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WhatsApp Business - Request Early Access

1. What is your business's name?

Tapobhumi Ganga Narmada Propoerties Pvt Ltd.
Brand Name: Julahaa Sarees

2. Please share your business's website.

3. Please mention the industry or sector your business operates in.


4. Which are the main geographies or countries that your business operates in?


5. Who are the users you plan to message on WhatsApp? (Existing customers,
website visitors, etc.)
Exisiting Customers & vendors

6. What is the estimated number of WhatsApp messages your business will be

sending per day?

©Gupshup Technology India Pvt. Ltd. 2016
7. What type of WhatsApp messages will your business be sending?
Add Long Description of use cases.

Expected Daily
Use Case Description
volumes (in
We would be sending Daily Sales/Purchase Order details,
Goods dispatch details, outstanding details, Bills copy,
Payment received notification 0.005

8. Please share your current messaging volumes across different channels and
the estimated WhatsApp volumes you are planning to migrate. This will be
useful for us to estimate scalability of our messaging service.

Use Case (describe): Transactional notifications

Daily (In millions) Current Vols. WA Vol Est.
Channel Notifications Notifications
SMS 1000 -
Others (Specify)
Totals 1000 -

9. Highest TPS: What is the maximum transaction/ per sec your business
experiences, and mention any time of day or seasonality?
Morning 9am to 6pm IST 1 whatsapp per 5 seconds

10. If your business has a Facebook page, please share the link.

©Gupshup Technology India Pvt. Ltd. 2016
11. Please share contact details (name, email, phone, designation) of the primary
contact in your organization.
Tanya Verma (Give your details)

©Gupshup Technology India Pvt. Ltd. 2016

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