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ethics of JUSTICE vs

the ethics of CARE in


A b strac t
The question to be addressed in this paper is : How can the ethics of
A n natjie Botes
justice and the ethics of care be used complementary to each other in
Professor: Department of Nursing ethical decision making within the health care team? Various argu­
Rand Afrikaans University ments are presented that justify the reasons that the ethics of justice
and the ethics of care should be used complementary to each other
for effective ethical decision making within the health care team. The
objective is to explore and describe the compatibility of the ethics of
justice and the ethics of care from two perspectives: firstly an analysis
of the characteristics of the two ethical theories, and secondly the
scientific-philosophical viewpoints of these theories. The two theories
are incompatible when viewed from these perspectives. For a prob­
able solution to this incompatibility arguments are presented from the
perspectives of reflection and virtue-based ethics.
W ith o u t ra tio n a lity th e
m l i e s of c a re has no
r ig h t of e x is te n c e
Die vraag wat in hierdie referaat aangespreek word is: Hoe kan die
w ith in a s c ie n tific etiek van geregtigheid en die etiek van omgee komplementêr tot
discipline sud^tas mekaar gebruik word in etiese besluitneming in die gesondheidspan.
h e a lth c a rfjf Verskeie argum ente word aangebied waarom die etiek van
geregtigheid en die etiek van omgee komplementêr tot mekaar gebruik
behoort te word vir effektiewe etiese besluitnem ing in die
gesondheidspan. Die doelstelling is om die versoenbaarheid van die
etiek van geregtigheid en die etiek van omgee vanuit twee
perspektiewe te verken en te beskryf: eerstens, ‘n analise van die
kenmerke en tweedens die wetenskapsfilosofiese vertrekpunte van
die twee etiese teorieë. Hiervolgens is die twee etiese teorieë
onversoenbaar. As moontlike oplossing vir die onversoenbaarheid
Philosophical word argumente vanuit deugde-etiek en refleksie aangebied.

Curationis March 1998 19

INTRODUCTION ure and respiratory failure as a result of Mrs Du Toit’s care for a considerable time,
sepsis was made. decided to talk to the family about the
As background to this paper which deals possibility of withdrawal. Elsa was of the
Adrenaline infusions were also adminis­
with the complementary use of the eth­ opinion that Mrs Du Toit only had a 5%
tered from 4 October. Dobutamine was
ics of justice and the ethics of care in ethi­ chance on recovery because she had
resumed for a couple of hours on 8 and
cal decision making within the health multi-organ failure and did not respond
team, the following case study from re­ 9 October but from 10 October it was
to treatment.
administered uninterruptedly.
search (Burger, 1996) is described, the
Mrs Du Toit was getting thinner by the
object of which was to identify factors in Mr Du Toit was at his wife’s bedside each
day. Elsa said that she could not stand
decision making on life-supporting treat­ day. He spent the nights with his daugh­
seeing the fam ily suffer like that any
ment. ter, Beth, who took him to the hospital
longer. Elsa expressed concern about the
every day. On 5 October, the possibility
Mrs C Du Toit is a 55 year-old married enormous medical costs for which the
of withdrawing the treatm ent was dis­
woman who resides in the country. Her family were responsible and she thought
cussed with Mr. Du Toit and Beth.
husband is also 55 years old and a pen­ it was absurd to pay for treatm ent to
sioner. They have four married independ­ The medical practitioner, Dr Meyer, ex­ which Mrs Du Toit did not respond.
ent children. Beth lives in the city while plained that he was of the opinion that
The family, however, was very upset after
Ronel, Peter and Carin live in the same further treatment such as dialysis would
their conversation with Elsa. They be­
town as their parents. be of no use because she did not react
lieved that the nurses were too used to
to the present treatment. Dr Meyer would
In January, Mrs Du Toit was admitted to death and that they did not care.
the local hospital with respiratory distress. find out Mr Du Toit and Beth’s decision
after lunch. On 16 October, the possibility of with­
She was eventually transferred to the in­
drawal of treatment was discussed once
tensive care unit of a hospital in the city. After consulting with the other children,
again by the medical team. Dr Meyer was
After spending 18 days in the intensive the family decided unanimously not to
of the opinion that Mrs du Toit had no
care unit she was discharged with a pre­ withdraw treatment. Various reasons were
prognosis as a result of the multi-organ
scription for oral steroids. advanced by the family for this decision.
failure and the sepsis and that further
Among others, they felt that she was very
She also suffered from chronic ulcerative treatment would be useless at that stage.
ill the last time and that she had recov­
colitis and received new medication for
ered. Dr Meyer decided not to talk to the fam­
this co n d itio n w hich aggravated the
ily about the decision. He did not want to
symptoms of diarrhoea. She developed Ronel believed that it would boil down to
make them feel guilty. Treatment was
symptoms of an acute abdomen and was murder and this was unacceptable to her.
gradually withdrawn and Mrs Du Toit died
admitted to the local hospital once again, The family felt that they did not possess
the next evening.
where a laparotomy for obstruction was the necessary knowledge for such a de­
performed. cision and to them it was unthinkable to Following on, and complementary to the
expect it of them. case study are the following relevant as­
As a result of infection and poor wound
pects for the problem statement of this
healing she was transferred once again They believed that God alone could de­
to the intensive care unit of the city hos­ cide about life and death. The family also
pital on 12 September. considered the possible wishes of Mrs
On 15 September, the radiological tests
Du Toit in their decision. PROBLEM STATEMENT
indicated perforation of the small intes­ Mrs Du Toit’s blood pressure improved Many changes have taken place in health
tine. An intestinal resection was per­ to such an extent that afternoon that Dr care ethics (Loewy, 1996:vii). These
formed the same day which revealed that Meyer decided to continue the full treat­ changes go beyond international bor­
the small intestine had not healed and ment. She had received haemodialysis ders.
that the abdomen was filled with faecal since 6 October.
matter. Firstly, the doctor is no longer the only
Dr Meyer was of the opinion that a lot of role player in ethical decision making in
On 22 September she was taken to the uncertainty existed about sepsis and that health care. The role of other members
operating theatre for abdominal irrigation. one therefore had to be careful. There of the health team, such as the nurse in
A tracheostom y was performed at the was no guarantee that any decision ethical decision making, is becom ing
same time. would be the right one. greater (Loewy, 1996:vii).
She progressed well initially and the me­ The unit manager, Mary, disagreed with All the members of the professional health
chanical ventilation rate was reduced to the decision. She was of the opinion that team are independent practitioners who
2 per minute. She received maintenance it was not fair to give the family false hope are responsible and accountable for their
infusions, antibiotics and a renal dosage nor to mislead the family. own actions and omissions (compare
of dopamine. legislation of the different disciplines in
The fact that positive inotrope therapy
A Midazolan infusion was continued un­ the health team).
had already been withdrawn strength­
til 24 September and a morphine infusion Therefore it is not reasonable for the doc­
ened her belief.
until 26 September. She was fully con­ tor to make ethical decisions independ­
scious and orientated to time, place and Furthermore, Mary believed that the situ­
ently of the other team members. This
person. ation was not fair to the nursing staff who
viewpoint is also supported by Loewy
felt uncomfortable about the doctors’ lack
By 4 October she gradually became con­ (1996:viii) w ho, fo r th is reason, has
of agreement.
fused and lost consciousness. Commu­ changed the title of his book from medi­
nication with her was impossible from that The involvement of the nursing staff with cal ethics to health care ethics. In the case
day. the patient and family made it difficult for study the conflict was evident when the
them not to bring their emotions into the doctors alone made the decisions.
Her physical health deteriorated. Since 4
decision making.
October she no longer passed urine and Secondly, it appears from the case study
a diagnosis of renal failure, hepatic fail­ Elsa, a nurse who had been involved in that the ethical decision making of doc­

20 Curationis March 1998

tors and nurses is based on divergent based on a holistic and caring attitude Table 1:
and opposing ethical theories. (Phillips & Brenner, 1994:vii).
The c h aracteristics o f the ethics
The doctors in this case study based their There is dissatisfaction world-wide about o f care
ethical decision making exclusively on the a materialistic, deterministic world view
physical health status of the patient. The (Thomasma, 1994:123).
way in which the doctors made the ethi­ Care and love for oneself and for others
Today, ethics is a matter of public inter­
cal decisions corresponds with the eth­
est (World Health Organisation, 1996). An Holistic perspective on moral phenomena
ics of justice of Kohlberg (1981). This
approach based on justice therefore does
moral orientation is probably related to Responsibility towards each other
not meet all the requirements of the health
the positivist paradigm (modern scientific
care consumer. Relationship of moral phenomena
view) which dominates medical educa­
tion and research. It appears that the ethics of care should Maintenance of harmony and relations
be added to the ethics of justice, on the
The way in which the nurses made ethi­ Sympathetic
one hand to meet the dem ands and
cal decisions was based on their involve­
needs of the health care consumer and, Linked to emotion and feeling
ment in and experience of the total needs
on the other hand, to address the life
of the patient and the family. Dedication
world as well as the life ethos of ethical
Apart from the physical health status of phenomena. Involvement of moral agent
the patient, the nurses also considered
From the case study it appears that these Focus on the needs of others
other factors in their ethical decision
divergent, opposing perspectives in ethi­
making which corresponds with the eth­ Empathy
cal decision making within the health
ics of care of Gilligan (1982).
team could complicate ethical decision Caring as a virtue
This ethical orientation can probably be making in health care practice. This could
attributed to a holistic and caring ap­ give rise to unnecessarily prolonged Inductive thinking skills: Focus on the
proach on which education and research physical and mental suffering, conflict realities of specific ethical situations
in nursing is moulded. and financial complications. rather than principles and rules

Thirdly, there are two sides to cultural From this problem statement it appears Respect for others
activities and ethical phenomena in soci­ that the following question is important, Understanding human dignity
ety (Rossouw, 1993:92). namely:
Mutual trust
On the one hand, moral phenomena re­ How can the ethics o f
fer to the life world which consists of Commitment
physical aspects such as available re­ justice and the ethics o f
Conscious-linked and internal locus of control
sources and personnel. On the other care be used com plem en­
hand, moral phenomena refer to life ethos Uniqueness of every moral situation
which deals with what is of value and tary to each other in
Autonomy of agents
meaningful to people. ethical decision making
Bound to knowledge and skills
Scientific practice is also a type of cul­ w ithin the health team?
tural activity. In the history of scientific Hope
practice two different knowledge ideals
in particular are present.
The m odern know ledge ideal, which
The first objective of the paper is to ex­
Rossouw (1993:99) calls knowledge as Patience
plore and describe the reconcilability/ ir­
power, is directed at the life world. The
reconcilability of the ethics of justice with Active participation
k n o w le d g e ide al w h ich R ossouw
the ethics of care.
(1993:98) calls knowledge as virtue and
Maxwell (1984) calls wisdom, is directed The nature and reconcilability/irreconcil­
at the life ethos. T h e follo w in g m odel case reflects
ability of the ethics of justice and the eth­
ics of care are explored and described the chara cteristic s of th e eth ics of
The ethics of justice relates to the mod­
from two perspectives: firstly from an care.
ern knowledge ideal, namely knowledge
analysis of the distinctive characteristics
as power, while the ethics of care relates Dr Meyer and the Sister in Charge, Mary,
to knowledge as virtue. of the two ethical approaches, and sec­ feel very sorry for the Du Toit family. Mr
ondly from the scientific-philosophical
Du Toit and Beth spend twelve to eight­
To accom modate all aspects of moral p e rs p e c tiv e o f th e tw o e th ic a l a p ­
een hours per day with Mrs Du Toit. Dr
phenomena both knowledge ideals are proaches.
Meyer and Mary wonder how Beth’s fam­
necessary. Rossouw (1993) and Maxwell
The second objective of the paper is to ily is coping with the situation as she
(1984) are of the opinion that if only the
describe the operationalisation of the eth­ spends almost the entire day with her
knowledge ideal of power applies and is
ics of justice and the ethics of care as mother.
not balanced by knowledge as virtue, it
could and has had disastrous conse­ they complement each other in ethical Although the Du Toit family implies that
quences for society. decision making within the health team. finance is no problem, the question of fi­
nance may, in fact, become a problem if
The ethics of justice as well as the ethics
Mrs du Toit spends more than a month in
of care should be implemented to ad­
dress all ethical aspects of health as a
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE the intensive care unit.
social phenomenon. ETHICS OF CARE The ethical decision about withdrawal of
treatment is very difficult for Dr Meyer and
Fourthly, the health care consumer makes The following table reflects the charac­ Sister Mary in view of the reaction of the
demands on health services which are teristics of the ethics of care. fam ily after the m atter had been d is­

Curationis March 1998 21

cussed with them. They feel very guilty caring is the most basic form of being and CHARACTERISTICS OF THE
about involving the family in the decision is central to all health professions (Benner,
particularly as the family regarded it as 1994:44). In health care, caring sets up
unfair and felt that they did not possess the possibility o f cure (Benner, 1994:44). The following table reflects the charac­
the required knowledge to make such a In health care, science and practice teristics of the ethics of justice.
decision. Mary and Dr Meyer feel that they would lose their ethical and epistemologi-
are causing the family more stress. cal perspective without the ethics of care. Table 2:

Secondly, the approach of Kohlberg is C h aracteristics o f the eth ics o f

Elsa, in whose care Mrs Du Toit has been
entrusted, fulfils her responsibility to ­ one-sided since women were excluded ju s tic e
wards Mrs Du Toit in an efficient manner. from the empirical observations. In pro­
She carefully administers the medication test to this the initial works of Gilligan
as prescribed. She provides care for Mrs show an empirical feminist perspective. Justice
Du Toit’s basic needs in a special, dedi­ Rational decision making
cated way. Elsa feels that she would want The ethics appears to be of care but is
her own mother to be cared for with the not connected to two perspectives of Universal principles and rules
same respect and dignity. feminism (Harding, 1991 :vii), namely the
fem inist view which constructs knowl­
She experiences inner satisfaction caring edge from a female perspective and the Respect for the rights of man
for Mrs Du Toit. Elsa feels very sorry for feminist perspective which opposes the
Mr Du Toit and Beth who are so dedi­ Enlightenment perspective. Equality
cated. She constantly offers them some­
The later works of Gilligan are, however, Impartiality
thing to drink and provides information
about Mrs Du Toit’s treatment. more interpretative and empirical than Accountability for decisions
Dr Jackson spends time with the family Obligations according to rules
and explains that Mrs Du Toit no longer Thirdly, this publication of Gilligan gave
rise to debates which lasted well into the Autonomy and self-determination
responds to the treatment. He supports
the family emotionally without giving them nineties. These debates are related to the Uninvolvement
false hope. He explains the team ’s treat­ change in perspectives in the philosophy
ment strategy to the family and asks their of science. The change which took place
opinion about it. was from m odernism , enlightenm ent T h e fo llo w in g m odel case reflects
e p is te m o lo g y to p o s t-m o d e rn is m
The doctors realise under what enormous th e c h a ra cteristic s of the eth ics of
(Hekman, 1995:2).
pressure the nurses in the unit work and justice.
they often thank and compliment them. On the one hand, it appears that Gilligan
The personnel in the unit are irritated with
The nurses have a lot of respect and faith supports the epistemology of modernism
Mrs Du Toit’s visitors. They hamper them
in the medical decisions because the while, on the other hand, it appears that
in the performance of their duties. They
doctors discuss these with the staff and she is directly opposed to it (Hekman,
also feel very uncom fortable with the
explain their decisions. 1995:26). As long as the modernistic view
emotional outbursts of the family since
is taken as the only form of rationality,
The inputs and decisions of the nurses they influence their objective judgement
the view will be held that the ethics of care
are also taken into consideration. This about the patient’s treatment.
is subordinate and less rational than the
gives rise to harmony and commitment ethics of justice. Dr Meyer deals with the family’s enquir­
among all the team members. The team ies about the patient’s prognosis in an
once again realises that every ethical situ­ The problem is, therefore, methodologi­ impartial manner and avoids emotional
ation is unique. It is very difficult for them cal since it concerns the nature of ration­ interaction. He believes that he is not re­
to make a decision to stop treatment. ality. sponsible for their emotional support and
For this reason they continue with less As far as Gilligan is concerned, the eth­ he also feels uncomfortable with it. He
drastic treatment. Their first priority is to ics of justice is based on value-free, ob­ thus gives them false hope to avoid any
respect Mrs du Toit’s dignity and to re­ jective and neutral perspectives while the emotional reaction. The family is satisfied
lieve her suffering. ethics of care is based on understanding with his judgements since he tells them
and comprehension of the narrative of what they want to hear.
After Mrs Du Toit’s death, the family ex­
social relations (Hekman, 1995:17). Dr Meyer communicates in the corridors
press their gratitude to the team for their
good medical and nursing care. The moral domain is therefore of a con­ with the family on the prognosis of the
textual and personal nature to Gilligan, patient. He informs them that Mrs Du Toit
who hereby commits herself to a dialec­ is not responding to treatment and that
SCIENTIFIC-PHILOSOPHICAL tic moral theory and a post-modern sci­ she has m ulti-organ failure. There is,
BASIS OF THE ETHICS OF entific approach (Hekman, 1995:17). therefore, no sense in continuing with the
treatment. Although he had already de­
CARE The decisions within the ethics of justice cided to withdraw treatment, he requests
Firstly, the association between nursing are made according to concrete ethical them to inform him of their decision after
as a discipline and the ethics of care is principles and rules without considering lunch.
related to the dominant paradigm of care the unique characteristics of the specific
Dr Meyer’s decision is based on the poor
in the discipline. Recent nursing literature, situation.
prognosis of the patient and the availabil­
in particular, shows a strong tendency
In contrast with this, the ethics of care ity of beds in the unit. Research has
to w a rd s th is p a ra d ig m (C ro w d e n ,
allows the feelings of the role players in shown that the patients who do not re­
1 99 4:1140; Ray, 1 9 9 4 :‘05). B enner
the situation to direct the decisions. For spond to the prescribed treatment and
(1994:42) regards caring as a way o f
this reason the ethics of care is not asso­ who are in multi-organ failure have a very
ciated with rational d ecision m aking poor prognosis. In his opinion it is not
From a phenomenological perspective (Loewy, 1996:31). fair to the patient, family or other poten­

22 Curationis March 1998

tial patients to continue with the intensive spectives are irreconcilable. This conclu­ the domination of the modern scientific
treatment and care. A young patient who sion is supported by Hekman (1995:26) view and the ethics of justice cannot,
was injured in a car accident had to be who states that Gilligan has not only therefore, be wished away.
taken to another hospital the previous added an additional dimension to exist­
Rules cannot, however, guarantee moral
night because there was no bed avail­ ing moral theories, but that she has also
behaviour. Similarly, rules and principles
able in this unit. established a completely irreconcilable
cannot ensure that the decisions made
theoretical void in moral theories. Accord­
Dr Meyer stops all intravenous medica­ on the basis of rules and principles are
ing to Hekman (1995:29) the epistemol-
tion and instructs the nursing staff to ethically correct. Something more than
ogy of the ethics of justice and the ethics
maintain and colour the infusion lines so rules and principles is therefore neces­
of care is irreconcilable.
that the family would not notice that the sary.
treatment had been stopped. Dr Meyer This irreconcilability appears to be prob­
An ethics of virtues can probably offer the
believes that it is fair not to let them know. lematic since the ethics of justice and the
solution. Virtues are seen as inherent
ethics of care should be used comple­
Mary and Elsa, as well as the other nurs­ characteristics in a person. Ethics of vir­
mentary to each other for effective moral
ing staff, are angry and frustrated. The tues do not replace the rule-orientated
decision making.
doctors make decisions without discuss­ ethical theories, but can rather be viewed
ing them with the nurses. This com pli­ The rationale for such a complementary as complementary to these theories since
cates their task since they do not always use of the two perspectives is, firstly, the virtues facilitate better understanding and
agree with the decisions. dem and for h olistic caring m ade by interpretation of rules and p rinciples
health care consumers on services and (MacIntyre, 1984; Macedo, 1992).
Elsa is of the opinion that the doctor made
thus on moral decision making. Sec­
the wrong decision and she refuses to The characteristics of the ethics of jus­
ondly, each perspective only addresses
stop the treatment. She informs the doc­ tice, namely justice, fairness and respect
either the life world or life ethos facet of
tor of her decision. Dr Meyer reports Elsa for the rights of man can thus be regarded
moral situations.
to the management of the hospital since as virtues. Similarly, the following char­
he believes that she is acting outside her To address all the facets of moral situa­ acteristics of the ethics of care can also
scope of practice. The relations between tions it is necessary that the ethics of jus­ be regarded as virtues, namely empathy,
the nursing staff and the doctors is hos­ tice and the ethics of care are used com ­ courage, dedication and responsibility.
tile and aloof. Although Mrs Du Toit is plementary to each other. This one-sided These virtues have all been described by
taken care of very well, the family feels vision of ethical problems is also indi­ Botes and Rossouw (1995) as virtues in
that the caring and involvement of the cated by the model cases of the two per­ nursing.
staff are necessary. spectives.
The perspectives of justice and caring
This brings us back to the question of therefore bring about specific virtues
the paper, namely: which facilitate better understanding and
SCIENTIFIC-PHILOSOPHICAL interpretation of the rules and principles.
BASIS OF THE ETHICS OF By way of discourse and negotiation peo­
JUSTICE How can the ethics of jus­ ple can use these virtues from a perspec­
tive of justice and care to interpret the
The ethics of justice with characteristics
tice and the ethics of care rules and principles for each unique ethi­
of objectivity, impartiality, universal rules be used complementary to cal situation. The strive with this discourse
and principles are probably connected each other in moral deci­ and negotiation is therefore consensus
with the modern scientific view of which on ethical decisions.
logical positivism is the most important
sion making within the
health team? Dissensus is also not excluded. Rossouw
(1994:64) calls the process of rational
This scientific model has dominated west­ interaction for moral sensitivity as a solu­
ern cultural activities and nursing for dec­ tion to moral dissensus. This implies that
ades. Maxwell calls the knowledge gen­ the members of the health team negoti­
erated by th is m odel kn ow led ge as ate in a rational way to find the best pos­
power. The success of this scientific THE COMPLEMENTARY USE sible moral solution.
model has been proved throughout the OF THE ETHICS OF JUSTICE
Reflective thinking skills facilitate the ra­
centuries. This knowledge has led to AND THE ETHICS OF CARE IN tional management of aspects of the eth­
technological and scientific progress in
western culture and societies. ETHICAL DECISION MAKING ics of virtues as complementary to the
ethics of justice. Without rationality the
Although the modern scientific approach The following arguments probably offer ethics of care has no right of existence
resulted in progress, it also gave rise to a solution to the problem of irreconcil­ within a scientific discipline such as health
disastrous consequences and suffering ability and the way in which the ethics of care.
(Maxwell, 1984). justice and the ethics of care can be used
complementary to each other in ethical
decision making in the health team.
CONCLUSIONS REGARDING For decades, the modern scientific view
THE RECONCILABILITY OF THE has been the dominating scientific ap­
proach in Western cultural history. The
ETHICS OF JUSTICE AND THE ethics of justice is connected to this
ETHICS OF CARE model and for this reason probably to the
dominant ethical theory.
From the characteristics and the scien­
tific-philosophical points of departure of The ethics of justice can be typified as a
the ethics of justice and the ethics of care rule-orientated ethical theory. Rules are
it can be stated that the two ethical per­ an inherent part of any society. Rules and

Curationis March 1998 23

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24 Curationis March 1998

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