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UGC-SAP Two day National Seminar on

“Changing Paradigms of Corporate Governance in India”

14th- 15th February, 2020

About the Seminar

School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology
[CUSAT] is one of the oldest law schools in India imparting quality legal
education. The University Grants Commission granted the Special Assistance
Programme [SAP] on Corporate Governance and Securities Law to School of
Legal Studies, in recognition of its competence in undertaking research in
frontier areas of law. The two day National Seminar on “The Changing
Paradigms of Corporate Governance” is being organised as part of the UGC
Special Assistance Programme [SAP] on Corporate Governance and Securities
Law. The seminar aims to bring academia, researchers and law students
together to address the changing paradigms and recent developments in
corporate governance in India.
A great deal of debate is happening over the state of corporate
governance in India. Many checks and balances were established by the
government and regulatory authorities to enhance corporate governance
standards. Yet scandals continue to happen eroding the confidence of investors
in the capital market. A robust capital market with strong investor protection
mechanism is very crucial for developing and emerging economies like India.
The legal reforms introduced in the corporate sector aimed at improving four
aspects of corporate governance namely fairness, transparency, responsibility
and accountability. The seminar is intended to deliberate on the changing
paradigms of corporate governance in India and to discuss and examine the
structural changes required to be brought in to raise corporate governance
Call for Papers
Research papers are invited from the academicians, researcher
scholars, practitioners and law students on the broad themes given below.
Research paper should apply research skills and must highlight the specific
research problem. The work should be original, previously unpublished and
must not be in the stage of submission/consideration elsewhere.

Themes Identified:
• Corporate governance in India: Recent developments
• Changes in structure and composition of board of directors
• Distribution of power among corporate organs
• Corporate decision making processes
• External and Internal rules of governance
• Corporate Governance issues related to ownership patterns
• Role of Shareholders and their engagement in governance of companies
• Global Trends in corporate governance


Interested candidates can register by filling the registration form from the
following linkhttps://forms.gle/XmYNDXLrRT76UE966.The interested participants shall
send an abstract of 500-700 words on any topic identified for deliberation.

Guidelines for Submission

The abstract must be submitted electronically via email to
slslawseminar@gmail.com on or before 10th January 2020.The abstract shall
provide the scheme of the research paper. Abstract must be accompanied with
name, designation, official address, phone number and email Id of the author(s).

The full paper must be submitted via email in MS Word format (.docx).
The file name of full paper shall contain name of author along with title of
paper. The paper must follow a uniform format- Times New Roman, Font Size
12, 1.5 line spacing, word limit: 5000-7500. All references must be in the form
of footnotes. Uniform pattern of citation must be followed. Failure to comply
with the above stipulations will result in the rejection of the paper. Co-
authorship is allowed only up to two authors. Presentation of paper can be done
only by any one of the author(s) of the paper.

All abstracts and final papers submitted shall undergo an internal review
process and the acceptance of the abstract & full paper for the seminar will be
communicated through email.

Registration Fee

The registration fee for participation is Rs 500.The payment can be made

at the time of registration on the spot. The fee will cover tea and lunch on both
days of seminar. No TA/DA will be provided by the host institution.
Participants have to make their own arrangements for accommodation.

Last date for abstract submission 10th January 2020
Last date for confirmation of acceptance 15th January 2020
of paper
Last date for full paper submission 5th February 2020
Date of Seminar 14th - 15th February 2020

Dr. P.S. Seema
Coordinator UGC-SAP

Dr. Preetha S.
Deputy Coordinator, UGC-SAP
Ph: 9446208509

Mrs.Shruthi Manohar
Project Fellow, UGC/SAP.
Ph: 9995784769

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