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Chapter I: Introduction

A. Background of the Study

Fruit shake is a popular product to the market for most people likes cold drinks. It is a

drinks made up of fruits, milk, water and ice. The fruit shake is a cold drinks that is

nutritious since fruits is the main ingredient. The researchers came with a product of fruit

and vegetable shake. Fruit and vegetable shake is a product that is made up of fruits and

vegetables, milk, ice and sugar that is blended together to create a shake product. Fruit

and vegetable shake is very nutritious product since its main ingredients are fruits and

vegetables. Fruit and vegetable shake is added with a twist of twist for the market to like

it more. Since nowadays people especially Filipino, tends to buy those product who are

trendy. For example is the Frappe that has brownies and chocolates on top is one of the

popular products in the market.

This feasibility study is created for the purpose of the researchers who wants to serve

their customers with a new innovative product that has a lot of health benefits. It will be

serve and enjoy by not only adults but also for young ones. The researchers add

something not just the fruits but also comes with vegetables. For the vegetables contains

a lot of nutrients to keep the body healthy and refreshed. The fruit and vegetable shake

comes with a twist of sweets for people to like it more. Nowadays people doesn’t like to

eat fruits and vegetables. This product aims to develop the likes of people for fruits and

vegetables. Through creating it as shake beverage that will match the hot weather in the

country, the researchers established a business that is good for health lifestyle. Promoting

a healthy and nutritious lifestyle by introducing Fruit and Vegetable Shake with a twist to

the market will improve the production and economy for fruits and vegetable in our
country. It will help Filipino Farming industries in the country as well as they encourage

more entrepreneur to take a risk in putting up a business that is health conscious.

B. Statement of the problem

This feasibility study seeks to answer questions to problems in commencing a

business in the market. These questions are:

1. What is its mission and vision that will meet the given objectives?

2. What is its organizational form and the legalities attached to it?

3. What are the demands over supply to determine its market share?

4. What are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats?

5. What will be its competitive advantage in the market?

6. How will the company operate?

7. Is it feasible for that business to exist in the present scenario of the target place?

8. What will it be for the next five years?

9. What factors will help to obtain a return on investment based on the given


10. What are the company’s advantages and given benefits socio-economically?
C. Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial for the following persons:

The business-oriented persons. This study may give ideas on generating shake

business in Pasay, Metro Manila as well-founded income business. The results of this

study can help to look upon Pasay City as a business-friendly location where to put up a


The fruit and vegetable farmers. This study may help the fruit and vegetable

farmers to become more aware of the possible use of their goods. It can identify the

products that can be produce in using different raw materials. They could maximize the

use of their crops in creating newly discovered products.

The government officials. This study may help them to become conscious on the

current rendition of the fruit and vegetable industry in the Philippines. This country is

known for having a good production of crops and they could focus on its better production.

The Filipino people. With this project, the aim of the proponents that was used is

to popularize the essence of innovation. The proponents will be able to handle or manage

a certain business. This study is open for those who also wants to generate their own

business and innovate other products.

The future researchers. This study can help the future researchers to have

additional information on the fruit and vegetable industry and its feasibility within Pasay

City, Metro Manila and other near areas. This can also boost their willingness on studying

distinctive industry concerning the country's economy.

D. Scope and Limitations

The study focused on the feasibility of putting up a fruit shake manufacturing

industry in Cavite City. The researchers gathered facts to describe the present scenario

of the fruit products industry in the Philippines. Moreover, readings from articles on the

internet and journals were used for additional information.

For the proposed project, this covered the five aspects of the feasibility study


1. Organizational aspect – deals with the type of business, form of business

organization, managerial set-up, hiring, utilization, and maintenance of employees.

2. Technical and operational aspects – includes the methods and means of

manufacture resulting from the type and amount of manpower, machinery and

equipment, raw materials and other supplies that will be used. It also include the

study of climate, soil requirements, and farming tools

3. Marketing aspect - includes the operation and the status of the product, the

promotion and advertisement, the pricing structure, estimated sales and the

channel of distribution.

4. Financial aspect – covers the estimate of the total project cost, initial capital

requirement, pre-operating cost, sources of financing and financial assessment.

5. Socio-economic aspect – includes the economic significance, its contribution to

government in the form of taxes from the workers, private and public business

E. Review of Related Literature

History of Shake

From the article of the website, the first shake was first prepared in the late

19th and early 20th centuries. In 1885 a beverage resembling eggnog was made with

eggs and whiskey and people enjoyed it as a refreshing drink and also as a medicine for

some ailments. Later, heavy drinks made with chocolate, vanilla or strawberry flavorings

became popular amongst the youth. These were made with ice cream as the base. The

early 10th century saw the invention of drinks mixed with electric blenders. Malt drinks

were one of the first drinks belonging to the category of shakes. Frosted shakes were

invented in the 1930s. Shakes of different kinds like cabinets, frappes, or velvets were

invented in the 1950s. The modern day milkshakes are being made from the human

health perspective. By just mixing all the ingredients in the blender like crushed ice, milk

or yogurt, chosen fruits and vegetables will create a smooth and creamy liquid drink. After

blending all the ingredients an additional toppings can also be added like Whipped cream

topping, with strawberry syrup or chocolate sauce is a much-loved topping for the


Nutrional Value/ Benefits

Bruso (2000-2009) stated that eating fruits can increase your intake of fiber,

vitamins, and minerals, including Vitamin C, Folate, and potassium. It can also provide

the intake of calcium. Combining different variations of fruits can put different colors to

the fruit shake and adding some yogurt and milk can truly add up flavor. The different
colors of fruits and vegetables is based on what phytochemicals they contain that can

improve all the vitamins and minerals that the body need. Increasing the fruit intake in the

body can decrease the possibility of having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart

disease and constipation, and consuming low-fat dairy products helps lower your risk for

osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.

Varieties of Shake


From the article website of Honey bells Cookery (2012), Milkshake is a sweet, cold

beverage which is made out of milk, ice cream, flavorings or sweeteners such as

butterscotch or chocolate sauce. Outside United States, the drink is sometimes called thick

milkshake and in New Zealand a frappe, because of its thickness from the milk and ice

cream since it’s the primary ingredient.


As studied by Polly N (2010), Smoothie is a thick beverage made from blended

raw fruit or vegetables with other ingredients such as water, ice, or sweeteners. This is

when the whole food is blended into a thick drink using all of the fruit. This is when the

whole food is blended into a thick drink using all of the fruit – except for the skin and seed

depending on what it is. The main ingredient of Smoothie is Fruits and can be also add

many combinations.
Fruit Shake

Metro (2015) mentioned that fruit shake is combine with milk and fruit and blend

with ice until smooth. It’s a combination of Milkshake and Smoothie which all the

ingredients are all balanced and equal.

History of Fruit shake business

According to Carmody (2011), for hundreds of years Mediterranean and Eastern

cultures have served pureed fruit drinks that resemble what we call smoothies. It wasn’t

until the invention of the blender and home refrigerators in the 1900’s that thousands of

Americans began experiencing the joy of blended juices the rest of the world and

adventurous travelers had known for some time. Americans were discovering the joy of

frozen food, fruit and fresh milk in their kitchen, Stephen Poplawski was inventing another

popular kitchen appliance – the blender, originally intended to be used as a mixer.

Poplawski’s blender was the first appliance to put a spinning blade at the bottom of a

container to do so, making it easier to make milkshakes and soda fountain style drinks at

home and in drugstores.

In 1935 Fred Osius improved on Poplawski’s idea and invented the now famous

Waring Blender. Prior to refrigeration in the home, the flavors of most smoothies were

limited to the fruit that was in season. This meant flavors like bananas, pineapple and

strawberries were the most popular and available flavors, and still are. Blueberries,

raspberries, cranberries, pomegranates and other more exotic fruit flavors came later,
when the fruit could be frozen and stored for use during the off-season. With the invention

and use of both blenders and refrigerators, the smoothie began to gain in popularity during

the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. However, what really boosted the smoothie’s popularity was the

growth of the macrobiotic and health food movement of the 60’s.

According to Dan Titus, the director of the Juice and Smoothie Association, health-

food stores began to sell fruit juices and fresh fruit drinks to meet the demand and interest

more and more people had in macrobiotic diets and their health.

A young and wildly popular bodybuilder named Arnold Schwarzenegger use to

drink a pitcher of beer after his intense workouts. Another well-known bodybuilder at the

time, and twice Schwarzenegger’s age by the way, was named Jack Lalanne. Lalanne

was one of the earliest juicing and nutrition advocates – and more importantly, one with

a television show where he touted the benefits of healthy eating and juicing and was the

first person in the US to sell nutritional supplements on television. Lalanne opened the

first health and fitness club that promoted healthy eating and juicing in 1936 – helping to

spread the word about nutrition, juicing and smoothies to body-builders and weight lifters

as well as the public who followed his popular television show about health, nutrition and

weight training.

Lalanne was the first person to open a combination health-food store and gym, the

first to come up with a weight loss breakfast meal replacement drink and to advocate

weight training and nutrition. Later in life he even put his name on his own juicer – the

Jack Lalanne Power Juicer.

Importance to the Market

. From the article to the website of UK Essays (2015), Beverages are the most

profitable items that people can afford. Selling beverages like healthy fruit juice, with

vitamin c and nectar juice is most profitable during the summer where frozen shakes and

smoothie can be refreshing relief from the heat of the sun. This may be a good reason

why it will be a good idea to put up a business selling fruit shake and smoothie if finding

a good and affordable starting up a business.

F. Scope and Limitations

This feasibility study centers its focus on the primary product offered by Mix n’

Twist which is the refreshing fruit and vegetable shake. The business decided to put

up a small shop in SM Mall of Asia and to distribute its product to a mall in City of

Makati, City of Pasay and to be placed in the supermarkets. The following are the

chosen malls of the company:

 Glorietta Makati

 Waltermart

 Local convenience stores

The target customers are individuals whose ages are 18 and above years of age

who are fond of drinking cold beverages.

This study also outlines the combination of several aspects of innovation into

one. It targets the increasing needs of people for adjustment, growth, and progress.
This study also covers management information in relation to the operation and

execution of the company’s goals; covers marketing analyses and strategies that the

proponents’ believed to be suitable in marketing the product; complete industrial

process of the product – from the attainment of raw material, actual production cycle,

and distribution of the finished products to the buyers; and the observation of financial

reflections that the company has produced. Furthermore, this study is not to be

interpreted as useful in any kind of business scheme or business study but only to

facilitate in creating an ideas and that ideas can be outlined in the different aspects

stated in the study.

G. Definition of Terms

Beverage - a drink, especially one other than water.

Butterscotch - a flavor created originally by combining melted butter with brown sugar.

Frappes - a drink served with ice or frozen to a slushy consistency.

Ice cream - a soft frozen food made with sweetened and flavored milk fat.

Malt - barley or other grain that has been steeped, germinated, and dried, used especially

for brewing or distilling and vinegar-making.

Milkshake - a cold drink made of milk, a sweet flavoring such as fruit or chocolate, and

typically ice cream, whisked until it is frothy.

Nectar - Nectars are a type of non-carbonated soft drink made by muddling the flesh of

Phytochemicals - any of various biologically active compounds found in plants.

Smoothie - a thick, smooth drink of fresh fruit pureed with milk, yogurt, or ice cream.

Velvets - a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon that has a thick short pile on one


Whiskey - Whisky or whiskey is a type of distilled alcoholic beverage made from

fermented grain mash. Various grains (which may be malted) are used for different

varieties, including barley, corn (maize), rye, and wheat.


The objective of the proposed project is to satisfy the customers by giving them

new treats that they can enjoy and experience. However, the profit is still there but the

customers will be satisfied with the products that they can get. There will be no

argumentation when it comes in profitability if the demand or market is ongoing. In the

first place, the customers will always be the key to have a successful business. One of

the things that should be remembered in establishing business is to give importance to

the consumers. Offering good products and affordable price to the customers will show

their value to the business.

I. Objectives

 To determine who are the possible target market of our business.

 To oversee the opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the location

where to put the business.

 To know who are the possible competitors in the marketplace.

 To know deeper about our potential customers and future market.

 To determine the overall sales of the business.


Mix n’ Twist is a usual fruit shake that comes with a twist. This fruit shake has an

added vegetable in the ingredients. The flavor of fruits will combine to the creaminess of

the milk that will be used in the mixture and the flavor from the vegetable will give a new

touch of taste. The combination of fruit and vegetable to the shake will integrate all the

nutrients that is essential to the body. Through this fruit and vegetable shake, we want

our customers to have a new experience and savor while drinking it. Since Philippines is

known for being rich in agriculture, the two main ingredients that was used to make this

shake came from the fresh harvested crops. This fruit and vegetable shake comes with

different flavors and variations that will definitely enjoyed by the customers. Most of the

Filipinos love to take sweets after having a meal or while doing something that is why we

think of a usual dessert that can be innovated into a more delightful product.


MOA is the abbreviated word for SM Mall of Asia, is a shopping mall in Bay City,

Pasay, Philippines. It is near the SM Central Business Park, the Manila Bay, and the

southern end of Epifanio de los Santos Avenue. This location is one of the most visited

places in Metro Manila that has a great number of population which became the cover of

our study. Mall of Asia was chosen as the location of our business simply because it also

has different establishments near it.


The demand is computed by getting the district of Pasay which is around the Mall

of Asia with 15 barangays. For the year 2010 the total population is 25,873 multiplied by

the market acceptability which is gained by the percentage of the respondents’ answers

“Yes” in the willingness to try our new product which is Fruit and Vegetable Shake with

some twist is 94%. Then it is multiplied to the frequency agreement which most of the

respondents answered once a week and it is equivalent to 48 times per year.

Table 1. List of District and Population

District Population Annual Growth

2010 2015

Pasay (15 barangays) 25,873 27,649 1.37%

Table 2. Past Demand Analysis

Year Population Market Target Frequency Annual

Acceptability Population Agreement Demand

2011 26,227 94% 24,654 48 1,183,392

2012 26,586 94% 24,991 48 1,199,568

2013 26,950 94% 25,333 48 1,215,984

2014 27,319 94% 25,680 48 1,232,640

2015 27,693 94% 26,032 48 1,249,536

2016 28,072 94% 26,388 48 1,266,624

Projected Demand

The annual projected demand is the product of market acceptablity, target

population and frequency of agreement. There is an annual growth of demand for the

year of 2011-2016 by 1.37% that helps to foresee the future demand.

Table 3. Projected Demand Analysis

Year Projected Market Target Frequency Annual

Population Acceptability Population Agreement Demand

2018 28,847 94% 27,116 48 1,301,568

2019 29,242 94% 27,487 48 1,319,376

2020 29,643 94% 27,864 48 1,337,472

2021 30,049 94% 28,246 48 1,355,808

2022 30,461 94% 28,633 48 1,374,384

Projected Pop. = Previous Yr. Pop. X .0137 + Previous Yr. Pop.

Projected Annual Demand = Target Population x Frequency Agreement

Target Population: Projected Populationn x Market Acceptability

*Target population is computed from the total of population of the previous year multiplied

by the annual growth 1.37% added to the population of the previous year.

The data below shows the different competitors of Mix n Twist in the nearby area,

the following data is gathered through observation and interviewing of the staffs. The

gathered data will tell the daily, monthly and yearly visitors.

Table 4. The Competitors

Competitor Supply in Units (2017) Selling Price

Per Unit
Daily Monthly Annual/


Homegrown 100 3,000 36,000 PHP 60.00

Fruit Magic 100 3,000 36,000 PHP 80.00

BukoniFruitas 70 2,100 25,200 PHP 50.00

Annual Supply 2017 97,200

Past Supply Analysis

Table 5. Past Supply Analysis

Competititor 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Homegrown 33,601 34,068 34,541 35,021 35,507

Fruit Magic 33,601 34,068 34,541 35,021 35,507

BukoniFruitas 23,520 23,847 24,178 24,514 24,855

TOTAL 90,722 91,983 93,260 94,556 95,869

Table 6. Competitor’s Total Supply

Competitor Supply

Daily Monthly Yearly

Homegrown PHP 6,000.00 PHP 180,000.00 PHP 2,160,000.00

Fruit Magic PHP 8,000.00 PHP 240,000.00 PHP 2,880,000.00

BukoniFruitas PHP 3,500.00 PHP 105,000.00 PHP 1,260,000.00

TOTAL SUPPLY PHP 17,500.00 PHP 525,000.00 PHP 6,300,000.00

Projected Supply Analysis

The projected supply was forecasted based from the percentage patterns in the

past supply analysis and the increase population growth of Pasay City which is 1.37%

Table 7. Projected Supply Analysis

Competitor 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Homegrown 36,493 36,993 37,500 38,014 38,535

Fruit Magic 36,493 36,993 37,500 38,014 38,535

BukoniFruitas 25,545 25,895 26,250 26,610 26,975

TOTAL PROJECTED 98,531 99,881 101,250 102,638 104,045


The Demand-Supply Situation

The Demand-Supply is significant to determine the market share of Mix n Twist.

The gap is acquired by subtracting the annual demand to annual supply and the

difference of it is the available market for Mix n Twist. From the available market, we will

target the 5% of the un-served market

Table 8. Past Demand-Supply Analysis

Year Annual Annual Gap Served Unserved

Demand Supply Market Market

2012 1,199,568 90,722 1,108,846 7.56% 92.44%

2013 1,215,984 91,983 1,124,001 7.56% 92.44%

2014 1,232,640 93,260 1,139,380 7.57% 92.43%

2015 1,249,536 94,556 1,154,980 7.57% 92.43%

2016 1,266,624 95,869 1,170,755 7.57% 92.43%

Table 9. Projected Demand-Supply Analysis

Year Demand Supply Gap Served Unserved Targeted

Market Market Market

2018 1,301,568 98,531 1,203,037 7.57% 92.43% 60,152

2019 1,319,376 99,881 1,219,495 7.57% 92.43% 60,975

2020 1,337,472 101,250 1,236,222 7.57% 92.43% 61,811

2021 1,355,808 102,638 1,253,170 7.57% 92.43% 62,659

2022 1,374,384 104,045 1,270,339 7.57% 92.43% 63,517

Market Share


2.80% 5%
Fruit Magic
Mix n Twist
Unserved Market

The chart shows the different market share of the competitors and Mix n Twist.

There is approximately 92%% of un-served market then Mix n Twist will get 5%.

Table 10. Production Analysis

YEAR Demand at 5% Required Selling Price Total Demand

MS Production
per day

2018 65,078 178 PHP 70.00 PHP 4,555,460

2019 65,969 181 PHP 70.00 PHP 4,617,830

2020 66,874 183 PHP 70.00 PHP 4,681,180

2021 67,790 186 PHP 70.00 PHP 4,745,300

2022 68,917 189 PHP 70.00 PHP 4,824,190

D. Pricing Strategies

Price of the Product:

The price set by Mix n’ Twist will base on the result of the survey taken. As to the

result taken the respondents choose (PRICE). The price will be the selling price or closely

to this variety. This will be affordable and refreshing for the customer in every variation of

shake they like.

To confirm that Mix n’ twist will make profit, the team calculated the projected sales and

costs so that the price would be fair and just for both customer and our team to earn and

make profit.

 Pricing Strategies

Setting the right price is a big part of the marketing of any product or service.

Setting a price too high or too low for your target market can lead to lower sales and loss

of profit. The exact strategy used depends on your company's marketing and profit

objectives. Cost-plus pricing is useful when the production costs of a product, or the costs

of providing a service, are not clear in advance.

 Bundle Pricing

In a bundle pricing, companies sell a package or set of goods or services for a

lower price than they would charge if the customer bought all of them

separately. Pursuing a bundle pricing strategy allows you to increase your profit by giving

customers a discount.
 Economy Pricing

A method of pricing in which a low price is assigned to a product with decreased

production costs. An example of economy pricing is generic food sold at grocery stores.

The generic items are priced lower due to the fact that they require very little marketing

and promotion expenses.

 Psychological Pricing

Psychological pricing uses the customer's emotional response to encourage sales.

By pricing products strategically, a company may increase sales without significantly

reducing prices.

E. Factors Affecting the Market

I. Demand

Demand in economics is how many goods and services are bought at various prices

during a certain period of time. Demand may be knowingly affected by the following:

a. Number of buyers and population growth - The more the number of consumers

the higher the demand. The higher the population, the higher chances of increase

in the number of people that is willing and able to buy the product.

b. Income Changes – as income of the buyers rises, the demand for normal goods

also increases. On the other hand, there are products for which demand rises as

income declines. We call them inferior goods. Fruits and vegetables are products

whose demand increases when income of buyers declines.

c. Tastes and Preferences – If one’s taste is in service of the product, the higher will

be the demand for it. Thus, meeting customers wants and needs in terms of tastes

and preferences will leads to higher demand for the product.

d. Price - the higher the price of the product, the lesser the amount demanded, or

alternatively specified, the lower the price, the higher the amount demanded all

other things held equal or continuous.

e. Promotion - the more actual the promotion is, the higher the demand for the

product. Promotion highly effect on what can customers notice towards the

product. Using different effective promotional or advertising techniques, the

product will most likely get known and be utilized.

f. Buyer’s expectation about future prices – If price is expected to increase,

people tend to alarm to buy, hence, demand increases.

g. Customer’s Expectation – The more the product or service exceeds or at least

meet customer`s expectation, the higher the demand for it.

h. Prices of Related Products – Consumers’ goods may have two kinds of

relationships: substitutes and complements. The two goods are substitutes in a

consumption basket, if either of them could meet the consumption need. For

example for many people tea and coffee are substitute goods and so are different

brands of cars, scoters, cigarettes, soaps, toothpastes, etc.

i. Location – The more available the business location is to the buyers that are

willing and able to purchase, the higher the demand for the product.

j. Weather Condition - Customers will less likely go to the market place than the

usual because of bad weather condition.

k. Trend – most of the customers wants to go with the trend. They are attracted to

what is in demand or new and they are attracted to what the majority is

condescending. Therefore, the more the product of the business is associated with

the trend, the higher the demand for the product.

l. Supply

- Increase in supply of the product fallouts to the decrease in the price

and therefore results to the increase in demand.

- Decrease in supply of the product fallouts to the increase in price and

therefore the demand decreases.

II. Supply

Supply shows the number of goods that the sellers are willing to sell at different

prices. The assured factors affecting the supply are the following:

a. Production Costs – There will be a decrease in supply if ever that a high

production will happen that can demoralize the sellers. b. Technology – a good

and intensified technology can make an increase in supply.

b. Technology – a good and intensified technology can make an increase in supply.

c. Firm’s expectations about future prices – there will be a decrease in supply if

the price of the raw materials that was used to create the product will increase.

d. Number of Suppliers – higher number of sellers will enlarge the supply in the

market that will discourage the seller due to rigorous competition.

e. Demand

- The increase in demand for the product can increase the price if there

will be no change in supply. There will be an advantage if the price

increases and will encourage the sellers to supply more.

- The decrease in demand for the product can decrease the price. Sellers

are discouraged to supply in the market due to lowering the price.

III. Price

Prices and rates change as supply and demand changes. If supply and demand

begins to decrease, prices will increases. If supply increases beyond the existing

demand, prices will decrease. If supply is stable, prices might also increase and

decrease as demand. Price may be significantly affected by the following:

a. Cost - The total cost associated with delivering goods or services to customers.

The marketing cost may include expenses associated with transferring title of

goods to a customer, storing goods in warehouses pending delivery, promoting the

goods or services being sold, or the distribution of the product to points of sale.

b. Competitor’s Price - Competitive pricing is setting the price of a product or service

based on what the competition is charging. This pricing method is used more often

by businesses selling similar products, since services can vary from business to

business, while the attributes of a product remain similar.

c. Government Intervention in Price - Governments have been called on by groups

of citizens to intervene to keep prices of certain items higher or lower than what

would result from the market finding its own equilibrium price.

 Price Control or Price Ceiling - is a government-

imposed price control, or limit, on how high a price is charged for a


 Price Support or Floor Price - A price floor is a government- or

group-imposed price control or limit on how low a price can be

charged for a product.

 Minimum Wage - A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that

employers can legally pay their workers. Consistently, it is the price

floor below which workers may not sell their labor.

F. Marketing, Planning and Strategy

General Business Condition

There is a never ending demand for food and beverages as we all know since its

part of people needs and specifically Filipinos are known for having a healthy lifestyle.

Our team then decided to establish this kind of business in Mall Of Asia because there’s

a lot of people go there to relax and have fun and that is our target market and will bring

profit to our business.


Food & Beverages industry is one of the biggest industry in the Philippines, a part

of this are the desserts, shakes, smoothies or the cold beverages that most of the Filipinos

patronize. Although nowadays Filipinos tend to be more into the healthy drinks such as

smoothies that our company advertise. So we come up with the idea of ‘vegetables and

fruits’ that will make our body fit.


Setting and determining the price for our product is not that easy. There are so

many factors to consider such as to sell it in a reasonable and affordable price and if it

will let us gain the profit to sustain our business and satisfy our goal with the business.

So ‘Mix n twist’ will make sure to it that we will gain profit by using some strategies which

are Cost-plus Pricing, Bundle Pricing, Economy Pricing and Psychological Pricing.


The location of ‘Mix n Twist’ is at SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City, 1300 Metro Manila.


The main purpose of Promotion is to raise awareness of business highlight the

benefits and values of the product to attract customers and to positively influence the

buying behavior of the customers. Mix n Twist will be using different kind of promoting

and advertising strategies or tools such as fliers, posters, social media and more.
Target Market

The target consumers of Mix n Twist is mainly all those people who love cold

beverages but also want to stay fit and healthy, and for all those people who would like

to taste our smoothies that can help their body to detox.

SWOT Analysis

• Place is very accessible and • Newly established

located a known mall • Lack of experience in
• Competitors dont have the handling a business
ingredients we serve.
• Affordable and worth it


• -Business oriented
• Supplier
• Having a creativity • New entrant
• Direct competitor
• Competitors other strategies

 The location of the business is accessible enough to meet our target market

 The business will easily catch the interest of the customers because of the taste

and the benefit drinking our product.

 The ingredients are easy to find

 We will make sure that the price of our product will be worth it and affordable for

the customers.


 Mix n’ Twist is a new business and have lack of brand recognition

 As a graduating students the lack of handling a business might cause us difficulties

when facing a challenge.


 Mix n’ Twist Company have people who are very creative.

 Mix n’ Twist may help those people who really loves cold beverages but hate to

gain weight.


 The products are new to the eyes of the customers, it won’t be notice at first

because of the old established competitors.

 Competitors may have other strategies to catch customer’s eyes.

Market Research Result

Simple Random Sampling

Basic sampling technique where from large number of population we get a sample

to represents the population. Each individual is chosen entirely by chance to have equal

chance of the population to be included in the sample. To calculate the sample the

researchers used Slovin’s formula:



n = sample size

N = total number if population

e = margin of error

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers use different statistical tools to process the collected data and achieve

a significant output.

To interpret the average result of the respondent’s profile, the researchers used
Frequency Percentage Distribution


In statistics the frequency (or absolute frequency) of an event is the number of times the

event occurred in an experiment or study.

Percent (%)

A percent is a ratio whose second term is 100. Percent means parts per hundred.

The word comes from the Latin phrase per centum, which means per hundred. In

mathematics, we use the symbol % for percent.

The formula is:

% = (f/n) x 100


% = Percentage

f = Frequency

n = Number of total sample

The researchers used the weighted mean to describe the average response of the

target market
The formula is:


x = n


x = Weighted Mean X = the data values

∑ = symbol for summation n = Total sample size

I. Profile of Respondents

Table 9: Age of Respondents

Age frequency Percentage

10-15 2 1%

16-20 22 11%

21-25 10 5%

26 and above 16 8%

Total 50 100%

Table 9 presents the frequency and percentage of ages of the respondents. It

revealed that the majority of the respondents with the percentage of 11% have ages

of 16 to 32 years old. And 8% of the respondents are between ages 26 and above

and 5% of the respondents are ages 21 to 25 years old and lastly 10 to 15 years old

that has 1%.

Table 10: Sex of Respondents

Sex frequency Percentage

Male 27 13.5%

Female 23 11.5%

Total 50 100%

Table 10 presents the frequency, percentage and rank distribution as to respondents’

sex. 13.5% highest weighted mean revealing the majority of the respondents as males,

and 11.5% of the respondents were female. The table presented clearly shows that

majority of the respondents are Male.

Table 11: Occupation of Respondents

Occupation frequency Percentage

Employed 19 9.5%

Unemployed 6 3%

Student 25 12.5%

Total 50 100 %
Table 11 presents the frequency, percentage as to respondents’ occupation. The highest

percentage is 12.5 % which goes to the students, second is 9.5% for the employed, and

for unemployed which is 3%.

Survey Results

The proponents presented the results of the survey through graphs to have a better

image of the answers of the respondents. In determining the sample size of the target

population, the Slovin’s formula was used.

Table 1: Gender


Male 24 50%
Female 26 50%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are male. There are 27 males out

of 50 respondents while the females are 23 out of 50 respondents.

Table 2: Age


Below 16 2 4%
16 – 20 22 44%
21 – 25 10 20%
Above 25 16 32%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are at the age of 16-20 years old

that is equivalent to 44% of the population sample.

Table 3: Working Status


Student 25 50%
Employed 19 38%
Unemployed 6 12%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are students. There are total of 25

out of 50 respondents which is 50% students. 19 out of 50 respondents are employed

which is 38%. And 6 out of 50 respondents which is 12% unemployed.

Table 4: Monthly Income


Below P10,000 5 10%
P10,001 – P20,000 14 28%
P20,001 – P30,000 11 22%
P30,001 – P40,000 8 16%
Above P40,000 12 24%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows the collected response of the respondents when it comes to their

monthly family income. The results shows that most of respondents (28%) has a monthly

family income of around P10,001 – P20,000 then followed by (24%) Above P40,000. The

third is (22%) P20,001 – 30,000 followed by (16%) P30,001 – 40,000 and for the last is

(10%) Below P10,000.

Table 5: Where Do You Live


Within Pasay 38 76%
Within Makati 9 18%
Within Metro Manila 3 8%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are from within Pasay which is 76%

followed by 18% from Within Makati. And lastly is from Within Metro Manila which is 8%.

Table 6: What Kind of Dessert Do You Usually Prefer? (Multiple answer by

50 respondents)


Shake 19 29.69%
Frappe 18 28.13%
MilkTea 21 34.43%
Lemonade 6 9.38%
TOTAL 64 101%

The table shows that most of the respondents are from within Pasay which is 76%

followed by 18% from Within Makati. And lastly is from Within Metro Manila which is 8%.
Table 7: How often do you but this product?


Everyday 8 16% 4 8% 7 14% 6 12%
Once a 20 40% 19 38% 20 40% 15 30%
Once a 17 34% 19 38% 14 28% 20 40%
Once a 5 10% 1 2% 1 2% 1 2%
TOTAL 50 100% 50 100% 50 100% 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (40%) often buys shake once a week

followed by (34%) once a month. Third is (16%) for everyday and lastly 10% for once a

year. Most respondents (38%) often buys Frappe both once a week and once a month

followed by (8%) every day. Lastly, (2%) for once a year. Most respondents (40%) often

buys MilkTea once a week followed by (28%) once a month. Third is (14%) for every day

followed by (2%) for once a year. Most respondents (40%) often buys Lemonade once a

month followed by (30%) once a week. Third is (12%) for every day followed by (2%) for

once a year.

Table 8: Characteristics you check when you buy the products:


Brand 4 8%
Taste 32 64%
Price 11 22%
Benefits 3 6%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (64%) prefer the taste for buying products

followed by (22%) for the Price, (8%) for the Brand and lastly (6%) for the Benefits.
Table 9: Are you willing to buy Fruit and Vegetable Shak?

Yes 36 72%
No 14 28%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (72%) are willing to buy fruit and vegetable

shake while (28%) are not willing to buy fruit and vegetable shake.

Table 10: Where do you want to buy Fruit and Vegetable Shake?


Mall 24 48%
School 19 38%
Streets 4 8%
Hospital 2 4%
Church 1 2%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (48%) prefer to buy fruit and vegetable

shake at the mall followed by (38%) at School, (8%) at Streets, (4%) at Hospitals and

lastly (2%) at Church.

Table 11: What Kind of Mix of Fruit and Vegetables do you prefer?


Carrot, Pineapple, 3 6%
Ginger, Garlic
Carrot, Watermelon, 18 36%
Broccoli, Pear, Apple 17 34%
Melons, Grapefruit, 22 44%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (44%) prefers Melon, Grapefruit,

Cucumber flavor followed by (36%) Carrot, Watermelon, Cucumber, (34%) Broccoli,

Pear, Apple and lastly (6%) Carrot, Pineapple, Ginger, Garlic.

Table 12: How often would you buy Fruit and Vegetables Shake?

Everyday 7 14%
Once a week 27 54%
Once a month 12 24%
Once a year 4 8%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (54%) would buy once a week followed by

(24%) once a month, (14%) every day and lastly (8%) once a year.
Table 13: How much do you prefer for the price of the Fruit and Vegetable Shake?


60php – 80php 43 86%
90php – 100php 4 8%
100php and above 3 6%
TOTAL 50 100%

The table shows that most respondents (86%) prefer the price of 60php to 80php

followed by (8%) 90php to 100php and lastly (6%) for 100php and above.
Sales and Services Plan

Our business Mix n’ Twist is located at SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City, 1300 Metro Manila

and focuses on supplying nearby shake stall so our mode of service is by delivering it to

the chosen stalls with the agreed price for them to sell it directly to their daily costumers.

Advertising and Sales Promotion

Brand Marketing Campaign

Being in food industry, it is given that there will always be a competition in the

marketplace. The operation of this business is expected to be in a wide and competitive

industry wherein the attention of the customers is difficult to have. It is the main reason of

Mix n' Twist as a brand to stand out from those other businesses.

Therefore, all the proponents that was used in the advertising and marketing

strategies were all unique and ingenious from the competitors in the market.

First, we give our brand a friendly and enjoyable personality that everyone will like.

We make sure that all the activities or contents in our advertising and marketing strategies

will give our customers feedback of the sense of care and delectation that our brand


Second, it is not about how great our company is and how our products were

advertised but it is about the core values we follow. We make sure that all those core

values are being followed as our company goes by in the market. Mix n' Twist wants to

communicate well to the customers to know what are the things about the business and

what it offers. We want the market to feel different and to experience something new
which they can enjoy and love. Mix n' Twist consider that the customers' need to have a

modern and classy type of business.

Mix n' Twist does not only give a good and presentable packaging and products

but it gives the customers a feeling that they cannot get from any enterprise. The offered

products gives satisfaction in a different way.

The core value of Mix n' Twist is that, through the local products that the

Philippines have, it can produce another product that can be crowd-pleasing and unique

to people and at the same time it can promote the culture of our country. Through doing

innovation our business can be exceptional from other.

These are the core that Mix n' Twist as well as what our brand has:

We value innovation;

We value creativity;

We honor people who indeed patronize local products.

Our core values would be the main focus of our brand marketing campaigns from

pre-launch to post-launch. Mix n' Twist as a brand will offer these core values with an

attitude and personality of being friendly and enjoyable.

Pre – Launch Marketing Strategies

Mix n’ Twist’s pre-launch period will start two (2) months before the grand opening

or launching. This is where the enthusiasm, the expectation, and the build-up about our

brand and our products are produced. The first 30 days, the team will be focusing on
preparing all the advertising and marketing materials and other funds needed for the pre-

launch marketing campaign. The last 30 days before the grand opening will be focused

on the actual rigorous advertising and marketing of the brand and the products to our

target market.

Mainly, our goal of Mix n’ Twist in its pre-launching strategies is all about spread

our product and getting as many people as possible to go to our grand opening or


To do this, the advocates will target the potential buyers of our products whether

as an individually or as a group. Once they are identified, we reach out to them via online

personally by giving or sharing them some of our marketing and advertising materials or


The following are the criteria for making Mix n’ Twist advertising and marketing contents

during the pre-launch period:

1. Friendly and Enjoyable – the content must include the attitude and the personality

of Mix n’ Twist as a brand.

2. Core Values – the content must communicate how Mix n’ Twist as a brand values

innovation and creativity; and how it admires people with passion who truly love

our country.

3. Word of Mouth – the content must encourage the people to buy the product and to

share it to everyone via facebook, twitter or Instagram by telling them about how

good and affordable it is.

4. Call to action – the content must invite the target market to visit and like our website

and facebook page about brand and our products.

5. The Grand Opening – the content must promote the upcoming grand opening or


The proponents are aiming to produce 1,000 potential buyers on our own marketing

and advertising efforts over the period of 30 days. However, through the well performance

of the pre-launch, we expect that there will be multiple marketing and advertising contents

we release that those 1,000 people share. As a result, those 1,000 could possibly balloon

to 2,000, then 3,000, then 5,000. Through the nature of spreading our advertising

materials or contents, we could have an extra 4,000 potential buyers to connect with.

From there, we would like to build their trust whether if it’s through online or

peronal. We would typically release additional information, and additional marketing and

advertising resources. Most importantly, we would continuously remind them about the

Grand Opening or Launching and we would offer them special grand opening offers and

promos to encourage them to get their reservation and to visit Puffins on its Launching


The proponents expect that more than 1,000 of those potential buyers would be

improved into actual attendance or customers in the grand opening.

To conclude, these marketing and advertising efforts serve some of important

purposes: First, the potential buyers would get to know the brand, and the products.
Second, those potential buyers are ultimately our “main resource” for our brand and our

products throughout the pre-launch and post-launch period.

The following are the marketing and advertising materials that will be prepared

during the first 30 days of the pre-launch period:

A. Facebook Promotions. MIX N TWIST will avail the facebook promotions

wherein the facebook page of Mix n Twist will be advertised in the news

feed. It is an advertisement promoting the page of the business.

B. TV Commercial. Mix n Twist will have a TV commercials in one of the TV

network in the Philippines. The mix n twist will have a slot for a commercial

which will show the product and its business location. This will help the

business become known all over the Philippines.

C. Flyers and posters. Mix n twist will give a flyers and will post a poster

regarding the business and its product it will help to the business become

known in the target location.

Grand Opening or Launching Strategy

Once the pre-launch period is over, it’s all about transforming those potential

buyers into customers. As mentioned in the pre-launch strategies, the supporters are

expecting more than 1,000 potential buyers to visit Mix n’ Twist on its grand opening. We

would have a very tight adaptation campaign in place to encourage our grand opening

participants to make their acquisition.

A. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Ribbon Cutting ceremony is known for starting

the business. Thus, Mix n Twist will have a program and a ribbon cutting

ceremony as to start the operation of the business. It will attract people with

music free samples of the product.

B. Photo booth. An epic facebook post-worthy photo booth will be placed

outside the store to welcome our more than 1,000 expected attendance in

Mix n’ Twist’s first whole day of job. Free taste products will also be standing

beside the photo booth for those who took photos and instantly post or

share them in their facebook accounts. A photo contest would also be

conducted wherein the participants would pose in the photo booth their best

shot that shows the core values of Mix n’ Twist. Second is the most simple

and ordinary shot. Third is the most passionate love for our country and our

culture shot. Each winner will be given significant amount of free products

and they will be featured in the facebook page to know that Mix n’ Twist is

no on business.

C. Flash mob near the Store. During the lauching of the business, mix n twist

will have flash mob dancers to attract customers to buy our product. With
this strategy, it will help the business to be known as a full of surprise to

bring to its customers. It will also be known since the flash mobs will

encourage customers to buy our product.

D. Free Taste and Other Giveaways. Besides the photo booth, there will be

free taste for every people outside the stall and giveaways to the winners of

the Photo booth Contest.

Post – Launching Strategies

Post launching period would last almost three months after the grand opening. It

would be from the second day of operation until the 90th day. The main focus of the post

launching strategies of Mix n Twist is all about the brand expansion and brand

strengthening. New sales promotion programs will also be implemented for new

customers and for the customers during the grand opening become regular customers

wherein they patronize Mix n Twist.

A. Make the grand opening continuously go viral. Pictures and hashtags from the

grand opening event would be shared through facebook page especially the highlights of

the photo booth contest. Winners of the photo booth contest will be shown through our

facebook page. Doing so would further confirm the feedback and experiences of

customers in buying our products. It would help the Mix n Twist become known and the

customers will encourage their friends and relatives to come and try patronizing Mix n


The following are the additional online tools to be used during the post-launching period:

A. Share positive feedback: Online reviews or feedbacks is a new emerging

concept in the world of marketing and advertising. It gives new customers

an information from the reviews, reactions and recommendation from other

customer who purchased Mix n Twist products. Mix n Twist will be inviting

different Filipino vlogger or food enthusiasts for their reviews regarding the

brand and products. The vlogs and reviews will be shared through Mix n’

Twist facebook page.

B. Video clips: Video clips will also be released in facebook. The videos will

contain the process of harvesting and delivering of the main ingredients

from farms to our store. The video will also contain on how fresh Mix n Twist

prepares the products. This will get customers attention.

C. Geo-targeted ads. It is an advertising strategy that is focused on the target

market in the nearby areas around business location. This strategy is using

both traditional and online method. Mix n Twist will use this strategy to reach

out and to gain continuous brand awareness in our target market. Its

primary goal is to fully establish the brand awareness to the business

location. Advertising materials such as flyers, posters and brochures would

be our main advertising medium to be distributed to the target market.

D. Social Media Fan Rewards. In relation with its brand awareness campaign

as well as developing customer retention. Mix n Twist will offer online

giveaways. As a rewards for their online support to our brand and to our

products, Mix n Twist will be offering "Mix n win raffle" wherein all of our

social media customers will have their chance to win an exciting prizes for

buying Mix n Twist Products and sharing it to social media.

G. Budget Summary

Pre-Launching PHP 38,000.00

Facebook Promotion PHP 3,000.00

TV Commercial PHP 30,000.00
Flyers and Posters PHP 5,000.00
Launching PHP 8,500.00

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony PHP 10,000.00

Photo Booth PHP 2,000.00

Flash mob PHP 5,000.00

Free Tastes and other

PHP 2,000.00
Post-Launching PHP 4,000.00

Continuous Viral Marketing PHP 1,000.00

Geo-targeted ads PHP 2,000.00

Online Reservation Tool PHP 0.00

Social Media Fan Rewards PHP 1, 000.00

PHP 2,000.00
Miscellaneous and Other Fees

Total Advertising and Promotional Expense: P 52,500.00


A. Technical Production Description

Mix n’ Twist is made of fresh fruits and vegetables shake beverages, our

product is not just a simply fruit and vegetables shake it has natural components that may

sustain your health and your lifestyle. It’s not just a shake but we also have a fruit pops

and some assorted fresh-cut fruit and vegetables snacks which was offered in a bowl.

The production of fruit and vegetable shake includes fresh fruit and vegetables and all-

time favorite treats with high value standards. In “Mix n’ Twist”, we ponder the value and

the innovation of our product to fully satisfy our customers.

B. Production/ Operation Process

1. Step by Step Procedure

 F1: Melon Cucumber Shake (2-4 servings)


 ½ Melon

 ¼ Cucumber

 2 cups Ice

 1 cup Evaporated Milk

 ½ cup Sugar

 Stick- O

 Marshmallow

 Sprinkles

 Chocolate Syrup

 Caramel Syrup

Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients needed

Step 2: Cut the melon and cucumber into small parts

Step 3: In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk

Step 4: Add the ½ cup of sugar

Step 5: Add the melon and cucumber

Step 6: Blend until smooth

Step 7: Add 2 cups of ice

Step 8: Blend until shake texture

Step 9: Serve and add toppings

 F2: Watermelon Carrot Shake (2-4 servings)


 ¼ Watermelon

 ½ Carrot

 2 cups Ice

 1 cup Evaporated Milk

 ½ cup Sugar


 Stick- O

 Marshmallow
 Sprinkles

 Chocolate Syrup

 Caramel Syrup

Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients needed

Step 2: Cut the watermelon and carrot into small parts

Step 3: In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk

Step 4: Add the ½ cup of sugar

Step 5: Add the watermelon and carrot

Step 6: Blend until smooth

Step 7: Add 2 cups of ice

Step 8: Blend until shake texture

Step 9: Serve and add toppings

 F3: Mango Squash Shake (2-4 servings)


 4 pcs mangoes

 ¼ Squash

 2 cups Ice
 1 cup Evaporated Milk

 ½ cup Sugar


 Stick- O

 Marshmallow

 Sprinkles

 Chocolate Syrup

 Caramel Syrup

Step 1: Prepare all the ingredients needed

Step 2: Cut the squash and mangoes into small parts

Step 3: Boil the squash until cooked

Step 4: In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk

Step 5: Add the ½ cup of sugar

Step 6: Add the mangoes and Squash

Step 7: Blend until smooth

Step 8: Add 2 cups of ice

Step 9: Blend until shake texture

Step 10: Serve and add toppings

2. Duration per Step per Serving

F1: Melon Cucumber Shake

STEPS Number of Duration


1. Prepare all the ingredients needed 2 3mins

2. Cut the melon and cucumber into small parts 1

3. In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk 1

4. Add the ½ cup of sugar 1

5. Add the melon and cucumber 1 All done in

6. Blend until smooth 1 10mins

7. Add 2 cups of ice 1

8. Blend until shake texture 1

9. Serve and add toppings 2

F2: Watermelon Carrot Shake

STEPS Number of Duration


1. Prepare all the ingredients needed 2 3mins

2. Cut the watermelon and carrot into small parts 1

3. In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk 1

4. Add the ½ cup of sugar 1

5. Add the watermelon and carrot 1 All done in

6. Blend until smooth 1 10mins

7. Add 2 cups of ice 1

8. Blend until shake texture 1

9. Serve and add toppings 2

F3: Mango Squash Shake

STEPS Number of Duration


1. Prepare all the ingredients needed 2 3mins

2. Cut the Squash and Mangoes into small parts 1

3. Boil the squash until cooked 1

4. In a blender, pour the 1 cup of evaporated milk 1

5. Add the ½ cup of sugar 1

All done in
6. Add the melon and cucumber 1

7. Blend until smooth 1

8. Add 2 cups of ice 1

9. Blend until shake texture 1

10. Serve and add toppings 2

3. Labor and Machine Requirement per Step

F1: Melon Cucumber Shake

Steps Laborer Machine/Tools

1. Cut the melon and cucumber into small Shake Maker Knife and
parts chopping board

2. Place the 1cup of evaporated milk, ½ Shake Maker Blender

cup of surgar, ½ melon, ¼ cucumber
and ice. Blend for 1minute or until

F2: Watermelon Carrot Shake

Steps Laborer Machine/Tools

1. Cut the melon and cucumber into small Shake Maker Knife and
parts chopping board

2. Place the 1cup of evaporated milk, ½ Shake Maker Blender

cup of surgar, ¼ watermelon, ½ carrot
and ice. Blend for 1minute or until

F1: Mango Squash Shake

Steps Laborer Machine/Tools

1. Cut the squash and mangoes into small Shake Maker Knife and
parts chopping board

2. Boil the squash until cooked Shake Maker Cooking Pots

3. Place the 1cup of evaporated milk, ½ Shake Maker Blender

cup of surgar, ½ melon, ¼ cucumber
and ice. Blend for 1minute or until

A. Production Schedule
Monthly Schedule
Rainy Season
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total

Worker1 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210

Worker 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210

Total 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420

Dry Season
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total

Worker1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 250

Worker 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 250

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 500

C. Labors Requirement
Position Required Number of People
Manager/ Cashier (1)
Staff: (2)
(Shake Maker)
(Store Personnel)



The fruit and veggies shake is now a trend to those who really love being fit and

healthy that's why we decided to put Mix n' twist located at seaside, MOA. We chose this

area because most of the people loves to go there and it is also an advantage for us

because of the number of people who always visit seaside. It is also because this place

has a lot of food corners and our business which is Mix n' twist can afford their budget

and it helps them healthier.


Mix n’ Twist promise to provide good quality products and service to the customer.

In order to do that the following equipment and machineries is necessary:



A kitchen and laboratory 1 ₱ 7,405.00 ₱ 7,405.00

appliance used to mix,

purée, or emulsify food

and other substances.


A kitchen utensil used 2 ₱ 497.00 ₱ 994.00

primarily to measure the

volume of liquid or bulk

solid cooking ingredients

such as flour and sugar

Liquid Measuring Cup
A dry measuring cup is 1 ₱ 396.00 ₱ 396.00

used for measuring solid

cooking ingredients like

flour, sugar, oats, etc.

Dry Measuring Cup

Spoons are used primarily 2 ₱249.00 ₱249.00

for eating liquid or semi- (set)

liquid foods, such as soup,

stew or ice cream, and

very small or powdery

Spoon solid items.

Wooden spoons are 1 ₱190.00 ₱190.00

generally preferred for

cooking because of their


Wooden Spoon
A cutting board is a 1 ₱279.00 ₱279.00

durable board on which to

place material for cutting.

The kitchen cutting

board is commonly used

in preparing food.
Chopping Board

A mixing bowl is a 4 ₱499.00 ₱499.00

deep bowl that is

(set of 4)
particularly well suited for

mixing ingredients

together in.


Plate may refer to a range 2 ₱360.00 ₱360.00

of objects, which have in

(set of 12)
common being thin and

flat and also food or other

products can be set on

Plate them

A knife is a tool with a 1 ₱349.00 ₱349.00

cutting edge or blade,

hand-held or otherwise,

with most having a handle.

The refrigerator replaced 1 ₱17,295.00 ₱17,295.00

the icebox, which had

been a common

household appliance for

almost a century and a



A waste container is a 1 ₱500.00 ₱500.00

container for temporarily

storing waste, and is

usually made out of metal

or plastic.

Trash Bin

A mechanical or electronic 1 ₱14,099.00 ₱14,099.00

device for registering and

calculating transactions at

a point of sale. It is usually

attached to a drawer for

storing cash and other

Cash Register

a pen that dispenses ink 4 ₱7.00 ₱28.00

over a metal ball at its


Ball pen

A record of important 1 ₱250.00 ₱250.00

events in the

management, operation,

and navigation of a ship.

Log book

This allows inkless printing 12 pieces ₱549.00 ₱549.00

for receipts from cash (12 sets)


Receipt Paper
Ink is a liquid or paste that 4 colors ₱270.00 ₱270.00

contains pigments or dyes

and is used to color a

surface to produce an

image, text, or design.


Raw materials and supplies comprise of production ingredients, office supplies

and other supplies that is used for sanitation, storing and manufacturing of products are

mainly beneficial to customers. The prices shown are the prices we have canvass. The

prices vary in terms of the volume of the specific ingredients.

Based from our production study and tests, the raw materials below are enough
to produce 100 pieces per day.




ingredients of 9000pcs P80.63 P725,670

ingredients of 1800pcs P44.75 P80,550

ingredients of 3pcs P154.06 P462.18

Carrot For
ingredients of 5400pcs P10.00 P54,000
ingredients of 7200pcs P52.50 P378,000


ingredients of 1080pcs P60.00 P64,800

Evaporated Milk

ingredients of P24.30 P262,440


ingredients of 1440kg P48.00 P69,120

ingredients of 5400kg P4.00 P21,600

Stick O

For Toppings
720pcs P50.50 P36,360


For Toppings
1800pcs P24.00 P43,200


For Toppings
1080pcs P26.00 P28,080

Chocolate Syrup

For Toppings
360pc P99.00 P35,640
Caramel Syrup

For Toppings
360pc P99.00 P35,640


For serving
720packs P18.00 P12,960


For Packaging
36000pcs P3.85 P138,600

These are the needed utilities of Mix n' Twist for its daily operation. The said
calculations of expenses of the utilities are not presented because the rent which cost
P40,000.00 for our store includes the electricity and water expense.

A. Electricity Electricity is one of the major necessities in every business. In Mix n'
Twist it is needed to preserve the freshness of the fruits and ingredients that is stored in
the refrigerator and laso for the use of the blender.

B. Water Water is the primary utility that is needed for the business. The mineral
water was supplied by the water refilling station nearby.


Mix n' Twist is going to implement waste management program. We are going to
promote cleanliness program in the whole store to have a sanitized and well maintained
business. We will also train our employees to have a proper disposal of all the waste that
will came in the store. Mix n' Twist give importance to proper waste management for the
sake of the customer's safety for the food that will be served to them. This can increase
our credibility as a clean and organize business and at the same time it will gain the trust
and respect of customers. Our business is located at by the bay wherein a lot of trash
cans are in the area so that the customers can dispose their waste properly.











Table 1

Direct Materials for 100 units

Daily Expenses Monthly Expenses Annual Expenses

Melon P2,015.75 P60,472.50 P725,670.00

Cucumber P223.75 P6,712.50 P80,550.00

Watermelon P462.18 P13,865.40 P166,384.80

Carrot P150.00 P4,500.00 P54,000.00

Mango P1,050.00 P31,500.00 P378,000.00

Squash P180.00 P5,400.00 P64,800.00

Evaporated Milk P729.00 P21,870.00 P262,440.00

Sugar P192.00 P5,760.00 P69,120.00

Ice P60.00 P1,800.00 P21,600.00

Stick O P101.00 P3,030.00 P36,360.00

Marshmallow P120.00 P3,600.00 P43,200.00

Sprinkles P78.00 P2,340.00 P28,080.00

Chocolate Syrup P99.00 P2,970.00 P35,640.00

Caramel Syrup P99.00 P2,970.00 P35,640.00

Straw P36.00 P1,080.00 P12,960.00

Cups P385.00 P11,550.00 P138,600.00

TOTAL Php5,980.68 Php179,420.40 Php2,153,044.80

Based from this figures, the total direct materials for 36,000units (the demand for 2018)

is equivalent to P2,153,044.80.


Direct Materials P179,420.40 P2,153,044.80

Direct Labor P31,500.00 P378,000.00

Manufacturing Overhead

Rent & Utilities Expense P40,000.00 P480,000.00

Machineries and Equipment P4,648.25 P55,779.00

Gas Tank Refill P600.00 P7,200.00

TOTAL Php45,248.25 Php542,979.00

Total Production Cost Php224,668.65 Php2,696,023.80

Note: Number of Products produced: UNITS

The amount of expenses for

Daily 100 Machineries & Equipment is based on their

Monthly 3,000 respective Depreciation Expense allocated

for Manufacturing Overhead (Production

Yearly 12,000
Unit Cost Php70.00
The amount of Rent Expense and

Utilities Expense is based on their

respective expenses allocated for

Manufacturing Overhead (Production Cost)

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