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Ld] Neetu Singh aD P P KD Publication ofk Chapter. 1 Chapter. 2 Chapter. 8 Chapter- 4 Chapter- 5 Chapter- 6 Chapter- 7 Chapter. 8 Chapter: 9 Chapter- 10 Chapter- 11 Chapter- 12 Chapter: 13. Chapter. 14 Chapter. 15 Chapter- 16 Chapter- 17 Chapter. 18 Chapter. 19 Chapter. 20 Chapter. 21 Chapter- 21 Chapter- 22 Idioms in Storics ‘Theme based Idioms Voeabularies from Root Words. Commonly Used Foreign Words Theme based Vocabularies Sentence Improvement Cloze Test Spellings Sentence Arrangement Comprehens:on English Practice Sets Verb as a Noun Infinitive Participle Inversion Parallelism Superfluous Expressions Phrasal Verbs Fill in the blanks Some Grammar for Practice Set Preposition Basic concept -1, 2 VERB - 1 & 2 VERB + Tense - 1,2 & 3 Subject verb Agreoment & Conditional Sentences -1. 2 He, She, Baby, Abode & Group Model Papers for SSC Ter & IL SSC Tier - 1 SSC Tier - 11 BL 45 51 54 70 95 123 - 140 + 167 205 278 282 289 - 202 - 296 299 305 324 - 352 373 379 385 394 400 413 30 44 50 53 69 94 122 139 166 204 217 281 288 291 295 298 304 323 351 ew a3 oD 384 393 398 412 481 Chapter. 23 dh (2) (3) Chapter- 24 Chapter. 25 QQ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Essays Child Labour Women Empowerment Terrorism Letter writing Articles APJ Abdul Kalam Niti Aayog Politics on Reservation Article 370 Disaster Management Pornography Net Neutrality Subsidy Freedom of Speech (10) Black Money 482 484 486 490 - Idioms in Stories Let me teach you how to use idioms and vocabularies in sentences. Through nine stories based an some social current issues, I am going to teach you around fifty to hundred Words/ Idtoms/Phrases tn every story /article based on a soctal or current issue, The Ist story has been taken from the time when the cease fire violation at the border by Pakistan was dealth with by the NDA government very strictly. Story-1 A Cock & Bull Story? Kudos! to Mr. Narendra Modi, Now I do believe with eertitude? chat Indian soldiers will no longer be sitting ducks’, Kashmir hus been am apple of discord® for India ard Pakistan and both tac countries have been at daggers drawn’ ‘or this bone of contention’. Our iron-willed” army always prefers an olive branch! to bad blood? but untike Pakistan, in India the rating party is in the driving seat” and since long it had been felt that the foreign: policy of the LHA government was Inclis’s Achilles? heels", With its clean sweep" in the recent Lok ,the NDA government, it seers, wil! not bat an eyelid’ if our arny \kkes its eworn enemies head on'S, Mier getting elbow room" our soldiers are adopting tit for tat’’ policy and are fighting teeth and nail“ at the border. Our adversary’, unused® to such retaliation! soon hud to eat humble pie", It hud been for decades, moving heaven and earth for Kashitir, the Switzerland of India. The government ot Pakistan builds castle in the air and daydreams * about getting complete control over Kashar bul this lime it has burnt its finger*® by breaking ceasefire. Our strong government has given & befitting” reply to the pied piper of Pakistan and has made him realise Unat if he sows the wind, he will have to reap the whirlwind”, Pakistan will cow hem and haw around” avoidiry, taking the bull by the horns”. The will 0’ the wisp” of Pakistan of getting every inch of Keshmir, the paracise on earth, svems a faree* alter the U.N has decided ta sit on the fence®, United Nation's Sccretary Gencral Ban-Ki moon reiterated that the dispute of Kashmir must be solved through bilateral talks. The U.N's stand thiew sold water®® upor Nowaz Shari’s lust hope and Ban-Ki-mocn's refusal lo give ear to Pakistan's ¢ intervention has put Pakistaa in a tight eorner™. Our soldiers, are on guard and cre also gung ho! about settling the dispute of Kashmir onee and for all but our seasoned? Prime Minister is a PasL master * of tact anc knows that war always makes @ country pay through its nese“, Besides this, jt may turm ont to be’? a Pandora’s ox for the NDA government. Indic needs to weigh the pros and cons" of a full-blown wor, Meanwhile a befuddled! gid muddicheaded baby Bilawel Bhutto out there 1s erying for the moon*, His childish Chest-thumping* for every inch of Kashmir drew Imad laughter, ng him # laughingstock® cn all social media, na eleysie eqquest $ seon maki English for general competition, volume-— 2 ———————_{_ 1 ] 8. No. Words/Phrases/Idioma ‘Meaning in English ‘Meaning in Hindi pepo RPxADu 10. 1, 12, 19 14. 18. 16. 17. 18, 19, 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 28. 29, 30, 31 a2, 33. Cock and bull story Kudos Certitude Sitting ducks Apple of diseard At daggers drawr, Bone of Contention Tron-willed Olive branch Bad blood To be in the driving seat Achilles’ heels Clean sweep Not bat an eyelid Swom enemies Head on Elbow room Tit for tat ‘Tooth and neil Adversary Unused Retaliation To eat humble pie To move heaven and carth Castle in the air Daydream To burn one’s finger Refitting Pied piper To sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Hem aad haw around 7o teke the bull by the horns and resolutely Will’o the wisp Parce A cooked up story Praise given for achievement Certainty defenceless anil easy prey Cause of quarrel in a state of open hostility cause of quarrel of strong will-power A symbol of peace Animosity to be in control of a situation weakest point A complete viccory Not to show any shock, worry or surprise arch rivals in a very direct manner adequate space/freedem for work An equivalent given in return With all available means An enemy or opponent No: habitual Reciprocate to be forced to admit that you are wrang to do ell possible effort Plans that have very little chances of happening to think of pleasant though:s to suffer unpleasant result appropriate Aleader who makes irresponsible promises to start some kind of trouble that grows mush larger that one has planned to be evasive ta deal with a problem cirectly| A misleading hope Something that is so bad that it is scen as ridiculous ta-at ten game Gm met are at sim ordi rag saw sang sifra ea Fag PTR Bra spread tan an rar mo aes ah ater woh fat ea at eet so stas fa? a aa aa carey a ea dah ch TT sr a TREE English for general competition, volume - 2 ‘8. No. | Words/Phrases/Idioms Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi 34.__| To siton the fence Not ta take sides in a dispute | frat ar aera 35. | Reiterate repeat aera 36. To throw cold water to criticize or stop sameone afig ue ut hy from doing something that he is enthusiastic about a7, | To give car te listen to eat 38. Tight corner in a difficult situation ahem arene 39. | On guard Vigilant aa 40. | Gung ho Extremely excited sate sentra 41. | Once and for al! with finality ae at, iS fm 42. Seasoned experienced ayer 43. Past mester adept/ skilled fm 44, Pay through one’s nose | to pay neavily sat) a ger 45. Turn out to be to be foand to be ailas get 46, | Pandora’s box Asource of many troubles | w-areret=n att a7. To weigh prog and cons te evaluate the advantages and| S4-e1hr I SrRsM Fa the disadvantages 48. Ful-blown: Fully developed wept ee a Panta: fara eh 49, Befuddled Confused rage 4 eT 50, Muddle-head Stupid Both Sk, Crying for the moon to want something that is not | vt axe 7d} possible =a 82. Chesi-thumping Ue act a? practice of boasting | 2 aren Laughing stock one who is ridicules a He English for general competition, volume ~ 2 ~ Story -2 Nipped in the Bud Learning Vocabularies is fun, when innovatively done! A fow months ago, I saw the eorpus? of a tiny infant lying in a garbage bin. The grotesque? sigat made my heart bleed? That gruesomet glimpse? of an appalling* practice of killing gir) child sent shivers down my spine’ and day in, day out* it haunted” me. In India, the birth of a son brings a windfall” for the family while the fomily mzkes a wry face" if'a girl child is born, A female child is not accepted with open arms by the parents and often many female foetuses!® and infants give up the ghost" as foeticidel® end infanticide" are rampant!” under the rose". Now and ther, many gynaecologists"? and quacks® come under a cloud for running sex determination centres but nothing concrete” can be achieved if the society doesn't tun ever a new leaf. The whole society will have lo throw @ spanner™ in the plans of the seamy side of life™, All take up arms* to fight agains: this evil practice and will nave t be up and doing” *. wie YF us will have to macter of bringing the culprits™ to book *, This indeed will be a yeoman's service™, Besides this, the good Samaritans® must 2¢ argus eyed™ becouse through back stairs influence®* many ultrasound centres have mushroomed™ in towns andi cities and by the rule of thumb™, I can say that they are running nothing but sex detesmination centres. The Government will have te carry matters with high hand’ and clip the wings*” of these malefactors® and then only it will come home to® them that now the enlightened” society of India will not take this lying down’. Ilowever it is an open seeret® that many fomilice have eleven hoof of getting rid of female foetus and generation after generation we have proved that we are only the ehip of the old black“. ven the co be mother eaves in‘ before her in-laws! demands while at such time when she needs to bandy words‘ with them. [am quite amazed when even a blue stocking “’ blow hot and cold" while talking about a git! child. They go the whole hog’? to cxplain how a male chitd ix indispensable™ 10 ran the pedigree" and we have hebson’s cheice™ in this matter. My God! Are we the Inst descendants * of any dinosaur family that we do need te run our lineage ? I wonder ! but still | an in @ way® and hope that this practice will sonner or later** he done away with neck and crop®. English for generat competition, volume-2

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