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Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Score:________


 The theory of Spontaneous Generation, suggest that life continually arises from nonlife. On the other hand,
the Theory of Biogenesis suggests that life came from life.
 The Cosmic Panspermia or Cosmozoa Theory states that life originated from another planet. The Swedish
chemist, Svante Arrheus suggested that spore-like entities might have been propelled from planet to planet
by radiation forces.
 The Chemical Theory suggests that life evolved in the oceans during the period when the atmosphere was
containing organic molecules, but no free O2.
 The heterotrophs released carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which allowed the evolution of
photosynthetic autotrophs produced oxygen, which led to the evolution of different aerobic life forms.
 Ecological pyramids are diagrams that show the relationships between the trophic levels of an ecosystem.

 Reference: Conceptual Science and Beyond BIOLOGY by

Galban, M.C.O & Dela Paz, E.S


A. Sentence Completion: Complete the following sentences.

1. In 1668, an Italian physician, ____________________________ performed a series of experiments to
disprove the Spontaneous Generation Theory.
2. In 1860, Pasteur performed an experiment on ________________________.
3. The ________________________ states that life originated from another planet.
4. Svante Arrhenius suggested that spore-like entities might have been propelled from planet to
planet by ______________________________.
5. Miller studied the molecules, which were believed to be present on ______________________during
the primitive time, and put them into a closed system.

B. Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is true; otherwise change the
underlined word to make the sentence correct. Write the correct word/s on the blanks

_________________1. Miller’s experiment showed that organic compounds such as carbohydrates are
needed in protein formation.
_________________2. Anaximander was the first to suggest that life originated from nonlife.
_________________3. In 1860, Francesco Redi performed an experiment on meat that proved the
Theory of Biogenesis.
_________________4.The Heterotroph Theory states that over time, the organic material on formed
molecules which became more complex and started to perform metabolic processes.
_________________5. The anaerobic metabolic processes of the autotrophs released carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere.

C. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which refers to the study of the origin of life?
a. Ecology
b. Biology
c. Biogenesis
2. Which theory proposes that life came from another planet?
a. HeterotrophTheory
b. Cosmozoa Theory
c. Chemical Theory
3. Which theory suggests that life started when the molecules from the organic materials became
a. Heterotroph theory
b. Abiogenesis
c. Biogenesis
4. Which theory suggests that life came from nonliving things?
a. Theory of Spontaneous Generation
b. Biogenesis
c. Chemical Theory
5. Which theory suggests that life came from life?
a. Chemical Theory
b. Heterotroph Theory
c. Biogenesis

D. Application and Critical Thinking: Answer as required. Use the spaces available.

Which theory can still be proven in time and why?






Prepared by:

Virgo Clemente Lopez

Biology Teacher

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