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com/learn Ver 07/2018

Finding Standardized Values (z-Scores)

This page documents three methods for calculating standardized values (z-scores) in JMP®.

Method 1 (Save Standardized)

1. From an open JMP data table, select Analyze > Distribution.
2. Select one or more continuous variables from Select Columns and
click Y, Columns.
3. Click OK to generate a histogram and descriptive statistics.
4. Click on the red triangle for the variable, and select Save >
Standardized. A new column, Std Variable Name, will be saved to
the data table.

Big (Help > Sample Data Library)

The column Std height contains z-scores for height.
Save the data table to save this new column.
Method 2 (Instant Formula)
1. From an open JMP data table, right click on the column that you want to standardize and select New
Formula Column > Distributional > Standardize.
2. A new column, Standardize [Variable Name], will be created in the data table.
To view the formula, right-click on the column header for this new column and select Formula.

Method 3 (Create Formula with Formula Editor) Functions Keypad

1. From an open JMP data table, select Cols > New Column.
2. Under Column Name, assign a name for the column.
3. Click Column Properties, and select Formula. This takes
you to the JMP Formula Editor.

A standardized value is in the form:

4. Create the formula, and click OK. This will populate the
column in the data table with standardized values for the
To create the formula for the standardized value:

1. Click on the variable under Columns.

2. Click “-” on your keyboard (or the minus sign on the keypad).
3. Select Statistical > Col Mean from the Functions list. Then, click on the variable under Columns.
4. Click on the outer gray box, and click “/” on your keyboard (or the divide-by sign on the keypad).
5. Select Statistical > Col Std Dev from the Functions list. Then, click again on the variable name.

Note: Col Standardize is also available under the Statistical functions, and will perform this calculation
without the need to manually create the formula. Ver 07/2018

Random Sampling and Random Data

This page documents methods for selecting a random sample and generating random data in JMP®.

Random Sampling Car Physical (Help > Sample Data Library)

1. From an open JMP data table, select Tables > Subset.

2. Specify how you’d like the sample to be selected:
- Random – sampling rate (specify the proportion).
- Random – sample size (specify the desired sample size).
- To select a stratified sample across another variable, check
Stratify and select the variable.
3. Under Columns, specify All columns or Selected columns.
4. Click OK to generate the random sample.

JMP will produce a subset of the original table. To

connect the subset to the original table, select Link
to original data table before clicking OK.

Generating Random Data

Manually Create Formula:
1. Select Cols > New Column.
2. Under Column Name, assign a name for the
column. We’ll name our column Random Normal.
3. Click Column Properties, and select Formula. This
takes you to the JMP Formula Editor.
4. Click on the gray icon next to Random in the
function list on the left, and select the distribution
of interest. Here, we will select Random Normal.
5. Click OK.

JMP will populate the new column with simulated random

normal data.

Instant Formula:
Right click any continuous column in the data table and select
New Formula Column > Random > Random Normal.

A new column containing a formula will be added to the data

Simulated random standard normal data.
table. To reveal or modify the formula, right click on the column
The fat plus sign next to the variable name under
header for the new column and select Formula.
the Columns panel tells us that a formula is stored
in the Random Normal column.

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