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K: Thank you to the Grace Christian College Chinese orchestra led by Maestro Danny

Chin for such wonderful music.

Y: 非常感謝靈惠學院中樂團和陳文華老師為我們帶來優美的音樂.



Y: 歡迎來到第四季菲律賓清雲體育會的開幕典禮

K: I am Kandice Ang

Y: 我是張延榕

K: And we will serve as your hosts for today’s program.


K: Before we begin, let us rise and pay tribute to the Philippine Flag with the
national anthem.

Y: 在我們開始之前, 請大家站立唱國歌來向菲律賓國旗表達最高的崇敬.

K: Please remain standing for our opening prayer to be led by Mr. Jesse See, the
consultant of Grace Christian College accounting and business office.

Y: 有請靈惠學院的施異生先生為我們做個開頭的禱告.

K: Yen Rong, think about how we started our first season with just a basketball

Y: Yes, Kandice, and now, we are already on to our fourth season with a new
tournament. The chess tournament. What do you think will be added next year?

K: I don’t know, but for now, let us get this gym warmed up by watching the
performance performed for us by the Grace Christian College elementary students
and teachers.

Y: 讓我們來欣賞靈惠學院的小學生和老師們為大家準備簡單卻活潑的表演.

K: Thank you students and teachers for such an adorable perfomance. Yen Rong,
have you thought of which tournament can be added to our next season?

Y: These kids are going to places. Oh, yes Kandice! In fact, I think it will be zoomba.

K: Hahaha, anyway, let us once more liven up this atmosphere. Put down your
phones and make some noise for the teams this season!

Y: 我們來熱烈的歡迎各校隊進場!

K: First up, we have 天主教培德中學 St. Peter the Apostle School

Y: Make some noise for 新生佳音學院 MGC New Life Christian Academy
K: Now, let’s pass the ball to 培基中學 Pace Academy

Y: You’re next, 基立學校 Jubilee Christian Academy

K: Prepare to move your knights, 天主教崇德學校 St. Jude Catholic School

Y: Now smash it, 尚一中學 Uno High School

K: It’s your turn to step into the spot light, 僑中學院 Philippine Cultural College

Y: Last but not the least, make it splash 菲律賓基督教靈惠學院 Grace Christian

K: Of course, let us not forget the pillars of this event.

Y: 當然, 我們不能忘記這節目的棟梁

K: We have St. Peter the Apostle School School Director Rev. Emilio Ascaño and
Principal Mrs. Maydene Ong.

Y: 天主教培德中學院長蔡山川女士和柯利民神父

K: MGC New Life Christian Academy Principal Mrs. Helen Villanueva

Y: 新生佳音學院院長 Villanueva 先生

K: Pace Academy Athletics Head Mr. Wesley Lao

Y: 培基中學體育部主任劉志信先生

K: Jubilee Christian Academy High School Principal Dr. Paul Calamiong, Jr.

Y: 基立學校高中部院長潘布勇先生

K: St. Jude Catholic School Director Rev. Fr. Vicente R. Rayco

Y: 天主教崇德學校校長賴宜國神父

K: Uno High School Head of Academic Operations Jose Villarinte III

Y: 尚一中學學務部主任 Villarinte 先生

K: Philippine Cultural College Principal Dr. Polly W. Sy

Y: 僑中學院院長黃琬蓉女士

K: And of course, we have the president of our host school, Grace Christian College,
Dr. James Tan.

Y: 當然還有主辦學校, 靈惠學院院長陳宏濤先生
K: We also would like to thank Spalding- the official basketball and volleyball for
this season’s PCYAA basketball and volleyball games

Y: We would also like to thank Pro Line Sports Center

K: We would also like to take this time to acknowledge the presence of Mr. Joven
Baaan, Vice President of Pro Line Sports Center

Y: We also acknowledge the presence of Mr. Mike Sablot, President of Godspeed

Sports Corporation.

K: We would like to thank all of you for providing us ball and ball bags, which have
been generously provided to the eight schools.

K: At this juncture, may we request Dr. Tan, the president of our host school, to give
us his opening remarks.

Y: 此時, 我們來由請陳宏濤院長來為大家做個開場白

K: Thank you, Dr. Tan for your words of encouragement. Now, to enrich our minds,
we would like to introduce our guest speakers who is a Filipino-American basketball
player currently playing for Global Port Batang Pier in Philippine Basketball
Association and was also a college basketball for Pasco-Hernando State college for
2 years and for Penn State in his last two years. He was also the top overall pick of
the 2014 PBA draft.

Y: Let us give a warm round of applause to Mr. Stanley Pringle. 大家來給 Stanley

K: “quote something”

K: Before the year ended, we have crowned champions for the developmental and
aspirant basketball boys division. And at this juncture, we would like to recognize
these champions. May we request the president of our hosting school, Dr. Tan to
present the awards to them.

Y: 在 2016 年結束之前, 各校的校隊已經表現出他們在運動上的突出. 有請陳宏


Y: Starting off with the develop-mental basketball boys division second runner up:
MGC New Life Christian Academy. May we request the players, together with
their school chairman to come up on stage to receive your award.

K: For the developmental basketball boys division first runner up, we have: Pace
Academy. May we request the team players and their school chairman to come up
on stage to receive their award.

Y: And the champion team for this category is: St. Jude Catholic School. May we
request the team players and their school chairman to come up on stage to
receive their award.
K: For the aspirant basketball boys division, may we request St. Jude Catholic School
and their school chairman to come up on stage and receive the second runner up

Y: our first runner up for this category is Grace Christian College. May we request
the team players to come up on stage to receive their award.

K: Last but not the least, let us crown MGC New Life Christian Academy as the
champion for the 2016 aspirant basketball boys division.

K: Alright -small talk-

K: Now, may we call on Ralph Edwards Lim, center of Grace Christian College team,
to lead us on the oath of sportsmanship

Y: 現在有請靈惠校隊的許亦澤同學為我們說出運動家的誓言

K: Before we officially begin this season, may we request our school heads for the
traditional march of the PCYAA flag

Y: 在我們正式開始之前, 由請我們各校的代表進行菲律賓清雲體育會旗子的遊

K: And now, this is what we have all been waiting for. Let us welcome Mr. Vic
Ycaciano, the Association Commissioner to officially begin the games!

Y: 大家期待的時刻就要到了, 由請清雲體育會的 Ycaciano 先生來為我們開始比

K: Before we officially end this program, we would like to request Dr. Tan together
with the Grace Christian College team and St. Peter Apostle School team to join us
for the ceremonial toss. These two teams will also be participating in the first game
of this season.

Y: 在我們正式結束今天的節目之前, 讓我們來由請陳宏濤院長以及靈惠學院和
天主教培德中學的各校隊為我們做個開頭的儀式. 稍後這兩間學校會在本季的

K: I am Kandice Ang

Y: 我是張延榕

K: And we wish you a fantastic season!

Y: Let the games begin!

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