Worksheet No. 1 Mil Activity

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Name: __________________________________


Ask Your Interviewee Their Responses

How did you survive without the mobile phone?

How did you survive without any computers?

How did you find information when doing


How did you find out about news and current


How did you entertain yourself without computer

games, arcades, and other similar apps?

How did you keep in-touch with friends and loved

ones who lived far away?

How do you think the changes in the way people

communicate have affected the quality of human

SELF REFLECTION: Share the insights that you got from your interview. What reflections did you get from what they
shared with you?

Name: __________________________________


Ask Your Interviewee Their Responses

How did you survive without the mobile phone?

How did you survive without any computers?

How did you find information when doing


How did you find out about news and current


How did you entertain yourself without computer

games, arcades, and other similar apps?

How did you keep in-touch with friends and loved

ones who lived far away?

How do you think the changes in the way people

communicate have affected the quality of human

SELF REFLECTION: Share the insights that you got from your interview. What reflections did you get from what they
shared with you?

Name: _______________________________________ Section: ___________________

Score Organization Elaboration Sentence Fluency Vocabulary

5 Organization is a Elaboration Demonstrates skillful Exhibits skillful use of
Advanced logical progression of consists of specific use of varied sentence vocabulary that is precise
ideas and complete developed details length. Excellent flow and purposeful; some
rhythm and varied advance words are used in
structure. responses
There is a logical Elaboration Demonstrates good Exhibits good use of
4 progression of ideas / consists of some use of varied sentences vocabulary to get message
Proficient events; answers are specific details. length; there is good across.
reasonably complete flow rhythm and varied
although minor topics structure.
may not be present.
One or more major Elaboration Demonstrates some Exhibits generally good use
3 lapses in the logical consists of use of varied sentences of vocabulary to get
Approaching progression of ideas is undeveloped length and structure; message across, however
evident. details which may attaining a flow rhythm some lapses in precision
be presented in a is attempted; there is and purpose are found.
list like fashion. some flow rhythm in
the sentences.
Ideas are presented in Elaboration is Demonstrates minimal Exhibits good vocabulary to
2 random fashion with attempted; use of varied sentences get message across; there
Developing minimal evidence of a answers contain length and structure; is a considerable number of
logical progression of details that may or attaining a flow rhythm errors in precision and
thought. may not be related is attempted purpose found.
to the idea it
attempts to
Minimal answers are Elaboration is Sentence length and Exhibits limited vocabulary
1 given; only basic, sparse; there is structure are very to get message across;
Beginning single ideas are almost no detail or basic. Sentences have there is lack of precision in
represented, no detail at all. no flow of rhythm. the use of words.
responses are in single

Total Score: _________

________________________ _______________________
Signature over Student’s name Signature over Teacher’s name

Date: ____________________

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