton is the only Scion to not be a draconic originally. The
Ur-Dragon chose Quinton both because of his deep-seated enmity toward the Eldrazi
and Balphamog, specifically. In addition, it was on the recommendation of Ugin, one
of the Ur-Dragon's favored sons.

The foremost power given to the Scion is the ability to invoke the golden bindings
they have been given and take on the form of the Scion of the Ur-Dragon. A massive
golden dragon, possessing the ability to draw on the powers of every dragon ever
born, this alone is an incredible aspect. In addition, all dragons, whether they
are even aware of the Ur-Dragon's existance or not, will show respect to the Scion.

Color Identity: White/Blue/Black/Red/Green (Ur)

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SONIPHIA, CLOAK OF THE PHILOSOPHER: An ancient cloak that was entrusted to the gods
of Theros to protect. The cloak expands and focuses the powers of a mage that wears
it. It was given to Quinton of Halcyon, who chose to wear it.

Color Identity: Blue

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THE SPELLJAMMER: An ancient ship of mysterious origins, the Spelljammer is a
magical marvel. Shaped like a massive manta ray carrying a small city on its back,
the Spelljammer has moved among the spheres as long as there have been beings
traveling among the stars.

Quinton and his allies found the ship drifting deep in the Rainbow Ocean while they
were lost, cast into the void by Vecna. The giff Winston bonded with the vessel and
became its captain, leading them back into known space. After this even, the ship
became the defacto base of the Black Lotus League.

The ship responded with gusto in their war agaisnt the Far Realm. They were the
creatures that had killed its crew and left it adrift.

Color Identity: Blue

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SPHERES OF MYSTARA: The five primal forces of mana, manifested as spheres of deific
and immortal power on Mystara, the previous nexus of the Multiverse.

Matter = White
Energy = Red
Time = Green
Thought = Blue
Entropy = Black

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SYAHIAN RAJ: A nation primarily across the sea from Ghirapur on the plane of
Kaladesh. They have established the colony Benma near to the borders of the
Pradooshan Sovereignty.

Color Identity: White/Green/Black (Abzan)

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THOSANDFOLD REFRACTION OF RABIAH: An event that took place thousands of years ago
that replicated one thosand identical Rabiahs that occupy the same space in the
Multiverse. It has led to very few planeswalkers being born on the plane (Taysir
was the most recent).

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UNDERVERSE: The chaotic realm beneath the Far Realm. It is the home of the Ur.

Color Identity: Colorless/Purple

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VILICUS, TOME OF THE PATRIARCH: At the dawn of the Multiverse, when the Mana Nexii
were forged into the Arms of Mana, a sixth mana nexus was cast into the Far Realm.

Color Identity: Colorless/Purple

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One Color: White
Two Colors (Allied Guild - Azorius): White and Blue
Two Colors (Enemy Guild - Orzhov): White and Black
Three Colors (Shard - Bant): White, Blue, and Green
Three Colors (Wedge - Abzan): White, Green, and Black
Four Colors (Artifice): White, Blue, Black, Red


One Color: Green
Two Colors (Allied Guild - Selesnya): White, Green
Two Colors (Enemy Guild - Simic): Green, Blue
Three Colors (Shard - Naya): White, Red, Green
Three Colors (Wedge - Temur): Blue, Green, Red
Four Colors (Growth): White, Blue, Black, Red

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