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Drives and motivation

This lesson was the one we discussed last week. To be honest it was
confusing at the beginning but thanks to the assistance of our teacher, the
lesson was appreciated. The lesson was in fact, interesting. It helps us know
better about our drives and motivation. Drives and motivation really sounds
the same but in fact they are two different subjects. Drive is something that
is short term while motivation refers to the long-term goals. I am convinced
that it’s true. We humans are naturally driven to live. Even though we know
that our lives are short, we kept on living on. It is because were not born just
to eat, sleep and die. We are motivated because there are things that we
want to achieve. Most of us are not contented with simple desires. We want
something more progressive. Something that will encourage us to attain it.
There is nothing wrong with it though. Our goals are something that make
our lives more colorful. It serves the real purpose for our existence. Even I
have something to achieve. What keeps me motivated are the persons
behind me, my family, girlfriend, friends, allies are those persons. These
people won’t leave me even when I failed at my goal. These are also the
persons that would be happiest when my goal was attained. Half of my goal
was completed when I treasured their existence. I am not afraid to lose
because there is them motivating me. Motivation is really positive thing for
us because even in desperate situations, we will not falter. The drive to live
and the motivation to survive. That’s the thing that I would keep in mind for
me to enjoy my life.

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