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Robin Bertram Ministries

Restoring Hearts,
Transforming Lives

The Door to Freedom

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than
snow…Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities” (Psalm 51:7, 9).

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. It is an act of extending grace and mercy. It is the act of
releasing an individual. The word in the Greek language actually means “to send away, to remit,
or to cancel.” Forgiveness is a means of releasing oneself from bad circumstances as that
individual chooses to release the one who has committed an offence. In the government of
God, we can only receive forgiveness if we extend forgiveness. It is completely analogous to
the grace we have been given by God, the Father. The Greek words meaning “to let loose” are
synonymous with the word for forgive. In other words, they are interchangeable. As
individuals forgive, they are released from the pains of that negative or harmful situation, and
restored in their soul, as though it never occurred. They may never forget, but the pain and
hurt associated with the situation that brought on unforgiveness no longer rules or dominates
their thoughts. Individuals are released as they choose to forgive. Forgiveness is a
requirement in the life of a believer; it is not an option.

1. Realize it is truly a choice.

2. Realize you are freed from the bad experience as you choose to forgive.
3. Realize it brings reconciliation to God first, and then to others involved.
4. Realize unforgiveness does not punish the targeted person, but it does cause you to
suffer greatly.
5. Choose to admit the wrong you have committed---holding another in judgment.
6. Ask for forgiveness from God and then the person involved (Matthew 18:22).
7. Trust God to change your emotions.
Benefits of Forgiveness
1. Reconciliation to God :
“reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them,”
(II Corinthians 5:19 NIV).

2. Purification:
As we forgive, we are purified from the defilement that unforgiveness produces in us
(condemnation), and we can once again, approach God with boldness. I John 3:20

3. Remission:
God drops the charges against us, as we drop the charges against others. “Forgive us as
we forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12)

4. Freedom from the bondage of the offence!

Pray this Prayer:

Father, I acknowledge that I've held unforgiveness against _______________. I confess this as
sin and ask you to forgive me. I forgive __________________. Remind me, Lord, to not hold
any more resentment, but rather to love this person. Father, I ask you to also forgive
______________________ and bless them. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In
Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Robin Bertram

Robin Bertram Ministries www.RobinBertram.TV

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