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The following is damning evidence that exposes, that Grade 10 youth on

reddit as a hypocrite pedophile that false witnessed against Shawn Cullen.

That false witness bad seed Clark uses a user-name titled TrekMachine

2020 - 2021 : S h a w n C u l l e n – R E D D I T S C A N D A L E X P O S E D
As you can see, that comment has designed that unnatural statement of acting as if a dog is a partaker in gay hind lust,
and that there is a want to use a sister of an unspecified age as a slut, yes use their related sister as a object of incest
lust, and evidence of Clark saying he will substitute for that want of incest, by that gay bestiality adverting person .

World-wide it is common that pet owners refer to their selves as parents to their domesticated
animals and pets. Domesticated animals are designed in a way that causes animals to be vulnerable
to human manipulations, yes to human emotional content, contact and voice signals. Yes vulnerable
in ways that are like children are. And by nature we are aware of that elementarily. By that, corrupt
people possess power to manipulate levels of neurohormones into high and unstable levels of
dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin, using a pet like they might a child. I am not certain what part
of the brain is manipulated, but I believe one part is the substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area
(SNi/VTA) - And persons that are into bestiality breach the midbrain (the substantia nigra and ventral
tegmental area) which is to be reserved for their children and romantic relationships.
It is telling and shocking that Clark and persons on that corrupt Reddit thread possess that common
knowledge about that way children are related to pets and yet evidently Clark and his party were
acting open and lending to bestiality and incest !!!
I was campaigning raising awareness and I ran into that displacing mischaracterizing
hypocrite Clark. What I told him is I have, proof-founded key-insights on people & youth
and a insight on the Occipital Lobe Visual Cortex, which is proof people by nature are
attracted to a number of maturing youth. I told him what I have found does in deed fit
with the decades old human sense or inkling that it is total utter nonsense, yes that its
dis & mis knowledge, that people spent decades acting as if youth magically turn mature
when the clock strikes twelve on their eighteenth birthday. - I never said a single word
that that corrupt youth unjustly suggested and he never posted a word that fit with a
slightest acknowledgment of science, nor of corruption I told him of. He targeted & false
witnessed against a man of real truth with the answers to great mysteries and secrets.
With this I record here that a repeated Oct. 16 2019 cpac episode of Canada’s Supreme
Court hearings exposed itself by a judge saying that fifteen year olds are particularly
vulnerable to sexual assault, yes vulnerable as if there is a great urgency, a great
potential emergency, that they are saying is or appears a false alarm at 16, yes saying
that which is anti-lawfull non-sense that equates into feeding everyone the unreal belief
that there is a definitively explosive metamorphosis, (as if youth grow within hours like
bacteria), yes a metamorphosis that we see in reality is not according to a definition and
is without any physical and biological basis in reality. yes they are feeding everyone
a lie that inside of a day or weeks before 16 the 15 year old is of a lack of social and self
awareness and physical design, and that when the clock strikes twelve they become
otherwise. They are using the word protection yet not acknowledging my report on
dis & mis information. You know you are being lied to when federal policy designers,
judges, and policing persons, are acting; as if youth metamorphosize when the clock
strikes twelve, and as if a hour or weeks before the Clock strike, your criminal
responsibility is explosive, yes as if rule of law concept of questioning or testing is
designed to start by causing people to feel they are threatened with Nitroglycerin.
Here you see that I have exposed that theres a matter of dis and mis knowledge that
is acting as great propaganda at the neural circuitry of conscience and at freedom of
senses. By that we know there was and is a old and aging breach to the constitution
and the civil rights of everyone, and there is a great matter of a identity theft which
you are able to understand here in the following link on what I call, your story rights;
It is not hard to see we are facing a great monster matter of propaganda when all that any got to do is wait for a person like Clark to say a
sentence of false language to cause people to act out doubt in a way that acts as a magnet to 1692 Salem like modern propaganda .
In addition to what you have witnessed in this pdf, I have a audio podcast and further online report on that exposed reddit scandal .
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