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Law of Exponent Example Rule

Keep the base, add

Multiply Monomials x •x =x
a b a+b
x •x =x
4 5 9
the exponents

Multiply coefficients,
mx • nx = mnx
a b a+b
5x • 3x = 15x
4 5 9
keep the base, add
the exponents
Keep the base,
Power of powers (xa)b = xab (x7 )5 = x 35 multiply exponents

Coefficient to power,
a b b ab 4 3 3 12 12
(mx ) = m x (3x ) = 3 x = 27x keep base, multiply
Keep the base,
Dividing Monomials subtract exponents
= =

Keep the base,

1 (answer is where
larger exponent was)
Anything to the zero
Power of zero x0 = 1 (x≠0) 90 = 1 power is one.
Except 00 = undefined
Write the reciprocal
x −m =
Negative exponent 1 1 (multiplicative inverse
x −8 =
xm x8 of the base then
positive exponent.
Write the
1 multiplicative inverse
then positive
m 4 When the base is a
x xm 2 24
  = m   = 4
Fractions y fraction, numerator
y y y
to power and
denominator to
51 = 5 Any base to the
Power of One x1 = x y1 = y power of 1 is itself.

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