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A Quantitative Research

Is presented to

General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement


Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Kyle Reyes

Vernalise Manguerra

Submitted to:

Maria Theresa Carpio-Landoy, Ed.D

General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School




Social media began through a variety of online platforms for users to

share their interests and connect with others who shared similar interests. It

is also evolved into an online public space to connect and network with people.

Social Media plays a role in a lot of people's lives some a much bigger

role than others. Some people make their living using social media, whether

that be using it for advertising for a business or being an entertainer.

Social media sites have also grown in numbers by leaps and bounds. As

per the statistics revealed on statistic approximately 2 billion users used social

networking sites and apps in 2015. And, with the increased use of mobile

devices, this number is likely to cross the 2.6 billion mark by 2018. Social

media networks are a major resource for both small and big businesses that

are looking to promote their brands on the Internet. And figuring out the most

popular social media sites for the audience you are trying to reach is extremely

important and social media sites contain content created by hundreds or even

millions of different people. Below is a small list of some of the biggest social

networks used today.


The students of GPGSHS are most likely to begin addicted to social

media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Messenger.


This study aims to know “What is commonly used of social media

network of the student of GPGSHS”


1.What are the social media used by the GPGSHS students?

a. Facebook

b. Instagram

c. Twitter

d. Messenger

2.What are the reason of GPGSHS students by using social media?

a. School Activity

b. Entertainment

c. Information

d. Communication
3.What are the positive and negative effects of using social media in terms

of :

a. Studying

b. Current events

c. Socialization

d. Communication

4.What are the possible solution to prevent the use of social media of

students in GPGSHS in terms of:

a. Don’t use cellphone during class

b. Keep it silent

c. Limit the use of gadgets

d. Do outdoor activity


This study aims:

1.To determine the social media used by GPGSHS student

2.To identify the reason of GPGSHS students by using social media

3.To determine the positive and negative effects of using social media


Teachers. The teachers will benefit this study because it would be their basis

on what the reason of the GPGSHS students to use social media and this study

would help them on how limiting the students to use social media and they’re

know how to avoid, give some activities, performance task, and assignments

using social media to give grade the students.

Students. The GPGSHS students will benefits this study to know the effects

on their performance of using social media network in terms of recitation,

doing activity, and attitude. The study will help them to realize and think how

to manage their time in using social media.

Parents. The parents also benefit in this study to know the commonly used

social media network that would be can avoid their children to use it and also

the study was help them to think how to limit it in their children. The parents

also realize when they read it study on how they can do avoid used their

children’s social media in terms of give time to bonding their children and give

their children advise to be focus on their study to pursue the dream they want.


This study aims to know what are the commonly used social media

network of GPGSHS students that the researchers decided that Grade 11

students are the respondents of this study that was conduct until the first

semester 2019-2020 in General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School to know

the commonly used social media network that the students used.The
researchers conduct quantitative research and used the survey research

design to gathered information from selecting people through survey research


Definition of terms

Social media. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share

content or to participate in social networking.

Information. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.

Interest. The state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

Website. A location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages

on the World Wide Web.

Addiction. The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance,

thing, or activity.


In this chapter after to find and search that make evidence and it would

be help to have a basis in this study.

Social media refers interactions among people in which they create,

share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and


Social networks were online media that is great tools for engagement

and two-way communication, but given the nature of this two-way, real-time

communication, there is the potential for significant risks associated with

inappropriate use.

What are the social media used by the GPGSHS students?

Ul Haq and Chand (2012) stated that the Facebook was trend nowadays

so it is the usually used of the student to communicate and used it in academic


Social media network is one of the most used communication methods

of today world. Whether there is a positive relationship between the

confidence, social media participation and social media related behaviors will

be also assed with regards to Facebook. (Nicole 2007)

According to Mark, Behler, and Rimland (2007) in social media platforms

that trend usually in teenager, Facebook are the most suggested at user that

usually use to communicate.

Karpanski (2009) said that by using Facebook didn’t have to prove that

it is the reason of the students of having lower grades.

In this studies Facebook are the social capital that some of us was use

it to communicate were also many students used it to entertain, share

pictures, post what their feel was also in academic purpose.


In this study the social media application the most largest social media

network site is Facebook, it is the one application that reach out the 1 billion

user that the recently Facebook lost the trust of millions of users that have a

campaign to delete the Facebook because of that the other users completely

remove their account on Facebook and instead use the other application.
In application of Tumbler and Instagram the active users of this

application have 555 million, at the yahoo release in 2013, this application

serves as a micro blogging platform that the user of this application can used

it to find and follow there what their like. Instagram was launched as a unique

platform that completely to share photo or videos that enable the user to

capture what the moment that best of them and those platforms make the

user used the multiple filters that help them to post it easily.

As of now, the application of my space was changed to the Facebook

that the user in a month 13 million that use it, also platforms of Snapchat was

almost use it because a lot of kids those platforms was usually suggested of

them. The platforms had changed over the years that the old network was

changed it to platforms that usually popular in the users.

What are the reason of GPGSHS students by using social media?

The study were have a top 10 reason why the user used the social media

network, first was to stay in touch or also join to what current trend to know

their friends doing(42%), next is to make it updated to news and

events(41%), the third is fill up spare time(39%), to find funny and

entertainment content(37%), general networking(34%), their friends were

already on this platforms(33%), share photos and videos(32%), share on their

opinion(30%), to business purpose(28%), and last is meet a new

friends(27%). The rate of reason why users used social media network all of

this were their reason.

Hambat, Embi and Hassan (2012) said that the main reason of the

student by using social media to connect friends and regarding their studies.

As the report of 2017 the latest statistics the user are almost use the

platforms to stay informed in a current news and events. The other user they

used social media network to visit on what they want to entertain, and this

trend platforms the news was consumption or entertain indicates to involved

the social arena that shows Bloomberg media and Twitter to livestreamed

news coverage.

One of the reasons why the user use social media is for fun. Like they

view a video that trends, use a new filter in their pictures or videos, and shared

the images in public.

Social media was increasing social sharing most of the people they use

social media platforms to share the photos that they want to use Instagram

and they use Facebook to find their old friends.

Everything on social media provides us learnings that the users do a

ebook, blog article, and slide shows presentation. They can do all things that

users want on social media.

Based on the statements social media can be the user the use as a

business purposes like online seller, social media can be connected to as

individual to anytime that they want to use.

What are the positive and negatives effects of using social media?

Neguissie & ketema (2014) stated that using social media network like

Facebook had effect on the students on their academic performance but also

in their study the negative effect must experience who use social media.

In this study stated the positive effect of using social media that helps

their children to connect, develop, learn new things, enhancing their

knowledge, encourages their freedom of self-expression and understanding of

technology that the user of social media network can adopt it to use in their


In this study there have a negative and positive effects that have on

using social media, the negative one that can user available to claim it is the

toxic reflection of social media that usually revels of the user and also make

them realize who even cares about what they talking about but there have a

positive that can brought the social media on the user it is the instantly

connected on their love ones.

Through using social media it can give the user the negative and positive

outcome, in positive effect that the user can attain it was it wide their
knowledge, to access information and help to build relationships and also it

facilitate online learning but every positive outcome that the users can get it

in social media there have an negative effects that can affect there to waste

time, cause distraction, social problems and cause in their health that should

affect in their life on using social media.

According to Tess (2013) in her study that conducted to know what

should the effect of using social media network on the students, as she

conducted this study the teacher was responsible to give the students learning

on how spell the word correctly and how to write it properly because they

always hold the keyboard and touchpads.

In the study it have a negative effect that experience of all the user that

they’re can adopt usually in the students or teenagers that can effects their

performance in activities. Using of social media network can affect their

behavior and their thinking that’s why social media network have negative


Addiction are included on negative effects on using social media network

that usually experience of the user. In the generation social media network

are trend to use and because that addiction are the problems of the user that

they didn’t easy to avoid it.

Social media platforms are the reason why some of the people feel that

they’re connected and didn’t think that they’re lonely, but in this study said
that it is serious to know what are the effect of using this platforms in our

mental health and how to use it in a sensible manner.

What are the possible solution to prevent the use of social media of

student in GPGSHS?

In this study were had 8 ways to reduce social media addiction, first

need to cherish or love the user hobbies, it can help the user to avoid addicted

on using social media network and another is reading that catch their attention

of user that may include to reduce the user to be addicted in social media.

Based on this study it helps the user to reduce or avoid to be addicted

in social media, when the persons or users using social media and they didn’t

limit to use social media and this 8 ways can help them/us to don’t be


In the 2 ways to handle negatively in social media it produce the solution

to avoid negatively effects on social media, the 1 user said Williams & Socks

they said that the copy paste that usually do the users that sometimes they

expect the positive comments but they usually claim a copy paste comments

and also Himmelmann said that being a user you did to put their feeling to

show how you care about what they want to feel.

Accordingly to this study their have a solution to limit spend more time

to use social media, the only thing that available to do is to limit their time to

use social media and they must to do is to handle on how to use and know
the time that they need to use social media. Social media has many benefits

but beside of that’s their have a negative effects and problems that may

possible to adopt like plagiarism.




Aliaga and Gunderson (2002) have described the quantitative research

methods very well. Relating to them "Quantitative research is an inquiry into

a sociable problem, describe phenomena by gathering numerical data that are

analysed using mathematically structured methods e. g. in particular


Based on the Creswell (2003) researcher generally uses post-positivist

approach to develop knowledge when quantitative research is decided on (i.

e cause and impact thinking, use of dimension and observations, and test of

theories), uses strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and

collects data on predetermined devices that yield statistical data.


Survey research is the collection of data attained by asking individuals

questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online. Conducting surveys

is one form of primary research, which is the gathering data first-hand from

its source. The information collected may also be accessed subsequently by

other parties in secondary research.

There are a lot of ways to conduct research and collect information, but

one way that makes it really easy is by doing a survey. A survey is defined as

a brief interview or discussion with individuals about a specific topic. The term

survey was need to define it better. The term survey is often used to mean

collect information. Surveys come in many different forms and have a variety

of purposes, but they have common underlying characteristics. The basic

characteristics of a survey is a selection of respondents from a population in

such a manner that the sample represents the total population as closely as



Researchers use purposive sampling to access a particular subset of

people, as all participants of a study are selected because they fit a particular

profile. Purposive sampling is a popular method used by researchers to know

the fact that it is extremely time and it is effective when compared to other

sampling methods that can usually use by the researchers. purposive

sampling may be the only appropriate method that was available if there are

a limited number of the data sources that can contribute to the study.


The researchers used the questionnaire to collect the data that need in

this study. questionnaire is defined as a research instrument that consists a

set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information

from a respondent. These typically are a mix of close-ended questions and

open-ended questions; long form questions offer the ability for the respondent

to elaborate on their thoughts.


It is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size (N) and a margin of error

(e). -It is computed as n = N / (1+Ne2).

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