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spooS ( sluerpet8ur 3 sclrwJ fl sleuelsru v g

tholJ o peecord 3 rnod g dee.trsy L
eSrulue C IIe.{s J ele^4lnc g morS y g
ptoq o e{?ur J dee>1g
" Ioddns y g
{rnof q Sunor{ 3 A\eu fl elull Y
esJnu ( V
oJsJ J puel fl {ool v e
Ienpr Ipur (I repcqred 3 enbrun g u.r\ov z
,tup C Jourru J UoQs g 1{31p y }

'szrrefrreq]qlr.r\ pFour .'teq1

1eq1,{e1c;o sll?q olxll pue surerSpues 3ur1ce1sfq sle'n1
slu€ leql punoJ ''{eq1'edocsorclureql repun """ (g) Sulpgnq
.slue eq} pes,tleuesroqcreeseruerl![
I Daq JoJslsau oql 3ur1e14ue,t fqereql ,surooJeqt qSnorql -.....
G) o1rrz dleq sIIBly\oseqr .s1pmsnorod
H-:1""t3i_ti"_l lytuoc lse]?leql .rolea\oH......(g)o1sn8unJ
sluelsqr s^\oqsqrreesor eql
tq8p eq113nf srseurreq] """
le ^\oII?
G) or elq€ ere.,hsru" erp a\oqernsun.rJ^ ,nou"rri ,*",t
' """ (t)
.sltm eql speeJ]?ql sn8urgrsHl sI lJ 'reD?rrrcrue8roro Bur,{ucepgo Burnq ursrue6ro
e rclr'-""..(s) sluesdleq,Furuoqrpuoc-rr?,
uoIlBIIlueAutl[nq L::1"J:q.-rtepcrep
""" JreI[ el"q seruoloc punor8repun
@) 1ue ls"A rcql perelocsrp e1eqsreqcJgosed

soJnleeJc...... (f) aseqlJo o,&\?ur slsrluercs

a,-**___^__-, petecpslgdos
'-_-^ Supleru-eruoq
sFrls .ernlBu
- --: ' re a r4 v > v v

s,1u3elqunq eql lng SuryroApreqrraql roJ ...... (O) eru ,teq.L

sluv pouoltlpuoc.,{ry

pelurcnbceq pagtueprJ rellruruJfl u^\ou{V0


'leeqs JornsueoleJedosorll
uo slol sue Jno^lley\

'(g) Ouruul6eqoql e;durexeue

q oloLll'deb qcee slll lsoq (o lo 'g 'y) talasue qcrql le
c oprcoppur /v\oloquol or.llpear ,g-l suorlsenbro3

rf+l6ul #o asn pue Fulpeou

L rade6
oneword I
youranswersrN cAprrAL LETTERS
on the separateanswersheet.


Tirne Travel
, a man (0) .....,....,... """ii::::':::',1 kvingrr4rraruu
1t.1nr*:shington narrated
_ ^ ,^,,',, r--:-D-:u "v'r!
rhe story
tne story orRip
of Ripvan
eisgiven ilnil??;:;:,1r": ;':i:,:tr:,#:"T-:,:i*11:::: have?assed
'iii ;::t:;:lj*x ii:7;:
;,:::.:;:" ::':"',::::H;l1l?TT
credited with inventing The Time
ulr, fl(r wells.
The machine sendsthe traveller
tt* 802'7Qr'(11)"""""" humanitv
hassptitintothebeautitulEloi and
forward in
:il:: theirmasters

re paradox for time travellers

is how their actionsin the past will
affect the future. The ,grandfatherparadox,
vourownbirth- is ablyexprored in rhe1985or^'i"ffi"Tr)?;"';;;
?errnqn' on the other (14)
""", in his first film outing in rgTg,takes a less
time travel, simply circling secretiveapproach
the world fast enough to reverse(15)
ne (16) ....... spin. This preventsLois
dying in an earthquakeand saves
the dav.



F.lI oe
DnursNo) 'sa^rlratll qllrvt"""""'
op puesueerpreql ralJeo6 o1ueql sarrdsur ll 'aJllul
""" fuZlburqlauos
Fr 6z lrvntrot l a^eqo1readdeplnomoqm srabeuoal ol (ZZlto a)rnosleerbe
t """"""""' (t.Z)
2r'r IuV aresauolsssa))nsraql puepunot6lreqroode uoJJoruo)
doq drq {uey1 ':rsnu doq dtq ur slapou alor a^r}rsodpuno; osle a^eq srebeuaal
trl sz
t 'uorleurturJ)srp pue'6ur1on
ler)eJ "'!""""'!""'| (02)seq)nssanssl
F luv AV ler)osssn)srp o1 pabetno)ua uaaqaneq srabeueal (uey11 """""""""' (Ot,)
Fo puelpt)osburlouro.rd
;e:r1r;od uralorlueuodurrue pe{e1d osleseqdoq drg ror.l}oq)ee
I t-t8v qlranfrluapr o] pllomaq] ssorlea;doad6uno{Jo suorllrru """""""" (Al)
seqlr ]eq] smoqssrql 'ue)uJv-uousr o)uarpnedoq drq aLl]Jo luarradanr;-rQuanas
[c '(lrunuuror ue)!Jeurv-up)uJV aql u!r{}l/v\padolanapA;;eurbuo1r qbnoql;e '1eq1
Fqrgz t)t] ]reJ aql sr doq dlq Jo spalJaanrlrsod (f l) eqf 1o a;duexauy
Fua 'srauolsrl
slr uo peqseqlrsnu der leql
hv spa;Jaanrlrsodaql eeso1daap6lp or a^eql,uop no1e&olsaql Jo aprsauoluasarder
bE sz s}rsaop}ng 'pllomor.l}punoreeseque}a6nqe seL{
{;uo uorlelndar rvroupuefirre;ndod

I INll0tn ur paurebseq der ro doq dlq 's!r.llalrdsa6'aleq pue """"""""'(O)

'ho ettrnn salouold leq] )rsnu Jo urJoJsnorllaqare s! doq dtq a;doad ouos rol

tr dopt dl14 ,o apts poog aql


F.r o = n N : I L,/ :eldurex3
it lr"*a
'laoqs ronsue eleredesoql uo SUgII=ll lVIldVC Nl sronsup:no{ elrr1111
oql lB e;duexeue sr oroql'ou!laues aqt u! debeq1ursl[ leql pJo^e uuol
$ Outsn
pnb ro3 ol saurfor.fllo auroslo puoar.llte sle1decur uent6promor.llosn 'nolaqlxol oL,llpee.r'lZ-Llsuo;1senb

1 rade4
Forquestions25-30,complete thesecondsentence so thatit hasa similarmeaningto thefirstsentence,
usingthe wordgiven.Do not chanle the word given.Youmust
usebetweentwo ind five words,
thewordgiven.Hereis an example(O).


0 Tim missedhis dentalappointmentbecausethe buswas

As the buswaslate,Tim
his dentalappointment.

Exampte: lO I I *wnsN'TABLE
.l_1 ,,-.._...."- , ", . uu, 1 To KE-

write only the missingwords rN cAprrAL LETTERS

on the separate answer sheet.

n 25 Emma has a full-time job and also volunteers
for a local charity.
r Emma volunteersfor a local charity
* ..... a full_time iob.
26 The teacherbelievesthe children should
not have carculatorsin class.
U The teacher........
calculatorsin class.
* 27 "What is the depth of the lake?" the tourist
The tourist wanted
the lake was.
28 Liam continued to tark even though his
teachertold him to be quiet.
*. Liam """"'
eventhough his teachertold him to be quiet.
29 The children were totany unaware of their
parents, pran for a surpriseparty.

The children.......
their parentshad planned a surpriseparty.
3O It's a twenty-minute walk to the shops.
* It ..........
'! to the shops.


'unlaq{;a1rut;ep plno^}t pauaddeq la^o}eq6 ]eqlau 6ur;;a1;o parlronou aH'arouastlretd ot eu

'Moqsaql ro+uorlrpne pue ob puelaqtaboll:e burqsnd 1de>1 eq 'lllls 'ssarbord qUMpassardutt
ueuolromp,aMleql papllop aMuaqms,1eq1'1q6usemaq ples- unnoldn qnlr e^u ur sonlqpuezzel.
semoq'asrnor lo 'puv,,'osol ol burqlou 1ob4n,a11,, leuorssa;ord pa{e;doqnn - arssaf laq)eattelrnbr{y1
seMples)ten llv'r{ueduor prorer roleue qtlMleap 'sbuos aldurrs Male lurealp,lpue;;enn alrnbsp;ot{)
plolare 1abp;nonn srauutM aq1'uotltladuor e utiled euos rte;dplno)| rallaq qlnu arenn {eq} q}uout
a)elplnoMpolualel lsouraqlpueraululns aq]la^o e urLl]lm lnq 'sdruabur; {u uo ea}sllqarosfi;;eat
sllero' suor]rpne 6utp;oq etannt{ueduo: uotpnpotd peqI 'lsltl1y'sdtyebug rnofuour)spreqdo;enep o1
oql nI oql uo otls luolel e lo+ luauaslua^pP pueumopsburrls aqlssard o1pueqrno{urq}6uetts
^ aq uaqms,lPql dn plrnqol a:rperdpue aurl sa)etll 'ool 'lrnq
ue semll 'ratsodoql aul pomoqs
. 'sa^losno
ll 'sburrls
o1are;daqlpeq)Fenpueau puefulunor r{nr'6uruurbeq
laolsaql rano{;nno1s fuanpanouuabur;
oq} ul r{seel,uarenn suossal aql
Fs aqtolu!anllpe ro; o6 o1popoopstuated stquaqm
trv pa^orlal Jo pull se^ | 'lllls 'apeuoulol apeulauoll 'loame a)uouo[rn]reltnbalenud to;
fq r 9 e pueqe) olelo)oqlraqpariolue puepaxelol uoosI os {edp;no:| }ueau}! }eq}se^}r}noqe6u1ql poob{;uo
!" W aul
pue aru {1;ear
sen ulnu stq'r{11n;>1ueq1
s,4e6 ,iq];eann
eql'auor{ue o} r{eso} pronn
1ou oLllseM'llellarql161labeueuaq1
poo6 e peq ra^au
's1ueil1 patadual
fc at,l{aq}1nq lood 1,uate f;tuel r{61'ut pa>1;ennI uaqm -peq ro ralemqllrp se llnp se raq]ra arann doqs
Fs passeilequla 1rqalllllPllal I pue alolaqslq se 6tq se aLll u! sa)ron raqlo aql +o]soruleql srapeu d;aq
Iv asnoqe uruaaqranaup,l 'pulstp lelluaprsol{qt;eann i,uplpll ;ar;aq puofiaq 6uuoqsenn uo^ aq]pueMol
leql se [;1ear senn r{edeqtseqolrtrupa}eqI 'sa^loqs pa))e}s
e ur uMol;o eprslaqlooql uo seMasnoqs,uen I
araLln 'la4pruadns 1oo;e'surebreg n B I 6ut4onn
fc 11es{ut qol{eprn1e5 fur uror;paurea ; r{auouoq}pue[auou
Ir {oluao}aur}aar}1or{1ua;d o^eqlltlsp,11nq'sfiept1oq lapod unno fiu ;o po 1;asr(u suossal to1rtedol peqI
ls rauunsaql 6u1rnp le4euladnsaq] u! orxll-ued
Fv IroM ol a^eq plnoM | 'r(enn
s,]ruoseMJauunspuv 'are;dett1eq]
fq1t| rc 'uenrsnue se a]rlnnau{ut Iolueo] 6urtr-re1s [;;eat lo luor]urreql srqol lleq palle^aL{se}la}| oq
se^ | 'ool'qllmllsnu r{e1d pueLl}!M }no6ueqp;nor llalplno)pep{ur)urq}| i}! a^arlaq },uplnol| '}noqs
fo I leql pualllAau e peq| 'ples| ,,'leaJg,, 'raqlabol pueu^op puedn durnlol po]uem ]snJI 'oo]sbuos
PJ )tsnuourosr{e|dplnoroM}eq}os puo)aaM aq}le unno fu alun ol 6urobsenn 'l!
| uo sbuoselttnonel
ts asnoq srqo] punor outo)ol0u pall^ul aH'stlluotu xls r{u ;;e6urr{eqd ue}spueuossol }sr}{u aneqot }ten
Fv roj suossal 6ur>1e1uaaqp,aqau plo]aqpue6ut11e1 l,uplno) | 'plJoM aql u! lslrellnb lsaleatb aq]auoloq
I pauelsaM'uossal {ut to1utobol }noqesenn I setsnl plnomI paurulralap senn; 'relrnb :rlsnore6uttls
'Ilp] | 'luauazeure
leg s,arssaf;o 1no 6ututo) sem oH ]au I 'uaql -a^lan^l ln+r$eoq e spueq riur ur peq
fc u! l! le lool semop plnor 1 ;;y {es o} }eLlM
PJ (epfuanaslnoqpuesJnoq lol estlretd Mou)],up!ppup)tlelslasenn I 'r{epqulq qluea}xls{ut
ol sr ueorsnur poobe auolaqo] r(enn {;uo eql senll 'prespepr(ru,,'paluenno{leqnns,}rMouI1,,
hlr ze
la qcrqr'rr
(O to lenrrsue
aLllosooqc'gg-te lol
suotgsenb 'uetctsnu
eullol 6urproccelsaq sU )ulrll nor{ C'g 'y)
lc e ouocoq ol sluen oqrvr[uue6 pellecre6euoole lnoqe lonoue uoJl lcer]xo ue peor o] 6uro6oJp no1
lf l

L taded
31 How did Danny feel about his gift?
A He didn't believehis dad understoodhim.
B He was angry and upset about it.
C He doubtedhe would be able to use it.
D He was very excited about it.

2 What did Danny like about his job?

A his interesting co-workers
B the amount he was paid
C the tasks he did
D being able to afford lessons

33 After a month of playing guitar, Danny had

A painful blistered fingers.
B improved noticeably.
C disappointedhis teacher.
D given up practising.

What does Dannythink atrout Mark?

A He was a better musician than he is.
B He would be unable to find time for him.
C He would only seehim at weekends.
D He would have him as a musical partner.

5 The narratoeuses the word .loadedo (line 54) to mean

A very rich.
B uncomfortable.
C relieved.
D pleasant.

What did Danny predict about the talent competition?

A They couldn't possiblylose it.
B They neededto do a lot of work.
C They were bound to enjoy it.
D They didn't have enough time.


1osa;6unf lsadaapaq1o1 {1Jel6o1o:a aq1,snopnr{;;enpa;;a1ur aq1o1sleadde f;urepa:
aql uolJa6uelpuesuteq:laloqleuollpualu! 'lsunolaql se t'Pnurse
f !!l lsoqaql spre/narpue
Pauiv\oalp slaqlo altq,vl .unl_{1lUnUUO) aJe auos ]''aldoad
puea:e1dqtoqoi putl st .paq
la^p4uaa.r6 qr 1y
arnleal)lraql altl oq/nasoqlloJ saqlo .snolnluanpe
rol talo auos laslanrp{;leuauouaqdare {aq1
;o pedur aql uo pp uaql pue ssasse ol pue .pnsurnslno{
Mouale punoJp
pupyn aql u; saruedulor sPlla/v\spsulelqlno{ 4redo1nof qse ,raqeg .auoqlnof
lo suazop leqm{;pexasl }uaullulruo)lo purystql Io saltu 0I ulr.ll!/v\ lno{ 1eq1lo .yo;urotJo sla}oq
sr feprJoq
'luauuoJ!^ua aql pupa:e;d.flunuuro) ol luaultrutuo) ro raq1a6o1;e la^ul llp dn anr6no{ }eq} pupruap}ou saop
lo a)uaplnapueuap a;doad.sfepernou1{ep fiana ll 'alaq]1abnor{i$ aqt }p suaddeq
alll a6uep o] lou DullaJJo
fq pnf uaal6ale faql urep 'sa^
leqmlsnf]ousr ra^prluaarD spueq 'dn
,'] 'anmro
{q dr4ro}saror r(ruploqI 'slslrno]
prgs.a6e;;rn nEEl
:u JaloH
nl[! aq1;oiG-ri?f,ue
Aaurno! nue 'a;doada^Beuqlt/vrlaluno)ua{ue lano: e ut {gqeur6eurun pa5ueqrseq areJdaqf .}a>1:ejq tpllop
uaaqspllll 'ruspnolsseu 6u1;1as {;1enpepq .uaal6 uoulruaqlu!alpu! lle:lpqlqq:ef aq1pup.qrln6aq1{qse;1rn
DuturepsaullaslnDpuesautUte ,solerado lnol ,sluaDe aql 'qsllltgaq1{qpaurvro ale slaloqaq1.a;ode6ur5 utollauo)
,iq plol ar1lolufr e s! lane4 uaalb .1s;oan s1r1y 'qsqlnl
l{purLlsUaql lo pro/v\
e buueaq
aq&'puo/v\ lnoqlt/vlalaql qluoru
ouldolanap aq191{ep;|oq altq/v\quo,v\
e;o1dn e puadspupslnoq/nalp ut Inlsnurngo11a6uer no{ rnop
puppUo/r^ rp! aql ol s{eplloi{rno{ ;alue,,,
I-]El 's1a6Janeilse uaal6sesen
afl araqmlnoqeanrpalas aq plnoqsaivr,6ur{giio-Dupn: stql 'srurals.^ppolul .ueauera]lpahl
aql ur sasndopo larna;
.taqlu lpql san6le.og;y qlnos ut a6po1e1n6un1ng ppl p pue 'aoueqrxalplnlln) unulxeu ,a6euep
urusdlaqoq/r^.uHeW.r^r0 unutulul6urn;onu1
feprloqe :tlnsalaql
Fqp alqrsuas nftlfe ale]
arp pue {;Jeuolsn:o[;uo aue-iZr 'pporou sp/vt i__|Eil
a.laqlasnnaqInlsnunD;o a6e;Jrn aq C palllpiv\
aq ue: 5ur{guan3.{1;:aq1ul lo }saro}p ul
I 'alqegqsnf '{1;eug'pue'unlpog o} alaq}utollsnqp ,lnque}sl ol uopuol
no{ urvrop
lo puo/v\
aqllo aplslaq}oaq}uo aq uet ll ulorJapu snq {ep-aatqlp lool ,o6esleaf
1 97 {peap
'puo/v\lunlPuaql 'lou s.lpq/npue)lluaqlnp
.anoldtur s,leqrnfes ol iln)U4tps.1r,uago
loulsealle ro pueaDpa;rvroul lo uns aqlol ppe os pasnsl .o)a, plo/vlaql .Jane4f;puar4_r(1;eluauuollnua
U 'arp/r^e
f;Jerulodar.llo] pue,alqrsuodsal
{;;er:ospue lnoqe 6ury;el uaaq seq auo&ana,/v\ouslea{ lo3

f0^url0l suEsl^f
l! Iprf/l/t

eruoauosroroqlev-zdde6 qcee srlrrrcr.r^

auo. oqlo-o
po^oLrjajuooq o^eq socuoluosxls 'la eJl ""rrffifftji:::&T.:",:T,1"".l,"ffi;
{pueu;-{leluetuiolnue lnoqe olcrue ue peoJol 6uloo ore no^

I roded
A It is mostly small-scale,unique and personal. The golden rule must be that if our actions
hurt in one way, then we should compensate
For example,Africa is the least polluting in another.
continent on Earth but the one that most needs
the income,jobs and good developmentthat F Happily, that is changing.
inspired tourism brings.
G I spentthe summer there, picking and eating
Ecotourism is a term that came into use in peachesand fishing with the locals.
the 1980s.

Had I known then what I know now, should I

have gone?
Then & Now
Wetalked to four young athletes and then
caught up with them again a few years later,

ffi f.o Long- gymnastics

Rachael Thompson - athletics
2006: Already a county and regionalchampion, @
nine_ 20062 Liverpool-bornRachaelThompson
year-old Lora Long has also competed was
at national by doubleOtympicgold medallisrKelly
level. Sheis talkativeand enthusiastic,and 3fosen
trainsat the Holmes as part of her mentoring proleci.
Dynamo School of Gymnastics in Hampshire;
the Rachaelhaswon titles at g00 metresa, ,"il
school that sent VanessaHobbs to the u,
2004 Athens theunder-231500metresat theNorwich
Olympics. Lora practisesmost afternoons. Union
Supported Indoor International. A fine_arts student
by her parents,Lora is thoughtto have the profile at
of a Loughborough,she sells her own work
potentialworld champion(sheis of at a
the righi Ouitaana local cafdto help fund her ambitions.
standsjust over a metre tall).
In her words: "I realisedI was fast
She says: "My mum got me interestedin gymnastics when I
startedto beat boys as well as girls as
andI loved it straightaway.It is so much a nine_
funitrat I want year-old. Tiaining with Kelly taught
to do it all the time. I train around20 hours me so
a week and, much and it was rewarding to get so
eventhoughI get exhaustedsometimes,I much
alwayswant advicefrom someonewho has achieved
to go back the next day. My dreamis to what I
take part in at dreamabout."
leastone Olympics and win a gold medal.,,
Now: Rachaeldidn't make the Olympic
Now: Lora nowhhs a job at the schoolwhere teamin 2012,but still competesin amateur

3$$ ro- Daley- divine

ffi n Gatford- swimming
2006: Tom Daley, from portsmouth,
is the most "nuul
2006: Farnboroughborn RachaelGatford
excitingprcspectin the history of British -
diving. Since 'Lady G' to her friends _ was
starting atthe ageof seven,he has consistently in the British
beaten swimming team at the European
his elders. Already British under_lg
champion and Championships in Budapest. She races
ranked number three in the country,Daley
won silver freestyleat 50 metresand 100metres
and bronzemedalsat a junior eventin Germany_ andhas
the beenselectedfor the SmartTrack swimming
first he had evercompetedin.
programme,which aims to help
He says he used to like watching diving swimmers
on TV and with world-classpotential.Gatford spent
w^anted to give it a go. ,,Thefirst time I stoodat five
the top weeksin2004 on trainingcampsin
of the 10-metreboard I had butterfliesin Mexico
my stomach and the US to gain experience.
becauseit looked such a long way down.
Now I can,t Looking backon her careersofar shesays:,Mv
wait to get up there.,'
An authorityon sport says:,.I havewaited coachsaidI wasa naturalandwithin u.oopt"
two decades of
to seea diver having suchskill andqualities years I had broken a few records
at this age. in Kent.,,
The last was Russia,sDmitri Sautin,and Howwer, training can have its drawbacks,
he went on to as
becomeOlympicchampionin 2000.,. Rachaelexplains;,.The4:15amstartsare
no fun
at all and I usuallyjust pull a tracksuit
Tom'conipetedin the 200g Olympics over my
fow: and won pyjamasand get on with it. Training
the bronzemedal in 2012. He has won the gold in Mexico
medal was much more fun as I got to do plenty
in the EuropeanChampionships;He still of
coirpetes,but shoppingtoo,which is oneof my weaknesses.,,
he is also a TV presenter.
Now: Rachaelstoppedcompeting.

ftuo I H
peadsrreqt J
rr eqJ c u8rsepxeq] g
,(lqrqelrod rreql V
b"l I .{
aoJoru alelca.rdde
sBrI]I g ugruo,lr eql saop sdoldul Jo aJnlEoJqrlq1l 's.relndruoc lnoqe 3u;41u1aldoed orq ruaq no1

ptoog o 'llnseJ JepeqB le? ol lou ,{>1cnpnerem ,{eq1 J

'go pred uoJJepue {Jo.ln'pr?q s,Iueel eql fl
'e{€lsnu s,re,{e1de ,{q umop 1e1ere.,t ,(eq1 V
ofue1 g
eqtfgru eql Jo {uFIf aq soop lurlil\ ra.{e1d slrods B qll,lr ,trelaralq ue;o ;-rud JBaq no1
'pelcedxepeq eq ueql ]InrIJ+rpeJolu se.l.r]I J
'pelcadxepeq oq }eq.^assel ro eJoruse.a lI g
llil srollal
l4 osooqc 'pelcedxep?q eq ueql JaISeesel\ tI V
I| ll$ no^ afl Jo {ugt oq p1p fuqlA'ru€xo Iooqrs a fnoqs 3u141u1,{oq e .ruaq noa I

'slq8raqJo reeJslq otuouelo ol peluelYreH J

'ru€erp3uo1eg1srq ueeq seqtI g
'?epl eql rutq e.te?puel{ V V
pr e1doe4
;3u1duln[ ae8unq dn aq4 uelu eql p;p ,tq1\'8uldrunf ee8unq fnoqe 3uq1e1 aldoed olrl reaq no
FuI { ro & 'ocueJnssBeJ
Jo tol e peeu ,(eq1 J
'luarue?ernocueqcnru peeu r(eq1 fl
',ftoeqt Jo ]ol B luoql qceel ol speeueH V
geSurneg ;,{us aq saop teq,1ys.reuulSaq Sulqcuel lnoqe Sqrlpl rolrnr5ul Sq.t;p B ruoq no V

oo Suqu; ,(euoqJo stgeueqqtpeq eqt J

seoqtnoqe slce; Suqserelur g
srp Jeql?J feuoq;o ,fto1sq Jalrq e V
;8ug;uasard lradxe oql sl 1uqil\'aruruu.r8ord opu.r e;o ped reerl no1 e
qceorddu uortcrJecuolss J
esueluoJ fl
JoJJoq v
;e>1r.1 aqf soop s{ooq Jo pu1r1leqAt '{ooq u eldoad
Sugssneslp oa{f ruarlroao no1 7
npe tsol^l sluetue8uer:elnoqe euoeluosIrrJoJuIol J
dleq rog euoeluos{se ol g
tr lou sr 1I
euoeluosruo4 uollellnul uB ldecce ol V

B JISNIU E le8usseru qq go esod.rndaql sI leq1t'a8essaul Usruotlo^ u Supreal foq u reeq noa I

nlu l?qrt\
ro^ sue lsoq aql osooqc 'g-L suoltsonbto1 'suotlenllsluoro;llplq6re ur 6ur11e1
b pron e
q lllMno^

Youwillhearhn experttalkingaboutstudyingmusic.Forquestions
a wordor shortphrase.

What music degreeyou get is determinedby whether you study at

a music school.

It is not necessaryto have in order to take certain degreecourses.

Most educationalinstitutions will expect studentsto have developedtheir vocal

]ffi abilities.

Orchestrationand are subjectswhich relate to performancerather than

approachesto music.

A degreeis preferable for those wishing to work behind the mixins desk
ratherthan perform.

Taking coursesin music will teach you the most important facts about
f- :
Having a more technical degreewill enableyou to understandhow music is

Becoming a successin the music industry is

Work in the music businessmay be and offers mostly short-term contracts.

Peoplewho finish their studiesin music often favour after sraduation.

Youwill hear five short extractsin which peopleare talkingabouta theme park.For questions19-23,
choosefrom the list (A-H) what each speakersays about it. Use the lettersonly once.There are three
letterswhich you do not need to use.

A I felt discomfort on some rides.

B I enjoyed going there alone. speaker t

C The staff aren't very welcoming. Speaker , gn
D Booking earlier savedme money.
Speaker ,
[[ [-]
E It has lots of great things to do for all the family.
Speaker O
F I keep going back to this place. .=tl

G The roads were poorty designed. speaker t

H I only liked one thing.


ot sllq lceford e;l dn enrg
.sre8eueal J
- ol,tpsotu gag
.lceford fl
sseursnqrno,{ ur aAerIe[J
;s.rneua.rda.4uauoal a,rJF,{r.reg soop eJrapB V
tBrI& Og
'ste,{nq suoqpru
Jo ol sseccesosseursnqselr8
'slcnpord,ttrcnb-q3lq 11 J
eldoed srego 1i
etep eql uo spuedept1
.q8rq.,(1eule4xe J
. , sr { fl
ra{r*ru nu,,"ilTfi"Jjffi::iJ,rltrJ ,"
'eldoedgo e8uet eprru
e 3
:e8eueel fue fl

sl l! feq, s,(es,ftreg 97
ol olrse Fuqles
'ecedsF-qslue,rpe J
Bu41es ;
'slcnporderecur{s Buqles
e{BfsJruftq ;srg slq apuru,trreg
'drRIooqcse uo eFqA\
e lo8 eH J
, ,ru,o"^",",1?Hil,:g:iJ"T:
asseulsnquJ pefsereluJ1aE,{"rregp1p,troH
'o$-vz ror.sprer,rcrg
suorrsenb {.uegporec

g rade6

,fpuenb q oruelBqc uorgod g eJnseeu v

EV '8ureq11ams,uosJede JoJIsrluessasI eslcJaxepue Suque,tqtleeqJo """"""' V lZ
lv Surunogred q Surpuepe 3 Sutsqcerd g Sururerl y
{tnt zn
:e,{lre1e eq o1 ,(lluerrnc sI pue selpnls 1ttel
sH pel{srug ,t1luecerwq eH 0z
uorluredo q ryo,44J esn fl ecrlcerd Y
'eldoed pe8etue,tpesrpSurdleq poo8 o1 suoq?uop1e s1nd,fipuqc eql 6I
lv pelcouuoco peqr"De J >lJn1sfl peruudurocce y
'nof lues I luorunJopeql ol """"""' se^in uolleuuoJulIBIOueugoql 8I
0c 0n
ecqcerd 6 ecIAJos J uorleredo g esrcJexe V
'eure8 eql pu? ueql ene8 qceoc eql ]eqt eJr,lpeeql """"""'olul lnd rueel eql Ll
q,r 6E
pepro^e fl pelceler 3 peruep fl pe.torddesrp y
'esnoqsrq uo raJJotsrg eqt """"""' e>p141tue8uotetsesq o1?upleedsregy 9l
eH g€
spuet 11 slclperd 3 seruoseq g slcedxe y
NV 'Jerrnunsq pp-rrr,{:elaq ol """".'"' aJeqJeq}eellreqJ SI
ssacord 11 acqcerd 3 uorlcB g uoquredo y
rv ',{rnlueceql Jo IrJn1eql eculs ur ueeq seq ,(uedtuoJsIqI il
qJ 9E
UIB4 (I ulof J puep? g V
lv ^\oIIoJ
:rs s€ lueuodrur sr eSen?ue1u8raro; e Surureelse 'qooqcs e8un8uel plro^\ aql punom eldoed 1so141€I
,v ' , peoqe Surznollog3 Je1el fl spJeA\JeUeY
n€, '1eo8e,r.rsserdrul
ue peJocs,{aql "".'"""" 3uo1lou Jenel\orl 'ureel Sutsoddoeqt o1 8utso1ere,l .{eq1 ZI
peledlclued q peurof3 peurquos fl pe^lo^ul v
'esI?JIIr.&,$Feqc eql suollBuopeJolueql '""""""' 1e?eldoedeJolueql II
iv peuruJelep (I elq?]s J pexg g lueueru;ed y
qr zE 'sree,(e,lg go poued e JoJsI lcur1uoceql 0I
rv ,(lluenbesqns 3 JeueeJeql v
rolJ? (I lxeu fl
4I I€ 's,{emued ol peprcap pue pen?ru ,(eq1 6
iv '(lsnonuquoc
$I30u)I O seluoc J s1e3 g S]Iq V
4r 0€ ro .,(es1.uop eldoed ueqa\ senJeu .(ur uo ,(leer 11 I
.'no,{->1ueql, ,eseold,
iv ernSg q rrrJoJ g edzqs y
reqteJslq e{II 1sn[lrreq {rep 'uoqs q]la\ """"""' tunlpelu Jo sI eH L
O eroJereqt J lnq B esnsJeqv
qs 8z 'q8noueperpqs t.upeq eq """"""'tset aql pelle; aH g
'v morB 11 uedduq J ulo! g euoceq v
reqceele """"""' ol poplceps?qualeH s
uorlerrdsur q uoqueDec usersnqlue fl lsoJelur v
sv gz 'Suruuel JoJ """"""' Inpepuol\ e eleq ueJplrqc?unoa V
lsel O esoddo3 e8uelleqc g aleduoc y
;N SZ 'uoos erurloluossrrruel;o erue?e o] eur o1 sedoqeg g
v pelceJrp o peurrrrelep J pelule fl pexg v
wvz 'uoqeJnpeJo Ienel req8rq B eAeIqcBpue peorqe ,(pnls ol sl aqs Z
leedde q pueurep J urlslr g lsenber y
no Ez '1I w lseJelulJo lol e ua\oqs e,req,(eql se 'crlqnd aq] qtIA\ uI eq ol sluees{Jol\ sIH I
rtt zz 'ruoil lcoJrocoql asool]c
22 The two athletesare .............asainsteachother for the sold medal.
A opposing B facing C challenging @ competing
23 Our decisionto block the site was a stop the situationfrom getting worse.
A degree B extent C rate D measure
24 After a difficult year and much hard work, sheis in .............of a holiday.
A appeal B need C request D demand
25 Manybuildingsin theold partof townareslowlystartingto .............down.
A drop B fall C pull D bring
26 As he wasso exhausted,
he didn't reallyfeellike .............
in thecelebration.
A associating B involving C connecting D joining
'27 She .............
in the sportscompetitionand won first prize.
A parted B participated C joined D shared
28 She was askedto up a list of things that neededto be done and write them down.
A set B put C make Ddo
xd, 29 The film star is .............with the fashionlabel and has appearedin lots of adverts.
n A joined B interested C associated D linked
30 The serviceallows you to get programmeson ..............
A demand B appeal C call D claim
31 The workers were being made redundant at a(n) of five per month.
A rate . B measure C number D amount I
32 The famousathleteis a(n) other young peoplewho are interestedin sport. I
A impression B motivation C enthusiasm D inspiration
* 33 Several ofthe illness have been reported in the area.
A situations B cases C positions D stages
4 34 what time do you want to meet at the cinema?
A Therefote B However CSo D Because
n* 35 Scientistsare trying to find ways of
A telling B guessing
the date of the next earthquake.
C predicting D supposing
36 The accused the chargesin front ofthejudge.
A denied B rejected C disagreed D refused
t 37 On .............,
he goesto the gym aboutthreetimes a week.
A balance B average C rate D measure
38 He has made a(n) to the website for more information on the school he is planning to attend.
A question B desire C request D demand
39 The police were .............about the car that was stolenin the neighbourhood.
A reported B warned C notified D declared
40 Governmentsworldwide are trying to raise of environmental issuesand how we can become more
A knowledge B understanding C thought D awareness
4l He .............down my name and number and promisedhe would call back.
A put B marked C took D brought
42 My cousin convincedme to .............a go at roller-blading,althoughI was tenified!
A have B try Cdo D make
43 bad weather conditions, the flight will be delayed for about two hours.
A Seeingas B In case C Due to D Because

ploq o e{el J II?J fl }NJ V
'uerpllqc Jeq qlr.4aerurl eJorupueds puB sJnoq8ur)|Jo1K
req u&\op o1 ?urdoq s,eqs 99
EV lsed q ua\op J ssoJJe g ,(q v
eq.l L8 oB ppo,l eqt poqrle^\ pue >1redeql te tes e71[ S9
Iy eloruord q ,!pou 3 asodord g reJ]o v
rs.ll 98 'uooureuBeq] uI sql o1{fiq etuocpu? qcunl JoJ{?eJq e e{31e1!\leql ".'""""' I v9
5V e8els 3 uorlrsod g
Ie^oI o ued v
{r{,t s8 *"Tll 8'Holqrslpup slqq """"' t; g9
rv {c'rc o : ^;;'"'Jt ,"';;
MJ 'pJoserplro^r 3 ol uoqecrpepJo ]ol e e>181 lsruu lI z9
qr v8 pelpd y
pleq o lnc J ue>Iet B
rv 'peprnord su,t\uo4?]ueuncop JequnJIqun {Jeq servr1ueu,(ed W
laH €8 "qI
e8euuru q edoc a eceJ B elpuBqv
iy 'ecuo lB s8urql.(ueu ool qllls """"""' l.u€c .(ldurrseg 09
uts z8
soues Q OUII J ulBqr g A\OJ V
lv e ur serue8elg uo^\ seq ru"e] fleqlooJ Iooqcs eql 65
leH I8
uorlrsod 6 lurod 3 Ie^el fl a?u1sy
iv 'plro1( eq] uI eouoreJJlp8lq e e>l€rup1noc""' sH ul euoeruos BS
rLL 08
sserSord q esodord3 ssecord g elourord y
rv 'enuec ,$1ceq1ur 8ur,r.rrpJoFS """"""' ol slrr?lv\Ircunoc eqJ LS
3H 6L
elBcs 0 ued J uo4rsod g le^ol v
rv 'reururerSeldrurspu?lsJapunol elq? eq ppoqs sql 1estuepqs 9S
&,q 8L Ked O uoddns 3 Jeeqr g rosuods y
iv iuoql?rBru ,fiFurlc eql roJ eru """"""' ot feuour eteuop ol e{H no,( p1no16 ss
hI LL peuroJ o pelserc c epe{u g lll.nq v
rv 'pJoceJplro. d eql elorq,(eqt uaq.Lr.fuo1srq uarplrqc eql w
qs 9L pegqou o pel?ts J peprsepg perelcepv
V 'slueruelerqceSurzeuteslq ol enp selelqte dot s.ppo,Lraql Jo euo s?A\eH €S
peaoqs 0 pe,(eldstp 3 pelueserd g pelrqrqxev
iv 'osnoq eql punor€ slel€r1 req ruoq sqderSoloqd""""""' rues ZS
lIBep c pepueq J pe8euurug pecsJv
v '{sep 1uo4 oql }e qlIA\ ,(11ensn
ere sorrnbuaIeJeueC IS
Ed EL Jalunocue (I eduelleqc J esoddo g ecBJv
v iqtn4 eql tuH IIel pus urlq o1speeuoqs 0s
li pel?ls (I pegtou J pegoder g peprcepv
'osJol\ 1e3o1lnoqe seA\uoq?nlls I€rcueug aql leql uercqglodeq; 6n
qrv ,tuep g
lcefer q esoddo 3 lq8g v
'v 'Surpueuep ool Je; sI lI se ruels-,{sruaxe a\eu eq} """"""' sJeqceelaruos gV
tu 0L
urJslu o ,fuom 3 tqnop g reeJ v
v it{8p1e oq III^\ Suqt,irela lsrepeur1el^14qcns tnoq€ l.uplnoqs no LV
qr 69
oleJrunuuoc (I lr-usrre4 J ssed g e8ueqcxe y
v 'plJo,r\erll JeAoII€ ruo4 eldoed Jeqtoqll^\ ,tltuelsur u€c e.4a'JeuleJureql ol s{u€ql 9V
{r 89 pepu?uap 0 perapro J pe1se38nsg pelsrsu v
v qceq {le^\ ol elel ool sell\ lr se oruoq eur Surnrrpuo """"""' eqs SV
{.t L9 peuJeJ c ue.rr83 pteq g epeul v
'eruec u^!,oloql ur "".'"""' lseluor B ur^\ o] ecupqJeql peq eydoedpcol eql W

seJrrup?o spJe^\? J senle^ fl sJeeqc Y
dy 'des ,{eql }€qA{ot suelsq pue see,toldruas}I ' ' ,tuuduroceq; 60r
faqr r€I Sursrerq Surnr?3 Surpuedsg ?urleuopy
PV 'elunbqgee eql Jo sJoArAJns
eql roy ,{euoru sr ,(1r.rcqc
eq1 80r
'eqs 0€I uelsrl o E{EI ern8rg g
J {oo'I v
3Y 'lIeJ ol ?uro8 sr elqoq tBqI ilno """"""' LOI
eq.t 6zI , q8nol q c4e8reue 3 p;;eznod g 8uor1s y
ov JoleJelecJseql uo 1oo3rno,t lnd no,( uaql\ InJoJeseq os J?c """"""' ,(leurarlxeue sr srql 90r
teqs 8zl lceJJo (I llnseJ J lcedur g uorsserdurr y
uY '?unup sseplcerJo""""""' (u)u se,l lueprcceoqJ s0r
reH Lzl ssed q e]?crunuluoc J JoJSU€J1 llrusu?4 V
{V 'leu8rssseISIpe """"""' ol orp"J fcueSreureslr pesndrqs eql v0r
sqJ, 9ZI uorsslu 0 ,$np J 1dura11ey
{se] fl
l1ncggryu sullr uorleuuoJuraql Surlnqulsrp pue Sursrue3rg t0r
'V szI ruJsle c or€c J UEIB g reqloq v
ly ',(dduq-,{ra^ts.eq !>IreW oJ rueesl.useop u^\o srq uo 8urnr1 z0r
eqJ vzl 3u11eeg cr3o1g Jeuuuu v
O 3
ly 'ge,Lrfre,t sesseJp
sfe,lp pue uorqseJJo """"""' uoo{ e s?q eH IOI
Ff.r Ezl Sultlortut q Surrreq 3 Suqsrsuocg Surureluoc y
rv 'Surleerueql JoJsluerunoopluegodrur elg B lsol eluq ol rueosI 00r
BUI zzl prenS q tcetord J enreserd g puaJopv
tv 'uns eq] uo4 no,( oJ Jelulunseqt ?uFnp ueoJcsunsJee^\plnoqs no^ 66
[l rzr peurof q poleler J pelceuuoc g peppe v
rv 'eurze?etlloq] roJ 1sqSuqrerueql ol """"""' ueeq seq errmuJno 86
str 0zl q43 \ (I ernSrg 3 IIEJ fl deey y
ly Jeruoceql punoJSururocsJ€cJoJlno """"""' L6
f;IS 6TT erol (I pelrerc J tflds g peddu y
fv 'erue8 eql roJ srueelolut ss€IJeql reqceel eqJ 96
trV 8II e,\ordde q eer8e 3 uoddns g enleA v
rv 'fddeq ru,I lnq teeffJ Jo ecroqc ,(ur;o 1.uop quered .(yq S6
r II LTT eepl (I uorsserdrurg A\EIA V
v '.,taoJroruo]
fq eruocol Suro8ere,l nof leql """"""' eql Jepuns?,r I t6
q.r, 9TT 8ur?ernocueq Surpueuep3 ?uqsrsurg ?ur1se83ns y
tv 'slcefqnsJreqlur IIea op ol sluepnls ur elor lueuodrurue .{e1dsreqo€eJ e6
PI SII {oo1 (I lnd J lo3 fl apelu v
v '{JoA\ol ele18ureqJoJesncxeue dn """"""' euef 7,6
9H NTT ecuenbesuocq uorsserdrur3 lPser g lcedrur y
v '.&ercos
{,r gII ur uelqord.rofuru e eruoceqol Suruels sr ,{epo1eldoed Sunof uo erperuIercosJo ?urseercureq; 16
v roqloq (I ssa4s J ,ftiorn g emc v
qJ ZII luoruuoJrlue eql JoJeJoru""""""'
'ol pesn ,(eql ueqt s,{,ou e1doe4 06
v Kreurproq lensn J le.reue8 g uoluruoc v
tV III 'sfeprnle5 uo ru€ 6 Jo eruq eql le suedounesnru eqJ 68
v pBor ( elnoJ J r1ted g ,{etr y
!S OII Japeeluruel Sururocoqol Jeq uo ile,ln,sr elcwed g8
110 Sandrawas so excited to help that she didn't even give it a second
A thought B awareness C alert D understanding
Ul After many she finally managedto download the program.
A tasks B moves C measures D attempts
Ll2 They're planning to .............up a new fence aroundtheir home.
A put B set C take D make
113 The prices of the electrical applianceswe saw from f50 to f500.
A reached B consisted C contained D ransed
ll4 He quite often .............his paintingsat the National Gallery of Art.
A shows B exhibits C represents D gives
115 I decidedto ............. my old clothesto charitv.
A provide B supply C donate D present
f16 The prize is the studentwho improvesmost over the year.
A awarded B granted C rewarded D donated
ll7 It was an unusual of eventsthat led to us workins tosether.
A cycle B chain C line D row
r18 After landing his first big role, the actor went star in many movies.
A over Bon cup Dbv
119 She the local music festival and won the heartsof many people.
A participated 'B parted
C demonstrated D presented
120 This year's football team .............mostly of collegestudents.
A contained B consisted C ranged D involved
l2l If you want to in the company,you have to demonstratethat you are a team player.
A develop B grow C progress D improve
122 In summer scho-ol,children classesin the morning and go on trips in the afternoon.
A attend B regard C focus D notice
123 Thisfloweris .............
to thisarea.
A general B normal C natural D common
124 The judge thought there was evidenceto make his verdict.
A powerful B sensible C sufficient D agreeable
125 Temperatures.............down to below freezingat night this time of year.
A fall Bgo C move D turn
126 The seminar learning about new technological advancesin society.
A had B contained C involved D consisted
,27 Her last concert appearanceat the opera House was no performance.
A natural B usual C standard D ordinary
128 Shehas a good offive languages.
A comprehension B information C knowledge D awareness
129 The governmenthas to take in order to bring down the high rate of unemployment.
A actions B measures C attempts D efforts
LlO She .............on the messageto me as I was busy at the time of the call.
A delivered B communicated C passed D transferred
I They've decidedto .............up a new businessin the city centre.
A put B make C build D set


dn( uoJ ua\op fl JeAo v

rY 9Ll 'dol eql ruo4 A\oIAleet? e se,\\eJeqlesnuceqSu4rcxasel\ Jo]eAeIesse13eql uI """"""' Sutog €SI
pv pelcefer q peluep J epeqroJ g peplo^e V
',tued eqt ol Suro8Iuoq rulq pep s.Ierue(I ZSI
!eqs vLt
FV pedoc q pepeecons J pe^elqce fl pe8eueru y
re{l ELI 'euqpeepeql eroJeqtceiord req elelduoc ol """"""' eqs ISI
pelcauuoJ J pelelcosse g peleleJ V
Fv peruedtirocce q
EIIJ 7,LT 'slcnpord,ftgenb pooS qlrm sr plrurq sIqI 0SI
hv eJnseeu 0 ldurene J uoJJe fl elo{u V
b"H ul ',{uedord a\eu B uI }selul ol peplcop eqs ueqA\ esIA\? epeu eqs 6nI
seues J euII fl ecuenbes Y
Fv ulzqc O
'e8eloc eqt te sdoqslJo/y\Jo
fer OLI e 3uu,6 sI Joqlru snoureJV 8?I
lue.terd q PIo^? J ,(ueP g PIqroJ V
fir 'f1rc eql Surpoog ruo4 JoAIJoqt """"""' ol sJeIJJeqpelplsut eABqllcunot eql LVI
Iv elqlsues (I InJaJBcJ elquuoseeJ g Surrec y
pIC 89r ',fiuoq1nuur eldoed ol {ls} no.( moq Jo """"""' eq plnoqs no1 g7l

iv sseulllv\ (I pruSer 3 ecllou fl

'ln3 Jreq.&\eue s8q euuBsnsteql .'"
elou v
' ].uplp I ItI
hr L9T
Fv us€rsnqluo O uotsserdurr 3
'1eued?ur,,ueluleql uo
ecuenlJul g lcaJJe Y
8rq e epeur eleplpuecInJsseccnsaql nVI
Fo,t 99r
pe8uelleqc q uees V
iv ]Ieep J PeceJ fl
'arurteJllsq ur suou"ruIs lIncIJJrpoluos """"""' peq eq lsql sn plol peppuer?,(yg Enl
PJ s9I
sdee>1q se,u8 3 s,lneJpg sopl V
pie vgl 'sluelllluoc Jl4uesce sH qlIA\ Jlesurq ol uo4uollB s,(erYrpeg znl
IV esolc o peuolsnccs J eJ?A\? fl J€ITrrueJv
h-H €9r 'ureql lnoqs Jeq plol euoeluosItun qooq sH qllA\ l,use.{\ eqs wI
lv pepeeq ( pel J pelrerlp g a\erp v
zgt uo4eonpereq81quI spJepu€]salordurr ol u8redruecB """"""'Jolc?
pelercosse (I pepueD? J peqceile fl
snouruJeql g7l
petueduocce y
'dpl ,(ep eqt uo reqceete ,(q """"""' ?ureq ere uorpllqc eql 6EI
Fw I9l
peluese;der q pellqlqxe J pe1(oqs g peledrcrped y
lv .uorlqedtuoc?q1eds eql ur ,fulunocJreql eu4ue8ry ruorgeldoed e,rtg 8€I
Fn 09r
pelms 11 e^BcoJJeJ elqedec g elq€llns V
Lv 'uortrsodeqt roJ sr elepryu€r sr,ql{uFn I LEI
FN 6SI IIe^\
lv e^rtceJJe(I pellns J elalduoc g I3lol Y
'spIBpnsll qlld\ """"""' uo4€lueserdpepelepe epelueH 9€I
ht 8Sr
lv {oot O pe{ro^\ J lqSnec g lo8 V
bH L9t 'ells eql tuo4 elqqru eqt Suueelc slunl """"""'sre{Jo^\ encsereql S€I
rV ?upegyp q Sur8uer 3 Sur8ueqc g Surxrur y
p^ 9Sr '8uqto1c o] arel\ueqclpl luoq doqs snp ur acnpordJo spuq 1e eneq ,{eq1 VEI
Pueds g .(ed Y
v reJ[o C e43 3
'seure8relnduoc uo ,(euoruleqcod sH """"""' ol se{ll reqlorq ep11f6 €€I
Fr ssr e,le8 Y
rV tuel O PeI J tde{ g
uorsserdtur sn """"""' aqs Z€I
Itt nsl il.use^\ tg q8noqrp 'lpcrJJrp sel\ {sel eql leql

a)roql a

I54 Thomas ,...ruD

his trousers
A broke ";,.:.-::l on a rence
fe; ashe wastakinga short
rss rhispainringisworrh D sprir
A important iJ:::": . amount
B maximum "rfoli*t--""o,*".
C powerful
156 you have to ............. D substantial
out the answerby yourself.
A carry B sort
rs7 nJmanaged
A knowledge
-Cilrrh,r _, .....1..]l"o
n ."_pr"i"nri",
158 This materialis very D information
thin and easily.
A splits B breaks
159 Nurseshavea difficultjob D rears
A shifts .
B turns
t6o Mum
t\r[,,* C periods T] ri*^^
""""""' mefrom going
A held
outlate,asshe roooun*"ro,l,:ffi- home
B saved
C prorected alone.
tt D kept
my decision to leavemyjob.
fr"t:il;* B supported
162 Thisis the........ number c herd D maintained
of people we can fit in the vehicle.
A sufficient
substantial c most
r.a. rr:^ n maximum
D ---
A whole
r*"" ru.-n.illtluouruor".
-overalt ^^--_, 11 t
64 what.............
oru"tion".';ffi;" D totar
A route r! -^.r_
r -- "*b rlu"?-'t"," I
B path I
C direction
Could you hold the other D course
side of the box and help
A sort me outside?
B carry
uu a""""""'-t"i.;oJ.ome t"'"n c fcrnh
D hold
f":J*d aru.r"on."
rhearrisr D stabre
A composed ";"].::fil"urp,u,"
g invented
C discovered p created
Global warming is partly
due to human
A practice
B exercise
C work
The managementteam .-. D activity
A deverofJ '*;
o nr^- +^ ---,1 : .""'^
;il|f" -*"3"il"T;::reeshappier.
I try to make a financial
to a wortl
, ;;"".
A action "^"^nycauseie;chyear.
B contribution
He "....'....'. good use of D present
his time at the seminar
A took and rearneda lot.
B did
C made
Climate change could D put
have disastrous
A developments for all of us.
B impacts
C effects n consequences
The crown jewels are
ol . . . .. . . in the Tower
A viewing of London
B display
C exhibition
She couldn't D presentation
""""'.... it when she won the spe'ing
A think competition!
B admit
C believe
The .............of the D consider
oroject has beenslow but steady.
A arrangement
B results
C outcome
D development


'erem eldoed
I unJ s8 :gr Sururoclea pue elqod .uoq f,qpezerte sBA\I 'euIIJlsJg eql roJ ecueluv qlnos pelISIAI """"""" LE
"ql t8
'rec srq ur Ioruoc osrruceq18ursn,(q8ur'r.rrpse.traq lseJ"' """" pelloruoo eH 9E
r eqJ €8 'prESeqs ,'ree.{e18urs sH} op p.I 'IoA?r ot ,tSreuepIru eluq eql peq I JL s€
I aqr z8 'no.,(lues I teqt lptue eqt """"""' peqmns ere^\ selg eql VE
r:l I8
'eJoJeqcgqnd ur Supleedsgo ecueuadxe""""""""
'ueJplrqcueeuu pue ual
,(1e1n1osqepeq 1 €€
sr ezrs ssslJ lseq eql ZE
rpry 6L
ISI lI 84 w wLOe>19Surqfue pecuerredxereleu puq aqs qSnoqtye'Surqurrlcurelunou oB o1peprcepeq5 I€
!no^ LL 'eJnlrrrJnJecggoSurxelu """""""' sesqerceds]eql ,(uedruocB punoJ I 0g
nohtr 9L 'JeeJss,(ru q11,nop o1pelu"a\ I """"""""' 1sn[ puno; p,1 'uorlrsod eql JoJolu peJlq ,(eqt ueq16 6z
FEH SL ilou """""" lI eAeIIeq';elnduoc e u.t\ol,useopeqs 8Z
Eq11[ TL Jeq e{II ,fta,t rue I ]Bql plol ut,1 'reqlotupuerSdur leru Je^eueA,I """""" LZ
r oA\. EL 'crdol
P PI ZL reqlou? esrleJ o] rupxe eql eJoJoqge1 sfup o.&U.'.'"""" ul etuq q8noue eleq I JI eJnslou tu.I 9Z
Feu v 'qof sH ruo4 peJUuaeq peq eq JeU?erurJeluos elmb rog tq8rs 3o poulerueroH gz
lgy OL 'luepuedepureuoceq pw peoJquelotu o] peprcepeq'8I;o e8e eql """"""' nZ
69 'eleJIooqcseql esruelpe """""""" rededeql uI eclJoue tnd ol peploepe I EZ
F"r 89
po v L9
lunesilu eql ol dul Jno uo sn 8ururofur pelsorelq """"""""' pFo.4Aspuer4rnod gr eespFoqs no ZZ
'eppeqcs ,(snq srq eSeueurol sr qol luelslss€ .treuB s?q uos,ftg 1141IZ,
Fq I 99 'uoIl€JqoIec

rv n9s9
Jooplno eql qlr^\ peeqz o? ol peplcep lUs ,(eW'urer f,reeq se^\ eJeql}?ql lcBJaql
Jeqcee]prieseleusseycrno,( o] {p} ol sI peuels dnorS,{pn1sB """"""""
ol ,temlsolseeeql 6l

{eH E9 'srsrJoIeroueurJeql Sutpre?erlq8nol

lrn I z9 "" ol eID€qluelsuoc € IDS s.eJaql'se8ueqc3u11eu ,(1.to1ssI luelutuelo8 eqt qBnoWIV 8I
T9 'aduqsur ,(elsol
Er lI09 ueql JoJ,{elr leer8 e sl """"""' se 'ryo,lnot te8 ot sa1c,(crqrreqt Sursnere eldoed eJolu pu? eJotrI LI
r 6S ssers"^"u1il'"iH;ffi*J,ilil:;"li'i"i",l:1ffi":i:xT:
:: :: Z+
lery 8S
laH LS - 'pIJo1!\ eq] punoJe seulunoJ

F I 9S ,(ueurol pa11e^er
sequeq] pue'IZ s€/v\aqsueq.&lsryunof e su?uppotr peuelseqs VI
Fuo cc ospe^erqc'-seq
rer eqs ..: ..;;;;"'?i*#;::2i
3ts ,s 3?'Jlf,?,:'i:#l,T
€s 'uru ,(r11eqs
unJ'(llreqc eqt qsrurJo1]seq I 11
hqs c, 'lseJoJureguoz?urv eq] pelrsr^ I ueq.,tas.ry\€cerucrloxe eseq]Jo u elrnb rvresI 0I
P J I IS 'uosred peueeq-puq pu€ ruJB^\,(re.te aJnleu sl eqs 6
PqJ 0s 'Io4uoc Jo lno ste8 lr eroJequrelqord ssnosrpol spuerq rog lueuodrur s,l1 I
!-:"" 6V 'o1oqd pJIq aql sV
{oot ell\ 'sn lsed .4AoIJ L
PqJ 8t 'sesseulll
f, nI
LN eJ?JJoJernc B pug ol Sulfl eleq oql\ slsquerJsfq pesn Suteqeru serSolouqcel,le51 g
Pns 9n
f'$ I sv eldoedeJncueJ ,(eqt znoqpue slueydpuu sqJeqIsurcrpetu ,(pn1seql seAIoAuIqJJeeseJJeH S
f61 w 's11p1sdrqsrep?elstq ol enp rueel luoue8eueureqtgo ged oq ol uesoqo """"" eH n
!n"r EN
up t zi Jo """""""' euquo Surneqcdn pue l.uop nod os
1eql letuelul eql Sursn ueqa\ InJeffr eq ol eleq no1 e
foN TV ',(ep1oquo eJo.l.ro1v\""""""" etu ol etuec lsJU ?JuJe dn SuruedoJo €epr eql Z
flLt 0v eq} }e uo ?ulo8 sr leqa '
'.,{lrsre,rrun porrrJoJulsselc eql sdeel e,rrlelueserderluepnls eql I
ru.r6€, 'promeuo qilm sdBbotlt ul 1lll
FII 8€

sa)ualuasaz uado

irus op """"""'
'{Jo.&esnoq soqslA\
II.I, sel'qJJe[ vr
F] I
B sr ........'...
.reluarsnorueJ 'l*tt**:1ur''nq '..... JeqloruAIN
lvs OHAT
'(w sr
F?J ::T::::::i::::::* """' dolduy,(6
[1 cooc
srdoldelrnoa zr
tror .euoqreueqlrud' eqrre ..."""""" ' '*::':l']:i]:t eIuIua
trof *1 rr
Fw .uo'?'s IeJose^rr.
u,"' eqluror;,{une -*:::l:::::::.:l:i:::]::::::]::::::::l:
)(ls HSIAT
'uonels uler eql 01JosolcoAIIl.uop e,tr ,Qrde s,11 0I
hr 'pe1ellJ4ueeq e^?q l.uplnoll\ re8euerusrq 'rporrrUel eq ueq,l relndruoo eql ,fiue1111
Bs oflNunr
hqr 6
::*:::l:i:::::::: l:::::l::::l:::::il:;"?il:n"fi:
F" Ieqlee^{
Fs . , gIIdS
fu 8
.ollouasncxerrc .. :::.*:*:::l::::i:::"^lTJ:,:T,i*T:".#i
FJ 'ruooJ,(tu SurueelcelI IeoJl.uplp I esneceqesnJxou? pelue^ul L
bs eJ.el\ imou;;o fep eqt ro5 re?euzrueql """"""'
'peJ+qsJepun "' s.ll
o*:ll'll e
PH e{rq ll:11*:::: j::::l:::l::"**::11::olreqroq}'uoq
F eqlur .::::i :::-":::li:"-t"':"110:-*
"""" sI uqol
nd ",ee, ^q
hr *:l::lJ;""','il:"ifrJ;*T;i,*:';T"i
ps rolc€po,uere,B
ba 'e?elsuo
e{I l.useopeq }nq JotJepaluelele sI ueg €
it.I eJec JnoA .toJJoq plnoc I
FN cNrugcNoA4,
I {uul nof oq 7'
FV .euoerorep rno,r...........
u, sersrerndruoc
no,{esec . .::: l::i.:::::.:t""r""' eepl poo8 e s.11
DN dn
Pg 'euoelelepno^(esecur sal$ relndruocrno,(;o ,(doce e{Burplnoqsno I
Is 'uenropro/r^otll ourpnlcur o^upueol l uoa^loq osn 'uen;6pjomeq1
p.I a$ueqclou oC 'uant$prorvr
eql 6ursnlslg oql olOugueeut e seqil leql os ocuoluospuocoseql elelduoC


'tqSnoqtI':"""""""' "" ualqord sq]€tuaqJ

utrfdr rrs
depuo1411xeu,{q .. . :::::lll:::::::tt-*lll:ll"i.ff:l:j[]ffiJ:

arele . i:i::^11::i::l::::Hilil:l#frHff1:::€v
'eJoJeqecereSuruuurur pepeeccns
Jeleupeqeq esnuceq,(ddeq
sea\ruoJ zv
'f;8unq se,r\eq osn€ceqqcunl sq .... fuue;1
* sz^ ruuev IV
:ade1drr'q,erseqe eq ::::l :::]:::::T :.:: :t""u
"""' rUII
'uoqsool s?.i!\eq 1nqra,(e1dIpqle{seq€ eq o} pelu€.4a rrrrl 0n
'u^\olJo lno se^\I rq8noqlt,upeqeqs;r Surppe^/v\ Jeqol eru""""' .....'.'.'.'...ens
'u^\olJo lno wa\ I lq8noqleqsesneceqSurppem Jeqol eruolrlur l,uprp ens 6E
iSutleeureql lnoqeJeled"',{ue3
isweeu:::l:::: }reruocnor ue3 8€
.erFr pr?s ralndruoceqr............. l:]od
(iu^\op{eerq 1.uoc,
eqrrsql pleselTnf LE
ssel?eqr ll::: l:: :::::^::::::l::*:c ur{zrtg
eqtelorqnoa' 9E
ueur^\o1,('us ror . . . ..... .]:T:1:::l lilS- ::.]1113
ernsru'I s€
1q3ru :l:i: :::: ^'nus eql
:l ::T:T:i rrrJols.r\ous
se'r1q3rsms ne
,ueprcce .. . '-*::::::11::::::::::11".':" "" sr ssaullrJeH
reH eg
eqlJolnorresreq . . i:::::::.:: :1T:i::::::'" """"""""" ens
poo;1un, il:l::::::::::::::lj: Tll:*"u
" peprceps6eqs
seqoqs Ig
eql :l::j:.:::iT:il::::::::l:::.eqs "' to8 seq,fire1
UOq]?JBruerD ul.r\ l.uom ,{pregec [,tJrJ1 0€

45 Robert, can I read your newspaper?
Robert, .................t.
I readyour newspaper?
As I walked into the kitchen Ron said, 'Can you help me with dinner?'
As I walked into the kitchen, Ron ........... ... with dinner.
'f'm sorry I didn't call you when I arrived,' said Emily.
Emily .......calling us when shehad arrived.
48 Our coach believesthat we lost the competition becauseof his mistake.
Our coachbelievesit was ......... .... win the competition.
49 Mary doesn'tenjoy cooking.

I've been living in the country for a few weeks now, but it still feels odd.
I still haven't ............... livins in the countrv.
It's been agessinceI saw John.

It's unlikely you'll fail the test unless you make silly errors.
You'll passthe test ............ not makesilly errors.
'ol'm not going to sell my antiques,"said Mr Jones.
"I have .......:......... my antiques,"saidMr Jones.
People still buy the latest gadgetsin the shopseven though they're cheaperonline.
People still buy the latest gadgetsin the shopsdespite cheaperonline.
Josh found some keys on the bus, but didn't know who they belonged to.
Joshfound somekeys on the bus, but had no
Sandradoes not want to seea film this evenins.
Sandra seeing a film this evening.
Jim would not let us pay for the meal and said that it was his treat.
Jim '.'......... ... for the meal and saidthat it was his treat.
Mary managedto cook the dish although she didn't have the recipe.
Despitenot ............. cookinsthe dish.
If I were you, I would get a gift voucher for Jenny's birthday.
In my opinion, .......a gift voucherfor Jenny'sbirthday.

"s 177
,: l


Ftr €8
:o1d1ncss se IIe,r se relured 3 sr eqs se luept Jo lslue ue s.aqs On
rdgSxs .So4elus9.I}slunlpeluJoueluo^^\ulq}esIsllllua6E
ht z8 HCIH
loJ I8
::::i;'lL;; ;;;; ",;ilffil#?,.;'ffi';:i
T:i1:::1*:1 :;
lo 6L {JoA\ o} pe}ue.&eg esn€ceqsseursnqu^\o srg
peuels DOJS 9E
INflONfldgO o'/YueJ€eJaql
II^[ 8L 'ecuerredxe{Jo.Aapue eer8epe - qof eq} JoJ 9€
surnOsu 'Surueddeq
Fp LL w^\ Jelsesrpeql se s,{A3ueql uo peploJunslue^e eqJ, nE
.qo[ e ro3;3up1oo1sI pu€ eer8eps1qpelelduor """"""" "' s€q e{ef €€
l{r 9L ssflJJns
'8urqtolc enbrun se>l?rupuu reu8rsepuolqseJ 8 sr {JeIN ZE
.suoqrpuocJeqlee.4a ec€J
ol enp pallocueosu.,la ?u4les eql I€
[a EL .................:li.:i::l:".t^Tx,;:1";"#t;"fi:#
lVgddv er€ sluuqdelg 8Z
"""""""""' Jo sle^elq31qssessodpIru sIeruIIIsuerus
.,fto1eroqel sH uI .'....... """" luegodrul u3 epetulsquelcseql Lz
Pql ugaoJsro 'rua,(1se1 lleqtooJ eql uoA\ Iu€el s,uqof 9z
',(epgoq ,(1ru1eroJ ]soq req pe{ueql erF[ 9Z
'uods ,tue ,(e1duec pu€ """""" ""' '{ran s.e11 W,
Ptd. 69 gIgTHJV
'S)Icrulpue srBc,{o1;o eqt ueSeqfueduroc eq1 Ez
lv 89 flJnooud ? ueeseABqo} slulelc ueul V ZZ
',{1s1q?rueqt u1 ?up{g lcefqo
'erun eql1e 8ur?ueqcs.1tl,(epol sI Jeqt€eA\eqJ, 17'
E 99 IJIOflUd . ,
po s9 'sluspntsJeqIuo4psqeleJelollouIII^\rel{cse}eql07'
flAYHSfl 'uorpIIqs
hr v9 SurpodsJo solJase pesrueSros?q pcunoJ eql 6l
hr €9 flIfldl^lOJ Iecol JoJ
.I€,reueJpue qurqeJJo """""""' .' sr xrueoqdeql 'sq],(u luolJueuI 8I
'Jnesoulploullxe ue Jo sumrueJetl] peJelocsrpdpueceJeleq LI
F z9 HCUVgSflU 'r(rruuec
il,r t9
serrren8eel [eqlooJ eqJ 9I
ql6l eW ur puelSug ur pepunoJ

FJ 09 NICIUO 'lseJoJuIeJ
Pns eq] ur serceds1ue1dA\eu? Je^ocslpol """"'
.'""" s31r\Iu€el qcJeeseJ eql 9I
Itrts 6S IHCI'IflO
ueql ,{upotJaIpuL4A """"""""' s.}I nI
Flr 8S ufl(IIsNoJ ? epelu cllrJc aqJ, €I
'sIIIlg eJruue^peoA$ eql uoeAleq
9S sTussodwr
'suezrJlJIBIrrJouroJ """"""' "" ue fips sI IoAB4eced5 ZI
'\qqoH zqJ urlrJeql Jo """"' """" eql sI uos)lref reled 0I
les v9 I3f,UI(I
; 'sle^al II? Jo sJeqrueuJoJslnolJo^\ seleeJcJeuIBI ru'G eql 6
?qr €s gCNSA'IYHJ
ulqeq aupee,(qqeaqJo """""""' " eql Sursserls s,temp sl reqlour dtr418

I luvar
'eJg sqlJo
. .. .. . ;"^"fi":1,fi1;::fi",1T:;,::*
" os ,(1pqcsu,vrt1
etll ol Josolcpe^olu eqs
clseq otuos eje eJoql V
'sluered Jreq]pue ueJpllqc uee.4aleq
l"n L? gnuJ, sqof poo8 pug ol eldoed?uno,(roJ lIncIJSrpsl lI ]3q] sI
"""""""""""""""""" oqJ, €
FJ 9V -.,(puecer,ftlsnpul
Surlndurocoql q """"' """" p1der ueeq seq eJoIII Z
nr sv a\ouc 'drlunoc eq] ur seeJe
pu€ elolueJlsolu eqlJo euo eJ€eeulnc .{\eN uI slseJoJuleJeql I
ru €n dolgAflo
TOT zn .deo erjl ul slu leLllpJoMe ulol ol ocualuss qcea lo puo oql le slelrdecut uent0plo^Aoql osn
q,t w

4l The museumhas a ..........
42 Long surfboardsprovide more .......... T.ASCINATE
.......for surfersthan short ones.
43 The witness describedthe robber,s physical STABLE
44 Tom's to the police. CHARACTER
45 The ............ .....of golf hasincreasedin recentyears. KNOW
46 The wildlife ornrrh
47 Herurned
in;; . ::::::::T,1':1"""i,::iil*#inrnr". CONSERVE
48 Rainforestscontain REAL
speciesthat have never been studied.
49 The magazineis looking for a writer KNOW
with ........... ......and unique
s0 At the end of his lesson,he was able to ideas. USUAL
s1 Refereesare usedin football matchestowater ski
easily. SURPRISE
52 Henry is a ............. .. f.airness. SURE
.... who studiesanimal life in the Arctic.
s3 They are one of the country's leading SCIENCE
54 Scientistsstill haveno .............. of racing bikes. MANUFACTURE
... of life on otherplanets.
55 There are still ............ EVIDENT
..... about who first invented'electricity.
56 The last few years have seenvarious AGREE
57 He has indicatedhis .............. in computing. DEVELOP
.. aboutthejob by handingin his resignation.
58 The companyproducesstrongplastic HAPPY
tabrewarethat is ....-......
59 Sunscreenswith high SpF nulbers BREAK
offer the best ..... agatnst
sunburn. PROTECT
60 The............
6l The game of football is a greatsource CONSTRUCT
of ............... .. for many people.
62 The holiday packageincludes ENTERTAIN I

excursionsthat you can book I

anytime. OPTION I
63 The atomic clock helps scientists
measuretime with great ..........
& Theseshoesare very ........... ACCURATE
...... . Can I try on anotherpair?
our companyhas .......... COMFORT
9t .......many recyclabletoys for children.
6 Kerry is a very gdod sprinter,but PRODUCT
finOsrunning long ........... ......difficult.
67 Robert'sfirst DISTANT
""""'..' ..... of horiduy *oJo be a cruiseto the
68 A student-teacher caribbean. CHOOSE
" should be basedon mutual respect.
Gg We saw lots of RELATION
stalls when we visited the spice market
Turkey. in COLOUR
""""' please!Youwill not be allowed to use dictionaries
13";; during ATTBND
7l You'rean amazingchef;thisfood is
so ....................................!
will meeteachcandidare TASTE
:t,3 Playing
3T.,T1-t ............. ' INDIVIDUAL
sporrshelpsin weight_*ue";;;,."
.. ro presenrour latestAndroidapplicarion. ENERGY
I Eric
totry.......... PRIDE
.......rooo*i"n"i" g"",
The ............ ingredientsin the dish """il"rrd"r. TRADITION
u.i, simple: flour, water and eggs.
There is a lot of information you can BASE
find on the -"Internet but it,s very
decidewhich sourcesare ............. difficult to
My safaritrip to Africa will alwaysbe RELY
an ......... ........experience.
Our coach was very happy with our F'ORGET
in our first football game. PERFORM
Be cmeful when you diei; suddenweight
Toby made the ............. can be dangerous. LOSE
.... to start a healthiernew lifestyle.
That was an extremely................ DECIDE
. meal;I,m so full that I couldn,teat
anything else! SATISFY
When Jameshad a knee
he went to his physiotherapist.

ecuelsrss"o l$euaq 3 dreq g plsVg
slJBd (I solnurru J srnoq fl seluq v z
EJII C 3ur,r113 a^{ g e^IIe v I
roud 0 JerrrJoJ J ,t1.reeg lsed y g
.,(lrunururoc q aldoed 3 cqqnd g ,(lercosy
la8 c e{31 J eeq g ploq v e
pelcud q IINJ J qJIJ fl pe{cots v z
h" on rruoJ (I ul8]qo J eslr g esr€Jv l

'pad?lu8^peslPer0 pue olqurouln^ eql :ood eql

Jo """ (g) ur suoqlnu pesmr s?q o1llrtsHt ul pu? Sg6I $urs
aceld ue1e1seq'Sururour eqlJo """ Q) Klteeeql olut pue Suruele aql tnoq8noJqluru uec qrrql\.uoqtelol

0) eW eroJeqeruq eluosp1aq,t11ensn
a6ue11eqc llncrJ+Ipu elelduroc ol Sur,trl serllrqaleouees osIB eneq s.reef mal ..'...G) eqf .,(euoruelguop pue
if,oqsaql Sugnp eq4t,{ue 1eur euoqd ol muuqc e eABq"""
@) p;eue8 eql pus r.I4a{s ,tpeuoc e se qJns .fuung
Suqlauros Sulop,tq wd""" (g) selluqele3 ',(peurocpue lueruum1reluoqlrl\ ..'.-.
G)sr a\oqs,(up eso51peg eql

'eclJJv pu? )n eqt ur eldoed eleungoJ ssel pu? sequsqc ro3 ,teuour ......
(r) eldoed
raqn ,tep e st feq asoN peu 'plrol\ eql punoff IIe selq s,eldoad e8ueqc dleq uec A\oqssrqJ .noqs
lercedse qJ}e.i!\ol u,^\opslrs urulFg Jo ...... (0) eql qcJery ur srue,{o.tr1,{rerrg
Ito,{ 1.usrslql }nq 'lroqs uorst.,te1e1

SgHxe&#Sto4 uni surAPH

eJrlue o oloq^{ J IIefl I ?1olv0


'laoLlsternsue eleledas oql uo slon sup .rno{

trno{ '(g) 6uluul6eqoql te e;durexeue
I sl aJoLlI'de6 qcee slll lsoq (O ro C 'g 'y) lennsupLlcrLlM
oprcoppue /\Aoloqlxal aql peor ,g-l suorlsenblog
bo t{cea

rEsll6ugso asn pue Fulpeau

bns 9-16,readthe textbelowandthinkof the wordwhichbestfits eachgap.Useonlyone word
p. Thereis an exampleat the beginning(0).

f answerslN CAPITALLETTERSon the separateanswersheet.

iE F E W


Have a Safe Trip!

air travel has decreasedgreatly ih recent years. However, although travelling is generally safe,
nd may involve some risk, so a (0) ...... precautionsneed to be taken.

you're going on a short ffip or long one, rememberthat your body needstime to
p local climate, food and water. So, be particularly careful about what you eat and drink, and if you
f country protect (10) ......--.... againstthe sun and insects.Next, you need to think about
F..... behavewhile you're out and about.In most countries,the rules of the road are the
h **t countries cars are driven on the opposite side of the road. Unfortunately, every country has
pvesand muggers so you'll have to watch (12\ ............ for them. Pickpocketsknow that
[usually happy and relaxed (13) ............ visiting foreign countriesand often let their guard
pe admiring local attractions. Keep your handbag or wallet concealed and only carry
money for your immediate needs.When out at night, stay in groups when possible and
pfe (15) ....... each other. If you take these basic precautions, you will be
F:.............. relax and enjoy your trip.



snouasJo .'...".....'.(tz) aql ur dlaq se lla/V\se sluauaqql.leaqsnouloua
INSnlUd """"""""'(€Z)
:lnlI)v anr6ue: osr)roxalooplno pue as!)laxaol paau e;doad

'sa^tl""""" """' Qd alou pealol aldoed

laploburdlaqpueql6uallslelnlsnu burnordulse llomse'salollspuPaseaslp Ueaqjo
lsu aql salnpoloslell 'suotlenlls (t.Z)qllm leepa;doaddlaqo1
sslurs """""""" (02)
tstNV9uo r(enn leql ulell
poobfuene stre qsalJotll u! 1no6ut>1lonn

'sla^ol (0t) ttaqfpueluauuoll^ua

6utueple6ul """"" """'(81) polalJo
NIVUI lelol raql ano.lduto1 sanbtuqral
aq ol are sebe;1e4o a;doa6'puelJo s1olduo poo; 6urnnor6 to sqledloo;butlredal
aq lll/vl[.ql , (zu)'6urrue1deerl Jo lno^e] ul uoll 6urdund
dn enrbo] a)ueq) aq1 aldoadanrb11rnn su(9 uaatg aLll 'sreolunlonuolle^lesuo)
loJlsnl1qsl]Ugoq] pesrue6rg 'sbutpunounsrlaq]anoldtutatu!]oueso9l le puelle
^qol a;doad
uadoaq1u! lno llo^/\ (g)o1burdoq'&1unoraql ssor)e
sur{9 uaa1gdn $urpas000'00€lueq} aJou }so^u!ol sl }uauulano6qstpo)SaLlI

sruA5) uaalg)

3 Et H N f :e;duex3

'loeqs rotnsue eleredas eql uo SH11113l lVIldVC Nt stamsuetnoA 41tt11,1

.(g) 6uruur6eq oql le aldruexeue sl olaql'eu!l aues aql u! de6 eql ul slll leLllploMe uJlol
'^ pee,'lz'Ll suollsenblo1
ol.souffoql lo or,tloslo puo eqt le slelldecut uent6plo/v\orll asn olaq xol oql

I laded
|} questions25-30,completethe secondsentenceso that it hasa similarmeaningto the firstsentence,
# g the wordgiven.Do not changethe word given.Youmustusebetweentwo ind five words.
:l ng the word given.Here is an example(0).

Tim missedhis dentalappointmentbecausethe buswaslate.
As the buswaslate,Tim his dentalappointment.


the missingwordslN CAPITALLETTERSon the separateanswersheet.

I "You ate all the ice cream again, Dave," said Angela.
,{F Angela ail the ice cream asain.
q* ,
It's more than six months now since I saw Tom.
I ................ more than six months.
F Carla is not planning to study abroad.


28 Would you mind if I left early today?
Would you ............ earlv todav?
29 I won't have a problem working alone as I do it all the time.
I ................ .......,so I won't havea problem.

30 There will be a concert when the school year ends.

A concert the end ofthe school year.


{enneser}auolt) ant}a6e;1rn}saleau aq}spje^ol

alpdlsuqe ]e #o losatpeq)pueplno)eqse
seaq0] urlqro])leq polnoqs
lrrnb *rrqburpu*
lo o)ueq)
e a^eq
,,"ffi:f :J#::
lrrp ,,.6uo1aq],uomI anlsalto rujeleaql asrelo] a^eqplno^ aq
']le^^puelllls0lltsnf'ureleoqlaster olojoq
srnoq e peql{1uo ag .q6noq,l{;1lnb utq put}
atpeq).parnfur oq o] pauaas ^^aJ 'ulq
aqInq'6ug11e1;o aH ale)olol r{em lseqaq}aqplnom
rabuep ut se^ aqJtse)ool],uptp srqt'alaq^oruosalqnoj]ut seM
aHllaqsauolse uolnolaqsaJlaril I)lN ll ]eql Mau)
t lnoqe6urI;senn arpeq)'semaq aleqnn ol umo stqasnplno)
))lNlpr{}aasplnolaqpue#tl) aqtyoa6peoqtro^o ;eu6ls
uMoppa)ooloH'rrlqol ueddeq ol 6ulqlaupsaql JOlsolse^ ))tNll .)laustqpunolpjo)e uo lln}s
tueml,uptpatlleq).uollel puepaddrls o^eqlsnuoq
c posrleal aqpueAolaqlaalnna;e isnfsenn
aqllnd pue)les)lnrsrqdn pel:rdoH pte
Tl) lsltl
)ltN teql e pueoltsrqm ,lelenn
,edor,atrru1ued ,ql:ol,sseduol
,J rparl.plno)aHJJllleqt1oa6paaqlle qleulolssrquo
fl Sdg 'derU 'paaulqbruraqsulolraql
tegl{e;puesoau)pupspueq srquoumop lleIo lsrlllaq)
Y lo6arpeql lPluaue apeu pue )les))ni srqpalredarlleq)
f .uoos uilqputlplnoMaqMau)arpeq) 'alqrssod
pue{q asopl{;a1rur;ap sepunorb q)nuseJoAo) ol olnol
o sen))tN.punos aq}o}Josol) relnljDe uo papDap .a)elol olnor
urq 6ur>1e1 oH lsaq aq]lno
senndalsftanapuennou e6puaq]Jodoi
J )lom ol deursrqle paloolpueealauosapeuaH
aqluosenotpeq)'aule)aq aluelsrp
r aqlurburpsrqnn 'tulqalelolpueft1ol paauplno^^
aqpapDap atlreq)
v ag;o punosaq1ra6uo4s aqt,lo6aqe6puaqtdn '6urobarenn no{
raqbrq aleqm auoauos 6ur;;a1lnoqtlnn
eq1'{1deraqtro}}no6urue1sr1 pr, ,;isq^ ,;q
f, auole]no06l,uplpno{leqlsemauo
uo6urnno;q uolDailp lpqlur#o lasotueq).a6pu tueuodurr auo
eql p-uesutetunou aq]ul6ur1;enn solnl
Jolsan quou aqluorl buruorallstqM lnoqe aJaM araql
tr !/ aqi Jeaqplno) aq o)uelstpoq] ul JeJ
p lo alou}urpl '6urob senn oqalaqnulr{llo}ol dntu!que)on},upeq
D isen ]t araqf aq{qnntg 'bururotu aql uri{peaos uAAo ,,q uo 4.;
pauatsrl pueqlearqslLlploqap
I i6urqleuos p,aq{qnnpue}slapun t,uplnolarpeq)taq}raolaq}
pleeqlsnf eq peH 'lllls
r 1ro1spools alpeq) l,useMpes)lnj stqpue,tdurasenn
luol slH.ajar.ll
D l,useM l)!N lelli astlPar
ot 6uo1 arpeqla)el],uplp]l
- ./.enn
6uo;ftane Irrer p;no:
I teql punose senn ll .lrebuluroru aq1pauerdalou 'u!qJoubrsouspmaraql
1;uqs'6uo;aql .altstq^ orltuo Molqol ure6ea:uo tnq10su{1rea
I ueIJ;etaueb sel aH.ea}slqburluup
l paddols aH'uotllalplq6rreq1ur6urc6uanase^ aq ')lrN aaso1papadxa ppq arueq).pareal)
/ 1 paptoupeqaqpue))tN;o u6rsoulltlssemaraul aql'Jte
pueMoulnoque{peauro16ur>;Jenn llrtslstru Durulour plolar.llolu!peoqstq
h uaaqpeqatpeql puelual stq depog] paddlzun ,I;1uepn;ag )lnls
'peaqp salla{J 1o aq
0Zueq}alou aaso1qbnoua }outnq 'llal aroJoqq)ol aql ]o oprsrarllo oq]
I ]rq e panordurlpeq{illlqlsll {ldarr{uesemolaq} ol
}l o]
lab 6uro6erenn Iaql 1 uo anoue 106o1pssu
) reaqol 6urure4s tlueuout al e paltem aH.allstqm p;nonn {eql 1nq '6eq 6urdaa;s stqJo q}urrem
l slq uo pue paddols^aq sa11out palpunqMa] palppnq ar{}ul
^^alq tebuo; pe{e1s a^eq o} pa)tla^pq plno^^
fuan3'abpuMole Jodol aqlspre4ol 'ule/ se^ aH
#o las,,;rrq1 1'qllemstqle paloolpuepeuanel{ atpeq)

oql ol Oulplocce
lsoq slll lultll no^ qcrq/v\
(o ro c 'g 'trr)rennsue
otrrduecp uo sl oqn 'atueLlcpoilecreoeueel oql osooqc,gg-[esuorgsenbror r"pl,l?
e lnoqero^oue uorr tcerxa ue pearol
ouro6ore no^

1 lade6
harlie decided to get up because
i he alwayswokeup very early.
it was too hot in the sleepingbag.
they had a long walk to complete.
he wanted Nick fo make the tea.

had surprised Charlie?

liick had ignored a safety procedure.
Nick had got up earlier than him.
Nick had left a map to locate him.
ick had taken his rucksack with him.

was Charlie worried about?

ng sure he had a whistle with him
ing what tools to put in his rucksack
the rescue servicesNick was missins
Nick as soon as possible

wasn't sureif
ibility had got any better.
sound of the whistle travelled far.
was looking in the right place. '
-d walked very far.

the phrase 6There it was!' in line 49 refer to?

:ound of Charlie's whistle
:ound of the wind
sound of Charlie's breatfiing
sound of Nick's whistle

Charlie looked over the edge of the cliff, he

tell that Nick had been hurt.
atiaid he might fall too.
unsureof where Nick was.
Nick might fall off rhe ledse.


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