Net Sand Analysis in Thinly Bedded Turbidites

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S P W L A 43 ra Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002


David A. L a w r e n c e - TotalFinaElf

ABSTRACT underestimation compared to 20-30% quoted in

literature examples). Most of this 'missed' sand is in
Acoustic borehole images often do not provide low NTG very thin beds, partly compensated by an
sufficient resolution for thin bed analysis. In this case overestimation of net sand in higher NTG dm-scale
study good hole conditions, favourable acoustic bedded sands. This is accentuated in proximal levee
contrast and moderate consolidation have resulted in settings where deformation leads to more bed
excellent quality images in a multi-layered deep-water amalgamation. HH
reservoir interval. Thinly bedded facies dominate in
proximal and distal levee, splay and lobe margin 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
Quantification of thinly bedded sands in turbidite
Initial core calibration comprised loading of core reservoirs is critical for accurate estimation of
photos to the workstation, and detailed depth shifting hydrocarbon in-place and construction of realistic
to match acoustic images. Ultraviolet core photos dynamic reservoir simulations. This is especially
show good contrast between hydrocarbon-stained important during early field appraisal, where data are
sandstones and shales. Histograms of UV staining limited and uncertainties greatest. Evaluation of thin
intensity were generated on a bed-by-bed basis, to beds using conventional petrophysical techniques has
which thresholds were applied to generate a received much attention recently (e.g. McGann et. al.,
continuous sand-shale ratio curve. A manual sand 1988; Sovich et. al., 1996; Hansen & Fett, 2000).
count was then performed integrating acoustic images Thin beds are defined as those beds with a thickness
and dipmeter curves, with a minimum bed resolution of 1 to 60cm (McKee & Weir, 1953). For beds thinner
of 2-3cm. This works well in bedded intervals, but than the practical resolution of logging tools, true
was particularly difficult where shale is dispersed or resistivity cannot be determined and hence
image quality is poor. hydrocarbon saturation incorrectly calculated.

Net sand counts from core, acoustic images and using This case study demonstrates how integrated
petrophysical clay volume (VCL) cut-offs were evaluation of acoustic image logs, dipmeters, core and
compared by facies association. Core and image log wireline logs enables accurate representation of thinly
data are in close agreement (within 5% error) apart bedded sands in terms of volumes in a reservoir
from shale-clast rich channel lag deposits. Image- model, and their distribution for dynamic reservoir
derived net sand counts in massive sandstone- simulation.
dominated facies correspond to conventional log cut-
offs of 30% VCL, whereas thinly bedded facies Three wells were drilled during the exploration and
calibrate more closely with cut-offs of 35-50% VCL. early appraisal stage (Wells 1 to 3), with a spacing of
Log-derived VCL cut-offs are unable to reproduce the 2 to 3km. Initial data acquisition comprised 180m of
true distribution of net sand, due to thin-bed and bed core from Wells 2 and 3, 2375m of acoustic image
boundary effects. Moreover, cut-offs are very logs (UBI TMl) and 3140m of oil-based dipmeter logs
sensitive to variability of bed thickness, overall NTG (OBDTTM~). Net sand evaluation was carried out in
and the nature of bed boundaries.

A common tendency in conventional log analysis is to

underestimate the proportion of thinly bedded sands. 1 Trademark of Schlumberger
This study shows that the effect on volumetric
calculations is marginal (10-20% NTG
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

the context of construction of a static reservoir model sands resulting from poorly confined flows capping
incorporating all well and seismic data. channel fills and in overbank settings (crevasse splay
lobes). In channelised lobes, thin beds are well
Compared to resistivity imaging tools, acoustic developed towards lobe fringes, and capping massive
images do not normally give sufficient resolution for sandstones following phases of lobe abandonment.
detailed sedimentological study, since they are very They may also be present associated with distributary
sensitive to borehole conditions (Hansen & Fett channels that traverse the axis of the lobe.
2000). However, until recently, they were the only
viable imaging tool in oil-base muds. The following Figure 2 shows the location of thinly bedded sand
factors in this case study have contributed to excellent intervals in the two cored study wells. In the upper
acoustic image quality: channelised reservoirs, channel margin deposits
• Slow logging speed (650-850ft/hr) comprise approximately 20% of estimated hyrocarbon
• Favourable acoustic contrast between sand and in place, with proximal levee and splay deposits
shale accounting for 55%. In the lower channelised lobe
• Generally excellent hole quality, limiting hole- reservoirs, thinly bedded lobe margin deposits contain
related artefacts around 25% of hydrocarbon in place.
• Moderate degree of formation consolidation,
reducing the effect of washout and poor hole 3. NET SAND C A L C U L A T I O N

The images used in this study were acquired in near In two of the three wells studied, there is good
vertical holes of both 121A and 8V2-inch diameter with acoustic contrast between sand (softer = dark brown
an oil-base mud (density of 1.15 - 1.19 g/cm3). on acoustic images) and shale (harder = pale yellow
on acoustic images). This enables differentiation of
2. G E O L O G I C A L B A C K G R O U N D thin sand beds down to a resolution of ca. 2-3cm.
Very thin beds around l cm thick can be imaged, but
The case study is from a Tertiary (Miocene) deep- their thickness not clearly resolved. Core calibration
water succession from offshore West Africa. The was essential, and this was carried out in two steps:
reservoir-bearing succession averages 1000m thick, 1. An initial approximate depth shift of cores to
with multi-layered reservoirs present (13 in total). images was carried out, to enable lithological
Two gross depositional settings have been calibration of image response.
characterised (Fig. 1); 2. Colour core photos were then loaded to the
workstation, and depth shifted in detail to image
1. Channel-levee deposits: in these systems, reservoir logs. A net sand count from core was then
sands are restricted in width (1 to 1.5km) often carried out using UV core photos.
stacking vertically to form composite reservoirs 150
to 250m thick. Reservoir architecture is complex, Core Net Sand: Core examination shows that the
with individual highly sinuous channels present (100 distribution of sand/shale interbeds is irregular, and
to 350m in width and 5 to 20m thick). Facies not always well bedded. Several modes of shale
associations include channel axis, channel margin, distribution can be defined (Figure 3). Whilst shale
proximal and distal levee and splay deposits. content can be easily quantified in the well-bedded
case, it is more difficult where shale is dispersed as
2. Channelised lobe deposits: these comprise clasts, lenses or within deformed beds (e.g. slumps).
extensive lobate sand bodies 1 0 - 15 kilometres in
width and 3 0 - 70m in thickness, generally developed A sand-shale ratio curve was derived for the entire
at the mouths of channel-levee systems. NTG (net to cored interval in Well 2 (132m) using a fluorescence
gross) is typically high (60-90%) with connectivity threshold technique (similar to Sullivan & Schepel,
decreasing towards lobe margins. 1995) as follows:
• Ultraviolet light core photos were loaded to the
Figure 1 illustrates the distribution of thinly bedded workstation, and depth-matched to acoustic
sands within the context outlined above. In channel- images.
levee complexes, thin beds are encountered in channel • Histograms of colour distribution were generated
margin and levee settings both internal and external to on a bed-by-bed basis, to discriminate shale
the channel. They are also present in splay and sheet (grey/black) from sandstone (light brown/yellow).
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

The aim was to produce a sand-shale ratio curve images, dipmeter curves were used to give more
at a detailed enough scale to capture all precision in cm-scale thinly bedded reservoir
hydrocarbon-stained sand beds and laminae (in intervals.
practice, a minimum laminae resolution of 2-
3ram) Acoustic image response is a function of both porosity
Application of thresholds to UV colour and sand content, and hence the images only resolve
histograms enabled conversion of the core image potential reservoir quality sandstones. Cemented
to sand (white) or shale (black) shown in Figure sandstones, siltstone or clay matrix supported muddy
4. Sand-shale ratio was then calculated on a bed- sands (e.g. debris flow facies) were not counted in the
by-bed basis. net sand image analysis. This was confirmed by
Sand-shale ratio was estimated across plugs and detailed core comparison, showing that these facies
preserved samples using X-ray core scans. are not usually hydrocarbon-stained in core and hence
do not show reservoir potential.
It should be possible to automate this procedure, using
pre-defined colour thresholds for hydrocarbon-stained Petrophysical VCL analysis: Three clay indicators
sand and shale. However, in practice, the histogram were calculated in petrophysical interpretation, based HH
method is very dependent on both the quality of the on gamma ray, neutron-density and resistivity. Taken
photos, and the intensity of hydrocarbon staining. It is separately, each indicator tends to overestimate clay
difficult to define a fixed histogram threshold for the volume, and hence the minimum of the three
entire cored interval. Since the aim was to indicators is used to generate a VCL curve. A clay
differentiate net sand down to low permeability (ca. point variable was defined as a function of depth for
l mD), it was necessary to account for even weak application to the neutron-density logs.
hydrocarbon staining.
Clay volume was calibrated with quantitative core
Acoustic Image Net Sand: In contrast to resistivity- measurements based on volume of the solid fraction
based images (e.g. Trouiller et al 1989) it is difficult from X-ray and thin-section analysis (Ventre &
to calibrate acoustic amplitude data directly with other Levallois, 2001). The result is that the computed VCL
sand indicators to enable automatic net sand is an indicator of mineralogical clay. The non-clay
calculation. Previous attempts using cut-offs of fraction includes both reservoir quality sand and non-
average amplitude (Hackbarth & Tepper 1988) and reservoir lithologies (i.e. silt and cemented sandstone,
transit time data as an indicator of mudcake buildup in sand dispersed in mud). This is important when
permeable sands (Firmansjah et al, 1997) have been comparing VCL curves to NTG generated from core
applied with some success, though core calibration is and acoustic images.
Mineralogical calibration of quantitative petrophysical
An approach similar to the UV core photos, using interpretation is an essential quality control. A 'core
histograms of amplitude data, was ruled out since petrophysical log' is generated, based on detailed
there are many borehole-related artefacts. The various facies, lithological and petrophysical zonation of the
images shown in this paper show vertical grooves, entire cored interval. A continuous core VCL curve is
stabiliser marks and other features that prevent a then constructed using representative plug data (XRD
quantitative image analysis approach. mineralogy, grain size, thin-section analyses), which
is then up scaled to match the log sampling.
The acoustic image net sand count presented here is
essentially based on visual criteria with initial core 4. C O M P A R I S O N OF RESULTS
calibration. Sandstones consistently appear dark
brown on images, and shales light brown/yellow (Fig. Figure 5 shows a comparison of NTG calculation
4). A simple "oinary' curve of sand or shale was using the various methods (core, acoustic images,
generated (Fig. 5). This approach is applicable where petrophysical analysis) from a thinly bedded proximal
sand/shale alternations are regular, though it is less levee interval. Net sand analysis of both core and
reliable where bed boundaries are irregular or image logs was aimed at identifying sandstones that
deformed, or shale dispersed as clasts. The practical potentially contribute to flow, regardless of thickness.
lower limit of bed resolution was around 2-3cm. Since the core-derived net sand curve is based on
Where bed contacts are less evident on acoustic visual estimation of hydrocarbon staining, it
represents effective reservoir only.
S P W L A 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

localised coarse-grained ~oasal lag' facies, where

Calibration of acoustic image logs with core shows dispersed shale clasts are difficult to resolve on
that a similar textural and reservoir quality range is images (Fig. 3).
counted as net since the greatest acoustic contrast is
between porous sandstone and shale. The only Apart from limitations related to specific facies
difference is the lack of precision in quantifying sand- (shale-clast conglomerates, debris flows) the acoustic
shale ratio compared to core (beds are either counted image NTG has a high degree of accuracy in
as sand or non-sand), and the lower vertical predicting core NTG. In detailed bed-by-bed
resolution. comparison, some very thin beds (<lcm) are not
resolved on acoustic logs, but this is compensated by a
Both the core photo and acoustic log net sand counts slight overestimation in thicker beds (Fig. 5).
are based on 'area under curve' calculations (area of
core photo, or 'unrolled' acoustic image considered as Acoustic Images vs. Petrophysical VCL analysis:
net sand). The notion of cut-off is already built into Figure 7 shows a comparison of NTG from acoustic
this using histogram threshold (core photos) or visual images with petrophysical analysis using various VCL
image criteria (acoustic images). This is then cut-offs (30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%). It is
converted on an interval basis to net sand thickness or immediately apparent that certain facies associations
NTG. are much more sensitive to cut-offs than others. The
largely massive sandstones (channel axis and
Petrophysical VCL analysis represents a volumetric channelised lobe association) are less sensitive due to
calculation a certain distance around the borehole, and fewer bed boundary effects. In contrast, the thinly
hence it is not directly comparable to the area method. bedded facies associations (e.g. proximal levee and
Also, since it is calibrated with core mineralogical splay) show wide ranges of NTG as a function of
data, the non-clay fraction (or 'sand volume', VSA) varying VCL cut-offs. This range of possible NTG
includes both reservoir and non-reservoir lithologies. values is a major source of uncertainty in estimation
This is illustrated by comparing net sand from core of hydrocarbon in-place, and merits a different
photos with petrophysical VSA (Figure 5). In this approach to NTG estimation in thinly bedded facies
example, from proximal levee facies VSA includes an associations (Sovich et al., 1996).
estimated 30% non-effective 'sand' (mostly silt from
grain-size analysis). VSA from petrophysical analysis, The effect of varying VCL cut-offs is illustrated in
if used directly, will lead to significant overestimation Figure 8 in a channelised lobe reservoir interval. A
of NTG. The above problem is typically overcome by 30% VCL cut-off accurately predicts the NTG of the
using a fixed cut-off on the VCL curve. This has the massive sandstones exceeding 0.5m, but many of the
advantage of being easily applied, and can be thinner beds are not counted. A less restrictive cut-off
calibrated with core on an interval basis (Fig. 5 shows (50% VCL) overestimates the thickness of massive
a 30% VCL cut-off). thicker beds, and leads to artificial bed amalgamation.

Core vs. Acoustic Image Net Sand: In Figure 6, the In the thinly bedded intervals, although NTG with a
first two columns show a comparison of NTG from higher cut-off may approximate acoustic image sand
core with and acoustic images for the cored interval in counts on an interval basis, the vertical distribution of
Well 2. For most facies associations there is a very sand is not reproduced. This highlights the problem
good match, with perhaps a slight overestimation of of applying average VCL cut-offs to different facies
net from acoustic images (a few percent to 5% associations. In fact, the use of VCL cut-offs only
maximum). Some thin silt and non-reservoir very fine works in relatively simple, 'thickly bedded' reservoirs.
sand layers that appear as net on acoustic logs seem to
account for this overestimation. The degree of 5. E F F E C T OF BED T H I C K N E S S & B E D D I N G
accuracy is in line with previous comparative STYLE
core/acoustic image studies in thinly bedded
reservoirs (e.g. Hackbarth & Tepper, 1988). Core and acoustic image analysis shows significant
variability within thinly bedded associations with
The main discrepancy is in the Channel Axis facies respect to bed thickness (mean and range), overall
association from this well, where NTG from acoustic NTG, the nature of bed contacts and bedding dip. The
images is twice that calculated from core (80% effect of this variability is examined in the following
compared to 40%). This difference is mainly within sections. Mean bed thickness data are derived from
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

acoustic images, and hence very thin beds (<lcm) are are, however, disturbed by basal loading and
not accounted for. slumping, typical of channel margin and proximal
levee settings. This results in fewer 'sharp' bed
Bed thickness and overall NTG: Bed thickness clearly contacts, and the resulting petrophysical VCL curve is
has an affect on NTG calculation, since it is relatively constant. Using the same 30% VCL cut-off,
fundamental to the vertical resolution of the logging NTG is overestimated by 25% compared to acoustic
tool (in this case typically 15cm wireline log images.
sampling). Bed boundary effects are evident on
wireline logs below a minimum bed thickness of ca. Figure 10b) shows similar deformed thin beds but
50cm. Figure 9 shows three examples of relatively with decreased bed thickness and less pervasive
undisturbed thinly bedded facies with variable bed deformation. Overestimation of NTG using a 30%
thickness and overall NTG. Between a) and b) NTG VCL cut-off is less marked (12%).
is constant, but bed thickness variable. In comparing
b) and c), bed thickness is constant but overall NTG is The examples above illustrate that using a constant
variable. VCL cut-off (30%) defined in massive sandstones, the
tendency is to underestimate sand content in very HH
In Figure 9a), although bed thickness averages 9cm, thinly bedded lower NTG facies, and overestimate
there is a bimodal distribution with occasional thicker sand content in more thickly bedded higher NTG
beds exceeding 50cm. This bedding style is typical of facies, especially with deformed bed contacts. The
the splay facies association. The petrophysical VCL notion of a constant VCL cut-off should therefore be
curve shows some activity, reflecting largely the abandoned in thinly bedded facies.
thicker sand interbeds and amalgamated intervals of
thinner beds. Using a VCL cut-off of 30%, a NTG of 6. I M P L I C A T I O N S FOR NET SAND
20% is calculated, reflecting only the proportion of E S T I M A T I O N IN TURBIDITE SUCCESSIONS
the thicker beds. Approximately half of the net sand
from acoustic images in this interval is in beds thinner Some general lessons can be concluded from the
than the resolution of the wireline logging tools. above analysis both on the use of VCL cut-offs in
turbidite successions, and the importance of
In Figure 9b), average bed thickness is less than in 9a) understanding variations in bed thickness and bedding
and is relatively constant (average 6cm), typical of style. Some of the bedding styles mentioned in
proximal levee facies. The result is a much less preceding sections are common to specific
variable VCL curve, which is consequently more depositional environments and facies associations.
sensitive to cut-off. By applying the same constant These can be grouped into three main types:
cut-off of 30%, very little net sand is calculated
1. massive sandstone - dominated associations (e.g.
Figure 9c) shows similar mean bed thickness to b), i.e. channel axis & channelised lobe)
5-6cm, but an increase in overall NTG to ca. 50%. These associations are dominated by metre-scale to
Also, NTG is not constant within this interval, with amalgamated (tens of metres thick) massive
dm-scale alternations of sand-rich and sand-poor beds. sandstones with thin intercalated shales. In general
These alternations are reflected on the VCL curve, NTG is high, typically 70-100%, and some bed
and as a result there is good correspondence on an boundary effects are seen on VCL curves at the
interval basis between NTG calculated from acoustic margins of thicker beds. Also, degraded facies (basal
logs and using a VCL cut-off of 30%. Nonetheless, lags, debris flows) may be present at bed boundaries.
there is a tendency to overestimate the thickness of
amalgamated beds, and underestimate beds less than The different NTG calculations show little sensitivity
5cm. to cut-off values. Calibration with acoustic log net
sand confirms that a VCL cut-off of 30% reproduces
Bedding style & nature o f bed contacts: In the net sand with an error of <5%. There is good
previous examples (Figures 9a-c), bedding dip is correspondence between VSA and acoustic log net
relatively constant (5-15 °) and bed contacts are sand, possibly indicating that non-effective net sand is
undisturbed and generally concordant. Figure 10 very minor (only a few percent).
shows two intervals with a NTG from acoustic images
of ca. 50%, comparable to Figure 9c). Bed contacts
SPWLA 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

2. Interbedded associations (channel margin and

channelised lobe margin) However, the situation changes significantly when
The proportion of massive to thinly bedded facies considering construction of a grid block-based
varies, and overall NTG averages 40-50%. stochastic model, where spatial distribution of
Application of a 30% VCL cut-off will discriminate reservoir parameters is critical. Here it is vital to fully
massive sandstones thicker than 50cm, but will understand the vertical and lateral variations in NTG
underestimate the proportion of thin beds which may within thinly bedded facies, and for well calibration
increase overall NTG in this association by 5-15%. an accurate interpretation of log-based data is
An accurate NTG can only be calculated by using essential. Considering the case of Figure 9c), by
additional information from either core or image logs. using an inappropriate VCL cut-off (40%), the lower
ca. 14m of thinly bedded reservoir may be
3. Entirely thinly bedded associations (proximal to misinterpreted as massive sandstone. Also, thinly
distal levee, splay, shale-filled channel) bedded facies in the upper part will be overlooked.
In these facies associations, average bed thickness is
dm-scale, i.e. below the resolution of conventional 7. CONCLUSIONS
logs. Although average NTG in proximal levee and
splay associations is 30-40%, on a metre-scale there is Comparison of acoustic image log net sand counts
a wide variation in NTG from ca. 10% in distal to with core shows that the method is robust, with a
60% in proximal levee facies. prediction error of ca. 5%. There is a slight tendency
to overestimate, and specific facies types (shale-clast
An 'average' VCL cut-off can be applied (VCL 35% conglomerates, debris flow facies) are difficult to treat
seems to be representative) for use in volumetric quantitatively using acoustic images.
calculations, but this will lead to overestimation of
NTG in more sand-rich cases, and underestimation in It is essential in petrophysical analysis of similar
sand-poor cases. More importantly, it will not turbidite reservoirs to use appropriate methods of
accurately reproduce the vertical distribution of net NTG determination according to facies association
sand. In such intervals, it is not possible to dissociate (see also Sovich et al, 1996), reflecting variations in
NTG from porosity and saturation calculations. For bed thickness and bedding style. Fixed VCL cut-offs
thinly bedded intervals typically several metres thick, work well in dominantly thickly bedded sandstones,
hydrocarbon pore volume calculations will be but are entirely inappropriate for thinly bedded
accurate on an interval basis, but VCL, porosity and intervals where image log net sand counts offer an
saturation will not be representative on a bed-by-bed accurate alternative. If image or core data are not
basis. available, uncertainty in prediction of NTG using
average VCL cut-offs will dramatically increase as the
Subtle variations in bedding style can lead to further intervals of interest decrease in thickness. If
complications in applying VCL cut-offs in these petrophysical VCL has to be used in thinly bedded
facies. As a general rule, splay facies associations facies, it should not be dissociated with porosity and
show slightly thicker interbeds (up to metre scale), are saturation on an interval basis.
more regularly bedded and show less evidence for
deformed bed contacts. This reduces uncertainty on There has been much emphasis in the literature on
the application of VCL cut-offs. Proximal levee thin-bed analysis recognising 'overlooked' or 'by-
facies may, however, show variable bed thickness for passed' pay. A review of literature shows that actual
the same NTG range, plus complications of deformed NTG is typically 20-30% higher in thinly bedded
bed contacts. In high NTG cases (>ca. 50% NTG), intervals compared to standard petrophysical methods.
this can lead to significant overestimation of net sand Our analysis shows a more conservative
using fixed cut-offs. underestimation of 10-20%. Intuitively, one might
expect this underestimation to be greatest in the
Implications for reservoir modelling: For construction entirely thinly bedded facies, but this is not the case.
of a deterministic reservoir model used in The same range of underestimation is applicable
hydrocarbon in-place estimation, less precision is where significant proportions of thicker sandstone
required in understanding the distribution of net sand. beds are present.
In this case, average parameters based on the ranges
of NTG on an interval basis can be applied, using The reason for this is that the underestimation in
appropriate log-derived VCL cut-offs. lower NTG thinner bedded sands is partly
S P W L A 43 r'~ A n n u a l L o g g i n g S y m p o s i u m , June 2-5, 2002

compensated by overestimation in higher NTG dm- Hackbarth, C.J., & Tepper, B.J., 1988,
scale bedded sands. This overestimation can be Examination of B HTV, FMS, and SHDT images in
accentuated by soft-sediment deformation particularly very thinly bedded sands and shales: SPE 63 rd Annual
in proximal levee and channel margin settings. Conf. & Exhibition, Houston, Paper SPE 18118, 4pp.
Hansen, S.M & Fett, T., 2000, Identification and
Most of the 'overlooked' pay in this case study is in evaluation of turbidite and other deepwater sands
low NTG, very thinly bedded sands that may never be using open hole logs and borehole images, in A.H.
produced. There is, therefore, only a marginal impact McGann, G.J., Riches, H.A., & Renoult, D.C.,
of thin-bed analysis in volumetric calculations for this 1988, Formation evaluation in a thinly bedded
case study. The major impact is in dynamic flow reservoir, a case history: Scapa Field, North Sea;
simulation, and drainage strategy. Petrophysical VCL SPWLA 291h Annual Logging Symposium, June 5-8,
analysis tends to systematically underestimate 1988, 13pp.
heterogeneities in higher NTG thinly bedded sands, McKee, E.D. & Weir, G.W., 1953, Terminology
leading to overestimation of thickly bedded intervals for stratification and cross-stratification in
(preferential drains). In reality, the net sand is sedimentary rocks; Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 64,
distributed over a larger vertical thickness and vertical pp. 381-390. HH
connectivity will be much lower. Sovich, J., Klein, J., & Gaynor, N., 1996, A thin
bed model for the Kuparuk River Field, North Slope,
In conclusion, the volumetric gains from accurate thin Alaska: SPWLA 371h Annual Logging Symposium,
bed analysis are marginal in this case study, June 16-19, 1996.
potentially leading to a 10-20% increase in Sullivan, K.B. & Schepel, K.J., 1995, Borehole
hydrocarbon in place. Additional volumes are likely image logs: applications in fractured and thinly
to be mainly located in lower NTG settings marginal bedded reservoirs: SPWLA 36 th Annual Logging
to the main reservoirs. It is extremely difficult, Symposium, June 26-29, 12pp.
however, to assess inevitable recovery losses through Trouiller, J-C., Delhomme, J-P., Carlin, S., &
'overlooked' heterogeneities. A change of focus is Anxionnaz, H., 1989, Thin-bed reservoir analysis
required to address not only the volumetric upside, but from borehole electrical images: SPE 64 th Annual
also the serious reservoir management issues Conf. & Exhibition, San Antonio, Paper SPE 19578,
associated with thinly bedded turbidite reservoirs. pp. 61-72.
Ventre, J.B., & Levallois, B., 2001, New log and
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS core analysis methods for an enhanced shaly sand
saturation, using a 'm*' varying with the clay content:
The author would like to thank the management of SP WLA 42 ndAnnual Logging Symposium, June 17-20,
TotalFinaElf and license partners for permission to 11 pp.
publish this paper. The work benefited significantly
from technical input by J-B. Ros (borehole imaging) ABOUT THE AUTHOR
and C. A. Ould Ahmed Benan (depositional model).
Comments from B. Mathis and B. Lalanne greatly Da v i d L a w r e n c e is a senior sedimentologist with a
improved the content of the manuscript. I also thank BSc from the University of Wales (UK) and PhD
Bernard Duriez for figure drafting. from Bristol University (UK). He is a currently
working in TotalFinaElfs Field Evaluation Group in
REFERENCES CITED Paris as a reservoir geologist with borehole image
analysis expertise on specific applications to deep-
Bouma, A.H., Locations and characteristics of thin water reservoir characterisation. He has worked for
bedded turbidites in passive margin setting submarine over 16 years in exploration and field development
fans: Gulf Coast Assoc. of Geol. Socs., v. XLII, pp. teams in the North Sea and worldwide, mainly on
425-432. depositional modelling in nearshore clastic and
Firmansjah, K, Lombard, C., Mercier, F., Chappe, turbidite reservoirs for BP, Fina and TotalFinaElf. As
J.L., & Montaggioni, P., 1996, New net sand count a consultant with Z&S he developed new
using calibrated UBI (Ultra-sonic Borehole Imager) interpretation techniques for sedimentological dip
data; Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, analysis from borehole images and dipmeters. His
25 th Anniversary Convention, October 1996, pp 191- main interest is in the application of borehole image
213. logs to clastic reservoir characterisation.
SPWLA 43 ra Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

Splay Channel Margin Channel Axis Proximal Levee Distal Levee



100 - 350m
Channelised Shale filled Channelised
Lobe Margin Channel Lobe Axis
B) -]g---
• • • m . . . . n-



I,, 5 - 10km

Figure 1" Schematic illustration showing the distribution of thinly bedded sandstones according to depositional setting.
Two main depositional systems are illustrated: A) Channel-levee complexes and B) channelised lobes.
Note the difference in horizontal scale between the two systems.


- 100 -~_,,
'l Figure 2: Summary well logs

• Fig. 9a (gamma ray) for Wells 2 and 3.

_ _ . r - _
The distance between these two
0 wells is ca. 2km.
- 100 - - 200
• Fig. 10a
ILl Thinly bedded facies are mainly
encountered in the proximal to
200 - 300
• Fig. 10b distal levee and splay associations,
with minor amounts in channel
• Fig. 9b
• Fig. 9c margin, lobe marginand shale-filled
300 - ~- 4 0 0
channel environments

Figure numbers of examples used in

this paper are labelled.
- 400 - ~]i uj 500

- 500 - 600
,.j I:°:°:.l Channel Axis I i Channelised Lobe

Channel margin I J Lobe margin

- 600-
i - 700

I I Proximal Levee Splay Shale-filled Channel

Distal Levee &

700 - 800
non - reservoir

• Fig. 8

800 -- 900
~Acoustic Cored Interval
log Interval I
Depth o GR 1, Depth o GR 17
(m) (m)
SPWLA 43 r'~ Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002




Figure 3" Core photographs (UV light) showing the various types of shale distribution encountered in
the reservoirs. Pale brown to yellow indicates hydrocarbon-stained porous, permeable sandstones and
black indicates shale

UBI dynamic image (lm) UV Core photo Sand-Shale

0 ratio 1

Figure 4" Illustration of net sand

calculation from UV core photographs,
for a l m thinly bedded interval. The first
column shows a dynamically normalised
L :i,ll:!:, i,: 'unrolled' acoustic image (0-360°).
:m Dark colours indicate sand and pale
colours shale. The limits of resolution
can be shown by comparison with
the UV core photo. Histograms were
i generated from UV photos, and thresholds
applied to differentiate sand (white)
from shale (black). This is done on a
bed-by-bed basis. The percentage of
sand/shale is then calculated to generate
the sand-shale ratio curve from the core
i~:,!!ii~, (column on fight).
SPWLA 43 "~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002


0.6 0 ~,
VCL (30% cut-of) (UBI) (UV Core)
0 170 1.7 RHOB 2.7 0 _ 0 1 0 1 0 ..... 1
......~:~,!::i:!ii~:ii;':}%11ii~,~;,!; iii!k:2"::':,,:i~


- 5

F i g u r e 5: C o m p a r i s o n of net sand calculation from core photos, acoustic i m a g e s and petrophysical

V C L analysis for a thinly bedded interval. Net sand count calculated from U V core photos has a vertical
resolution of a few millimetres. The two left tracks show g a m m a and neutron-density logs. Petrophysical
V C L analysis is s h o w n both without cut-off (sand v o l u m e or V S A , to the right of the V C L curve) and
with a 30% V C L cut-off.

[] NTG Core
m - . = -

9o% i!i!i!iil [] NTG (VCL30) LL. i
80% --7-~- ;L ;i [] NTG (VCL40) -:.:/ t~,,:,,;: m

/_ [] NTG (VCL50) !:!/

70% --/ !;/:ii • ,• /

[] NTG (VCL60) :::/
60% --/ :::/
/ H :;:
50% -/ :::/
/ i i :.:/
40% .-~./ "'' ,,4__ ! rx~i?:,'i :::/

"•° /

30% :i:i/
~:£,!!i~ / / I
:::/ m

:.:/ i;!i~!!;il / :::/

20% :::/ if!iJ!!!! / /4 :.:/
::::/ /
lO% :::/ / /

4 ! /
0% ":':/ 1

Channel Axis Channel Margin Proximal Levee Distal Levee Channelised


F i g u r e 6: C o m p a r i s o n of N T G (vertical axis - percent) by facies association in W e l l 2 for the cored

interval ( 1 3 2 m ) . The first bar represents N T G calculated from core, and the second bar N T G calculated
from acoustic images. T h e s e were calculated using an 'area under curve' methods, converted to
equivalent thickness. The third to fifth bars represent N T G from petrophysical V C L analysis, with
various cut-offs applied (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%).

SPWLA 43 ''~ Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

100 [] NTG UBI

A ]1 [] NTG (VCL30) /
7 [] NTG (VCL40) I
80. - - / - - ! - - / !
/ [] NTG (VCL50) I
70. - / ...... I
/ [] NTG (VCL60)
60 -/ t
/ t
/ !
50- /
F /
~,., ~iiii!ili
40- / 7 /
/ / =
/ /
_1- t
/ f
/ / / HH
/ /
/ /
10- /
/ / 7ili /

d i
./I /

Channel Axis Channel Prox. Levee Distal Levee Splay Channelised

Margin Lobe

100 • - - ..,, ,...,

!-i /J

/ I"
70 /

60 -

5o - /
/ F]/
/ / /
4o /, --,,i--
- / i /
30 / _ / / --/
/ / /
20 / / E / --/
/ / 'i'i:'i'l
/ _/ --/
10 /

' [ i
/ i:::,t /
R ~-~1~ ,
t n
Channel Channel Prox. Levee Distal Levee Channelised Ch. Lobe Shale-Filled
Axis Margin Lobe Margin Channel

Figure 7: Comparison of NTG (vertical axis - percent) by facies association for Well 2 (A) and Well 3 (B).
The first bar represents NTG calculated from acoustic images. The second to fifth bars represent NTG
from petrophysical VCL analysis, but with various cut-offs applied (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%). It is clear that
a single VCL cut-off cannot be applied to all facies associations

SPWLA 43 "~ Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

0.6~GR~170 0.6~NPHI~ 0 VCL VCL PHI

UBI Facies Cut offs (%)
UBI Net Sand 1.7 2.7 30 40 50 60 3

. . . . . ° o °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o

z "'1"1-1-1"1"1-1"1"1"1 /
< iiB, ....:!iiiiii!
~ ~ : . . .
~k:, ~
~~::. - - . :::
: . .-- :,:..
° . . . . . . o o o
°o°°°o°° ° ° ° ° ° ° /


~. '.'.'.'1":'1":':'1"1'I
N :i: . . . . . ~ V
N~-'::::.'.'.'.'.'. /

~ 1 . 1 . :-:. 1.1.1-i."'~
O ,
,--I ~, °° ° ° °•° ° ° °° ° ° °.° ° . . . o° °
i~;~,, ° **°*°°°°°°°°**o*o~

Key to UBI Facies

I °" "'1 Conglomeratic sst. I I Laminated sst. I - - - 1 Muddy heterolithics F-", I Mixed Sand/mud

r-.--i:}~l Massive sst. ["~-'1 Sandy heterolithics ~ Laminated Shale

Figure 8: Example illustrating NTG estimation in channelised lobe reservoirs. The first track shows net sand
from acoustic images, alongside a gamma curve and facies derived from image analysis. Massive and laminated
sandstones are invariably counted as net, whilst heterolithic facies contain large proportions of thin beds.
Clast-bearing intervals and debris flow facies may be counted as net or non-net, depending on the amount of shale.
Various cut-offs have been applied to the petrophysical VCL curve. Note that the use of a restrictive cut-off
(VCL 30%) is valid for sandstones thicker than ca. 0.5m, but thinly bedded heterolithics are not counted.
A less restrictive cut-off (e.g. VCL50%) results in 'artificial' amalgamation of beds.

SPWLA 43 ~dAnnual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002

0 ~ G R ~ 170 VCL PHI NET SAND

UBI Facies UBI dips
VCL (30% Cut
UBI Net S a n d
0 off.)
1 o

50 °



Fig. 9a: Acoustic image example, and NTG analysis in well-bedded splay
association (between arrows). Bed thickness is variable (bimodal).
50cmI Mean bed thickness = 9cm; NTG Acoustic images = 36.9%
NTG VCL analysis (30% cutoff) = 19.8%

) 5m

Fig. 9b: Acoustic image example, and NTG analysis in well-bedded

proximal levee association (between arrows). Mean bed thickness is
relatively constant in this example. Mean bed thickness = 6cm
NTG Acoustic images = 38.7%; NTG VCL analysis (30% cutoff) = 10.2%
It, !ii!~i~i~! ~:i~i~!l:'!:l~rL'*:~' • . . . . " ".H , ~'..........................................................................

~.~_,~ i!iiiii!!ii~ ! :::: ~:i!i::i~ii.;~_:i:::;:::~!ii!i:::::::'~i!i!!!ii~;~: 5 rn


Fig. 9c: Acoustic image example, and NTG analysis in well-bedded

proximal levee association (between arrows). Mean bed thickness is
similar to 9b, but overall NTG is higher. Note that NTG using a 30%
50cmI VCL cutoff is comparable to that calculated from acoustic images.
Mean bed thickness = 5.5cm; NTG Acoustic images = 49.4%
NTG VCL analysis (30% cutoff) = 43.3%

S P W L A 43 r'~Annual Logging Symposium, June 2-5, 2002


UBI Facies UBI dips
UBI Net Sand


Fig. 10a: Acoustic image example, and NTG analysis in deformed

proximal levee association (between arrows).
50cm] Mean bed thickness = 20cm
NTG Acoustic images = 51.0%
NTG VCL analysis (30% cutoff) = 75.5%


Fig. 10b: Acoustic image example, and NTG analysis in deformed

proximal levee association (between arrows).
Mean bed thickness = 12cm
NTG Acoustic images = 52.9%
50cm] NTG VCL analysis (30% cutoff) = 65.3%


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