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Works Cited

Primary Sources

Abriano, Danny. "The Day a Fan Met The Beatles: Lynda Hill Shares Her Story." The Fest for

Beatles Fans, 26 Nov. 2013,

shares-her-story-2/. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

On the 24th of November in 1963, Lydia Hill met the Beatles, and in this interview, she

would retell her story of meeting the British boy band. Even now, 50 years later, she is

able to still feel the special feeling that she had when she first met them. Hill's interview

will be used as a prime example that shows how great of an impact the Beatles had and

still has on its fans.

The Beatles. Interview. 7 Feb. 1964.

On February 7, 1964, The Beatles arrived at the JFK Airport in New York to visit

America for ten days. Upon arrival, thousands of fans gathered around to watch as the

British band was interviewed. This interview holds special value due to the fact that it

was the band's very first American interview. This interview provided us with an image

to see The Beatles' popularity in America, which supports our idea of the band having a

strong, supportive fan base.

Telephone interview. Conducted by Klas Burling, 23 Aug. 1963.

On August 23, 1963, The Beatles were interviewed by Klas Burling in Bournemouth,

Hampshire. In this interview, the band discussed the songs they performed and the

meaning behind them. The Beatles also revealed how they wrote the songs and their

emotional connection with said songs. This information will be useful in our project due

to the fact that the way that the band wrote their songs had a significant impact and

eventually broke barriers in the music industry.

The Beatles' Influence. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

These images show the fans' emotions upon seeing The Beatles. Once again, shows that

on many occasions, the band was able to have such of a great impact on the fans' lives

and their emotions. These images will be useful due to the fact that they are prime

examples showing how The Beatles have a strong impact on their fans.

CBS Photography. The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. 1964. Billboard, Jessica Letkemann, 9

Feb. 2014,

sullivan-show-50-years-ago-today-watch-video. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

This image features The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show that aired February 9, 1964.

The Beatles preformed one of their hit songs "I Want to Hold Your Hand". To which

over 73 million people viewed the airing of this program. This image will be used as

evidence that The Beatles, at this point in their career, had a huge influence on what

people watched or listened to.

"Eleanor Rigby." YouTube, uploaded by The Beatles, 26 June 2018, Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

This YouTube video is The Beatles' Eleanor Rigby song. The importance about this song

is that The Beatles used a rock song to tell a sorrowful story, which went against the

"norm" that was in the music industry. We will be using this video in our website due to

the fact that it is a prime example of The Beatles breaking barriers in the music industry.

"I Feel Fine" Promotional Video. The Beatles,

Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.


This photograph was taken as The Beatles were getting ready to shoot a promotional

video for their new song, "I Feel Fine". It is this song, along with many others, that the

band broke musical barriers. In the music video, the band simply mimed the words,

which is something many artists would have never done. Although this picture is simple,

it is an example that supports our idea of The Beatles breaking musical barriers.

Image of the Beatles preforming at the Shea Stadium. 15 Aug. 1965. Rolling Stones, 14 Aug.


was-even-greater-than-you-knew-227621/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

On the 15th of August in 1965, the Beatles preformed the biggest concert of their career.

In this image we can see one point of view in the Shea Stadium that shows hundreds of

fans in the stands. The effects of this gig shows how big the Beatles are because of all the

fans showing up and the fact that this one concert at Shea Stadium is known as one of the

biggest rock and roll concerts in history.

Lewis, Anthony. "Queen Names Beatles to Select Honors List." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 11

June 1965, p. 19,

0,1880331&dq=beatles&hl=en. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

In this newspaper article, it told its consumers that The Beatles were named apart of the

Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. The Beatles has so

much influence that they were even recognized by the queen. They were truly at this time

crossing a large social barrier.


Macmillan, Iain. The Beatles Crossing Abbey Road. 8 Aug. 1969. Rolling Stone, 7 Oct. 2019,

Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

This image was used as the album cover for The Beatles' Abbey Road. Many people

know this photo and can recognize it almost immediately. The purpose of this image is to

provide a familiar scene on our home page as people go through our website. It is also

used as a reference, for when we discuss The Beatles' legacy living on in their fans as

they recreate this image.

Nicholls, Henry. Fans Recreate Famous Abbey Road Album Phot. The New York Times, 8 Aug.


anniversary.html. Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

On the album's 50th anniversary, hundreds of fans came out to London to support The

Beatles and relive the days of the album. One way the fans celebrated is by recreating the

Abbey Road album cover. This image supports our idea of The Beatles having a

significant impact on their fans, that even fifty years later, hundreds of them gathered

together and recreated their photo. By doing so, the fans are, in a way, ensuring that their

legacy lives on.

Ochs, Michael. The Beatles Arrive in US. 7 Feb. 1964. Billboard, Andrew Flanagan, 18 Dec.


arrive-in-us-650.jpg. Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.

This image shows The Beatles first arriving in America on February 7, 1964. By using

this, we were able to see the faces of the each of the members as they joyfully greet their

loyal fans. We can see through the members expressions that not only did they have a

great impact on their fans, the fans had an extremely positive effect on them as well.

O'Neill, Terry. George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and John Lennon of The Beatles

in their London backyard. Rolling Stone, 22 Mar. 2013,


This photograph shows The Beatles in their backyard in London. In this picture, each

member holds their instrument as the band poses for the camera. Although this picture is

very simple, we will use it to our advantage to merely show our audience a picture of The

Beatles in the early stages of their career.

Paul McCartney's First Performance with the QuarryMen. 14 Oct. 1957. Los Angeles Times, 6

July 2017,

mccartney-first-meeting-20170705-story.html. Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

This photograph pictures Paul McCartney performing with The Quarrymen. It was this

night that John Lennon and Paul McCartney met, and the same night that McCartney was

offered a spot as a member of The Quarrymen. This picture is important and will be used

in our website due to the fact that it is a representation of the beginning of The Beatles.

Please Please Me Album Cover. The Beatles,

Accessed 15 Jan. 2020.

This image was used as the album cover for The Beatles' Please Please Me album. This

album was how The Beatles began their career. This album cover will be useful to us due

to the fact that it will allow our audience to get a visual of the album that started their


Secondary Sources

Blake, Emily. "50 Years Later, 'Abbey Road' Is Number Three on the Rolling Stone 200 Chart."

Rolling Stone, 7 Oct. 2019,

road-rs-200-charts-895699/. Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

Fifty years after The Beatles' album, Abbey Road, was released, it still is a hit. It was

revealed in October 2019, the album is still on The Rolling Stone 200 Chart. These

statistics support our idea of The Beatles having an impact on their fans and will be used

as evidence to suggest that their legacy will live on.

Bukszpan, Daniel. "The Beatles Remain a Pop Culture Phenonmenon Even among Gen Z Fans.

Here's Why." CNBC, 26 Oct. 2019,

pop-culture-phenomenon-even-among-gen-z-fans.html. Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

Fifty years ago, The Beatles split up and ended their careers as a band. Despite the band's

break up, they are still really popular to this day. According to statistics, The Beatles are

still influencing their fans and even the younger generations of today. With the help of

music streaming apps, such as Spotify, the band's legacy lives on. From this source, we

can better understand the influence of The Beatles and how it can still be seen around

today. We will use this information as evidence to support our idea of The Beatles having

an everlasting effect on their fans.

Dunning, George, director. Yellow Submarine. 1968. The Beatles, Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

In 1968, a movie, Yellow Submarine, using the influence from The Beatles was released.

This movie increased the, already large, influence The Beatles have in pop culture by

using the band's popular songs and popular animation. With the help of this movie, we

are able to support our idea of The Beatles having a significant impact of pop culture due

to their movie and music.

Edmonds, Kemp. "How the Beatles Changed Music." Digital Media Academy, 21 Jan. 2016,

Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

One significant change The Beatles made to the music industry can be seen when they

changed the stereotype of music by telling a story with a sad ending. The band showed

how a song doesn't have to follow specific guidelines to be considered good. They also

proved how a band can go from a live performing act to a band in a recording studio

while experimenting with music. This article will be used as evidence showing how The

Beatles changed the way different genres of music were viewed.

Glassman, Julie. "The Beatles' Musical Footprints." BBC News, 30 Nov. 2001, Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

The Beatles began breaking barriers in the music industry when they were the first ones

to use a recording studio to assist in the song-writing process. The band continued to

break barriers when they incorporated different genres of music into their songs. With

this, they influenced many other artists, including those that came along in following

generations. With this article, we were able to get a better understanding of how The

Beatles influenced the music industry and other musicians in it.

Magra, Iliana. "Beatles Fans Come Together on Abbey Road for a 50-Year Anniversary." The

New York Times, 8 Aug. 2019,

abbey-road-crossing-anniversary.html. Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.


In this article, we read about the hundreds of Beatles' fans that came together to celebrate

the 50th anniversary of the Abbey Road album. This comes to show us how The Beatles

had a huge impact and how even now, fifty years later, fans are still loyal and dedicated

to the band. This article will be used in our website as evidence to support our idea of the

band having an everlasting effect on their fans.

McNeely, Holden. "Making Masterpieces: The Beach Boys and the Beatles Inspired Each

Other." Culture Sonar, 26 Aug. 2017,

inspiration/. Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

Many people know of The Beatles and The Beach Boys, but what they don't know is that

they inspired each other. For example, both bands have similar harmonies as a result of

admiration for one another. The two bands have pushed the limits of the music industry,

and in result, motivated others to do so as well. With this article, we are able to further

support our idea of how The Beatles influenced other musicians and bands, such as The

Beach Boys.

Sullivan, Jim. "What the Beatles Meant to America." US News, 21 Jan. 2014,

america. Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

After a lot of hard work and dedication, The Beatles have been able to influence the

music industry like no other. The band has had an extraordinary evolution in their music

and is front and center for the progression in rock music. This article furthers our

understanding and supports our idea of how The Beatles' hard work and effort eventually

led to the change of rock music.


"10 Ways the Beatles Changed American Culture." Los Angeles Daily News, 6 Feb. 2014,

Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

Not long after arriving in America, The Beatles began having an impact on the people

and their culture. For example, American boys started looking up to the band as an

inspiration of fashion. Along with American boys, other musicians were also inspired by

the band and pushed their own boundaries and began experimenting with their music as

well. The Beatles also influenced the ways of entertainment as they were one of the first

bands to make a rock music video. One of their live performances in America reached an

estimated of 350 million viewers. It is with the help of this source that we will be able to

support our claim The Beatles having an influence Americans and their culture.

"When the Beatles Changed Everything." CBS News, 2 Feb. 2014, Accessed 8 Nov. 2019.

When The Beatles had their first American televised interview, millions of fans tuned in

to watch. According to many fans, the band's music has helped them when they went

through hard times. To ensure their legacy lives on, The Beatles and their musical impact

are being taught in school courses. As a result, many people of younger generations then

have the opportunity to learn about why the band was so important. This article will be

used as evidence in our website due to the fact that it clearly states why and how The

Beatles were so impactful.

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