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ANATOMY | Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System

Dr. Arturo M. Decano || March 22, 2017

Block # 6


I. Nervous System o 1 Coccygeal
A. Anatomic Classification of the Nervous System Functional Classification of the Nervous System
B. Functional Classification of the Nervous System  In physio you have learned that there are two divisions of the
II. Embryology of the Nervous System Nervous system whether they are located in the central or in
A. Primary Germ Layers the peripheral, they are divided functionally into a somatic
B. Formation of the Neural Plate and an ANS.
C. Formation of the Neural Groove and Neural Fold
 Somatic: any control by the NS that is passing thru
D. Separation of Neural Crest
E. Formation of Neural Tube
o Exceptions: viscera (organs of digestion, respiration);
F. Rostral and Caudal Neuropore
Controlled now by ANS
G. Origin of Nervous System Structures
1. Somatic Nervous System
H. Development of Brain Vesicles
 Provides sensory and motor innervations to all parts of the
I. Adult Brain
body (G. soma) except the viscera, smooth muscles, and
J. Development of Spinal Cord and Nerves
K. Development of the Medulla
2. Autonomic Nervous System
L. Development of the Pons and Cerebellum
M. Development of the Midbrain  Has parts in both the CNS and PNS
N. Development of the Diencephalon  Visceral nervous system or visceral motor system
O. Development of the Meninges  Stimulate smooth muscles, modified cardiac muscles and
III. Cells of the Nervous System glandular (secretory) cells
A. The Human Neuron  Divided into: sympathetic, parasympathetic
C. Origin of Cells in the Nervous System
D. Cells in the Central Nervous System  Formation of trilaminar germ layer: most dramatic stage in
E. Formation fo the Myelin Sheath the development of the fetus
F. Organization of Cells and Fibers in the CNS

PPT Audio Book

The nervous system enables the body to react to
continuous changes in its internal and external
environments. It also controls and integrates the various
activities of the body, such as circulation and respiration.
(Moore, 6th ed)
 Definition of neuroanatomy: it talks about intelligence, more Figure 1. Primary Germ Layers
about control and integration of body systems Gastrulation
Anatomic Classification of the Nervous System  formation of the 3 primary germ layers: ectoderm,
 So these are the parts of the entire nervous system: You endoderm and mesoderm
have the brain and the spinal cord which are considered  It is from these 3 germ layers that all the tissues and organs
the organs of the central nervous system (CNS) of the human body are formed.
 Other parts of the NS, and that's your Peripheral (anything  ectoderm forms the skin and nervous system (outside),
outside your brain and spinal cord)  endoderm the gut and associated glands including the
o Cranial nerves: nerves arising from the brain and a little respiratory system (inside)
from spinal cord (11th nerve)  mesoderm forms all the other organ systems (in between)
o Spinal nerves and ganglia (collection of cell bodies  formative process by which the three germ layers, which are
outside of the CNS) precursors of all embryonic tissues, and axial orientation are
o Although the basal ganglia does not satisfy definition. It is
established in embryos
a collection of nerves inside the brain.
1. Central Nervous System (CNS)  beginning of morphogenesis (development of body form)
 Brain  significant event occurring during the third week
o Forebrain  Embryo may be referred to as a gastrula
 Cerebrum  Bone morphogenetic proteins and other signaling
 Diencephalon molecules such as FGFs, Shh sonic hedgehog, Tgifs, and
o Midbrain Wnts play a crucial role in gastrulation.
o Hindbrain Primary Germ Layers:
 Pons  Ectoderm
 Cerebellum
o Epidermis
 Medulla oblongata
o nervous system
 Spinal Cord o retina of the eye
o Cervical segment  Endoderm: deepest part of the fertilized trilaminar ovum
o Thoracic segment
o epithelial linings of the respiratory passages
o Lumbar segment
o gastrointestinal tract and associated organs
o Sacral segment
 Mesoderm:
o Coccygeal
o muscular coats
2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – neurons outside the o connective tissue
CNS and cranial and spinal nerves that connect the brain o vessels associated with organs
and spinal cord with peripheral structures o cardiovascular system
 Cranial nerves and ganglia o bone marrow
o Olfactory o skeleton
o Optic o striated muscle
o Oculomotor o reproductive and excretory systems
o Trochlear Formation of the Neural Plate (15th day)
o Trigeminal
 On the central part, thickened part: Neural plate
o Abducens
o Facial  Lateral to neural plate: future neural crest
o Vestibolocochear  Rest of ectoderm will remain as ectoderm
o Glossopharyngeal  If you are going to view this superiorly, the neural plate is
o Vagus located in the medial part of the superior surface of the
o Spinal Accessory ectoderm
o Hypoglossal  Initiation of neurulation
 Spinal nerves and their ganglia Neurulation
o 8 Cervical  processes involved in the formation of the neural plate and
o 12 Thoracic neural folds and closure of the folds to form the neural
o 5 Lumbar tube

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
 completed by the end of the fourth week, when closure of Separation of Neural Crest (20th day)
the caudal neuropore occurs

Figure 4. Separation of Neural Crest

 give rise to skeletal muscle, cartilage, tendons, endothelial
cells, and dermis
 blocks of paraxial mesoderm which appear in pairs on either
side of the notochord that form along the head to tail axis of
the developing embryo in segmented animals.
 give rise to most of the axial skeleton, associated
musculature and dermis of the skin
 In vertebrates, somites give rise to the vertebrae of the
spine, rib cage, (and part of the occipital bone); skeletal
Figure 2. Neural Plate muscle, cartilage, tendons, and skin.
Neural plate  The intraembryonic coelom (body cavity) is formed in
 appears as a thickening of the embryonic ectoderm, mesoderm lateral to the somites.
induced by the developing notochord  The number of somites are used to determine the age of the
 corresponds in length to the underlying notochord at first embryo
 appears rostral (head end) to the primitive node and dorsal First somite
(posterior) to the notochord and the mesoderm adjacent to  appears on day 20 behind the base of the future skull
it.  first sign of segmentation in the embryo
Subsequent somites
 broadens and eventually extends cranially as far as the  form behind the first somite progressively till 42-44 pairs are
oropharyngeal membrane as the notochord elongates formed by week 4/5.
 Eventually, extends beyond the notochord. Formation of somites
 from the paraxial mesoderm
Formation of the Neural Groove and Neural Fold (18th day)  involves the expression of Notch pathway genes (Notch
signaling pathway), Hox genes, and other signalling factors.
 preceded by expression of the forkhead transcription factors
FoxC1 and FoxC2 and the craniocaudal segmental pattern
of the somites is regulated by the Delta- Notch signaling.
Neural crest cells
 undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition and migrate
away as the neural folds meet and the free edges of the
surface ectoderm (non-neural ectoderm) fuse so that this
layer becomes continuous over the neural tube and the back
of the embryo
 regulated by molecular interactions of specific genes (e.g.,
FoxD3, Snail2, Sox9, and Sox10), signaling molecules, and
Figure 3. Neural Groove and Neural Fold transcription factors.
 Most lateral parts of the neural plate will actually move  give rise to the spinal ganglia (dorsal root ganglia) and the
superiorly: will be the start of the process called Neurulation, ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.
a significant movement upwards so that a fold will be  also contribute to the formation of pigment cells, the
produced= Neural fold suprarenal (adrenal) medulla, and many connective tissue
 It seems that the medial part of the neural plate will be left components in the head
behind, seems like a depression there= Neural groove Neural crest
 Viewing it superiorly, you can view the depression on the
 flattened irregular mass formed by the neural crest cells as
middle part of the plane
the neural tube separates from the surface ectoderm
 As the neural fold is moving upwards, the neural crest (which
is located lateral to the neural plate) will separate and will  Wnt/β-catenin signaling activates the Gbx2 homeobox gene
move towards the area of the mesoderm essential for the development of the neural crest
o Mesenchyme  soon separates into right and left parts that shift to the
 neural crest will move towards the mesenchymal area dorsolateral aspects of the neural tube
 Neural folds continue to move upward, two lateral portions
meeting on the medial part: formation of a tube Formation of the Neural Tube (22nd day)
o During this period, at the area of the mesoderm,
o There will be segmental bodies produced: somites
o Formation of somites will lead to the stratification (e.g.
o Seen superiorly
o There are around 28 somites
o Produced below the ectoderm
Neural groove
 longitudinal median groove from the invagination of the
neural plate
Neural folds
 prominent at the cranial end of the embryo
 first signs of brain development

Figure 5. Neural Tube

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
 Neural groove will now be closed, tubular structure o Central canal
produced: neural tube  Mesenchyme
 Complete ectoderm on top o Meninges: come from 2 embryologic structures: neural
 Tube below the ectoderm; tube will now be the future brain crest and mesenchyme
and spinal cord o Microglial cells
 Neural crest in the area of mesenchyme: pave the way for  Neural crest: will give you the Peripheral NS
production of parts of peripheral NS o Dorsal root ganglion cells
 Space inside the tube: neural canal  Sensory ganglion
 View it superiorly: first, you have a groove and the lateral  Collection of nerves outside the CNS
parts will meet each other at the center to form the tube  not parasympathetic
 Formation of the neural tube is not actually happening at the o Cranial sensory ganglion cells
same time in the entire length of the tube  ganglions inside the cranial cavity but they are outside
o The initial meeting point will be at the level of the 4th the brain
somite  sometimes they are located in the orbital area, in the
o Others will follow soon; cranial and caudal part will follow nasal area
Neural tube  ganglia for ANS
 fusion of neural folds o Autonomic ganglion cells
 opposite the somites but it is widely open at the rostral  located in the paravertebral area
and caudal neuropores o Cells of suprarenal medulla
 primordium of the brain vesicles and the spinal cord  are considered a modified ganglion
 As the neural folds fuse to form the neural tube,  nervous tissue that has lost its axon
 Will throw its neurotransmitters into the circulation
neuroectodermal cells form a neural crest between
- ANS sympathetics will give epinephrine and
the surface ectoderm and neural tube. norepinephrine
Rostral and Caudal Neuropore - ANS parasympathetic will give you acetylcholine
o Schwann cells
o Melanocytes
o Meninges - covering of the CNS
 from mesenchyme and neural crest; structures that
cover the brain and SC; there are spaces in between
the meninges too
 Dura mater; Arachnoid mater; Pia mater
From 2020:
Cells of adrenal medulla –the adrenal medulla is a modified
ganglion that has lost its axon, its neurotransmitters are
secreted to the bloodstream (epinephrine and norepinephrine,
part of the sympathetic)
Central Canal – space in the spinal cord
Development of Brain Vesicles

Figure 6. Rostral and Caudal Neuropore

From Batch 2020:

 Begins around the 5th somite (Moore)
Rostral neuropore
 Cranial to the neural tube
 Future brain
 Closes approximately on the 25th day Figure 8. Brain Vesicles
 Failure to close will lead to anencephaly, which is not  Lateral movement of prosencephalon: become (1)
compatible with life telencephalon (2) diencephalon
Caudal Neuropore  Mesencephalon will retain itself
 Caudal to the neural tube  Rhombencephalon: develop into (1) metencephalon and
 Future spinal cord (2) myelecephalon
 Closes approximately on the 2 days after the closure of the  Medulla: lowest part of the brain; resembles the spinal cord
rostral neuropore, on the 27th day (coincides with already
establishment of vascular circulation for the neural tube)  Central canal will develop into ventricles
 Failure to close will lead to spina bifida o Space inside the cerebrum: lateral ventricles (one on the
Embryologic Origin of Nervous System Structures right, one on the left)
o Ventricle in diencephalon is the third ventricle
o Connection between lateral ventricles and third:
Interventricular Foramen of Monroe
 Mesencephalon (cavity inside): Aqueduct of Sylvius: will be
reduced to a strawlike tube only
 Water inside ventricles: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
 Metencephalon and medulla (myelencephalon) will have a
space called 4th ventricle
 Spinal cord will give you the central canal
Fusion of the neural folds in the cranial region and closure of
Figure 7. Origin of nervous system structures the rostral neuropore form three primary brain vesicles from
 Neural tube which the brain develops. The three primary brain vesicles
o Brain form the:
o Spinal cord  Forebrain (prosencephalon)
 Neural canal  Midbrain (mesencephalon
o Ventricles  Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
 The spaces inside the CNS During the fifth week, the forebrain partly divides into two
 So if you have a cerebrum on the right, you have a
secondary brain vesicles,
space inside also. It’s called a lateral ventricle. Another
cerebrum on the left, also has a space called lateral  the telencephalon and diencephalon;
ventricle. So you have two lateral ventricles (they do
not know which is one and two)

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
 the midbrain does not divide; and  The “cephalic” or head of the neural tube fails to close,
 the hindbrain partly divides into two vesicles, the resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain,
metencephalon and myelencephalon. skull, and scalp.
Table No. 1 Primary and Secondary Brain Vesicles  Infants with this disorder are born without a forebrain
(front part of brain) and a cerebrum (thinking and
VESICLES VESICLES coordinating part of the brain).
Prosencephalon Telencephalon First and Second  The remaining brain tissue is often exposed.
-forebrain -cerebrum or Lateral Ventricles  A baby born with anencephaly is usually blind, deaf,
-develops cereberal cortex unconscious, and unable to feel pain.
aggressively  Some can be born with a rudimentary brain with if the
-will grow towards Diencephalon Third ventricle lack of a functioning cerebrum permanently rules out the
the periphery of -Thalamus -connected to the possibility of ever gaining consciousness but reflex
other parts of the -Hypothalamus lateral ventricles actions such as breathing may occur.
brain through  If the infant if not stillborn, then he or she will usually die
interventricular within a few hours or days after birth.
foramen of
Mesencephalon No division Aqueduct of
Sylvius (canal);
connects the third
and fourth
A. B.
Rhombencephalon Metencephalon Fourth ventricle
-pons and

Myelencephalon Fourth Ventricle

Spaces filled with CSF
Adult Brain

Figures 11.a &11.b Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida
A. Closure fails anywhereB.from the cervical region
 Most common site is in the lumbosacral region,
suggesting that the closure process in this area may be
susceptible to genetic and/or environmental factors
 Defect is due to lack of fusion of vertebral arches
 Denotes nonfusion of the halves of the embryonic
neural arches, which is common to all types of spina
Figure 9. The Brain
 begins to develop in the third week when the neural plate Development of Spinal Cord and Nerves
and tube are developing from the neuroectoderm
 The neural tube, cranial to the fourth pair of somites,
develops into the brain.
Where is the CSF coming from?
 Choroid plexus: produce CSF
o Reddish structure inside ventricles (lateral, third, fourth):
 If they keep on producing the fluid, it has to flow from the
lateral ventricle into the third ventricle into the aqueduct and
into the fourth ventricle. Gravity will dictate fluid move from
highest to lowest position
 If fluid accumulates in these spaces, it will give you
 From 4th ventricle fluid goes to the holes here on the
posterior part of the ventricle: Foramens of Luschka
(lateral) and Magendie (medial)
 Fluid will now flow from ventricle to outside of the CNS
o Pia: adherent to brain and spinal cord
o Arachnoid: separated from the Pia; adherent to dura
o Space between arachnoid and Pia will now be filled with
fluid also coming from the fourth ventricle; Will flow to the
subarachnoid space.
 Fluid flows into the subarachnoid space and there are wide
spaces in certain areas of the brain: Cisterns
 From subarachnoid space they will move into the venous
system of the brain: sinuses
o All flow into a vein: internal jugular vein
Figure 12. Development of the Spinal Cord. The lateral walls
of the neural tube caudal to the 4th pair of somites gradually
thicken, reducing the size of the neural canal until only a
minute central canal of the spinal cord is present at 9-10 wks.
 Walls of the tube will develop into masses. In the spinal cord,
you have two plates
1. Alar: dorsal; neurons dedicated to sensory
Figures 10.a – 10.c Anencephaly 2. Basal plates: ventral; neurons dedicated to motor

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
 The neural tube caudal to the 4th pair of somites develops  Neurons that develop from the basal plates are motor –
into the spinal cord. “efferent”
 The lateral walls of the neural tube thicken, gradually  The medulla is already part of the brain stem. Notice what is
reducing the size of the neural canal until only a minute derived from it: hypoglossal, vagus, glossopharyngeal nerves
– cranial nerves
central canal of the spinal cord is present at 9-10 weeks.
Development of the Pons and Cerebellum
 Differential thickening of the lateral walls of the spinal cord (Metencephalon)
soon produces a shallow longitudinal groove on each side –
sulcus limitans (marks the boundary between plates – trans
 This groove separates the dorsal part (alar plate) from the
ventral part (basal plate).
o Alar plates from the dorsal gray horns – neurons in these Pons
columns constitute afferent nuclei th
o Basal plates form the ventral gray horns and lateral gray
4 ventricle
From trans 2020: Medulla
 Dorsal gray horn – sensory neurons, axons move toward the
 Ventral gray horn – motor neurons, axons move out of the
spinal cord to form the ventral root of the spinal nerve Figure 14. Anatomic location of the pons and cerebellum.
 Dorsal root ganglion – consists of the soma of unipolar
neurons which have only one axon with two processes that
go in different directions:
o One process forms the dorsal root and moves towards
the cells in the dorsal gray horn
o The other joins the ventral root to form the spinal nerve
Development of the Medulla (Myelencephalon)

Figure 15. Development of the pons and cerebellum

From Trans 2020:
 Cerebellum – coordination center for posture and movement;
also sensory; related to sensational equilibrium and balance
 Pons – pathway for nerve fibers between the spinal cord and
the cerebral and the cerebellar cortices
 Rhombic lip develops into cerebellum
 Alar plate develops into 4 sensory tracts:
o Pontine nuclei (cerebellar input)
o Somatic afferent (general sensation from the face, tongue,
and extraocular muscles CN V, VI, VII)
o Special visceral afferent (taste, CN VII)
o General visceral afferent (autonomic input from soft palate
and pharynx, CN VII)
 Basal plate develops into 3 motor tracts:
o General visceral efferent (autonomic output to salivary and
lacrimal glands, CN VII)
o Special visceral efferent (innervation of muscles of the face,
Figure 13. Development of the Medulla via CN VII, and of mastication, via CN V)
 Alar plates will not actually develop on the more dorsal part o Somatic efferent (innervation of lateral rectus muscle of the
but they will separate; leaving a thin plate of tissue eye, via CN VI)
 Most of the lateral: sensory; afferent Development of the Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
 Medial: efferent
 Neuroblasts in the basal plates of the medulla – like those
in the spinal cord, develop into motor neurons.
 In the medulla, the neuroblasts form nuclei (groups of nerve
cells) and organize into three cell columns on each side.
From medial to lateral they are:
o The general somatic efferent, represented by neurons of
the hypoglossal nerve
o The special visceral efferent, represented by neurons
innervating muscles derived from the pharyngeal arches
o The general visceral efferent, represented by some
neurons of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves
 Neuroblasts in the alar plates of the medulla form neurons
that are arranged in four columns on each side. From medial
to lateral they are:
o The general visceral afferent receiving impulses from the
o The special visceral afferent receiving taste fibers
o The general somatic afferent receiving impulses from the
surface of the head
o The special somatic afferent receiving impulses from the
 Olivary nucleus – involved in control and coordination of
From trans 2020:
 Neurons that develop from the alar plates are sensory –
Figure 16. Development of the midbrain

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
o An upgrowth from the ectodermal roof of the stomodeum,
 The midbrain (mesencephalon) undergoes less change than the hypophysial diverticulum (Rathke’s pouch)
any other part of the developing brain, except for the caudal o A downgrowth from the neuroectoderm of the
part of the hindbrain. diencephalon, the neurohypophysial diverticulum
 The neural canal narrows and becomes the cerebral  This double origin explains why the pituitary gland is
aqueduct, a channel that connects the third and fourth composed of two completely different types of tissue:
ventricles. o The adenohypophysis (glandular part) or anterior lobe
 Neuroblasts migrate from the alar plates of the midbrain into arises from oral ectoderm
the tectum (roof) and aggregate to form four large groups of o The neurohypophysis (nervous part) or posterior lobe
neurons, the paired superior and inferior colliculi which are originates from neuroectoderm
concerned with visual and auditory reflexes, respectively. Functions:
o Inferior colliculus: auditory relay  Pineal gland: sleep-wake cycle, secretes melatonin
o Superior colliculus: visual relay  Epithalamus: masticatory and swallowing functions
 Neuroblasts from the basal plates may give rise to groups of  Thalamus: major relay of sensory input to cerebral cortex
neurons in the tegmentum of midbrain (red nuclei, nuclei of  Hypothalamus: master regulatory center (autonomic and
third and fourth cranial nerves (CNs), and the reticular nuclei) endocrine) and also limbic system (emotion and behavior)
 The substantia nigra, a broad layer of gray matter adjacent to  Hypophysis/infundibulum: posterior pituitary gland, secretes
the cerebral peduncle may also differentiate from the basal ADH and oxytocin
plate, but some authorities believe that it is derived from cells  Optic cup: retina of the eye
in the alar plate that migrate ventrally. Development of the Meninges
 Basal plate generates 4 motor tracts:
o Somatic efferent (motor output to extraocular muscles, CN
III and CN IV)
o Visceral efferent (motor output to ciliary ganglion of the eye,
o Red nucleus (motor relay to flexor muscles of the upper
o Substantia nigra (dopaminergic output to the basal ganglia
of the telencephalon)
Development of the Diencephalon

Figure 19. Development of the meninges

 The mesenchyme surrounding the neural tube condenses to
form a membrane called the primordial meninx or
o The external layer of this membrane thickens to form the
dura mater
 The internal layer, composed of pia mater and arachnoid
mater, is derived from neural crest cells.
 Fluid-filled spaces appear within the arachnoid mater that
soon coalesce to form the subarachnoid space
 The origin of the pia mater and arachnoid mater from a
single layer is indicated in the adult by arachnoid trabeculae
– numerous delicate strands of connective tissue that pass
between the pia and arachnoid
 Cerebrospinal fluid begins to form during the 5th week
 Pia mater adherent to the brain
 Connection between arachnoid and pia: arachnoid
 Space between pia and arachnoid: Subarachnoid space
o Filled with CSF
From Trans 2020:
 Layers of the meninges: dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia
Figure 17. Development of the diencephalon mater
 Mesenchyme forms the dura mater
 Neural crest – forms arachnoid mater, which is adherent to
the dura mater, and pia mater
 Subarachnoid space – separates the arachnoid mater and
pia mater except at arachnoid trabeculae
 Arachnoid trabeculae – connections between arachnoid
mater and pia mater
 Neurons
o Specialized for rapid communication
Figure 18. Anatomic location of the thalamus, o Transmits impulses, main cells
hypothalamus, and epithalamus  Neuroglia
 The thalamus develops rapidly on each side and bulges into o non-neuronal, non-excitable
the cavity of the third ventricle, reducing it to a narrow cleft. o Supporting, Insulating, and nourishing the neurons.
 The thalami meet and fuse in the midline in approximately o In the CNS, oligodendroglia, astrocytes, ependymal cells,
70% of brains, forming a bridge of gray matter across the and microglia (phagocyte cell)
third ventricle – the interthalamic adhesion. o In the PNS, satellite cells and Schwann cells
 The hypothalamus arises by proliferation of neuroblasts in o Not transmitting impulses; either supporting framework,
the intermediate zone of the diencephalic walls, ventral to the act as phagocytes, cover the nerves
hypothalamic sulci. The Human Neuron
 A pair of nuclei, the mammillary bodies, form pea-sized
 Composed of structural and functional units
swellings on the ventral surface of the hypothalamus.
 If a neuron dies it will die permanently
 The epithalamus develops from the roof and dorsal portion of
the lateral wall of the diencephalon. Initially, the epithalamic  Characterized by:
swellings are large, but later they become relatively small. o Excitability – ability to be activated
o Conductivity – ability to propagate the impulse
 The pineal gland (pineal body) develops as a median
diverticulum of the caudal part of the roof of the  Consists of three functional domains:
diencephalon. Proliferation of cells in its walls soon converts o Receptive – dendritic system
it into a solid cone-shaped gland. o Integration and trophic – cell body
o Transmission - axon
 The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is ectodermal in origin. It
develops from two sources:
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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
From trans 2020:
 The nervous system consists of excitable cells called
neurons (nerve cells) and supporting cells called neuroglia
(glial cells).
 Mesenchyme form microglial cells which are phagocytic cells
in the CNS
 Neural crest cells form unipolar afferent neurons and
Schwann cells – cells in the PNS
 Neuroepithelium/Neural tube cells – cells in the CNS
o Neurons
Figure 20. Structure of a Neuron. The human brain is made o Protoplasmic (gray matter) and fibrous (white matter)
up of approximately 100 billion neurons. astrocytes – cement neurons in the CNS together
Neuron – composed of a cell body (soma), one or more o Oligodendrocyte – forms myelin sheath of axons in the
processes (dendrites), and an axon o Ependymal – lines the ventricles (like a mucosa)
 Cell body: houses the nucleus and many of the organelles Cells in the Central Nervous System
of the neuron
 Dendrites: short, branching processes of neurons that may
house some organelles and transmit impulses toward the
cell body
 Axons: each neuron has only a single axon, which
originates from the organelle-free region of the cell body,
known as the axon hillock, that appears unstained in light
microscopic preparations
Synapses – specialized intercellular junction that permits
communication between neurons in the CNS or a neuron and
an effector cell (another neuron, muscle cell, or gland cells) in
the PNS
Configuration of Neurons

Figure 23. Cells of the CNS.

 Neurons – primary functional and anatomic unit of the
nervous system; specialized for the reception of stimuli and
the conduction of nerve impulses
 Oligodendrocytes – provides myelin sheath of nerve fibers
in the CNS
o A single oligodendrocyte can myelinate several segments
of several axons
 Astrocytes – supporting framework; attach neuron with
blood vessel
 Microglia – phagocyte of CNS
 Ependymal cells – lining the ventricular system; from neural
 Schwann cells – forming sheaths for axons of peripheral
Table 1. Properties of Microglia

Figure 21. The different types of neurons in the body

 Most common: a multipolar neuron (single axon, multiple
dendrites); axon covered by myelin sheath
 Unipolar neurons – rare in vertebrates; possess no dendrites,
only an axon
 Bipolar neurons – found in olfactory mucosa; possess an
axon and a dendrite
 Multipolar neurons – motor neurons of the spinal cord; have
a single axon and two or more dendrites
 Multipolar interneuron – a neuron that transmits impulses
between other neurons, especially as part of a reflex arc
 Pseudounipolar neurons – start out during embryogenesis as
bipolar neurons; the axon and dendrite of this neuron fuse
into a single process that later bifurcates; neurons of the
dorsal root ganglia and the ganglia of cranial nerves are
representatives of this category (nice to know…)
Origin of Cells in the Nervous System

Formation of the Myelin Sheath

Figure 24. Formation of Myelin Sheath of Axons in the

CNS by the oligodendrocyte

Figure 22. Histogenesis of cells in the central nervous

Figure 25. Formation of Myelin Sheath of Axons Outside
the CNS by a Schwann Cell
Trans # 1 Manucduc | Mari | Mirhan|| Checked by: Raj
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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
Myelination of an axon in the PNS by a Schwann cell: REFERENCE
- The axon first indents the cell Doc Decs powerpoint presentation and audio
- The cell then rotates around the axon as the mesaxon Moore, The Developing Human 9th Ed
(site of invagination) elongates Patestas – A Textbook of Neuroanatomy
- The cytoplasm between the layers of the cell membrane Trans 2020
gradually condenses
- Cytoplasm remains on the inside of the sheath between
the myelin and axon 1. What are the 3 primary vesicles and the 5 secondary
Myelination of an axon in the CNS by an oligodendrocyte: vesicles?
2. Which is not a characteristic of the condition Spina
- A process of the neuroglial cell wraps itself around an
axon and the intervening layers of cytoplasm move to the a. Common site is in the lumbosacral region
body of the cell b. Neural tube defect where in the cranial neural
folds fail to close
c. Closure fails in any part of the cervical region
d. Due to lack of fusion of the vertebral arches
3. The fusion of neural folds leads to
a. Neural plate
b. Neural streak
c. Neural crest
d. Neural tube

4. The day of appearance of the first somite

a. Day 22
b. Day 20
c. Day 18
d. Day 15
5. Which of the ff. is the function of an astrocyte?
a. connects neurons to blood vessels
b. transmits nerve impulse
Figure 26. Myelin Sheath outside the CNS
c. forms the myelin sheath
 Unlike oligodendrocyte wherein can myelinate several axons
d. phagocytic cell
and segments; One Schwann cell will cover one axon only
6. The ff. are derived from neural tube cells, EXCEPT:
 Several Schwann cells in a single axon a. Oligodendrocyte
Multiple Sclerosis b. Astrocytes
- Characterized by progressive demyelination of the c. Schwann cell
d. Ependymal cell
white matter in the brain and spinal cord
7. This is the characteristic of a neuron where it is able
- Autoimmune disease to propagate an impulse:
- Distinguished by periods of deterioration followed by a. Digestion
periods of remission that may continue for decades b. Excitability
- As the disease progresses the periods of remission c. Conductivity
become shorter and the disability becomes greater due d. Both B and C
to the decreased velocity of impulse propagation in the 8. The dura mater is derived from the:
affected axons a. Mesenchyme
- Any of the demyelination episodes may lead to death b. Ectoderm
c. Neural tube
within a short period of time
d. Neural crest cells
9. Basal plate:motor::alar plate:__________
Organization of Cells and Fibers in the CNS a. Reflex
b. Somatic
c. Efferent
d. Sensory
10. The rhombic lip develops into what structure?
a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
c. Pons
d. Medulla

1. Primary: Prosencephalon, Mesencaphalon,
Rhombencephalon; Secondary: Telencephalon,
Diencephalon, Midbrain (not divide), Metencephalon,
Figure 27. A section of the brain showing the gray and Myelencephalon
white matter. 2. B.
 Gray matter – contains the nerve cell bodies 3. D.
o Nucleus is a collection of nerve cell bodies in the gray 4. B.
matter 5. A.
 White matter – contains the nerve fibers (myelinated axons) 6. C.
o Tract – a bundle of nerve fibers (axons) within the CNS 7. C
o E.g. cerebrospinal tract: axons from cerebrum down into 8. A
the spinal cord 9. D
10. B

"I suggest you take things one day at a time. If you will do your
best for today, you will do best in your future. What is your best
for today? You listen to me and probably understand what I’m
telling you. When you do that, you’re preparing for your future."
- Arturo M. Decano, 2017

Figure 28. Ratio of gray and white matter at various levels

along the spinal cord

Trans # 1 Manucduc | Mari | Mirhan|| Checked by: Raj

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ANATOMY | Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
Dr. Arturo M. Decano || March 22, 2017
Block # 6


Table 1. Common terms in Neuroanatomy

Trans # 1 Manucduc | Mari| Mirhan ||Checked by: Raj

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ANATOMY Embryology and Introduction to the Nervous System
Day 15 – Neural Plate

Day 18 – Neural Groove and Neural Fold

Day 20 – Separation of Neural Crest

Day 22 – Neural Tube

Figure 2. Development of Neural Tube

Trans # 1 Manucduc | Mari | Mirhan|| Checked by: Raj

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