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Method of Statement

1.0 Introduction

All materials used in potable water and Sewer pipe line will be properly coordinate
and approve prior to start installation.


2.0 Scope and Manner of Work

2.1 Scope of Work

Scope of Works “A”(for potable water line)

1. Excavation
2. Sand Bedding / Sand cushion
3. Pipe sleeve
4. Laying of Pipe
5. Sand Cover
6. Installation of Warning Tape
7. Back Filling
8. Testing
9. Interface

Scope of Works “B” (for sewer line)

1. Excavation
2. Sand Bedding / Sand cushion
3. Installation of Duct Bank
4. Laying of Pipe
5. Sand Cover
6. Installation of Warning Tape
7. Back Filling
8. Testing (non-pressure test)
9. Interface

2.2 Manner of Work

2.2.1 The contractor shall perform the work in a diligent, skillful, efficient and
workman like manner with reasonable promptness and dispatch, in accordance with
the company’s instructions and is work rules and regulations in regard to safety,
efficiency and good conduct of workman.

2.2.2 The contractor shall perform the work strictly in accordance with the
specifications and requirements set out in the Contract as well as the Company’s
Standard Specification for Building and Engineering Works (“Standard
Specification”), and the applicable standards generally acknowledge in the industry.

In the even that the Contractor finds any ambiguity, discrepancy or omission in the
specifications and/or requirements set out in the Contract or the Standard
Specification, the Contractor shall immediately notify the company of the same in
writing. The company shall interpret, clarify, adjust or make necessary determination
and shall promptly issue a written instructions directing in what manner the work shall
be carried out. Any adjustment made by the Contractor without the Company’s written
approval shall be at the Contractor’s risk and expense.

2.2.3 Whenever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in
accordance with which work shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of
such codes and standards current as of the effective date of the Contract shall apply
unless otherwise specified.

As to the details of Work which are not expressly described in the Contract, all the
applicable standards which are generally acknowledged in the industry as such shall
correspondingly be taken into account by the Contractor for the satisfactory execution
of work.

The Contractor shall also taken into account, in addition to what is expressly indicated
in the Contract, such matters as are generally considered essential, incidental or
supplemental to the satisfactory execution of Work as well as sound engineering

2.2.4 The Contractor shall comply with all laws in force in the country where any
portion of the Work is carried out, whether national, provincial, municipal or
otherwise, affecting the performance of the Contract and binding upon the Contractor.
Among others, in performing the work, the Contractor shall strictly abide by the
environmental regulations of the presidency of meteorology and Environment (PME)
of Saudi Arabia, the Kuwait Environment Protection Agency and other relevant rules
and regulations of both the countries.

3.0 References

Section 02221----------------------------TRENCHING, BACKFILLING,


Submittals --------------------------- METHOD INSTALLATION / SHOP




Excavation of trench should have a minimum depth of 1.07 m to 1.12 m from the top
grade of existing ground / asphalt. The bottom width has a minimum of 0.30 m
slightly widen upward to prevent soil erosion during excavation and installation.

Submit inspection request for approval prior to sand cushion.


Sand bedding will be place after excavation and it should be free from any stone or
gravel to ensure that the pipe is safe or no damage during and after installation. It has
a minimum thickness of 0.15 m from the bottom of pipe.

Submit inspection request for approval prior to lay pipe.


Cutting of existing open channel

Demolish part of channel by electric jack hammer with a minimum width of 0.60m.


Excavation of pipe sleeve should have a minimum of 0.30 m from the bottom of
existing channel. Proper support of channel during excavation incase of over cutting
to avoid collapsing of structure.


Installation of pipe sleeve is by full length as per actual requirement. It should be

enough diameters to make free when installing the pipe line.

Submit inspection request upon installation.


Laying of pipes should have a constant elevation or slope and it should be free from
any dirt before connecting to another pipes. The end should be properly inserted to the
connector and allowing to set before releasing force.

Submit inspection request prior to filling.


The minimum dry sand covering is 0.30m from the top of pipe, water and compaction
(30 %).

Submit inspection request prior to installation warning tape.


Before backfilling complete, the warning tape should be placed 0.30m or

approximately half of the depth of backfill and center along the direction of the buried
cable up to the end.

Submit inspection request prior to final and compaction.


The remaining depth of trench after setting the red tile concrete tile or red dye should
be covered enough to the same elevation before excavation done. Water and compact.

Submit inspection request prior to installation of warning tape.


Testing done by the third party

a.) Hydro test report
b.) Chlorine test report


Submit request for installation to Operation and Maintenance department and


5.0 Work Program

5.1 Work Schedule

5.1.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed Work Schedule covering all
phase and items of the Work necessary for its completion, which shall be in
sufficient detail to enable to monitor the progress of Work and shall accord with any
dates or periods specified in the Contract.

Such detailed Work Schedule shall include the detailed information on the
deployment of the Contractor’s Equipment and Personnel to be assigned for the
performance of the Work, the procurement schedule of all the Materials to be supplied
by the Contractor and all other requirements more specifically described. Company
shall approval the detailed Work Schedule submitted by the Contractor or return the
same for necessary revision in the manner specified.

5.2 Progress Report

5.2.1 The Contractor shall, immediately after the end of each month, prepare and
submit to the Company a monthly progress report.

Such progress report shall describe:

A) Activities which have been actually executed during the month and the
Contractor’s estimation of percentage completion achieved compared with the
planned percentage completion for each activity.
B) Whether each activity is ahead of or behind the Work Schedule, and, in the
latter case, giving comments and likely consequences and stating the
corrective action being taken.
C) Activities which shall commence according to the Work Schedule during the
next month and estimation of commencement dates for each activity.
D) Statistics about the Contractor’s Personnel and the Contractor’s Equipment on
site for each qualification and specification.
E) Procurement Schedule for all Materials giving details of progress for each
Materials item.
F) Any other items required in this Contract or by the Company from time to
5.2.2 The Contractor shall also prepare and submit to the Company a daily, weekly
and/or bi-weekly progress report(s) as required.

6 Drawing

6.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Company for its approval, with
such promptness as not to cause any delay in the progress of the Work and in
accordance work schedule, all the shop drawings and other engineering and technical
document necessary for the execution of the Work (“Drawings”) in duplicate, which
shall be in compliance with the specifications, requirements and other provisions of
the Contract.

6.2 The Contract shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in
the Drawings produced by the Contractor, whether such Drawings have been
approved by the Company or not. The Company’s approval for any Drawings shall
not release the Contractor from his obligations under this Contract.

The Contractor shall not depart from any approved Drawings without the Company’s
prior approval in Writing.

7 Procurement

7.1 Materials and Equipment to be supplied
Unless otherwise set out in “Scope of Work”, the Contractor shall provide and
supply, at his own cost and responsibility, all the materials and equipment to be
incorporated into the Work or otherwise necessary for the proper execution of the
Work (“Materials”).

It is specifically noted that the qualities and quantities of the Materials set out in
“Breakdown of Contract Price” are an estimation produced by the Company for the
Contractor’s reference purpose only, and the Contractor shall, at his cost and
responsibility, supply all the Materials of such qualities and quantities actually
required of the Contractor to supply for satisfactory completion of the whole Work,
whether set out in Exhibit C2 or not.

7.2 Quality Assurance

All the Materials shall be in accordance with the specifications and
requirements stipulated in the Contract, and shall be new and best of their respective
kinds unless otherwise specifically set out in the Contract.
The Contractor shall inspect and test all the Materials before such Materials
are transported to the site and shall submit the inspection certificates.

The Contractor shall submit to the Company for its approval free samples of
the consumables, supplies or finishes proposed for the work prior to actual use
in Work.
7.3 Unloading and Storage
The Contractor shall be responsible for receiving all the materials supplied by
him, and shall unload and store the same only at the place approved by the Company,
noting that the Contractor shall not unload or store any materials at the site without
the Company’s prior written permission.

The Contractor Shall, at his cost and responsibility, take all precautions against
deterioration, corrosion and mechanical damage of such materials during transport,
storage and erection at the site.

7.4 Materials Provided by the Company

The Company shall provide the materials or equipment explicitly indicated as
“Company Supply” “Scope of Work”, if any, which shall be delivered to the
Contractor at the place designated by the Company. The Contractor shall be
responsible for loading transportation, unloading and storage of such materials and
equipment, unless otherwise explicitly provide for elsewhere in this Contract or
instructed by the Company.

The Contractor shall, at the time of delivery, inspect and examine all such
materials and equipment, and should any defect be found in the materials or
equipment, he shall report immediately the same in writing to the Company for its
necessary action. Once the materials and equipment has been received by the
Contractor, he shall be solely responsible for the care such material equipment until
acceptance of the Work pursuant to the applicable provisions of the contracts and any
damage to, loss or deterioration of the materials or equipment caused during the
period in which the Contractor is responsible for the care of such materials and

equipment, the Contractor shall, at his cost and responsibility, rectify and make good
such damage, loss or deterioration.
(The “Materials” hereof shall include such materials and equipment provided by
the Company to the extent that the Contractor shall be responsible for the due care

Upon the acceptance of the Work pursuant to the applicable provisions of this
Contract, the Contractor shall return to the Company the material and equipment
remaining unused, at the place designated by the Company.

8 Site Work

8.1 Safety
8.1.1 In performing the Work at the site, Contractor shall observe all the Company’s
regulations and instructions regarding safety at the site.

8.1.2 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of site, and
shall provide all necessary protection to prevent damage to or loss of any Work in
progress and the Materials whether in storage or in use, those under the care, custody
or control of the Contractor, and other property at the site or adjacent places, and
injury to or death of any of the Contractor’s personnel and other persons at site or
adjacent places.

8.2 Site Conditions

The Contractor shall carefully study, examine and familiarize himself with the
conditions of the site of the Work and the circumstances prevailing around the site
including the condition of the ground, location of the pipe lines, cables and other the
Company’s existing facilities under ground and any other matters which could affect
the performance of the Work.

8.3 Clearance and Good Housekeeping of Site

8.3.1 During the progress of work until its completion, the Contractor shall keep the
site clean, neat and free from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall clear away and
remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish and debris of any kind and dispose of the
same as instructed by the Company.

The Contractor shall load, store and otherwise handle all the Materials and
Contractor’s Equipment, in a proper workmanlike manner and in accordance with the
Company’s instructions.

8.3.2 The Contractor shall, immediately after the Company’s acceptance of the
whole Work pursuant to the applicable provisions of Contract, clear away and remove
from the site any wreckage, rubbish and debris of any kind, and leave the site and the
Company’s existing facilities in a clean and safe condition.

The Contractor’s obligation for the above said clearance of site shall include
demolition of any temporary works, building or structures erected by him at the place
provided or approved by the Company, and if the Contractor fails to demolish such
works, buildings of structures within one (1) month after the Company’s acceptance
of the whole Work, then the Company may demolish the same at the Contractor’s cost

or may elect to take over the ownership thereof without any payment of the
8.4 Work at Night and on Holidays
Unless otherwise provided for in the Contract, none of the work shall be
carried out during the night and on the public or official religious holidays of the
country where the site is located, without a prior written consent of the Company.

8.5 Watching and Lighting

The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his cost, all lighting, fencing and
watching when necessary for the proper execution and protection of the Work, or for
the safety of any adjacent properties and the public.

8.6 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties

All operations necessary for the execution and completion of the Work shall,
so far as compliance with the requirements of the Contract permits, be carried on so as
not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with the convenience of traffic, or access
to, use and occupation of roads and footpaths or other properties whether in the
possession of the Company or of any other person.

The Contractor shall be responsible for traffic control at and around the site,
when necessary. The Contractor shall provide all necessary arrangements such as
drums, cones, signs, warning lights, or the like to avoid any accident or hazard to his
personnel and others and any loss of or damage to the Work, Materials, Contractor’s
Equipment or other properties.

8.7 Opportunities for Other Contactor

The Contractor shall, upon the Company’s written request, afford to other
contractors employed by the Company on or near the site all reasonable opportunities
for carrying out their work.

The Contractor shall cooperate with any other contractor or Company’s agents
working on or adjacent to the site and shall provide full access as required by other
contractors in order to the carry their works. The Contract price deemed to include the
coast of carrying out these activities. This shall also include the work of other
contractors whose work forms an integral part of the Work.

8.8 Damage to Company’s Utilities Lines

The Contractor shall carefully study the location of the Company’s utilities
lines and any other existing facilities, and perform the Work so as not to damage
them. In the event that any of such facilities are damaged by the Contractor, the same
shall be immediately repaired by the Contractor at his cost and responsibility.

All such and any repair work to company’s utilities and any other existing
facilities shall be subject to supervision and prior approval by Company. The repair
and actual cost shall be documented by both Company and Contractor.

In the event that the Contractor damaged the utility lines or existing facilities
listed below, the Contractor agrees to pay to the Company, in addition to the repair
costs, an amount specified below.

a) Power cable, control cable, An amount equal to one hundred percent
and Instrument cable (100%) of documented actual repair
b) Telephone Cable An amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of documented actual repair
c) Fresh Water Line An amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of documented actual repair
d) Sewer Line An amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of documented actual repair

8.9 Setting - Out

The Contractor shall be responsible for:
(a) The accurate setting-out of the Work in relation to original points, lines and
levels of reference given by the Company, either in writing or in the Contract
Documents. In case they are not available or are not accurate, the Contractor
shall, at his own cost, perform his own survey and calculation / rectification of
position, levels, dimensions and alignment of the Work to the satisfaction of
the Company.
(b) The correctness, subject as above mentioned, of the position, levels,
dimensions and alignment of all parts of the Work, and
(c) The provision of all necessary instruments, appliance and labor in connection
with the foregoing responsibilities.

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