Reflection 2

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Robelyn G.

Legara October 16, 2019

Synthesis 101 Dean Esterlina B. Gevera, CPA, MBA, DRD(CAR)


Synthesis was primarily introduced in our curriculum to see and apply the different
subjects and learning throughout our course. Our group opted to do the
entrepreneurial project, the Mag-DARAL tayo. And i have learned various things.

Teamwork was the key player that made our project successful. From the planning
phase to the implementation phase and to the reporting day, we have designated
different tasks and responsibilities. For the planning and initial submission of the
paper, we were jinx by the product that we are going to sell given the vast selection
and choices that we can have. Also, the budgetary requirement part required us to
ask for some sellers of the product for the basis of our costs. We have applied various
lessons especially in our Management Advisory subject to derive to our selling price
for the Daral.

As we were selling the product, many got curious about it because it was very
trivial to them. And so, almost all of the customers were asking about its background.
The selling was just so smooth because one added factor of the marketability of our
product is its uniqueness and so we were able to sell it at a minimal amount of time.

On applying the various subjects, what helped us the most in conceptualizing and
deriving all our prices and methods were mostly from Management Advisory,
Marketing and Accounting area (specifically, the preparation of Financial Statements).
The process went smoothly and these things were really helpful because we had a
chance to be the company’s bookkeeper in a short amount of time. The team’s effort
in pulling all of the needed requirements and applying the needed concepts, more
than the success of the project, is the most highlighted area along the way.

Overall, the journey was a helpful guide in enlightening us on the basics of what
we will be doing in the future. Also, it “self-checked” us whether we really
understand and internalized the topics that we were taught during the semesters we
have taken and if we rightfully applied it in the project. Not only was this
knowledge-based, but it also challenged us on our capacities as an individual and
together as a group. Wiseness, teamwork and strategic aspects were sharpened
because of the different challenges that were along the road. It was a very
meaningful and fruitful sail and is a big contributory factor for our progress.

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