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From Up Here- Liz Flahive

Context: Kenny brought a gun to school and since then rumors have been
spread about him and me. I am protective of my brother’s feelings and the
teachers at school are discussing the paper Kate wrote about my brother. I
have only heard that she is a high achieving student and has many

Moment Before: I come home to finally decompress from rumors at school. I

see Kate drinking milk with my mom and I am angry. I ask her what she’s
doing at my house and she tells me “I understand it may be strange to see me
outside of school, but I know you better than you think I do. It’s okay”

Objective: I need to reveal Kate in order to Shield Kenny.

To seduce Oh. You know what other people say about me so that basically

means you know me. Right?

To embarrass You hang out in the English department offices all the time,

don’t you? The teachers in there totally love you.

To neutralize Mrs. Gordon was talking about you today. About how my

brother’s helping you write something? Sorry, I must have gotten it wrong. I

thought he was helping you.

To bait And you’re not writing all this shit about my brother for your college


To indict And you’re going to lie about it to my face? Bullshit. I heard this

teacher talking about how she was so moved by what you wrote about the

Barrett boy.
To glorify They’re going to publish it in all the papers. Apparently it’s very

well written. Lots of detail. Mrs. Gordon said it gets inside his head, makes you

realize just how disturbed he must have been.

To blame How teachers still can’t get other kids to sit near him or work with

him in class.

To damn You know how that medicine gave him that tic under his left eye and

if he can’t get it under control he gets so upset his hands start shaking.

To belittle You wrote about that because the school nurse fucking TOLD YOU


To humor I told him not to talk to anyone.

To query Why does everyone need to know about that? Why do you have to

write about my brother?

To intimidate Why don’t you write about something else.

To guilt Does he know you’re writing down everything he says while you help

him with his speech.

To beckon You know, I have a lot of really compelling problems. You could

probably help me with them since you're so good at it. Maybe we can hang out

Who am I talking to and meaning:

To Kate Oh. You know what other people say about me so that basically

means you know me. Right? She knows rumors about me but I can’t say

them because my mom is here.

To Kate You hang out in the English department offices all the time, don’t

you? The teachers in there totally love you. Well these are the rumors I

know about you.

To Kate Mrs. Gordon was talking about you today. About how my brother’s

helping you write something? I’m setting you up, I know you’re not able to

let someone else take your credit. For mom’s benefit Sorry, I must have

gotten it wrong. I thought he was helping you.

To Kate And you’re not writing all this shit about my brother for your college

essay? I know your intentions don’t try to lie to me.

Kate says: No that’s not what’s happen….

To Kate And you’re going to lie about it to my face? Bullshit. For mom’s

benefit I heard this teacher talking about how she was so moved by what you

wrote about the Barrett boy. Mom wait till you hear this.

To Mom They’re going to publish it in all the papers. Apparently it’s very well

written. Lots of detail. Details that you and I know that no one else should
because it’s personal. Mrs. Gordon said it gets inside his head, makes you

realize just how disturbed he must have been.

To Mom for Kate’s benefit How teachers still can’t get other kids to sit near

him or work with him in class. I literally read this in your paper, don’t try

to deny it.

To Kate You know how that medicine gave him that tic under his left eye and

if he can’t get it under control he gets so upset his hands start shaking. That’s

such a personal matter, it should not be public knowledge.

To Mom She wrote about that because the school nurse fucking TOLD HER

and... She’s not even asking Kenny for his permission.

To Kate I told him not to talk to anyone. I can’t believe Kenny would tell

that to the nurse.

Mom says: That’s a horrible thing to say! He should be allowed to-

To Mom for Kate’s benefit Why does everyone need to know about that? To

Kate Why do you have to write about my brother? There’s already enough

gossip about us.

To Kate Why don’t you write about something else. I’ll personally make


To Kate Does he know you’re writing down everything he says while you help

him with his speech. You’re a terrible person and you know that.
To Kate You know, I have a lot of really compelling problems. You could

probably help me with them since you're so good at it. Maybe we can hang out

sometime. Bitch.
One-Minute Cut

To seduce Oh. You know what other people say about me so that basically

means you know me. Right?

To neutralize Mrs. Gordon was talking about you today. About how my

brother’s helping you write something? Sorry, I must have gotten it wrong. I

thought he was helping you.

To bait And if I got that wrong then that must mean you’re not writing all this

shit about my brother for your college essay?

To accuse Bullshit. I heard this teacher talking about how she was so moved

by what you wrote about the Barrett boy.

To celebrate They’re going to publish it in all the papers. Apparently it’s very

well written.

To shame Lots of detail. Mrs. Gordon said it gets inside his head, makes you

realize just how disturbed he must have been.

To add How teachers still can’t get other kids to sit near him or work with

him in class.

To question her sanity: Why do you have to write about my brother?

To beckon You know, I have a lot of really compelling problems. You could

probably help me with them since you're so good at it. Maybe we can hang out


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