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Example of Description:

My Family

My family has four members: those are my sister, parents and me of course.

My mother is 45 years old. Her name’s Rahma. She’s thin-faced and she’s got

long, blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She is still slim because she always tries

to stay in shape. She is very good-looking, always well-dressed and elegant.

My father, Aziz, is 5 years older than my mother. He is 50. In spite of his age

he’s still black-haired, with several grey hairs. He has bright blue eyes. He is quite

tall, but a bit shorter than me. He’s very hard-working. Besides that, he is working

in a travel company. He can even make a dinner when my mother is outside. His

cooking and his meals are always very tasty as well as my mothers’.

Finally, my sister Rosalia. She is 23. She is also red-haired and green-eyed.

She has long wavy hair and freckles. She is definitely shorter than me. She is rather

introverted. But she is very sensible, smart and co-operative. Right now, she is

studying English and also knows Arabic and Mandarin. I want to be so smart as she


They all, except me, speak Sundanese very well, because we were living in

Bandung for 5 years. My sister has been going to primary school there.

Unfortunately, I was only 3 when we were leaving to Yogyakarta, so I can’t speak

Sundanese. Now we are happily living in Yogyakarta.

Example of Exposition:

“How to Get Rid of Hiccups”

Some people get annoyed over hiccuping over and over. There are even people
who have chronic hiccuping. In fact, “how to get rid of hiccups” is one of the most-
searched queries on the internet. Well, there are many things you can do. In order
to get rid of hiccups, you can complete breathing and posture techniques, use
pressure points to your advantage, eat and drink certain things, and use some special
remedies. All of these solutions will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

Firstly, there are many breathing and posturing techniques you can use to get
rid of hiccups. Most of the techniques are easy to do. According to Healthline, there
are six physical methods of vanquishing your next hiccup: practicing slow breathing,
holding your breath in for a while, breathing into a paper bag, hugging your knees for
two minutes while sitting down, compressing your chest by leaning or bending
forward, and completing the Valsava maneuver. As stated by Healthline, “To do this
maneuver, try to exhale while pinching your nose and keeping your mouth closed”
(“How to Get Rid of Hiccups: 26 Remedies That Can Actually Help”). You cannot do
all these techniques simultaneously, but you can try them one by one and see which
ones work best for you.

Also, you can try to use your body’s pressure points to your advantage to dispel
hiccups. Though pressure points seem like an esoteric science, standard western
medicine recommends using them. According to Medical News Today, these three
techniques that deal with these points can help: “[1] Pull on the tongue – hold the end
of the tongue in the fingers and tug. [2] Press on the diaphragm gently. [3] Place
gentle pressure on each side of the nose while swallowing” (Nordqvist, Christian).
Though these methods might seem strange at first glance, they have a certain
amount of effectiveness that warrants their recommendation.

Another natural way to get rid of hiccups is to consume certain foods and
liquids. There are plenty of things we can eat and drink to chase away a nasty episode
of hiccuping. As mentioned by Healthline, it is good to “drink ice water, slowly drink
a glass of warm water without stopping to breathe, drink water through a cloth or
paper towel, suck on an ice cube, gargle ice water, eat a spoonful of honey or peanut
butter, eat some sugar, suck on a lemon, put a drop of vinegar on your tongue” (“How
to Get Rid of Hiccups: 26 Remedies That Can Actually Help”) and more. Once again,
test out which food and drink techniques work best, instead of trying many at the
same time.
And then, there are some strange techniques that have been recommended by
scientists and other specialists. One of these theories states that hiccups can be
relieved by having an orgasm (Peleg, R.). Another study mentioned that a rectal
massage can aid in getting rid of hiccups (Odeh, M, et al). Other alternative methods
include tapping or rubbing the back of one’s neck, poking the back of the throat with
a Q-tip, and distracting yourself with something fascinating (“How to Get Rid of
Hiccups: 26 Remedies That Can Actually Help”). The last one is even a time-honored
tradition in certain countries.

Hiccups can be a nuisance, especially if they turn into a chronic condition.

Thankfully, there are many actions we can take to clear up this issue: you can
complete breathing and posture techniques, employ pressure points, eat and drink
particular substances, and use some alternative remedies. It is best to find what
works best for you out of the many choices discussed in this essay, as each body is
Example of Argumentation:

Should Fast Food Come With a Warning like Drugs?

You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays. Fast food and junk food
are everywhere you look, and the world is only creating more fast food shops around
the globe. Fast food is more accessible than other food sources; it is also one of the
most popular ways to get dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch
or dinner, and this is usually from fast food places with drive-throughs. Fast food
companies use chemicals in their food that aren’t exactly healthy for the human to
consume on a regular basis. So, why should fast food companies be allowed to hide
all the chemicals and ingredients in their foods as well as hide any of the side effects
that come with eating that food?
The issue is that fast food isn’t healthy. Healthy foods don’t contain many of
the chemicals that fast foods do, they don’t affect the body in the same way.
Healthy foods come from wholesome ingredients and don’t have preservatives or
other pesticides or growth hormones in them. We all know that that’s food
ingredients are in exactly healthy, but many of us failed to read the list of
ingredients for our favorite menu items. Because of this many of us lack the billet
he to understand how bad the fast food we consume is.
Will you believe that fast food you come with a warning just like any other
product you purchased? You want to know exactly what’s going to happen to your
body and you have the right to know that information. It should not be hidden from
you, and it should not be kept away as some company secret. Every person has the
right to understand how that food will affect their body. From then on they can
make their choices if they want to eat it or not.
If you’ve looked at documentaries such as the McDonald’s documentary and
other fast food documentaries you probably noticed that fast food has a long-term
effect on a human’s health. Fast food isn’t bad as long as you eat it every once in a
while, but many people choose to eat fast food every single day. This is not a healthy
way of living and can end up causing you permanent damage to your body because of
the chemicals you were introduced into your body every time you eat at fast food
There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But
that’s only a small population. Every person has a right to know how a product will
affect them. Just as you see on labels such as pills, medications, and even products
such as workout equipment for scans. All of these come with a warning on what could
go wrong when you’re using it or consuming it. So why should fast food be any
different? Just because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s in
their food doesn’t mean that the rest of the population shouldn’t at least have a
warning sticker.
As you can see, everyone has the right to know what chemicals and products
go onto their food. I don’t know me that, but they also deserve to know by consuming
the fast food what kind of effects they should expect on their body. Many people
think that fast food will only affect their calorie intake for the day, this is not true.
Fast food can affect a person’s Brain, psyche, and body. This is why we believe the
fast foods should come with a warning.
Example of Narration:

Cost of making people proud

Sometimes the cost of making people proud can be nerve racking, but it is

usually worth it. After two and a half months of planning and three days of beautiful

weather, I finished my boy scout Eagle project. It was the biggest project I had

ever taken on; by myself I was in charge of getting a hold of permits, donations of

food and paint, and organizing volunteers so that the underpass on first avenue north

could be repainted. I sat on an old couch in an even older building waiting outside an

office filled with a council of people that had the authority to say “this project

wasn’t good enough” or “you didn’t show enough leadership”.

Needless to say, it was a little intimidating. The environment alone had me

stressing. There was a clock above the doors that separated me from the council,

and every time I looked at it, I could hear it stealing the precious time I needed to

do last minute preparations, click after click after click. My heart was racing as tried

to think of everything they could possibly ask in hopes of anticipating what was going

to happen. Finally when the man opened the doors and told me that they were ready

for me, I thought I was going to faint. I felt like I was a blind man entering a room

I have never been in. I did not know what to think. When I got inside it wasn’t what

I thought. I had imagined in all my worrying that I was going to be interrogated. I

would sit at the end of a long generic table with the only light in the room pointed at

me while countless people threw questions at me all at once. I found myself instead

in a formal setting. I was asked to sit down, and the questioning began. They didn’t

throw the questions at me, but gave them to me one at a time.

During the session I realize that I had prepared well. To this day the only

thing that made all the stressful anticipation worth it was the day of my award

ceremony. All the people that helped me along the way were there to congratulate

me. As I stood in front of them I could tell what they were thinking they were proud

of me. No matter how old a person is, there is always someone that they want to

make proud, and the sacrifices that are necessary are almost always worth the



Title: Frederick Douglass

Thesis: Frederick Douglass played a crucial role in securing the abolition
of slavery and equality of African-American rights through his actions,
ideas, and efforts as a lecturer, author/publisher, and politician.

I. Introduction
A. Thesis
B. Roles/Arguments
II. Douglass as Lecturer
A. History as slave and acquisition of education
1) He “experienced slavery”
2) Literacy allowed expression
B. Early lectures, including initial speech before Garrison
1) Success of initial speech
2) Goals for future speeches
C. Effect of lectures on society
1) Open eyes
2) Encourage activism
III. Douglass as Author/Publisher
A. Narrative’s success and effect
1) Springboard for paper
B. Goals/hopes for paper
C. Garrison set-back and significance
D. Significance of Paper
IV. Douglass as Politician
A. Key trait for success
B. Goal of political activism
C. Efforts for Republican party
1) Significance of efforts
D. Black soldier enlistment crusade
E. Joining of Republican party
1) Significance of efforts
V. Conclusion
A. Summarize arguments and efforts

Title: Common Sense and Its Impact on American Political Thought

Thesis: Thomas Paine’s Common Sense articulated the anti-British
sentiments of the Colonies in a way so unprecedented that it permanently
changed the face of political thought in America.

I. Intro:
A. Thesis: Thomas Paine’s Common Sense articulated the anti-British
sentiments of the Colonies in a way so unprecedented that it
permanently changed the face of political thought in America.
II. What did Common Sense say that was so different?
A. It denounced both the monarchy and the English Constitution, which
had previously been looked upon as a brilliant political document.
Americans realized the inherent fallacies of hereditary government
(specifically monarchy) as well as the English Constitution which
protected the monarchy.
B. It called for Americans to disconnect themselves from the flawed
British system and create a new one for themselves. Common
Sense questioned the long-standing belief that residents of the
colonies were inseparably connected to England. It gave them a new
identity – Americans rather than Britons.
C. It also outlined the benefits of a republican government, which
would go on to influence the ideas of the Founding Fathers as they
created a new government for their new country.
III. What was Common Sense’s immediate effect on the Colonies?
A. The debate in the American Colonies shifted from that of
reconciliation with England to that of independence.
B. It was read by an unprecedented number of colonists and united a
great majority of them behind independence.
C. It inspired American intellectuals with its call for independence,
leading to the composition of the Declaration of Independence a mere
six months later.
IV. What were Common Sense’s long-term effects?
A. It changed the connotation of the word “revolution” to something
that looked to the future. “Revolution” became a word of innovation
rather than renovation.
B. It permanently cemented the idea of a republican, non-hereditary
government into the heads of Americans. Common Sense’s design for a
republican government, and its basic principles were carried on to the
V. Conclusion
A. Common Sense’s eloquent, articulate, and unprecedented arguments
led to a permanent change in American political thought.

Mother’s Love
I. Mother as the most important person of one’s life.
A. She gives sunshine to every home.
B. She knows what’s best for her children.
C. She’s the only person who knows how to love unconditionally.
II. The most influential person.
A. Every child sees their mother as a role model.
B. Some of children follow the footsteps of their mother.
III. A sacrifice of a mother cannot be paid off.
A. A mother can do anything for her children.
B. She even gives up everything just to give her children a comfortable
IV. A mother should be treasured.

Outline # 2

“Greatest Love of All”

I. Love isn’t just about chocolates and roses.
A. True love means loving even if the person of one’s affections doesn’t feel
the same way.
B. True love is accepting all of the person along with his faults.
C. True love is sacrificing and wishing the best for the person one loves.
II. We are able to love because He loved us first.
A. Only by following God’s example can we truly love.
B. To know God’s love is to share His love.
III. Lasting relationships are built on strong foundations.
A. With Christ as the foundation, the relationship is bound to last.
B. Human love can only go so far if not patterned after His love.
IV. The greatest love of all can’t be given by any human being.
A. The greatest love of all comes from Christ alone.
B. The cross that bore our sins is the perfect demonstration of His eternal
V. Christ is our anchor.
A. To love and do all things in Christ is the only way we can truly succeed and
be happy.
B. By giving our hearts to the Lord, everything will fall into place and love will
just come along.
Should Fast Food Come With a Warning like Drugs?

I. You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays.

A. Fast food and junk food are everywhere.
B. Fast food is more accessible than other food sources.
II. Fast food isn’t healthy.
A. Healthy foods don’t contain many of the chemicals that fast foods do,
they don’t affect the body in the same way.
B. Many of us lack the ability to understand how bad the fast food we
consume is.
III. Will you believe that fast food you come with a warning just like any other
product you purchased?
A. Every person has the right to understand how that food will affect
their body.
IV. Fast food has a long-term effect on a human’s health.
A. Fast food isn’t bad as long as you eat it every once in a while, but many
people choose to eat fast food every single day.
B. It can end up causing you permanent damage to your body
V. There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food.
A. . Every person has a right to know how a product will affect them.
B. Just because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s
in their food doesn’t mean that the rest of the population shouldn’t at
least have a warning sticker.
VI. Everyone has the right to know what chemicals and products go onto their
A. People deserve to know by consuming the fast food what kind of effects
they should expect on their body.
B. Fast food can affect a person’s Brain, psyche, and body that is why we
believe the fast foods should come with a warning.

Thesis: The abuse of drugs can affect a person physically, economically, and

I. Physical effects
A. Drugs
1. Brain damage
2. Drug overdose
II. Economic effects
A. Drugs
1. Cost of drug purchases
2. Cost of drug arrest
III. Psychological effects
A. Drugs
1. Mental impairment
2. Mental addiction
“Assessment of K-12 Program”

The K-12 program is the newly implemented curriculum in the basic

education. It covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six
years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two
years of Senior High School). It aims to provide sufficient time for
mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare
graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
employment, and entrepreneurship. It was designed to address diverse
learner needs, and may be adapted to fit specific learner groups.

K-12 program is really a big help for everyone. It enables very

learners to be globally competitive. Every child at the age of 5 now has
access to early childhood education through Kindergarten. They are
given the means to slowly adjust to formal education because it is said
to be that children who complete a standards-based Kindergarten
program are better prepared, for primary education. This program also
make the curriculum relevant to the learners through contextualization
wherein activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations are based on
local culture, history, and reality. It also helps build profiency through
language. Students are able to learn best through their first language,
their Mother Tongue because learning in Mother Tongue serves as the
foundation for students to learn Filipino and English easily. It helps
learners to be prepared for the future through senior high school where
they undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn
opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience
in their chosen track. After going through Kindergarten, the enhanced
Elementary and Junior High curriculum, and a specialized Senior High
program, every K to 12 graduate will be ready to go into different paths
– may it be further education, employment, or entrepreneurship. Every
graduate will be equipped with information, media and technology skills;
learning and innovation skills; effective communication skills, and life and
career skills.

Learners who are product of K-12 Program now have opportunity to

compete around the globe from the fact that it gives more focus to allow
mastery of learning. They are also now fully equipped with knowledge
that an individual should acquire. They are more capable of the things
than any other. Indeed, K-12 program is the ladder to success of every

“Assessment of K-12 Program”

I. The K-12 program is the newly implemented curriculum in the

basic education.
A. It covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education.
B. It aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare
C. It was designed to address diverse learner needs.

II. K-12 program is a big help for everyone.

A. It enables very learners to be globally competitive.
B. Every child is given the means to slowly adjust to formal
C. This program also makes the curriculum relevant to the
learners through contextualization.
D. It also helps build profiency through language.
E. It helps learners to be prepared for the future through
senior high school.
F. Every graduate will be equipped with information, media
and technology skills; learning and innovation skills;
effective communication skills, and life and career skills.

III. Learners who are product of K-12 Program now have

opportunity to compete around the globe.
A. They are now fully equipped with knowledge that an
individual should acquire.
B. K-12 program is the ladder to success of every learner.

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