Marketing Strategies For Group 3

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Marketing Strategies for Group 3 (Mini-Fair)

Using 4P’s of Marketing

Product Name: Hakuna Patata- our product offers different kinds of potato products

*These are the main marketing strategies that we have, but we can add more to improve our marketing plan

** These are in the works, which needs to be approved

1.) Product
a. Variety of Potato Products- this is what makes our business distinguishable with our food
competitors. Our products offer different varieties of potato products.
b. Combos- this is one of our main marketing strategies. Our business offers 4 types of sizes: small,
medium, large and combo. In the combo size, customers will get the chance to select 2 of the
potato products offered.
c. **Colorful packaging- one of the key features of our product is the use of environment friendly
packaging and ensuring that packaging of this product is well decorated in order to attract more
d. Unique branding- the name of the business is a unique take on a famous Disney movie entitled,
“The Lion King”. From its name, the students will be more attracted with the product and the
business itself
e. Variety of flavors- unlike the prospect of buying to the canteen with only cheese flavors, our
business will ensure that the customers will have the freedom of choice of selecting what flavor
would they like in their food.
f. **Pakulo sa Valentines- we can exploit and take advantage of an opportunity presented at us.
With Valentines Day looming, we can have a freedom wall where if a student has purchased a
combo, he/she can write in our wall or we can have a message bowl for students to write or we can
have Harana para kay ______, wherein we can accompany our customers to the person that they
want to serenade if they purchase a certain product
2.) Price
a. Flexible and Affordable Range of Prices- our business will make sure that the products that we
would sell fits into the pockets of the customers. We would make sure that the products are
affordable and can compete with the existing market
b. **Barkada Discount- we can incorporate this strategy. This means that when you have 3 or more
friends with you that would buy our product, you would have a certain percentage of discount
3.) Place
a. Ambient store- we would make sure that the customers would be well comfortable when they
order. We can provide a couple of chairs when they would wait for their order.
b. Customer service- we would provide a front desk for queries and other concerns
4.) Promotion
a. Word of Mouth- the most simple, easiest yet effective type of promoting our products to our
customers through customer loyalty
b. Social media Advertising- we can use our social media accounts in order to promote our business
and our product. In that way, our target customers, which are the students of HRC, are well aware
of our product and will pay a visit to our store during the SHS week.
c. Flyers and Tarpaulin- we can give flyers for the students to be aware of the products physically.
We would also have a tarpaulin for the store in order for the customers to see the our list of

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