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Group #: 16

Name 1: Ciara Faith S. Duran Ctrl #: 12

Name 2: Nicole Ann Mariz San Miguel Ctrl #:

Subject: Entrepreneurial Mind Date: October 21, 2019

Schedule: MTh 2:00-3:30 PM Professor: Sir Bernard Jamon

Product: Galunggong ala Meatballs


“You think its

meat but its fish.”


Our logo shows the presentation of our product. You'll see above the "galunggong" which

is the main ingredients of our product. Next you will see the meatballs above, our product is

obviously a meat balls not fish ball. Why? See our tagline above "You think it's a meat but it's a

fish". It says that the taste of our product is like a meat without realizing that its own ingredients

is a galunggong and had a variation of vegetables. Our product number one concern is the health
of our customers. You will see also the stick in our logo which means that we want to convey in

our customers that the "tusok tusok" thingy that they buy outside can be a substitute of our product

which is the "galunggong meatballs" And it is surely safe when eating our product. This logo

pertains of the description of our product that's why we've come up in that idea or logo.

About the Product

“Galunggong ala meatballs” have a variation of onion leaves, carrots and especially

galunggong. We decided to come up with this product because we’ve seen that many of us are

love to eat street foods like nuggets, “tokneneng” and fish ball. We all know that these foods

cannot give a good nutrient in our health and also eating street food is that it can make you sick

because some of the street food has bacteria without your knowledge especially if you not immune

to eating street food. So be careful if your body can resist the risk of eating street foods. Street

food is lack of quality that is why it is not safe 100 percent. We proposed this product to promote

the healthy eating habit. As of now we have to be very careful in choosing foods that we eat

because many foods are contaminated with chemicals and it can cause different diseases.

Additionally, our product is an innovation of meatballs because it tastes like really like it had a

variation of meat and not thinking that this food has an ingredient of a fish. So you can think that

it is not a fishball but a meatball so that’s why we called it “Galunggong ala Meatball”

We choose this product because it is very familiar with us, that round scads are one of the

most important and nutritious fish that we have. The round scads are abundant and affordable in

the market. There are some health benefits that can give to us. We proposed “Galunggong ala

meatballs” to give you some different menu in your daily recipes. It’s very nutritious and surely

the children will like it. And it is good to those people who budgeting their allowances because it

is not expensive. It is affordable for them to reach the price of this product. This product is not

ordinary; we all know that “galunggong” is fit for fried and “paksiw. A simple galunggong we make

something special and delicious that surely everyone will enjoy to eat.

The ingredients of “Galunggong ala Meatballs are the following:

1kilo galunggong fish,cooked and flaked 10ml soy sauce

1cup finely chopped carrots 250ml cooking oil

Onion Leaves 1 cup flour

½ cup finely chopped garlic

½ teaspoon black pepper

3 eggs, beaten

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