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The Dab Theorem

Ronnie Attema
Department of Memetics, Quality Quantum Queefs

Abstract: In this paper the Fundamental theorem of Engineering will be

proved. After this it will be shown that π is rational within the Ababou-Yeet
framework. From this the Dab Theorem and Dab Conjecture will be
formulated. It will also be shown that the results obtained Ababou-Yeet
framework are consistent.

1. Introduction

Recently a lot of advances have been made within the Ababou-Yeet framework. Both in pure
mathematics.[3][6] But physical results derived from these mathematical constructions have also been
confirmed by experiments.[9] In this paper we will go back to the mathematical roots of the Ababou-Yeet
framework as in appendix B of [9] certain questions regarding the Fundamental Theorem and π have
been put forward these will solved in this paper. From this the Dab Theorem and Dabbing Conjecture
can both be constructed. Finally it will be shown that the results in this paper are consistent with
previously obtained results.

2. Results

Theorem 2.1 (The Fundamental Theorem of Engineering). Let g be the gravitational acceleration. then

π2 = g

Proof. We will proof the Fundamental Theorem using proof by contradiction

Suppose that theorem 2.1 is not true, that would mean that

π 2 6= g

If this would be the case, that would mean that pi2 and g are not connected on the most fundamental
level of mathematics. But if this is the case, the earth cannot be a flat disk in R2 . This is because on a
2D disk only π 2 can exist, this is a fundamental fact as earlier shown[4]. But because it obviously true
that the earth is a flat 2D disk.[1][2] it then follows that only pi2 exist with respect to the earth and thus
π 2 6= g is false, or in mathematical therms ¬(π 2 6= g). From this it can easily be deduced that follows
π 2 = g and hence theorem 2.1 is proved
As a direct consequence of this theorem corollary 2.2 follows
Corollary 2.2.

The proof for corollary 2.2 is left as an exercise for the reader.

Theorem 2.3 (π is rational). Let π be the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Then π is
Proof. To proof this we first consider the theorem 2.1

π2 = g

and corollary 2.2

Now we consider the following:
(π + e)2
As π + e = 5 we can use the Yeet theorem[3]:

5n = n5

And it then follows that:

(π + e)2 = 2(π + e)
As (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 it then follows that:

π 2 + e2 = 2π + 2e

We can now use the result π 2 = g from theorem 2.1 to show that follows:

g + e2 = 2π + 2e

We will now proceed to make two substitutions, g = 12 and e = 2 (see [9][10]) It is then easy to see that:

12 + 4 = 2π + 4

And thus that

As 6 ∈ N and N ∈ R it follows thus that
And hence theorem 2.3 is proved
Definition 2.4. dab. The dab operator is defined as ab
Definition 2.5. dabs. ∀(n ∈ N ∧ n ≥ 2) ↔ (n · dabs = ab )

One might ask why we chose for the names ’dab’ and ’dabs’, but if you let the ’d’ stand for division is
should immediately be logical that the names ’dab’ and ’dabs’ have been chosen.
Theorem 2.6 (Dab Theorem). Let n ∈ R, n 6= 5 and k ∈ R then nk = n

Proof. We will proceed by induction. The pattern will be clear very quickly.
1 1
1. Basis 1: n = 1. Then 1k = 1(k+ 2 ab− 2 ab) . Which is equivalent to 1ˆ(k + 21 ab − 12 ab). As ˆ is an arrow
(k+ 12 ab− 21 ab)
operator, we may yeet the (k + 12 ab − 12 ab) over the 1 to obtain 1 , which because it is dabbed
(k+ 12 ab− 12 ab) k k
on by gravity[11] is equal to 1 . From which follows 1. Thus indeed 1k = 1
(k+ 21 ab− 12 ab)
2. Basis 2: n = 2. Then 2k = 2 . Which is equivalent to 2ˆ(k + 21 ab − 12 ab). As ˆ is an arrow
(k+ 12 ab− 12 ab)
operator, we may yeet the (k + 21 ab − 12 ab) over the 2 to obtain 2 , from dabbing[11] is equal
(k+ 21 ab− 12 ab) k k k
to 2 . Here then obviously follows 2. Thus indeed 2 = 2

The general pattern should be clear after these two steps. The rest of the steps will be left as an exercise
to the reader except for n = 5. For this it will be demonstrated why it does not follow the general
pattern abut instead gives us the Yeet Theorem.[3]
For n = 5 we will once again yeet in the same way as for n 6= 5, but it is easy to see the difference now:
(k+ 12 ab− 21 ab)

It can be seen that 5 is shaped like a spring, so instead of being dabbed by gravity, it will rather bounce
the k + 12 ab − 12 ab over itself, which then results in the Yeet Theorem.[3]
So with this we have indeed shown that nk = nk for n ∈ R ∧ n 6= 5 and k ∈ R
From the results a general pattern can be observed in the form of the Dabbing Conjecture, which as
the time of writing has not been proven yet.[5]
Conjecture 2.7 (The Dabbing Conjecture). For n ∈ R and k ∈ R, dab(nk ) is a rational number

3. Derivation of the value of g

To show that the mathematics in this paper is consistent a short derivation of the value of g using
only fundamental mathematics will be given. With this we can then take the value of g as theorem.
Theorem 3.1 (Real g theorem). Let g be the gravitational acceleration. Then g = 12
Proof. As we know from theorem 2.1:
π2 = g
From 2.3 we know that π = 6 = 5 + 1. From this then follows that:

(5 + 1)2 = g

As (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 it then follows that:

52 + 12 = g

For 52 we will use the Yeet Theorem[3]. This gives us:

2 · 5 + 12 = g

And for 12 we can use theorem 2.6, the Dab Theorem. From this then follows:
g =2·5+
If we solve this we get:
g = 12
And hence the theorem is proved

4. Further research

The dabbing conjecture is currently a very active area of research.[5] With the newly obtained maths
advances can hopefully be made in this field. As previously mentioned the connections between ab en
Yeetology is also still an very active point of research.[3]. With the new mathematics of the dab-operator
and the Dab theorem it might be possible to find the lower bound for ε and hence create a better
understanding of these connections. These results can also be used for constructing a unified theory of
general relativity and quantum mechanics using the Big Donger Theorem.[3][7][8][9] It is recommended
that theorists start from ’the fundamental fact that numbers have an end’[7] and with the help of the
so far laid out results within the the Ababou-Yeet framework try to derive the equations that can unify
quantum mechanics and general relativity.

[1] Ked Taczynski. Industrial Society and its experimental methods. Jan. 1983
[2] Rebmo Banu. M athematical P roof T hat T he Earth Is F lat. Dec. 2015
[3] Yellowcord Soc. T he Y eet T heorem Sep. 2019
[4] Slena Naats. T he Dimensionality Of Space And π Oct. 2019
[5] Z Nahi. P atterns In Dabbing Jun. 2019
[6] Yellowcord Soc. T he Ababou Isomorphism T heorem Jul. 2018
[7] Mohamed Ababou Do you know that the digits have an end? May. 2018
[8] The Big Donger Theorem and new physical derivations with it currently mainly exist out of unpublished notes by
various professors. But a small teaser has been given here:
These results will soon be published to the public
[9] Ronnie Attema Determining T he V alue Of g U sing Atmospheric Density Dec.
[10] This has been known as a fact since 1000BCE[1]
[11] This should be obvious. As above the 1 is a total mass of 1ab, because of gravity the 1 then gets dabbed on and thus
gets placed under the . The same goes for all other values of n except 5.

Appendix A.

Some people might object against these proofs that the equation π + e = 5 implies that π = 3. We
shall demonstrate here that this is not the case. Let us first consider the equation:


We then divide both sides by π + e, from which the following equation follows:
Using 5 = 3 + 2 we obtain:
We can then split the fraction to give us the following:
3 2
+ =1
π+e π+e
From theorem 2.6, the Dab theorem then follows:

(π + e)3 + (π + e)2 = 1

We then proceed to divide both sides by 24

(π + e)3 + (π + e)2 1
24 24
Then using theorem 2.6 for the right side gives us the following:

(π + e)3 + (π + e)2
= 241
Multiplying both sides by 24 again gives:

(π + e)3 + (π + e)2 = 576

If we then substitute the fact that e = 2 it follows from this equation that:


And thus that all our results are consistent with each other.

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