DNO NMR A.equations Bloch Equations and NMR Detection

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Lecture 5:

Bloch equation and detection of

magnetic resonance

Lecture aims to explain:

1. Bloch equations, transverse spin relaxation time T2 and T2*

2. Detection of Magnetic Resonance: Free Induction Decay

Bloch equations
Bloch equation in a vector form

Bloch equation describes the evolution of sample magnetisation in

magnetic field (with a large static z-component) taking into account
spin relaxation:
dM 1 1
= γM × H + (M 0 − M z )k − M ⊥
dt T1 T2

(i) decay of the transverse and In thermal equilibrium

longitudinal spin components is magnetisation will tend to
assumed to be exponential align along H0. χ0 is the static
magnetic susceptibility
(ii) Decay of the z and x,y
components is described by
M 0 = χ0 H 0
different time constants T1 and T2

Note, in contrast to longitudinal decay, transverse decay

conserves energy in the static field
Bloch equations (explicit expressions for all

dM x Mx
= γ( M × H )x −
dt T2
dM y My
= γ( M × H )y −
dt T2
dM z M 0 − M z
= + γ( M × H )z
dt T1

T2 – the transverse spin relaxation time

Static field solutions for Bloch equations

Solutions for Bloch equations in case H=H0k are given by:

M x (t) = e − t/T2 [M x (0) cos ω0t + M y (0) sin ω0 t]

− t/T2
M y (t) = e [M y (0) cos ω0 t − M x (0) sin ω0 t]
M z (t) = M z (0)e −t/T1 + M 0 (1 - e -t/T1 )

The equilibrium or steady-state solutions are found from t→∞

M x( ∞ ) = M y( ∞ ) = 0
M z( ∞ ) = M0
Evolution of magnetization according to Bloch
Rough estimation of T2 in solids
See also examples 3.1 and 3.2
Each nucleus experiences a “local” magnetic field from its
neighbours given by (in SI units):
μ0 μ μ0 γ
H loc = 3 = 3 ≈ 518 μT
r r
if we use data for GaAs crystal:
γ for 69Ga 6.438855×107 rad s-1 T-1
V ⋅s N
µ0=1.256×10-6 V·s/(A·m) Tesla = 2 =
m A⋅ m
r=0.25 nm

Random precession of different nuclei in 1

this magnetic field will lead to transverse T2 = ≈ 30 μs
spin relaxation with time T2 of the order γH loc
How does transverse relaxation (or dephasing) work
Sine functions

Transverse spin
Magnetisation (arb. units)

components of different
0 nuclei precess with
different periods
according to sin(ωt) law

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Time (s) -7
x 10
Sine functions

Magnetisation (arb. units)

The resultant 5

magnetisation (the sum of 0

all sine functions) quickly
decays as described by -5

Bloch equations using the -10

relaxation constant T2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) -7
x 10
T2 versusT2*
There is an additional dephasing of the magnetization introduced by
external field inhomogeneities, and also by inhomogeneities of the
spin ensemble (for example due to the chemical or Knight shifts). This
reduction in an initial decay of M⊥ can be characterised by a separate
decay time T2’.

Thus the total decay rate will be defined:

1 1 1
= +
T2 T2 T2'
Note, that the decay due to field or ensemble inhomogeneities is
reversable (phase relationship between spins is recovarable) in
“spin-echo” experiments. Decay due to T2 is not reversible.
Typical magnitudes of transverse spin relaxation

Material/Tissue T1 (ms) T2 (ms)

Gray matter 950 100

White matter 600 80

Muscle 900 50

Cerebrospinal fluid 4500 2200

Fat 250 60

Blood 1200 100-200

GaAs crystal ~1000 ~0.1

Self-assembled semiconductor >106 ~1

quantum dot
Detection of Magnetic
Resonance: Free Induction
Faraday’s law of induction

The induced electromotive force (EMF)

in any closed circuit is equal to the time
rate of change of the magnetic flux
through the circuit

EMF = −
The magnetic flux through the
circuit is defined as:

Φ = ∫ B ⋅ dS
coil area
Free induction decay

Example 5.1
Describe the evolution of nuclear spins after a π/2-pulse.

Motion of spins will be independent of the oscillating field H1 and

will only be defined by the static external field H0

The angle of rotation in the plane normal to

H0 is given by:
θ = γH 0 t
“Free” refers to free of the oscillating field H1

In a standard MRI experiment, the field associated with a

precessing magnetization sweeps past fixed receiving coils
Detection of free induction decay
Once the magnetisation has a transverse component an electromotive
force (emf) will be created in a coil, a consequence of Faraday’s law.
The time-dependent form of this current carries the information that is
eventually transformed into an image of the sample.

Advantage of FID, voltage needed to create H1 is only applied for a

short time. Note, FID signal decays with time

dM x Mx
SUMMARY = γ( M × H )x −
dt T2
Bloch equations describe the
evolution of sample magnetisation in dM y My
magnetic field. Two spin relaxation
= γ( M × H )y −
dt T2
times are explicitly introduced for
longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) dM z M 0 − M z
spin relaxation = + γ( M × H )z
dt T1
There is an additional dephasing of the magnetization introduced by external
field inhomogeneities, and also by inhomogeneities of the spin ensemble (for
example due to the chemical or Knight shifts).
1 1 1
Thus the total decay rate will be defined:
= +
T2 T2 T2'
Free induction decay provides the simplest way for MR detection
using a coil where the varying magnetic flux will produce emf

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