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Fill the sentences with a relative pronoun.


There is only one Greek island …………. I have never been.

There is only one Greek island …………. I have never visited.

What was the name of the person …………. bought your old car?

This is the last time ……….. I go to this school.

I didn’t know …………. was so exciting about her.

This is the school …………. I used to go to.

There was nobody in the audience …………. laughed.

This is the street ………….. I live.

There is hardly a moment …………. I can have a rest.

This was the first car ………….. I drove.

He was the first man …………… landed on the moon.

She was the last student ………….. I asked.

In the whole book there was only one chapter ………… I was interested in.

It was 1965 ………… they started to build the new school.

Those are the people …………… dog bit me.

There was only one painting ……….. hadn’t been sold.

Do you know the girl ……….. lives next door?

I can’t believe ………… you told me yesterday.

This is the cottage ………… we slept on our holiday.

Weird courses
What did you study at university or college?
There are hundreds of courses available... including some very strange ones.

1. …………… a university or college course is never easy. Some people pick subjects 2…………… will lead
directly to a job, such as accounting, medicine or engineering. While others go 3…………… something a
bit less focused, 4…………… as maths, history or English literature. Some degree courses such as
photography or physical education 5…………… considered less “intellectual”. And others are
looked 6…………… on as “joke” or “Mickey Mouse” subjects, such as media or "lm studies. But they’re
nothing compared 7…………… some of the following.

Staffordshire University (in England) offers a module 8…………… “David

Beckham Studies” for students taking sociology, sports science or
media studies. The course deals 9……………the sociological importance
of football.

The University of Baltimore (in the USA) is offering students the chance
to 10…………… zombies. This is part of 11…………… “English 333”
course. The lecturer of zombie studies is Arnold Blumberg, 12…………… has written a book on zombie

Durham University (in England) offers a unit in “Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion” as 13…………… of
its education studies course. Students can read 14…………… topics such as “Muggles and magic: the
escape 15…………… the treadmill and the recovery of enchantment”, as 16…………… as “Gryffindor and
Slytherin: prejudice and intolerance in the classroom”. Fascinating!

Georgetown University (in Washington DC) is offering a course in “Philosophy and Star Trek”. Students
can attempt to 17…………… questions such as “Is time travel possible?” and “Could we go back and kill
our grandparents?”

A masters course in the “Psychology of Exceptional Human Experiences” at the University of Coventry
(in England) 18…………… students to study the film Ghostbusters. Lecturer Tony Lawrence said of the
course, “We don’t tell students 19…………… to believe but we help them investigate.”

Queen’s University Belfast (in Northern Ireland) has a course in “Feel the
Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way”. Students learn about the real-life
psychological techniques 20…………… Jedi mind tricks, as well as
examining the wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, such as
balance, destiny, fatherhood and fascism.

Embedded 21…………… the MA in History at Nottingham University (in

England) is a module called “Robin Hood Studies”. Students can learn about the tales of 22…………… of
England’s most famous medieval heroes.

Alfred University in New York (in the USA) offers a unit called “Maple Syrup – The Real Thing”. The
course looks 23…………… the profession of making maple syrup and 24…………… the production process
has hardly changed over the years.

So, 25…………… course would you like to take?

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A. Complete the exercise with who, whom, whose or where.

1. What's the name of the man car you borrowed?

2. A cemetery is a place people are buried.

3. A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong.

4. An orphan is a child parents have passed away.

5. The town we spent the holidays was very beautiful.

6. This school is only for children first language is not English.

7. I don't know the name of the woman to I spoke on the phone.

B. Complete the following exercise with correct relative pronouns, choosing

from the items given.

1. Jake and Jessica Carter, (that / who) got married about a year

ago, recently bought a new house.

2. The neighborhood (that / in which) they have been living is a

somewhat dangerous one.

3. The neighborhood (that / who) they are moving into is much


4. Their new house, (that / which) they bought quite cheaply,

does need some fixing up.

5. However, they will be receiving some help from their neighbors, most of

(who / whom) they like.

6. The Flintstones (who / whom) live next door to them, have

volunteered to lend their tools.

7. The Jetsons (who / whom) live across the street from Jake

and Jessica, have promised to help them put in a new lawn.

8. The Flintstones, (who / whose) daughter is the same age as

Mackenzie, Jake and Jessica's daughter, are helping Mackenzie make new


9. Jessica, (that / who) works for a county hospital, will still have

to commute to work.

10.Jake, (whom / whose) company is nearby, will be able to walk

to work.

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